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Updated Nov 06
Updated Nov 06




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Thought it’s about time I posted one of these. This is me! I’m real! I’m happy to be part of the Poshmark community. As much as I want to save the money I make from here, it just goes to new clothes I buy from here! Ha. Everything you see here is super negotiable. For years I’ve been a diehard fan of Forever 21, lol, but I’m branching out and trynna build a better closet. With your help ofc!
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cwilson9945 @ashleeeybash love your closet! 💕
Feb 22Reply
ashleeeybash @cwilson9945 omgosh, thank you! Feelings are mutual! 💕
Feb 22Reply
ashleynicole402 Thank you so much for your rating😭💖 so glad you liked the artwork! I havent posted on my Instagram in forever but its ashnicole_art all of my artwork is on there so feel free to take a look! And I still do art here and there, whether that's for family or I do drawings for when I go to conventions to meet celebs haha. If by chance you have snapchat, mines ans1584 I'd your like to see more recent art I'd love to share💕💕
Feb 27Reply
ashleynicole402 @ashleeeybash and lol thought I'd mention too that if you go to my ig, I still think it says I'm 19, but I'm currently 21😅
Feb 28Reply
ashleeeybash @ashleynicole402 I’m so happy we’re both happy with our packages. SUCH AN AMAZING POSH CLOSET TO FIND!! I just gave you a shout out on social. I love your work so much!!! 💕☺️
Mar 02Reply
ashleynicole402 @ashleeeybash 💖💖💖💖, again thank u so much😊😊💕💕💕
Mar 02Reply
esnider1412 Congrats on co-hosting a party! I know it will be a posh-some affair! I would love for you to look at my closet for a HP! Happy Poshing!
Apr 08Reply
beeskits @ashleeeybash Congrats on hosting! I have a Hilfiger fanny pack and a Reebok mini backpack that would make great Host Picks...check them out in my closet!
Apr 08Reply
riverbronxshop Congrats on hosting a party! I will be there to share & shop! Would be honored to be considered for a host pick! Enjoy your day!
Apr 08Reply
agleiss Stopping by to say hi 👋🏼 and congrats on hosting! I’m new to Poshmark, just started my closet last week but am already in love!! While my closet is small right now there are some truly beautiful and unique pieces I would be honored if you considered as a Host Pick. Thank you and wishing you lots of sales! 💕
Apr 08Reply
demonhunters Good Afternoon, Congratulation on co-hosting the upcoming posh party. I hope you would consider one of my items as host pick. Most important have lots of fun and wishing you many sales....
Apr 08Reply
stylabration Congrats hostess! Fashion Festival! My closet's mantra! Hot trending boho designer brands; NWTS, many new 2019 spring adds! Honored if chosen! @stylabration
Apr 08Reply
ladycrackerjack @ashleeeybash ❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations!! ❤️💕❤️💕 I am so excited for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting your Very Own party !❤️Cant wait to party & celebrate your day! Xo -Kat ❤️💕 - [ ]
Apr 08Reply
cass104 @ashleeeybash Congrats on your host pick! I know that you are very busy but if you have time, could you maybe choose something out of my closet as a host pick? I am a beginner posher and I am still learning the basics of Poshmark but I would love my first host pick! I have some really cute dresses that would fit perfectly into the party! Thanks! 😊
Apr 09Reply
monascollection @ashleeeybash 🌷🍀🌻Congrats on hosting the Festival Fashion Party. I would be honored if you considered any of my hand fashioned designs as a host pick. ☘️🌸💐🍀
Apr 09Reply
annieonposh Congrats on hosting tonight’s Festival Fashion Party! It’s going to be such a fun theme. Your closet is absolutely beautiful and I love the way you style your listings! 🌷
Apr 09Reply
lynda721 @ashleeeybash 🎈Hi Ashley. Welcome to Poshmark and you’re First Time Hosting an Evening Posh Party! 🎊 It’s So Much Fun! You’re Going to Love it! Nice to meet you and I hope Tonight’s Party is gonna be a Smash! ~Lynda 💕
Apr 09Reply
acelestialsoul 👜😊👗😊👒Yay! You're hosting the 🦋🎀Festival Fashion Party!🦋🎀 I've got Sweet things in my Posh Compliant Closet. Will you please take a look for 🏆Host Picks🏆? 🌸Thanks a bunch!🌸 I'll be at the party Power Sharing: I'm a 💕Top Sharer💕on Poshmark💕 Instagram💕Twitter💕Tumbler💕Pintrest💕& Facebook.💕 😊Happy Poshing! ~Tricia, Poshmark Ambassador👜😊👗😊👒
Apr 10Reply
ashlyn_style_co @ashleeeybash Feel free to check out my closet!! #festivalfavorites 💓
Apr 10Reply
ally_marc @ashleeeybash I love this picture, so happy and beautiful, inside & out. Your closet is looking good 😍 happy Poshing. God’s blessings to you 🙏🏻💗🌷
Apr 10Reply
annieonposh Congrats on hosting tomorrow’s PoshFest Kick Off Posh Party! How exciting! 😊 Feel free to check out my closet during your search for host picks! Have so much fun! 🌷🌷🌷
May 13Reply
victoriaj84 Congratulations on your party! Love this theme!! I would absolutely honored to be one of your host picks for this special party!! I have beautiful and unique options for women, with modeled cover photos. Really hope you get a chance to check it out :) Congrats again!!
May 13Reply
proverbs2323 Wow! 🎉🎉Congrats 🎉🎉on hosting a wonderful Posh Fest Party to celebrate style! Nice to meet you & I’ll be joining too! Blessings to you! ❤️🌹😊❤️
May 14Reply
fourhanger I would love for you to consider one of my items as a host pick. It would totally make my day completely. ❤️😀❤️😀❤️
May 14Reply
wearebeutiful Congratulation for be part of the today party and co host. Have fun🏵
May 14Reply
monascollection @ashleeeybash 🎉🍷Congratulations on hosting the tonight’s party. I would be honored if you considered any items in my closet or those of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝🎊 I’ll be sharing no matter what. @anamaral @bonniesailer @legalbeagle922 @flippintickled @sarah_boynton @ms_penny_posher @mimi447 @heidizme @808classysassy @erincavezza @sluvscats @poshcloset173 @funkyhulagirl @romualdo1 @flghtmedc1907
May 14Reply
monascollection @ashleeeybash 🎉🍷Congratulations for hosting the upcoming Party. I would be honored if you considered any items in my closet or those of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝🎊 I’ll be sharing no matter what. @merri_graceland @modig @cathyfrangos @pietta @lndc62 @sfish33 @lillylife @myvintagelady @giniva93 @bohochicbowteek @terri_lynns @wildcaresalot @michjprieto @fashiondiva411 @acelestialsoul
May 14Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
May 14Reply
bohochicbowteek @ashleeeybash Thank you for all the time and effort that goes into hosting! Please ✅ out consider my closet @bohochicbowteek and the lovely closets of my 🔆amazing🔆 PFFs. We will be there to 👏🏼cheer 👏🏼 you on and share your 💫🌟fabulous listings 🌟💫 @merri_graceland @yourbestyou @clawjawscloset @monascollection @poshmel888 @chic_hawaii_tea @helpmehelpu @aclosetdeposit @acelestialsoul @1kawaii1 @jaimerstone @stylish_paige @baikley @foresttreasures @shoplunagrace @cwishrn @modestdepot
May 15Reply
kaileey15 aloha! 🌺 congratulations on co-hosting a party on poshmark 🥳 please check out my closet and please chose something from my closet as a hosts pick 💖 goodluck on your sales! 🍀
May 15Reply
cicis_bowtique Congratulations on hosting the PoshFest Kickoff Posh Party tonight! 🎉🎊. If you have a minute please consider my closet for a Host Pick. Let’s get Poshy 😃
May 15Reply
riverwmarket Would be honored if I get a host pick ! thank you for your time.
May 15Reply
lifewithlisag Hi! Thank you for hosting tonight’s PoshFest Kickoff Party. If you have a minute, please check out my closet. I have some great items ideal for host picks! 🤗🛍
May 15Reply
gigi11155 Here to congratulate you on HOSTING🎉🎉❤️👍. If you get a sec would you see if I might possibly have a HOST PICK?? Hope you have a huge success!!❤️👍😊🌹🌹🌹🌹@gigi11155 Thank you!!
May 15Reply
hangingclothes Hi! If you get the chance would you please stop by my closet and consider one of my items as a host pick? Thank you. Happy Poshing!
May 15Reply
after3 Thanks for the Host Pick girl!!!!!!🥰🥰🥰
May 15Reply
onpointcloset Posh love given. Congrats on hosting tonight's party.
May 15Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my account and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
May 15Reply
ani_mazz Congrats on your party and thank you thank you for the host pick!!! 💜 Bay Area 🙌🙌
May 15Reply
playboy_jewelry Congratulations on hosting Style Icon party!  I'd love a host pick from my Posh compliant closet!  Thanks so much for considering! 
Jul 29Reply
cocobellechic Hi! Thanks for inviting me to the party tomorrow!! If you have time I would be honored if you would look at my closet for a host pick! I have some really great pieces! Thanks so much & have fun!🤩🌸Jill
Jul 29Reply
cutencomfybyk_t Hi there! Congrats on hosting the party 🎉😊. You have a beautiful closet 💕. I would be honored if you can check out mine for a possible host pick. We just got back from a trip to Italy will be uploading some new items tomorrow morning. Thanks so much! 💕💕
Jul 29Reply
lindsayrm21 Congratulations on hosting! I hope your party is a great success! I’m new to Poshmark in the past 2 months and I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!
Jul 29Reply
haute2hand Congratulations on party hosting!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Jul 30Reply
krista1l Hi I love your closet! Feel free to check out mine! Happy poshing and good luck with your sales!💞
Jul 30Reply
goldenpolkadot @ashleeeybash 🎊🎊🎊 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼No one better to host a Style Icon Party Congratulations! 🎈I totally Can’t to see what Fabulousness pops up in the HP tonight! I wont miss it! Cheers🥂🍾🎉🎉🎉 Olga
Jul 30Reply
believeinhope Congratulations of co host today party👍😀🌴☀️⛵️🌴☀️
Jul 30Reply
victoriaj84 Congratulations on your party! Love this theme!! I would absolutely honored to be one of your host picks, I have a closet filled with lots of unique options for women. Really hope you get a chance to check it out :) Congrats again!!
Jul 30Reply
thriftnmamabear Hi & congrats on the party!! I'd be honored if you would take a little peek at my closet. Thanks so much for the opportunity to share my goodies!!
Jul 30Reply
esnider1412 Congrats on co-hosting a party! I know it will be a posh-some affair! I would love for you to look at my closet for a HP! Happy Poshing!
Jul 30Reply
electricmoose Congrats on hosting tonight's Style Icon Party!!! I would be so honored if you checked out my closet and considered one of my pieces as a host pick! Thank you so much! Have fun and happy poshing!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Jul 30Reply
monascollection @ashleeeybash 🍷🎂Congrats on hosting 🎉🎸🍰🎶🧁🎊the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered any of my hand 🍷fashioned designs as a host pick. I’ll be there to share no matter what🍰
Jul 31Reply
sandy0102 Congratulations on hosting the party 🎉🥳🥳🥳 Looking forward to it 🥳🥳🥳
Jul 31Reply
starburstlife Hello! Glad you are hosting the party tonight!❤️💕🌈😍 I will be there live and would love you to check out my closet and be considered for host pick! I have a lot of new fabulous items that I believe are prefect for this party! 💜 thanks a bunch for your time ~ StarburstLife
Jul 31Reply
proverbs2323 Hi🌹Ashley🌷❤️ 🎉Congratulations on hosting! 🎉 I’m excited to participate and join in on the celebration! Looking forward to finding some fun, fabulous fashion finds! Happy Poshing and Blessings to you!🌸 ❤️🌸
Jul 31Reply
nhark85 Hi! Please check out my closet for a potential Host Pick for tonight’s party - thank you!! 🤗⭐️✨
Jul 31Reply
acelestialsoul 🐟A🏝L🌸O🐚H🦀A🐳!🌊 I can hardly wait until the STYLE ICON PARTY. I hope you can send a shout out to me in Honolulu. Could you please award my hard work in my Posh Compliant closet with a Host Pick? That would be AW-some. See you at the par-tay. (I'll bring the Mai Tais.) Aloha nui loa e kokua, wahine! ☀️T🐠R🌴I🌈C🌸I🌊A🌟
Jul 31Reply
lauren_siena @ashleeeybash Congratulations on your Posh Party today! Wishing you many happy sales🛍📦 If you have a moment please stop by my Boutique. My favorite part of all this is packing up my sales with a little extra love and shipping them off!📦📦❤️
Jul 31Reply
angi_a_closet I you can check out my closet tonight. Thank you
Jul 31Reply
alro_co Hi! I can't wait for Style Icon Party tonight!!! I would absolutely LOVE to be considered for a HOST PICK!!!🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 Have fun hosting tonight!💙 Happy Poshing!!!😊 Allison-Rose
Jul 31Reply
closetoftaylor Congratulations on hosting the party going on NOW 💥💥💥💥 I’d be thrilled if you’d choose one of my items as a host pick 💥💥💥💥
Jul 31Reply
aleigebe Congrats on hosting! Please consider my closet @aleigebe and my PFFs for host picks. PFFs: @hummingbirdjedi, @bell1971, @ashleyrene2010, @lovemesomemk, @2chicboutique, @evelinaroger, @808classysassy, @moongoddess7, @teamposhlove, @jmzcity, @xiicepinkix, @brunomars90, @shopper919, @raekitten, @buffastuff, @tjortega, @tereminer, @glennlowny, @patronsaint, @rh1014, @mycuteboutique1, @poshinfox16, @whiskeyneatbtq, @angel_bishop79, @nculpepper, @sigi_bebe, @msneverending1, @dnj_ourcloset
Jul 31Reply
by_nyte Happy Tuesday& Thanks for hosting tonight’s party!! 🥳 🥂 Please consider our new line of Unisex COLOR CHANGING T-SHIRTS that change color with touch!! 🤚🔥 Thanks!! 💜
Jul 31Reply
kjenkinson1990 Tysm for hosting! If you’re still searching for host picks, please consider me I’ve worked hard the last 2 days getting together over 100 brand new listings! @kjenkinson1990 and my friend @jenxee 🎉💕🎉💕🎉💕🎉💕🎉💕🎉💕🎉 We will be here to share and support 🥰
Jul 31Reply
lookwhatibought Congrats on hosting tonight 🎉🛍️ Would love a host pick 🤗
Jul 31Reply
hans_gerlich Good Evening Ashley, Are you enjoying hosting tonight, and emptying your closet in the process? Best, Hans G
Jul 31Reply
luvmee40 30% OFF the already low prices for the next week. Its my 1 Year Anniversary on Poshmark. My Closet is truly something incredible. Over 1000 items with everything thing from Giorgio Armani to Michael Kors. Lots of very unique Vintage Glamour. Stop in asap and take a good look. YOU will find lots of things you love. Just like the item and I will send you a 30% discount. You can also bundle. Just take off 30% and I will accept.  This sale is one week only. Thanks!
Oct 30Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, will you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
Nov 04Reply
electricmoose Congrats on hosting the Pretty, Flirty & Girly Posh Party!!! I would be so honored if you checked out my closet and considered one of my items as a host pick! Thank you so much! Have fun and happy poshing!!!❤️❤️❤️
Nov 05Reply
curatedbyjenn hey, congrats on hosting!! i have some super cute pieces that i'd love for you to consider for host picks!! happy poshing, congrats again❤️❤️
Nov 05Reply
savvynycshopper Love your style & taste!!!🎉🥳💕
Nov 05Reply
Nov 05Reply
ashleeeybash @mrgnpwrs lol random place to add it but added a photo here for you to view!
Nov 05Reply
lindsayrm21 Congratulations on hosting! I hope your party is a great success! I’m new to Poshmark in the past 4 months and I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!
Nov 05Reply
jujuliet57 Yay! Huge Congratulations on hosting! Feel free to take a look at my closet. ❤️🎊🎉
Nov 05Reply
vitrineonline Congratulations on hosting a party!! If you visit my closet please consider any as a host pick. Enjoy the party :) 
Nov 05Reply
vitrineonline Congratulations on hosting a party!! If you visit my closet please consider any as a host pick. Enjoy the party :) 
Nov 05Reply
vitrineonline Congratulations on hosting a party!! If you visit my closet please consider any as a host pick. Enjoy the party :) 
Nov 05Reply
vitrineonline Congratulations on hosting a party!! If you visit my closet please consider any as a host pick. Enjoy the party :) 
Nov 05Reply
prettywoman80 Congratulations on hosting the Pretty girly, flirty, stylish posh party tomorrow , enjoy every minute of it and happy sales🎉. I would be grateful if you would kindly check out my closet for a consideration for a host pick for something pretty, stylish and flirty. 🥳😉🤗🎉
Nov 05Reply
cleogemshop Congrats on hosting tomorrow! If you'd like to browse my closet, I have some great picks for you! <3 @lasourced
Nov 05Reply
playboy_jewelry Congratulations on hosting 🎉 I’d love a host pick from my compliant closet ✅ Thanks so much 🙏
Nov 06Reply
mdskippy Congrats for hosting the Pretty Flirty and Girlie Posh Party. I’d love if you could select one of my closet items as a host pick! I have mostly men’s closet and have added some great women’s items with I think would fit this party. I’d love to be able to show off my clothes in the party. Feel free to check out my closet to see what could be featured. Good luck and hope you get lots of sales.
Nov 06Reply
caredforclothes Congratulations on hosting the pretty, flirty, girly party!🎊🥳💖 If you need some options for your host picks, please feel free to check out my closet! I am compliant and have a ton of girly stuff☺️ thanks for your consideration💕 goodluck with the party! see you then🎉🥂
Nov 06Reply
maji343 Congratulations on hosting tomorrow night’s party. I’ve just added new items this week. Some of them pair well with each other to make a complete outfit. If you could take a look, if any catch your eye as host picks that would be awesome. Can’t wait to host one day soon. Wishing you many sales and shares.
Nov 06Reply
glitznglam8888 Congrats on hosting the Pretty, Flirty & Girly party tomorrow night!! 🎉🎉 I would really appreciate if you would consider my closet for a host pick. 💃💃 Thanks so much for your consideration and have a blast!! 😊😊💖💖
Nov 06Reply
autumneastridge Congratulations on hosting the pretty, flirty and girly party! 🤗 I'd be so grateful if you could look through my closet for any potential host picks! Thank you so much in advance! Can't wait for the party! 💓
Nov 06Reply
elizabethdevon Congrats on hosting tonight!! Please check out my closet for a potential host pick 😊Thanks for your consideration!!
Nov 06Reply
jasdressingroom Congrats on hosting!! Would love a HP if you’re still looking. Thanks and can’t wait 🥂🎶🥂🎶
Nov 06Reply
erinmarie9 congrats on your hosting gig! 🎉👏🏻 i’ve got some great pieces in my closet, and i’d love for you to come by and check them out! 🧥👚👖😘 see you at the party! 🛍💕
Nov 06Reply
kjenkinson1990 Congrats on hosting! If you get a second please check out my closet! I’m currently still donating 10% of all sales to those who were affected by the hurricanes and tropical storms on the east coast. We have already donated close to 800$!!! 💕😘 I’ll be by to share some extra posh love throughout the day too! 🎉🥂
Nov 06Reply
ashleeeybash @thejanismarie hi Janis! Haha, that’s so funny to hear. Nice to meet you! ☺️
Nov 07Reply
proverbs2323 Hi🌹🌷❤️ 🎉Congratulations on hosting! 🎉 I’m excited to participate and join in on the celebration! Looking forward to finding some fun, fabulous fashion finds! Happy Poshing and Blessings to you!🌸 ❤️🌸
Nov 07Reply
thrifting2adopt Congratulations Party host!!! Edmond Oklahoma here!!! This party looks like it’s going to be a fun one! I hope it’s successful for you and brings you a ton of sales! I am using my closet to fund our adoption 🙌🏻! Swing on in and give it a look 🙏🏻💖.
Nov 07Reply
monascollection @ashleeeybash 🎉🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered my hand created accessories, and the stellar listings of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝I’ll be sharing no matter what. @anamaral @bonniesailer @legalbeagle922 @flippintickled @ms_penny_posher @mimi447 @heidizme @llporto @lauretoo @808classysassy @erincavezza @sluvscats @poshcloset173 @funkyhulagirl @romualdo1 @flghtmedc1907 @joyous1953
Nov 07Reply
monascollection @ashleeeybash 🎉🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered my hand created accessories, and the stellar listings of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝I’ll be sharing no matter what. @merri_graceland @modig @beoirem @cathyfrangos @pietta @lmdc62 @sfish33 @lillylife @myvintagelady @giniva93 @terri_lynns @wildcaresalot @michjprieto @fashiondiva411 @wildtimefashion @beautifulus @acelestialsoul @poshstreetluxe @shoevenir @fashionicon2020
Nov 07Reply
bluegirlsvm Go DC!!!! not the swamp but the rest of us!!! Wish I could host - congrats to you!!! 🌸 Fingers crossed 🤞🏻 that maybe my modest closet could maybe catch your eye for this city pick party (an honor indeed)!!!! 🤞🏻
Nov 07Reply
lucynicoled Congratulations on hosting!! 🥰💖🥳👑✌🏼🥂🍾😄👻 I hope you will consider me for a host pick. Thank you! Happy poshing! ✨✨
Nov 07Reply
ridicfabfinds Nominating my city— South Orange, NJ. And please take a look at my closet. Thank you!
Nov 07Reply
grasmussen93 Congrats on hosting tonight’s posh party!! I am representing Boston, MA. Please stop by my closet! 💛💙
Nov 07Reply
jillian0404 Congratulations on hosting the Bring Your City Host Party. Such a great idea to make new friends. I live downtown in WPB, Fl. Haven't found any other local Poshers yet but I did suggest to the library that they have a Posh Class to help patrons lean not only to shop for great prices but also to make extra cash for themselves. They plan to add it to the calendar next time they do an on-line selling class. Please check my closet for HP. All the best for success.
Nov 07Reply
sweetieprincess 🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊Congratulations on being our host for the posh party!!!❤️ I’m selling alot of stylish clothing and accessories and I would be very grateful and appreciate it so much if you would please take a look at them and hopefully consider any for a host pick💖. Thank you have a great day🌹🌺💖💜💖💜
Nov 07Reply
bonjoursummer Congrats on hosting, please check out my posh compliant closet for a host pick! Happy Autumn 🦊🍁🍄🦊🍁🍄🦊🍁🍄🦊🦊🍄🦊🦊🍁🦊🦊
Nov 07Reply
cassandralpaw ❣️CONGRATS ON HOSTING! ❣️ I would appreciate it if you took a look at my closet for a potential HP! 😍❤️ I have some great NWT pieces that need good homes! Wishing you all the posh success 💕💕
Nov 07Reply
acelestialsoul Aloha, Hawaii! 🐬Honolulu, (Oahu) let's get sharin' on this Nominate Your City Party! You, too, 🦑Kapaa, (Kauai) 🐳Lahina,(Maui) 🦀Kona, (Hawaii Island) 🐙Kaunakakai, (Molokai) 🐠Lanai City (Lani Island) 🌴Wouldn't you LOVE to see the next POSH PARTY LIVE to come to Hawaii? 🌴 I'll see you at the after-party 🌼 LUAU at my hale to celebrate!👒Tricia (Pakelekia)🌴🐠🌸👗🌊
Nov 07Reply
reggieretro Hello! Was hoping you could consider me For a posh pic tonight. It would truly be appreciated! Cheers! And good luck 🙂
Nov 07Reply
sandy0102 ⭐️⭐️ Congratulations on hosting the posh party ⭐️⭐️
Nov 07Reply
teeclothing1 Hey, check out my closet you may see something you like or may even love!!! @ashleeeybash
Nov 07Reply
amoresaluteblog Congrats on hosting a Poshmark party! I am a social media Influencer & blogger w/ nearly 50K followers on Instagram @amoresalute. I just launched my closet this year & everyone in the posh community has been so welcoming. I would love to shout out your closet & Instagram over on my IG page in exchange for a host pick. It may help us both to get some new traffic. If you are interested, please message me on ig @amoresalute or at my closet so that I can get your Instagram handle as well!
Nov 07Reply
saleallday 🎉🎉🎉🎉 Congratulations on your 🎉🎉🎉🎉 I will be there and Share for sure🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 Love for you to take a look at our closets for a possible Host Picks🙏❤️ Wishing you Massive Success 🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍💰❤️ Bringing my Sand Dollar Babes 🏖💵@listingleague @sun2mysunflwrs @greatforgifys @sassyclassy33 @katzpajamas @forgiven2017 @j9hw @sduson @mdbrodney @ashg0902
Nov 07Reply
saleallday 🎉🎉🎉🎉 Congratulations on your 🎉🎉🎉🎉 I will be there and Share for sure🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 Love for you to take a look at our closets for a possible Host Picks🙏❤️ Wishing you Massive Success 🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍💰❤️ Bringing my Sand Dollar Babes 🏖💵@listingleague @sun2mysunflwrs @greatforgifys @sassyclassy33 @katzpajamas @forgiven2017 @j9hw @sduson @mdbrodney @ashg0902
Nov 07Reply
thecashmerecat Congrats on hosting, I'd be honored to be considered for a possible pick!
Nov 07Reply
by_nyte Hello! Congrats on hosting tonight’s special party!! 🥳 🥂 Please consider our new line called RECOLLECTION that are upcycled remade styles. Our latest design are patchwork denim jackets! ♥️Thanks!!
Nov 07Reply
just1ebby Congratulations on hosting nominate your city party!!🎉 I would love ❤️ if you would take a look at my closet and maybe even see a potential host pick!! Thanks
Nov 07Reply
cathyfrangos Congratulations on hosting your upcoming party! I would be so honored to be considered as a host pic for your party. I have everything trendy to the classics. I have just recently reopened my closet after a reverse total shoulder replacement and could certainly use the exposure! Thank you so much for your consideration I would be very grateful.
Nov 07Reply
the_armoire lol, this is so me too! love posh and reposh clothes ♡
Nov 07Reply
msuppes1 Thanks for hosting the Nominate Your City Posh Party last night. I got a lot of traction off of it!
Nov 07Reply
stylesbysam728 Hi! I’d love for you to checkout my closet. I carry lots of brands like Brandy Melville, LF, Lululemon, Aritizia, Free People, Chanel, Gucci etc. I try to post a new piece at least once a day, so def follow to keep updated. I am also very open to offers and if you make a bundle ill give you a great discount and ship same day! Also im a posh ambassador so if you have any questions let me know :)
Jul 24Reply
luxurysky 💖💖💖 Sending Posh Love 💖💖💖
May 21Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Mar 27Reply

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