POSH LIVE - Fashion and Jewelry
US$10,000 US$10,000
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Hi everyone and welcome to my closet! I am a stay at home mama of two happy amazing kids that make every day an adventure. I fell in love with Posh 5 year ago and I am totally addicted to this community. I have so many more items👚👗👖👜👠many new brand names just waiting to get listed. You can also check my online store (www.pearlsandrocks.com), if you like something I will make a posh listing for you. Don’t forget to follow me to see what I’ll list next from my real closet!! I go live about twice a week at various times. I sell mostly unlisted items at unbelievable prices so make sure to like this listing to be notified when I go live. Don’t miss out on the great deals. Thank you!!

49 others
like this

Thank you @dulcecandyviv !!
Nov 08Reply

@alexpostel she's beautiful! God bless. :)
Nov 08Reply

@dulcecandyviv Thank you!
Nov 15Reply

@alexpostel awww, she's a DOLL 😋💖
Dec 10Reply

@liz3 Thank you, she is my joy! Now I need a boy to have a pair :-)
Dec 10Reply

@alexpostel awww that would b awesome!!! Any plans for a little him?? I was done after my youngest. He had 1 too so I had 3 til we divorced awhile bk.
Dec 10Reply

@liz3 Sorry to hear about your divorce. It's been a while since trying...I keep hoping each month...maybe soon
Dec 10Reply

Hi, nice to meet you on Posh's website. My name is Ann. I have chatted with so many kind & helpful Posher's. I live on East Coast in the smallest state. I glad you said you have a eBay store. I want to start a store on eBay. I have a lot of things that can't be sold on Posh's website.. How do you get started with a store on eBay. When I began on Posh's website, katz2 offered many helpful hints. She has a place in her closet for new Posher's with thing you need to know. She also has a question & answer page & responds quickly. I hope this might be helpful. Have a wonderful day. 😄😄😄
Jan 06Reply

Your closet is beautiful. I had stopped here first before looking.
Jan 06Reply

@shadowsgems Hi, thank you for visiting my closet. It is nice to meet you. Thank you for the tip, poshmark was easy to get used to, unlike 3Bay which I do not recommend, I'm trying to move everything from there, lately it's hard to sell anything if you are a small seller. You would be better off trying other apps like \/|nt3d or m3rcar|, they are similar to posh, easy to use and you can sell the items you cannot sell here
Jan 07Reply

Thank you for the information. Have a nice day.😄😄
Jan 07Reply

I love it!!!
Jan 15Reply

Soooo cute!! Hello Kitty rocks!!
Jan 18Reply

@mytempleflower Thank you! She always gets hello kitty face paint, this was by far the best. Thank you for stopping by.
Jan 18Reply

@loveuuuu23 Thank you for the compliment Olivia!
Jan 18Reply

Lovely Closet❤️
Jan 21Reply

Nice to meet you great closet Thanks for sharing🌺💖
Jan 24Reply

Love your style dear!!!
Cutie girl 😊😊😊
Feb 06Reply

Welcome & hello! Very pretty daughter!👑
Feb 10Reply

@royalfunkies Thank you Lisa!
Feb 10Reply

@alexpostel she's a doll! Even though it's says on the Posh site that I've been a posher since 2013, I signed up in 2013, but had a situation in my life & I really began using the site just a couple of months ago. So, I'm new as well. Putting a 'get to know me page' was brilliant. Now, b/ c of u and reading what other poshers wrote has helped me so much . Good luck to you & I'll be back soon to shop! Thanks .
Feb 28Reply

@tallgirl14 I also got inspired by other poshers "get to know me" pages. Posh is a place where every transaction is personal, so knowing a little about the person you buy from is very important. I have learned a lot about posh by checking out as many closets as I can and being social. If you have any questions about posh feel free to ask, I will be glad to help if I can. :-)))
Feb 28Reply

@alexpostel thanks so much. I may ask you a question or two during the week. Very sweet of you & your offer to help! Have a nice weekend.
Feb 28Reply

@alexpostel Nice to meet you and your little angel! I enjoyed your tips on selling etc. I see that you are able to categorize your listings and I am not computer savvy so wondered how you do that? So many like you have a beautiful and organized closet! Just wondered 😉😉
Mar 01Reply

@brit1ab Hi Liz! You don't need to know much about computers, just need to get used to the posh website and how things work. The easiest way to organize your closet is to share it to the parties. I try to share my items to the evenin party that starts at 9. To keep things organized I share all shoes for example, start with the black and work towards the lighter colors, so when I'm done sharing the most recent share will be first. I hope that was clear enough. Let me know if you have any other questions, would be glad to help if I can.
Mar 01Reply

Yes thank you! 😘😘. Good selling and hope we make a little $$$$$ 👍👍😀😀
Mar 01Reply

@brit1ab I share for fun, no worries. Keep it up! You are doing great!
Mar 01Reply

What a cutie! Thanks for all the shares! ❤️👍
Jun 11Reply

@glittergirlmimi Thank you! Just returning the love :-))
Jun 11Reply

@loveuuuu23 Hi Olivia, I don't know how I missed your comment. It's a BOY!! I am sooo happy. He is due in 2 weeks!
Feb 04Reply

Thank you for following my closet! Check out my closet as I list new items almost daily. I encourage you to make offers on all my items. Also, feel free to contact me with any questions. I respond as soon as possible or within 24 hrs. Again, welcome to my closet and Happy coming Spring!
Feb 24Reply

Hello and thanks for the follow. Love your closet! We are over-stocked, so we're accepting offers at well less than our posted price. If you get a chance, take a look. Happy Poshing!
Mar 05Reply

Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Mar 24Reply

Very nice meeting you tonight.
Apr 08Reply

Hi Alex, had fun seeing you on your show yesterday! xoxoLee
Apr 08Reply

@house_of_tara You too Tara! Will add you to my list so we can hang out again! If you go live tag me as well. 😍
Apr 08Reply

@trendilee I had such a great time last night! How fun was our group? My favorite part of posh live is the hang out, hope we can do it again soon! Tag me if you go live please, don’t want you being alone ever again!
Apr 08Reply

@pearlsandrocks I had a blast! I loved being there. You have a beautiful family. Say hi to them for me. PS I loved how you worked together as a family. I will be at every show you do if I'm available 💕💕💕💕
Apr 08Reply

@house_of_tara You just made my week! Can’t wait to hang out at the next shows. I really needed the boost of confidence that you just gave me 😍😍😍
Apr 08Reply

@pearlsandrocks Sounds Sweet! Same here It's like hanging out with friends to pop in and sat hi! Good company🍭
Apr 08Reply

Apr 09Reply

Hello ladies! Thank you for attending my first posh live. Another show is happening tomorrow and would love to hang out again! Like this listing to be notified ❤️ @kleinjessica283 @mkvea @robinsultana1 @amy_armryr @mommybee1491 @vipiette @m3talm0m @alex2zach @pcutler5375 @pandorakitty @leonamwilliams @cheetahlicious_ @luckealways @tisud @myrascal @jennifermapl707 @lara_nahara @mont2040 @writersbox22 @cynthianjerry15 @krisdillow @isa_bel345 @tinag66 @ogalindo
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! I am having a Posh Live Show happening tomorrow! $3 $5 $7 starts CLOSET CLEAROUT! That includes spring and summer items in excellent condition, some even new with tags. Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal. ❤️ @joannehanrahan @bhav1811 @house_of_tara @vinath @kikishawnee @patsypat22 @pepper143 @mujesita06 @lovely_rita82 @carmen_electra7 @brenfro @scrowder88 @kimsposhcastle @houseofthreads @poshmeraki @iris_ember @rayna_rebrovic @catstevens250
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! $3 $5 $7 CLOSET CLEAROUT! That includes spring and summer items in excellent condition, some even new with tags. Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal. ❤️ @jules31863 @fayeinthefoxden @wsm_mxl @sevn2022 @maddiesfabfindz @doraelenaflores @sand_sun @sweettea_day @chrissyhideaway @suzywood777 @brandyw504 @aboselie @centerstgthrift @unclaimdbaggage @swaaay_ @bobironman @tickieyoung @likethelotus
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! $3 $5 $7 CLOSET CLEAROUT! That includes spring and summer items in excellent condition, some even new with tags. Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️ @libbyandjustice @moracris431 @suhlena_finds @jtscloset79 @dundalk4000 @chanels_closet @classy_nash @jeskalyn714 @cherokee4678 @allharvey12345 @klara309 @whitley_closet @cookie3838 @fusonep @summerschimke @stargaze_btq @therenmantrack @tina1968 @caraana
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! $3 $5 $7 CLOSET CLEAROUT! That includes spring and summer items in excellent condition, some even new with tags. Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️ @marleymaggiemae @trendsaretrash @latrice_moore @colormethrifty9 @lindaassisi @libkjax @mrs_c_lo @kikki4me @aniagftsandmore @thriftnchick757 @dillpickle7 @__lauramj__ @glam_mama7 @lauraewatts @mariamuller8888 @elizposhbiz @spazcmt55 @brina5657 @ddcameron23
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️ @alk7147 @silesia170 @hoosiergirl171 @jenmuniz75 @wendysmith449 @fabhie @imanifest_v @arabrmowitz @graces_favs @denealb @slolynn @michellewood724 @kiki_by_the_sea @magicmorgan @cthompson81 @chicknacomputer @msnikirw04 @saydeez808 @davmav2 @mrodrig19
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️@gwaustin01 @akatch419 @haw9557 @lynx108 @nextjonsi9838 @bibifig @dgotel @sheilastein @tsasha65 @danettecmtshop @rogersm1 @issaa0730 @katedth2815 @tuscanchef @ymto @mariemessner @ampicks @slay4paws @dricunha @yaluna12 @norma286 @tamarah_lowry @graci3_lou @crafty_jess
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️@annaconda @krissymilazzo @ashtrayy_90 @selimfigs @bex_inmt @rhav17 @annalewis928 @teachnstyle @caryndykes @theturnstyle @cherrybomb911 @falikarami @diana_basora @nicole_________ @marliu1 @simplyposhable @pingofdeath2984 @alyssapie2 @shaylonm23 @chrissy_resale3 @segundines1000
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️@rosterhome @amysposhcorner @liivkaiitlyn @brittanyschu666 @bonjoursharon @jenisalady @blahblahgrrl @gardenbygrace @empresssunshine @moonlight8613 @poshvegas1 @chadshannon @vermichelly @2twistedsisterz @tyedye7777 @blingoriginals @jan2071717 @karinescloset @forgetyourface @lpetitesboutiqu @ksj221
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️@justforfunjulie @leeann82479 @alliecat1912 @christamorrone @skyler_marie5 @theinfamousab @annabelleleb426 @letswhoopitup @nancy_simmo @misshernandez26 @lady_lve @lilylabel7 @bspenc18 @smcgill0426 @kristenleister @jenkmcg83 @lorivanb @friscogirl @mikitheposhette
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️@katiejdollface1 @tayawaya1 @diamondjules @emersynkat42 @april_4 @dunya143jahan @jenlarkar @miami_thangs @oyibb @halfpintlove @melrios4 @moda_styles_4_u @lulubella2020 @sassymountain @jniceritchie @melgorga @pixielife @marcozamora930 @macnas99 @sherrymeah @styledbymandi06
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️ @they_crave_alii @hpcrites @vclemons1944 @avrilscloset @sunnietrish @thrifty_pumpkin @anthro_jcrew@shylalynh1981 @lizzzydizzzy @sophi31523 @tarr1010 @phlygir76 @amairas_closet @rdavis92786 @monique_1317 @maddielopez2203 @nrak13 @kelli_mcdowell @karly35 @designersandy16 @jillwidner
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️@second_hand_gem @alaskatough @kimikat416 @paigecrowe637 @liliane76584 @dawnwilson3 @jewelz_878 @ashleabrooks @gayle731 @gidgets_goods @pharmgirl99 @shannonogle @jillrenee221 @cellycakes @darnishieonta @littlecochina @ggposh67 @fkirkland4 @fancypieces @mary_men @gypsysoulhanger
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️@yiyis_boutique @051766 @poshpeeks @lisathomas0707 @mellow_om @marthabiera @lanassister @ladybecca87 @mizzpeachy @portuguesegal53 @patsy_brown @tzvetanka @ajcs1221 @74sarazen @kcad17 @mrose982 @patricaboyd @rowdyshopping @annacac @izy_lxi @lolashops2much @msmjack783
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️@ambrosiasmama2 @freedom1foru @lynnandl @missnin @icelamartin @boujean_bay @brittniboo @rebeccasage7 @nhidey22 @meredithclay899 @carbinescloset @jamiet5 @chloeannh @bvaughan2556 @eener1506 @kimmiepc @sbaylor1021 @poshginnygrl @thesecondact @staceynicole82 @tdawson1303 @lakealmanor
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️@lindahohrun @kathrynpranger @love4fashion68 @holisticgirl @poshin4dealz @fontanacrystal @agamon66 @angieluneau @chatwithtam @telatrevino @madestelle @hampton_tucker @jewels4sparkle @dbkboard @anarivrdz @mirandalexander @simplyposh_2022 @stephaniesal291 @krystalw4 @sjokenn
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️ @mirlou2021 @lisa__love @chloe233 @pinkshan @jellybn1208 @gigifatmonster @_bella_eve @shellie19841 @jessiebzen @pattyc143 @masala_mama @jess_curls_ @rrags2rriches @marlanaforsythe @rumorlessthread @bounty_huntress @callalillya @dispatchjen1980 @amber268 @alexarhae_ @decgirl65 @bellaalmatx
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️ @joanne1r @su_steph @vdot17 @laurellof @blue_eyes38 @1234sarae @stylebyblanche @enchantedattis @chix_essentials @anndreabarraza @lovelacegrace @number2pencil @bernice_07 @jaymccray065 @gypsy__queen @shop4acause7 @cjsmom89 @jjp1975 @lunique_closet @annaprice2828 @sunnyh20 @awalk4
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️ @brittanyg33 @sunshinet13 @ace_boon1 @deb86411 @posh_oh_my_gosh @ladycotton1 @chkinsey2003 @erica07131 @childrens_nwt @jecex1 @winelover0626 @kdeluca134 @jennyalmaraz @niecycloset87 @glofromnj @diazl74 @j3nnka @karen_alkemeyer @katkraz4 @alexnem @beancountervic @suggie57 @saeedamusah @poshclosetgoals @verylori @skybaby500 @mariels_closet8 @lynnlorraine @charlisplace
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️ @afisnp @blairscloset714 @jenshae @mistyvillaver @celtia398 @neecole627 @lflo1717 @tonyaowen81 @jupiters_closet @danettegarner @closet_revolve @danielle5elise @cecilybriggs @foxsakesvintage @sunsetthrifter @m_milbrett @onebun @diana_lucii @isabellaskye7 @taking_flight @marisol1367 @gilm123 @shannonkelse598 @primrosesigbotq @lisaw19601 @denisematey @gray_not_granny
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️ @letitia_love @warrenemily290 @shamrockndreams @christyfit @suzannemicke402 @stenaydavis @stylesbyjules @bluebirdcloset @jaccijordan @tropical49 @minimalfinds @rodinap2009 @amanda071691 @mikeandginab03 @dressfabstyle @brandchic722 @upnupboutique @vixensden @michelledoug112 @mariam5403 @mtenn @cjscagin @dd819 @katsplace4444 @jennashops1122 @littlequake @preppypenins
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️ @preppypeninsula @selef @kristinb883 @xtina703 @savanah_mueller @gloridayes @ciffaq @trre0102 @thriftyhippie07 @kdneern @theclassycajun @brandyrene23 @sierra61999 @aisabella8 @susie0503 @shennanniganns @ibendiberri
@sarahdunn123 @jadesdeals @rustic_kitty @tiffanykv @polingkimberly @silvaa0517 @tammyshannahan @kristinmdaley @jennypooh7030 @stacyannpj
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️ @kristenb305 @runninred @instyle319 @scottdana819 @shopmagsbags @jake_tyler_ @lilyrcain @sweetbee260 @crosby_street @lacethreadz @herfiercestyle
@kimberlyplaza @leathercraft @chelasfashions @village_attire @pianogirlms @sac10451 @blane1990 @rosesharifpour @loca_linda @gulfcoastgoodz @swannysaunt @janiemacias @aerohead474 @itcouldbyours @olivia_shanahan @01jane
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️ @ziasbazaar @mstaddy13@brittany_winnie @elvyluv009 @melisweets
@lperry811 @ivonne71 @tabs359 @c_montagano @lovemydeals3 @chirogirl87 @dancyn2015 @robbinlynn179 @eygibb @jamsmith5 @angiekaye1234 @julez09 @julesmchicago @p_wickline @shopgirl52 @mhauter @bkling04 @all4u44 @savannahhhh07 @meshell1 @kaitlyn_pascha @universalgypsy @glamthreads
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️ @natalee01 @jessjansshop @nandaboutique @diamondsand512 @camrynmclaughli @langfl @thriftwithbell @o_sessions @sea111 @caity_mac @carifairee @anuxoll2 @peaceloveposhla @skate759 @poimacreations @alenawatts20 @pitbullmom1025 @tilnexttime @stella_26 @jazmartini4u2nv @kkabel @amyless78 @ownyourmagic @jyokelson @aztin12 @ivyneal @velvetreasurez @gabby_sparkle
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️ @madisonprivette @jvh1019 @traveldivadre @denicemikhail @sassycasey20 @jobelli77 @robinh207 @raaachel17 @eholmes001 @sunshinece156 @cbadeen @shopmonkey @fashionistas3 @314shopaholic @chic_tam21 @merkuri
@sellingdenver @guadalupepsyd @akanea45 @shoregirl73 @luxxehomedecor @arich08 @paris1939 @dina_fiore @josie868 @laurenjones145 @presleypda
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️ @dlew76 @green65bush @melrobinson @jforsure @superstoreirma @makewisechoices @cristinem88 @suzancalderwood @tammyhill123 @passion8148 @fran_16 @epictrends @acoop9987 @ladycruz2018 @kimmyq1969 @2rubies @kelseylou43 @exquisiteonly@sznftt @curatedbykari @leanna_payton @thelindyshop @rapmom3 @texangigi @closet_rescued @maxiel_sanchez @specialoffers @jenmendez @kloeyskl
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️
@kloeyskloset777 @pjkpurple @katcarlos06 @jnatalie @erich120
@bilyanapierce @heathertomaini @janicemh @mamichula16 @joannaloveslife @kittykatkar @angiestrader @emilecloset @businessbeauty @jessica_colopy @bargainemporium @sjp29 @frannie322 @gypsybornhippie @princessbaby @s2krodriguez @eamesboutique @kelly2263 @hdistassio52 @pixie_tink
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️ @somanyclosets @adamtina54 @kims_kloset4 @such_a_shopper @grayzie45 @sumertarr73 @iam_brittanyk @poshnmermaid @erincnora @breezy8312 @guitadan1 @viratorres53 @zeppelinsgigi @behawaii @greta1979 @sha0512 @jluxebeauty @carolemerril924 @rosarosas @granna62009 @basicposhwife
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️ @camillesposhing @desertstarlite @auburnmiller @amontgomery269 @beckleyfamily @lolaqueenz @caceresy @ginasdealz @cherrberg @poohlisa22 @toytucker @commercesurf @t_wils42 @rlgraff2000 @krystalmcc1621 @jeremyforema160 @neenesboutique @gordo2011@dflah16 @julie760 @ryannefunk @titina700
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️ @makeupmama @rodicasboutique @espoir17 @elishaperez337 @mags4650 @jenc_yall @sandras_styles @lori6696 @refinedposher @shopwithnv @elissaallen @ezshotacres @griseldav27 @charmcity @maryjaneb26 @jojoskaggs @samim82 @palockwood @jo_mhnurse @rabbitink @deliska @tomato222 @krystyna20
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️. @anglhrtd1 @twayneforever @blue_thread @pattyann1234 @jrhaugh77 @kkb_kloset @darcygower @sagendiamonds @nickeesam @focuschic76 @dsylvester0402 @cheryl_beans @mmark62 @sassykw @msnunie @sarasolorzano @tanyaschmit @aloha_pohai @moonlightstar27 @wildcat8628 @2summer2sun @sharieseashell
Apr 11Reply

Hello ladies! Posh Live Show is happening tomorrow! Like this listing to be notified when I go live and never miss a great deal.❤️. @eml_fo @ixchel_20 @alicat0721 @jmwdorf @aliceabosque @genarsimmons @kmrvt @ashleysarmoire @fashiongirl2375 @baibsnposhland @pinkflamingova @2019kh @nosheet @bettysueward @thedog1964 @kw050705 @midlifehustle @resalegal216 @kwoods4u @nathaniel_2285 @melissaball @mal_cna @lisajohann @theblancoshop @cheeky21 @kelzboyce @groovyruby420
Apr 11Reply

hi ! I loved you show & very much love my purchase. ❤ I going to try to have a May 10th show. Hope you can join! I'd be honored if you could attend.
Apr 20Reply
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