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Updated Sep 28
Updated Sep 28

Meet your Posher, RT

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm RT. Some of my favorite brands are kate spade, Diane Von Furstenberg, and KORS Michael Kors. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 4+ Bundle

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makela702 Hi! Welcome to Poshmark. I am a Posh Ambassador so if you ever have any questions feel free to reach out. Best of luck with your closet!
Sep 28Reply
nina33131 WELCOME & HAPPY POSHING!!! 😍
Sep 28Reply
pralinequeen 🌹❤️
Oct 27Reply
myjoyfamily WELCOME to Poshmark! As a Posh Ambassador, we are available to assist in navigation of this site whether buying or selling! May our Posh closet bring some inspiration and joy along your journey!
Nov 09Reply
vikingbreed Hi there! Welcome to Poshmark. My name is Misha and I’m a Poshmark Ambassador. I just wanted to stop by and give you a few tips to help you be successful in the Poshmark world. Be sure to follow all poshers who have 10,000 or more followers and then follow their followers. You will be surprised at how quickly you will gain an audience. Most of all have fun and I would love for you to check our my closet!
Nov 10Reply
peaceofme Hi welcome to Poshmark! I am a Poshmark ambassador and happy to answer any questions you have ☮️
Nov 10Reply
serena_sofea Hi RT welcome to Poshmark ❣️
Nov 11Reply
gellybeanmomma1 @mishatanner Thanks for the great advice!
Nov 11Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Hi. Welcome to Poshmark.  I'm Cora and I'm a 5 star Poshmark Ambassador and Mentor. I'm here to offer you any assistance or answer any questions you may have.  Poshmark is the place to Buy and Sell merchandise securely and with confidence.  If you have a chance take a peek at my closet.  I love offering Bargains.  Wishing you Abundant Success on your Poshmark journey.  Enjoy your experience.  Remember you can Posh in Pjs. 🌻🌻🌻
Nov 11Reply
makeyoulaugh67 I'm also having a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale.  New Inventory has arrived and I need the room. Hope to see you there soon.  Happy Poshing and Stay Warm . Hope you have a Most Awesome Day 😁😁😁
Nov 11Reply
desertmagic Thank you for the follow! Feel free to ask me any questions that might come up. Have a great day!
Nov 11Reply
rissylayne Welcome to Poshmark! Some of your favorite brands are available in my closet if you’re interested. Thanks, good luck poshing! ☺️
Nov 11Reply
sigi_bebe Good morning … Welcome to Poshmark and thanks for following the Sigi Bebe' Closet! ️❤️ We upload some interesting new and barely used items daily (vintage, retro, minimalist, fly) so if you don't see anything that makes you want to click "BUY NOW" PLEASE check back!
Nov 12Reply
california_gal Hello, I’m a Posh Ambassador and …WELCOME 🤗 Wishing you lots of sales 💵 One of the key elements that has worked for me is SHARING others closets and your own as often as possible💰😉 Also, just wanted to pass along some information that was given to me. This was very helpful when I started with Posh it’s regarding making an offer, please understand that the seller still has to pay Posh 20% for items over $15.00 or $2.95 if under $15.00. Please consider that with offers Thank You☺️ and WELCOME💝 👙🌊
Nov 13Reply
dodger13 Hi my name is Gina. 😊 Welcome to Poshmark. Whether you are buying or selling have fun.🤗If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.🌻When you get a chance stop by 👣 my closet and have a look around.👀
Nov 13Reply
dodger13 @gellybeanmomma1 i thought you were new to posh.
Nov 13Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi RT! Thanks for following us!👍 We are Jimbo and G!🤠🙋 We hope you have many sales and find tons of bargains!📈 Happy Posh'ing!🌹 Have a blessed day & peace be with you! 🙏☮️❤️
Nov 13Reply
jocole96 welcome happy poshing, 😀
Nov 13Reply
sacposh Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to take a peek at my closet🚪. Best of luck Poshing🛍
Nov 13Reply
aliciainbagland Hi Sweetie!🙋🏻‍♀️ I’m Alicia Welcome to Poshmark!💐💐💐The best way to Buy & Sell Fashion! Thank you for visiting my closet!👜👜👜 Please feel free to Buy, Make Offers (use button) or Put ❤️ on all your Likes and will send you my Lowest Offer! I have a 20% OFF Bundle Discount!🤑🤑🤑BTW... I’m a Posh Ambassador, so feel free to ask me any questions!💕
Nov 13Reply
psychfan27 Hey! Welcome to poshmark!! I hope you enjoy it as much as we all do. If you have any questions or need any help, please feel free to let me know. Everyone here is so nice and helpful. Have a wonderful time and happy poshing! 😊😊
Nov 14Reply
labohodecor Welcome to Poshmark🌺 Feel free to check out my closet (adding new items frequently) and don’t be afraid to shoot me an offer on anything 🧜🏼‍♀️Happy Poshing 🦄🎁🙏🏻
Nov 14Reply
iranybrito Hi welcome to my Poshmark closet I wish you much success
Nov 14Reply
marsala Hi, and welcome to Posh! Do take a peak in my closet for some great deals! Always happy to make a deal! 💕💕💕💕💕
Nov 15Reply
poshgarden Nice to meet you 💞🛍
Nov 18Reply
shopper411411 Welcome to Poshmark! I sell both Men and Women's clothing. Feel free to visit my closet. Feel free to ask any questions. Happy Poshing!
Nov 25Reply
debsdesigndealz Welcome to Poshmark ! Happy to have you here ! 💖 Blessings to you and yours this Thanksgiving and Christmas ! 🦃🦃🦃🎄🎄🎄🎁🎁🎁🍗🍗🍗🍭🍭🍭💕💕💕💖💖💖😚😙
Nov 25Reply
Nov 26Reply
nicholepruitt73 please accept this $5 credit to shop my closet today🙈🙉🙊 If u find any 2 items you just HAVE TO HAVE I will give you 15% off your entire order. If u bundle any 2 to 3 items I will give u a free canvas tote bag and jewelry grab bag valued at $10, just for shopping my closet. So take a look around and claim your 2 free gifts.
Nov 26Reply
dusty692 Welcome to this great group of people where sharing is always appreciated! I am a Posh ambassador, so if you have any questions, please let me know. Happy buying/selling to you my friend 🤑
Nov 27Reply
butterflygigi18 Hello and welcome to Poshmark 🥰. I carry a wide variety of sizes and new and gently worn clothes in my closet. Whether you are selling or shopping feel free to message me with any questions about Poshmark. I’m happy to help and always accepting offers. Happy Poshing. 😃💕
Nov 27Reply
rezzydavis Enjoy the shopping! ❤️😍❤️
Nov 27Reply
hollywouldwear 😁😍Hello ♡ Nice to meet ♡you! Welcome ! I am Holly, your posh ambassador!Please come check out my closet, great deals, "RARE treasures,treat yourself! If you love anything ,*MAKE me an OFFER!!* !BUNDLE 3 ITEMS & SAVE 10% & also,pay only 1 shipping price ! I can answer all your Posh ?'s to help you get started on your closet too!♡ ♡Thank you,Holly, of Hollywouldwear♡
Nov 28Reply
lisa_toronto Hi there! Thank you for the follow! 🛍🎉✨😊
Dec 17Reply
ngawunwong love the pop of colors in your closet 💖😊🌈
Dec 24Reply
accentricity thanks for following me! I love your closet, and your Frida Kahlo picture - Elaina
Jan 20Reply
lanadoherty Welcome
Jan 23Reply
buyitallgirl Thanks for all the sharing of my closet!!
Feb 06Reply
lealongo Thank you for sharing my hats 🎩
Feb 07Reply
lealongo @gellybeanmomma1 omg thank you so much I absolutely loved that dress 💗💋💗💋💗
Feb 07Reply
gellybeanmomma1 @lealongo It is a beauty, I only wish it fit me🥰. Already packaged and will go out tomorrow.
Feb 07Reply
lealongo @gellybeanmomma1 Thank you again💗💗💗
Feb 07Reply
lynnr1960 Hi , welcome to Poshmark. My name is Donna , I am a Poshmark Ambassador. Take a moment to check out my closet . I am always open to reasonable offers. Happy Poshing 🛍
Jul 08Reply
curationstn Hi! I love your closet so much! Those shoes I love, the Zara ones, are going to be too narrow for me. This will make me crazy — your shoes are my exact taste but I think most wont fit! Where is the justice, I ask you? 🙂 However I will be haunting your closet going forward, so maybe one day...!
Aug 05Reply
gellybeanmomma1 @ericknights that’s how Poshmark works. People follow other people and get exposure to potential buyers. You will get lots more.
Feb 01Reply
gellybeanmomma1 @ericknights No worries. You just accumulate followers, everyone does. You might want to read the FAQ section, it’s quiet helpful when you get started until you get the hang of it. Happy shopping!
Feb 01Reply
megan23megan Hey Girl!! Hope you’re having an amazing day!! Feel free to check out my closet! Thanks so much🤍🤍
Mar 02Reply
bettykrueger Hey, thanks for the follow! I'll be posting some MK wedges soon in case you're interested!
Mar 04Reply
cjcloset_ Thank you stopping by my closet ❤️ I am having a closet Sale 3 items for $15 plus discounted shipping Any item in my closet marked $10 or less qualifies for Sale. Simply add your likes to bundle and I will send you $15 offer or feel free to send my offer Thank you and Happy Poshing 👠👗
Mar 14Reply
jkez36m Hi RT my name is Angela Welcome to Poshmark
Jun 19Reply
lillieettas I am going to be adding some vintage clothes to my closet hopefully today..Please check out my closet...Thank you
Jul 01Reply
jaieshouse1 oh my gosh I love your photo. it is so classic and exquisite
Jul 01Reply
poshpit Hi! Thanks for following my closet! I am having a 5 for $20 sale. Please check it out!
Jul 16Reply
brokeanfabulous Hi .. thank you for following me .. if there is anything you need help finding please feel free the text .. my name is Samantha I go by sam
Aug 02Reply
saunacain Hi, Welcome to POSHMARK!!
Sep 11Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle or send an offer I’ll accept anything and Happy New Year🎉🎊
Jan 04Reply
enlovegy Just stopping by to say 🙋‍♀️ and have a great poshmark day 😇💃
Jan 06Reply
egieshops4 Welcome to Poshmark. I noticed you are new to Poshmark so I wanted to welcome you.I know you will love it whether to find clothes to fill your closet or cleaning out your closet to sell those items to make some extra cash.Remember to follow Poshers of your choice and I hope I will be one of your favorites.If you find several items it’s always best to bundle to save on shipping costs. Don’t forget share your items from your closet several times a day and share other poshers’ items. Happy Poshing
Jan 11Reply
munandme 🌺🙋‍♀️ Hi! Welcome to Poshmark🌺 this is a great place to sell, once you start listing your items for sale, my #1 tip is to share your closet 2/3 times a day, follow other sellers and join community events! feel free to ask me for help and tips if you have any questions. On my Instagram I share tips on selling on Poshmark and on other platforms feel free to check it out and give me a follow . Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺 Mayte
Jan 17Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jan 23Reply
uneekfinds Rt, Thanks for the follow, and welcome to UNEEKFINDS. I try to keep something for everyone. Always open to reasonable offers. 💵💵 I ship as quickly as I can.🚚🚚 Feel free to browse and like because I send early notices to my shoppers when I run specials. Let me know if you have any questions. Happy Poshing!🛒🛍🛒🛍😃
Jan 24Reply
hellonew2you Your photo is a work of art. Beautiful! Have a great day!
Feb 07Reply
gellybeanmomma1 @hellonew2you Thanks! You as well.
Feb 08Reply
mzpitty1 BUNDLE 2 OR MORE ITEMS 👠👜🥻👗👒FROM MY CLOSET AND RECEIVE A SPECIAL DISCOUNT 💰. PLUS YOU GET TO CHOOSE 👀 A FREE GIFT 🎁👍 FROM LISTINGS IN MY CLOSET MARKED "FREE GIFT WITH PURCHASE" 💋💋😁 I will make you an EXCELLENT DEAL if you make a Bundle!! if you have any Special Requests LET ME KNOW.. Color, style, garment, accessories, sizes....I have a ton of things I haven't listed yet.
Feb 19Reply
luco79 Good Evening R T, I totally spaced and I was hot for those orange spiky heels and I cannot believe! that no one has scooped them up on me!! They are gorgeous and mine lol.
Jan 20Reply
luco79 Hey R T, I just noticed a GUESS top that is THE COOLEST SHIRT ever! It's a shirt that you sold with the name Lucy on it, and a 50's pin-up wearing a sexy devil's costume. I've never seen one like it before and it's so significant because my name is Lucy. I would love to buy one just like it and if you might know of one or person who might want to sell theirs, a finders fee on top of the price of the shirt goes without saying.
Jan 20Reply

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