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Updated Jun 06
Updated Jun 06

Meet your posher!💍🎀👑🐯💪💏 Top rated seller🏆🏅

lululemon athletica

US$1,000,000 US$100,000

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UPDATE 2023: Still love my lulu(lemon), my lv, my Gucci, my Chanel! I also don’t love to pay over retail for used! Please always show me your pretty things! Obsessed with pink! Welcome everyone! My name is Meaghan and I love love love lululemon! I also love Tory Burch, Kate Spade, Victoria Secret, North Face, Patagonia and many many more! Please show the love and tell me about your closet! 🎀🎀
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ginabobina24 Hello! Nice to "meet" you! Great closet too 😘🌞
Aug 08Reply
melissa_marie77 Thank you for your unnecessary, pointless and rude comments on my listing. If you don't like what you see then just keep scrolling. No need for nastiness. Be kind. ✌🏼️
Aug 28Reply
poppysgal HI... Nice closet! Thanks for the ♡♡♡ on the North Face jacket.   Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you
Oct 21Reply
abpowell1 I received the shorts today! They are super cute! Thank you so much!!! ❤️❤️❤️.
Feb 15Reply
megcorrigan @buttercup1997 aww thank you so much!! Will come check out yours :)
Mar 27Reply
daniellemaggi8 hey sorry i didn't mean to blow up comments on your post hahahah i was wondering if u knew anything about being scammed because i reported it and took pictures and even tagged the girl on my page with the lipgloss she sent me and she obviously stopped answering me .. lol i just haven't gotten any feedback yet from poshmark so i was jw if u knew anything about scammers / how this works lol
May 29Reply
daniellemaggi8 if i get my money back before your watch is sold i'm 100% buying yours just pls pls pls don't send me lipgloss hahaha
May 29Reply
megcorrigan @daniellemaggi8 wow. Poshmark usually replies within 48 hours. Did you go through the sale and report it? You submit the pictures on there. It usually takes a few days for poshmark to review the case and then they will refund you your money. This is horrible. I can't even imagine how you feel. I would be furious. If I were you I would be filing a claim with my bank also.
May 29Reply
megcorrigan @daniellemaggi8 This is theft. I would not let her get away with this. It ruins it for everyone else also. You need to post comments on her profile also so everyone knows. Do not accept the order because she can't get the money you paid until you accept the order. .
May 29Reply
megcorrigan @daniellemaggi8 I will report her also if you need help. I can't stand when these things happen to people. I love poshmark and obviously use it a lot and hate that it ruins it and people's trust to buy from others. Let me know anything I can do to help you
May 29Reply
daniellemaggi8 @megcorrigan would my bank be able to do anything? sorry for all the questions this has just never happened to me before so i'm flipping out. & yes i filed a claim with poshmark and i emailed them because i'm crazy and really really upset / mad hahaha
May 29Reply
megcorrigan Haha believe me I don't and would never ever do that!!! Some people!!!
May 29Reply
megcorrigan @daniellemaggi8 oh yes. Your bank can. Your money was stolen. I would be in there first thing in the morning or try calling the 800 number today!
May 29Reply
daniellemaggi8 @megcorrigan wow you are so sweet thank you seriously i know u don't know me but i really appreciate you even helping me with this information. i keep checking when she was active on this app bc she accused me of lying and told me to post pictures of what she sent me and i did and then she stopped answering me on everything. she's also selling like a go pro and she answered someone's comment and i replied to it and was like she's a scammer don't buy it!!
May 29Reply
megcorrigan @daniellemaggi8 don't be sorry at all! I am the same way! I can't stand these things. Always will help. I have had it done and makes me furious that people feel it's ok.
May 29Reply
daniellemaggi8 @megcorrigan i dont wanna get you involved because you seem like really nice and normal but i just tagged you in the girls account just don't buy anything from her if you ever see her name anywhere! and it was also sketchy bc when she sent me the package she didn't include her last name... i didn't know that you could even do that but i guess you could
May 29Reply
megcorrigan @daniellemaggi8 I thought you had to have your last name!!! Wow she is and I would interrupt all her sales and let everyone know!! She's doing it to everyone if she did it to you. I will get involved. I could care less she deserves it! Haha
May 29Reply
daniellemaggi8 @megcorrigan wow some people are so mean on here and others are so nice (like u hahaha) i'm only 20 and i work hard for everything i have and i was just trying to treat myself and it's just disgusting someone has no problem doing that to someone uk? go to my page look at my last listing that's what she sent me lmao
May 29Reply
megcorrigan @daniellemaggi8 she is crazy and a liar. She said she doesn't sell makeup and that's all that's in her closet!! I left her comments!! You poor thing! I'm so sorry!!
May 29Reply
megcorrigan @daniellemaggi8 I reported her also
May 29Reply
daniellemaggi8 @megcorrigan thank you so so much! you have no idea how much that means to me i hope karma is good to you. if i get my money back and your watch is still not sold i will 100% buy it and 100% give u a tip or if you want anything in my closet (i only have like 3 items listed) lmao i'll literally give them to u for free. that means so much to me. when i get off work i'm gonna list more things and if you want anything u can have it. thank you so much
May 29Reply
megcorrigan @daniellemaggi8 haha you don't have to. You are so sweet. I just want what is right to be done. She obviously messed up and doesn't want to admit it. I will help you all the way :) she's a bully and don't take it!!
May 29Reply
megcorrigan @daniellemaggi8 and I don't want anything. I am not like that at all. My oldest son is a year younger than you and I can't stand how people can be!! I just like to help :).
May 29Reply
daniellemaggi8 @megcorrigan wow you are so kind seriously i hope this NEVER happens to you. thank you so much i literally can't thank you enough. i really hope your watch is still there i hope poshmark gets back to me by tomorrow. i'm guessing bc of the holiday weekend they aren't in the office? i'm gonna call my bank tmrw too
May 29Reply
megcorrigan @daniellemaggi8 no problem. I just can't stand when people get taken advantage of. That's why I chose law school :). I always enjoy helping others when I can. And some people are so desperate it's ridiculous.
May 29Reply
daniellemaggi8 @megcorrigan wow law school that's so awesome good for you! you even sound like you know your stuff over these comments and on top of it you are also nice! hahaha i'm a physical education major and hope to one day be a teacher but law school is so legit that's so great i hope everything works out with that for you!! :)
May 29Reply
morrelli Hey I'll do 45 for the pink lulu shorts!
Oct 19Reply
cutehosiery @megcorrigan Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 25Reply
tjquam Hi! I noticed you liked some items. If you want to bundle them, I’ll make you an offer:)
May 27Reply

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