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Updated Oct 08
Updated Oct 08

Meet your Posher, Mona

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Hi! I'm Mona. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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cherylo_1962 Hi Mona. I posted a further dress pic as well as sent you an offer Adjusted shipping and a few bucks on price Hope that works for you. Take care and stay healthy 😀. It will get to you super quick I’m Yyc also.
Apr 09Reply
cherylo_1962 Hi ya. Are you ok with info I sent it so you need further or more pics I can assure you it’s brand spanking new and unworn 😀. Let me know if you need anything
Apr 09Reply
cherylo_1962 Hi ya Mona. I just saw You liked the leggings style denim also I sent u an offer for the dress. If you wanted to decline that one and send me an offer of 65 on the dress and 8 on the leggings. You will also get another 10% discount )on 2 items) and I’ll reduce The shipping also. Hope this works If you don’t fancy just decline the offer and I’ll resend a bundle Offer. Whichever is easier 😀
Apr 09Reply
monafrederiksen @cherylo_1962 thanks Cheryl is the dress polyester? I'm afraid I'm not great at using this site so just be Subaru time to figure out how to decline an re offer etc.
Apr 11Reply
cherylo_1962 Hi Mona. It looks predominantly polyester. It’s a gorgeous dress Let me know what you would like me to do. In order For me to include the jeans also to ensure your further discount you have to decline the bundle offer I sent you and it’s a far Better deal shipping also
Apr 11Reply
cherylo_1962 Decline is easy Go Bottom far right (y can see your name there. Click on bundles you want purchase Bundle. Hope that helps.
Apr 11Reply
monafrederiksen @cherylo_1962 while I'm figuring it out before I purchase the bundle I want to make sure the jeggng's would fit, my waist is about 34
Apr 11Reply
cherylo_1962 I shall check the leggings waist now.
Apr 11Reply
cherylo_1962 Hi Mona. The waist comes in at 16 front and back but remember it’s Nygard stretch. The leg is 34”.
Apr 11Reply
cherylo_1962 Just posted another pic. The elasticated waist.
Apr 11Reply
cherylo_1962 Hi Mona. I noticed offer declined. Is there a price You had in mind. I was going to include a gift as well as The jeans if you wanted Them 👍
Apr 11Reply
cherylo_1962 Hi. It’s all wrapped and ready to go. Excuse the packaging. Gotta squash right now as post office aernt delivering if it can’t fit in the A or B box I’ll try get p o today.
Apr 11Reply
diligentdiva74 Hello & Welcome to Poshmark 🇨🇦. Feel free to shop my closet for fabulous items 💖. I’m a Posh Ambassador so if you have any questions ask away😊. FYI Tips: 🇨🇦 Bundle to save on shipping & some sellers offer additional discount if you buy more than 1 item from their closet 🇨🇦 You can negotiate the purchase price 🇨🇦 When taking pics of your item have a solid color background & good lighting Happy Shopping & Selling🛍.
Apr 14Reply
stobbsy Welcome to the Poshmark community ☺️
Apr 20Reply
bikkarbai20 Hi, hope everything is going all right. Please feel free to check out my closet and ❤️ anything that catches your eye, and make me any offers as I accept all offers! Happy poshing!
Apr 24Reply
ajooj Let’s make a deal time👍 select any 4 items $25 or less and pay $25 for all😀 sale ends Saturday May 21st
May 20Reply
ajooj Let’s make a deal time👍 select any 4 items $25 or less and pay $25 for all😀 sale ends Saturday May 21st
May 21Reply
theposhcollab Hi there! Thank you for liking the beautiful DVF dress posted on my page! Let me know if you’re interested in making a purchase and I’ll ship it to you ASAP!
May 29Reply
gabiglitzzandgl Thank you for your purchase, I'm glad you liked them. ❤
Jun 05Reply
pretty_and_cute Hi! Hope you can come check out my closet when you have sometime! If you find anything you like, we can make a great bundle deal! Feel free to let me know if you have any questions! 🥰🥰🥰
May 17Reply
hellokittywong @monafrederiksen , I just saw you bidding and I just witnessed some serious favoritism.
Jun 03Reply
marisaseabrook Hey!! Hope you’re loving your Poshmark experience 😍 I’d love it if you’d have time to checkout my closet! I’m always open to offers with reason and I ship everyday or next business day! ❤️
Jun 03Reply
monafrederiksen @hellokittywong oh really, I think it's all fair. but what did you see?
Jun 03Reply
monafrederiksen @hellokittywong actually seller has offered me the twin of the same that was auctioned for the start bid price, so all good. thanks for checking on me thou, so sweet.
Jun 03Reply
hellokittywong @monafrederiksen Hi, I was just sooo surprised with the way Jessi was screaming out the name of Belindacobra. I was like, omg, that says alot. That is just my opinion.
Jun 03Reply
monafrederiksen @hellokittywong good point, not good to favor one posher over another. I don't love it when sellers go wild during bids.
Jun 03Reply
monafrederiksen @hellokittywong now she is not honoring the offer, she said she made a typo, she meant 210, not 120. thanks again for pointing that out. That will be the last purchase I make from her. I can't see how it is against poshmark codes, but just poor practice.
Jun 04Reply
hellokittywong @monafrederiksen Hi mna, I am not surprised. She really does demonstrate her fovorites openly. I have not been shopping for too long on Poshmark lives. I would say less than 2 months on,ives and I really do study the human behavior of many people on it. There is 1 very partliculer person Belinda Cobra who always does this bidding war with anyone who wants a particular item. I have been studdying her alot and she will do it to manyyy manyyy people no matter the item. I am studying so much on line
Jun 04Reply
sassystylestxsh 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋Welcome to Poshmark 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 have fun shopping and selling 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 I wish you luck 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋
Jun 06Reply
jessi_nc @hellokittywong hey guys! thank you for being concerned but with that being said, Belinda had been waiting for that bag for two weeks. she had messaged me about how much it ment to her and the final price shows that! thanks for your input!!
Jun 07Reply
a_duczminski hi just checked your closet don't see the jeans
Jun 07Reply
monafrederiksen @a_duczminski
Jun 07Reply
vintageorthrift Is this a picture of you Mona?? You’re beautiful 😻 I’d love to put a face to to your name
Jun 08Reply
monafrederiksen @vintageorthrift awe thank you, yes me but I was 45. now 58, a bit thinner then. definitely way more muscles and curves now though.
Jun 08Reply
vintageorthrift @monafrederiksen Pretty lady! Livia thought it was a picture of a famous person that you just put as your picture 😂 I’m completely stranded in my town so I’m not sure how packages are getting shipped. Forest fire shut down our only highway
Jun 08Reply
monafrederiksen @vintageorthrift Lol, Susan Sarandon perhaps! those pictures were professionally done, I got them for myself for my birthday, but also for my Salsa business. Sorry to hear the fires are that close, that is a terrible feeling to be locked in that way. 😢
Jun 08Reply
marisaseabrook Hello! I’m Marisa & today is my 25TH BIRTHDAY!!So, I’m having a FLASH SALE! I will accept any offers until June 11th @10pm EST guaranteed! Start a bundle & send your best offer!
Jun 12Reply
irishleprechaun Hi Mona Please Follow and Share I’ll do the Same 🧡Promoting MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS 🎾HIGH END 🎾COLLECTOR STORED Autographs - Toys - Cards Vintage - Horror - Marvel Hot Wheels - Wrestling Hockey- Basketball- UFC Plus More !! 🏀⚽️SUMMER BLOWOUT SALE ⚽️🏀 Make A Bundle Please and I’ll Adjust Total ❤️SUPER MEGA DEALS ❤️$6 BLOWOUT SALE 💜Or 8/$20 & 5/$20 🩷MEGA DEAL #2 🩷Bundle 3 or More Items 🩷Save 30% OFF 🩷Plus $9.99 Shipping 🩷FREE SHIPPING OVER $100 Please Check Out My Store Thanks Jason 🧡❤️
Jul 20Reply
mbgempesaw Hi Mona. I have already received the clothes from Iryna. as always, they're gorgeous. Too bad the farm rio is way too small. i didn't know that it was XXS. im usually a small or XS. how was the fit in you? I was just wondering if it fits you? By the way, the vest is a bit big on me. Would you be interested? Please let me know.
Jul 25Reply
monafrederiksen @mbgempesaw hi trying to remember, and I tried to find the listing. I just know what she called it in my bundle. I think mine is a small. I will let you know. I will get the bundle tomorrow. As for the vest, thank you for remembering. I will write in your closet. I will make a bundle just so you could send me a photo of the Farm Rio, then I can know which one.
Jul 25Reply
sakura4evr Hi there! Would love if you also check out my closet for lots of goodies! Bags, dresses, etc!! Happy poshing 💕
Dec 02Reply
bewtefulthreads Hi! I sent a bundle price for you!
Jun 13Reply

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Last Active: 15 hours ago

Calgary, AB
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Last Active: 15 hours ago

Calgary, AB
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