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Updated Sep 02
Updated Sep 02

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Hey everyone! My name is Cassandra. I am a stay at home mom with a lovely daughter named Hailey-Marie! I love watching movies and spending money hahaha!
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raynamarie Sooooo adorable! You have a couple likes in my closet and I saw a few really cute things in your closet! Not sure if yore open to trading, but if not I can give you a GREAT bundle discount. You can read my feedback to feel comfortable either way.
Sep 09Reply
ncbringas @raynamarie I'm still getting used to this site! When you trade you pay for the packaging for shipping and the shipping cost too right?
Sep 09Reply
raynamarie @ncbringas Sorry for the delayed response. There are a couple ways to do it. If your trading a lower priced item or only one or two things, it is cheaper to ship on your own through priority mail where you can still track (for proof $5) and and upload a pic of the tracking for your buyer. If you're trading multiple things, the shipping is cheaper on here since you get up to 5 lbs for $5 but the transaction will total $8 all together because you will need to create a listing for the trade that will cost $3 (the minimum sale on posh)... This is why I was saying if it is one or two things or a lower dollar transaction it is cheaper "offline". If you know the person enough to feel comfortable sending regular mail it is the cheapest but there is no tracking and I wouldn't recommend unless you have dealt with them before. Trades are risky enough with the scammers who don't send their portion of a I recommend looking through their page to see the feedback and comments from past transactions. I have several trades on here and the only negative feedback I have ever gotten is when someone didn't read the description of an item to see when something fits differently than what the tag is. (For instance Bebe and Hollister sizes run VERY small so when someone buys a M, they need to understand it is more like a junior M and fits like a S)... But I always put those things in the description. Hope this helps and welcome to the addictive world of Poshmark. For the most part, everyone is wonderful, this is a lot of fun, and a great way to have a revolving door of great clothes coming in and out if your closet 😉
Sep 10Reply
shugahs Awwwww, she's adorable looking like her pretty mama! You have a great closet!!
Jan 29Reply
ncbringas @shugahs thanks!! Were both at home with the flu right now 😢
Jan 29Reply
shugahs @ncbringas Ohhh noooo, you poor babies!!!! I pray you both get better soon and stay warm.... Awww, I feel bad for y'all😥
Jan 29Reply
hnhamilton @ncbringas adorable baby and you are beautiful!
Feb 19Reply
ncbringas @hnhamilton awe thanks!!! It's so funny because my daughter looks everything like my brother in law and not my husband...creepy right??
Feb 19Reply
hnhamilton @ncbringas that is funny. But she's beautiful.
Feb 19Reply
idealsoul Cuteness overload!!!
Mar 15Reply
ncbringas @idealsoul awe thanks!!!!! She's the apple of my eye
Mar 15Reply
ncbringas @abby_girl63 hey Rhonda, I know this is super super weird me doing this, but I saw that you did a special offer from heather for a swim suit. I am contacting you because today she posted that her closet is closed and I did a special order as well. I wanted to know if you had received your order yet or got any notification of it being shipped. I'm nervous I got ripped off :(
May 30Reply
abby_girl63 @ncbringas I didn't know she closed her closet. I work a lot of hours & was going to check up Saturday on it.. I am glad that u messaged me.. We can keep each other in the loop..
May 30Reply
ncbringas @abby_girl63 After I released the funds, I haven't gotten any responses to my messages checking in on the past few days. It's fine if she's sick. I totally understand. On her thing it says that everything has been shipped but I would've gotten an email from poshmark with the tracking number... I think... Haha
May 30Reply
abby_girl63 @ncbringas I just checked it out.. I know when I ordered a shirt from her it took a while due 2 her going into the hospital but she updated me then she ended up having her friend go 2 her house to ship something's. So I would message her in a few days & see if ur special order has came in. I think it takes 2-3 weeks for her to get so I would be mindful of that also, I don't feel like she's going to rip us off. But how ever u choose to handle ur order is up to u.
May 30Reply
ncbringas @abby_girl63 I like to think the best of people :) I just wanted to check what ur update was. I know how it can be going in and out of the hospital. Thank you for letting me know of her last experience. It is really helpful to give me a peace of mind.
May 30Reply
abby_girl63 @ncbringas I am the same way about thinking best of ppl, I am happy that gave u some peace of mind. I'll message her & see if I get anything from her.
May 30Reply
ncbringas @abby_girl63 Hey so I saw that heather was on since we last sent our messages and she never responded to either of us 😔 I'm sure she saw that we wrote her messages.
May 30Reply
abby_girl63 @ncbringas Hopefully we hear from her soon.. My order got placed on 17th so it should be soon on hearing about.. Thanks 4 letting me know.
May 30Reply
ncbringas @abby_girl63 hey Rhonda. She finally messaged me back on her closet closed notification if you want to read it. She was rude to be honest. So I don't know. She says she is still maintaining our orders...
Jun 02Reply
abby_girl63 @ncbringas Hey.. Oh my really.. I'm sorry.. I haven't checked if she posted on mine yet.. Crazy.,, I'll check.. Thanks 4 the update..
Jun 02Reply
ncbringas @abby_girl63 one of the other girls in our situation was able to cancel her order. I feel bad if I cancel. I'm kind of annoyed that she won't answer me on how long these orders take. If she just told me how long they take then I would have a time frame and I won't bug her but she avoids answering that question. Do you think she's being shady or should I just trust her
Jun 02Reply
abby_girl63 @ncbringas I have not even heard back from her on my end... Whatever u need 2 do.. I'll just 2 see what I'm going 2 do later Thanks 4 letting me know
Jun 03Reply
ncbringas @abby_girl63 hey girl have u gotten any new updates or anything?
Jun 08Reply
abby_girl63 @ncbringas I haven't I been so busy w/ work I spaced on it.. Imma need 2 send her a message.
Jun 08Reply
abby_girl63 @ncbringas I just messaged her, hopefully she gets back 2 me soon... Thank u so much 4 messages I have been working a lot hours been super tired & haven't been on..
Jun 09Reply
ncbringas @abby_girl63 I saw that she messaged you back. I hope my order isnt far behind yours :)
Jun 09Reply
butifulpryncez7 Hi.. nice to meet you. Hailey Marie. . What a cutie !! Enjoy mommy hood
Jun 10Reply
abby_girl63 @ncbringas I hope I get mine soon..
Jun 13Reply
ncbringas @abby_girl63 do you think she was being honest with you about the item being shipped,? It's almost summer girl! Time to bust out that swim suit haha
Jun 13Reply
ncbringas @abby_girl63 hey! Have you gotten your item yet?
Jun 22Reply
abby_girl63 @ncbringas I have not yet.. I was going 2 message her today.. My work week has been super long 15+ hrs the past 4 days.
Jun 22Reply
cody11 Shes adorable!
Jun 23Reply
ncbringas @cody11 thanks!!! She's my love bug.
Jun 23Reply
melanieshea Hey Cassandra! Lil Hailey is such an angel! I love that sweet baby smile!! She's absolutely beautiful, just like her Momma! ;) ♡♡♡ Mel
Jun 24Reply
abby_girl63 @ncbringas Hey.. So have u heard anything on ur end about ur shipment? Sorry I been super busy.. I did message her today we Will See
Jun 24Reply
ncbringas @abby_girl63 hey girl! Have you gotten any updates?
Jul 01Reply
abby_girl63 @ncbringas Hello, No I messaged her & noting back yet.. I will try & message again.. If no reply back I will then contact postmark.. I don't mind waiting but at least update ppl.
Jul 01Reply
ncbringas @abby_girl63 I saw that she hasn't been on since June 23. I think I contacted her last on June 22nd. So maybe she is in the hospital. I think the next time she comes on and doesn't message me back then I'll contact posh. I'm worried they can't do anything to help us because we released the funds
Jul 01Reply
abby_girl63 @ncbringas I was wondering if u got ur's in or any updates? I still haven't got anything from her..
Jul 07Reply
ncbringas @abby_girl63 haven't gotten anything in the mail or heard from her. She hasn't been on poshmark since June 23. I don't know if she ended up in the hospital or what. I'm lost as to what I should do next. It's been two months since I ordered from her.
Jul 07Reply
ncbringas @abby_girl63 I'm starting to give up on my package
Jul 08Reply
kimeepooh Hee Hee me too! 😉 how old is your daughter? Mine is 2 years old and 9 months old. Driving me crazy with her terrible twos 😝
Jul 17Reply
ncbringas @abby_girl63 Heather hasn't been online since June 23. Either she is extremely ill or something else. I think I'm going to contact poshmark. We ordered our items in May. A special order should take at most a month to get to us.
Jul 19Reply
abby_girl63 @ncbringas I was thinking maybe her friend would be helping her again
Jul 19Reply
ncbringas I don't know. I'm getting annoyed though. Now I know in the future I'm not going to release funds to someone until I get my items
Jul 19Reply
abby_girl63 @ncbringas I feel you on that... Lesson learned on that for both of...
Jul 19Reply
ncbringas @abby_girl63 I emailed posh support. I wanna see what they will say
Jul 19Reply
abby_girl63 @ncbringas I will prob do the same...
Jul 19Reply
ncbringas @abby_girl63 Hey Rhonda. Poshmark cancelled my order.
Jul 22Reply
abby_girl63 @ncbringas Sorry just seen ur message did they refund u?
Jul 27Reply
ncbringas @abby_girl63 they sure did!
Jul 27Reply
abby_girl63 @ncbringas Sweet, I will need to do the samething.. How long did it take ?
Jul 27Reply
ncbringas @abby_girl63 It took about 5 days to get my cancellation and money in my account
Jul 27Reply
jellyj9187 Hello! What a beautiful baby!!
Sep 21Reply
nygtshop OMgosh so cute 😊
Jan 27Reply
mbsamples Hi! Beautiful closet love! I just wanted to reach out to you and ask a question if you don't mind. I think you may have purchased something from @toniasuttles closet. Did you receive this item? Was it damaged? Thank you so much, love. I really appreciate it!
Apr 11Reply
ncbringas @mbsamples hey sorry I didn't see this message. I purchased from her but she cancelled my order 2 weeks later. I never got the item. Lemme guess something happened to you? People are so shady
Apr 24Reply
mbsamples @ncbringas Yes, she put a fake listing for Chi Hot Rollers and sent me a cheap off brand hair brush. I was so frustrated! I didn't know if it was just me or if she had done this before! Thanks so much for getting back to me!
Apr 24Reply

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