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Updated Aug 24
Updated Aug 24

Meet your Posher, Leslie

Meet the Posher



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I truly want to thrive at being an outrageous Posher! With your purchase you will receive a excellent item and you will help make an environment impact. Thank you!
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leebe23 Welcome to poshmark👋. My names sure to checkout my boutique for some really cute stuff,and let me know if you have any questions! Have a great day! 💞
Apr 26Reply
threadofhope @leebe23 I'm trying to make my first listing. Where is the listing "start" tab?
Apr 26Reply
leebe23 @leslieostrander the middle button where it says sell
Apr 26Reply
threadofhope @leebe23 thank you! I think I was successful with my first post.
Apr 26Reply
thewildass Welcome to Posh Leslie!!! You have a great start to your closet. I'm Arianna & a Posh Suggested User. I have 2 closets @imthedesertdiva & @thewildass. I am happy to help whenever you have questions arise. Happy Poshing!!! 👜👖👗👙🕶️👠👕👞👔👛👒👢💍💄📿
Apr 26Reply
leebe23 @leslieostrander yes i can see it ☺ i also shared it to my followers .
Apr 26Reply
threadofhope @leebe23 oh thankyou...please give me pointers on my listings...I need to get better pictures (like on a model).
Apr 26Reply
leebe23 @leslieostrander if you click the lsst tab with your username on it .up top you will see a poshmark guide its very helpful
Apr 26Reply
threadofhope @leebe23 thank you! You have been lots of help. Greatly appreciated.
Apr 26Reply
leebe23 @leslieostrander welcome and anytime ! Good luck on your sales 😘
Apr 26Reply
threadofhope @thewildass thank you. I'm new to this and hope that my style is liked by many. Can you let me know how my pricing looks? I have 3 listings currently.
Apr 26Reply
rivalrytrade 😍😍😍😍
May 02Reply
zandiye Welcome aboard 🌼🐞☺ Blessings
May 05Reply
jcrewzie Great closet! 😊💕
May 11Reply
threadofhope @jcrewzie thank you. New. Learning the ropes.
May 11Reply
threadofhope @jcrewzie thank you. I'm trying.
May 11Reply
mferris321 Thanks for following
May 11Reply
kamdynnorris2 Welcome to Poshmark! Nice closet! I am fairly new also. I am also learning how to post and sell. People have been really helpful on the sight. As a new Poshmark seller I would be glad to help you any time! If you have time please check out my closet!! 🌺
May 12Reply
threadofhope @kamdynnorris2 thank you! I am still learning get and greatly appreciate your offer to help. Happy poshing!
May 12Reply
oliaposka Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hop you will like it 😊 just make an offer with price you like! Have a great day ❤️❤️❤️
May 13Reply
vynyssa @recyled_thread 🌺Welcome, feel free to stop by any time if you ever have any questions🐶
May 14Reply
threadofhope @vynyssa thank you. I'm enjoying the journey.
May 14Reply
spreadlove "Rearranging your closet totally counts as spring cleaning" lol Just stopping by to say hello! Have a great day!
May 17Reply
threadofhope @spreadlove thank you for looking. Doing my best to add some fresh items and spread posh live! Cheers.
May 17Reply
glammama Welcome!! Thanks for the invite!! 🌹🌹
May 17Reply
aseretmarie Love your closet! Very cool & fun to look at :)
May 22Reply
threadofhope @aseretmarie this made my day. Thank you.
May 22Reply
aseretmarie @recyled_thread 😁👍💕🍭💕🍭
May 22Reply
dianamo777 Hi, Welcome to Poshmark...We are so glad you joined us.
May 24Reply
threadofhope @kimmando thank you for your kind words. I am doing my best to navigate the Posh world. I'm trying daily to improve the quality of my listings. I really am enjoying it. I welcome any useful advice and will support you in your Posh efforts as well. Have a happy holiday. Cheers!
May 29Reply
lanabellacloset Great Closet! Feel free to visit mine 😊
May 29Reply
bridgemill Welcome Leslie! I love your fun haircut! 😘
Jun 06Reply
ashleyandme01 Hi thank you for sharing items in my closet! ❤️❤️ good luck to both of us in future sales 😊
Jun 13Reply
threadofhope @ashleyandme01 your very welcome. Sharing us caring. Happy day.
Jun 13Reply
laceyjeans Thank you for all of the shares!! Sending you some Posh ❤️ now!
Jun 14Reply
threadofhope @laceyjeans of course!!! I enjoy sharing great items. Cheers💓💓💓
Jun 14Reply
laura_bea1 @threadofhope Welcome to Poshmark the best place to buy and sell! Please check out my closet when you can! Enjoy 😊 and happy poshing!
Jun 15Reply
smurf62sh What a beautiful closet.
Jun 19Reply
threadofhope @smurf62sh thank you. Makes me smile 😁😁😁😁
Jun 19Reply
lt79 💕💕Hi, Leslie! So glad u found me! I love ur closet!! 💕💕
Jun 22Reply
denimdaisy Hi there, thanks for your follow! Hope you love Posh& have lots of fun browsing. I feature brands/products such as VS Pink, Talbot's, unique-print denim, maxi dresses perf for a walk down the beach, accessories like makeup brush sets, manicure kits, cute and trendy cosmetic bags, and so much more. I add things to my closet daily and everything is under $20 AND I love to negotiate on price  (:  I sell to pay off my college debt so it all goes to a good cause, too! Have an aweaome day!
Jul 12Reply
verona2016 Thank you so much for all your likes and sharing my closet!🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
Jul 29Reply
threadofhope @verona2016 your so very welcome!!! Sharing is caring.
Jul 29Reply
mrsareal Checking on the owl necklace that was missing from bundle... please let me know an update
Aug 08Reply
threadofhope @mrsareal shipping in the morning. Headed to post office. I promise!!
Aug 08Reply
cwood008 I love your style, very cool! Your closet is awesome! Hope you love Poshmark as much as I do!! Have a great night! ✨✨✨✨✨☺️☺️
Aug 09Reply
threadofhope @cwood008 thank you for the kind words!!!
Aug 09Reply
eggcream2 Thanks for such a great deal on new bundle! You are awesome and i always check your closet at least few times a your style! Could you do me favor...would perfer shipment before OR after saturday when hubby not home. 😉thanks!
Aug 14Reply
threadofhope @eggcream2 YOU KNOW I WILL! I will if ship tomorrow will that work? It takes 2 days usually.
Aug 15Reply
eggcream2 @threadofhope perfect shipping tomorrow...Thanks a bunch!
Aug 15Reply
brgoldey @threadofhope hello! Checking on my dress 👗 I ordered, I really need and I am worried that u haven't responded to my request to mail the item . I need it next week FOR BY THURSDAY!!!!!
Aug 25Reply
threadofhope @brgoldey HEY..BIGGEST APLOLOGY! I Feel ill for 4 days. I'm boxing everything right now! And shipping today.
Aug 26Reply
mode_mondiale Thanks for sharing pretty lady.
Sep 12Reply
peppervintage17 Love the name of your closet. You’re doing great !! Keep up the great work 🎉🎉💓💓
Oct 22Reply
threadofhope @penelope__piper thank you for the words of encouragement. Still new...but loving it!!!! Happy Poshing
Oct 22Reply
threadofhope @penelope__piper the name if my closet cones from me holding on with a "thread if hope". I think you understand. If we keep hope...thats all we need to make it. Stay strong.
Oct 22Reply
mikmaven You're awesome! I ran a horse rescue when I was younger and loved it! I miss the horses so much - it's an amazing thing you're doing.
Oct 26Reply
threadofhope @craftybeermaven thank you! It is my heart passion and the horses give more than I could ever give to them. I'm glad you had an experience with horses. I wish everyone could know the joy. ❤❤❤
Oct 26Reply
nsbfeller Thanks for the discount offer, the boots r not my size & I'm afraid the beautiful coat is a size small ☹️. I still luv them ❤️.
Oct 29Reply
threadofhope @nsbfeller thanks for looking. I hope you have a great week.
Oct 29Reply
lulabean21 Hi! I hope you love my Lula-filled closet 😀 Please feel free to stop by and let me know if you have any questions 💕
Nov 01Reply
megrowls Hi again! Thanks for finding me! Good luck in your hunt 💕 and sales 🙏🏼!
Nov 02Reply
threadofhope @megrowls YOU TOO! You have GREAT things in your closet. the "hunt" is the best part!!!
Nov 02Reply
tricia77r beautiful horses and mission. how wonderful!!!! nice to meet you on posh. we are in a gb group together. have a great week!
Nov 14Reply
threadofhope @tricia77r thank you. My profits help keep my rescues. I hope one day I can say that posh funds built me an accessible barn! Wouldn't that be awesome. For now as long as I can feed them with my posh money we are doing good. Thanks for looking through my closet. Visit often.
Nov 14Reply
tricia77r @threadofhope totally, that would be amazing. yes, i will bookmark and share. :)
Nov 14Reply
hgmacaskill I know this a busy time of year and can undeestand delayed shopping but I ordered a shirt from you on December 4. Is it going to be shipped or can you not fulfill the order? I'd appreciate it if you let me know either way. I was really hoping it would arrive before the holidays :-/
Dec 17Reply
hgmacaskill Understand delayed shipping*
Dec 17Reply
lollysyrin So, I know the sign says the donkey is not for sale but he’s kinda an ass so how much for the donkey in the window?
Jan 15Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello and thanks for the follow. Love your closet! We are over-stocked, so we're accepting offers at well less than our posted price. If you get a chance, take a look. Happy Poshing!
Feb 15Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Feb 18Reply
threadofhope @singingcicadas horses are my passion! They make me feel understood. I would rather be with my horse than most people. lol. I am sure you can relate to this sentiment
Mar 10Reply
threadofhope @singingcicadas yep you get it!!! I hope you gave MANY days at the barn and in saddle. Blessings to you!
Mar 10Reply
krystalmcc1621 👋Thank you for following me. I just visited your 👚closet 👖to follow you and share some of your 👜 items 👟 with my followers. Have a wonderful day☀️and many 🧾sales 🎉!!
Mar 26Reply
misserin7 Hi! Nice closet! I’m having a Moving Sale. I just added a lot of Urban Outfitters and Madewell items to my closet at amazing prices!! I hope you’ll check it out.
Apr 19Reply
christinekie895 If you’d like all three pieces I can all for $15
Jun 02Reply
smsmythe318 Hello, if you are interested in trying closet assistant or curious if it actually helps with sales here is a 25% off code off your first month, I use closet assistant to share all my closet items daily, I also use to relist items as new listings, closet assistant has other features to help you become a successful seller on Poshmark
Aug 03Reply
elliottc1963 Thanks for visiting my closet, I'm on vacation right now but will be back 9/12
Sep 08Reply
poshyhugs2u Hiya!!! I LOVE your closet name. I must of liked something of yours in a party. please be aware that the 2 arrow like messages on your profile page ( "proceeds going to ...etc) are not being seen fully on the mobile app. maybe center them more? it appears that poshmark doesn't make the interface on the website to change to be user friendly on the app site. This is why the messages are too far to the right. (-on the app).
Oct 12Reply
threadofhope @poshyhugs2u thank you pointing this out! I sent an offer over (deeper discounted than 20%). i would love to ship this beautiful box to you.
Oct 12Reply
poshyhugs2u @threadofhope just the blouse at the end of the month.
Oct 12Reply
poshyhugs2u holi sweetheart, I can't get anything till the end of the month. I'm just going to pray hard the beautiful brooch will still be there. Can you recall where you found her? also, how are your paraplegic clients getting on the horse or how does it help them. Horses are very loving and very inyuitive.
Oct 14Reply
sunshine32991 I appreciate selling for a cause! Maybe replace the horse photo to include the words. (In my app) I can resize photos when uploading ONE photo at a time, especially if it’s the Cover (first) photo. Also a few words directly about your cause would be interesting to me, and can be added by Editing this Meet the Posher listing. I can see the “i” info listing if I look you up separately under People, how to easily see the “i” info we all wrote in About. Maybe on a computer? Sunshine 💜☀️💜
Nov 08Reply
threadofhope @sunshine32991 thank you for your suggestion. I hope you find a goodie or two!
Nov 08Reply
dress4_success Hi, I'm closing my closet on Dec. 25th, my prices are the lowest ever, please take a minute to check if you like some items. Thanks!
Dec 03Reply
aniagftsandmore Thanks for the follow. I shared some of your items. I have women's men's kids in my closet. I am always listing more. always welcome offers. If interested in LIVE shows. I do shows Mondays- women's S-4x lots unlisted nwt, nwot, like new, $15& under. tuesdays- kids share show train& pop-ups too. each purchase gets you an entry into my monthly giveaway. in LIVES you only pay 1 shipping. I pay anything over 5lb you also get rewards- spend $100 with me. get $10 off next purchase! Thanks -Ania-
Dec 12Reply
liledeglace @aniagftsandmore leslie&ania, thx for your shares and I’ll try my best to share your clip art of the 5/20 sale with my followers in case it helps you both get the recognition you deserve for running these sales for what I assume permanently? I’ll share this closet profile and help it helps promote you both💕happy Sunday🌞
Dec 29Reply
lisakay100 Happy Poshing, I’ll Check out your Closet & You can Check out my Closet‼️
Dec 31Reply
threadofhope @lisakay100 Happy New Year. I am offering 20% off my entire closet.
Dec 31Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Jan 06Reply
threadofhope Thank youfor all the likes. I offer 20% on all bundles.
Jan 22Reply
craftygranny Stopped by and shared 😃! Have a great evening 🌙! Hugs 🤗!
Jan 27Reply
smilez22222 Hello and Thank You for Following my Closet! 🦋🙂🦋
Feb 21Reply

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Beverly Hills, CA
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Beverly Hills, CA
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