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Updated 10 hours ago
Updated 10 hours ago

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Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Roslina. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, Louis Vuitton, PacSun, and kate spade. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)all my staff are clean and sanitized before shipping thanks
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dcfex Welcome to Poshmark! Happy poshing!😀
May 03Reply
suezq200888 Check bundle 😀
May 07Reply
roslinadsilva Where are you I am near square one
May 07Reply
ollyposh Hi Roslina! Welcome to Poshmark! My name is Linda and my closet is @ollyposh. Poshmark is a lot of fun and you are going to love it. If you are selling, sharing is important. it is the best way to bring attention to your closet by sharing items from your closet and if you are buying remember to like or bundle more than one item to get a better offer and to pay one shipping charge. If you have any questions feel free to reach out!!! Take care and Happy Poshing
May 08Reply
sprinklesbaker Hi! I'm Emily. Thanks for stopping by! If you like any of my items feel free to create a bundle so you can get a great deal! I’m a quick shipper I usually send them out a day or two after😊 I’ll accept any offers on any items I’m selling! Welcome to Poshmark🎉🎊
May 10Reply
shopaholic100 @roslinadsilva Hello! Check out my closet when you can. I offer Discounts on Bundles 🛍 I have some beautiful MILLY 👗 BEACH BUNNY Swimsuits 👙 Tiffany, 💎 Louis Vuitton, 👜 Tory Burch, Christian Louboutin Shoes 👠, Victoria Secret items and much more! And more MENS items coming soon!
May 10Reply
lj61 @roslinadsilva Hi 👋 I Welcome You To My Closet 🤗
May 10Reply
alessentials Hi! Thank you kindly for following. Receive a complimentary gift with each purchase.😊
May 10Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for viewing my closet it is greatly appreciated. Be safe........Dorothy 💜
May 10Reply
merlekb Hi there, Welcome to Poshmark. I hope you will love it here as much as I do. Here's a few tips as you get started. Share yours and other closets often. It helps to bring attention and exposure to your closet. Want to remember a closet? Like (❤)the Meet the Posher page. Interested in an item? Make an offer or (❤)the item and the seller will send you a private offer. Do remember to check out my closet for fantastic savings. Good luck, stay safe and happy poshing!
May 10Reply
yizzie74 Thanks for following 👍🏽
May 10Reply
janfeehan Welcome to PoshMark! A great place to buy and sell some great fashion! One tip for success here is to have a lot of followers. If someone follows you, you can follow them back. Another tip would be to share your closet a couple times a day. Sharing items in your closet and things in the closet of followers gives the items more exposure. Which leads to sales. Sharing + following helps with buying as well. You can see a lot of fun things! As an Ambassador. I can answer your ?🛍🛍🛍🎉🎉😊
May 10Reply
newtoyouclothes Welcome to Poshmark! Like, share, enjoy!! ☺️🧵👗👙👕🩳🧥👔
May 10Reply
dodger13 Hi, my name is Gina. Welcome to Poshmark.💕 Whether you are to buy or sell.🥰 Have fun. You meet a lot of nice people.🫂When you have a chance, stop by my closet and have a look.👀. If you have any questions just ask🤗
May 10Reply
tweedydo2 💕🐾🐾 Welcome to Poshmart 🌻🌻On a cloudy,rainy day Sunflowers turn towards each other to share their energy, let’s become the same flower in each others lives. Let us supporting and  empowering each other during their of despair. “So keep comforting one another with these words.” Isaiah 41:10 ” Do not be Afraid “ Jehovah’s creation has so much to teach us. KEEP SAFE 🙏💕
May 10Reply
rosemastellone Hi Roslina, Adorable kitty pic. Best of luck on PM, buying/selling, making new contacts and having fun. Enjoy browsing closets and finding good deals. Inquiries are welcome so let me know if you have concerns. Much success with all of your transactions and happy poshing. Stay safe,🌹
May 10Reply
umarilandy01 Join me on Poshmark—my favorite app to buy & sell fashion and more. You'll save up to 70% off of top brands! For a limited time, use my code UMARILANDY01 to save $10:
May 10Reply
umarilandy01 🤩💖Welcome to Poshmark. Happy Poshing. I would love it if you visit my closet! Thank you. 🤩💖
May 10Reply
roslinadsilva @ollyposh thanks I will
May 10Reply
roslinadsilva @tweedydo2 wonderful thank
May 10Reply
roslinadsilva @umarilandy01 welcome keep safe 🤣
May 10Reply
tweedydo2 @roslinadsilva 🌻 thank you💕 🌻 wow! Something else I found out about sunflowers.. sunflowers are the international symbol for nuclear disarmament. Sunflowers absorb pollutants, including radioactive metals.They are planted in toxic nuclear sites, where they absorb the waste from the soil and water. The flowers are then collected and disposed of as nuclear waste. Sunflowers have been used to help clean up waste in places like Chernobyl and former missile silos.
May 10Reply
tweedydo2 And...💕The good news is Earth will never be destroyed, burned in fire, or replaced. The Bible teaches that God created the earth to be inhabited forever. “The righteous will possess the earth, and they will live forever on it.” —Psalm
May 10Reply
1shasha1 thanks for your interest in the Free People parka. I'm on my phone so I'm not sure I can send you an offer. you send me one and we'll start from there. I have to say in the items that you liked you have good taste
May 10Reply
kutiesbykaiti2 Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you thrive in our community & have plenty of exciting moments from great finds to Bountiful sales. Peep my closet as I shall keep my 👀 on yours! Any questions you have ask me, as an ambassador I will guide u the best I can & give great advice! Sharing + following is the shiny key to success here, tedious yet rewarding work... And we're in it to win it, right?! :) happy poshing!
May 10Reply
umarilandy01 @roslinadsilva You are welcome.
May 10Reply
umarilandy01 @roslinadsilva The first message was an accident. I apologize.
May 10Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Rosalina, thank you for following us!👍 We are Jimbo & G.🤠🐗🙋🐗 I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!💖 Happy Posh'ing & we hope you have a SAFE & prosperous 2021!😷💳📈 Be kind & have a blessed day! 🙏✝️💞
May 10Reply
asavage01 Thanks for stopping by my closet 💗 I have a continuous bundle sale going on. In the title you will see 💌5/15$ that means 5 or more listings = 3$ each for You. Bundle full price items take 30% off 💗💗 All items from a smoke free home
May 10Reply
inspiredmmvibes 🌅Welcome to Poshmark❣️This is a wonderful place to shop safely. I love the community feeling 🌹 Have fun while follow others posher’s closets. Check the sales on my closet like 3 items for $15.00 ( that’s only $5.00 each) and you paid shipping for only one item! Every purchase includes a free 🎁 gift. Take care and have a wonderful day 💝
May 11Reply
sbto Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to pop over to my closet and check it out, all items are open to offers and bundles to save even more! Simply like an Item and I’ll send you an even better price! Happy Poshing :)
May 11Reply
lillievonstoop1 Hi! Thank you for the follow 🙃 Happy Poshing 🛍!
May 11Reply
brookecannata Hi Roslina! Welcome to Poshmark! Thanks for following me 💝
May 11Reply
crafteelinda490 Thanks for following my closet. I have shared some of yours. Stay safe andGod bless.
May 11Reply
zardiva1 @roslinadsilva 1) 🇨🇦 Welcome! 👋😃 🇨🇦 2) “😘🐈” to your profile pic, haha! 😀
May 11Reply
moosescloset Hi - welcome to Poshmark! I hope you have fun shopping, selling, liking, & sharing. My name is Kathy 🤗 - I work at Moose’s Closet, which also includes Mom’s Gift (my Mom loves to shop for gifts-she even has a dedicated closet for her gift shopping) & Keely’s (my daughter decided to join all the fun). Please don’t hesitate to send a comment if you have any questions. Stay safe and take care 🌸
May 11Reply
texanlady Welcome to Poshmark Roslina 🙋‍♀️ 🏵️🌻🌼
May 12Reply
aliciainbagland Hi Roslina!🙋🏻‍♀️ I’m Alicia Welcome to Poshmark, where you can Buy & Sell Fashion!💐💐💐Thank you for visiting my closet!😷💎👜Please feel free to Buy, Make Offers (use button) OR Put ❤️❤️❤️on ALL your Likes & I will send you my Lowest Offer!🤑BTW... I’m a Posh Ambassador, so please feel free to ask me any questions!💕
May 14Reply
texanlady @roslinadsilva you're so welcome 🙋‍♀️
May 15Reply
umarilandy01 🤩💖Welcome to Poshmark. Happy Poshing. I would love it if you visit my closet! Thank you. 🤩💖
May 19Reply
beautybycpat Welcome to poshmark Roslina! :) Check out my closet for Luxury Press On Nails that are reusable and durable ! Bundle to save money on salon quality nails! Let me know if you have any questions xo
May 23Reply
effibabe Thank you so much for sharing my closet!🎈🎈 Could you help to share more items of my closet. Really appreciate 🙏🙏🥺🥺
May 25Reply
dcase2021 @roslinadsilva - Hi hun, hope you are enjoying PM! ♥ Thanks for following me. Happy to share your gems! Feel free to check out my closet and see if anything catches your eye! Happy Poshing! - D ♥
May 26Reply
d0pe_shit Thanks for the follow and checking out my wardrobe 💜✨
May 26Reply
roslinadsilva @d0pe_shit your welcome 🙏
May 26Reply
roslinadsilva @saba_bhatti sorry no who is she
Jun 15Reply
poshipipi Welcome to Poshmark! Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have. Happy Poshing! 🥰
Jun 16Reply
texanlady Hi Roslina 🙋‍♀️ Welcome to Poshmark 🌻🌼🌻
Jul 07Reply
umarilandy01 🤩💖Welcome to Poshmark. Happy Poshing. I would love it if you visit my closet! Thank you. 🤩💖
Jul 10Reply
roslinadsilva @umarilandy01 but you r in us
Jul 10Reply
modaboutique170 Good morning Rosalina. Thank you for sharing my closet greatly appreciate it noticed you liked one of my necklaces. Sent you an offer, feel free to contact me with any questions. 🙂
Jul 24Reply
jmjpluscanada yes I like it and will consider it in the future. if I had added to a bundle, I would have made you an offer. Thanks
Aug 09Reply
genevievethe321 Hi thanks so much for the follow. Happy poshing!! 😊
Aug 28Reply
effibabe Thank you so much for sharing my closet!🎈🎈 Could you help to share more items of my closet. Really appreciate 🙏🙏🥺🥺
Sep 06Reply
vintagetrendz Offer sent👍🌸😊💍💍
Oct 27Reply
joyandsugar Hello! Thank you for the follow! Check out my closet anytime! Happy Halloween! 🎃
Oct 28Reply
shirlyscloset Roselina I have one bag that I love in your closet you have 2 bags that you like in my closet we can easily do an exchange my to bags for your 1
Oct 31Reply
classywardrobe1 Good morning Roslina - I am so pleased that your package arrived and that the clothes fit you perfectly! Thanks for a 5 star review. You made my day! 🤗
Nov 02Reply
roslinadsilva @classywardrobe1 I would shop from you very clean and neat person thanks 😊 again
Nov 02Reply
luxe_to_love Hi Roslina, so nice to connect with a fellow Torontonian! Thank you for following me and visiting my closet. I hope you will find there something you like. I am happy to follow back and check your closet as well 😊 💫 🎀 Happy poshing
Nov 13Reply
pickapenny31 We’re both in Mississauga and have Samoyeds 😃 happy shopping 🛍
Nov 24Reply
pawfectcloset Beautiful baby you have there🙏
Nov 24Reply
roslinadsilva @conki_4848 sorry I am out of town till dec 28
Dec 14Reply
pascalledesign Thank you for connecting and sharing my listings. Forever grateful 🙏
Dec 15Reply
jdlcloset @roslinadsilva hi there thank u for the follow much appreciate it. please feel free to visit my closet. if there something u like i can give good deal. also, currently having sale u buy 4 items u will get 20% discount if ur interested. thank u and happy shopping 🛍
Jan 04Reply
jdlcloset hello thank u for ur generous sharing of my listing. much appreciate it beautiful 😘
Jan 04Reply
roslinadsilva @jochabedt thanks u r in 🇺🇸 ya
Jan 04Reply
jdlcloset @roslinadsilva i hope u will visit my closet u might see something u like. i currently have sale 4 items for 20% discount if ur interested in. much appreciated. thanks and happy shopping
Jan 04Reply
lou_la_belle Hi Roslinda, thanks so much for sharing my listing ~ you really made my night 🥰 You have such a lovely closet 🛍Wishing you a lovely evening, Carrie-Lou 🌹Be Different, Be Original, Make a Statement🌹
Jan 05Reply
roslinadsilva @lou_la_belle such kind words 🙏
Jan 05Reply
jdlcloset thanks for sharing my item. much appreciate it beautiful. thanks and happpy sharing 🙂❤
Jan 05Reply
jdlcloset hello Rosalinda, thank u so much for sharing again of my listings. i can't thank u enough for doing it. you're such a nice person. i appreciate u a lot. thanks 😊 🫂 🙏 😊
Jan 13Reply
76kloset Hey 👋 thanks 🙏🏻 for sharing my items, I’m new to all this!
Feb 21Reply
lalight 💚🌈🍀 thank you for all the shares 🍀🌈💚 all my sales come with a gift card and scarf and a surprise 💚🌈🍀 stay safe 😷
Mar 04Reply
levelupfits Appreciate the shares! Good looking out
Mar 09Reply
roslinadsilva @clhmurray sorry mistake
Mar 11Reply
realposher22 Hey there :) I saw you were interested in a GG purse from another seller. I am selling the same one and other brands/models as well. Check out my IG: Realposher2.
Mar 16Reply
recyclerebel Thanks for the shares 🥰
Mar 29Reply
imeldaroche2020 Thank you for sharing ❤️
Mar 31Reply
brandita111 Thank you for the share💐😊
Apr 01Reply
tsohi24 Such a cute kitty
Apr 02Reply
sartorialme Thank you for sharing! 💖😊💗
Apr 12Reply
sosweettreatsb Awww cutieeee 🐱❤️ My cat is in my meet the Posher too!! ❤️
Apr 14Reply
roslinadsilva @sosweettreatsb vow thanks 😊🐈
Apr 14Reply
vipsales2022 Thanks for sharing ❤️
Apr 15Reply
roslinadsilva @celest_mia no sorry you put a like on mk and I said you can put an offer sorry I am still new my cousin is teaching me slowly learning thanks
Apr 26Reply
roslinadsilva @celest_mia no problem still learning the system I am getting help on here you have a good day
Apr 26Reply
l_winick ♡ ❤️ My "Take 15/20/25% Off Spring ❤️ Bundle Sale" is on right now, when you bundle 2 or more items. Check out my closet, and see if anything catches your eye. Sale ends noon May 14/22, then I'm on holidays until June 5/22. Thanks!! Linda 🌟
May 11Reply
marieazen @roslinadsilva thank you for sharing! 😊
May 26Reply
hmswanton I have your cat’s twin
Jun 07Reply
mavdic Hi Roslina, thank you so much for all shares. 🙏😊 Happy poshing 💕🌸
Jun 08Reply
divabead Hi @roslinadsilva Thanks for sharing my closet! I appreciate the 💗 I have done the same. Have an amazing week! Kari xo
Jun 13Reply
ajooj Hello 👋 hope your doing well☺️ Thank you for checking out my closet bundle your likes and send me your offer. I’m accepting all reasonable offers 😉
Jun 18Reply
lou_la_belle Hi Roslina, thank you so much for sharing my listings ~ you really made my morning! 🥰 Warmly, Carrie-Lou
Jun 26Reply
giorgio1990 Thanks for the follow darling! 🥰 if you’re looking for any medical skincare goodies and glowing skin, we’re the closet to stop by at! Here if you need us 🙂
Aug 12Reply
bellachic2 Hi Beautiful! Check out my 5 ⭐️ star rated closet! Send an OFFER or BUNDLE items for an amazing deal! Let me know if you have any questions:)
Aug 20Reply
s5544662 Good morning thank you for the follow 🤗 see something you'd like to call yours but don't like the 💲send me your offer and let's make a deal 🤝 so it can be yours✨
Sep 02Reply
redlipgloss Hi there! Thank you so much for sharing one of my listings. I really appreciate it
Nov 07Reply
redlipgloss Hi there. Thank you so much for sharing a few of my listings! I really appreciate it
Nov 07Reply
diablo9723 Your in ont
Nov 16Reply
diablo9723 @roslinadsilva nice I’m in Manitoba next door 🤗🤗
Nov 30Reply
roslinadsilva @diablo9723 I am in Mississauga Ontario
Nov 30Reply
diablo9723 Afternoon how are you
Nov 30Reply
wheelworx Thank you for the shares Roslina. Appreciated 🙋🏻‍♀️🙌❤️Linda
Dec 14Reply
poshme_poshyou Thank you so very much for sharing my listing. I truly appreciate you doing that for me. Merry Christmas and peace on earth 💕
Dec 22Reply
roslinadsilva @jaiat thanks so much and you too have a happy new year 2023 cheers
Dec 22Reply
poshme_poshyou You are too kind. Happy Holidays 🎄
Dec 22Reply
divabead Thanks @roslinadsilva for all the shares! Have a blessed holiday season!❤️🎄❄️ Kari xo
Dec 23Reply
katherinecchu @roslinadsilva Hi Roslina, I just counter-offered the earring. They are handmade with dainty natural freshwater pearls. Let me know what you think about the number. You can consider bundle it with another jewelry for 💚2 for $45. Otherwise, place the order on our Etsy site, you only pay $26.88 with FREE shipping! 😊
Jan 13Reply
luvmystuff372 Thank you for the shares! Very much appreciated!💕🌸 Cute closet.
Jan 30Reply
ladybloomwood Thank you for sharing my first listing! 🙂
Feb 19Reply
heidithomson Thank you for the share, Roslina! xo
Feb 27Reply
raynaphil You are awesome, thank you for all the Posh love 🤗
Mar 08Reply
jessi_nc Hey its Jessi, and I hope your week has gone well. Further, my Mega Bag and Wallet show (the majority [of the 100+ items]... are New Listings) happens again friday at 4pm/PDT. The giveaways are two Bvlgari clutch cases and two Tim's gift cards. Hope to see you there, your Posh friend, Jessi_nc
Mar 17Reply
jessi_nc Thanks for the shares!!!
Mar 17Reply
roslinadsilva @jessi_nc sure see you Friday thanks
Mar 17Reply
kberly10 Hi I also like your closet and I have some nice bags also 🌷💐🌷🌷
May 03Reply
kimberlee_dee Thank you for returning the shares ! Stay well 😊🙏🏼✌🏼
Jun 13Reply
call_me_momo Look at all those generous shares ☺️ Thank you so much.
Jun 21Reply
janetbratberg Hi. My name is Janet and I am a Poshmark ambassador. Please take a peek at my small closet. I carry a variety of preloved items such as Cleo,  Talbots, J. Crew, Nine West, American Eagle, Suko....Old Navy, vintage Puma sneakers and various styles of ladies shoes and sandals. ⚘ Cougar rain shoes.⚘ Vintage leather jewelery display boxes. If you have any questions about my closet, please, just ask.
Jul 06Reply
posh_yql Good Morning, Thanks for the inquiry about a jewelry party. I have a lot of items and need to probably do a show just on jewelry and accessories. I will create a time (s) this week that will work in my schedule and post them. Keep checking upcoming shows and make sure to like the post on my page to be notified when my parties will be. Have a fabulous day! 🌸
Sep 05Reply
call_me_momo Thanks for visiting my closet ☺️ Changes to my bundles: From today, if you purchase 2 items or more from my closet, you will receive an automatic discount of 15% and I typically reduce the shipping cost as well. However, where possible, I’ll try to offer a deeper discount on the 3+ items depending upon the total value. Have fun Poshing and if you have questions, pls feel free to ask. 🛍️🎁♥️ Thanks. 🤗 Momo xx
Sep 21Reply
alavenir Hi Roslina! Thank you so much for your shares! It's always a delight to see your name pop up! I'm not sure whether you saw my 2 Christmas shows that are occurring next Tue 14, Nov and Thursday, 16 November. I will send you notices. Have a wonderful weekend. 😊 ~Tanya
Nov 11Reply
alavenir PS: I love your kitty!
Nov 11Reply
saamaanthaa939 HI Roslina - I have items you'd like and I recently lowered lots of prices! I'm having a Holiday Deal where you can choose a 🤗FREE gift with any purchase over $25! Let me know if you have any questions, and enjoy the amazing deals!
Dec 15Reply
flcreations Hello ! if you like dogs and cats i suggest you have a look at my closet ! Mixed media art and unique ! have a great day
Feb 14Reply
leanne_boyd Thanks for the share! 💐
Feb 16Reply
chellonheels Cats help with the sales! Give them generous treats!
Mar 19Reply
brandita111 Thank you for the share😊💐
Apr 12Reply
renewedstylez Hello Roslina, Thank you for taking the time to share the sneakers I have listed in my closet, so very much appreciated .. also Thank you I throughly enjoyed looking and sharing your closet today .. it’s absolutely beautiful .. wishing you a wonderful day ☀️
Jul 14Reply
marisaseabrook Hello 👋 I’m Marisa! I hope you’re loving your Poshmark experience. My closet is stocked full of some many amazing piece. I’m open to ANY offer always. I’m accepting all offers now until August 5th! Hope to deal with you soon 🩷
Aug 01Reply
brandita111 Thank you for the shares😊⛄️
Dec 23Reply
brandita111 Thank you for the share😊💐
Feb 02Reply
lighthousekt Beautiful closet omg 😳 love ❤️
Feb 05Reply

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Last Active: 6 hours ago

Mississauga, ON
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Last Active: 6 hours ago

Mississauga, ON
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