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Updated May 29
Updated May 29

Posher, Dish Washer, Josher and Kinish Nosher...

Meet the Posher Dude



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Hi! I'm The Kerminator. I'm mostly shopping for someone else but feel free to leave me a comment if you've got something sexy or trashy to Posh. We have items to share super cheap!! Our stuff is SUPER nice and wicked cheap. BUY!!!


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katrinavaughnv Shipped 2 days ago unsure why tracking is not updating but its on its way!
Sep 13Reply
kermlnator3 AWESOME!! I m sure the storm has something to do with it. I'll update when it gets here. THANK YOU!!!!
Sep 13Reply
ljfinney Thank you for the rating and I hope you weathered the storm okay
Sep 15Reply
kermlnator3 @ljfinney Thank you- We did!!
Sep 15Reply
kermlnator3 @marincic54 thanks! I'll keep an eye out for more cool stuff. You look loke my friend Nuala too 😀
Sep 21Reply
jewelsbysara Welcome to poshmark! Check out my closet for crazy deals starting at $4❤️💕
Oct 08Reply
jenn19124 @kermlnator3 hi... just wanted to let you know, because of the holiday and Sunday your boots will ship tomorrow morning :) thanks !!!
Oct 10Reply
kletlaw Hi Kermit, I hope you are enjoying poshmark I invite you to check out my closet Bundle and save more and i accept most reasonable offers Happy Poshing and have a great evening Thanks
Oct 16Reply
angelask Hi Kermit! Thanks for your purchase! I'm currently traveling for work right now and won't be able to ship your item until this Friday. Sorry for the delay! Let me know if you have any concerns.
Oct 31Reply
kermlnator3 @angelask Cool! Bring me a coffee mug!!
Nov 01Reply
kermlnator3 @angelask Fridge magnet works too!!
Nov 01Reply
kim0010 Hey girl I’m going to lower the price on the high heels that you make an offer because they have the discount shipping today and like that you can buy it thank you
Nov 19Reply
sharimom Hi 👋 Welcome To Poshmark And Thanks For Sharing My Closet 🛍 Much Appreciated 🙏🏻😇 Have A Great and Blessed Sunday 🏡🌟
Nov 26Reply
kermlnator3 @dollfacemay after you left a snooty comment. My father is gonna beat up your father. Nanny nanny boo boo. You're unfriended By the way- you're not that cute. Mollface.
Nov 27Reply
oohlala123 Make an offer. I rarely refuse an offer. They're gorgeous boots
Jan 07Reply
garthlover Thank you for your offer on the clog heels. They are super cute. I just put them on sale and they are actually less than my cost now, we are so close in price, I would love to do business with you but can't take less than the sale price listed bc I also have to pay Posh fees. I'm so sorry! If you decide you want them for that discounted rate it will be in effect all day today. Thank you! Hope we can do business 😃
Jan 14Reply
kermlnator3 @garthlover Hey!! Thanks for writing me. Methinks there might be a counter offer in the air???
Jan 14Reply
kermlnator3 @garthlover by the way.... excellent!!
Jan 14Reply
garthlover @kermlnator3 Awesome! You will love them! Thank you
Jan 14Reply
garthlover @kermlnator3 Thank you. Have a great day and if it works out for you, they will ship first thing Tues since tomorrow is MLK holiday. Have a great weekend 😃
Jan 14Reply
garthlover @kermlnator3 I went ahead and accepted the offer. It's all good and I hope you love them 😃. Thank you and I will ship Tuesday.
Jan 14Reply
kermlnator3 @garthlover you are awesome. Thank you so much. I know PJ will love them. Thanks again
Jan 14Reply
garthlover @kermlnator3 You are most welcome! Thanks and please shop my closet again, I'd be honored to do repeat business with you! I love my customers! ❤️
Jan 14Reply
karaleelove I’m so sorry for the inconvenience. That item was sold earlier on my Depop. And I am so sorry. If it helps, I originally found that item here on Posh. So maybe somebody else still has it?
Jan 15Reply
kermlnator3 @karaleelove who is the manufacturer/label??
Jan 15Reply
kacis__klothes Thanks for purchasing! I’ll ship it out tonight!
Jan 16Reply
cfink Thank you for your purchase I'll be shipping them out today!
Jan 17Reply
kermlnator3 @karaleelove any note on the manufacturer or store label on these pants???
Jan 17Reply
karaleelove @kermlnator3 hi sorry for the lack of response. I tried to reach out to the seller I bought them from and they haven’t replied to me. There wasn’t a label on the listing or on the item itself, which leads me to think it’s a replica of the ‘Misguided Londunn Vinyl Lace Up Pant’ Hopefully this helps you!
Jan 17Reply
kermlnator3 @karaleelove THANK YOU!!! That helps a lot. 😀
Jan 17Reply
wmindy Hey God bless you I will be sending it out today sorry for the delay I was not here in town I just got home so I will be shipping it out this afternoon thank you for your patience
Jan 19Reply
meavsa19 Hello, did you get you Blk sheer top? Is pending for acceptance, 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Jan 20Reply
jesusheir @kermlnator3 Hi welcome to poshmark I see you like fashion nova please shop in my closet. FREE gift with every purchase. Thanks and happy poshing.😙❤.
Jan 21Reply
modernstylemom Hi Kermit! I’m sorry, but I have bad news... I won’t be able to ship you the shoes because for some odd reason, one boot is missing! I’ve been searching high and low for them and they are no where to be found! I am sooooo sorry! I’ll cancel the order, and if they happen to pop up, I will just send them to you at no charge!
Jan 24Reply
kermlnator3 @sarahsaddiction oh no. That is really disappointing. PJ is super bummed.
Jan 24Reply
adampier99 Good morning KW. Thank you for your purchase. You will enjoy them. Will take to USPS tomorrow. ❤
Jan 24Reply
modernstylemom @kermlnator3 I’m so sorry:(
Jan 25Reply
myhoward48 Thank you for your purchase! I can’t mail the package out til tue or Wednesday..but I’ll have out as soon as possible
Mar 24Reply
kermlnator3 @myhoward48 Thank you!! Please send them out as soon as possible- PJ needs them next Sunday. Maybe someone can go to the Post Office for you..? Thanks again!!
Mar 24Reply
myhoward48 @kermlnator3 ok I’ll send them Monday
Mar 25Reply
kermlnator3 @myhoward48 THANK YOU!!! (PJ says thank you too!)
Mar 25Reply
christinerobin Thank you for the like ❤. Great pick! Let me know if you have any questions. 😊
Mar 27Reply
slow_toast If you make me that offer again I’ll accept it
Mar 28Reply
kermlnator3 @slow_toast Can you send it out to me today??
Mar 28Reply
kermlnator3 @slow_toast Let's bundle!!! Will you ship it out to me today????
Mar 28Reply
kermlnator3 @slow_toast SWEET!! Thank you or the deal and thanks for shipping out today...
Mar 28Reply
kermlnator3 @slow_toast Did you ship out the tops yesterday??
Mar 29Reply
slow_toast @kermlnator3 hey, no. I was just about to write you. My printer was out of paper and I didn’t have time to get more. Doing that today and shipping the tops out today. Sorry about that. Wasn’t anticipating to be out of paper!!
Mar 29Reply
shegunmed @kermlnator3 Hi 💖. I m willing to sell 3 items for $50. Pls add 3 items of your choice in a bundle and submit the offer of $50. I will accept it. It is promo discount for selected few. Pls take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision.
Apr 03Reply
playboy_jewelry @kermlnator3 Hey Gorgeous! Thanks for all the likes! Click Add to Bundle! Playboy Jewelry is on sale @ 65%+ off retail prices! NWT Genuine Authentic Official Licensed Playboy Jewelry. Now SAVE even MORE: Want only 1 item = Click Make an Offer. Want 2 or more items = Click Add to Bundle on each item & get an Additional 25% Off the already discounted 65% off MSRP price! Plus you pay shipping only ONCE for all items in your bundle! Thanks so much! PS. Click Reply to respond.
Apr 22Reply
kermlnator3 @playboy_jewelry Thanks Hot Stuff!!!
Apr 22Reply
playboy_jewelry @kermlnator3 👯😘❤️😍🐰
Apr 22Reply
playboy_jewelry @kermlnator3 FYI, if you are on a phone, the Add to Bundle link is below the description & above the comments on the same line as Like Comment Share >Add to Bundle. If you are on a computer, it is 2 lines below the Yellow P button - Add to Bundle Dressing Room. Thanks so much! PS. Click Reply to respond.
Apr 25Reply
jnewboutique Hi love! If you’re interested, I can do all 3 items for $50 instead of it originally being $81 on already discounted prices🤗❤️ let me know, or we can work something out!
May 16Reply
flippinbarretts Welcome to Poshmark! 🥂 I hope you have tons of success and make big sales! Remember, sharing is caring! 😉👚👗👠
May 20Reply
kermlnator3 I am I am I said I'm not myself I'm not dead and I'm not for sale
May 23Reply
beuniquelyyouu Hello_wow,awesome shoes@awesome prices!!;)
May 27Reply
kermlnator3 @shoeholic01 thanks!! Cleaning out all the 9's as Nicole has moved on. (Those are her feet in the pictures) Have a few more pairs to post later today as well as some 8.5's. Thanks for sharing my posts with your circle!! I'm looking to move them out ASAP and recover just a fraction of the investment. Thanks again!!
May 27Reply
mochachiquita I was going to counter offer $15 on the Faux Leather Crop Top, but I realized Poshmark should be able to give you or any other likers discounted shipping if I do the price drop on the public listing. This will lower your cost further without me making less money. Let me know if you would like me to do this for you. Then it would just be a mad dash to buy before anyone else.
Jun 17Reply
lacisavelle @kermlnator3 I received a whole Box full of shoes that I didn't order I think it may have been meant for someone else
Jun 26Reply
kermlnator3 @lacisavelle Yes... they were misshipped. Thank you for letting me know. If you'll seal it up, I'll have a shipping label for you if ypu'll give the box back to the post office...
Jun 26Reply
lacisavelle @kermlnator3 Sure thing I'll seal it back up tonight and take it to the Post Office
Jun 26Reply
kermlnator3 @lacisavelle. THANK YOU!! I'll get a corrected label to you shortly.
Jun 26Reply
kermlnator3 @lacisavelle. Hey!! Did you hear from Poshmark on this? They should have forwarde a label to ya. Thanks again for your help, accommodation, and understanding
Jun 26Reply
lacisavelle @kermlnator3 mot yet, but I'll keep checking my email!
Jun 26Reply
kermlnator3 @lacisavelle. Ok thank you
Jun 26Reply
907jen Heyo, you liked a vinyl top of mine and, I'm taking a stab in the dark here, you may be piqued by a vinyl underbust minidress I've got as well. Not 100% sure if you are more purchasing or selling via Posh, but from your profile it seems you invite the tip-offs. 😁 No worries if this isn't up your alley. Great shoes, btw! Too bad they just aren't my size.
Jun 27Reply
kermlnator3 @907jen Check check checkin it..
Jun 27Reply
kermlnator3 @lacisavelle. I've contacted Poshmark again
Jun 27Reply
lacisavelle @kermlnator3 I was just going to tell you I didnt get anything from them. I will contact tomorrow as well. I leave for Paris on Friday afternoon so if I dont get anything by then I will just have them return to you.
Jun 28Reply
lacisavelle @kermlnator3 I finally got the label! Ill drop the package off at the post office tonight :)
Jun 28Reply
kermlnator3 @lacisavelle. Thank you so much for your help with this. I really appreciate your time and understanding
Jun 28Reply
jns_2004 Hello, i was getting ready to send your shoes and noticed that they are a size 9 and not a size 10. I am not sure if you are still interested in them. I have them ready to go and can drop them off at the post office. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Jul 16Reply
kermlnator3 @jns_2004 No- size 9 doesn’t help. Good call ch and thank you
Jul 16Reply
jns_2004 @kermlnator3 I'm sorry again.
Jul 16Reply
kermlnator3 @jns_2004 Not worries. You did a good thing.
Jul 16Reply
alejandro1101 Hi I sent a counteroffer
Jul 27Reply
kermlnator3 @alejandro1101 NICE!!! Split the difference with me...
Jul 27Reply
alejandro1101 @kermlnator3 counteroffer has been sent
Jul 27Reply
kermlnator3 @alejandro1101 Close but no cigar. Thanks!! Moving with option 2
Jul 27Reply
alejandro1101 @kermlnator3 ok then I’ll accept your previous offer
Jul 27Reply
alejandro1101 How did option 2 go? I’m still open to your offer if you’re still interested
Jul 27Reply
kermlnator3 @alejandro1101 Option 2 was a winner. Thanks
Jul 28Reply
lindacurlee60 Hi, I see you received your purchase. Please release so I can receive payment. Thank You and enjoy💕
Aug 15Reply
krista1l Hi you should definitely check out my closet I have brands like PINK, FASHION NOVA, JUICY COUTURE, and SEPHORA. I also have a ton of other brands. Hopefully you can come and check out my closet. And feel free to make any offers with me on anything you like!💕
Sep 07Reply
kermlnator3 @ amarierodriguez
Sep 15Reply
kermlnator3 @ amarierodriguez
Sep 15Reply
kermlnator3 @ amarierodriguez
Sep 15Reply
thesugarset 💕💕 come check out the shop
Oct 30Reply
lipstickfigure Thank you @kermlnator3 😊 I'll mail it today 💞
Nov 17Reply
kermlnator3 @lipstickfigure You are very welcome! Thank you for the deal. :-)
Nov 17Reply
jillmerlyn @kermlnator3 Thank you so much for your purchase this morning! 👠 I will get these gorgeous shoes out to you right away! Have a great day! 😊
Mar 03Reply
jamsolo1017 Thank you for your purchase of the guess black booties. I will be placing packages in the self service drop mail box today. Regards, Maribel
Mar 16Reply
crystalco Hi!! Thanks for visiting and liking my closet. I appreciate it very much. Have a great weekend.😊Patricia
Jun 29Reply
mklosette Hey @kermlnator3 Thank you for checking out my closet!! I see that you liked the Gill Black Buckle Thigh High Boots! I’ll send you an offer! Currently I have 15% off 3+ items, FREE SHIPPING on orders over $50, and AUTOMATIC FREE SHIPPING inclusive of the 15% off for 5+ items (DOUBLE DEAL!); so feel free to BUNDLE & SAVE! Happy Poshing!! 🤗
Jun 30Reply
missalex1008 Ty for the rating , glad u like the boots.
Sep 21Reply
kermlnator3 @missalex1008 You're welcome. Dani digs them. Hope you're feeling better
Sep 21Reply
tradechik26 Hi, I'm sorry I missed your offer, I don't know how it happened 😳 but, I just sent you a countered offer if you are ok with that, let me know 😊
Mar 05Reply
kermlnator3 @tradechik26 no worries at all. PJ changed her mind.
Mar 05Reply
fadhionlover @kermlnator3 visit my closet when you have a chance. great deals. great wrapping. fast shipping. 25% OFF any 3+ listings. all listings $10 & under are now 4 for only $20. $5 each additional item after that.
Apr 02Reply
linzeyloo oops! meant to accept! i will lower listing vost to 21 for ya!
Oct 05Reply
kermlnator3 @linzeyloo awe! Thank you so much and that is super kind of you. I purchased a pair for $22 on eBay... I am sorry. That was super kind of you though. These are very popular shoes- this is the 2nd pair. Yours are priced right! Don’t be one of the crazies that have these for $90
Oct 05Reply
linzeyloo @kermlnator3 no worries! and $90?! thats a stretch lol
Oct 05Reply
kermlnator3 @linzeyloo sorry- dislexia boy. $60. These are good booties but that is a bit much when they originally sold at the $20 range. Thanks again for your willingness to bargain. It’s what makes Posh fun and worthwhile. I hope you have a great week
Oct 05Reply
winnfritt Thank you! For your purchase! Will ship Sat. Take care, Winnfritt
Oct 16Reply
kermlnator3 @winnfritt Thank you! That heart ring is the bomb
Oct 16Reply
winnfritt @kermlnator3 It is cool, but you did see the minor wear spots on the pics?
Oct 16Reply
kermlnator3 @winnfritt We dig patina...
Oct 16Reply
winnfritt @kermlnator3 👍👍👍👍
Oct 16Reply
kermlnator3 @winnfritt Why are you up so early!!! The coffee isn’t even made. Go to bed!!!
Oct 16Reply
winnfritt @kermlnator3 Got to pay the bills, come 5:00 it is 🍺🍺🍺🍺 time!👍😊
Oct 16Reply
kermlnator3 @winnfritt YES!! 5 am drinking. I am a big fan
Oct 16Reply
kermlnator3 @winnfritt thank you!!!
Oct 16Reply
winnfritt @kermlnator3 👍🍺👍
Oct 16Reply
winnfritt Thank you!!!👍🍺Winnfritt
Oct 19Reply
kermlnator3 @winnfritt thank you. The heart ring is awesome
Oct 19Reply
frickyis2cool Sorry USPS is taking so long to get you your boots. I guess they still haven't recovered from the holidays. At least they are still tracking.
Jan 27Reply
kermlnator3 @frickyis2cool Hey- just got a notice they're in the mailbox- so much for tracking accuracy. Will accept when I get home unless PJ beats me
Jan 27Reply
frickyis2cool @kermlnator3 Awesome! I hope you love them. They are a really cool color.
Jan 27Reply
the2ndbest Thank you SO much for your purchase of the Scene by Shoedazzle Pumps and review! I’m glad we connected thru this amazing platform.
Jul 17Reply
kermlnator3 @1and2and3 You are welcome!!
Jul 18Reply
lucialuscious1 Make an offer
Sep 01Reply
kermlnator3 @lucialuscious1 Love the blue eyes - how about dinner?
Sep 01Reply
lucialuscious1 @kermlnator3 They are GREEN 💚
Sep 01Reply
lucialuscious1 @kermlnator3 if you can't buy a pair used boots from me, I'm not sure I would even consider entertaining dinner🤣😂
Sep 01Reply
kermlnator3 @lucialuscious1 Wow. Who cares about you, just show me your wallet. I see.
Sep 01Reply
lucialuscious1 @kermlnator3 And your EMPTY one. 🤡🤡🤡🤣😂
Sep 01Reply
lucialuscious1 @kermlnator3 You'll be OK. I promise
Sep 01Reply
lucialuscious1 @kermlnator3 I'm not even going to report you to Poshmark for inappropriate behavior, because I get a kick out some of u dudes🤣😂🤣😂
Sep 01Reply
kermlnator3 @lucialuscious1 You missed it. PLEASE report me because I decided to buy form a nicer posher. And I have about $15,000 in clothes and shoes alone...
Sep 01Reply
lucialuscious1 @kermlnator3 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂👍🙄
Sep 01Reply
glamgoddess91 It’s that time of the week 11/12-11/15 all items $50 or less will be 50% off with 4.99 shipping and all items $25 or less will be 3 for $30 with 4.99 shipping so grab it while you can so you can enjoy some beautiful pieces for a lot less with ❤️ Glamgoddess91
Nov 13Reply
irenecase Hi, Nice to meet you ! 🌸. ☘️. 🌸. Swing by anytime and say, “ Hello” ….and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of in my closet let me know ! Or if you have any questions just ask. ~ Happy Spring 🌷 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Jun 05Reply
widewing Hey Kermit, thanks for the like on the cutter & buck yellow golf shirt I have listed for $6.00. I have several other shirts also priced at $6. I offer a 15% discount on 3 or more items if you bundle them & then on top of that i will send you an additional discount. Take a look & thanks again for the like.
Aug 01Reply
bjprince123 Hi, yes those boots are still available! 🐳🙏🦋
Aug 21Reply
mariam2sell Thank you for your offer, unfortunately is too low
Dec 03Reply
cutehosiery @kermlnator3 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 03Reply
betswing Good morning. I see you liked my bodysuit… offer $15 and I will accept…thanks for checking out my closet😄
Nov 21Reply
kermlnator3 @betswing Good morning, and thank you. still looking at all options to complete an outfit 🙂
Nov 21Reply

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Boynton Beach, FL
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Boynton Beach, FL
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