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Updated Sep 26
Updated Sep 26

Meet your Posher, Vivien

Meet the Posher



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Hiya! Thanks for popping in to check out my closet! These are just some of the things that are literally taken from my closet, but for a few items from family. I’m an impulse shopper, and that leads to too much stuff that’s simply not getting any wear - so you will find much of my things are in excellent(if not new) condition. Feel free to msg me if you have any questions. Happy Poshing!😍 ⭐️ NOTE! 🐶🐱 I’ve got a pet friendly closet❤️ ⭐️I make every effort to use up cycled/recycled packaging🌍
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koshfinds Hi there! Thank you for sharing, love your closet!!
Jun 08Reply
peppercorn604 @koshah1 Hi there! Thank you, and thank you for sharing my posts! It’s really such fun to peek through closets, right?! 😉
Jun 09Reply
pnzbyzeeshops Hi, you have beautiful collection, kindly feel free to visit my closet.
Jun 13Reply
peppercorn604 @simplypmzee aw, thanks now much for the feedback! You know, I’ve only be on this for a week or so now, and I’m really not sure how to access the US site. Any idea? I’d love to take a peek into your closet!
Jun 13Reply
theposhkings Welcome to Poshmark ! We are so happy that Poshmark Canada is growing so rapidly! If we can ever be of any help or should you have questions please feel free to reach out ! 🎉🎉🎉
Jun 15Reply
peppercorn604 @theposhkings Wow! I LOVE your closet! Thanks for sharing!
Jun 15Reply
theposhkings @peppercorn604 Truly our pleasure! Thank you so much for your kind words ! Your closet is lovely as well . Great job !
Jun 15Reply
peppercorn604 @theposhkings poshkings, I keep reading that Canadians can’t purchase off the US Posh site... Has that changed?
Jun 15Reply
theposhkings @peppercorn604 Sadly , as of now Americans and Canadians can’t buy from each other due to shipping limitations. Like most people we all hope that changes at some point so we can support each other
Jun 15Reply
peppercorn604 @theposhkings Utterly sad 😢 Fingers crossed this soon changes. Thanks for the quick response!
Jun 15Reply
theposhkings @peppercorn604 We agree Omgosh we have seen dozens of things on the Canadian side we wish we could buy !
Jun 15Reply
vickysvault Thank you for sharing my listings 💜
Jun 18Reply
peppercorn604 @vickysvault you’re welcome and thank you as well! 💕
Jun 18Reply
alhopki Hi welcome to Poshmark
Jun 20Reply
peppercorn604 @alhopki Hi there! Thanks very much! Welcome to my closet 😀
Jun 20Reply
alhopki @peppercorn604 your welcome have fun
Jun 20Reply
alhopki @peppercorn604 thank you so much for the shares
Jun 20Reply
wanderlustboho Thank you so much for the lovely feedback! I am very glad you like the dress! The hanger was a last minute thing, the dress was hanging on it as I prepared to pack it and I though those two had to stay together!!
Jun 26Reply
changeroo Love your closet 💕💕❤️
Jun 27Reply
peppercorn604 @changeroo Aw, thanks so much Liane! Thanks for sharing! Happy Poshing and good luck!
Jun 27Reply
titaa2019 Thanks for sharing my closet items! Happy Friday!!!😊
Jun 28Reply
peppercorn604 @titaa2019 Good morning! Happy to help! Thank you for your note and happy Friday to you too! 😎😀☀️🥳
Jun 28Reply
brandita111 Thank you for the share❣️😊
Aug 07Reply
peppercorn604 @brandita111 you’re welcome! Gotta share to let them know you’re there! 😍💕
Aug 07Reply
liquidationking Welcome to Poshmark. Enjoy the journey. If you have questions or need help just ask... Happy Poshing...
Aug 07Reply
zardiva1 😃😘🐶
Aug 18Reply
peppercorn604 @naffaroo Aww, totally likewise! Thank you! 💕
Aug 26Reply
peppercorn604 @leelaroos Thanks Cassie! No problem, I can see your just starting out so I try to share as much as I can, when I can . Just keep sharing your closet, and some other folks closets, and plug away every free moment you have;you need to keep your stuff circulating... the more we see, the more we buy 😍 Good luck!😎🤗💕
Sep 14Reply
peppercorn604 You’re* ( dreaded typos)
Sep 14Reply
wanderlustboho Hello! Just wanted to say congrats on 100 000+ subscribers. Your closet is great so I am sure that number will just continue to grow!
Sep 17Reply
peppercorn604 @wunderlustboho Hey, thank you!! A bit overwhelming at first... it was accepting the PA status that really brought that number up! You’re almost there yourself, so I assume you too have accepted a PA offer... You and a couple others I regularly share with feel a bit like family, ya know, as we’ve been connected since the “take off” of Posh Canada... lol ...
Sep 17Reply
peppercorn604 @wunderlustboho You’ve got an incredible closet yourself there, lady, I’d love to go shopping with you! ( I think my first Posh purchase was from your closet..??!) Good luck with sales and let’s stay/share connected 🤗💕
Sep 17Reply
wanderlustboho @peppercorn604 so true!! The ambassador things does help a lot
Sep 17Reply
wanderlustboho @peppercorn604 thank you so much, I really appreciate that! I would love to go thriving with you too! I have also been toying with the idea of a sort Posh club meet up coffee thing - for Toronto poshers? What do you think? Share ideas, issues, tricks, etc? Maybe pick a nice coffee shop, have like a standing time/date?
Sep 17Reply
peppercorn604 @wunderlustboho I like the idea! Most of the stuff I have posted is my own, so I’d love to sell it quicker and make more room for myself - and ideas and input would be welcome. I’ve googled some questions/ideas, just as a touchstone.. so I can get an idea where I’m at with this thing.... but much of the feedback is U.s based, and things are a bit different here. I do recall there being an FB meeting place, I think? That could be helpful, but I have yet to look that up!
Sep 17Reply
wanderlustboho @peppercorn604 thank you, will look for it too. I seem to have most issues with my photos - I am just not happy with most of them. And also the format of the photos is a square and I feel that is not my favorite. Maybe I can organize something for the second part of October..
Sep 17Reply
wanderlustboho I have also watched some youtubers, for advice, etc
Sep 17Reply
peppercorn604 @wunderlustboho totally, the photos matter! I am dragging everything I can on a daily basis on to my patio for natural light ( key, Daily basis! Post one thing daily when you can) I see other closets, filled with wonderful stuff, and it just looks dreary. Drag you items by a window, get that natural light in, use the square option as it’s the only way to get the whole item in one shot ! I’ve asked so many poshers for
Sep 17Reply
peppercorn604 @wunderlustboho more details because their item is cut off, you know? But, above al, I think lighting is key - by that I mean, avoid those indoor “yellow-ish” photos. It’s just not attractive
Sep 17Reply
wanderlustboho @peppercorn604 so true! I am trying all that (I even bough some umbrella lights) but still for me it presents the most challenge
Sep 18Reply
special_k_ca Thanks for all the shares Vivian 👍👍👍 Love your puppy pic 🐶💕
Sep 24Reply
peppercorn604 @special_k_ca haha! Yeah, he’s a cutie pie 🥰 🐶Thank you as well and good luck! 😎💕😊
Sep 24Reply
missm66 Love your closet! Super excited for my boots
Sep 28Reply
peppercorn604 @missm66 hey, thank you for your business! 🙏🏼😎😀💕You didn’t wait for me to find a moment to go through bundles?! Okay, well, I will try to make it up to you by trekking it to a Canada post office that’s open tomorrow so, with any luck, it might get to you sooner!
Sep 28Reply
missm66 I did but nothing that spoke to me like this !
Sep 28Reply
peppercorn604 @missm66 np! 👍🏼💕
Sep 28Reply
pampraught Your Hudson jeans I will pay 35$ will you lower shipping to 9.99$ please thank you
Oct 07Reply
peppercorn604 @pampraught Hello Pam, I’ve opened a bundle for you; please read my note!
Oct 07Reply
peppercorn604 @wunderlustboho How goes it, Vaness? It’s been crickets for nearly a week for me - until last night - but still I sold for much less than I wanted just to get my things out of the house. I’m finding that later evening sharing seems to get more kick back- between 9 and 12. I have to hit the hay by midnight, else I would keep things going, sharing etc, till 1am or so. Not sure when you turn the light out but try for some later-night sharing of your closet; you might find the same...? 😊
Oct 10Reply
wanderlustboho @peppercorn604 Hey Vivien, nice to hear from you!! Same here - nothing for days, but some low ball offers. I guess that is how it goes sometimes. Will try to do some late night sharing - have been turning in early lately with a cold/stuffed nose
Oct 10Reply
peppercorn604 @wunderlustboho yeah, sleep is the best plan for recovery! Happy thanksgiving! 🍁
Oct 10Reply
wanderlustboho @peppercorn604 thank you! The same to you!!
Oct 10Reply
wanderlustboho @peppercorn604 I also think weather is nice people are not indoor shopping but catching the last moments of summer....
Oct 10Reply
peppercorn604 @wunderlustboho true! Hadn’t thought of that...!
Oct 11Reply
joseeleclair Good afternoon Vivian, thank you so much for your offer on the floral dress it does look beautiful. Made my very first poshmark but last week just waiting for it to arrive before I make any more:) . That being said, will keep my eye on this dress for a future purchase. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!
Oct 13Reply
peppercorn604 @joseeleclair oh! Thanks so much for the thoughtful response! No worries, I hope your dress works out perfectly for you! Remember me the next time you are in need of a lovely garment 😉 Happy shopping-Poshing, and happy thanksgiving to you! ❤️ 💕😊
Oct 13Reply
kimmmmmm01 Thank you so much for your amazing review!! I am really glad you like your purchase! 😁💜
Oct 16Reply
casea69 @peppercorn604 Mind if I chime in here? I buy off the .com site all the time. Maybe because I activated my account while in the US? I can't remember, it's been so long ago. Obviously they won't ship to Canada, but I have a mailing address just across the border that I visit monthly. It might be a bit fussy for some, but I've scored some amazing deals on .com, so well worth the effort, IMO. :)
Oct 20Reply
peppercorn604 @casea69 Hi there casea69, I don’t follow... did you send this last comment to me in error, maybe? And oh how I wish I too had a U.S post box! 😎
Oct 20Reply
casea69 @peppercorn604 Hah! No. I was skimming through this thread and noticed you asking people about the US site so I thought I'd chime in w/ my experience there. ;) If you live close to the border, check to see if there are shipping places in the US border town. Blaine, WA has probably about 12 now. Much better than having a USPS PO box #.
Oct 20Reply
peppercorn604 @casea69 oh, yes, haha!, that was a while back! Thanks for chiming in, I appreciate the info 😊 Sounds like you have the best of both worlds 🍀 I’m in Toronto which isn’t too far from the U.S, but not that close either.. :(. Good piece of advise for anyone scrolling through these comments. Thanks for sharing! 💕
Oct 20Reply
willow_hills 💕💕🌸🌸Thank you for answering all my questions, so helpful 💕💕🌸🌸 Happy Poshing!!!
Oct 22Reply
marywhitedesign I love your closet so much😍 I sometimes get carried away with sharing ☺️
Nov 10Reply
peppercorn604 @marywhitedesign awwww, thanks very much! I appreciate that! 😃 I do my best to return shares throughout the day, so it’ll come back to you 😎👍🏼🤗💕 Thanks again for sharing!
Nov 10Reply
marywhitedesign @peppercorn604 🥰I appreciate the share love 💕
Nov 10Reply
prairieposher I just wanted to say thank you for all the shares from my closet ❤️Also wanted to let you know that I’m still loving the Edmond Salama hobo bag I purchased from you when I joined PM 🥰 I get many compliments on it
Jan 09Reply
peppercorn604 @prairieposher oh, thank you so much for reaching out - I’m so happy to hear that! It’s a great bag and a great little Canadian company :) Thank you also for always sharing back! We’ve got to keep out stuff fresh and at the top of that search engine! 👀 🤓 🛍 Have a great day! 💕 😃
Jan 09Reply
poshsense LOVE 💕 LOVE 💕 LOVE 💕 your taste and closet, Vivien! Very classic and timeless 🤩And you take LOVELY photos to boot! 🌺🍃 Very creative & talented! Just curious- by any chance, are you an artist or designer?
Jan 17Reply
peppercorn604 @poshsense hey! Thanks very much! I am creative by nature, but alas not for a living :( Thanks again for your kind words; you too have great stuff in your closet! 😎💕Oh, and thank you for the shares; I try to return them all as much as possible. Have a great day! 😊
Jan 17Reply
poshsense @peppercorn604 🌺🍃 Thanks! Wishing you a great day and fantastic weekend! I come from a family of artists... and I can tell you have “it” in u... there is always a little “something”... u should nurture it 😉 not everyone has that “innate” character 🌺🍃
Jan 17Reply
rosequartzplus hey! I'm living in York, and am looking to host. Posh N List! I need 2 other poshers to host with me. we can choose a location and bring our closets together to hopefully make real time sales! let me know if this is something you'd be interested in 😊
Jan 30Reply
innaor Thank you Vivien for all the shares. Your closet is beautiful 💐
Feb 11Reply
peppercorn604 @innaor oh, thank you! I love your stuff too - especially your jewels; I had to bookmark your page (❤️) so I can easily find you if/when I am in need of some fresh accessories! 🛍💕😎😊
Feb 11Reply
innaor @peppercorn604 Oh, thank you so much, you are so kind😘
Feb 11Reply
mepetites thanks for the shares!!!❤️
Feb 13Reply
peppercorn604 @mepetites sure, no problem! This platform works best when we are all reciprocating :) Good luck! 🍀 🛍 💰🥂😀💕
Feb 13Reply
bikkarbai20 Hi, hope everything is going all right. Please feel free to check out my closet and ❤️ anything that catches your eye, and make me any offers as I accept all offers! Happy poshing!
Mar 26Reply
merlekb Hi Vivien, thank you for following and sharing my closet. Very much appreciated. Do hope you found some interesting stuff and will visit again. See something you like but not the price. make an offer. I had the pleasure of browsing and sharing your closet too. Stay safe and good luck poshing. Have a great weekend!
Jun 20Reply
peppercorn604 @merlekb thank you too. You should try to look at peoples style cards- you would then see that I cannot fit in most of your items - you wasted your time and mine (who h is disappoint!?) You can save yourself time and trouble by finding your Demographic, you understand? Good luck to you! You have made great salesmanship efforts- but misguided! 😎😊💕👍🏼🌺
Jun 23Reply
mtlstyle Heyyy :-) please come and check out my closet, i have added plenty of new items, hopefully you can find something you like, share the love or if you can make an offer in this time of crisis anything would help xx cheerss Dont miss out on nice items for Him, Her n Home xx :-)! And the July Special :-)
Jul 01Reply
md6440 Hi there thanks for your purchase again really appreciate it. Wanted to let you know that I’ve dropped it at the post office already but I’ve noticed it’s still not tracking. Seems that things are taking a lot longer to start tracking these days so wanted to make sure I let you know 😊 thanks!
Jul 12Reply
peppercorn604 @md6440 okay, no worrries; thank you for the heads up! 🦋
Jul 12Reply
peppercorn604 @hanawal haha! Thank you! Well it’s mostly due to mom not tossing anything out, really 😕 🤣 Some of the Jewellery and a few of the belts are actually old stock from a store she once had. It’s amazing how lovely it all is again 😎 Thanks for reaching out! You have some really great stuff in your closet as well! 💕
Jul 19Reply
hippo_lover @peppercorn604 thank you for kind words and for sharing my closet ❤️
Jul 21Reply
peppercorn604 @nkulchenko no problem! Thanks for a good deal’ I’m happy to share! 💕🦋
Jul 21Reply
sunitagupta Hey welcome to poshmark are you interested in makeup than check out my closet maybe you might find something you like and feel free to make any offer on any item in my closet and have a wonderful day 😊😊😊
Sep 14Reply
del_leandro 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻Hello Vivien! I wanted to reach out and personally thank you for the “Posh Love” you’ve shown with your sharing of my closet, thank you so much, it’s so generous and it’s greatly appreciated! I will always do my best to send you my sincerest Posh Love as well! Wishing you every success, be safe, keep shining...✨Delia 😊🤗🤗💞💞💞🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Oct 02Reply
peppercorn604 @del_leandro thank you, Delia! To you as well! Best of luck, much success, and good heath to you! 😎💕🦋
Oct 02Reply
peppercorn604 @red_knott Aw, thank you so much!!😎💕💕
Oct 12Reply
sarahbalanoff Vivien! thank you so much for the order I purchased! I finally got to open the package last night and everything is awesome. I LOVE the pants, the leggings are seriously my new fave, and I cant wait to style the funky jogger style pants. I'd love to share photos with you on IG @sarahbalanoffbeauty if you want! 😘 thanks again!
Oct 18Reply
boloe711 Hello! I’m Boloe a Posh Ambassador😊💐Please visit my closet and send me an offer if you found something you like.🌸I always generously give gift 🎁 for every purchased and give big discounts 💵so you will never regret on buying from my closet. 🌼🌻Thank you and have a blessed day. 🎁😊🥰happy shopping 🛍👗👚👠🧣👛🎒🧢👟🧥
Nov 20Reply
marcelahasani Congratulations on your prize 🤗
Nov 24Reply
peppercorn604 @marcelahasani haha! Thank you! I was floored! 😎💕🦋
Nov 24Reply
palapa91 Awesome closet !
Dec 19Reply
peppercorn604 @palapa91 aw, thank you so much! 🦋💕🥂
Dec 19Reply
peppercorn604 @palapa91 wow, you’ve got loads of great stuff too!😎
Dec 19Reply
furbabyoma Hey there!!! Furbabyoma! Thank you for your offer! But at the moment I’ll have to decline ....😊
Dec 29Reply
peppercorn604 @furbabyoma no worries 😊 💕
Dec 29Reply
furbabyoma @peppercorn604 On that note...... take a peek in my closet! Who knows!!! You might find a goodie !!😊
Dec 29Reply
crazy_redhead Hi there. Thank you for your offer. I have decided against the scarf as I actually have about 100 joke. I kept all my Mother's vintage scarves after her passing and despite Lovingvthis one, I have to let go of some that I have already! 🙄 I am still interested in the smock though. BTW...your dog and my dog could be related!! 😊❤
Feb 05Reply
marcelahasani Congratulations on your prize!🌷🤗 I am happy for you!
Mar 23Reply
peppercorn604 @marcelahasani thank you very much! 🙏🏼💕🦋😊
Mar 23Reply
mika2565 Hi 🙋 Just dropping by to say Hi and invite you to kindly check out my closet when you get a chance ❤️😊 I do have some items that may be of interest to you and I’ll be listing more so be sure to follow me 👍 I always generously give gifts 🎁 Take care! Stay safe and Happy Poshing:)
Apr 04Reply
ben1979509 Hi! I just got a notification from Poshmark that the doggie sweater I purchased is being sent back to you. Was there a problem with the delivery? I’m new to Poshmark so not quite sure how this works... thanks!
May 14Reply
peppercorn604 @ben1979509 hi there! Yes, it did not have a unit number so CP is returning it back to me. Posh has now sent me another with a different address in Maple. I’m not sure if that’s correct or not so I m not sure if I should resend.
May 14Reply
ben1979509 @peppercorn604 my address is 67 Glenheron Crescent Maple Ontario L6A1W7
May 18Reply
peppercorn604 @ben1979509 hi I just re sent it yesterday to that address. Once you receive it, please go in to the system and accept the delivery on your posh account. Thank you.
May 18Reply
moneyforme761 thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jul 02Reply
1poshgirl1989 Thank you so much!! Did u have any other antiques for sale not posted?
Aug 17Reply
peppercorn604 @1poshgirl1989 omg, thank you very much! Gosh, I every now and again try to clear out my garden box, or the things that collect under my kitchen sink, laundry room, etc .. and there you have it(so to speak) lol I can’t think of any true antiques I have on deck at the moment, but please do keep an eye out for my Closet every now and again 🙏🏼😊 I’ll have your pots brought to the post tomorrow! Thank you again and much blessings to you! 🦋
Aug 17Reply
frugalsista I can't change the default United States to enter payment info. I am in Canada.
Aug 28Reply
peppercorn604 @frugalsista hi there, hmmmm… that’s odd. While in the feed page there is a little Canadian (or American) flag at the top corner, by hitting the flag you can change locations…but I don’t know If that will help you with the purchase. You may have to reach out to Posh for assistance with this issue, or recreate another account on the Canadian site…?
Aug 28Reply
frugalsista Not sure issue. I purchased a bundle last week with no problems. Please hold offer while I work it out. Thanks!
Aug 28Reply
peppercorn604 @frugalsista oh! Okay, I’ll do that. 🦋😎
Aug 28Reply
frugalsista Is etransfer available and pickup? I'm located in Toronto.
Aug 28Reply
fashionmusefind Hi there! I made you an offer on the vintage cardigan you liked in my closet. 😊 Let me know if you’d like to add anything else from my closet for one price reduced rate shipping. Follow my closet as I post vintage and high quality fashion regularly as I work in wardrobe for 🎥 film and tv :) follow my shop on Instagram @fashionmusefinds
Oct 22Reply
peppercorn604 @fashionmusefind thanks. I must have hit like in error. You do have a great closet tho! Good luck to you :)
Oct 22Reply
fashionmusefind @peppercorn604 no worries let me know if you are interested in anything else :)
Oct 22Reply
miathebeast Gorgeous closet, loved browsing through it! 😘
Oct 23Reply
peppercorn604 @miathebeast thank you! 🙏🏼 😊 💕
Oct 23Reply
judithtaylor740 If we’re in the same neighbourhood I wonder if I could try on a coat ? 😊
Nov 01Reply
gibriana You are fabulous! Happy Saling!!!!
Nov 06Reply
peppercorn604 @gibriana thank you! You as well! 💕🦋🥂
Nov 06Reply
gibriana ❤️🙏✌️
Nov 06Reply
zardiva1 Congrats on your PA II ⭐️ status! 🎉🎉🎉
Mar 23Reply
wanderlustboho Hello! 👋🥰
Jun 08Reply
peppercorn604 @wanderlustboho Good lord, looks like I simply misspelled wonder/wander! Lol Hi! Glad you’re still around! I feel like saying welcome back, it you never left 😂 Time has had just drowned out all the older accounts with loads of new sellers - feels like its a completely different beast these days…🤷‍♀️😀
Jun 08Reply
wanderlustboho @peppercorn604 oh that makes perfect sense! Regardless, that you and nice to be 'back' Very different and very slow but to be honest the last two years are kind of a blur for me
Jun 08Reply
peppercorn604 @wanderlustboho yes, very slow! I think that’s why I just assumed you found another platform to sell! I’m glad I have a f/t job as i go several weeks without any sale these days. That’s never happened before this year. I sent a letter of complaint to posh asking if this was a way they planned to get right of old closets …! Why hang on an share like a fiend when nothing becomes of it, you know?! You feel stupid! Lol Anyway, glad your still hanging in there, like me :)
Jun 08Reply
wanderlustboho @peppercorn604 That is my situation too, almost identical. I am on some other places too though.. Have given up on sharing except for a few special closets
Jun 09Reply
peppercorn604 @wanderlustboho yup. I honestly think this whole sharing all day stuff doesn’t help much at all. It is encouraged only for you to hopefully notice something you like and purchase lol Sharing your own closet once or twice a day, to bring your items up to the top of a search, is pretty much all I do anymore!
Jun 09Reply
wanderlustboho @peppercorn604 Yes this is so true I agree. I also find from these different groups and Instagram things that I’m apart off that apparently posh has changed its algorithm or some thing and now when you search for things you can’t even search for them properly. I am not sure that that is the only problem I think shipping is quite expensive as well especially compared to shipping for Poshmark US as well as generally shipping to the US. I’m also on that other platform that starts with E
Jun 11Reply
wanderlustboho thank you so much Vivien for making not one but three of my items your host picks! I really appreciate it. Hope that hosting was fun!
Jan 30Reply
peppercorn604 @wanderlustboho You’re welcome! I hope it brought some traffic in, with some likes! I’ve had nothing happen for just about a month now 😩 It was sorta fun - also my first time hosting, but not surprising is that, other than a lot of extra shares that night, I did not get even one ❤️ from it…(or even a substantial increase in followers) 😕…
Jan 30Reply
peppercorn604 @wanderlustboho …I got the feeling the only ppl checking out host picks were other sellers looking to share, not posh shoppers…🤨 I might do it again for shits and giggles…if I do, i will of course share your awesome closet again! 🦋😎
Jan 30Reply
wanderlustboho @peppercorn604 yes I’ve heard that too actually from a lot of people. I’ve never done it and keep planning to but somehow never do lol I hear that it is fun so that’s why people do it and they do get a lot of shares but that’s pretty much it I a long time ago when we first started with Poshmark I actually had a question from somebody saying does it mean now that it’s more expensive since it is a host pick?. LOL
Jan 30Reply
wanderlustboho @peppercorn604 I think now everybody’s busy observing the live sales, unfortunately ☹️
Jan 30Reply
peppercorn604 @wanderlustboho Hilarious! If only!! Mama-mia! 😆
Jan 30Reply
peppercorn604 @wanderlustboho I can also recall those early days when HOST PICK felt super special to me too! That feeling died after the first year when I noticed none of my Host Picks ever sold because of it… lol (bc of that I don’t even both to advertise it as HP when I am selected…) In any case, there is exposure, and that’s always good for a closet. Good luck to us!
Jan 30Reply
wanderlustboho @peppercorn604 exactly! I think a little bit additional exposure is what happens and may be a few more people share the item. It is fun having them in the closet though cause I you get all sorts of emojis to mark them. 😂
Jan 30Reply
peppercorn604 @wanderlustboho I wonder really if our “ clientele“, or “our type” of shoppers really frequent the live shows? The few I have popped into seem to be sort of general apparel without “specific style”, you know? (I don’t mean that in a derogatory way- I mean like basic Old Navy, Reitman’s, Dress barn, etc, pieces, you know?
Jan 30Reply
wanderlustboho @peppercorn604 also, I really enjoy seeing the whole speaks of people on Poshmark, whose closets enjoy. Unfortunately I missed your pics and you’re hosting completely because I took a couple of days off the Internet completely.
Jan 30Reply
wanderlustboho @peppercorn604 definitely! Also they start the sales at $5 - this is crazy to me, posh takes 3 from those 5...
Jan 30Reply
peppercorn604 @wanderlustboho That’s a good thing. It’s always good to step away from your closet every now and again, and off the internet/smartphone as a whole
Jan 30Reply
wanderlustboho there is someone I follow that runs a live sale every day 2 -3 times.crazy I have never seen her sell anything, although I never stay too long
Jan 30Reply
wanderlustboho @peppercorn604 Yes, really needed a break, no phone, no email, just analog life. :)
Jan 30Reply
peppercorn604 @wanderlustboho that’s terrible! It’s seems so desperate. I think the live shows will, in a short time, flop when the novelty wears off. The $5 deals etc just turns posh into a flea market deal, and that has never been my customer. It’s bad for our business. That sort of thing is what repels people who would otherwise enjoy my/your closet. Ugh.
Jan 30Reply
wanderlustboho @peppercorn604 I think so too. Plus I have mainly seen other sellers shopping those $5 deals for their closets
Jan 30Reply
wanderlustboho do u crosslist?
Jan 30Reply
peppercorn604 @wanderlustboho omg, really? Lol Even it you sell 10 things at $5, it’s not worth the packing tape and printer ink cartridge that you need to send it. I don’t get it? Lol
Jan 30Reply
peppercorn604 @wanderlustboho I’ve tried cross listing 12 things in Vestiaire only. I sold 2 things there and the rest just sit as they also push you to sell a $400 item for $30 if it doesn’t sell in the first week. Putting everything on EB seems like sooo much work, I can’t make myself do it lol Do you know of another platform that has both money and movement?!
Jan 30Reply
wanderlustboho @peppercorn604 it is actually easy to crosslist - but cannot talk about it here, lol
Jan 30Reply
peppercorn604 @wanderlustboho haha! Reading that, I just googled cross listing posh and I got a page explaining “how to” with F* marketp. Is that what you mean? I could do that but that only works for local sales… I’ll reach a bit more about it. Thanks for the suggestion :)
Jan 30Reply
peppercorn604 @wanderlustboho oh! Okay, cool, I will look that up! Thanks fro sharing 🙌💕
Jan 30Reply
peppercorn604 Okay, just seeing your note re Edge! Thank you! Will look into it! I will erase this convo as well…!!
Jan 30Reply
wanderlustboho @peppercorn604 you are welcome - 100% free
Jan 30Reply
wanderlustboho CP too expensive
Jan 30Reply
peppercorn604 @wanderlustboho soooo expensive, it hardly makes sense anymore. I wish more people knew to approach us with requests for a price drop during CC shipping deals… THAT makes sense, but it’s not advertised to customers well enough…
Jan 30Reply
peppercorn604 @wanderlustboho time to get back to my duties. 🤷‍♀️ Thanks so much for the chat and catch up, Vaness. ☮️ 💗 🦋
Jan 30Reply
wanderlustboho @peppercorn604 I know! I was thinking of putting up a little ad in the closet saying "want lower shipping? Comment in item on CC days..." or something like that....
Jan 30Reply
peppercorn604 @wanderlustboho That’s a really good idea. I think I will do that and delete the bundle 3 items for blah blah blah sign. I will make a new sign. Let’s do it! :)
Jan 30Reply
wanderlustboho @peppercorn604 yes!!! Planning to do it this week
Jan 30Reply
wanderlustboho @peppercorn604 so happy we caught up! Enjoy the rest of your day. keep me posted if you try the crosslist....
Jan 30Reply
kberly10 Love your closet happy poshing
Feb 06Reply
peppercorn604 @kberly10 thank you! 🤩😊🥂
Feb 06Reply

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