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Updated Feb 15
Updated Feb 15

Meet your Posher, Shayna

Meet the Posher



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Hello and Welcome to my closet! I love vintage clothing from pretty much every era! I have a truly unique fashion sense, mostly because I love dress up and have never settled into just one genre of style. My closet is eclectic and full of character and vintage treasures. Feel free to browse or leave a comment so I can check out your closet too :)
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tathamr Hi Shayna. Thank you for your message. I can put a hold on the ED Hardy sweater for a few days. I will list it as not for sale. But a few offers have been sent out on it. If someone purchases I don’t think I can stop the transaction and it will sell. I’ll put in on hold for 48 hours. Please keep me updated. My last offer to you was $50 so I will honour that price. Take care.
May 25Reply
sfount2027 @tathamr that would be awesome! Thank you so much! I ✨🙏😊
May 25Reply
tathamr Hello Shayna. I have put the item on hold for you so you may see that the item is no longer available. Take care.
May 25Reply
sfount2027 @tathamr Thank you! I will let you know when I can purchase this asap!
May 25Reply
ollyposh Hi Shayna! Welcome to Poshmark! My name is Linda and my closet is @ollyposh. Poshmark is a lot of fun and you are going to love it. If you are selling, sharing is important. it is the best way to bring attention to your closet by sharing items from your closet and if you are buying remember to like or bundle more than one item to get a better offer and to pay one shipping charge. If you have any questions feel free to reach out!!! Take care and Happy Poshing
May 26Reply
fashionmusefind Hi there! I made you an offer on the vintage crop top you liked in my closet. 😊 Let me know if you’d like to add anything else from my closet for one price reduced rate shipping. Follow my closet as I post vintage and high quality fashion regularly as I work in wardrobe for 🎥 film and tv :) follow my shop on Instagram @fashionmusefinds
May 27Reply
fashionmusefind Did you want to add the two dresses you just liked to the bundle?
May 27Reply
sfount2027 @fashionmusefind not right now thank you, I'm just looking at the moment :)
May 27Reply
tathamr Hi Shayna. Following up to see if you are still interested in the Ed Hardy sweater. Please let me know so so can put it back for sale if you have decided not to purchase. Take care.
May 30Reply
sfount2027 @tathamr hello there, I am still interested, I'm sorry for not replying sooner! My package is set to arrive to my posher on June first. I will be able to afford to buy it once they accept the package and I get paid. I understand if you want to re-list it but I do really want it still. I appreciate your patience so far with me :)
May 30Reply
tathamr Hi Shayna. Thank you for letting me know. I will still hold it for you. Take care.
May 30Reply
rarefindstuff Welcome to Poshmark Family🌸 I am Jaycee, your ⭐New Poshmark Ambassador and a Posh mentor, If you need help in anyway, feel free to reach out with any contact me. I look forward to visiting your closet as it slowly builds...looking good! Do visit and shop in mine. Check out my collection, " Was His, Now Mine". ..there is something for everyone and all sizes!..and lotsa smalls too. Wishing you all the success and joy poshing. Cheers, JC😊
Jun 02Reply
jj_bossypants @sfount2027 Hi Beauty! I sent you an offer in the R&R Jeans but see you just liked two other items. Let me know if you’d like me to bundle them altogether for you and I can discount it. If you’re just browsing, no pressure! 🥰
Jun 22Reply
vicmacchiusi Hey shayna! I recently listed some more juicy couture items! Thought i would let you know since you previously ordered a juicy coture sweater! Make me an offer if you would like 😁
Jun 24Reply
candyaddict87 Hi Shayna I noticed you liked an item in my closet. It’s firm priced but if you see anything else that catches your eye I can send you an offer with discounted shipping. I can also ship out tomorrow. Enjoy your evening . 😊
Aug 10Reply
slice21 thank you for the positive review! much appreciated😄
Jan 26Reply
priyapath Hi my name is Priya and I would love for you to check out my closet @priyapath Feel free to send me an offer or create a bundle and I’ll send you a discount. Happy shopping 🙂
Mar 10Reply
slice21 Good morning! I finally was able to get the order cancelled ($15 pleather dress). It still appears "sold" in my closet. Looks like I will have to relist it in order to sell it again. If you are still interested in it I should have it listed again in a few hours☺
Mar 12Reply
firecracker604 hi beautiful welcome to Poshmark!!!🎉🎉🥂🥂🎉🥂🎉 Feel free to checkout my closet! Happy poshing!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jun 04Reply
firecracker604 hi beautiful welcome to Poshmark!!!🎉🎉🎉🥂🥂🥂 Feel free to check out my closet! Happy poshing!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jun 05Reply
margarita7273 I’m back in town if you wanted those vans still. I’m back tomorrow just 1 day and gone again a week.
Jan 14Reply
cleopatra_vault Had to say, you're stunning 😍 Same with my style. I've never followed trends, I've always done my own thing 💁🏻‍♀️
Jun 18Reply
sfount2027 @cleopatra_vault Awe thank you so much 🥰
Jun 18Reply
cleopatra_vault @sfount2027 Your welcome ☺️
Jun 18Reply

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Last Active: Feb 04

Edmonton, AB
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Last Active: Feb 04

Edmonton, AB
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