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My name is Heather & my husband is Alan! First off, let's start by saying "Thank You!" for stopping in to read this. Next, a bit about me/us. We've been married for 21 yrs, but together for 24, we're HS sweethearts! We have 2 beautiful um.. young men that are such incredible blessings! Our fur son's rotten but loved! I'm in constant pain, so this closet is a collaborative effort between us all. The guys always help! Our faith & love is in God & each other. Lastly, have a great day!

22 others
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Hi Heather nice to meet you too. My birth name is Kathleen and thats what I go by but my family and old friends call me Kathy. Thanks for the compliments and taking the time to introduce your self ... it's fun meeting new ppl here on Poshmark. See ya around " ) Blessing!
Jan 22Reply

@nkathy Absolutely, can't get to know someone without first an introduction. Yes, we shall see each other I am sure! 😃Have a great day! 🌞🌹
Jan 22Reply

Hi Heather, Welcome to Posh! My name is Rosanne and I'm happy to help you with any advice you need re Posh. Here are some ladies that will welcome you and help also! You have an awesome family. GOD bless you. @janismarie @erikagannon @hollynoel25 @kalifreshness @ridinghood13 @motherskiss @zeyca @edizarodriguez @skinn @janicegw @bellanblue @jimsprincess @larochelle @scarlettstained @classyvintage NEW POSHER, LADIES!
Jan 23Reply

@tissue thank you so much for the introductions, the welcome and for sharing my listings. It was very nice meeting you and I look forward to getting to know many wonderful ladies on Posh. Lol I may have to take you up on advice because there are many things I am still learning. Thank you for your compliments about my family, I am quite fond of them, well just a tad.😉 I know I am truly completely blessed, and I am grateful. I know that we will see each other soon. Have a phenomenal day.
Jan 23Reply

You're very welcome. You can call on me or any of the ladies. You'll find a lot of awesome women on Posh who will try to help you succeed. Be Well!
Jan 23Reply

@janismarie Thank you! Hopefully sales will pick up soon for me. I need to get rid of some of these clothes to make room in my closet to buy some to fit me. I would love to visit a poshfest but hardly likely they will come to Indy. Closest maybe Chicago, but I can't drive that far by myself.
Jan 23Reply

@healchno Heather, thank you for all of the shares. I know I've been sharing back but haven't had time to say hello and introduce myself. Are you new to Posh? You have a great closet!- lots of variety in listings and beautiful handcrafted jewelry!! Do you make it yourself? I've been on Posh for awhile but only seriously selling for 5 months. Please let me know if you ever have questions or would like advice on how to gain followers, get a host pick: things like that which will increase your closet views and hopefully your sales! Have a wonderful day! I don't know where you live, but I'm in upstate NY and I am officially DONE with the snow!! ⛄️⛄️😞 😉
Feb 11Reply

@bluejeanrein Hey Emily, my goodness thanks so much for all your shares. Yeah still kinda new, about 3 months. There is such a variety because I have no set style... Lol I wear what I like when the mood hits me. If I want a hoody from Walmart it will be in my closet or a dress from Nordstrom. Just depends on what I like, not everybody else, but me. Quick story... The other day, walking through the mall, I was wearing a sweater over a slip dress that has ruffled layers at the bottom over leggings and boots. Ppl were staring and asking basically why I was wearing a tutu! Lol,What? A tutu? I may post a pic of my outfit sometime.... Anyway, I live in Indiana. Yes, I make my jewelry with my husband. I haven't made any for awhile. We used to take it to craft fairs etc. My neck hurts too bad right now to get into it. Hopefully, I can do it again because I love the creative aspect to it. My health puts quite a bit of my extra curricular activities on hold. So, that is how I found posh. My friend introduced me. Yay! I can recycle all the clothes that I can't wear anymore, (some of which I actually hate to lose) get new clothes, and make new friends like you! 😃
Feb 11Reply

Welcome to Poshmark Heather! You'll have a great time selling your things here and most of all getting to know some fantastic & truly kind gals here. You're just a tag away if you have any questions about anything😊PS... Love your pics & your black furry baby too :)😻
Feb 19Reply

@lakeforest Hi Dorothy!! Thanks so much for stopping by and introducing yourself! I see that you have a little black kitty as well! They are so special!😽 Love that booger to pieces! I do enjoy posh, a ton of lovely ladies on here with fabulous fashion finds!😍 I love to share, hopefully we can be share buddies. It benefits all involved! Thank you for extending such a warm welcome and offering to help if I need it. You might live to regret that one! Lol😉
Feb 19Reply

@tippiejax @healchno Aww.. Heather, I found you because my dearest special friend Cathy😘led me to your closet under your "share" listing😘with all the beautiful words & prose. We really do help one another as best we can. It can be a bit confusing at first with this whole sharing/following scenario but in a short time, you'll have it down pat. For me, what seems to have worked the best is sharing a few things from other closets and hopefully they'll reciprocate the gesture to their followers. Then the followers just sort of drop in & you'll get more l👀ks in your closet and sales👍😊
Feb 19Reply

I ditto what @lakeforest said, and I already ❤️ you! You are not alone in your struggles. We are with ya SISTAH!
Feb 19Reply

@tippiejax I 💗💗💗my Cathy!!!
Feb 19Reply

@lakeforest @tippiejax Ladies like you make Posh so much fun! Thank you for your kind words of encouragement!! Love the friends I have made!
Feb 19Reply

@healchno You have lovely family😊
Mar 04Reply

@tazze Thank you vm. They are such a joy in my life. An uncontainable amount of pride and just love for each of them and all that they have become, are becoming, figuring out and or stand for. My husband, of almost 21yrs, is a remarkable man who God seen fit to give me, WOW!! My sons, although different, are both so intelligent, I keep learning from them daily. They still need our guidance, but I can not wait to see what unbelievable things they accomplish. If they accomplish happiness, that of a great father, loving husband and a good man, I will be completely and totally happy. Thank you for stopping by my closet and letting me ramble about my loves. ❤👪
Mar 05Reply

Your closet looks FAB!!!!
Mar 10Reply

@motherskiss thank you vm!
Mar 10Reply

@alise28 Thank you so much. Sometimes it is hard ya know. It is very nice to meet you. Right now I am not sharing as much or doing as much on Posh as I would like. Mom isn't doing well. They downgraded her to a dnr. I keep getting one doc telling me that she should pull through and another telling me the prognosis isn't good. So, this is where this morning actually while typing this to you, I just remembered it is up to God. It is God's will and He will do what is best for mom. So, thanks for being the one to remind me. Sometimes in struggles, it's easy to forget that you can let go and give it to Him. I will try to be back to full swing soon, God willing so will she.,❤
Mar 14Reply

I see you have some lovely jewelry. Are you in one of the Posh Jewelry Share Groups yet? If not, check out the one in kookc's closet and also dvacante's. 👍👍👍
Mar 19Reply

@marlanap Thank you very much for the comment and for thinking to include me. That was nice of you! I have seen kookc's jewelry share group. Yes, I would like to join in on one however, I am not positive at this point right now I could commit to it. I never know how my day will be. I have been battling with different medical issues for a while (I feel like a broken record😳) and just had surgery for one of them. Then, mom got incredibly sick from chemo and we almost lost her. She just woke up from a 12 day ventilator/infection induced nap. Now, my dad who has stage 4 prostate cancer has just been diagnosed with alzheimers. So, I am still trying to heal from surgery running back and forth to the hospitals and I am beat. Sooner or later I hope to take part in one absolutely, because I see the sign up sheet every time I share her closet Lol. 😃Right now, I guess God has other plans!🙏☝👏
Mar 19Reply

I totally understand. Day to day. My heart goes out to you and prayers. 🙏🙏🙏 Just remember that one Share Group averages no more than about 2O closets per day. You are only sharing 3 or 4 items a few multiple times so it should take very little time. No more than 1-2 hours tops. I just do not do it all at once. Take breaks doing other stuff. So it is maneagable and not time-consuming, especially considering you only have to sign up on a "Good Day" so strongly consider it. My goal in joining the Jewelry Shares is to sell more jewelry and I am very optimistic. 👍👍👍 In fact, a few Poshers have already sold as a result of being in one or both of the 2 mentioned. 👍👍👍
Mar 19Reply

Mar 29Reply

Mar 30Reply

Hey Heather! I hope all is well and you are feeling a bit better! How is the family? Work? Hope you're enjoying the beginning of spring, and breathing in the beautiful fresh air. Miss chatting with you! Keep in touch! ❤️😋
Apr 16Reply

@ownpudi Hi Rebekah!! I thought I upset you or something, I kind of felt like I was bothering you so I just kind of backed off a bit.☺ I am hanging in there. I don't work. I have too many health issues. I wish I could. We could use the extra income. I love to do stuff and have talent in a lot of diff areas but unfortunately my body doesn't think it's a good idea lol. I miss talking with you too. Don't be a stranger. ❤
Apr 16Reply

Hello Heather! Thank you so much for stopping by and for your generous shares. It's nice to "meet" you. I love your intro... great pics of family and "Mr. Rotten" ;) and what you have to say. I'm sorry that you're struggling with constant pain. I've met many gals in similar circumstance in the short time I've been here, but also have faith in God's sustaining hand (as so many of them do). I wish you all the very best!
Jun 12Reply

@travelbugginger Thank you for your kindness. I know there are so many ladies on here w/chronic problems. My heart just breaks for their suffering, to know there's soo much pain. God IS the way, if you have faith in HIM, Thank you for your kindnes. Women like you make Posh such a wonderful special place. So again, thank you for stopping by & I look forward to getting to know you. 💕
Jun 12Reply

💕💕Beautiful family my PFF💕💕
Jun 12Reply

@phoenixfrances I don't know how I missed you commenting here but Thank you and I am so sorry that I am just now acknowledging your kindness. So was not my intention, just didn't know. I am quite fond of them, my family, but maybe I am a tad biased. Lol I hope you are doing well. Thank you for always being so very sweet.😊💖🌹
Aug 17Reply

@coolmum2 Thank you Andrea! So very nice of you to say. I like your pictures and the framing that you use. Thank you for stopping by and I hope to get to know you better. Have a fabulous day.
Aug 17Reply

@healchno ✌️💓🌺😊😜🎉💃🏻💐🌻🍀
Aug 18Reply

@fashioncravings Debbie, when you share you blow it up!! It will take me 3 days to catch up! I always love hearing from you, you put a smile on my face. It's like you always know just when too. I'm down sick, so are the kids. Blah... stinking summer colds, the WORST!
Aug 18Reply

Beautiful family!
Aug 18Reply

@heatherschoice Fellow Heather, Hello! Thank you so much for stopping by, for your compliment on me and my guys, and for all your generous shares!😙 I will definitely be stopping by your closet to return the favor and maybe get to know you. Have a fabulous day Heather! God bless!
Aug 18Reply

Nice meeting you Heather! Maybe sometime we can get to know each other better, I'm too sick n weary rt now to txt much on here. Sorry to hear your in a lot of pain. God knows sister!
Aug 18Reply

God is good and I have ALWAYS been taken care of. He has a plan, that is that. I hope you start to feel better Heather! We have summer colds here. Drinking lots of OJ. If only it didn't burn a sore throat.😣
Aug 18Reply

@healchno You are too funny, I'm the one trying to keep up with you😜😜 I hate those darn summer colds!!! Prayers that you will all be feeling better very soon💐😊
Aug 18Reply

Thanks for the congrats on the host pick! I love your closet and all of the amazing shoes. 😘
Oct 08Reply

Hi! I'm Ronda and fairly new to Posh still and was hoping that you would check out my closet in hopes that you would find something worthy of a 🎉Host Pick 🎉 at tomorrow's party- as I surely would be more grateful than you know. I'm having a really hard time in my life 😞 @designerguru2
Jan 29Reply

Hi Heather! I like your informative listing. It's so nice! I'm sorry you have chronic pain daily. You are not alone. That's fantastic your family helps you🤗
Mar 05Reply

@kookc Hi Carolyn! Thank you. I'm blessed beyond measures. God sure had a design when He thought of our family & how we would be put together, each one compliments the strengths of the other & lifts up where another may need a hand. I can only describe the feeling of a puzzle that has all of it's pieces fitting right where they belong. Not to say we don't get on each other's nerves once in a while, but we do it with love! Lol
Mar 06Reply

@kookc Chronic pain is a day to day take it as it comes, kind of thing. Perseverance is mostly attitude and the unwilliness to let things make you worse off than you have to be. You can focus on the negative or realize there is a positive, no matter how small, it is still a positive.
Mar 06Reply

I believe in God too. What a great attitude! I agree with the ending comments. 🌺🍃🌺🍃
Mar 06Reply

Wow! You are awesome😃. Thank you for both the host pick and bajillion shares of the blouse! Maybe someone will buy it! Have a great evening. 💖
Apr 27Reply

Beautiful closet!!😍 Just wanted to stop through and let you know!! Happy Poshing! 💕🎀
May 18Reply

May 19Reply

@spadoni57 @icaton @maidmarian @treasuresbytrac @bellanblue @herparallax @love4luxe @classyvintage @lucksterlw @aprils2ndcloset @stunning_29 @shoefloozy @bluejeanrein @valorieann @rmccouture @mistielee @thebling @jnc650 @motherskiss @kmariec I wanted to let my friends on here know why I have been rather Mia lately. As most of you know Dad passed away 5 months ago tomorrow. Well, there has been some family drama over dad's estate. Cont...
Jun 25Reply

I am just now getting the opportunity to go through my family's things that hold memories and sentimental value. It is bringing a flood of emotions that sometimes I can't quite control. My dad and I were very close and I miss him very much. As if that wasn't enough I have to go to speech therapy 2 times a week due to my not being able to swallow correctly. Cont...
Jun 25Reply

I know that everyone has their own troubles and continue in their lives, but I am having a tough time just tossing dad's life away. (The stuff that we are getting rid of) Anyway, the reason for this post was to THANK YOU ALL for your continued shares and to let you know I am not trying to be rude by not returning them if I miss some. Thank you to anyone who has blessed me with a hp too! I love you guys. You mean a lot to me!
Jun 25Reply

Jun 25Reply

Sending my prayers and positive thoughts your way for God to ease the heartache and pain you are going through right now. My he bring peace in this time of struggle. 🙏🏻❤️ Sweet lady and friend, please don't ever apologize for being absent and not sharing back. I always say, 'Life comes first before Posh.' Love you lady!😘🎀
Jun 25Reply

@healchno Holding you close to my heart, praying for peace, guidance, strength, and memories of dad that will bring complete peace instead of heartache, pain and loss!! Love you always! NEVER apologize!! Your my buddy ❤️👭and I love you to pieces!!!!
Jun 25Reply

@healchno Heather✨Sweet need to apologize. We are sisters!! I feel your pain and know this must be so hard for you. First I'm sorry that you have to endure this right now; but we both know that God does things perfectly. He loves you so much... And is also sad with you. Some things are hard to understand. Enjoy the wonderful memories the good Lord blessed you with and let the yucky stuff fall away... May God be your strength.💖💕Praying... Xo
Jun 25Reply

It was so great to meet you and your husband today. I'm so glad you came out. Thank you for the information you shared. Keep me posted on any future Midwest Posh events, I'm all in!
Nov 13Reply

@workingwebers Absolutely!! Thank you! So very happy that we were able to meet up with everyone. It was such a pleasure meeting you!
Nov 13Reply

@sgmt Hi Shay! Thank you. Nice to meet you too! You guys were all so very friendly. Alan and I had a great time. You asked about the shoes? We got them from an auction. They were shelf pulls. They have since changed the auction site and the Indiana location is different now. I just logged in and you have to get special something or other to bid on stuff here now. I haven't been on in a while. I didn't even know they changed it. Sucks. Cont...
Nov 13Reply

@sgmt they have a couple of jewelry auctions on there right now that are shelf pulls... I can't access the manifest even because of the changes. But, $33,000ish in diamond jewelry for $16,000 or it says make offer. Can't afford 16k but do you think if I pulled a posh lowballer move and offered $100, they'd take it? Lmbo😂
Nov 13Reply

@sgmt they have auctions all over unfortunately you have to pay for shipping, which if you buy a pallet full of inventory, can be pricey. You're talking some can be a couple 100 lbs. Coming from Nevada, Texas etc. Some require a loading dock lol, because you can actually buy by the truckload too! That's for those that have physical stores & such I guess. The one in Indiana, WAS nice because we could go pick it up & avoid shipping all together. Now w/ the changes, not sure what's going on.
Nov 13Reply

Hello i bougjt tbe fri nge noots. I finally got a chance to wear them amd tbey are two left boots. The zillrr shld go kn the knsife i can nt get tbe otber. Oot on. Not sure if yu5 knew that nut wul6d like to send yje6m back
Nov 22Reply

Sorry about spelling two left boots. No good!!
Nov 22Reply

@kjshoes hi. I couldn't quite understand your whole message... please type it again.
Nov 22Reply

Hello you sent me two left boots, te black fringe boots i cant wear two.ley noots. What baplened here?????
Nov 22Reply

Please contact me
Nov 22Reply

@kjshoes I am not sure what happened. I contacted Posh to advise me as to what to do next. I am sure they will be in touch with you.
Nov 22Reply

@kjshoes Hi. Just wanted to let you know that I have heard back from Posh support. They have told me that if you have an issue with a purchase, you as the buyer, should contact them. Thank you.
Nov 23Reply

I have contacted them I just want to know if you were able to ever able to wear these boots because they belong to to their two left shoes so I like to see a picture of you and these boots
Nov 25Reply

@kjshoes No, I didn't wear these for they are not my size. Posh will handle the case and determine what we do from here. Thank you for contacting them, as I did, to resolve this issue.
Nov 25Reply

Hi Heather. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations and sharing them with your followers 🌹
Mar 14Reply

@hmsimon1 Hi Hank. You're welcome. Welcome to Posh. I'm always a fan & like to support artisans who enjoy their craft. Making things by hand is an underrated and unappreciated art form. It used to be a coveted, admired and sought after thing. Nowadays, people don't want to pay for quality. It is always about the cost saving measures. So kudos for doing what you love and for doing it well. Good luck on here. A tip I can offer is SHARE!! Your closet and others! Shares=$$
Mar 15Reply

@healchno thank you for the kind words and for the advice, I will share, share and share😂
Mar 15Reply

@healchno Thank you for all of the shares💕💕 I just read your profile and I know why your fur baby is rotten... It's because he's my fur baby's twin😂 He's a stinker. Thanks again and I'm about to share some love for you as well💖
Apr 05Reply

Hi! Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party today! 😎 I'm Shelli and I'm new to Poshmark (started last month). I would LOVE LOVE LOVE ❤️ for you to take a look at my closet for a possible HOST PICK. 😬😁😍😜 Thank you so much for the consideration and happy poshing! 🛍
Jul 25Reply

Congratulations Heather on hosting how exciting. Lovely closet please consider reviewing my closet for possible host pick. Thank you so much it would be an honor to have one of my closet listing chosen, will definitely share some of your listings to my pff. ❤️😊🌈Aloha!
Jul 25Reply

Hi @healchno!! So much love, light and healing to you❤️💫 I empathize with you and your pain. It's so beautiful to see you here on Posh, collaboratively working with your family, who all sound amazing ☺️ You're a warrior! Truly an inspiration to me, as I am new to Posh and had to quit working due to pain. Hope all is well and you're feeling good 🙏🏻☀️!! ❌⭕️ - Traci
Jul 25Reply

Heather & Alan it is nice to meet u! You have a beautiful family! I’m sorry to hear about your constant pain but glad u have such great family support! If there anything u need please don’t hesitate to ask! I’ll be saying a prayer to lessen your pain! Have a great night my friend! ❤️
Nov 05Reply

@chic_hawaii_tea Hi Tasha. Thanks for stopping by to say hello. It is very nice to meet you. This was posted a few years ago. Our oldest son is now 21 and our youngest a United States Sailor. Time sure flies. You have a beautiful family as well. Cherish those babies and all the time you have with them. They grow up way too fast!❤
Nov 05Reply

@healchno omg! My my... time surely does fly by! Well ty for your sons service! My husband is an Air Force vet. 🤗 n yes ma’am! I sure will! I take as many pics as I can as well! 😍 ty for your kind words!
Nov 05Reply

@healchno 😘Hi there, sweetheart!😘
Congrats on hosting the InstaChic Party!! That sounds like my kind of party! 🎉🎊🎈🎉🎊🎈🎉🎊🎈🎊🎉
I have TONS of great stuff in my POSH COMPLIANT closet!
PLUS I was just named a👸🏼👑POSH AMBASSADOR👸🏼👑last week!!! 🤗What a HUGE honor! 🤗
💖I'd love for you to take a peek 👀 and I'd be so EXCITED to be considered for a Host Pick! 💝🎁
But no matter what, I'll definitely be partying it up in your 🎊👩🏼🎤👑InstaChic Party!👑👩🏼🎤🎊
Nov 06Reply

@healchno welco
May 06Reply

welcome to stop by. nice family 🙏
May 06Reply

@healchno Just checking to see if you saw my offer. Thank you so much!😊
Nov 22Reply

Hope to hear back from you on Friday! Happy Thanksgiving and Blessings 😊.
Nov 22Reply

@atebacal Hi. No I had not seen the offer but, now I have and I accepted lol. Thanks. I will get them out after the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving.
Nov 22Reply

@healchno To you as well! Thank you! Enjoy your family time.😊
Nov 22Reply

@healchno Can you call me? I'd like to give you that information privately. Thanks.
Nov 26Reply

@healchno Heather, you've got to respond to me do that I know what needs to happen with my purchase. We can work it out, let's just stay in contact so that both customers get taken care of.😊
Nov 26Reply

Hi Heather! 😊 I was just stopping by to say I noticed you had liked several Stampin' Up! stamp sets and I wanted to let you know that I just posted several sets and lots! They are at the bottom of my closet if you want to bundle some up and make an offer I am trying to get rid of them as I am moving soon and honestly haven't really used them. I hope you're having a fantastic day and I'm sorry for bugging you if your not interested! 💜
Apr 26Reply

Can you help me understand the difference in Bandals Classic and Mezzanine as they look the same. Thank you!
Jun 15Reply

Hi are you available. Trying to purchase an item
Sep 09Reply
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