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Updated Jul 28
Updated Jul 28

Meet your Posher, Sharon

Trying to survive alone after divorce


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Hi! I'm Sharon. Some of my favorite brands are Tommy Bahama, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Anthropologie and Banana Republic. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) Share 20 of mine I will do the same! Don't be afraid to make an offer
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patriceanita Hi hun💕 Love your items! If you wouldn't mind checking out mine, i'm donating everything very soon so give it a look and get your favorites before they are gone!!🌺
May 06Reply
apriljerseygirl Hello, I'm April, welcome. If u have any questions don't hesitate! Looks great so far, your closet..👍🙋🏻💖
May 17Reply
susansboutique Nice to meet you Sharon!! 😍
May 22Reply
swampstalker @susansboutique You also Susan! Thanks for the shares :)
May 22Reply
stylemeboho Hi! I'm Elizabeth, the gal you have been messaging on FB :) I wanted to share your closet to get you more exposure! Message me ANYTIME you have a question! Or you can also comment on my "meet the posher" listings with questions too! I hope you make a sale soon!
May 22Reply
swampstalker Artwork for my store banner was by Susan Rodio. Thanks Susan
Jun 03Reply
purplearies @swampstalker Hi I'm Kia! I would love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance 😊💞
Jun 22Reply
swampstalker @purplearies Nice! I shared :) Hope you will take a look at my closet. Adding things daily.
Jun 22Reply
cynthialb Hi. Gm. Thank you for your support. I appreciate it 😎💐
Jun 23Reply
swampstalker @cynthialb Same here!! I am somewhat new and need all the support I can get. THANK YOU!
Jun 23Reply
swampstalker @cynthialb by the way what are your thoughts on my closet???
Jun 23Reply
cynthialb @swampstalker hi. I think you have a stunning closet! Beautiful pics and from what I saw great descriptions. Keep sharing and following as much as possible. It helps your items sell plus you find items you would love to buy. Best of luck😊
Jun 23Reply
swampstalker @mylivelyday not a problem you have beautiful items
Jul 03Reply
ashlyn_bekah Thanks for following my closet!!☺️
Jul 10Reply
biancachan hey Sharon, thanks for stopping by my closet today! if you see anything you like, feel free to make an offer :) i'm open to all!
Jul 16Reply
breananycole Hi! I'm having a closet clean out! If your interested in anything I accept most reasonable offers I never decline I always counteroffer if not accepted! I like doing bundles with a few items it saves on shipping and the price most shirts are really cheap even bundled together let me know if your interested!
Jul 20Reply
modavende Thank you Sharon, I appreciate your encouragement. I've been contemplating why I've received hundreds of "followers" but zero offers or sales. Bill
Jul 24Reply
swampstalker @shadysidebazaar Yep it can be a time consuming project. I will go to your closet and share your items for you. Do you not know how?
Jul 24Reply
modavende Unfortunately, not yet. Its seemingly a very different model than ebay. I need to study videos and get help. Are you throwing some southern kindness my way?
Jul 24Reply
swampstalker @shadysidebazaar Yes sir! I little southern hospitality. I hope it helps. Just look under your item photos in your closet and see them arrow symbol to the far right click on that then you click on share with followers. Yes very different than ebay. I have Ebay also but I am sick of it. Too many fees and hassles
Jul 24Reply
modavende Hi Sharon are you aware of any app that I can use to transfer my ebay/amazon listings over to Poshmark? Bill
Jul 26Reply
swampstalker @shadysidebazaar Funny you should ask that! I am currently doing the same thing. Moving from FEEBAY to Posh. I wish I did know of an easier way and if you find it please let me know!!!!!
Jul 26Reply
modavende Great pic, by the way
Jul 26Reply
abir1977 Hi sweetie 🤗Very nice to meet you. 😘😗Thank you for visiting my closet. Please let me know if you interested to buy any thing. I love to bundle it's the smartest way to save money 🤑🤑with bundle discount and reasonable offer . Plus you pay only one shipping fee. I'm moving to different state because of my husband got translated and I need to sell everything as much as I can . So please feel free to bundle all items you love REASONABLE OFFERS ALWAYS WELCOME
Aug 06Reply
cesca56 Good morning Sharon, thanks for following me, I laughed when I saw college fund for daughter 😊
Aug 25Reply
swampstalker @cesca56 YEP I have quickly realized this isn't going to pay for college LOL but it may buy a book or two. UGH
Aug 25Reply
cesca56 @swampstalker Lmao, thanks
Aug 25Reply
ctrwriter5 Many thanks for the follow- here's to happy Poshing!
Sep 09Reply
highendgirl007 @swampstalker You have only been doing this since May? Wow you are doing awesome! I started in July and just having lots of fun! 😊. Wish you the best!
Sep 24Reply
swampstalker @highendgirl007 Yes May 3 and this weekend was my best so far.
Sep 24Reply
swampstalker @highendgirl007 THANK YOU SO MUCH for making my weekend even better :)
Sep 24Reply
spreadlove Hi! I know there are many closets but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I wanted to say hello. Have a great weekend!
Dec 23Reply
swampstalker Sure I will look and share a few things.
Dec 23Reply
blackcatmoon Thank you for your purchase! I will get it recorded and packed now, and hope to beat the mailman. If not, it will be out for the mail in the morning! Have a great night! 🐾🐾 P.s. I love your username! 😘
Jan 09Reply
swampstalker @blkcatfashions I was the one on Poshmark group asking for the romantic shirts :) I hope to woo me a man! Everyone seems to like my username. I live near a swamp I guess you can figure out the rest LOL
Jan 09Reply
swampstalker @blkcatfashions no need for fancy packaging for me! I am a waste less kind of person and time is everything!
Jan 09Reply
blackcatmoon @swampstalker Was able to get it out there with my other scheduled pick up! Should be shipped today! Thanks again! 😊
Jan 09Reply
msplf1949 ~~~~~thank you for the twitter share~~~~~~~~~
Jan 28Reply
laaguadillana Thank you for all the Shares..I appreciate it.
Mar 25Reply
swampstalker @laaguadillana THANK YOU! I will try to do more tonight on my way to work
Mar 25Reply
norasark67 Alright, just had to stop and say love the name, "swampstalker", then I love the mermaid pic and you take good pictures too! Happy Easter to you!
Mar 31Reply
swampstalker @norasark67 aw thanks that made my day
Mar 31Reply
harolara78 😍👌🏽
Apr 01Reply
eling1 Cool closet. Thanks for the follow!
Apr 02Reply
swampstalker @eling1 Why thank you. I do have men's items and often list new ones. Come back soon.
Apr 02Reply
emilycapitan Love your closet. Nice variety of items!
Apr 08Reply
swampstalker @emilycapitan thank you so much
Apr 08Reply
kimbermoore17 @swampstalker Hi Sharon, Thank You so much for the amazing offer on the Vans!!! I am addicted to sneakers and those are a perfect addition to my already massive collection!!! I also appreciate your efficiency in shipping them to me! Im super excited and look forward to receiving them on Monday! Thanks Again, ✌Kimber
May 18Reply
swampstalker @kimbermoore17 I sure hope you love them and thanks for your support
May 18Reply
kimbermoore17 Your so sweet! You def. have my support! I already know I love them! Since you messaged me , one question. They say they are leather, but the photos look canvas and suede?
May 18Reply
swampstalker @kimbermoore17 if I recall correctly they are both.
May 18Reply
kimbermoore17 They def. are gonna be perfect! I didnt realize they were described as leather until later. I wouldnt of been interested in them if I thought they were leather. I went straight to photos and they appeared suede and canvas too me. It all worked out and I also love the orange being as Halloween is my favorite day!!!
May 18Reply
best_designers Hi Sharon! Thanks for the follow! Happy Poshing, Lauren- St. Simons Island, Ga
May 20Reply
finer133 Thank you, i am calmer and grateful for your lovely reply. Please know I soaked them in my sister's home made cleaning solution and they came out great. I will not cxcl the order, i am thrilled with how you replied open and honest
May 22Reply
swampstalker @finer133 would you mind sharing that cleaning solution with me 😃
May 22Reply
thrivelife @swampstalker Hi! Please check out my closet if you're interested in trying Thrive! It's an amazing health and wellness product for people who want extra energy, weight loss, inflammation & immune support, healthy joint function, appetite management and more! I can make a sample pack for any budget & I can tailor it to your goal! I look forward to hearing from you! Thank you!
Jun 10Reply
nanny0909 🍃💕💕💕🍃💕💕🍃💕 Hello Sharon, Thanks for stopping by my closet. Hope You are enjoying your time here at Poshmark💕🍃 💕🍃💕💕🍃💕💕💕🍃 💕
Jul 02Reply
swampstalker @nanny0909 thanks so much for the shares. I love Poshmark!!
Jul 02Reply
drasticdownsize @swampstalker by store do u mean like a clothing boutique store or do u have another business?
Jul 19Reply
drasticdownsize @shadysidebazaar Bill, idk know u BUT I’ve noticed I do not make sales no matter how good of a bargain or how cool the item or whatever if I don’t share share share. Share to groups as often as possible! Weekly. You have to log in daily to catch the right parties but it’s worth it for sure. I don’t have lots of sales myself particularly but I have helped many Posher’s increase theirs with a few tips and tricks. Feel free to stop by and ask any time. Good luck! 🍀
Jul 19Reply
swampstalker @alexamorlang actually it's an EBAY store. Fees are awful.
Jul 19Reply
willowsage2 Hi Sharon. Very nice Closet. I really enjoy the variety.
Jul 21Reply
swampstalker @willowsage2 Thank you so much!
Jul 21Reply
flbutterflygirl Love your closet!♡
Jul 27Reply
swampstalker @flbutterflygirl thanks so much. I am currently having a great sale 50% off bundles of 2 or more! Tell your friends:)
Jul 27Reply
alexi1234 Thank u😉
Jul 28Reply
swampstalker @alexi1234 thank you so much for your support
Jul 28Reply
memefeagan Good evening. Thank you for accepting!
Jul 29Reply
d_z Thank you for the posh ❤️ happy posting!
Jul 29Reply
gpoulatova @swampstalker thank you for sharing my listing on Twitter and Tumblr 🙏❤️🙌🏼
Sep 06Reply
richones Hi Beautiful Picture! Love your closet ❤️🌸
Sep 21Reply
swampstalker @richones thank you so much
Sep 21Reply
dunamus2018 Great rising Sharon (swampstalker😁) nice. I hope this finds you doing well, thanks for following me I really appreciate it. Happy selling and shopping 😁😉👊👍I love the hat. Keep that smile shining bright
Oct 03Reply
satin_and_lace Love 💕 your closet! ⚘
Oct 09Reply
swampstalker @satin_and_lace Thanks so much! I am doing 50% off bundles :)
Oct 09Reply
ccsqna Thanks for following my closet! 🎃 All prices are negotiable and I add new listings daily : ) I also give 20% off bigger bundles, so make sure to look around! 🎁
Oct 19Reply
yoked1990 Thanks for the follow👌🏽.
Dec 11Reply
drasticdownsize Hey if you’re up for it would u take a moment to share my ISO post (by itself want to make sure it’s seen) pretty please?? Thank u tons in advance ❤️
Jan 08Reply
swampstalker @connie_posh. Thanks Connie I shared a few of your items
Mar 04Reply
jjstylesetter Hi Sharon, Your byline resonates with me.. Thank you for visiting my closet and for following me. If you see something you may be interested in buying, “like” it and I will contact you with an offer that I hope works for you. Every item in my collection has been carefully curated and cared for. I have posted the pictures and tried to describe each item in detail, but if you have any questions, please send me a note and I will respond right away. Thanks again! XO, JJ
Mar 18Reply
swampstalker @not2shabbychic. Thank you. 8 shared the love. Hope you have many sales.
Mar 18Reply
greenbaypackers Hi Sharon. Thanks for the follow. Am following you now too!!! Love the swampstalker handle. And you can survive alone after a divorce!! Your strong!!! Have great night!!!
Mar 29Reply
swampstalker @greenbaypackers. It has been tough but so far I am making it. I live near a swamp and use to stalk the wildlife with my camera
Mar 29Reply
greenbaypackers Thanks for sharing for me:) Much appreciated!!!
Mar 29Reply
ondyx Great closet!👍🏽
Apr 03Reply
swampstalker @ondyx. Thanks for sharing!!
Apr 03Reply
santak419 Beauty 🤗🤗
Apr 14Reply
santak419 @swampstalker you're welcome.. Love 🤗👌💯
Apr 14Reply
imposhable_007 Yea there,s gators and blue berry,s
Apr 21Reply
neiler1212 Hellow thanks for the shares
Apr 27Reply
victoriahiatt3 Thank you for the shares. I’m new and trying to learn.
May 05Reply
kfab333 @swampstalker Hello!🥰 We are so happy you popped in! Please Bundle Your Likes for One Time Shipping- An Extra Discount and Gift W/Purchase 💕💕💕
May 18Reply
rstuglik Hey I’m the one that read your post on Facebook and did some sharing. Thank you for your shares. I have a quick question.... I’m wanting to share other places like you just did for me on Twitter how do u do that? Actually I’m gonna message you on Facebook. 😘
May 21Reply
rstuglik Well Sharon I can’t find the post. My Facebook name is Rachael Stuglik Culp
May 21Reply
swampstalker @rstuglik sent FB message to you
May 21Reply
goldengood Thanks for the like! If you are ever interested I always accept reasonable offers. I have LOADS of shoes and would love to make you an offer if you would like to add any to bundle. Have a wonderful Monday
May 27Reply
o_kaufmannxx34 You have a very intricate closet, with many exquisite items, I hope you have a great week in sales and happy poshing!! 😊😊
Jun 05Reply
swampstalker @o_kaufmannxx34. I try my best to find items that are unique something for everyone. Thank you
Jun 05Reply
shercat58 Hi Sharon💜 I'm Sherrie🤗 Thank you so much for following me and for returning the Posh Love by sharing my closet and well. Your closet is beautiful and your items are not only stunning but priced just right. You inspire me!
Jun 08Reply
swampstalker @shercat58. Hi thank you so much. I add something new nearly every day.
Jun 08Reply
k_fays_kloset Lovin your closet name’
Jun 14Reply
vivalavintageus If you get anymore vintage VS could you PLEASE tag me I will buy it more than likely!! Or any vintage woman’s really.. thanks so much :)
Jun 15Reply
swampstalker @vivalavintageus. I use to sell it like crazy then it just stopped so I passed many beautiful pieces. I will pick it up for you
Jun 15Reply
vivalavintageus @swampstalker you’re a saint !! Thanks so much
Jun 15Reply
liplindy Thanks for following me. I am following, you on Instagram too. Pretty makeup!
Jun 16Reply
lvnut66 From one Georgia peach to another, I’m go to decline and change a few things😉
Jun 21Reply
swampstalker @lvnut66 HI PEACH no problem :)
Jun 21Reply
tuberose18 @swampstalker omg! You're so beautiful madame😳 i just want to say you that 🙏🏼
Jul 02Reply
swampstalker @lapakmama. Thank you so much
Jul 02Reply
mktyson Great closet! You have a wonderful variety, truly something for everyone! I see your note about surviving single post-divorce. I hope you are wildly successful with every sale.😊
Jul 06Reply
swampstalker @mktyson Thank you so much! I do try very hard to find something for every taste bei ti man or woman and even the kids. I just started to add some home items. I have never been on my own so it's been very scary. This is the slow time of the year so I do get a bit nervous. Thanks for the wonderful comment it made my day.
Jul 06Reply
mrsv70775 Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
Jul 09Reply
barryweller65 Welcome to the fair lol. Sorry to hear about your divorce I know how you feel it's no fun. But it will get better. But I will leave you be I know how you ga. Girls are and I don't want to get bushwacked that's no fun lol. Good luck and god bless and have fun.
Jul 11Reply
hot_buy_808 Thank you for sharing... I really appreciate it... ❤️
Aug 06Reply
glow_by_nikki Hello! I love your closet, so many awesome styles and variety! I followed and shared! Please return the favor! Thank you!🦄🦄😍❤🧡💛💙💜
Sep 02Reply
greenbaypackers Hi Sharon. Meant to say thanks for all the shares back. Just have been so busy haven't been on Posh that much since hurricane prep & then it just passed us by:)
Sep 11Reply
omeletesandwich Thank you!
Sep 11Reply
corynnster Hi Sharon, Thanks for the follow. Stop by my closet anytime to check out what’s new. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. 😊 Have a fabulous day!! Corynn
Sep 15Reply
tcflorida Hi, thanks for the follow. I saw that you wrote you are trying to survive alone after a divorce. You are not alone! I am praying for you. Cici.
Oct 15Reply
tcflorida My pleasure! I started praying for you the minute I was finished typing my comment to you, and have added you to my daily prayer list. We are in Port Richey now, but we moved here from Thomasville, Georgia. We have also lived in Brunswick, Georgia. We loved it there, but we love Florida, too. I am originally from Arizona. Do you like Georgia?
Oct 15Reply
msdreamcatcher6 Hi my name is Yvonne and thank you for sharing my Poshmark closet. Have a blessed day.
Nov 11Reply
swampstalker @tcflorida I love Georgia. Thanks for the prayers. sorry I missed your sweet comment
Nov 11Reply
tcflorida No worries, have a great day!
Nov 11Reply
tcflorida Hi Sharon, did I read you also sell on Ebay? How is it? Is it worth it? How about Etsy? Thanks for any info. Cici.
Nov 12Reply
swampstalker I don't sell on evilbay any longer. Fees were killing me
Nov 12Reply
krista_201 Thank you for all the shares! You have an awesome closet! 💛😘
Dec 07Reply
bjkaye I am not sure if I want someone named "swampstalker" to be following me. A little spooky.
Dec 07Reply
swampstalker @bjkaye HAHA well it's actually because I hunt swamplife with my rifle and my camera.
Dec 07Reply
chevelle26osa Wish I could give you a big hug, love yourself stuff!
Dec 08Reply
swampstalker @chevelle26osa Thank you. I am working on me every day. I still have a ways to go.
Dec 08Reply
chevelle26osa @swampstalker if you need to talk, I’m happy to listen.
Dec 08Reply
vtsquare Thank you for the follow on Poshmark! I also followed you on Instagram.....squarevt2018 and Twitter....@SquareVt and hope you will follow me back as well. Working together we can accomplish anything!❤️
Dec 15Reply
woahhthemack hey beautiful! Im so glad we connected on poshmark! hope you check out my closet, and find something you love! happy holidays 🎄💕
Dec 18Reply
lleree Just wanted to say thank you and that you made my day with your kind words!!! 🤗 It didn't go unnoticed!!! 😍You are the best kind of posher to do poshing with!! Hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday season! 😊 Thanks again!!!
Dec 18Reply
lgolivardia @swampstalker ✨⛄️✨🎄✨⛄️✨HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! No return shares necessary ✨🎄✨🎁✨
Dec 25Reply
swampstalker @lgolivardia thank you so much
Dec 25Reply
lgolivardia @swampstalker are very welcome 😊
Dec 25Reply
thriftytiffy22 @swampstalker 🙏🏾 Thank You so much for the posh love!!!
Dec 30Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Feb 10Reply
michaelhomelius Sharon, Enjoy the buddies you will make here, Poshmark is the site that will make you forget that loneliness and you'll make a buck or two!!! if not, come to Orlando, Mickey Mouse loves new friends!! HAPPY POSHING........Michael
Mar 11Reply
leesees_pieces @michaelhomelius I love your name. I was born in New Orleans Louisiana and I can relate to a swamp stalker. LOL
Mar 11Reply
swampstalker @leesees_pieces I live near the Okefenokee Swamp. I stalk the critters with my camera
Mar 11Reply
rozzicozzi THANK YOU FOR FOLLOWING MY CLOSET If you are interested in XL and L sizes. Check out my closet. Bundle your “likes”so I can give you a great price.None of my items are resales. All are my original purchases, most still have tags and others are in EUC. I lost a lot of weight and I need to sell the items that I had saved for special occasions. Offers graciously accepted. Happy Poshing to you.
Mar 18Reply
swampstalker @rakthymetoshine hi Robert. my life is so much better now. I work in a Sportsman store and do Poshmark and other resale venues. I have my own house and love it. life got so much better but it sure took some courage and hard work
Mar 25Reply
houstonbobbie9 Hi, Thank you for your kindness. I am not on Twitter but I really appreciate you. Stay safe. Happy Poshing. 💙
Apr 15Reply
rainasclosetxo @swampstalker hi Sharon! Feel free to check out my closet. I have items that include some of your favorite brands listed. 💕🌸😊
Apr 20Reply
jrtexas99 Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 25Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
May 02Reply
mrsjones3121 @swampstalker Super cute closet!!! Happy poshing Wednesday!!🦋🌻🤗
May 20Reply
bwayneb23 Divorce-you got this!
Jun 05Reply
kbaams100 good morning 🤗i had chosen a few items I was interested in buying I was in Mass General hospital at the time and upon further review realized I found at least a half dozen additional items if like to add to a bundle 😉 how do I accomplish this 🤔 thanks for your time 🌟
Jun 18Reply
swampstalker @kbaams100 you have to cancel then add them
Jun 18Reply
swampstalker @kbaams100 got tons more to add once I get home
Jun 18Reply
kbaams100 @swampstalker ok I will do that thanks for your help
Jun 18Reply
twelveon Miss Sharon, I just received the package of the 3 items I ordered. Unfortunately the hummingbird light base is broken into pieces. I’m still new on how this site works especially in this situation. I still want the other 2 items. So how do I request a refund on just the broken item. The item sold to me after discount $10.50 +$2.37 (1/3 of shipping)+.98tax=$13.85 Do I not accept and explain all of this there? Will it then let me send a pic? -Sincerely Jane😊Twelveon Order#5f497401a5cbed5cde824521
Sep 03Reply
swampstalker @twelveon I am so sorry. I thought I had enough bubble wrap but the USPS is notorious for breaking things. This is my first case like this so I am not sure how Poshmark would want to handle it. you will have to open a case with them and explain what happened and how you would like to handle it. go to the the items and click on problem with order to open the case. I am very sorry that was such a beautiful piece
Sep 03Reply
swampstalker @twelveon did they refund the $13 for you
Sep 15Reply
blingurnewfashw Thanks for following me at BlingURNewFashW (Wardrobe). Happy poshing! 🛍 😁💝 🌟 I am here to help if you happen to have any additional questions on any item. Clothing in my closet ships out next day unless it’s a holiday.
Sep 15Reply
lemonflamingo That is a gorgeous profile picture
Dec 06Reply
momof2boys621 Salam beautiful, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses & hijabs from the Middle East💕Welcome to Poshmark 😊Love your listings by the way!
Dec 25Reply
lj61 @swampstalker Merry Christmas 🎄 Ty for all the shares 🤗❤️
Dec 25Reply
lj61 @swampstalker Thank you 🙏 for the Twitter share 😃👍 I don’t have Twitter 😞 but I will surely continue to share your closet with my friends 🥰
Dec 25Reply
swampstalker @lj61 thank you Merry Christmas
Dec 25Reply
lj61 @swampstalker 🙏❤️
Dec 25Reply
sageandcotton Hi! I love your closet:-) Happy Poshing!
Dec 28Reply
swampstalker @sageandcotton thank u so much
Dec 28Reply
livweb_ Hey there! Just stopping on by to say hi! I have added items to my closet, in a range of sizes and styles! Come drop on by and see if you can find something you love! You can bundle and save! I am currently offering FREE shipping when you purchase 3 items or more!💕
Jan 09Reply
justinconrad862 Hey!! Thanks for the follow :) I’ll be checking out your closet soon. I also have a bundle discount. If you bundle 3 or more items you’ll get a 10% discount and free shipping!! Enjoy the rest of your day 💙💙
Feb 22Reply
curatedcloset21 LOVE your closet! I can not wait to start shopping! You are my first follow :)
Mar 10Reply
swampstalker @fashunfun1 thank you so much. I strive to find something for everyone. 30% off bundles
Mar 10Reply
torreskentai hi Ms.Sharon...first off I deeply appreciate the love of our business transaction...I ordered from you Friday and recieved in a timely FASHION🤪....but what stood out to me the most was the fact that the Adidas shirt I purchased from you was everything I imagined it would be...xoxo Marshaun
Apr 05Reply
swampstalker @torreskentai It makes me happy you are happy with your purchase from me. I try my best to get quality items at a fair price.
Apr 05Reply
h3donista greetings! I don't have 20 items for you to share yet, but I'm working on it, checking out your stuff then maybe I'll get around to mine lol. come say hi, tag you're it!
Apr 11Reply
jhood52 Hi, thank you for following! Happy Poshing… :)
Jul 05Reply
zam327sky Hi, If I want to add another item to the adidas bermudas that haven’t shipped yet how do I do that with you? Interested in the adidas lavender skort. What would the total price for both be?
Jul 08Reply
swampstalker @zam327sky you can add more . I am doing 30% off.
Jul 08Reply
swampstalker @zam327sky you have to cancel the shorts within 3 hours of offer to cancel
Jul 08Reply
gwynneg please pardon this blind person — I LOVE the horse, thank you so very much!!!🤗
Jul 14Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me!
Jul 18Reply
oliviaami Thanks for following me
Jul 19Reply
t6363b BUNDLE ANY 5 ITEMS FOR $25 Items must be listed $40 or less;)) ACCEPTING ALL OFFERS Thank you for your interest
Aug 11Reply
t6363b BUNDLE ANY 5 ITEMS FOR $25 Items must be listed $40 or less;)) ACCEPTING ALL OFFERS Thank you for your interest
Aug 12Reply
christinalea803 I absolutely love your closet I'm in so much trouble now I have two that I love to buy from now instead of just one and then all the other ones to choose from I'm going to go broke so fast lol
Sep 14Reply
ittakes22thrift Thanks for sharing my listing 🙏🏼❤️❤️
Oct 21Reply
Oct 22Reply
cjsims66 Love the name SwampStalker! Sounds like my kind of fun! (Used to live south of Savannah and spent many a night in the swamps) Love your closet! I will definitely share. Also, I’ll say a prayer regarding life after divorce… been there too! God bless!
Oct 25Reply
swampstalker @cjsims66 I live near the Okefenokee Swamp. Thank you for stopping by and the very nice comment.
Oct 25Reply
mablescloset thanks for all the shares 🤩
Oct 26Reply
drasticdownsize Hey Sharon (swampstalker), how are things going for you? I’ve been thinking about you often lately for some reason. I pray you are doing well. If there’s anything I could do to help, I feel we have a special Poshmark bond and I’d be happy to help in any way possible. Prayers and love your way!
Jan 04Reply
watsonlilmommy @swampstalker hello how are you check out my closet see something you like send me a offer an I will help you out
Jun 30Reply
rroobbiinn 💕Thank you for all the shares!! Have a blessed day!!💥
Sep 30Reply
swampstalker @rroobbiinn thank you!!!!
Sep 30Reply
swampstalker @adoringstyles Shared 20 thank you
Oct 10Reply
npalfaro7 beautiful cat 😍
Jan 12Reply
mcata45 Welcome and thanks for the visit...stop back we are here to help
Jan 16Reply
calamityjane13 Thank you for sharing my listing!! So kind of you! 💖😊 take care-L
Mar 30Reply
kvrls2000lfy hi I boughtvthe sweater my bank is hacing trouble with debit cards thetvarevaware. im waiting for them to clearnit . it just started. so should know aomerhing no latter than monday. i do wantvsweater so sorryvfoe inconvience
Jul 28Reply
swampstalker @kvrls2000lfy ok thank you. When payment goes through I’ll ship asap
Jul 28Reply
cutehosiery @swampstalker Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 31Reply
ms_busagirl I just wanted to thank you for the costume. It was a huge hit at the Halloween party held at the zoo for the disabled children.
Dec 03Reply
swampstalker @ms_busagirl thank you so much! I don’t often get to hear feedback like this!! You are so welcome
Dec 03Reply

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