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Updated Nov 28
Updated Nov 28

Meet your Posher, Melissa

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Melissa. I love unique clothing items, and use the following search terms often: "unique" "asymmetrical" "tunic" "knit" "black". My closet at home and here are full of items that fit those terms. I love shopping and if you follow me, I will share items that I find that I would consider buying, even if they're not my size. After a while you will notice that I have a rock and roll soul, that I hope to share with you. Please be aware that poshing is not a business for me, so I will do my best to respond to your inquiries when I am not at work. Thank you for helping me thin out my home closet and enjoy browsing. No the guitar 🎸 in my posts will not be included in your purchase, nor do I plan to post it.
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tdmbg and 7 others like this
merlekb Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you are going to love it here as much as I do. Here's a few tips as you get started. Share yours and other closets often. It helps to bring attention to your closet. Want to remember a closet? Like (❤)the Meet the Posher page. Interested in an item? Make an offer or (❤) the item and the seller will send you a private offer. Do remember to check out my closet for fantastic savings .Good luck and happy poshing!
Oct 22Reply
fashionmusefind Hi there! I made you an offer on the vintage dress you liked in my closet. 😊 Let me know if you’d like to add anything else from my closet for one price reduced rate shipping. Follow my closet as I post vintage and high quality fashion regularly as I work in wardrobe for 🎥 film and tv :) follow my shop on Instagram @fashionmusefinds
Oct 24Reply
valweena purchased a top from me on Friday. VALWEENA'S CLOSET. I was just preparing it to ship to you this morning and noticed a flaw on it. So, I cannot sell it to you that way. I am not sure if I can cancel the order or if you do it, or Poshmark has to. I will find out. So sorry! But I just cannot sell you something that is not in perfect condition.
Oct 25Reply
valweena Hi again. I was able to cancel the order. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience. Thanks for your interest and patience! Kind regards....Val
Oct 25Reply
m_croz @valweena thank you for your honesty and catching the flaw in advance.
Oct 25Reply
fashionmusefind Thanks for your purchase will mail out tomorrow :)
Oct 25Reply
shayg66 Thank you so much for the nice rating!!
Oct 27Reply
outthedoor4more Hi Melissa - thank you for your purchase - your Black Fall Duster Jacket Hi Low Side Hem Unique will be packed up and sent out to the post office tomorrow morning - Enjoy
Oct 27Reply
m_croz Wonderful. Thank you for the quick reply and update!
Oct 27Reply
m_croz thanks for the offer, I am going to pass on the navy sweater, it's not one of my colors
Nov 02Reply
outthedoor4more Hi there - Just wanted to send out a note: Today and Tomorrow Bundle 2 for 30% and Free Shipping - Remebrance Day Sale
Nov 10Reply
modaboutique170 Hi Melissa,thank you so much for stopping by and checking out my closet. Sent you an offer on the lovely vintage coat. Feel free to contact me with any questions,accepting reasonable counter offer 🙂
Nov 15Reply
outthedoor4more Hi there - thank you for your purchase - the vest and sweater will be sent out to the post office tomorrow - Enjoy 💜
Nov 19Reply
m_croz @stylistfavfinds no worries, I'm debating the red brako shoes you have, but I think they may be a half size too big. I need to dig out another pair of brakos that I have and double check
Nov 19Reply
cookie23nb Hello Melissa - thank you for you purchase of of the red and black velvet top. I will send it out tomorrow morning. If you like the other top too ,let me know . If you purchase both you get %15 off . Just a FYI.
Nov 21Reply
reworn Hey there! Your boots were scheduled to arrive on November 19th so I am not sure what the hold up is. Hopefully they won’t take too much longer 🧡
Nov 23Reply
m_croz @reworn no worries, I'll watch for them. our mail is usually a day or few slower than things going directly to edmonton
Nov 23Reply
reworn Hi there! Thank you for the five star rating and the kind comments. It really means a lot to us 🧡
Nov 24Reply
cookie23nb Thank you do much Melissa for the 5 star rating . I hope you will enjoy the top.
Nov 25Reply
cookie23nb Also saw your note- thanks again.
Nov 25Reply
linmar56 Good morning Melissa! Thank you kindly for your purchase of the Volks Walkers from my closet. I will ship out today and hope the delivery is speedy. Have a great day!
Dec 04Reply
m_croz @linmar56 please take your time, there is no rush, these will be for the summer. they are my third pair of this design in a new color
Dec 04Reply
modaboutique170 Hi Melissa, thank you so much for stopping by and liking the winter coat from my closet. Sent you an offer,feel free to contact me with any questions, accepting reasonable counter offer.
Dec 24Reply
shopsharonfirst Hi Melissa! Thanks for checking out my closet! I placed that great item you Liked in a bundle and made you an offer including reduced shipping. Check out your bundles and have a look!
Feb 13Reply
poshchiccloset Hope you are enjoying your cozy dress. Many Thanks, Melissa for the ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ and wonderful comments. I appreciate you. Take good care!
Mar 04Reply
mgusba hi Melissa...the black cardi you can have for$10 but full shipping (sorry) =$23.50 or find something else for you or family/friend and bundle total is $27.99..fees really sting on these lower priced single items It's very nice, never worn. message with any questions
Mar 24Reply
mgusba have the same mindset as me about your closet items...I wanted to put a little note in my closet but still trying to word it did a good job with it !
Mar 24Reply
thriftycanadian Hi Melissa you were 100% right. The hem was cut! I’m going to remove the listing immediately. I thought on first glance it was part of the design as I bought it from a consignment store. I’m so glad you noticed. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. Have a great weekend.
Apr 01Reply
hagandthehare Hello 🖤 I love your shop! The set up for your photos is so cool. Thought id share haha.
Apr 09Reply
m_croz @hagandthehare thanks, I went through your shop earlier today, I love the u ique items you offer.
Apr 09Reply
hagandthehare @m_croz aww thank you so much! 🥰
Apr 09Reply
bellachic2 Hi Beautiful! Check out my closet to browse & bundle for a great deal 💕Feel free to ask any questions 💕
May 07Reply
latte_luv Hi Melissa! Thanks so much for purchasing the Columbia capris! I’ll get these sent off first thing tomorrow ! ☺️
Jun 23Reply
riton_09 Hi Melissa Thanks for your like on my items. Sorry for my late bundle offer, I did not see the notification… we had a major problem with our internet ( I am with Rogers). Have a wonderful days ☀️
Jul 12Reply
bellachic2 Hi Beautiful! Check out my 5 ⭐️ star rated closet :) All reasonable offers welcomed! Let me know if you have any questions 💕
Oct 12Reply
misskittykerr Hi, I saw you send me an offer for my Birks. I appreciate your offer. I bought from another posher, and paid 100. I wore once. Perfect condition. I would need $90 for them. Thanks so much for your offer. 🌸
Feb 19Reply
m_croz @misskittykerr would you consider a 10 reduction on the birkenstocks for the closet clearout and let posh provide the shipping discount?
Feb 19Reply
misskittykerr @m_croz 10% and cco, sure! give me a few mins and I'll send offer
Feb 19Reply
m_croz @misskittykerr great, watching for the post
Feb 19Reply
misskittykerr @m_croz okay sending now many ppl like these, so do it quick.. you ready?
Feb 19Reply
misskittykerr @m_croz okay so I put for 100 when u like I drop to 90 and you get ship disc. ok now I'm sending
Feb 19Reply
misskittykerr @m_croz okay buy now and see if disc there before you okay it
Feb 19Reply
m_croz @misskittykerr oh no, I see the reduced price, but no shipping discount... I bet they needed it dropped to 89. did you use the price calculator?
Feb 19Reply
misskittykerr @m_croz I'll do a higher price. then it will work
Feb 19Reply
misskittykerr I made new listing, please like that one and I it will work. Sorry for headache.
Feb 19Reply
misskittykerr new one for 125, ill drop to 90
Feb 19Reply
m_croz @misskittykerr you may need to decline my other offer so that you can delete the original ad. thank you again
Feb 19Reply
misskittykerr @m_croz Thank you!! I will do that. ❤️
Feb 19Reply
irishleprechaun Hello Melissa My Names Jason I have a COLLECTOR STORE HIGH END COLLECTIBLES For The Lowest Prices Online 💜MEGA SALE 💜 ❤️EVERYTHING IS ON SALE❤️ Autographs & Vintage Toys Sport Horror Memorabilia + More!! Please Check Out My Store Thanks Jason ❤️✌️👍
Feb 28Reply
thelittleshopin Hello fellow Posher!🌹 I’m stopping in to let you know that I offer 10% - 85% off bundles (according to bundle size and items). Enjoy your sustainable mindful shopping and thank you for being an eco-friendly consumer. In st agram & Face b ook: @TheLittleShopinKingston ♥️
Sep 16Reply
sandradenkt Hello! Bundle up and save big time!😊 Open for an offer and happy poshing!🤩
Dec 06Reply
michelleshoppin I just love your description! You made me smile! Have a great rock and roll day! 🎸
Dec 27Reply
marcelahasani Congratulations on your prize!
Mar 13Reply
bellachic2 @m_croz hi there! I can do $18 with discounted shipping for today on the Blue notes kimono you liked if interested:) let me know
Aug 09Reply
sandylucy20 Hi Melissa, I want to invite you to check out my closet. Christmas is right around the corner and I have many new with tags items that would be perfect gift items. I am always open to offers. I hope that we can workout a deal. Happy poshing!
Nov 22Reply
kingmcdavid97 Hi Melissa My Names Jason I’m having a Collector Sale 🍀MARCH MADNESS🍀 🍀CLEARANCE SALE 🍀 COLLECTOR STORE 🤩NEW SALE PRICES 🤩STARTING AT $2 🤩MINIMUM $20 🎁GREAT COLLECTIBLES 🎁GREAT PRICES 🎁GREAT GIFTS FREE WAYNE GRETZKY #99 1992/93 Sealed Upperdeck Hockey Card Pack With Purchase $20 Total or More Please Come Check Out My Closet And Sale Thanks 🙏 JAY C 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🥳
Mar 18Reply

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