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Updated Aug 13
Updated Aug 13

Meet your Posher, Kim @kimmiedee❤️

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This is me, Mamaw Kiki & McKenna sweet grandaughter along with my Circle of LOVE! She was born 2 months early, weighing only she is growing strong & doing well, loves the camera! I am the mother of twin sons, Robert & Russell. I have a sweet dog Benjamin Beasley, my third child. I come from a large loving family & wouldn't have it any other way😍 I'm an RN, working from home for an insurance company. Stop by to say hi anytime! Happy Poshing! Btw...❤ this app!
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kimmiedee @brandi69890 check out this baby
Nov 26Reply
brandi69890 She's beautiful love here eyes
Nov 26Reply
kimmiedee @brandi69890 I'm one proud grandma😘 I don't feel old enuf to be one (I'm almost 41) but who cares...grandbabies are awesome!
Nov 26Reply
brandi69890 👍🎀
Nov 26Reply
kimmiedee @shopaholic247 THANK U 4 SHARING!!💋❤
Nov 27Reply
jerrypunderwood Beautiful family
Nov 27Reply
zayda God bles you family the baby is a beatifull
Nov 30Reply
kimmiedee @zayda thank u so much! She is amazing & a blessing in every way! Thx for following my closet & let me know if u need anything❤😘
Nov 30Reply
kimmiedee @aeasterling thx! Isn't she precious? And do u see my wiener?? Lol❤
Dec 02Reply
aeasterling @kimmiedee yes they are both absolutely beautiful!!!!
Dec 02Reply
ceasler You are a young memaw. She is adorable.
Dec 11Reply
jerrypunderwood Kim, I love both pair of jeans. They are small enough in the legs so they DON'T look baggy! Love love love them! They look great! Thanks again!
Dec 12Reply
kimmiedee @jerrypunderwood it makes me happy that u ❤ ur jeans☺ I get upset when I buy something & it's turns out to be something I either can't wear or don't like & that has happened on here a lot! Merry Christmas Jerry & all the best to you in the new year to come!!
Dec 13Reply
slewis77 Awwwwww both of u guys are cute
Dec 14Reply
kimmiedee @slewis77 thanks! She has sure brightened my life!❤❤
Dec 14Reply
judyg @kimmiedee What a cutie! Thanks for the shares!
Dec 14Reply
kimmiedee @judyg no problem!💋 isn't she amazing?! ❤❤💋💋
Dec 14Reply
fashionfountain How precious!! I just had my baby girl in April, my Mom's first grand baby!
Dec 14Reply
kimmiedee @fashionfountain congrats! I bet your mom is a proud grandma too!!❤❤❤ Luv them grand babies😘😘❤❤
Dec 14Reply
kimmiedee @greenshoes0 here's how u share those things with one specific's super easy! I searched for what u were looking for & made a comment under that item with your tag "@greenshoes0 " when u use someone's tag in a comment, it shows up in your notifications!❤ easy peasy. Glad u found ur boots! Merry Christmas to you & your family!! Don't forget to check out Versagram!
Dec 15Reply
sginter What a sweet family you have .. hope I can find something I like to help 😘
Dec 17Reply
kimmiedee @sginter aww, thanks! My boys & this sweet grandbaby light my life!!😘❤
Dec 17Reply
kkeellyy7 💗💗💗
Dec 17Reply
kimmiedee @kkeellyy7 thank you!!! 💗💚💜💙💓❤💘
Dec 17Reply
nourhan @kimmiedee ohhh sooo cute she looks the same like you!!! i thought she is your little baby...but she is you granddaughter.... love her eyes!!!!! god bless you allll ;) was nice to met youuuu alll happy holiday!
Dec 18Reply
kimmiedee @nourhan thank u soo much! I hoped she looked a little like me😘 lol. Nice to meet u too! I love this app!!!! Happy Holidays to you & your family❤❤❤❤❤🎄🎅🎁🎇🎆
Dec 18Reply
squirrel Adorable baby!!!! And twin boys??!!! Lucky! And you have a long haired Doxie? I have 1 mini doxies (short haired).. Sneaky little things!!!!
Dec 18Reply
kimmiedee @squirrel they sure are sneaky!😉 mine LOVES to chew anything in his path😄 and thank you for the comments about all of my babies...I am VERY BLESSED for sure😍 Merry Christmas!!🎄🎅🎁
Dec 18Reply
squirrel Our male knocks the kitchen trash can over and dumpster dives while the female is the lookout..
Dec 18Reply
kimmiedee @squirrel I tell u they're boogers!!😄 I never knew the TRUE meaning of lap dog until I got Benny....that dog would rather lay with me on the couch than eat! He's a skinny boy lol. That breed is a trip for sure! I can just see the lookout girl now...too funny! And I'm guessing the bit dumpster diver just looks so innocent & pitiful when he gets caught!❤❤ gotta luv em!
Dec 18Reply
squirrel Hahaha!! Yah I love how they'll just snuggle under the blankets with me. Theyr me and my husbands babies, for now.. They try to put on the innocent look.. But when he runs upstairs and licks his chops I know something's up!! Lol I swear they're like kids.. If thyr too quiet, theyr up to no good!!
Dec 18Reply
kimmiedee @squirrel u have got that right! I know if he's not up my butt he's into something he isn't supposed to be the trash, or eating shoes or purses, or eating glasses! That little turd completely destroyed my authentic Prada glasses! I about had a heart attack!😡
Dec 18Reply
squirrel Ohhhhh nooooo!!!!!
Dec 18Reply
kimmiedee @squirrel that stinker butt has chewed up 4 pairs of glasses so far!
Dec 18Reply
teddyes @kimmiedee Too cute💝🎁❤
Dec 18Reply
kimmiedee @teddyes thank you❤❤ I'm pretty proud😍
Dec 18Reply
teddyes @kimmiedee She's so pretty💝🎄🎄
Dec 18Reply
barbyq What a beautiful family. Thanks for sharing. Must be fun having a granddaughter after 2 boys! Looks like your doggie has taken over your leather couch like mine has 😄
Dec 18Reply
kimmiedee @barbyq that baby is such sunshine in my life .... As my boys were & still are....❤❤❤❤ now that little Benny booger has taken over the house! It's hard to see him on the couch! Lol
Dec 18Reply
mrsgrown 💗💗💗she's gorgeous !!!
Dec 18Reply
kimmiedee @mrsgrown thank you soo much!! And thank u for sharing the ❤❤😘
Dec 18Reply
mrsgrown Thank you as well!
Dec 18Reply
barbyq That's sweet! Between my doggie & my 2 cats, I've gotten over all the scratches on my furniture! But they do bring joy. I hope to experience grand kids one day!
Dec 18Reply
kimmiedee @barbyq OMG!!! Grandbabies are where it's at!! I can't explain's just different and amazing❤❤
Dec 18Reply
rhymestar Thank you for all the Luv ❤❤❤❤❤ Luv your Closet!!! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Dec 20Reply
lovedana Lovely family grand baby is a doll ❤❤
Dec 23Reply
kimmiedee @lovedana aww, thank you! I'm pretty proud of all of them❤
Dec 23Reply
wildlpn @kimmiedee - Kimmie....did u send my mom an air freshener in the box u sent us?? We think it was from you and if so.....I need to know how to get some for the other cars cause it made hers smell amazing!!
Dec 28Reply
kimmiedee @wildlpn yes it was me❤❤ I make those with my candles & tarts. Did I send her the honey coco mango scent? I've got that one, baby powder, cherry, & lavender vanilla. I sell em for $2.50 each. I'm glad you like them😘 I wasn't sure if I was gonna continue making them or not, but people seem to like em. So I guess I'll keep on keeping on😉. I'll make new scents in the spring. Just let me know what ur interested in & we can work something out
Dec 28Reply
wildlpn @kimmiedee - how can I pay u to get some?
Dec 28Reply
kimmiedee @wildlpn text me 270-307-7477
Dec 28Reply
bpomykal Your Grandaughter is so Beautiful❤
Dec 29Reply
kimmiedee @bpomykal thank you soo much!
Dec 29Reply
colt Nice to meet you!!!!!!
Jan 02Reply
kimmiedee @colt likewise!!
Jan 02Reply
ashley1985 She looks like a doll!!! So precious!! I'm A nurse too! Since '04 😃
Jan 09Reply
kimmiedee @ashley1985 that's when I graduated myself! I was a late bloomer lol. And she is a total sweetie!
Jan 09Reply
bjstrader You Rock!!!
Jan 11Reply
kimmiedee @bjstrader aww!! Your sweet! And thank you for patience & understanding with your, what a crazy ordeal😜
Jan 11Reply
xeila Beautiful family!! Hope you get a chance to browse my closet some time. I'm pretty new to this site, but I'm loving it!!😍
Jan 11Reply
chiquixx86 @kimmiedee, u have a beautiful family!! 😍😊 God bless!
Jan 11Reply
kimmiedee @chiquixx86 thank you! I am blessed!!!
Jan 11Reply
abaiser Adorable family, dog and all ! Thanks for the shares, happy to meet you !
Jan 12Reply
kimmiedee @greenammo thank you! Nice to meet you as well!!❤❤
Jan 12Reply
natashaerasmus Omg what a beautiful baby !!!
Jan 12Reply
kimmiedee @natashaerasmus thank you! I think she's beautiful too!!
Jan 12Reply
natashaerasmus Love your closet too !
Jan 12Reply
natashaerasmus Thanks for the share !!
Jan 12Reply
kianki @kimmiedee OMG your baby is so adorable sorry I had not realized I had not pressed the follow button for u... Gorgeous baby u have
Jan 12Reply
kimmiedee @kianki thank you! That's my first grand baby! I am so in love with her!
Jan 12Reply
kianki @kimmiedee oh my I just said your baby.. Seriously u look so young to be a grandmother ... I love babies... And Im sure she is such a bundle of joy for you and your family ... Especially when it's the 1st grand child.... Its so much fun...God bless her....
Jan 12Reply
kimmiedee @kianki ur sweet! I'm 41 (shhh) and that child is such a blessing! I love babies as well! Honestly, I would have another in a heartbeat....crazy at my age but who cares?! You only go around once & I say live it up!
Jan 12Reply
kimmiedee @cfrn Hey chick!!! I'm totally addicted to this app! Beware! Lol
Jan 13Reply
scarlettstained Sweeter love this post!!!! No I didn't sell all my closet but one sale every single day since we talked!!!! Thank you for so much sharing of my closet it really helped! I have posted 150 more items since we talked last.I've been a busy girl.Life Is getting better for me..I'm getting stronger everyday! Take care gf .Charlotte
Jan 14Reply
kimmiedee @scarlettstained awesome!!! Keep it up! I'll try to remember to share some more of your stuff again after i finish with work today!! Glad the sun is getting brighter! I knew it would! Keep in touch!
Jan 14Reply
scarlettstained @kimmiedee I will keep in touch! Take care!!
Jan 14Reply
queenhoneybee Awww.... What a cutie pie baby!
Jan 15Reply
lynncurtis @kimmiedee So pretty! I could eat your granddaughter up! ;)
Jan 15Reply
kimmiedee @lynncurtis girl u have no idea! She is the sweetest and happiest baby I have ever known! Such a tremendous blessing for my family!
Jan 15Reply
lynncurtis @kimmiedee That's awesome. :)
Jan 15Reply
marykat 🌷You have a beautiful family! Nice to meet you🌹
Jan 16Reply
fashionbubs how adorable your baby god bless!
Jan 23Reply
kimmiedee @fashionbubs aw thank you! She's my grand baby & a miracle child! Love her to pieces!!! She's so stinkin' cute❤❤❤
Jan 23Reply
kimmiedee @maduncan thank you as well! She is my sunshine☀☀
Jan 24Reply
barefootbhakta @kimmiedee Awww! So nice to put a face to the closet, so to speak. Haha!! What a beautiful family you have. I have a beautiful daughter who just turned 12 and I just adopted a dog over the holidays - a fun bundle of wildness to add to the all the joy of being a mommy! ;).
Jan 25Reply
kimmiedee @barefootbhakta thank you!!! I love all dem babies😜
Jan 25Reply
barefootbhakta @kimmiedee Being a Mother is the BEST!!
Jan 25Reply
saphire9172003 @kimmiedee I must say you look great to be a grandmom!! Lol !! And twins too !!! Awesome. Twins run in my family my brother and sister Aldo have twins ..😄😄😄and ur grand baby is beautiful god bless her!!!
Jan 25Reply
kimmiedee @saphire9172003 you're too kind!❤ I'm the first & only in my immediate to have twins....but I would bet this beautiful baby will have her own one day.....hopefully a long time from now ☺
Jan 25Reply
laurinnolagal Ur grandbaby is beautiful!!
Jan 27Reply
kimmiedee @laurinbrewski thank you!! She is beautiful in every way❤❤
Jan 27Reply
laurinnolagal I have a ton of cute baby clothes n my closet if u wanna take a look
Jan 27Reply
kimmiedee @laurinbrewski girl I saw those juicy baby clothes! Too cute! My son said baby girl can't wear juicy yet though....he's already being a protective daddy! I told him he was silly❤
Jan 27Reply
laurinnolagal OMG that is so silly that's all I dress her n!! Hahahaha I well I love the bathing suits they are precious!
Jan 27Reply
tracylynn33 Very cute .. 💙
Feb 16Reply
kylarea @kimmiedee you do look old enough to be a grandma!!!!! Omg you look like your 25!!!!!!
Feb 18Reply
kimmiedee @bupak aww!! Your sweet & my new favorite person❤. I'm 41😖
Feb 18Reply
kimmiedee @kylarea wow!! That just made my day!!! I'm 41 doll, but I'm gonna tell every one I look 25 lol.😉 That was very sweet😘❤💋😍
Feb 18Reply
kylarea @kimmiedee you sons look like your brothers and your grand baby looks like your daughter!! Honestly I had to re read your bio!!! 😘😘❌⭕😍😍
Feb 18Reply
kimmiedee @bupak it makes me sad when I don't see my boys as often as I like...but I'm only an hr and half from them...way closer than Sweden! That grand baby of mine looks so much like my son...who in turn looks like me😋 and I love it! She is just the sweetest little booger. Always smiling and laughing, such a sweet child. It's very nice to meet you!!
Feb 18Reply
atuscano Hi to a fellow RN! What a beautiful grandbaby! I'll share some of your items. Happy poshing!
Feb 21Reply
kimmiedee @atuscano hello to you!! Thank you, I think she's pretty awesome!😘❤
Feb 21Reply
jerrypunderwood Good morning Kim, received both pieces and I love them! Unfortunately both are too tight. If you don't mind I will repost both in my closet. I love the bracelet. Goes with so many things. YOU ARE AN AWESOME SELLER! Thanks so much. Jerry
Feb 25Reply
kimmiedee @jerrypunderwood oh no!! You wanna exchange them? I'll let you do that if you want...or you can repost darling...doesn't bother me at all
Feb 25Reply
jerrypunderwood Thanks Kim, they are great pieces. They will give my clost some class! Lol
Feb 25Reply
kimmiedee @plus thank you! I'm pretty proud😍💕
Mar 02Reply
iloveto_sparkle @kimmiedee you look my age!!! (24!) I most certainly wouldn't have guessed that gorgeous baby girl was your GRANDdaughter! and honest, i thought your sons were your brothers👍you look amazing! You have a gorgeous family and ill be honest, I'm trying hard to leave your closet to add more to my own & I just can't!😉💕💝🎀💖💜
Mar 06Reply
mrstcopper Thanks for sharing, love your closet and shared! Such cute things, I may stop in soon!!😘
Mar 12Reply
joffy01 Nice family! You look so young! :)
Mar 12Reply
kimmiedee @joffy01 thank you soooo much! Now I will have a great day!
Mar 12Reply
kmlynn Oh, my gosh you look so young to have a grand baby!!! I thought that was your daughter! I have a dachshund, too!
Mar 13Reply
kimmiedee @kmlynn you're too sweet! Gotta live those grand babies! As of late I feel like I've aged ten years, been too stressed....need to just chill
Mar 13Reply
kimmiedee @dduncan58 so sorry for her loss....I came very close to losing one of my boys, Russell. He's the BIG one on the right! My boys were 5 weeks early, but they weighed 6 lbs & 5 lbs, so they were already big. I'm so happy to hear the surviving twin is doing well! And we sure know about blessings...that McKenna is a miracle baby as well! I count my blessings often, and am sad for those not as fortunate😪. I know too well as a nurse just how close we all came.
Mar 14Reply
irisandra HEY! do you have any Nclex books you are willing to sell?
Mar 27Reply
kimmiedee @irisandra I do have all of my NCLEX books! Honestly have no use for them....I'll have to dig to see what I have. I do have the Kaplan study books and some flash cards as well. Lots of nursing books!
Mar 27Reply
irisandra Yay! Ok :)
Mar 27Reply
umonkey Luv ur pix !
Apr 06Reply
umonkey Iv got to furry babies they r my luvs ur right about sneaky when u have two brothers u got Ta keep an eye out especially if they r quiet I tell u the mischievous pranks they pull lol but at nite when we all crawl in bed it makes al the work worth it little snugglers lol
Apr 06Reply
fabs_boutique @kimmiedee beautiful family❤you have gorgeous clothes in your closet !
Apr 07Reply
kimmiedee @fabbia aww thanks!❤
Apr 07Reply
stayforeverposh Loving your closet!👍😊
Apr 13Reply
kimmiedee @alainagrace aww thanks sweetie! Thank u for sharing!!😘❤💋
Apr 13Reply
dafodyll Wow, when I saw the pic of you and your boys I thought they were your brothers and that you have a new baby. You are very youthful looking. Nice to meet you.
Apr 16Reply
dafodyll Oh and I have a chocolate and tan mini long hair Dachshund too. 😊
Apr 16Reply
kimmiedee @dafodyll aren't they the sweetest! And thank u for the nice compliments! I feel younger already!😘💋
Apr 16Reply
kimmiedee @wendyclark I'm your first follower!❤😋. Miss u chicky!
May 03Reply
krenee79 Such a beautiful family, all of you! ❤ I will check your closet frequently! May God continue to bless you, your sons, your granddaughter & that sweet dog!
May 04Reply
kimmiedee @krenee79 thank you! They ALL mean the world to me....even the little furry baby😋❤
May 04Reply
chenly06 Such a cute baby! God bless!
May 07Reply
kimmiedee @chenly06 thank you! She's a sweetie!❤❤
May 07Reply
tympestt_j Cute baby!!! Team nurses!!!! ❤❤❤
May 11Reply
kimmiedee @tympestt_j thanks! She's a sweetie! R u a nurse too? Awesome! There are sooo many nurses in here....must mean we don't make enough money lol
May 11Reply
tympestt_j Lmao yes I'm a nurse and ur right about the money part smh lol, but yea I love it tho
May 11Reply
kimmiedee @ashley1985 hey girl, if you ever get a moment out of your hectic posh life, email me....I've got some things to ask u if you have the time....just didn't wanna clutter up your closet with my request😘💋. I know u probably get a TON of these, but I'll keep it quick, I promise. My email is Thanks chick!
May 16Reply
peacedaisies Just wanted to say that you have a gorgeous closet! Love it!
May 16Reply
kimmiedee @peacedaisies thank you soooo much!❤😋💋😘
May 16Reply
peacedaisies You're very welcome!!
May 16Reply
angelvaleria @kimmiedee What a great Posher u r! Thank u for reducing the prices & being easy to negotiate with! I loved that about u! 😊 I loved your outstanding customer service skills as well--you were very courteous & prompt. The dress I bought is for my daughter; I think she's gonna love it! It's a pleasure doing business with u dear & I will probably be back again someday! ❤
May 19Reply
salrae You have a beautiful family, the baby is a gift from God. We have grands and we will have 5 greats by July. It just gets better and better.
May 20Reply
kimmiedee @salrae thank you! She is most def a gift! I'm loving every second of her😋❤
May 20Reply
aikoivy I admire your profile! You have a lovely family. Im married with 4 kids. They are no longer babies. My youngest is 8 and I have 3 teens 12-15-17! My daughter will be off to college soon. So sad. Just thought Id share a little more about me with you. Please don't be a stranger. 💐☺💕💞
Jun 07Reply
kimmiedee @cholaspi oh sweetie, when the birdies fly the nest it is one of THE MOST difficult things we face as mothers....I want my boys to live with me NOW! But they have thoughts otherwise unfortunately. I went through the saddest empty nest syndrome ever, I cried daily, and sometimes still do....but we have to let them conquer the world in their own way....but when they succeed, know that it was us, the parents who taught them the way....that will make u feel proud....great job mom! 💐 And u sure don't look like you have had four children chicky! I'll have a triple heaping of whatever you're having lol😜😋❤
Jun 07Reply
aikoivy @kimmiedee I am grateful for your wisdom, Its a scary process I hope I will make it thru. I smother my youngest like crazy because my teens are so independent though I know I shouldn't. Wow so glad I have Poshmark to turn to it keeps my mind off it for a bit. And so nice to meet people like you! ☺💐
Jun 07Reply
darlejoy @kimmiedee I'm a nurse too! Work I. The child development field.
Jun 13Reply
kimmiedee @darlejoy wow! I bet that is rewarding! I was an ICU nurse for quite a bit...went to be a float nurse at the hospital after that...went into staff development at a nursing facility (didn't like...liked teaching but not the NH), worked in Hospice for about a year, was gonna be a travel ICU nurse then landed an insurance co job...jack of all trades lol thought about just becoming an Nurse Practitioner...but HATE being on call lol
Jun 13Reply
darlejoy @kimmiedee you've done a lot! I've been at our local health dept. 25 yrs, but in quite a few different programs there. It's cool that you get to be home with children! You've got some good sales right now. Need to check my balance I liked a few things in your closet:)
Jun 13Reply
shillier Beautiful woman beautiful family!!!!! Xo
Jul 11Reply
moon793 @kimmiedee beautiful fam hun 😘
Jul 31Reply
kimmiedee @goldeneyez11 thank you! They are my heart & soul❤😘
Jul 31Reply
nugget_love Awwww....sweet bio!! My little guy (Nugget) was quite a preemie too!! He was a twin too....delivered his sister Paulina at 26 weeks and she was with us for two hours (we knew all along we wouldn't have her here with us....we are grateful we got to meet her), then stayed pregnant for two more weeks (I know!!!!) and had my son at 28 weeks. He was 2lbs 7oz....and a fighter from day one. In the NICU for 62 days but was a rock star!!!! No issues at all. Actually has always been developmentally ahead! See....his sister watches over him. :). Love your pics! An good Lord!!! I thought I had a big closet! Lol. Nice to meet you. 😉
Aug 06Reply
kimmiedee @nugget_love awww thanks love! We both have big fighters in out lives! My twins were born 5 weeks early and while they were a good weight (5lbs 9ozs & 6 lbs 3 ozs--whew) they still had some problems...we weren't for sure if our sweet Russell was coming home with us or not there for a while...he was on the vent for almost 4 weeks...but he pulled through and we are ALL very blessed! So super nice to meet have an awesome closet...hopin I can find something to fit sometime 😉 I do have lots of listings, but thankfully most have sold 😊😘YAY! 😘😊 stop by to say hi anytime! And thanks for sharing my items doll...ur pretty awesome!
Aug 06Reply
nugget_love @kimmiedee 😘😘😘thank YOU for sharing!! My closet and your story. :)
Aug 06Reply
erikakraemer You have a beautiful granddaughter! My one month old daughters name is McKenna and I've never met/heard of another one!
Aug 29Reply
kimmiedee @erikakraemer thank you! She is an absolute doll! Such a sweetie😊 and we haven't met another McKenna either! It's a beautiful name for two beautiful babies!😊❤
Aug 29Reply
kimmiedee @smileyshop18 thanks! Isn't she a sweetie?❤😋 you have an awesome day as well!💋😘
Sep 04Reply
nisamalyyy Hello! Sooo if you haven't noticed, I think your closet is amazing!! Lol wish I could share everything! Look forward to checking back often 😊
Sep 05Reply
kimmiedee @nisamalyyy thanks doll! It's much appreciated😘😋😉
Sep 05Reply
nisamalyyy 😱😱😱😱 Oh my gosh!! You went above and beyond with all that sharing! Lol wow thanks so much! You're amazing for that ❤💜💚💙💛 😁😁😁
Sep 05Reply
kimmiedee @nisamalyyy it was no problem!😋❤
Sep 05Reply
kimmiedee @inkmeover here's my about me listing😉😍
Sep 07Reply
lacci916 Are you in the smokies if so where
Oct 05Reply
kimmiedee @lnp916 we came down here for the weekend😊❤️ I live in Ky, but we're stating at the Westgate Resort near Gatlinburg
Oct 05Reply
lacci916 I'm not far from you
Oct 05Reply
kimmiedee @lnp916 no kidding?! Do u live here? I'm outside on the deck Poshin while everyone has gone to bed 😊❤️
Oct 05Reply
lacci916 I could be where u r in 45 min
Oct 05Reply
lacci916 I'm in Knoxville you are so close to the juicy store
Oct 05Reply
kimmiedee @lnp916 OMG! What Juicy store!? Tell me tell me tell me!!!!😊❤️😊❤️😊
Oct 05Reply
lacci916 It's in the tanger outlet mall
Oct 05Reply
kimmiedee @lnp916 I'm hitting the outlets this weekend sometime for sure! U need to tell me if u plan on coming this way, we can have a shopping trip & coffee!😊❤️ we will be leaving sometime on Monday. Needed a break from life😁. I have my grandbaby with me & I'm taking her to the aquarium to see the fishies😉
Oct 05Reply
scarlettstained @kimmiedee I've already met her in 2012!!!! And she's one of my posh besties and I look forward to a lifelong friendship with her and meeting her soonyeah that's you Kimmy!
Oct 16Reply
19782000 You are the nicest person I have come across 😊 I just have to say thk you SO much for texting me you are a very dear & caring person & I love you closet I wish I could stop bye & say hello take care & hope to ttys Thkx again xo
Oct 26Reply
kimmiedee @19782000 thank you Jess❤️ take care of yourself sweetie! Please!
Oct 26Reply
keg90 Lovely family- family are truly a blessing! 💗⭐️ we must cherish what we have & not take them for granted, your grand baby has already conquered so much in such a short time in life- she will be a fighter!! Life's blessings to you & happy poshing
Oct 29Reply
sdshopper How are u today?
Oct 30Reply
kimmiedee @sdshopper peachy keen☺️😉 thank you for sharing btw❤️❤️
Oct 30Reply
sdshopper Thank you!!!! You shared a bunch and I really appreciate it! Have a happy Hump day!!!
Oct 30Reply
laurenlunaltd What a great photo collection you put together! Love your closet! One day I'll be able to fit the things in it!!
Oct 30Reply
kimmiedee @lluna0227 thank you! Those pics represent my life & the love that empowers me😊 and I HEAR YOU about fitting into things in my closet! Oh my gosh, if I could wear half of it I would not be selling lol! I so love your shoes too...I'm thinking about finding that "perfect" shoe to send you & let you work your magic! You are very talented indeed!❤️❤️❤️
Oct 30Reply
laurenlunaltd that is so beautiful to hear! I love that! (Your family) And I do also love hear that you will send me a pair to work on! YAY! I would love to!!
Oct 30Reply
kstill15 ❤️❤️love❤️❤️ your closet!
Nov 01Reply
kimmiedee @ksw078 thank you sister Kelli!❤️❤️❤️
Nov 01Reply
charming_mhel Priceless🌹🌹🌹
Nov 05Reply
scarlettstained My beautiful posh mentor!!!!!! Love you!@kimmiedee
Nov 08Reply
jamismomma @kimmiedee it's nice to put a face with who I am doing business with😊 I too am an RN, ICU prn and oncology full time. I also am in school full time MSN/FNP 😩😩😨 lol and a full time mom and wife!! What was I thinking??? ❤️ my life 💚💚💚
Nov 08Reply
sandygaboury Beautiful. 😍😍
Nov 26Reply
kimmiedee @sandygaboury thank you! I think they are all beautiful too :)
Nov 27Reply
sandygaboury 😍😍😍
Nov 27Reply
lambinabaux @kimmiedee great family pictures and closet
Jan 10Reply
ceesfutura Beautiful family. I have 5 year old twin girls, tell me...does it ever get easier??????!
Jan 11Reply
kimmiedee @ceesfutura hah! Lord no! They're awesome though!❤️
Jan 11Reply
ceesfutura Lol yes they are. It's just hectic with them since they're fraternal in everyyyy way. Lets not mention before them I have a 25, 19&15 year old that have given me tons of grays !! Definitely an entirely different experience. Oh and I have my 1st grandchild on the way too. Super excited about that!!
Jan 11Reply
kimmiedee @ceesfutura hah! My boys are fraternal as well! Girl,different as daylight and dark....a handful but COMPLETELY worth EVERY MINUTE!❤️❤️❤️
Jan 11Reply
kimmiedee @vbauxlamb THANK YOU!!!! Just now playing catch up from several days :) I'm pretty proud of the fam and the closet :) Thank you for stopping by!!!!
Jan 11Reply
melodicmistress OMG. Kimmie you are growing. I need to make a bundle here but I need to go through your stuff. I'm off tomorrow. I'm gonna dedicate like 30 mins to really go through your closet. Im looking for a few pieces. A really OVERSIZED scarf or eternity scarf, oversized cardigan neutral colors or tribal 2x and ALWAYS shoes👠. I know you got what I need in here. ❤️
Jan 15Reply
h_l_harrison Absolutely beautiful family! Beautiful closet too :)
Jan 15Reply
kimmiedee @h_l_harrison thank you so much!😘❤️
Jan 15Reply
kimmiedee @bholiday girlfriend, I've got a beige colored infinity scarf (extra be triple looped) that I made myself😜 I haven't posted it yet❤️❤️
Jan 15Reply
kimmiedee @chrisjstyle thank you!!!💋💋💋
Jan 20Reply
beanbag @kimmiedee lovely family :-)
Jan 22Reply
beanbag @kimmiedee hit post too soon. I have a niece tha was a premie. 3lbs she now in high school. She lights up every room she enters. Super smart and focused too. :-)
Jan 22Reply
kimmiedee @beanbag my grandbaby is CRAZY intelligent....but I'm sure most grandmother's say that :) I'm happy to hear your niece is doing well, and it's very nice to meet you!!!
Jan 22Reply
mands13 Beautiful family!
Jan 30Reply
kimmiedee @mands13 thank you Amanda!❤️😋
Jan 30Reply
tazze @kimmiedee 🎀Beautiful family🎀
Jan 30Reply
kimmiedee @tazze thank you! They are my everything😋❤️❤️❤️
Jan 30Reply
kimmiedee @kristinam336 yay! I'm glad you love it❤️❤️ than you again!
Jan 31Reply
cmarshall38 @kimmiedee I love this!!! Now I know you're an RN and have THE cutest granddaughter in the whole world!!! A close family friend was born a preemie, and now she's a Harvard and MIT grad!! I think your granddaughter will go even farther 😘😘😘
Feb 03Reply
kimmiedee @cmarshall38 I hope so! She's a trip to say the least!❤️ so smart and sassy, but absolutely so stinking sweet I could eat her up😋❤️ it amazes me how much she knows and had far she has come...we are definitely, if we could keep her small where that sassy business is still cute😜
Feb 03Reply
cmarshall38 @kimmiedee nawwwww the sassiness makes her who she is!! And you know you wouldn't change anything😜
Feb 03Reply
kimmiedee @cmarshall38 I know...that child has her sassiness down to an art! She's a mess that cracks me up all the time❤️❤️ I'm quite for sure she will stay that way if not get worse😜👸👸
Feb 03Reply
lukaloveless Aw! I just saw you're also a grandma! I became a grandma at 39. It was the one thing I dreaded most when my son started dating his high school sweetheart junior year. I warned him.. I found out I was a grandma 6 days before turning 40! Long story, but such a happy ending. Yours is beautiful. We are lucky enough to be young enough to enjoy our grandkids.
Feb 18Reply
deniserm Beautiful Family,You r TRUELY blessed,🙏
Feb 20Reply
fuzzynavel @Kimmiedee hey where's my picture?
Feb 22Reply
lindaserapilia NICE TOUCH :)
Mar 17Reply
kimmiedee @lindaserapilia thanks! We def have some crazy fun at times!
Mar 17Reply
kimmiedee @fuzzynavel I'll photoshop your head on one of my pics if you like lol
Mar 17Reply
fuzzynavel @kimmiedee you're a dork! When we finally meet we will have so many pics to post!
Mar 17Reply
xsrizr Omgosh!!! You have a beautiful family and you can SEE " the love" and laughter!!! If you have love, laughter, and health..... you have it ALL!!!!!
Mar 27Reply
kimmiedee @xsrizr thank you!!! And yes girl, we are one goofy and fun family! You never know what in the world is gonna go on around one of our hoot 'n nannies😜
Mar 27Reply
xsrizr Ours too!!!! 37 when all together and we are together often. My parents are 90 and 91 and we LOVE TO BE TOGETHER!!!!
Mar 27Reply
xsrizr How lucky are we???
Mar 27Reply
kimmiedee @xsrizr those big families are awesome for sure!! There's always someone laughing, someone crying, someone mad and the rest if us wondering what the heck happened 😜 never a dull moment❤️very blessed indeed!!
Mar 27Reply
kimmiedee @hamptongal thank you!!! I'm pretty in love with them myself😜❤️❤️❤️
Apr 03Reply
julieg1 What a great looking family, cutie pie granddaughter. My grandson was a preemie weighed 2lbs. 5 oz. He's twelve now.
Apr 19Reply
prizedpossesion Beautiful family!! Thank you so much for all the shares 🙏 your closet truly inspires me!!💖 I am so glad I found it & feel honored to share it!!
Apr 30Reply
kimmiedee @prizedpossesion thank you!! That truly means the world to me❤️❤️❤️ these pics represent my true first loves....Poshmark is a close second😜 I appreciate all of your sharing as well.❤️ you prompted me to update the pic of my grandbaby.....I'm soooo in love with that child😘❤️
Apr 30Reply
prizedpossesion Just look at those facial expressions n those beautiful eyes‼️ADORABLE‼️ Tag me in when you post more I'd love to share them👍 they make me smile 😊😊😊😊
Apr 30Reply
kimmiedee @prizedpossesion I'm telling you... She's 2 now and I still can't stop staring at her beautiful face😋❤️❤️❤️❤️
Apr 30Reply
yasmeena12 @kimmiedee awwwwwww I didn't know your a RN! Me too :) that's awesome!!!!!!!!! Do u still work the floors? Or only work from home?
May 01Reply
kimmiedee @yasmeena12 awesome!! Right now I work from home with state Medicaid....I'm trying to get into to Medicare or auditing....fingers crossed! I was in ICU and LOVED it! Adrenaline junkie 100% ❤️❤️
May 01Reply
yasmeena12 @kimmiedee that's awesome!!!!! I'm on the trauma/code team I'm a TOTAL adrenaline junkie too!!!!!! Best life!! 💜💊😘💉🚨👍
May 01Reply
kimmiedee @yasmeena12 OMG!!! Some of my most awesome times was with craziness! I did a lot of open heart recovery & had a poor guy come back from surgery with a completely open chest and I had to do CPR on him....I felt so bad for him, but so thrilled that I had the opportunity to attempt to save him. I did RRT (rapid response) codes too!!! Poor people but GREAT experience!!!
May 01Reply
yasmeena12 @kimmiedee Yes!!!!!!!!! The more guts and gore the better!! of course my heart breaks and I say a prayer before every code run but my mind just switches into HELP HEAL NOW mode and I can just power through and do what's needed to get through that code or trauma. WOW NOW THATS AMAZING I've never had a open chest CPR before!!!!!! Amazing. Sometimes I just sit in my car and cry. It's hard to see what we see but we were meant to do it!! Good luck on your new endeavors :)
May 01Reply
kimmiedee @yasmeena12 girl!! My very first solo open heart recovery went bad and we had to open his chest in the room!!! My best buddy got to do cardiac massage on him while I was dealing with all of the other craziness! The surgeon even had to do the epi injection RIGHT INTO THE HEART that night....what a first experience that was! I cried all night after that was all over...I was so, so sad for that family but also felt so blessed that I was able to be a part of such an attempt at that life saving effort. Thank you!!! I'm hoping that I will be able to negotiate something soon with a new position! Fingers crossed and prayers please ❤️❤️
May 01Reply
yasmeena12 @kimmiedee WOW that's amazing!! What a great experience to have been a part of!!! We have a lot of residents so they get the most hands on obviously but we still get to do a lot in my hospital and I'm so thankful when we save even one soul!!!! Wow lol I was imagining what u explained and I can picture the surgeon doing that! Modern Medicine is amazing. Yes I will keep my fingers crossed for u!!!!!! Oh boy here comes a double MVA with ejection and GSW!!!!! Bye girl ttyl!!!!!!
May 01Reply
kimmiedee @yasmeena12 ahh!! I've always wanted to do trauma!!! Go save lives chicky!!!!
May 01Reply
yasmeena12 @kimmiedee thank my for all the shares!!!!!! 😘😘😘😘😘😘🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉👍I just retuned the favor :) have a great day!!!!!!!!
May 01Reply
mojo1209 Wiener dog!!!
May 02Reply
kimmiedee @mojo1209 yes!!!! He's an awesome little annoying and needy little thing😜❤️
May 02Reply
mojo1209 They are SO needy!
May 02Reply
kimmiedee @mojo1209 OMG!!!! You're so right! I step on him all of the time😜 I've had to make a special place for him under my desk so he can be near me while I'm working during the day.....he's a mess
May 02Reply
cruisegirl223 @kimmiedee what kind of work do u do from home for an ins co?? I am getting laid off from my job and would love to find something where I can work from home. Just curious how that works.
May 04Reply
kimmiedee @cruisegirl223 oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that! :( I'm an RN, and I do Medicaid reviews/'s called utilization review. I'm trying to get into case management at the moment....looking for another job currently. I would also like to get more into Medicare or private insurance. There are tons of jobs that offer work from home...not sure what you currently do, but try a google search of insurance companies, and you will see tons that offer that option. Hope it all works out for you soon!!! Good to hear from you!
May 04Reply
renee_krista @kimmiedee oh my have a gorgeous closet 😍😍😍
May 05Reply
kimmiedee @renee_krista thank you sweetness❤️❤️
May 05Reply
meganxbaby Gaaaaaay af Bruh
May 05Reply
khkdomer Love love love the pictures! 😊💕💕 Your granddaughter is so precious. 💞💞💞
May 12Reply
kimmiedee @khkdomer thank you kat! Isn't she a sweetie?!❤️❤️❤️
May 13Reply
divastephrob Beautiful family & beautiful closet. Granddaughter is adorable. Praise God she is healthy & blessed!
May 16Reply
kimmiedee @divastephrob thank you! Very, very blessed we are! That baby is such a bright light!☀️
May 16Reply
bkimh @kimmiedee just love your beautiful family. You are truly blessed! That grandbaby is the best!🎈🌺🎈🌺🎈🌺
May 19Reply
kimmiedee @bkimh thank you!!!!!!😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘
May 19Reply
baxtercat123 thank you for looking for the necklace for me i appreciate that very much. You have a beautiful family and very happy to hear that your grand baby is happy and healthy she is absolutely precious.
May 20Reply
kimmiedee @baxtercat123 you're welcome...just sorry I couldn't find it for you❤️ and thanks!! That baby is one precious doll😍❤️
May 20Reply
floralpeace How much of a bundle deal do you offer? I'm not looking to buy right now, but I love love your items and will def keep your closet in my radar! Beautiful family btw 😊
May 22Reply
kimmiedee @floralpeace I sell buy one get one 50% off❤️❤️ and thank you!! I sure think a lot of all my family peeps😋😘❤️
May 22Reply
griselg84 @Kimmiedee very nice closet!
Jun 25Reply
marifun @kimmiedee Love your family pictures. I come from a big family also and can't imagine anything else. Love your granddaughter's picture.she's adorable. My 20 year old nephew was 1.8 lbs when he was born, he is our miracle. Great to meet you, I've been following but have not stopped by officially.😊
Jul 11Reply
cdiva917 Hey girlfriend!! How have you been? Long time no speak. Hope all is well
Jul 12Reply
dierks24 Beautiful family!:) Nice to meet you! posh Luck And smiles sent your way!:)
Jul 21Reply
kimmiedee @griselg84 @marifun @dierks24 thank you ladies!!!!❤️❤️❤️very nice to met you all!😘😘😘
Jul 26Reply
kimmiedee @dinanaylorwells thank u!! I have met some amazing women on posh as well!! Very nice to meet u❤️❤️❤️
Aug 20Reply
linrad Awe how nice❤️
Aug 20Reply
kimmiedee @linrad ❤️❤️
Aug 20Reply
cintelis how precious. you are blessed...thank you for sharing :}
Aug 29Reply
kimmiedee @cintelis thank you!!!! I have been blessed for sure!!!❤️❤️
Aug 29Reply
frogs4me430 Your granddaughter is an adorable miracle! So cute!!! I'm Stacy. It's nice to meet you! 💚
Sep 01Reply
kimmiedee @frogs4me430 nice to meet u Stacy!! That baby is the light in my life😍❤️❤️❤️
Sep 01Reply
scarlettstained @kimmiedee hi Posh mom!stopping to let you know you're genuinely loved by me!!!!missing you.are you all married off now sweetness? Newlyweds
Sep 05Reply
sophiegreene hey there! how old is that precious girl?! I actually have multiple pairs of supergas size 31 which i believe is a kids 13 if she fits into them! I would love to sell them to you! so happy that your family is strong and gorg!
Sep 19Reply
kimmiedee @sophiegreene hello!! That little sweetie is 2 1/2❤️❤️ she's tiny! She only weighs 22 lbs!!
Sep 19Reply
jamismomma @kimmiedee hey sweet!! Ik you talk to many ppl on here. So idk if you remember me telling that I too am a RN. I was just curious as to how you like working for the insurance company?? I'm working on my masters and would like something I could do at my own pace. Not interested in home health though 😉
Oct 09Reply
kimmiedee @jamismomma girlfriend...u getting ur masters in nursing? Go you!!!
Oct 09Reply
kimmiedee @jamismomma I do like it most not so much😣I'm a case manager right now...and while I'm pretty good at it, I'm not sure that I really like it lol. There are soooo many work from home jobs at insurance companies for RN's...esp if u have ur BSN. I'm currently with BCBS
Oct 09Reply
jamismomma @kimmiedee yes ma'am!! MSN,FNP. How does a person go about getting a job like that? Do I just need to research it online? Is it full time or part time hours? Thanks sweet 😊💚💚💚
Oct 09Reply
kimmiedee @jamismomma wow chick!! You're a beast!😜😍 look at or just do an employment search...look up insurance company's actual websites...and see what they have...I bet with ur education they would scoop u up pretty quickly
Oct 09Reply
jamismomma @kimmiedee Ha! Lol!! A wore out beast!!! Ok thanks!! I'll certainly check it out! It might be better for me while I'm in school 😊💚💚💚
Oct 09Reply
moreforyou @kimmiedee OMG! I was born 2 months early and weighed only 3lbs! Trust me, she won't let that keep her from accomplishing anything she sets her mind to. Especially having your love, support, and guidance!
Nov 30Reply
moreforyou Ok. Seriously! I just read more. I'm an RN too! I am in a transition mode. Left the hospital and deciding on what to do next. You sound very busy. I think we have a lot in common. Perhaps you wouldn't mind telling me a bit about your position working for the insurance company. When you have time it would be greatly appreciated! MSG me on fb Patrice Moore or comment under one of my sold listings. Have a blessed holiday season!
Nov 30Reply
veebs15 Awe how old are your sons they are just the cutest things
Dec 21Reply
kimmiedee @veebs15 aww thanks!! They just 22❤️
Dec 21Reply
catleyascott Congrats on hosting tonight! So sorry to bother, wondering if you can take a peek at my closet & see if anything catches your eye that you think might be appropriate for tonight's poshparty! Thank you so kindly in advance & beautiful closet!! 💞💍💄👠🎀👑💅👯💃💋💘💌
Jan 03Reply
gumbob @brandi69890 hi, nice to emmet you & browse your closet ☺️
Jan 16Reply
lauras_boutique 🌹I'm Laura, and it's so nice to meet you! 😀💗 I have been on PM since October, and I'm addicted since I love shopping and meeting new amazing posher's!😍❤️ I live in Michigan with an amazing hubby and 4 adorable kitty furry babies that I adore!😍🐱 You have such a beautiful family and closet, and I would love to stay in touch!💕 Have a fabulous day! Laura 💗💋
Feb 12Reply
scarlettstained And don't forget your Posh Daughter@kimmiedee you guys are just beautiful!!
Apr 02Reply
abstractdreams Great pics!💋
Apr 07Reply
demitria @kimmiedee ❤️ your photos are absolutely priceless❤️ what an elegant closet you have❤️ it is divine ❤️ May your day be filled with love laughter fun and many more happy sales to come. Have a beautiful day🌺🌴🌺
Apr 13Reply
kimmiedee @demitria thank you!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Apr 15Reply
kimmiedee @abstractdreams thank you😍❤️
Apr 15Reply
infinitelyposh Hi there. My name is Caymie. What a beautiful family you have! I just started posh not to long ago and I'm so much in love. I wish i knew about this app when it first started! I cant wait to have a huge following. Do you think you could take the time to check out my closet? Any feedback, suggestions, help sharing would be amazing! I would appreciate it so much! Have a lovely day :)
May 09Reply
kimmiedee @infinitelyposh thank you so much for your kind words❤️❤️Posh Mark is definitely an amazing app and I am very blessed to have found it when I did😍and will come to you, we are so glad that you are with us now😄I shared some of your items❤️❤️
May 09Reply
kimmiedee @infinitelyposh The only suggestion that might offer to you is that you photograph your listings that are dark on a light background… This will enhance the photo and make it easier for your buyers to see the item you're selling❤️hope that helps you, and I wish you the best of luck selling here on this most amazing app Poshmark!! Feel free to reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions or need help❤️
May 09Reply
infinitelyposh Yay!! Thank you so much!! I have 4 boys, im going to make a meet your buyer/ seller and meet as many poshers as i possibly can. I would like to build long lasting relationships here on Posh, i plan on being here porbably for as long as i live lol
May 09Reply
infinitelyposh Ooo.. that is good advise! I have a lot of photo covers that need work.. its a lot harder then i thought. Lots of work go into those cover shots! I wish i had a better camara.. i use my husbands iphone camara, but he's always at work lol or else i would be picturing all day. I need an upgrade.. Happy mother's day btw! Maybe I'll get extra lucky, or just save up for a really nice camara. So much to do and learn! Thanks your helping me out :)
May 09Reply
petiteshopper77 You have a beautiful family :)
Jun 07Reply
kimmiedee @petiteshopper77 thank you!!!😋❤️
Jun 07Reply
mollie333 She is really cute! I love her eyes too :)
Jul 02Reply
kimmiedee @mollie333 thank you!!! I'm in love with that child❤️
Jul 02Reply
mollie333 Your welcome! :)
Jul 02Reply
ldmckoy0915 Beautiful family
Sep 01Reply
bteboop64 Beautiful family and I love your closet.
Sep 11Reply
bteboop64 I am also a grandmother of 5 gorgeous children. My oldest granddaughter, Alexis, just started her freshman year at University of Florida. I have 2 in high scholarship and 2 in middle school. I am only 51 but like you said, who cares. Love being a grandma and I also have 4 fur babies who, like yours are my 4 other children. Love them more than people most of the time. Lol
Sep 11Reply
gagrandmother Beautiful family. Not sure how this app works. How do you tell if things are new other tgan the tags are still on the items?
Oct 13Reply
gagrandmother •••••• correction••••••• than
Oct 13Reply
kimmiedee @gagrandmother thank you!!! And welcome!❤️❤️ I would look first and the sellers description, most will state if an item is new without tags or never worn...there is also an option for the seller to mark NWT or New will shop up on the right side just under the last photo of the item has a bubble or circle around it❤️I'll tag you in a listing to show you
Oct 13Reply
Oct 23Reply
kimmiedee @tmarieknox thank you!!!❤️❤️❤️
Oct 23Reply
jananabear Beautiful family! :)
Oct 24Reply
scarlettstained @kimmiedee hey you I STILL ❤️love you my Posh Sister!!!!!you look so beautiful & happy in these pics.i pray you’re Still walking in all those Blessings.Miss you much🙏🏻😘@Scarlettstained
Jan 08Reply
kimmiedee @scarlettstained hey youuuuuuuu❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️I’ve got to update this because I’ve got MORE little blessings to add in! One actually arrived two days ago❤️ I hope you’re well! I’ve missed being in here so much!😘
Jan 08Reply
scarlettstained @kimmiedee I loved seeing your new babies!!!! That is the most beautiful little girl!!!! Share the new baby when you can & congrats my friend! I’m so happy your sweet family is growing my daughter marrying next week!
Jan 11Reply
scarlettstained @kimmiedee so glad you messaged me with your updates!!! Your family looks so Beautiful and your Smile is so happy that’s exactly what I wanted for you!!! Thank you for including me in your new pics I love them all!!!! And Love you Sister❤️
Jan 27Reply
cristinabeauty3 @kimmiedee Love love love your closet! 😍
Aug 03Reply
shopaholic7064 Hi thank you for your like on my Tiffany&Co eyeglasses if you are interested I accept offer
Mar 04Reply
hrdaughtry HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY❗️I’m so bummed that I missed your 50% off. Love your closet! Your not hiding anymore Louie V’s purses are you? Please give me a heads up if you happen to add more. I can’t pay full price. LOL😊 Hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend!!
May 07Reply
watsonlilmommy @kimmiedee good morning check out my closet see something you like send me an offer all offers accepted
Sep 29Reply
mainstreetstyle Hey there! Just stopping by to say hi! 🌺🌺🌺 What a lovely closet you have!✨ Wishing you good sales! Happy poshing! ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 04Reply
meganlynn70 Soooo sweet!
Nov 11Reply
kaysuniverse @kimmiedee hello dear 🤗 i wanted 2 invite you to visit and follow my closet. i carry popular brands like WHBM, Adidas, Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, and Michael Kors at very affordable prices. imma next day shipper and im always flexible on the price. Plz feel free 2 browse and like, share, or send an offer on anything anytime. 😀
Sep 19Reply
kaysuniverse @kimmiedee hello posh queen 🤗 thanks 4 following my closet. I've just visited your awesome closet as well to share many favs with my audience. when you've got some sum maybe you'll visit and return the posh luv. my closet has quality brands at discount prices. I ship next day and I accept most offers. Feel free 2 browse, like, or share anything anytime. 😀
Oct 24Reply
kamijoy16 Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! 😁 I hope you enjoy your time here, whether it’s selling or shopping! I’m currently having a 2 for $10 sale, if you interested. Feel free to browse around. Best of luck and happy poshing! :)
Mar 31Reply

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Last Active: Mar 20

Decatur, TN
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Last Active: Mar 20

Decatur, TN
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