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I'm a high school art teacher & artist. The apple of my eye is my angel 11 year old sharp as a tack, sweet boy pup. Gillian (Gilly) was found as a stray with a gun shot wound, came to me all the way 2 NY from a high kill shelter in Clay County, W VA via a network of very special volunteers who nursed him to health & fostered him until i found him and he found me. ❤ all reasonable offers: ie., offers that are not a quarter of my listed price!? We've all received those and know how much they suck

17 others
like this

Awe☺️ Your Gillian is a cutie pie💜
Feb 25Reply

He's my angel. Best outdoor adventurer ever, like a canine viking!! The boy LOVES snow, so we snowshoe like crazy in the winter. I honestly don't know who saved who, but it doesn't matter because he's mine and I'm his... And we both serve our cats!!
Feb 26Reply

@hydrogirl comment above for you lady😜
Feb 26Reply

Ahaha!!! Serving cats is a hysterical thought😂
Feb 26Reply

I love dog stories with happy endings! Thanks for adopting. We adopted two pups from a no kill shelter They're both 14 now and still loving life.
Mar 20Reply

@miloandsparky aww! Thank you for commenting!!! I just love my boy😊 and it's so good to hear others sharing their own rescue love stories. Keep it up we can make change the more we speak up! 🐾
Mar 20Reply

I'm so sorry the sandals don't fit u:(( Free People's sizes always leave u wondering. I have several of their items now and they all fit differently with the same size!! If u don't sell I can buy them back!
Apr 02Reply

@debassham are you still game for buying these back or maybe trading them, lol!! I'll take 10 off if you buy them❤️❤️❤️
Apr 02Reply

@bagladyish1970 omg what a beautiful baby!! My dog/baby/best friend/love of my life is 11 also!! Thanks for ur sweet comments! Ur closet & puppy r u must b pretty awesome urself!! Oh-& i think ur from too!! Where abouts?
May 03Reply

@brookiecooki22 yay for NY! I'm from Rochester NY. Whereabouts are you?
May 04Reply

@bagladyish1970 Yay! Your idea to transform the shirt is brilliant! Thank you for your kind words. You are a hoot! You make me laugh. When I write my descriptions, I try to make you laugh. Yup. I am not Wonder Woman. I am Batman. I drive the Batmobile, yo. 😎
May 19Reply

Gilly is beautiful, how can anybody be cruel to dogs it boggles my mind and hurts my ❤️. Just seeing my Molly ( or any dog, cats too 😊) immediately makes me smile no matter how my day is going...
Nov 12Reply

@bagladyish1970 So glad you loved the top! Thanks for the great comments in the review.
Nov 17Reply

Look at that face! You're both adorable. Xoxo- Bern
Jan 25Reply

@thriftstorebol thank you! I live him more than my future
Jan 25Reply

@bagladyish1970 aww you seem like such a gem. ♡
Jan 25Reply

Ah what a touch story. We need more people like you in this earth. Wish you tons of sales, success and followers. Shared and followed.❤️
Feb 12Reply

Oh wow i just noticed u live in NY!! for sum odd reason I thought u resides in Pacific Northwest..I must have u confused w/sum1 else. Anothrr ahhsome wonderfully eclectic sistah of thee pish posh & my own namesake!! One l two s's..what a stellar career!! Must be interesting/rewarding !! We r only 1 state away, btw ,who.knows might bump in2 each other 1 day..
Mar 01Reply

NY IS gr8 esp upstate. NJ well we have Weird NJ mag w/lots of INTERESTING places to visit if ya like creepy eepie, psychic hauntings& odd places that is..neway PISH POSH on my fellow len lover & namesake! Xoxo melisa w/1 l,1 s..🖖✌🤘
Mar 01Reply

Btw ur Lil 👼😇 🐶🐕 is beyond adorable!! ...👿😈🙊🙉🙈😽 xoxoxoxo
Mar 01Reply

@fashionfauxpas i am smitten by my boy i think about him all day when he's not right next to me:( :( and then we're like all waggy tails when i get home. My favorite smell in the world is his ears😍they smell like fritos in a good way. Mmmm
Mar 03Reply

@fashionfauxpas we should run into each other!!! I'd die to come to nyc. My brother went to Fordham and Columbia so i always had a place to lay my head now he's in Syracuse Ny pishahhhhh!
Mar 03Reply

@bagladyish1970 lololol I alwasy thought that fritos smell was my beasties feet..guess I learned sumthin new 2day..thank ya teach!!xoxoxoxo 😙😚😘😗😋
Mar 03Reply

@fashionfauxpas dont get me wrong G-Man's feet smell like fritos too but i like putting my whole nose in his ear and I also know where his feet have been ( ie its been a warm winter and theres squishy old 💩💩🐾 in the yard from when it has snowed)
Mar 03Reply

@fashionfauxpas i miss you!!!! I feel like maybe i speak a whole different language to most people but you... you're speaking my language- Morphine only in my top 20 albums ever❤❤❤❤💤😴night sister
Mar 05Reply

Melissa, you are quite an expert in vintage. Does it span all kind of jewelry or do you have specialties? I have a couple items that I am wondering about. Do you belong to any Posher FB Groups?
Mar 21Reply

@ppamprrd i haven't really explored Posh on FB what should I look for Poshmark by city? I used at an interior design furniture, funky home furnishings, and gift boutique here in NY that sold lots of Lisa Jenks' work of all sorts. I love vintage everything but especially victorian, deco, and brutalist designs. Your closet is great!
Mar 21Reply

@bagladyish1970 Thank you! If you go on FB and do a search under Groups for Posh or Poshmark, you will see the list. I belong to a vintage group, but I don't see tons of discussions there. There is also one called Designer Database, but again, not a ton of activity. I wish that they had a specific vintage jewelry group. Most vintage discussions revolve around clothing.
Mar 21Reply

Good morning! Just wanted to let you know I can offer you a great discount on your bundle if you are interested. Just let me know. 💕💕
Apr 04Reply

Thank you for "liking" the Boden dress! Let me know if you have any questions. Have a happy day!
Jun 16Reply

⭐️⭐️⭐️ welcome to posh ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Aug 08Reply

Hey🙋🏻thanks for liking my humor on my stuff. It must by the fellow art teacher vibe👍🏼20 year elementary vet here😎. Glad to see you like vintage jewelry, I've got to get my act together and post up some more stuff! Cute doggie, even my cats said so😺
Sep 09Reply

Hello luv! Your parcel was delivered yesterday and I am just checking in to be certain that you received it! I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend! Sondra
Oct 15Reply

Hi! If you’re still interested in the Toms flats I’d be happy to sell them to you at your previous offer! Your pup is adorable, BTW! 🖤
Nov 18Reply

Hi. I just learned how to do this. I’m learning how to navigate through this site. Sorry for my lack of it before. But I take it that you are no longer interested in the bedside lamps??? Please advise thanks.
Nov 30Reply

Just checking to see if you’re ok. I last heard from you at the time I listed your custom items. If you no longer need them, that’s perfectly fine, I can use any personalized item as a display/sample. Hope you’re well. Thanks again.
Jan 19Reply

@gemfox so sorry!! I haven’t been here as regularly because I’m in the middle of a move and its taking like all my time outside work, ugh! I purchased the bundle of my fur baby Gilly ring and strap bracelet. So excited!! Thank you so much. Xo
Jan 20Reply

@bagladyish1970 Glad you’re ok. Good luck with the move. And thank you!
Jan 20Reply

Good afternoon. I see you have made Gilly as happy as he has made you. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Jan 21Reply

Oh my gosh! We’re so close! Anyway, I just got your request and looked at your style card. I’m going to bookmark you because I’m going to be listing more stuff in your size very soon and I can tag you when I do. Yay, love my fellow plus size fashionistas! ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 07Reply

Wonderful doggie love story 💕! God blessed you both with each other. 💕🤗😘💃🏼
Mar 17Reply

I love you fuzzy buddy story and you are so lucky to have each other. So sweet. Tragic yet awesomely touching. Sharing lots in your beautiful closet today. Be well! 🙋🏻 🐕 🐶
May 18Reply

Thank you so much for your purchase! We’ll get your stuff out ASAP! 😊
Jun 12Reply

Hi Melissa! That picture is priceless and I absolutely love it! Do you commission work like this? Our puppies look alike ♥️. Thanks for the order for the ring. My son was stung by yellow jackets and is allergic. I stayed home with him today (although he’s 17 and told me to go away all day 😂). I’ll be heading to my shop in a little while and will get the ring polished and shiny and have it in the mail to you tomorrow. 😊
Jun 22Reply

@jc11900 i do commission work for pet portraiture and donate part of the proceeds to the Rochester Animal Services Verona Street Animal Shelter where I volunteer. They are always in desperate need of any kind of help. If you’d like we can barter something off this site? Id be overjoyed to paint or draw something for you
Jun 23Reply

Hey! I worked until 5am and was snoozin when you were messaging me. I hate when my hours get all messed up because I’m overloaded! I sent out my offer on the cathedral ring for my absolute lowest on posh due to their exorbitant fees! If you purchased direct I could ship free through my company for the price you offered. If interested, email me
Jun 23Reply

love your pup and your shoe closet!! I have a rescue black lab / pit and he is one of the great loves of my life too. ❤
Aug 07Reply

Aloha! Check out our closet when you get a chance.
Sep 01Reply

Was just texting my mom in Buffalo. Your doggie is such a sweetie!
Oct 06Reply

Hello. I see my purchase is still awaiting shipment and it is meant to be a gift for sunday, can you please ship asap so i het it in time?
Oct 16Reply

@bagladyish1970 hey lobe ur package is shipped! Ive been going live and overwhelmed on my other posh page (@chiclillady27) which has 2300 items so im so so sorry for the delay! Because of the extra 2 days i threw in a burts bee anddd some lush samples in similar scents to what u got. Hope u love it once it arrives! Plz lmk & tysm again😊💜
Mar 01Reply

Thank you for your purchase! I will send it to you tomorrow ♥️♥️
Apr 03Reply

Thanks for your purchase. It has started tracking 😊
May 28Reply

Hi there! Hope you had good holidays! For some reason, Posh didn't process the sale on that bundle you had in my closet. I resent an offer earlier today. Let me know if you're still interested and we can close the loop and I can send these off. Someone is sniffing around one pair of the pants, so I wanted to be sure to drop you a note ASAP! :)
Dec 30Reply

Thank you so much for your sweet rating! Have a great day! ❤️🌺
Jan 15Reply

Just checking to make sure you received your jeans! I hope u love them! Please rate and check back often as I update my closet frequently! Thanks again!
May 14Reply

Good Morning! how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my Closet. I'm a Silversmith, all my items made by hand, many of my items one of the kinds exclusive handmade. I always working on new pieces, also have other designers as well... You can find something that you may like. I sincerely appreciate your interest. Thank you, George
May 17Reply

@daughter14 a little about me. Wonderful to meet you too. Wonderful curating, branding and presentation on your closet!
Jun 17Reply

What a sweetheart.. we've had / have rescues too and you can't help but love them a little more.
Time to list more in your closet! 😂
Aug 11Reply

@thriftstorebol oh man I know!!!! I just moved for the 3rd time in 3 years and have good willed out as much as I could because I didn’t have enough space to store and now I’ve got tons of space again :) geez, there’s always more to list!!!!!! Thank you so much for all your shares🤣
Aug 12Reply

@bagladyish1970 well that must feel good too to destash and be able to breath a little. Will reply to your other message tomorrow.. I've been in and out all day and always have more to say. 🌹
Aug 13Reply

Thank you for your purchase; you will love this beautiful bracelet! Will ship out to you tomorrow. Have a fabulous day
Dec 06Reply

Hi! Just stopping by to let you know that I’m looking to clean out my closet so I’m discounting all bundles! I’d be honored if you stopped by :)
Feb 21Reply

Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉🤗
Mar 17Reply

Check out my Past Reviews & PLEASE take a RELAXING STROLL 💃 w/Gilly 🐕 of course, FURTHER INTO MY CLOSET 🧥👖👠👢👜 & EXPLORE
🛍BOUTIQUE 🛍”Crazed Retail Manager Shopaholic Gone Wild @Bloomingdale's" 👠👖👢PERSONAL WARDROBER
Mar 27Reply

Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely pic and dog :)
Here I would like to say Hi! And It’s my pleasure and most welcome if you would like to visit my closet to check out see if you could find anything you Like.
My closet is selling 600+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE”
Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Mar 22Reply

@bagladyish1970 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 22Reply

@bagladyish1970 Hello, beautiful fur baby. A few days ago you requested measurements on one of my listings for the adidas Women's parka jackets. I updated information you requested in the listing comments and in the bundle you created for your reference. Hope it helps. Thank you and best wishes 🦋💜🌼
Sep 14Reply

Hi my name is Selma and I am a Poshmark Ambassador! ❤️
Please check out my closet for name brand clothing- Children’s, Bras, Sleepwear,Men’s, Women’s, Vintage Pyrex & Much More!
I take many pictures to make sure you see all details. If you need additional information please always ask me!
Please follow my closet @Missmoly.
If you like TORRID & CACIQUE I have lots listed and so much to list!
Feb 25Reply
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