💎 Rose Gold Button Earrings
US$150 US$200
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Button Earrings
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New Never Worn
By Genevive Jewelry

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Hi @55367a4efe6a167f7903024b , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Nov 29Reply

Dear @55367a4efe6a167f7903024b , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Nov 29Reply

Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily Rose😊🌹I’m doing a closet clear out sale which means…………………….. I’ll be accepting any and all offers even on bundles since I need everything gone and Happy Holidays☃️
Nov 29Reply

@creshah I appreciate your gesture of shares ❤️, Creshah - you’ll be blown away 🤯 when you check out my closet for a listing of YouTube 🎥 videos (about how sharing other people’s closets 𝙬𝙤𝙣’𝙩 help with your sales 𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙡𝙡 - just share 🔁 your closet 2-3 times a day). I first learned this when I attended PoshFest in 2019 (spoke w/ Poshmark analysts after they had a few drinks 🍹🍷🍸) 😉
~ ⭐️𝓐𝓵𝔀𝓪𝔂𝓼𝓟𝓸𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓫𝓵𝓮❤️
Jan 25Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Feb 16Reply

Hi! Thank you so much for checking out my closet and sharing 💗
Mar 05Reply

Hello! I see you mailed my black pants already! Thanks! I can not wait to get them. I am sorry I had to go to bed because I needed to get up early in the morning. Do you know how to get more people directed to see shows? I never get more than 4 at a time and I have sold some things, but I think I am not getting the word out correctly what is your advice? Thanks!
Mar 28Reply

hey Creshah, love your closet! we followed each other from Ashley's live just now and I was going to bed but saw your closet. it's lovely and I shared several things with my followers. check out my closet when you get a chance😉 have a good evening!
Apr 08Reply

@viratorres53 Awww 🥰 Nice meeting you..Thank you for the shares 💞 I will definitely check out your closet
Apr 08Reply

@kareynascloset Hey Girlie 💞 somehow I am just seeing this message…let’s chat soon so I can help you out..I run into the same issue..there are so many shows going.
Apr 08Reply

Hey there! Thank you for reaching out. I know I bought the jeans from you. What advice can you give me to help me out? I still don't understand the yours and mine thing, what the heck are POP UPS? I feel lost at times and I can NOT get more than 5 people at a time into my shows. I don't like to feel like my time is being wasted. I prefer SILENT because I can get things done while I am doing one, such as while I get ready in the morning or watchin TV with my husband at night.
Apr 08Reply

Also, where are good places to get good inventory? I do know about Goodwill Bins, I need to go there soon! There is one in Reno, Nevada about 30 minutes from Carson City, where I live. Any advice or help would be so wonderful! THANKS SO MUCH! Oh, Happy Easter to you also!
Apr 08Reply

@adoringstyles yes of course ☺️
Apr 11Reply

@kareynascloset ☺️ 👋 Hello I like to source during Poshmark pallet unboxing..some poshers have large warehouses with clothes. Also there are wholesale websites (some expensive) that will offer $25,009 in inventory for $1,500 large shipments 📦 13 boxes per pallet
Lastly Poshmark has boutique items you can purchase as well..Goodwill is fine but it’s nice to have quality affordable and unique items in your closet 💞
Apr 11Reply

Thank so much for that! I have a few questions K? What do you mean you like to source? You talk about where your items come from is that what you mean? I am going to attempt a Silent Live this evening with the camera and microphone on and I am going to auction some items that I have not listed yet. The same ones that did not sell in the Actual Live I did weekend before last. I have my boutique certification also, and I have looked at the wholesale there.
Apr 11Reply

What can you tell me about the boutique items in selling them? How do you switch back on that button at the top right where it says ALL, and the list and at the bottom is the Wholesale Market, then it makes it a problem to switch back to my closet. You know what I am talking about? I am willing to spend a little $ in order to buy some wholesale items. I agree about the quality of items being important.
Apr 11Reply

@kareynascloset Yes ☺️ sourcing means (Where you obtain items to sell) like you mentioned Gooodwill others use wholesalers or estate sales or friends getting rid of clothes.
Apr 11Reply

@kareynascloset you can switch between (all closet boutique) when you are searching your closet or other poshers closet but you cannot do that during a live show unless you are on another device to add items to the tray for auction)
Apr 11Reply

I don't get how to add items during auctions, do you just remove the "sold" items, because you are only allowed 50 items at a time in the tray. So, I have a phone and a laptop. It will not allow me to be on both devices at the same time, so I would need to incorporate a iPad or something else? Why wouldn't that also conflict with one another? This is why I am still learning and confused about a lot lately. I am learning as I go along and it is so nice to get some help from others!
Apr 11Reply

Also, I am not very tech savvy like the younger Poshers are. I am an 58 year old Boomer. Oh, the dilemma! HA HA! I need to learn more how the Boutique stuff works also. I only started this to sell some clothes I was not wearing any longer since I have been retired since 2014. Is there a place that you can recommend where to learn step by step? I have watched tutorials, don't help. I really don't want to keep bothering others about my learning Posh disability (ha ha I crack myself up!)
Apr 11Reply

@kareynascloset Yes a 2nd device is helpful if you want to add add’l items..if you stick with one device and just sell 50in the tray you are fine ..but if you want continue then you need left swipe to remove and item and share to your show from secondary device to add add’l items yours or another posher.
It takes practice…that’s all I did was run a show with 50 items and then start another show that same day add a few more items…Just explore and have fun 🤩
Apr 11Reply

I will have to watch your shows and others more. I just get so busy with my part time job. volunteering and such. I am too busy and I LOVE Poshmark and it is just a side hobby but the extra $ really has been nice. Not making great sales lately though. That is the economy also I think. So when I do my show tonight, I have quick listed my items can you look in my tray? How do I auction, there is $0 and then what do I do? Start low? $5? then see if people auction? Correct? I appreciate you!
Apr 11Reply

Sorry about the NOVEL!!
Apr 11Reply

I will do just that. Do what I do and have fun!
Apr 11Reply

@kareynascloset 58 is young and technology is always changing 😊 I start the show from my cellphone and prop it on a holding device and then with my iPad (not running show) just add and share from my closet to my show and then item will appear in the tray during the live show. This also works during share shows to add other people’s items
Apr 11Reply

@kareynascloset have you gone to any of the posh & coffee’s to learn? Also some Poshers do Question and Answer live shows ( I will tag you on some of those) 😊
Apr 11Reply

I went to a Posh n Coffee two weeks ago and the lady was terrible! Only the top of her head was showing and her phone was hard to see and it was not very helpful, then it cut off a whole half hour sooner than it was supposed to! Yes, please tag me on those. I did sign up for a question and answer show, BUT I did not pay attention it was Eastern Standard Time. So I didn't calculate the 3 hour difference and missed it. I was seriously bummed! Thanks SO Much for all your help!
Apr 11Reply

Thanks for saying 58 is young. I do not feel 58. I exercise, QUIT smoking a few years ago, I do NOT miss it!
Apr 11Reply

Love the Meghan Markle BTW… yeah so yesterday I sold an item in a shared show… went to check the address of buyer Redfin shows a value but empty lot..NO PROPERTY BUILT so does Google maps
Apr 23Reply

@lord_o_lux OMG!! I done remember that happening before live sales… I had two packages 📦 “refused by addressee …really weird ( I think I will start to check addresses that’s a great idea)
Apr 23Reply

@creshah yes, it certainly is bc you there’s a lot of great ppl on here but also lots of rotten apples on here too trying to mess you or your business up. So yes, always verify address!
Apr 23Reply

Estrella Mountain Kids’ Boutique has changed its name to Mountain Kids’ Outdoor Store! Lots of wonderful new outdoor clothing items for cold and rainy weather as well as tons of cute dresses and outfits for babies to ten year olds. Please come back and visit and enjoy a nice discount on your bundle! All my best, Ronnie (Ronnielouwho)
May 05Reply

Lacreshaaaa!!! Hope you had a wonderful birthday!!! Happy belated birthday my friend!!!🎉🎉🎉❤️😁🌸‼️
May 08Reply

Hi , don’t want to make this all about me … missed out getting in the tray ,,, there will be more opportunities… my neighbor is 94 , alone and I often check on her through the day and evening… sometimes she needs some more of my time than I plan , and I don’t and can’t expect special attention. The hosts work hard . I am not anyone special..ie: not a big buyer
May 12Reply

In answer to your question about time of sign in … signed in between 6.15 -6:30 pm est
May 12Reply

Hi! Could you please send me some items for my share show on Wednesday at 8:30pm EST
Jul 04Reply

@maisyet just seeing this message 🛍️💞
Jul 05Reply

I got to hit the gay I am in East Tennessee. Night
Apr 19Reply

Thank you for adding me to your show! So sweet!! Have a nice Saturday!! ❤️
Jul 06Reply

Good morning Luv thank you so much for adding my items to your show 💗 💓 you are so sweet and kind. Please tag me and I will come in to run them again thank you it means so much 💖 💜
Jul 09Reply

thank you for adding my items to your show. I saved your show, and will be there. I'm hosting Posh Party Live on 8/16. Please save the show and join. Feel free to add any 2 items to the tray for any items orange, purple, or blue.
Aug 05Reply

Waited 20 min past your show time for you to start. Hope you are ok, but not sure if your show is happening. If so, best of luck. Hopefully, I will see you next Friday 8/16 during my posh party live to share your items.
Aug 05Reply

@retirementready Yea I have a migraine so I delayed my show …and I think I added the wrong color items to your show.. happy to fix that and select the correct colors ☺️
Aug 05Reply

I get migrains too, so I know how debilitating they can be. I am mountain time, so I think you are one hour later in Central Time. I'm going out to dinner, so I may not be able to make the rescheduled time. Of the two items you sent me, the blue top is good, but Posh will filter out the pink item. Send one more item in orange, purple, or another blue one and I will get it added.
Aug 05Reply

hello, can u make a crochet lion and what would the cost be
Aug 11Reply

@juliesig6 Yea let me check with Amy @craftsnboutique 🥰🥰🥰 🦁🦁🦁🦁
Aug 12Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing my items, very kind of you! And fun to see you at the show stopper show!
Sep 13Reply

thank you for your kind words they truly mean a lot I appreciate that
Oct 06Reply

@rathkaz I am praying you have inner peace and a calm heart and remember you will see your beautiful daughter again 💕 Jehovah God promises!
Oct 06Reply

@creshah I will happily take all the prayers I can get I'm going to church tomorrow I just feel like I'm not living up to Jesus at all cuz I can't make that feeling go away I feel like it would be the only thing that could bring me any kind of Joy back in my life
Oct 06Reply

@creshah I'm literally still here but I'm ready to go at any time because I know she's going to come for me
Oct 06Reply

and here I am on here trying to sell things and it is not going well to be honest with you it's been so hard like I've gotten rid of anything that was worth anything cuz I'm on other sites as well but hopefully it'll pick up
Oct 06Reply

@rathkaz Take it an hour at a time and continue to pray. God knows your heart and he has the upmost compassion for those who grieve..you are in a state of shock & grief God understands, he certainly does not expect perfection but asks us to keep praying and keep asking and NEVER GIVE UP 💕
Oct 06Reply

@creshah everything you're saying is 100% logical and it makes sense but my mind is not letting me get past the feelings I have I've sat down with my priest cried to him about it. but I never no matter how I felt about somebody had the thoughts in my head that I have for this monster I never even knew my brain could go there
Oct 06Reply

@rathkaz You’re only human and if you ask others in your same situation they feel the same but trust me you want to take that and say “God take this and I ask you for justice because my mind and heart are heavy” There will be Justice for your baby girl 💕
Oct 06Reply

@creshah on her 22nd birthday I was in the eye I was not buying the favorite perfume or Michael Kors bag I was picking out her casket on her birthday I don't know how to live with this
Oct 06Reply

if you ever get a chance to look at my closet I have some posts with her in it I would love she is my world
Oct 06Reply

Hi there 🥰 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals on everything!!! If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉
Oct 08Reply

Thank you!!!!!!!!!🙏🙏
Oct 14Reply

Hey! You have a ton of great items in your closet!! Thank you so much for adding me to your show tomorrow! I will try to make it. 💖💖
Jan 10Reply

@sweetnsaltygirl hi to you and creesha, thanks for reaching out or tagging me after I left your cohost party:( getting too noisy and didn’t want to wake my growing pup chocolate, so I had to leave as I didn’t want to mute your respective closets but I have a rather extensive lippie collection which takes up so much space that i can definitely wait till your next live show but the makeup bag suggestions are appreciated to help me get organized so sorry if I kept you busy with too many questions:(
Jan 17Reply

to get more offers to sell your perfume collection, I would add the top notes so people could search by their preferred scents and ingredients to avoid allergies… I hope they don’t crack down on selling liquids as Poshmark makes their users work so hard to update their closets to keep their closet posh compliant but thanks again for both your respective efforts💕
Jan 17Reply

Perfumes and colognes are nice gifts but if they are too strong, they can be headache inducing but thank you again for sharing your respective experiences and knowledge and wishing you nothing but the best in 2025!
Jan 17Reply

@sweetnsaltygirl 👋 I will be on 1:20-1/22 and doing the posh 1/21 for POSH LA Fire Fundraising
Jan 17Reply

@liledeglace yes I have notes on the primary listing 💕 Thanks
Jan 17Reply

@creshah thank you for choosing the area of your charity that it’ll be going against the Californian forest fires! Makes me feel better that are these posh show earnings are going towards positive social impact and thanks for explaining the charitable contribution you both plan to make in 2025! As the starting bids are nominal, wishing you both find the right supporters/contributors in 2025🔥have a blessed 2025 plz😇stay safe🌙
Jan 17Reply

@houseoffashion0 @mfortega1340
Jan 24Reply

Jan 24Reply

Hi! Thank you for the like on the Suzette shorts. I sent you the offer and just wanted to let you know that if purchased I always ship the same day priority mail 😊
Feb 13Reply

@alli_65 ok 🛍️ TYSM
Feb 13Reply

@creshah your welcome 😊
Feb 13Reply
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