Meet your Posher, Isa
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Hi! I'm Isa. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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Welcome to Poshmark
Aug 08Reply

welcome to poshmark 💐
Aug 09Reply

Hi Isa, thanks for much for the follow. Happy poshing.
Aug 10Reply

Hi Isa. Welcome to Poshmark! I’m having a huge discounted bundle sales happening in my closet right now. 🌟 Designer Fragrances: 2 for $65, Designer Purses & Wallets: 2 for $40 and brand name make up sets: 3 for $25+ a clearance section and 1 free gift 🎁 to choose from to add to your bundle (located at the bottom of my closet). 😇 Thanks for the follow. Sharing your listings after this. Take care and stay safe 🥰💖 Happy Poshing - Irene
Aug 10Reply

Hi there, Welcome to Poshmark! Here's a few tips as you get started. Read your Guide to Poshmark and Posh Etiquette. Share yours and other closets often. It helps to bring attention and exposure to your closet. Want to remember a closet? Like(❤) the Meet the Posher page. Interested in an item? Make an offer or (❤) the item and the seller will send you a private offer. Do remember to check out my closet for fantastic savings. Good luck and happy poshing!
Aug 12Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to pop over to my closet and check it out, all items are open to offers and bundles to save items even more! I’m also currently running a 5/$50 sale on anything priced $20 or less in my closet! Happy Poshing :)
Aug 22Reply

Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items enough to purchase please don’t hesitate to send an offer or better yet please please create a bundle I’ll be moving soon so I’ll gladly accept anything and Welcome to Poshmark🎉🎊
Aug 22Reply

Hi there! I made you an offer on the Wilfred silk dress you liked in my closet. 😊 Let me know if you’d like to add anything else from my closet for one price reduced rate shipping.
Follow my closet as I post vintage and high quality fashion regularly as I work in wardrobe for 🎥 film and tv :) follow my shop on Instagram @fashionmusefinds
Aug 28Reply

Hi Isa, thank you so much for stopping by and checking out my closet. Sent ou an offer on the lovely cardigan. Feel free to contact me with any questions, accepting reasonable co🙂
Aug 29Reply

Welcome and thanks for the follow! Offers are always welcome on my closet if interested! Also let me know if you have questions about poshmark ☺️
Aug 29Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my closet!🎈🎈 Could you help to share more items of my closet. Really appreciate 🙏🙏🥺🥺
Sep 06Reply

Sep 26Reply

Hi thanks for visiting my closet. I currently have a 5 for $30 offer circulating. Choose any 5 items that have 👜👜 in the title for $30. Let me know if your interested bundle and let me know you would like to purchase and I’ll send the offer. Thanks
Jan 23Reply

I was unable to edit the sold listing but I posted some pics in my closet for you to see the dress quick, will be shipping tm!
Feb 09Reply

@alexandriahe thank you looks beautiful so excited ! Thanks again for posting pictures :)
Feb 09Reply

Hi there! I will have your jeans and shorts out this weekend. I’m just getting over Chemo and my concierge wasn’t around to print the label but rest assured it will be on its way tomorrow.
Mar 04Reply

@tenshimaven thank you
Mar 04Reply

Have a bless day and stay safe.
Mar 08Reply

Welcome to Poshmark. I'll be happy to help you with any questions you may have to grow your business. Poshmark is a great place to earn a second income.
Mar 10Reply

hello happy poshing 😊 if you like sterling silver jewelry please stop by my closet. I wish you many likes 💗 shares 🤗 and sales 😊
Mar 10Reply

Hi there! I made you an offer on the Joie silk blouse you liked in my closet. 😊 Let me know if you’d like to add anything else from my closet for one price reduced rate shipping.
Follow my closet as I post vintage and high quality fashion regularly. I work in wardrobe for 🎥 film and tv :) follow my preloved fashion shop on Instagram @fashionmusefinds
Mar 12Reply

Hi, I just lower the price so you could have the shipping discount. Thanks
Apr 16Reply

♥️Hi there! Thank you so much for the follow! 🤗 I have a variety of items in my closet, come browse anytime. I am open to all offers! Happy poshing 🌟🌸💕
May 01Reply

Hey there thanks for following me check out my closet and if you see anything you like add it to your bundle. 🛍🦋 I have some great things . Bundle and save always🤞🏽 reasonable offers send them. I am willing to ship out today depending on time 🛍 thanks in advance
Jul 11Reply

Welcome to postmark. It's a great place to buy and sell. I am a posh ambassador. If I can help you with anything, let me know. Thanks for shopping my closet, I am open to all reasonable offers, Peggy -
Jul 24Reply
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