Meet your Posher, Sabine
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Hi, I’m Sabine! Thanks for stopping by. My favorite brands are Michael Kors, Coach, Kate Spade, Brighton, Peanuts and Birkenstock. Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too!

70 others
like this

Thanks for checking out my closet
Jul 19Reply

@sandydallison Love your closet!
Jul 19Reply

@germanbine thanks!
Jul 19Reply

@shashidb thank you! Yours is fantastic as well! Love all your art!
Jul 20Reply

Thank you for all the shares! 💕
Aug 09Reply

Aug 09Reply

@gkscloset you are welcome! Same to you!
Aug 09Reply

Hi, I'm Cora just wanted to say Hi and let you know how much I enjoyed sharing your closet. Have a most awesome day 🌻 Blessings to you and yours 👃♥️👃♥️
Aug 16Reply

@makeyoulaugh67 hi Cora, thanks for all the shares! I enjoy your closet as well. Glad you’re okay after what you’ve been through!!! Stay safe!
Aug 26Reply

Hello, as you’ve noticed I have lots of toys, plushes, dolls, etc. I’m also listing women’s, men’s and kids clothes. I have so much to list and not enough hours in the day. Keep checking back to see my new listings. I don’t make offers other than my bundle discount. I keep prices as low as I can. Buyers are welcomed to make offers. I’ve been in business since 1984, online since 2000. Now only online, semi-retired.
Aug 29Reply

please accept this $3 credit to shop my closet today. If you decide to buy two items from my closet you will get 15% off your entire order. So go ahead and shop til you drop but most of all have fun.
Aug 29Reply

Hi Posher. For discounts and special offers, like the item listing. I will send you an exclusive offer only available by liking the listing. YOU LIKE
Sep 11Reply

Hi! Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
Sep 12Reply

@lillievonstoop1 thanks and thank you so much for all the shares, much appreciated! Wishing you many sales! 🎉
Sep 12Reply

@germanbine Wishing you the best in sales too ❤! 👍🏻🍀
Sep 12Reply

I love your closet! Wish I could buy everything!
Sep 18Reply

@seadragonfly thank you so much! Being on Poshmark is a lot of fun, many great people! I LOVE all your jewelry! 💕
Sep 18Reply

@germanbine Thanks! I’m having so much fun on Poshmark. I’ll keep checking back on your closet! Have a great day and a safe weekend.
Sep 18Reply

Hi I’m stacey I wanted to let you know I have a 10% off discount on 2or more items on my store so check back often and Happy Poshing 😃🎉🛍👍🏻🌻😊
Sep 20Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
Sep 26Reply

@germanbine Thanks for sharing my closet 😊 Happy Prosperous Poshing 🥂 and Stay Safe 😷
Oct 08Reply

@eserenabeana thank you and stay safe as well! 😷
I’ve only been a short time on poshmark but it’s quite addictive! Happy poshing! 🥳🥂🎉
Oct 08Reply

Hi Sabine and THANKS ALOT for following us. Buffer Bee and I will do the same for you. Buffer Bee is a good ole boy and quite vocal too. Buffer is right there with me when posting more listings. MUCH Poshing successfulness to YOU too!
Oct 10Reply

@germanbine can you please cancel my niece got hold of my phone and purchased this i didnt.
Nov 15Reply

@germanbine omg im soo sorry
Nov 15Reply

@ginnybean22 oh no! I think you have to cancel it, I don’t think I can?
Nov 16Reply

@germanbine no its the other way around just go into sales and click on it and click on problems inquiries it will guide you thu
Nov 16Reply

@ginnybean22 I’m also in Arizona right now and my husband is taking care of all the orders....he might have already shipped it 😳
Nov 16Reply

@germanbine buyers only have 3 hours to cancel on accidental purchases after that the seller has the option, again im so sorry
Nov 16Reply

@ginnybean22 oh no, I just called my husband and he already shipped it 😕. He prides himself in fast shipping because people usually appreciate it. In your case it’s unfortunate. Sorry I can’t help you 😕
Nov 16Reply

@germanbine i will have to return it im so sorry
Nov 16Reply

@germanbine So sorry to trouble you w this. She went crazy and ordered a bunch lucky i was able to cancel the rest. lol I've since put a lock on my phone. Have a nice evening.
Nov 16Reply

@ginnybean22 I’m so sorry but considering that my husband took time to pack it, drive to the library to print out the label and then take it to the post office to mail it I don’t think I can accept a return. Sales are final after they are shipped. I hope you understand! Maybe give the beanie to your niece for Christmas?
Nov 16Reply

@germanbine Wow, what a guy, a keeper for sure. That does seem like a lot of trouble. I print my labels at home & arrange pick ups online. I feel yah, not sure about rewarding bad behavior but, as long as its nice which I'm sure it probably will be from your lovely closet. I can find a home for the little critter.
Sorry to trouble you. PFF's
Hold on to that man, he really does sound like a keeper, 🌝Ginnybean
Nov 16Reply

@ginnybean22 definitely a keeper, been married for 23 years 😊. We don’t own a printer...that would make things much easier!
The Beanie is beautiful, all the peace bears have such unique coloring!
I’m so glad you understand, take care and happy poshing! 💕🥳 🎉
Nov 16Reply

@germanbine It really does make life easier for me & post office picks up packages, sends free boxes, shipping labels, packing slips holders by the cases all free. If you sell a lot I would recommend it. It would pay for itself in gas alone in no time. Take care🌝☮💜🌈🌞
Nov 16Reply

Thanks so much for all the kind shares! It is very much appreciated. Have a great post-Thanksgiving night and happy sales! :) L
Nov 28Reply

@lourabee thank you so much and same to you! :)
Nov 28Reply

Jan 11Reply

Thank you for your shares:) I really appreciate it:)
Jan 21Reply

@alijohnson95 you’re welcome and thank you too for all of your shares! Happy poshing! 😊
Jan 21Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
Jan 26Reply

Hello there Sabine and thank you very much for your sharings from our closet. Buffer Bee and I will do the same for you. MUCH Poshing successfulness to YOU too!
Feb 03Reply

Hello, I’m having a BOGO sale. Get a free item with every item you buy.
My BOGO sale is in my other closet too. Richmondsrelics. I sell clothes, crafting supplies, home goods, jewelry, bags and more.
Apr 02Reply

P♥️sh L♥️ve
🌹🌹 🌹🌹
🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹
Congrats on your “Love It or List It!
Enjoy your guilt free shopping.
Jul 11Reply

@sandycupcake thank you so much! I’ll check out your closet later! Happy poshing!
Jul 11Reply

Hello!! Congrats on your win!! That’s so awesome and I have won in the past, it was a great day! Be sure to spoil yourself! ! If you aren’t familiar with what’s going on please check your emails and look at messages frm Posh! In the meantime, I’m running a HUGE special for all winners!
HALF OFF my entire closet for the lucky winners. Just be sure to make a bundle and use code word “Winner”
Jul 12Reply

@amber2286 thank you, I’m super excited! 😃
Will definitely check out your closet! Happy poshing! 😊
Jul 12Reply

I really appreciate your following! I’m following you too😊. I love your closet, it’s right up my alley with your snoopy mugs. I am the biggest snoopy lover!!! I’ll definitely be back once I get settled budget wise and selling on poshmark.
Have a great day!
Aug 11Reply

@christyldh1 thank you so much! Your closet is amazing, such cute clothes! I’ll make sure to share your closet.
Happy poshing and have a great day!
Aug 11Reply

Thank you. Grandkids are just overloaded with clothes lol! Sasha is an amazing dog!
Aug 11Reply

I cannot believe you literally shared all my items. You are so sweet. How do you do that if the closet has many listings?
Aug 11Reply

@christyldh1 you have to click on every single one and share one at a time. Hopefully it’ll help you to get some sales 😊🥳
Aug 11Reply

Hi, thanks 4 the share. 💎It’s nice to meet you🍍
Aug 16Reply

Hi I just got an offer for some measuring cups and I would accept it right now, but I have some credits about to hit from one of my sales. If they hadn’t sold by then I’ll see if you’ll send another offer !!
Aug 26Reply

@reesecup2211 no problem! I have 2 sets of them so most likely I will still have a set for you :)
Aug 26Reply

@germanbine sweet ! Thanks :)
Aug 26Reply

Thank you for following us /checking out our closet. We wanted to let you know we are running a 3/$25 Bracelet Sale this weekend. Great items for birthdays, anniversaries, and holiday gifts. The perfect size for stocking stuffers. Please let us know if you have any questions about this sale. HAPPY POSHING!!
Aug 28Reply

Hi there Sabine and thank you for the "follow"! As a Posh Ambassador I have a little wiggle room on a lot of things so feel free to make any offer. Take a look and see if there’s anything you like. Hopefully you’ll find something you love. Have a “Poshing” kind of day! L.
Aug 28Reply

I love your closet!!!!
Dec 07Reply

@marra750 thank you and thanks for all the shares 💕 your closet is absolute 🔥! Happy poshing!
Dec 07Reply

I'm in LOVE with your closet!!!
Feb 13Reply

@sheboutique2019 thank you so much! That is very kind of you 😊 I’ll make sure to check out your closet too!
Feb 13Reply

Hi! Thanks for the follow! Oh my have beautiful hair...I'm jealous! I’m a Posh Ambassador too and a trusted 5-star seller, so if I can ever help you, don’t hesitate to ask or stop by and say hi! …It's best to face the world armed with kindness and support. Best Wishes to you.
😊 ...Lisa
Jun 04Reply

@lisamoskal hi Lisa, thank you so much, you’re so kind! You have an amazing closet! Wishing you many sales and happy poshing! 😊
Jun 05Reply

Hi @germanbine, very unique closet! 🆒
Promise to return for closer look next few days. Thanks 🌷
Aug 19Reply

@clovc thank you so much, I appreciate it! 💕 Just a heads up: I’m going on vacation this Sunday but I’ll mail anything until Saturday night 😊🌻🌷
Talk soon, have a great weekend! 🤗
Aug 19Reply

@germanbine gotcha, thanks🌷
Aug 19Reply

@germanbine, Next week b4 I get to Ck ALL ur closet. Now go & enjoy ur vacation‼️ 😂😃
Aug 20Reply

@clovc thank you! 😊 I’m excited!
Aug 20Reply

@clovc hi, just wanted to let you know that I’m back from vacation! Have a great weekend! 😊
Sep 10Reply

@germanbine great. Hope you had 🤩 fun. Haven’t forgotten ab cking ur closet ‼️ Lots to look at. Thanks for ur msg. 🌷
Sep 10Reply

@clovc thank you, I had a great vacation!
I will add a bunch of new items to my closet next week, feel free to check them out :)
Have a wonderful Sunday! 😊
Sep 11Reply

@germanbine, look forward to seeing new listings 👌 thx
Sep 12Reply

Thank you for following me.and the shares. I returned the gesture and shared some of your items with my followers. Have a wonderful day and a Happy New Year 🎇
Dec 29Reply

@krystalmcc1621 thank you so much, I appreciate it! Wishing you a Happy New Year as well and happy poshing!
Dec 29Reply

Mar 20Reply

Hi! Thank you for checking out my closet and sharing 💗
May 16Reply

Thanks for sharing my listing!!!
Jun 13Reply

@smstof52 you’re welcome! Happy poshing! 🎉
Jun 13Reply

🌸Thank You🌸for selecting my vest as your
✅Host Pick⭐️
I am Grateful for the opportunity for my item, my closet and me!
Posh On❣️
Jul 01Reply

@germanbee Hi Sabine, congrats on your Make A Deals Days win! I wish you continued success and speedy sales. Have a phenomenal day!
Aug 01Reply

@astridcompany thank you so much, wishing you the same 🎉🔥
Aug 08Reply

@tutuwig thank you so much, I appreciate it. Sharing yours as well! Happy poshing! 🎉🔥
Aug 08Reply

Thank you for your kindness in sharing my closet listing to save my pet Luna, I really appreciate it!
Aug 21Reply

Hey there! Just stopping by to say hi! 🌺🌺🌺 What a lovely closet!✨✨✨Wishing you good sales! Happy poshing! Have a wonderful day! ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 05Reply

@mainstreetstyle thank you so much! Your closet is fantastic! Wishing you many sales as well and happy poshing! 🤗🎉💕
Sep 07Reply

Hi Sabine. If you were in the live show last night where this was auctioned, I would be happy to accept that same price if you want to send me an offer?
Sep 16Reply

Hi! Saw you liked my Kate wallet- won’t send offer so if you offer me at least 65.00, I’ll accept🍀
Oct 14Reply

Hi 😊 l'm Laura, I hope you're doing great today. I would love to invite you to check my closet. If you like something, simply click the "❤" or make an Offer! Bundles of 3 items or more receive 30% off! Thank you in Advance and Happy Poshing ⚘
Nov 29Reply

Thanks for taking the time to look at my listing !!
Mar 05Reply

@smstof52 my pleasure, you have a fantastic closet! 😃🔥
Mar 05Reply

@germanbee Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 21Reply

Hi, I noticed that you shared/liked some items from my closet, so I wanted to stop by and say hello 👋 and please let me know if your intrested in anything or have an offer or any other questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Happy Poshing! ❤️
May 07Reply

@germanbee Hi, thank you so much for visiting my closet & sharing some of my items!
Jun 12Reply

Congratulations on hosting the BEST IN SHOES Posh Party🎉🎉🎉
Jul 04Reply

nice assortment of beautiful items in your closet 😍
Jul 05Reply

🎉🎉 So excited for your party! Wishing you a blast and tons of sales! 🛍️✨ Love for you to check out my closet for a possible host pick! 😘
Sep 08Reply

Your bag collection makes me drool! You have so many beautiful bags, each one even prettier than the last.♥️
Sep 09Reply

@justdebbielevy thank you! 🤗
Sep 09Reply

Can you please cancel the ring order I did not realize it was so big. Thank you
Jan 29Reply

@amyhansen925 I’m sorry, it’s already dropped off at the post office over an hour ago. You can see it under tracking.
Jan 29Reply

@germanbee it’s okay if it does not work I’ll reposh it. Thank you
Jan 30Reply

@amyhansen925 thank you, I hope you will still like it 🤗
Jan 30Reply

Thanks for the follow. Offers are welcome in my closet
Mar 04Reply
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