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Updated Jan 07
Updated Jan 07

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shopsae Congrats on getting your closet started beautiful ✨✨ please follow me and let me know if you need help with anything 💕⭐️
Jan 06Reply
stacey9394 Hooray 🎉🎉. You got your closet started👠👜👞👗. Now let the fun begin. I am sure my addiction will soon become yours💜❤. Please take a moment to check out my closet. I have both men's and women's items and give great bundle deals. Happy Poshing 💋
Jan 06Reply
karen1177 🎊Welcome to Poshmark🎊 ⭐️♦️⭐️♦️⭐️♦️⭐️♦️⭐️
Jan 13Reply
mowwyp Hi there! Just wanted to say hello and hope you're having fun poshing so far! Let me know if you have any questions at all- I'm here to help! Xoxo 💖💋🌼🌈
Jan 14Reply
mowwyp Btw absolutely love your style!
Jan 14Reply
theclothespony @mowwyp Thanks Molly!! ❤️❤️❤️
Jan 14Reply
chickadeejay Love so much of your stuff!
Jan 19Reply
theclothespony @chickadeejay Aw, thank you! ☺️
Jan 19Reply
theclothespony @jhawk3474 Hey thanks, I love yours too!
Jan 21Reply
cynguizar Hey girl 😄, saw that we have similar sizes and thought you might wanna check out my closet! Happy poshing!! 🎉🎉🎊
Jan 24Reply
theclothespony @cynguizar Sure thing 👌
Jan 24Reply
msyvette907 Very cute closet. I love it!
Jan 28Reply
theclothespony @msyvette907 Thaaaaank you! 😍
Jan 28Reply
enocharden Welcome and thanks for following my closet
Jan 28Reply
poshgarden Thank you for your interest, I'm offering 30% off 2+ items. A $15 section is located at the bottom to help the discount kick in👍🏼 🌹SALE ENDS TONIGHT🌹
Mar 19Reply
theclothespony @stangirl Oh thank you for the lovely feedback, I'm so glad you like the stuff! Made my day 👍
Apr 03Reply
theclothespony @monicajoy27 Hey Monica - I just got an email from PM that USPS lost your package! I'm sorry to hear that - that really sucks. Out of the 68 packages I've mailed over the past 2 years, this is the first one missing. I'm just glad it wasn't something valuable or sentimental!
May 18Reply
theclothespony @chevelleheart I'm so glad you like them! That makes my day!
May 20Reply
justsugarz Thank you for the follow back 🤗
Jun 19Reply
crazynatti21 Hi, do you have an email that I could contact You on about the coach purse that you have for sale?
Jul 25Reply
theclothespony @crazynatti21 You can ask through here.
Jul 25Reply
crazynatti21 @theclothespony I just figured it would be a long ish question, but I'll just ask through that post
Jul 25Reply
sunflowerpetals Thanks for the LIKE. The dressi s already in the dressing room lol. Just in case you see something you like but not the price just let me know. Otherwise Merry Christmas and may your New Year be , healthy, positive and prosperous. Love u hugs n kisses❤
Dec 25Reply
jackierct Hey there. GREAT closet, and not stuffed with 4's and XXS's. 😱 Love the German pj top camp shirt print. Good eye!
Dec 29Reply
jackierct Thanks for appreciating my Marimekko bags!
Jan 23Reply
shegunmed @theclothespony Hi 💖. I m willing to sell 3 items for $55. Pls add 3 items of your choice from my closet in a bundle and submit the offer of $55. I will accept it. You can buy as many $55 bundle as possible. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision
Jul 11Reply
swampstalker thank you so much for you purchase and support
Jul 12Reply
theclothespony @swampstalker Thank you for accepting my offer!
Jul 12Reply
klassykate2018 ❤️ your closet!
Aug 11Reply
klassykate2018 Thank you for all of the likes! You’re amazing🌷💗🌸💕
Aug 11Reply
theclothespony @klassykate2018 You’re very welcome! You’ve got great taste 👍
Aug 12Reply
klassykate2018 Thanks🌷
Aug 12Reply
theclothespony @eflavin Will ship tomorrow! Thank you 😊
Aug 13Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Aug 14Reply
theclothespony @spreadlove Nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by 😺
Aug 14Reply
wildcaresalot Hi there, Thank You so much for the 5 star rating, I really appreciate it. So you are happy!😊❤
Aug 20Reply
wildcaresalot @theclothespony So happy you are happy
Aug 20Reply
theclothespony @wildcaresalot You’re very welcome. Good Poshers like you have earned it!
Aug 21Reply
wildcaresalot @theclothespony Oh, I wish I had more customers as sweet as you!!!! Its not always so easy to please everyone.😁 I work 24/7 on my closet, long hours. So, when I get a compliment such as yours it definitely makes my time worthwhile indeed!!! Have a wonderful week, and if you ever like something, let me know and I can give you an offer you can't refuse. Anytime, just like it, and I always remember kind customers!!😊😘😘❤
Aug 21Reply
theclothespony @wildcaresalot Thank you 😊 You are the sweetest!
Aug 21Reply
theclothespony @koukla3 Thanks a million!
Oct 30Reply
theclothespony @apryloshea Thank you for your lovely feedback ❤️ You have no idea how much it means to me! When I’m feeling worn out, I will come and read your note again and again to recharge my battery! Thank you!!!
Nov 05Reply
theposhunic0rn Good morning! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking an item ✨ all orders placed before 11AM EST will ship today 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Nov 20Reply
huffychic Hi! As a thank you for shopping my closet, I'm offering 50% off to returning customers! (Please note that this does not apply to certain items - there will be a note in the listing if it's not included. I will take 25% off these items.) I appreciate your business and hope you will take advantage of this amazing offer. Have a great day!
Nov 30Reply
springrosies Thank you for liking my item. I'm having a 24 hour flash sale. Everything is 50% off. Just make a 50% offer on the items you like.
Dec 01Reply
theposhunic0rn Hey there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking an item ✨ all orders placed today will ship tomorrow morning 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Mar 18Reply
juliette87 Hi! Thanks so much for liking an item from my closet! :)
Apr 29Reply
thedazzlingdiva Hi! I hope that you are having a lovely day. I would like to invite you to check out my closet. I have cute items from LOFT, Banana Republic, White House Black Market and more! :)
May 28Reply
racegal Love the closet and pics!! 👍😇❤️
Feb 07Reply
goldustvault Omg your fur babies!!💖 so cute!! I noticed that you liked an item in my closet, thanks 😊 I just sent you an offer! Happy Poshing!
Mar 07Reply
theclothespony @goldustvault Thank You!! 😊
Mar 07Reply
sweetdahliavtg thanks for accepting my offer! can't wait to get this <3
May 19Reply
theclothespony @sweetdahliavtg You’re Welcome 😊
May 19Reply
linda0606 Come check out my closet. I think you may like it. Thanks.
May 21Reply
kylenna_ Hello I noticed you liked one of my listings let me know if your interested I’m very flexible with prices and bundles!
Oct 20Reply
kannap3 Would you like to bundle the shorts to save on shipping?
Oct 31Reply
desert_girl89 Hey babe, thank you for the LIKE(S)! All items $15 or less, buy one get the 2nd 1/2 off! Also, If you bundle 3+ items from my closet, you’ll get a 10% discount and sometimes more. 😉 Let me know if you have any questions. Happy Poshing!
Nov 02Reply
fancycars911 Hey! Thank you for your like! I am actually clearing everything out for a move so if you want to bundle as many items as you’d like together, I’m happy to offer you a very low price with FREE shipping and a small free gift from me. Really need to clear out this closet! Thanks so much & have a great week!
Nov 04Reply
treasuresbytc Hello! I hope you got my message on your bundle order of the bdg jeans and f21 shirt. My apologies for the unexpected delay in shipping. I included a little something in your package. Tracking shows you should get the package tomorrow. Thank you again😊
Nov 09Reply
nbal8927 Let me know if you’re interested in purchasing the bundle, I sent you an offer for all three shirts! :)
Apr 24Reply
clothesbykathy Hi! I just reduced the pink blouse from my closet that you liked if you would like to buy it. Since it's Closet Clean Out, Poshmark will send you an offer for discounted shipping as well for 6 hours. Thanks, Kathy
Mar 25Reply
cutehosiery @theclothespony Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 16Reply
nicky112873 Just stopping by to introduce myself. My name is Nicole and I’m also a Poshmark Ambassador. I hope you are enjoying your Poshmark experience as much as I am. Stop by my closet if you are looking to do a little shopping.
Aug 23Reply
its_crystal28 @theclothespony Hello!! 🌷Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 🌷speedy sales to you
Sep 07Reply
frost4sales Hi! I noticed you liked some of my items <3 Thank you! I just wanted to make sure you knew that this closet offers a 25% discount on bundles of 3 or more items :) Even larger discounts when you add additional items ;) Happy Poshing!
Dec 26Reply
poshrae1 Hi, just stopped by to say thanks for the like❤️
Oct 14Reply
amandamburns123 Hi! I saw you liked some of my items! I’m doing a buy one get one (on most of my items) feel free to bundle and save!
Jun 14Reply

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