Meet your Posher, Claudia
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Hi! I'm Claudia. I love to share all of my finds ! Welcome to my show! I always have original clothes and love fashion! Hope you will enjoy my closet and come say hi!! 🩷🫶

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Welcome to posh mark!!❗️😁💓✨
Oct 04Reply

Welcome to Poshmark. There's a lot of great merchandise. We all have the same goal: Keep items in circulation and out of the landfill.
Have fun 😊
Keep on Poshing!
Jun 24Reply

Hi there! I noticed u like Disney. I want to invite u to browse my closet. I have a few pieces and plan to add more. Pls make an offer for anything u like. Happy poshing! 🙂
Jun 29Reply

Hello or Allo! Just attended your party today and I wanted to say how much I enjoyed it. Vous etes vraiement gentile! Thank you for making my morning! Cheers, Sharon
Jul 19Reply

@tinkertavern wow thank you very much! you are also very kind to write me these beautiful words!! ❤️🫶 i appreciate alot! You making my Day 🤗
Jul 19Reply

J’ai 2 comptes Poshmark, par erreur, j’utilise plus mon autre compte Ginette Roy, j’ai une boutique à St-Constant, Prince et princesse d’un jour,si tu connais quelqu’un qui aimerait ça fais-moi signe, aussi sur mon autre compte, j’ai lister commencer à lister quelques vêtements, j’aimerais beaucoup faire un show Poshmark, mais je ne sais vraiment pas comment faire,
As-tu envoyer mes articles, si non tu pourrais les garder jusqu’à ton prochain show,
Bonne journée
Sep 02Reply

Bonjour, si tu n’as envoyer ma commande, pourrais-tu les garder jusqu’à ton prochain show, j’ai un autre Ginette Roy, c’est celui que j’utilise le plus, si tu veux tu peux me contacter prince et princesse d’un jour à St-constant
Sep 02Reply

@pprincesse ah j'ai envoyé depuis longtemps 🥲 écris moi la journée même quand tu veux que je garde ta commande en hold. désolé encore.
Sep 02Reply

Bonjour avez vous le veston en cuir Marciano noir? Je voulais vous faire une offre. Merci!
Oct 06Reply

@valeriecaron754 bonjour, désolé la veste en cuir Marciano a été vendue hier soir.
Oct 06Reply

Hi Claudia. Thank you for visiting my closet and your shares. It's much appreciated. Merci beaucoup.
Oct 08Reply

Hello Claudia, another great show today. You have such a great energy and I consider it my therapy to watch your show! Vous etes incroyables! Sharon
Oct 09Reply

@tinkertavern aww merci 🩷 i appreciate all of your support and so happy if i can put a bit of sunshine in your Day 🫶😋
Oct 09Reply

Joyeux Noel Claudia!!!! I hope yesterday’s show went well! Sooo many people are already Poshing! I thought I was the only one up at this hour.
Dec 25Reply

Good morning Claudia! What on earth are you doing up at this hour ???? Have as great day!
Jan 08Reply

@tinkertavern 🤣🤣🤣 never to late for shopping 😋🩷 have a great day too lovely 🫶
Jan 08Reply

Hello Claudia, I’ve attended a couple of your shows and love your style. Looking forward to seeing you again soon. Please come and visit my closet, there isn’t much but a couple of items by FRNCH might catch your eye. I’m open to offers :)
Feb 04Reply

Hi ! Love your closet. If you don’t mind me asking, where is the outfit in your profile photo from? It is gorgeous
Feb 13Reply

@brooklandcloset aww thank you 😊. it was my first purchase on poshmark. I think it has no brand tag on. but thank you for the sweet comment.
Feb 13Reply
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