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Updated 4 days ago
Updated 4 days ago

Piña Princess Shoes & Sh!t 🍍👑👠

Meet the Posher

US$100,000 US$1,000,000

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Hi, My name's Marissa! 💋🍍👑👠Joined Posh over a year ago, but only really got into these past few months! LOVE IT! #PoshObsessed I'm a certified SHOE WHORE and proud of it! Over 500 pairs of shoes... sadly I broke my ankle and can't wear most of them! 😩 here to share them with you all! But, I’m starting a new collection with a lower heel! 🙌🏽 Pics above are my shoes 😻💋👠 POSH AMBASSADOR, Top rated seller, fast shipper, top 10% seller and sharer! Follow me on Instagram @MariC215 💋🍍
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

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kaleyheider Nice to meet you!❤️
Oct 07Reply
phets0 Welcome to posh ❤️❤️❤️! Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks and happy poshing 👄💍👠💅🏻👛!!!
Oct 07Reply
khattie 🙋Welcome to Poshmark! 💛 Feel free to tag me @Khattie with any questions you have or listings I can share that you think my followers would enjoy! I love to help new users get started! 😘 In the mean time, make sure you add to your "meet the posher" listing w/ photos and fun info about you. We love to see who we're Poshing with! Also check out The Posh user forum @official_forum for some great tips! 💁 Don't forget to follow me @Khattie 💕Happy Poshing!!!💕
Oct 07Reply
sararose1 Thanks for the like on the sweater! Let me know if I can help 😊
Dec 13Reply
shoppave Your so pretty 👑
Dec 16Reply
dashindiva99 💰🍀HAPPY POSHING, SHARES & SALES 🍀💰
Feb 03Reply
shidamddc hey there, just a friendly note to let you know that I have a TON of Stance socks for sale... so check out my closet if you're interested!
Feb 05Reply
bxdime Thanks for visiting my closet! If you have any questions about any of the items, please let me know. ☺
Feb 05Reply
utmini83 Happy poshing
Feb 09Reply
elenasvintage Hello. Thank you for checking out our closet ☺️
Feb 23Reply
shes_fab Thanks for the like Pretty Lady! I'm accepting offers
Mar 22Reply
fashiongirl_btq Hi Marissa! You're welcome to stop by my closet anytime🌸✨
Apr 10Reply
sweetnsimple1 Hey there Sunshine! Warm Welcome to Posh! Please feel free to stop by and check out my closet sometime! Lots of cute items and handmade jewelry! Have a blessed day 💕❤💕
Apr 13Reply
lovemayy Hello!💕 By your closet I can see you have a very bold style !! Love it ! 😊
May 11Reply
callielives Great hair! 🍾🥂 Thanks for poshing around in my closet 💃🏽😘❤️ Feel free to make offers. Or just take 20% off on bundles of 4. I'm always willing to give $7 Off for free shipping on single items over $35 or negotiating in some way to help my clients out. 😉
Jun 05Reply
linsab Hello! I'd love to offer you $13 for the VS robe you liked. Just submit an offer if interested :)
Jul 03Reply
preppypoppybtq Thanks for liking my black glitter shoes! I shared a few more items I thought you might like based on your style card. 3 items with a 😍 like the shoes have are $65! I'm also open to offers on anything. Trying to do a big clearout before I leave PM for a bit for medical treatment on Wednesday. No pressure just hope you find something(s) you like here or somewhere else on PM!
Jul 16Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Marissa. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Aug 05Reply
pinaprincess @hmsimon1 thank you! You have beautiful creations! Definitely will be purchasing sometime soon! 💋🍍
Aug 05Reply
scarlettrose213 Hi hun! Are you interested in purchasing the wide calf boots? Let me know so I can give you a great discount! Happy poshing!!
Aug 08Reply
lyzas Thanks for sharing Marissa! We accept reasonable offers.
Aug 10Reply
teresafinds Thank you for following me. Kmaj has a daily shoe share. You should join. There's a Q&A and a signup sheet in her closet.
Aug 10Reply
blackaudi1 Thanks for liking my MK Fanny pack/purse I'm pretty firm on price and I've sold three already you can bundle and save with anything else in my closet 😄😄
Aug 11Reply
modamecouture Hi beauty. You have an amazing closet. Thank you for visiting my Boutique. Please let me know if I can be of assistance. My pieces are priced fair and I offer a bundle discount. To help discount kick in select from a plethora of fabulous items under $20 located at the bottom of my closet. SAME DAY SHIPPING ALWAYS. YAY.🎉 Have an AMAZING day and Thank you again for visiting MODA ME COUTURE.💋
Aug 23Reply
cesca56 Hola Marissa, I'm sorry about your ankle, and I want to thank you for following me, you'll heal and buy more 😂
Aug 27Reply
tacosandtrends Ahhh I love your hair too <3
Aug 28Reply
motherhenalaska You poor thing! I used to wear very tall heels, but no longer as I developed bunions on both feet. All that gravity pressing on the balls of my god toes has done me in.😭 So, I sympathize wholeheartedly.
Aug 29Reply
motherhenalaska "Good," not god. I can't type worth a hill of beans🙄
Aug 29Reply
arshmani @mcefaratti215 Hi, thanks for the like 😍Please let me know if you have any questions 🤗😉
Aug 31Reply
pinaprincess @fashionzar101 thanks doll! 💋🍍
Sep 06Reply
5seasonsfashion thanks for the likes and the shares girl!!!! 💋
Sep 07Reply
pinaprincess @5seasonsfashion you're welcome! and thank you too!
Sep 07Reply
jenniferkaye79 You have great style! I love all the different hair colors; they look good on you!
Sep 13Reply
pinaprincess @jenniferkaye79 thank you 💋🍍
Sep 13Reply
poshandpearls @mcefaratti215 Hi Marissa 😊 Thank You for visiting my closet and liking these Vigo Fiore Heels❤️They are my daughter in-laws and she only wore them once. Wish I could wear them, my high heel days are unfortunately over 😥😥. Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm envious of your shoe closet, it's beautiful ❤️💛Robin
Sep 19Reply
poshandpearls @mcefaratti215 Hi, me again 😊 I just noticed you liked the Shoe Dazzle Animal Print heels, sorry about that. Thank You for liking the "Shoe Dazzle Animal Print Heels. Have a great night ✨🌙💫
Sep 19Reply
sharosmith I love your closet, so many beautiful items!
Sep 20Reply
roselowin Thanks for following me! You have a great closet! Love the aesthetic and your style. Happy posting 💋
Sep 20Reply
pinaprincess @rjlm65 thank you! 💋💋 they are beautiful! But not my size 😩 shared to help sell! Happy Poshing 😘
Sep 20Reply
pinaprincess @sharosmith thank you so much!💋🍍
Sep 20Reply
pinaprincess @roselowin thank you! 😘 you too! Happy Poshing!💋🍍👠
Sep 20Reply
51twenty Hi Marissa. I’m Carolyn. It’s nice to meet you. I love your closet🍃
Sep 22Reply
jojonista Love your closet💖🎀👠👠👠
Sep 22Reply
kbbella Striking, striking, striking! Stunning look, fabulous closet, awesome layouts! Your Posh is on the mark, Sis-Star! Posh On!
Oct 02Reply
jay21136 Thanks for sharing my post! Really appreciate it.
Oct 03Reply
cecilysawesome Oh my heavens how many shoes do you have? You go girl haha ❤😘
Oct 04Reply
crystal_maiden Love your colors!!! 🌞 ♡
Oct 04Reply
shahid_akbar Your closet is #Dope mami
Oct 10Reply
pinaprincess @51twenty hi Carolyn! Nice to meet you as well! Thank you! Love your closet too! The shirt you wore to Posh Fest (cold shoulder with pom poms) is amazing! Happy Poshing! 💋🍍
Oct 12Reply
pinaprincess @jossirode thank you love! 💋💋🍍
Oct 12Reply
51twenty Wow! Thank you. Thanks so much! 💜🌺🍂🍃
Oct 12Reply
pinaprincess @kbbella thank you girl! So sweet! 💋🍍 Happy Poshing!
Oct 12Reply
pinaprincess @jay21136 my pleasure! Good luck! 💋🍍
Oct 12Reply
pinaprincess @cecilysawesome wayyyyyy too many! JK can never have enough! Haven't even counted lately... but years ago it was like 350!!! 🙀🙀 I have a slight problem! Lol 💋🍍👖
Oct 12Reply
pinaprincess @crystal_maiden thanks hun! 💋💋🍍
Oct 12Reply
pinaprincess @shahid_akbar thanks hun! 💋🍍
Oct 12Reply
cecilysawesome @mcefaratti215 Never!!!! I used to have a ton like a 100 I think before we had a baby mousey in the house that are them. I didn't keep most of them, they were ruined. And it kinda creeped me out! Haha do you have a Twitter?
Oct 12Reply
cecilysawesome @mcefaratti215 I so wish we were the same size shoe!!
Oct 12Reply
dianesteinberg The most exciting and fabulous closet - awesome items, especially the unique and fun shoes....Loved browsing through everything.....All displayed so perfectly.....Happy Poshing!
Oct 12Reply
unclaimed Wishing you success with your closet.Thanks for your support. Nice pictures.
Oct 16Reply
casualliving Hi there, I noticed that you put my Pandora bracelet in a bundle? I don't know if you meant to "like" it, or put it in a bundle? Thank you
Oct 25Reply
techmermaid Nice to meet you! So sorry to hear about your ankle :( your hair looks fabulous! Love the different colors it's so much fun
Oct 25Reply
style_poptags Love you closet! Sexy, fun, cool and tons of different things ... Congrats on Posh Ambassador! I'm working on mine too. I just wanted to stop by and say Hi 🤗 and that I loved tons of items, wish I could go on a shopping spree! Lol. Sending much PoshLove your way ❤🎉❤
Oct 26Reply
pinaprincess @cecilysawesome hey girl! I'm a little Late responding! One of my posh downfalls! 😩 I don't have twitter, but I'm thinking about creating one... if you're on IG I'm @maric215 💋🍍
Oct 27Reply
pinaprincess @dianesteinberg Thank you so much! You are too sweet! Happy Poshing! 💋😹
Oct 27Reply
pinaprincess @unclaimed you're welcome and thank you too! 💋🍍 Happy Poshing! 🛍💕
Oct 27Reply
pinaprincess @casualliving adorable stuff and great bracelet! Sorry about that though, just meant to like it for now... always a bummer I know! Sorry 😩 Happy Poshing! 💋🍍🛍💕
Oct 27Reply
pinaprincess @techmermaid nice to "meet" you too! Lol and thank you so much! Love your hair too! 😍 what color/ brand dye do you use? Happy Poshing! 💋🍍
Oct 27Reply
pinaprincess @style_poptags thank girl! Closet is always open! Lol happy Poshing! 💋🍍🛍💕
Oct 27Reply
pinaprincess @style_poptags me keep up the good work! I'm sure you will get Posh Ambassador soon! It's so exciting having that accomplishment! I was like YAAAAYYYY!! Lol
Oct 27Reply
casualliving @mcefaratti215 oh no worries honey, I have so many belongings that I have a storage unit full of things I cannot use… It's been in storage for over nine years now… $91 a month down the drain for a storage unit… SMH‼️🙆🏼🤷🏼‍♀️ 🤦🏼‍♀️
Oct 27Reply
shikgupta Hey Marissa! Thanks for the ♡ on the Rebecca Minkoff bag and bracelet! Please let me now if you have questions or if I can help with a purchase/bundle! Have a great evening! xoxo
Oct 30Reply
eddiej314 Welcome🌹
Oct 31Reply
chucky75 Thx for following me 🌸
Nov 01Reply
pinaprincess @eddiej314 thank you! 💋🍍
Nov 02Reply
pinaprincess @chucky75 you're welcome and thank you too! 💋😹
Nov 02Reply
eddiej314 @mcefaratti215 Your welcome💙....Keep up the good work💰💰💰
Nov 02Reply
pinaprincess @sayvish4 thank you love! Love your gorgeous long hair too! I miss my long hair, but not a normal color! Lol great closet too! Wish we were the same size! Happy Poshing! 💋🍍🛍✨
Nov 07Reply
thetaylorfinds Love how you express yourself through your store! Great job! ☺️
Nov 13Reply
pinaprincess @thetaylorfinds thank you so much! 💋🍍
Nov 14Reply
wishfulbeauty Love your closet, your artistic flare and all of the PINK!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 20Reply
arkies27 @pinaprincess thank u for sharing my closet 😊happy poshing ♥️
Nov 20Reply
pinaprincess @wishfulbeauty thank you love! Def love pink! Lol 💖💕 Happy Poshing! 🛍✨💋🍍
Nov 21Reply
pinaprincess @arkies27 my pleasure 😉 and thank you! ✨🛍💋🙌🏽
Nov 21Reply
queenseven Beautiful closet!
Nov 26Reply
blondehairm215 Thank You for all ur Luv 😘😘
Nov 27Reply
pinaprincess @queenseven thank you! 💋🍍
Nov 27Reply
pinaprincess @blondehairm215 my pleasure! 🍍💋
Nov 27Reply
tudie11 Omg your shoes, my bf said after looking at the pic " pleae don't let them be your size"! Gonna go check out the size, plz be some 8's plz be some 8's. Thx for the shares!
Dec 12Reply
natbaby02 Hi are you still interested in those pink shoes?
Dec 15Reply
marilynstuff I see that you like several things in my closet everything is half off just make me an offer of half of what it’s listed for and it will be yours great deals thank you for looking and happy polishing
Dec 15Reply
crystalco I’m sorry to hear you broke your ankle! Please read about my daughter in my closet to learn more about me!❤️
Dec 18Reply
romy1989 Thanks!!!!!Romy
Dec 21Reply
fashion4u2love Hi Gorgeous! Thanks for all the shares💕💕💕😊
Jan 10Reply
tanlegsintx Hi Marissa! Thanks for the follow. Do stop by my closet from time to time as I have tons more to list. Wishing you lots of prosperity and great deals poshing this year. Have a great day! ~ Jess ❤️👍🏻😀🛍🎉🎊
Jan 16Reply
nidhishekha It’s great pleasure to announce the opening of my closet. A place for Contemporary ethnic fashion of high quality from respected brands in India. I offer women’s churidars, dupatta sets, kurta, tunics, palazzos, skirts in pure cotton fabric, in shades of every color combinations,patterns. Mix-and-match kurta pieces to experience the joys of traditional Indian wear. I also offer handcrafted items including jewelry, accessories. Please do visit. Thank you. -Nidhi
Feb 22Reply
thatboywill313 Hello Thank u for following me gorgeous
Feb 27Reply
hit111 Welcome 🙏 to have just graduated to the 🌍 of fashions.....Have fun.......Thanks for sharing my closet.........Make me an offer On anything in my closet I can’t say yes unless you ask....
Mar 13Reply
zuzumarket - Marissa, Thanks for the like. Happy Sunday and Happy National Sloppy Joe Day!!!😁😋😍❤️😋🤤😜
Mar 18Reply
robok8 Good morning! Thanks for checking out my closet! Let me know if you have any questions and have a wonderful day!
Mar 21Reply
hilali Hey girl! Check out my closet! I’ve got some of the things that you’re looking for! 💕😘
Mar 21Reply
pinaprincess @robok8 thank you, you as well! Happy Poshing! 😘👠
Mar 22Reply
pinaprincess @monieroc thank you so much! 😘😘😘
Mar 22Reply
pinaprincess @hilali thank you! Beautiful shoes! Just my hearts desire 👠😍
Mar 22Reply
hilali @pinaprincess mine too! Lol I just wish they were all my size!😂 if there’s anything you liked feel free to make me an offer 😉😘
Mar 22Reply
kittysposh Hi Marissa! Thx for stopping by my closet. If you have any questions I can help you with please ask. Never hurts to make an offer. I’m pretty flexible. Happy Poshing!😊🌹 btw~ I broke my leg falling off my horse 🐴 1.5 yrs ago. I’m just getting back to wearing heels! Good luck 🍀 for a speedy recovery!
Mar 27Reply
sarahbeth_247 Thanks for the follow ❤️❤️ love your closet 😍😍😍
Mar 27Reply
mealyworm26 I broke my foot in Jan and can't enjoy my heels either!! But I do love me some 👠 ! Thanks for the like! 💕
Mar 31Reply
zandiye 🐇🐣🌷🌻I love to negotiate ❤
Apr 01Reply
pinaprincess @kittysposh thank you! You too! I’m restarting a lower heel collection! Lol posh has been great for finding new shoes! 💋🍍
Apr 06Reply
pinaprincess @sarahbeth_247 thank you so much! And you too! Happy Poshing! 💋
Apr 06Reply
pinaprincess @mealyworm26 ugh! The worst! It does get better over time! You’ll be back in heels at some point! 💋🍍 Hope You heal quick! 😘
Apr 06Reply
kimberly_smith Thank you for the like 😇😊
Apr 06Reply
gypsygurlcloset OMG! I just realized I shared some shoes to your dressing room. That was a total accident LOL! So sorry!
Apr 17Reply
babyguppie77 Hi! Thanks for the follow! My store is 10% off of bundles of two or more! Make and offer or make a bundle and I’ll send you a private discount! God bless💙
Apr 19Reply
kellidunn76 Wow..u r organized!! I need u to come to Jersey and HELP😉
Apr 27Reply
leeannefry210a Thanks for the like feel free to bundle all three for only $15 dollars total price! I’m doing an everything must go sale and will go to the post office in a couple hours
May 11Reply
annasposhalley @pinaprincess 😊 Hi Marissa, Its nice to meet you! TY so much for the posh love on my Wicked City Wallet Wristlet, its my favorite from the WC line for sure! I just put this last one on Super Sale down to my cost 😊 If i can help u with anything just say the word. Have an awesome weekend, Anna
May 18Reply
pinaprincess @annasposhalley thanks so much! I’ll keep that in mind 😉 thank you for all the shares as well! Sharing back now in hopes of some sales for you! Happy Poshing! 💋🍍
May 20Reply
pinaprincess @kimberly_smith my pleasure! 💋🍍
May 20Reply
pinaprincess @gypsygurlcloset no worries! I always love seeing new shoes! 😍
May 20Reply
pinaprincess @babyguppie77 thank you! I’ll keep that in mind 😉 Happy Poshing! 💋🍍
May 20Reply
pinaprincess @kellidunn76 haha! Not too far from me! I’m better at organizing other people than myself too! If you google Poshmark you can find lots of tips and tricks for organization! Happy Poshing! 💋🍍
May 20Reply
pinaprincess @leeannefry210a thanks so much! I’ll keep that in mind! 💋😉
May 20Reply
annasposhalley @pinaprincess 😊💙 Big ty hugs for the shares, YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!
May 20Reply
sunporch Hi Pina, I just started Posh not that long ago and I work at my shares and following/followers every night. How did you get so many followers so quickly????
May 27Reply
pinaprincess @sunporch Hi there! Welcome to Posh! 😘 it honestly took me about a year to get this many followers! So keep working at it and just realize it won’t happen over night.
May 27Reply
pinaprincess @sunporch But following others and sharing will definitely help! What I try to do is follow A LOT at once... like go through someone’s list of followers/ following and just scroll down the list and... follow follow follow! If you see I follow a little under double of who is actually is following me too. Also, are you sharing others listings? Or just your own? Sharing the Love helps! Even if it’s one or two listing per person... you may get their attention and they may share back as well.
May 27Reply
pinaprincess @sunporch There are also Posh n Sips that happen throughout the year, they are great for networking and getting tips! I love them! Hope that helps! If you have any other questions let me know! If not Happy Poshing! 💋🍍🛍💕
May 27Reply
pinaprincess @sunporch sorry, I am long winded and apparently there is a 500 character max! Had to break it up
May 27Reply
sunporch Thank you for all your advice. What I’ve been doing is following ambassadors and each time I it follow I directly go into their closest and share their items. Is that what you are saying? Ty
May 27Reply
pinaprincess @sunporch you’re welcome! Yes that would be a good habit to get into... or set aside another time to share others stuff... but also go to mine or another’s followers list, click on that and follow a whole bunch or people at once. I always see an increase in my follows after I do that
May 27Reply
sunporch Ty so much! I just decided to grow them out so I have them parted in the middle. I’m trying to get used to them that way. We’ll see I might go back to bangs. Lol
May 27Reply
pinaprincess @sunporch haha! Nice! you’re welcome, not too many people can pull of bangs 😉
May 27Reply
1hapeemom 🌺Aloha! Thank you so much for liking an item in my closet. Have a great night... Love your closet!!!🌺
Jun 03Reply
rbsinger Hello Marissa!! Awesome closet!!! Nice to meet you. Thanks for liking the VS sports bra. Let me know if you have any questions. Have a great evening. 😀😀Stephanie
Jul 01Reply
maddiesmaddeals Hi! I have a ray-ban case you would love! Willing to negotiate on price as well :)
Jul 23Reply
flipyeahandrea Hi Marissa, it’s lovely to meet you!
Jul 24Reply
netti1106 Feel free to check out my closet 🛍
Jul 29Reply
modernchoices Omg! What a collection!
Aug 02Reply
pinaprincess @modernchoices thank you! 😘👠💕
Aug 02Reply
pinaprincess @stylishnuggets omg! Haha too funny! If only People would share the rest like that! Lol I did see that it was sold, I tend to like anything that I want to try to look for that’s in my size and available lol but thanks for letting me know! Happy Poshing! 💋🍍
Aug 09Reply
mailllle Feel free to check out my closet! :-)
Aug 17Reply
sassybyella @pinaprincess Hey my love it was amazing meeting you last night!! Keep in touch my little Italy!!
Aug 24Reply
pinaprincess @noafive_apparel hey girl! It was great meeting you too! Hope to see you again! Sorry I’m all late! Thanks for all the shares too! 😘
Aug 30Reply
Sep 18Reply
thanksazillion Hello Marissa💗👩🏻‍🎤💗 Thank for the like on my fav. Betsy Johnson purse💙😁 (big smile) I am offering 2 new leather Express chokers today with my next purchase of at least $30...It is a $25 value!!! I enjoyed viewing your closet‼️💗it‼️ So Sorry to hear about your ankle 😢 Hope you heal super fast‼️ Sending Posh 💗, J.M.😎 Get well Flowers 4 U.......... 💐🌼🌻💐🌸💐
Oct 02Reply
methmeth4 Hi 👋 I’m Lecci , I’m an Ambassador 😊 I like to share , shop & like I hope you do to. 🙏🏽 I hope success for you and fun so let’s go Shopping 🛒 🛍😁
Oct 02Reply
thanksazillion Girrrrrrrl!!!!! Thanks so so so so much for all the shares!!! I need all the help I can get!!! Maybe I need to learn something from you? I’ve only sold 2 things in a month. I will remain optimistic, especially since I am having loads of fun. I really need to post more.Soooo, I’m gonna get on it!!!! Thanks Again💗 BTW, You have beeeeautiful eyes!!!!
Oct 02Reply
pinaprincess @thanksazillion Thank you, thank you! 😘😘 and you are welcome! 💋 just keep sharing, following and posting! I notice if I am consistent with my sharing, my sales go up! Plus, take advantage of the CCOs and making deals! That always helps too! “Socializing” helps too, having PFFs that share your stuff! And soooo much fun! That’s what I love about this selling platform! It’s making me money, while having fun and making friends! Let me know if I can help any more?! XOXO Happy Poshing! 💋🍍
Oct 07Reply
pinaprincess @sue_sells thanks love, I’ll keep that in mind! Just looking currently! 💋
Oct 07Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Oct 08Reply
pinaprincess @spreadlove thanks love! You found a new Posh Frein over here! Thanks for the love and sharing! 💋🍍💕
Oct 12Reply
pinaprincess @hicksimages finally I can wear heels! Luckily I’m not a model 😹😹 I don’t wear 4-6in like I used to, but can go up to about 4in tops... THANK GOD! could probably get back into higher heels if I did some more ankle/ leg strengthening and balance exercises 💁🏼‍♀️ Happy Poshing!
Oct 12Reply
kfab333 @pinaprincess Hello there 💕😊thank you for stopping by - if you would like to bundle your likes I can send a discount and ship with your gifts 🎁 asap
Nov 13Reply
skylinpyles Thanks for all the shares! Sharing your items as well!
Nov 27Reply
pinaprincess @skylinpyles you’re welcome! Thanks for all the Posh Love back! 💋🍍 Happy Holidays and Happy Poshing!
Nov 27Reply
terryconn Thanks for your purchase 😊
Dec 14Reply
bluesunrise365 Hey there! 🤗Thanks for all the shares! I’m the same when it comes to clothes . So many cute clothes, things I’ve never worn-still with tags. It’s crazy, so it is time to get rid of a great deal of it. I’m running low on space. Your shoe collection is beautiful. 😍
Feb 18Reply
joeyjoe1977 Hi Hyd I’m Joseph are you single?
Mar 21Reply
thebelladonna Great meeting u at the PNS!!! 😘
Mar 23Reply
maidmarian I knew I loved your pictures 🤗marian Camden Poshfest ☮️🙌👯‍♀️🎸🎼
Mar 23Reply
pinaprincess @maidmarian thank you so much! So great meeting you as well! 😘😘
Mar 24Reply
pinaprincess @dmiovine so nice meeting you as well!! 😘😘 what a fun time!
Mar 24Reply
maidmarian You’re just so cool 😎
Mar 26Reply
pinaprincess @maidmarian thank you! You are amazing! Hope to see you again!!! 🥳🥳
Mar 27Reply
sellersmerch Your custom creation has been completed and will be delivered to the post office today ☺️.
Mar 27Reply
tschlitt Hey! You should check out my closet, I think you would really love my stuff! I just added a bunch of things but I still have so much more to add to follow to stay up to date! I am having a closet clear out so I am accepting most offers! I go to the post office almost every day so I usually have same day shipping if not next day! Happy Poshing :)
Jun 07Reply
scorpiomvp 🍍 Hi, I'm Angel ! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day! ∞ Sнoppər|#ShopSmall ∞,#GETMORE for way less ∞ #ShopSmallBiz + ✅ Verified #Google Business Owner #🌍❤️🔑 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @scorpiomvp ┈┈┈┈╱▔╲▂▂╱▔╲┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈▕╮╱▔╲╱▔╲╭▏┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱╋▏┊▕┊┊▕╋╲┈┈┈ ┈┈▕╋▕━▅━━▅━▏╋▏┈┈ ┈┈▕╱▔╲▔╭╮▔╱▔╲▏┈┈ ┈┈▕┊┳┊▔╰╯▔┊┳┊▏┈┈ ┈┈┈╲╰━━╯╰━━╯╱┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔╭┈┈┈┈╮▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈ 🛍🛒🎀 👚👡👔👖👕👟🎩👙🧤🧣👒👜🧢👘👢👗👡👠💼👜👛👓🎒🌂🕶👓
Jun 22Reply
sammmie_lee Hey Marissa 💖 saw you liked a few items in my closet and wanted to let you know that I always do bundle deals! Create your bundle and ill definitely make you an offer! Thanks love, and happy poshing!
Jul 12Reply
sparkielane4u Thank you for visiting my closet and your like Marissa💕. All reasonable offers and  bundles are welcome. I hope your ankle is better! Happy Poshing!😊🛍🌷
Sep 10Reply
breecreativ_ Your closet is great!
Sep 16Reply
innerbeautyposh ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR PIX IN THIS LISTING! ♥️💜💙💚💛 Great Hair Colors!!! Michelle, @innerbeauty1968
Nov 08Reply
pinaprincess @innerbeauty1968 thank you so much! 😘😘 I love colors!!! 🤷🏼‍♀️👩🏽‍🎤
Nov 08Reply
mgaffney9812 Beautiful pics of you girl!!! And OMG you are the SHOE QUEEN LMAO!!! I can’t believe how many pairs you have that’s crazy, you need to be on one of those celeb closet tour shows!!! Whatever makes you happy though right?!? Haha 👍🏼
Nov 12Reply
sigi_bebe Hey Marissa …Thanks for stopping by the Sigi Bebe' Closet and showing us some ❤️!
Dec 19Reply
ericacin28_ Hello! Check out my closet, I have Lane Bryant items for a great deal! 🌝🤞❤️
Feb 19Reply
prettythingz720 Hi @pinaprincess, thanks for liking my blue suede shoes. Normally at this time due to Government compliance I wouldn’t be doing any shipping till this past. However, I have to go to P.O. tomorrow in the a.m. early. I did give you 10% if interested, please let me know. I will get them mailed first thing in the morning. Thank you stay safe
Apr 08Reply
pinaprincess @prettythingz720 thanks so much! Just browsing at the moment, loving your closet! Have to look around some more! Stay safe 💕💕
Apr 10Reply
prettythingz720 Hi @pinaprincess, I understand and thanks for for viewing my closet. Once this is over I’ll be able to do shipping😃 Thanks stay safe stay home and save lives. 😊
Apr 10Reply
prettythingz720 Thanks for liking merchandise from my closet. I see you have a few likes. Once this pandemic pass I can give you great bundle discount. 😎🎊Just keep in mind😊
Apr 10Reply
coppergirl101 Welcome to Posh!
Jul 07Reply
coppergirl101 Marissa, I wanted to stop by and share some Posh Love & Happy Vibes with you. Like you I also own several high heels, many brand new and never worn. I injured my knee on duty and now can’t wear most of them. I wish you much happiness and success here on Posh. Arlene
Aug 15Reply
nichailajacques Hello! Just checking in to say: You are absolutely, positively amazing. Keep being awesome! Blessings 🥰🌟🙌🏾.
Aug 16Reply
mazyodc Hi, My name is Marianne Cummins, a Postmark Ambassador. I will do my best to assist you if you are new to Poshmark and have any questions about buying and selling. If you’ve been selling for some time I might ask you for some tips 😊. I’d love to have you visit my closet where I have a number of unique items, and many vintage items listed. If you find any items you are interested in, please let me know and I would be happy to offer you a discount.
Nov 28Reply
savyshopper22 Hi Pina, Love the pink hair😘🥰! Thanks for visiting my closet and liking the Mens NIKE ACTIVEWEAR top 😀! If you're interested in purchasing it I've sent you a discounted offer 😉! If you don't like my offer please feel free to make me an offer 😊.
Dec 25Reply
katecarroll6 hi hun! I'm moving in a few weeks so am looking to clear my closet out so will be accepting all offers! Feel free to check out my closet and bundle/offer on anything in my closet! Thank you so much and have a great day :)
Dec 29Reply
jebwa Dear @pinaprincess , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗. We are the top luxury handbags seller here on Poshmark. Let us know if you are interested in any of my items. Happy poshing!
Dec 29Reply
fayhawarneh Hi thanks for the like all clothing will only be 5$ hope to see you back take care wishing you manny sales to come 🎉🎈
Jan 20Reply
oh_jaz Hi! Please check out my closet. I hope you may like some of the items I have to offer :) I accept reasonable offers and if you bundle, you'll save $$! Happy poshing! 💖
Feb 12Reply
turtle_adri Hey I see you like my crop top! Let me know if you have any questions! If you bundle I’ll offer you a GREAT deal!✨✨ Happy shopping❤️✨
Feb 26Reply
maris_closet_ Hi 🙋🏻‍♀️ Thank you for stopping by my boutique and liking the rose mini dress 🌹 I left you a special offer just for liking it. Every order comes with a free gift and eco friendly packaging 💝❤️
Apr 30Reply
lovenarf Hi Marissa. It looks like you have a love for vintage and retro clothing. I invite you to visit my closet when you have a free moment. I have 1000+ new and vintage items of various sizes, some of which may be of interest to you. Thanks for taking the time.
May 04Reply
littlepeachxo hello there! ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ our closet will be temporarily closing on june 1st and all listings will be deleted for our yard sale. all our prices are as low as can be with discounted shipping & all bundles are 50% off. profits go to help a child abuse survivor. 💙🎀 -peach ♡
May 25Reply
jewelsbysara Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Sep 19Reply
mimivegas07 @pinaprincess Hi, thanks for visiting my closet and your likes. I will offer you a great bundle discount 🙂🌹
Oct 17Reply
lmoore840 Hiiii verrry nice closet, check out my closet, see if you find anything you likeeeeee😁. ALWAYS accepting offers😁.
Nov 18Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet in anyway. 😊 Happy Poshing
Dec 30Reply
anthony216607 Hello! I saw you liked another poshers Gala Gloves. I just posted the same pair but for a lower price! Let me know if you’re interested Happy Poshing!
Jan 21Reply
ltbbalance What an amazing much variety and style...something for everyone...💫💞🎀🌻 I have shared Posh love by sharing items from your closet to my followers and to any active Posh party that applies...I hope you will do me the honor of visiting my closet and if you are so inclined, sharing mine too🥰🌷.. Happy Poshing!!💕⚘🎁💥
Feb 10Reply
jerkonaoo "Why not spend less and get same quality luxury bag Ⓕⓡⓞⓜ ⓘⒼ:behatsluxury ⓌⒽⒶⓉⓈⒶⓅⓅ +⑧⑤②④④⓪⑤⓪④⑨⑦"
Aug 11Reply
chic360bin Hi! @pinaprincess Good Day!💕 Thank You for Your Like! 💜💕I 've sent an Offer to You for the Pink Tattoos. Please let me know if You have any questions. 🙂 -Sherry M.
Oct 31Reply
branzbarn @pinaprincess, Hi there! Your closet is so lovely! I just had to share it!! ;) God bless you and yours!!
Dec 11Reply
cutehosiery @pinaprincess Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 30Reply
jlsrdh99 hi thanks for visiting and liking the bathing suit set. I am open to offers. Let me know if you are interested.
May 20Reply
bettyro92 HELLO pretty 💕💕💕💕 I invite you to visit my closet 👚👗🩱👕👙🧢👒👜💼💍👠👡👓👢🕶️👛👝🧣🧤🩳every week I will be publishing new garments With tags💜 like ZARA, ASOS & more. HOPE YOU'RE HAVING a GREAT day…😉🤗👍🏻💯💯
Jul 14Reply
krystalmcc1621 👋Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day ☀️and many sales 🧾!!
Nov 21Reply
khoke74 @pinaprincess thank you for the like I’m a 5 star ⭐️ seller and ship daily this dress is an amazing color very vibrant ❤️
Jan 01Reply
jerrym_ Hello I noticed you liked a pair of North Face x Gucci socks, I have a pair available at a much cheaper price if you're still interested :) Have a good one!
Feb 11Reply
bbailey502005 Hi I see that you Like the Torrid Vegan Cashmere sweater. Everything in my closet is half price this week. Happy Poshing
Mar 12Reply

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Last Active: Feb 28

Conshohocken, PA
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Last Active: Feb 28

Conshohocken, PA
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