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Updated Mar 27
Updated Mar 27

🌟SUGGESTED USER🌟 Thanks for visiting my closet!!



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Please like,share,buy! I respond to notes as soon as I can.Please use offer & bundle buttons.I do a lot of animal rescue.Offers are welcome,but please do not items are listed more than fairly already.Partial proceeds from the sale of my items go to help save dogs slated to be euthanized.I will,at times,purchase items for an auction for the animals.Thank you for understanding &for helping save the doggies of the kill shelters in the US!🚫♏️🚫trade🚫PP🚫🚬. PeT FRIENDLY home!thank you💝
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

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vicky_ymcagirl @bachsmom hello neighbor! So fun to 'meet' people who are close by! 🤗
Nov 08Reply
bachsmom I know! Right up the road!!
Dec 03Reply
shopbuyposh The Coach bag has shipped! Thanks for your purchase!
Dec 10Reply
bachsmom @renees13 thanks so much!!
Dec 10Reply
lmkdeals4455 @bachsmom so nice to meet you! I love animals too! (Sometimes more than humans!) Love what you do for our furry friends. I'm an animal advocate myself! I hate seeing dogs and cats being abused, tortured and killed! It's heartbreaking! Hope there will be a stricter penalty for animals abusers, killers and rapists! Thank you for all you do to save lives! ♡♡♡
Jan 10Reply
bachsmom @lmkdeals4455 hi! Thank you for the kind words,&thank you for what you do every day to help the animals as well ...It takes all of us! I have a small rescue in Nashville that is mostly a stopover for the manimals after I have pulled them from shelters.I will pull several from a shelter that are going to be killed,bring them back to Nashville,get them healthy, & then they will either go to a rescue or forever home.
Jan 10Reply
bachsmom I work mostly with the rural shelters in southern Georgia that are all high-kill.They have mostly emaciated pit bulls &dogs that have been used to fight or breed.Or as bait.My passion is senior &special needs dogs! I think they are incredible creatures🐶
Jan 10Reply
lmkdeals4455 @bachsmom yes absolutely a great feeling saving the lives of the many unfortunate dogs and cats day in day out! I may not have the hands on job like you do but by the end of the day one life saved is more than great! What's the name of your shelter? Maybe you can promote your shelter in social media to be recognized by other rescue groups and fosters in and outside Nashville. Again it's a wonderful job in the world! Let's continue and help save lives one day at a time! Have a fantastic day! ♡♡♡
Jan 10Reply
sassy_angel17 @bachsmom - hello dear! I salute you for saving our furry friends. I am a volunteer of a rescue group myself. God bless you 😘👏😀👍😊
Feb 05Reply
bachsmom Aweee arent you sweet! It's my passion and i love it! Thank you for all you do with your group! ONE BY ONE 'TIL THERE ARE NONE!
Feb 05Reply
savvy910 Good morning just reaching out to you. I saw a corner with issues in my final inspection. Made a new post for your review. My suggestion is to purchase something from your closet $5. But whatever you decide is okay by me.
Feb 11Reply
bachsmom @savvy910 i'm so sorry… You're going to have to let me get home and look at all of your messages because I'm not real sure what's going on. I'll get with you this evening. Thanks
Feb 11Reply
savvy910 Okay no problem, I just wanted to get in contact with you. We can talk at your conveniences.
Feb 11Reply
savvy910 Okay I understand. I never want to be miss belead. Do I cancel or you?
Feb 12Reply
savvy910 I was trying to say be miss leading.
Feb 12Reply
bachsmom @savvy910 let me try to cancel. If I can't I'll let you know and I know for sure that you can. You can just say that it got damaged or something like that that's what I had to do.
Feb 12Reply
savvy910 @bachsmom I will cancel right now
Feb 12Reply
missionshoppabl Thank you! Enjoy your purchases!👌
Feb 25Reply
lenoir3 @bachsmom Omg I'm in Murfreesboro!!! I have another neighbor 😊 Thank you for your love & commitment to animals 😘 I, myself am indeed a huge lover of all animals, especially dogs.
Mar 02Reply
stinkadoo Hi hon you were suppose to get it with M.. see comments with M
Mar 04Reply
stinkadoo @bachsmom Hi hon you were suppose to get it with M.. see comments with M
Mar 04Reply
stinkadoo @bachsmom your order was cancelled. mistakes happen hope you keep shopping see you M
Mar 04Reply
stinkadoo @bachsmom please purchase today
Mar 04Reply
brokerchik I have a question dear. In visiting your closet I was hoping to find a Bulova watch. I'm getting ready to purchase a Raymond Weil! I've researched and know they are extremely fine pieces. Just wandering if you may have knowledge about this brand.
Mar 06Reply
bachsmom Hi there! @brokerchik are you asking about the Bulova or the Raymond? I do have a Bulova- it is a black rectangular face with the silver band and it is the Caravelle line. The Bulova and a couple of other Swiss watches is all I buy. So I don't really know anything about the Raymond Weil. I'm sorry- let me know if you want me to post pictures of the Bulova. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Mar 06Reply
brokerchik @bachsmom bulova Caravelle isn't true bulova. What about the raymond weil?
Mar 06Reply
brokerchik @bachsmom are you going to post pics of the raymond weil please?
Mar 06Reply
bachsmom @brokerchik I don't have a Raymond Weil
Mar 06Reply
bachsmom @brokerchik So, I didnt understand your statement about Caravelle not being a true Bulova. They better be as much $$ as some of them are. So I did some reading up on it....Here's what I found: Citizen owns Bulova. Currently Bulova designs, manufactures, and markets several different brands, including: the signature "Bulova", the stylish "Caravelle New York", the dressy/formal Swiss-made "Wittnauer Swiss", and the very popular "Marine Star".....on and on....(Wiki)
Mar 07Reply
bachsmom Unless they are way off, I would have to disagree and say the Caravelle is just as much a Bulova as a 'signature Bulova' or the Citizen 'Silhouette' or the men's Citizen 'Diver'. All are made by the parent company Citizen.... Even the signature 'true' Bulova.
Mar 07Reply
mynahshine Oh my gosh I am making a point to shop here whenever I can! I love that you Posh with a cause! Mine is much less impressive! I help my college kid, my aging parents and get a few new things for myself too! You are amazing!
May 13Reply
demitria @bachsmom Thank you for sharing all the PoshLove Your closet is absolutely exquisite. Wishing you continued success and many more happy sales to come. It is such a pleasure to meet you. Demitria's Treasures I'll send some more PoshLove via my other Posh closet soon. Buyers really need to see your closet.
May 17Reply
bachsmom @demitria oh… Thank you! I know I need to try harder on my photos. But I work about 80 hours a week. So that's kind of hard. I join all the parties. And send messages to the hosts to please consider me for host picks but so far, I haven't made any progress. Maybe I should follow more people. I'm not really sure how else to get people to see my closet. Thoughts/Suggestions? thanks again for the PoSh ❣
May 17Reply
nia1113 @bachsmom ❤️😊🐕❤️🐩🐈❤️🐱❤️🐕😊 Yay! Awesome job rescuing the animals! ❤️🐱🐕❤️🐕🐱❤️ I love all animals, well,, excluding spiders to be honest 🕸️🕷️🙁🕸️🕷️🙁 Fear and hate those things, but are they considered animals?? 😉 Anyway, very nice to meet you here on Poshmark!! ❤️, Nia XOXOXO 💕
May 20Reply
bachsmom @nia1113 thank you for your sweet note! I know… Wouldn't it be great if more of the world had four legs instead of two! It would certainly be a much kinder and loving place to live. I do what I can but not nearly as much as I would like to. All of my funds go to somehow help the animals. Whether it's directly or to another auction for a specific rescue. Well, every once in a while I'll keep something really awesome for myself! PS I hate spiders too
May 20Reply
katzkoz Heehee....funny picture! U must be a hoot! Hey, thanks for checking out my closet already! Checking out yours now!
May 21Reply
lilashton69 So nice to meet you! I love that you help rescue dogs. I have two dogs one is 3 I got her when she was 6 months and the other is 11 weeks I got her at 8 weeks and they are both rescues. They have are both such sweeties and have turned out to be the greatest dogs. I just love them both! Of course the puppy is still a puppy but she has slept all through the night since the day we brought her home and she has never had an accident in her kennel during the day!
Jun 06Reply
bachsmom ReScUe DoGs are the best breed!!!!❤️💛💚💜
Jun 06Reply
jasherman90 Hi, so sorry for poor review but if you tried suit on yourself you would see it is incorrectly marked. Material not as nice as I would have hoped for the price. I,appreciate your cause but...
Jun 25Reply
ronanana_batman Hello, welcome to Poshmark! Come check out my closet! 🐳
Jun 29Reply
bgab @bachsmom thank you so much for all the shares!! Your closet has soooo many beautiful pieces to look through 👀
Aug 09Reply
bgab Awww I'm honored 😊😊😊 thank you so much for tagging me in the sweet post 💋💋
Oct 14Reply
bachsmom @bgab you totally deserve for everyone to see your closet !
Oct 14Reply
bgab HahHa it's nothing compared to yours....but you're so sweet💞💞💞 I totally appreciate your kindness always 💋
Oct 14Reply
glitzylife Hi, My name is Jan. How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addicting. Come visit sometime. Happy poshing!
Dec 12Reply
ozedreamer Thank you for the authentic and personal not included with my festive tunic! I appreciate the passion that you have and dedication to these precious dogs. It makes my new purchase even more special. . . My yellow lab approves as well!
Dec 20Reply
phoenixmam Wow, that is super sweet, you are a kind person! I love dogs, they're so pure and good and non-judgemental, so often times better than humans!
Dec 30Reply
hockeymeeker I am new to posh. I LOVE that you save fur babies!!! I see that you are against no kill shelters, how far out do you rescue/help? The humane society in my area is known as "the kill shelter"! I have always wanted to do something about it...just don't know where to start! I would love to help your cause...whether it's buying off your page, donating items that you can sell on Posh or anything else within my power!
Jan 13Reply
hockeymeeker I have been married for almost 18 yrs, a mother of 2 and have recently decided to go back to college for respiratory therapy. Unfortunately, I am a poor college student at the moment! But, I am one that is willing to do my part for those who don't have a voice 🙁
Jan 13Reply
hockeymeeker Please don't hesitate to contact me. Like I said, I would love to help! If only there were more people like you in this 🌎!
Jan 13Reply
bachsmom @hockeymeeker 🐶🐶how wonderfully sweet🐶🐶💕 !! I am very very lucky in that our Nashville humane society/shelter is almost 100% no kill. The only time they PTS, is if there is an animal that cannot be rehabilitated or if one is deathly I'll.
Jan 13Reply
bachsmom @hockeymeeker Otherwise they make sure they are all vetted and they do very scrutinized home checks and find them homes. You can't just bring an animal there and drop it off. There are lots of groups… Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, local churches children's groups etc. that come on different days of the week and play with the dogs and walk them and keep their runs cleaned out, wash their blankets and towels etc. it's a great way for the city to teach the children how to properly care for animals.
Jan 13Reply
bachsmom @hockeymeeker Now that said, we do have animal control. They are different.... but when there is an opening at the humane shelter, adoptable dogs go there, get vetted and put up for adoption. They try not to ever kill but when they do it's rare. We have enough rescues here around town they try to help animal control in different counties to make sure that there are never any animals put to sleep unless it is an absolute necessity.
Jan 13Reply
bachsmom @hockeymeeker I had my own rescue for a long time. It was a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. It took a lot of time and since I was by myself, every dime I made and I stayed in debt all the time. When I started the job that I am in now, working 80–90 hours a week, I decided to help with rescue a different way. So now I do transport, help other rescues with vetting, do home checks, and do lots of sponsorships for individual dogs to be pulled from shelters in other states.
Jan 13Reply
bachsmom @hockeymeeker That's why my closet is so important to me and why I strive for perfection--most items that I purchase go to silent auctions to raise money to give to other rescues or to help foster parents.Thank you for your sweet note! I have a good bundle discount. But anytime someone does a good size bundle just to be able to help the dogs I always send them lots of extra goodies… not Crap either! Nice stuff.
Jan 13Reply
bachsmom @hockeymeeker So I invite you to shop in my closet with confidence, knowing that your money is going for a good cause and knowing that you will receive quality merchandise! ❤❤ tons of posh love!💕💕💕
Jan 13Reply
angreen40 You have an amazing closet. I am really enjoying poshing. I now want to posh full-time and I need advice from successful poshers like you. What has been your experience with buying wholesale and selling boutique items? Any advice on growing my followers? How do you go about taking such great pictures of your closet items? Thanks in advance.
Mar 23Reply
bachsmom @angreen40 hi there! And thank you for the sweet comments… The first thing you need to do is you need to become a suggested user.
Mar 24Reply
bachsmom @angreen40 . You need to make sure you do not have anything in your closet that is a cosmetic or make up that has been used at all -no bath oils no lotions nothing like that. No home goods. Only clothes and accessories and shoes. Glasses cases gloves, scarves, jewelry.
Mar 24Reply
bachsmom @angreen40 You have to be a posher for six months I believe to be able to request suggested user status. I did not Request it. So I'm going by memory… They sent me a notice telling me that I had been selected to be a suggested user. But you CAN request it.
Mar 24Reply
bachsmom @angreen40 Also you have to be a five star seller I believe. But if you go out and look at posh rules or frequently asked questions I believe you'll find exactly what you have to do to become a suggested user.
Mar 24Reply
bachsmom @angreen40 Once you become a suggested user posh shares your closet for you. And you will notice when they start to share for you because you will have 200 300 400 more followers within a few minutes. Once you notice that, you need to begin immediately sharing every item in your closet because all of those people just saw one thing in your closet.
Mar 24Reply
bachsmom @angreen40 So the more people you can share as many items as you can to, the more people that are going to share ..the more people that are going to follow you. If that makes sense. I am an artist and photography is very easy for me and I have great light in my studio and in my shop. I use a mannequin anytime I can. Or use models when I can. My sister does a lot of modeling for me.
Mar 24Reply
bachsmom @angreen40 And I also have a background in graphic arts. And that helps too. The first thing you need to do is become a suggested user! Posh love!💕💕💕
Mar 24Reply
angreen40 @bachsmom Thank you so much for such wonderful feedback. All of your suggestions are appreciated. I love photography and art. We are planning to get us a new canon soon. Happy poshing to you!!
Mar 24Reply
alisaandbeast Hi, you purchased a jacket from me. I am out of town but I will ship it Monday. To make things right I am going to include the exact same jacket in navy blue. So you will have white and blue. Hope that makes you happy and you'll excuse my delay in getting it to you. Warmest Regards Alisa
Apr 14Reply
bachsmom @alisaandbeast oh, Love! That is such a sweet and unexpected gesture! But there truly is no reason for you to have to do that… You keep that jacket and sell it! The white jacket is fine for me and I'm happy to wait. I don't need it right now I just really liked it. You're very sweet to offer! You're a very kind person.
Apr 14Reply
laurasie17 Hi this is Laura and I would like to know the bundle price of the white and the pink shirts plz
May 29Reply
bachsmom @laurasie17 so sorry i fell asleep in the middle of the 10:00 (i think) party! Ill go out and do the 20% bundle discount. Just find the tops and click the bundle button on each of them and it puts them in a bundle and gives you the bundle price while only charging only one shipping charge. Its pretty cool. Sorry about that, i wasnt getting the feeling you really wanted them and i wanted to get them shared to the party.
May 29Reply
laurasie17 Done! White and pink, have a wonderful weekend
May 29Reply
bachsmom @laurasie17 packed up and ready to ship out tomorrow! Thanks so much❤️🐶🐶🐶❤️
May 29Reply
laurasie17 Thank you for work in with me, I will shop your closet
May 29Reply
msquarednluv @bachsmom What you are doing to save fur babies is totally awesome!! KUDOS to you!!!👏🏽 I will continue to support by shopping your lovely closet!😚🤗💐💖🐶
Jun 07Reply
bachsmom @msquarednluv thank you for the kind words! I'm just glad my closet continues to do well so that I can keep helping as many animals as I can without starving myself! Welcome back anytime❣️posh love 💕💕
Jun 07Reply
kykykenna Awe'! You're a rescuer!! 💕💕💕you have my heart!!!:)
Jun 09Reply
kykykenna Good morning beautiful! Thank you!😘 I will ship your purchase today! Also, when I get to my supplier, I'll see if they have the hourglass. If so I'll grab one for you, in case you still want it. If not, thanks ok, too. 💕💕💕 thank you!😘
Jun 16Reply
kykykenna Hi love! My update says "delivered"... did it come to you?? **cross fingers**
Jun 23Reply
bachsmom @kykykenna I update said delivered days ago. I haven't gotten another message. Let me do some digging
Jun 23Reply
bachsmom @kykykenna sooooo sad😥
Jun 23Reply
kykykenna @bachsmom omg I'm Sorry! I wouldn't think it would ever happen until I got my customers package! You'd think they would have to "check it" scanned at a gps'ed location!
Jun 23Reply
bachsmom @kykykenna sometimes i know they scan them AT the post office. because Ill either get a package and not get a notification for several hours... or ill get a delivery notification and not get it for several hours....... who knows
Jun 24Reply
kykykenna @bachsmom any luck????🙏🏻
Jun 26Reply
bachsmom @kykykenna well, posh refunded me. But I would much rather have the package. I'm going to go to the post office every day this week and see if anything turns up. Maybe somebody got it and turned it in… You would think they would bring it to me since it freaking has my address on it. So bummed. That was my favorite bundle since 2013😔 Who knows… Maybe you'll end up with it again -if so put it all back up as a bundle and I'll buy it!
Jun 26Reply
kykykenna @bachsmom awe... I'm sorry! I just can't believe NEITHER of us have it as those are the only 2 addresses! How the hell can it be just "out there" somewhere??? I'm bummed, too.:(
Jun 26Reply
jeanrevolver Hello sweetie your grace jeans are on the way or hopefully have made it to you by now I'm sorry for the delay I hope you really love them!😊💜
Jun 27Reply
bachsmom @jeanrevolver thanks so much ! My mail runs late so I'm sure they will come today. 🤗
Jun 27Reply
normita63 Hi, I made an offer on a white dress, can you check please 😊
Jul 02Reply
Jul 16Reply
Jul 16Reply
Jul 16Reply
bachsmom @makeminepink aweee thank you for your kind sweet words!Im just now seeing your comments on my items.Thank you for all of your encouragement!Rescue is an interesting thing…It can be the most rewarding &the most devastating thing ever at the same time.
Jul 16Reply
bachsmom But they are my heart&soul & I will always work towards helping them.…'One by one,until there are none'🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶(this is how many were killed yest in just one tiny shelter in GA.We saved a lot but there were just so many;the shelter was so overcrowded.My heart is broken today)💔
Jul 16Reply
gemsrpretty @bachsmom I'm so sorry my day got away from me. Did you want the turq. Ring in your bundle I thought it was🤔😍It's a fabulous ring 💙 would 198 work for turq ring, black onyx bracelet, bolle tank & Crystal cuff? I will also add the jacket & Capri leggings etc as mentioned before. Do you like the double wrap Swarovski elements Crystal cuff I will send that too🎁🐾😘
Jul 27Reply
lisaalacombe The 2 pairs of of LuLaRoe are OS would you prefer a TC(tall and curvy) or a OS as your mystery pair?
Jul 29Reply
bachsmom @lisaalacombe OS thank you, Love !💕
Jul 29Reply
bachsmom @gemsrpretty hi sweetie ! 💕wondering if you've added anything yet!?!XOXO
Jul 29Reply
gemsrpretty @bachsmom Hi 😄oh too funny I was just looking at your bundle when your note came thru🔮 I was goin to add to your box I mail a few items like the jacket (it's used)that matches the bolle tank I don't have listed is that what you mean? Did you get a chance to stroll thru my closet. I see you have 2 items in your bundle bracelet An tank right👌
Jul 29Reply
bachsmom @gemsrpretty yep. I was thinking that maybe u would add more jewelry…I decided against the turquoise for several reasons.But I wanted to do something nice for myself. I (we... anyone who purchased from my closet this week )saved 29 dogs this week.And the exact same shelter just killed 47. Today.
Jul 29Reply
bachsmom @gemsrpretty So Im devastated.Some of them I tried so hard for.Ive been crying for like 4 hrs so I thought I would do a little shopping in your closet to try make myself feel better I guess. Never happen no matter how awesome your stuff is… Nothing personal! LOL(not really the first L)
Jul 29Reply
gemsrpretty @bachsmom oh that's beyond sad An devastating😥😪I'm so sorry An can't imagine what you see & experience. You do so much. 🙏🏻🐾 I too shop for therapy so I understand. I was out most of today so nothing new listed but I have so much to list. If you have something that you are thinking about I might have so let me know I will list for you to view. The black onyx bracelet you have in your bundle is amazing you will love that!
Jul 29Reply
bachsmom @gemsrpretty do you have a ring that may match the bracelet? I have a fabulous chunky black onyx set in gold PLATE>>>? whatever but it's stunning. Id like another though.
Jul 29Reply
gemsrpretty @bachsmom let me check🤔I have lots of rings✨
Jul 29Reply
gemsrpretty I hope you have had a nice Saturday. So far I haven't found a gold and black onyx stone ring that matches the bracelet however just a gold ring would be great with that bracelet. I do have a black onyx and gold necklace that would be great for layering that would complement the bracelet. 🛍👌😘
Jul 30Reply
sueellenmcgoey Tammi Hope you loved your items! Thank you for rating quickly! So appreciate that. Sorry I mailed before you could combine other items. Thank you for saving so many of our fur babies. Our dogs are the only ones that love us more than they love themselves. I have 4 spoiled fur babies. They all deserve their " person" to love them.
Oct 25Reply
anny1983 Wow, I love your commitment to help rescue dogs from being killed in animal shelters, which happens more often than we think here in the US, it is very sad. I live in a subdivision where manyyyy neighbors own dogs, they are pet lovers and help owners find their pets when they get lost in the community by posting them on our community website. Thanks for being such a great human being by being an advocate of little/big dogs that cannot defend themselves. 💐💐💐
Nov 06Reply
bachsmom @anny1983 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Nov 06Reply
bachsmom @anny1983 There are eight white German Shepherd’s in the first picture. There were 13. I sold five of the puppies, after training them, to our K9 police force in Nashville. That left us with eight and a couple cats and a horse and several other dogs that are my soulmates!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙄
Nov 06Reply
anny1983 @bachsmom wow, you are amazing, I have no words honestly. If I ever decide to own a dog, or any kind of pet I should say, I will have to consider coming by your rescue shelter first!
Nov 06Reply
bachsmom @anny1983 I’m a private rescue. It’s called “Job’s Hope”I do everything out of my pocket. That’s why I buy so much on posh so I can turn around and do silent auctions to raise money for the dogs to be able to get them out of the kill shelters! I think we saved 48 last week but then they killed almost 60 after that. That is one small kill shelter in Georgia.Imagine the rest of the world
Nov 06Reply
bachsmom @anny1983 If you ever saw you want to pet you let me know and I will hook you up the pit will be totally vetted, be sterilized, will have all shots. And be heartworm negative. I take serious care of my rescue so that when they go to their forever home their parents just have to pick up where I left off -tick and flea, front line, and annual shots.but I’m very picky who gets him! Because I spend so freaking much money on them I still have almost a $5000 vet bill from March LOL
Nov 06Reply
anny1983 @bachsmom wow, God bless your heart! I sure will consider your rescue shelter if I woke anyone I know ever considers to own a pet and is willing to rescue from a shelter. You tell me the numbers of dogs killed and that breaks my heart, omg!, I can’t even imagine, I own no dogs, but I’m a good human being and you have no idea how much it hurts me to see animals, children and elderly be abused in any sort of way, it’s just heartbreaking.
Nov 06Reply
anny1983 I will def save the name of your shelter and indeed your name here. Thanks for all that you do, we don’t come accross human beings like you every day, it is such a pleasure to meet someone like you. 🤗💐
Nov 06Reply
anny1983 Do you advertise your shelter in social media? I think you should, I wish we could do it here on posh too.
Nov 06Reply
bachsmom @anny1983 ........and unfortunately, this is only one shelter. I get over 60 emails a day with sad pics of 30 or 40 dogs being dragged to a death chamber or videos of mean people hanging their dog and gutting it on video.. putting a live cow into a huge round chopper and watching it chop the screaming cow into bits.
Nov 06Reply
bachsmom we are lucky enough to find a lot of these places and shut them down. but for every one, and for every dog we rescue there are 70 more to take its place. the breeding has to stop or this never will. it's devastating but we do the best we can. over two and a half million dogs are killed in shelters every year and most of them have been thru hell before they even get there.
Nov 06Reply
bachsmom and most of them are perfectly wonderful dogs that have been starved or neglected. all they need is food and love. except the really bad cases that need to go to a vet immediately and someone has to be able to pay or they dont go. they just kill them. thats why i do everything i can to save as many as i can.
Nov 06Reply
bachsmom we just saved a dog from miami that was at a county sheter that had his entire back cut off. he is in rescue and doing well after his surgery and wiil make a full recovery; it's just sooo expensive to help animals like this. dogs that are skin and bones need fed and nutrition and meds and fluids before they can be boarded. all this costs a LOT of money ..
Nov 06Reply
bachsmom i stay broke!
Nov 06Reply
sophy_picks LOL your profile photo 👏👏👏
Nov 15Reply
bachsmom @sophy_treasure wha?... big kissy face. 😘😘😘🐶❤️❤️🐶🐶🐶❤️❤️
Nov 15Reply
sophy_picks @bachsmom Oh it just reminds me of myself. The silliness lol. 😘
Nov 15Reply
bachsmom @sophy_treasure yay! Gotta be a little silly with as much pain and devastation I see every day! Keeps me sane (although there are some who would argue that!)😳lol
Nov 15Reply
sophy_picks @bachsmom Hey I’ve run into an issue I haven’t seen before and didn’t know who to ask.. I ordered a pricier item from another seller and they didn’t ship it, so I went to ask them about it but their account is now deleted. It’s still lingering in my purchases as awaiting shipping. Have you ever seen this before? I contacted PM support already.
Dec 09Reply
bachsmom @sophy_treasure Certainly… Possible notice in a couple of days anyway that they haven’t shipped it and ask you if you want to wait. They will probably respond to your email first. But if not, they will easily see that it was never shipped andyou can cancel the order within a few days. You’ll get your money back. So sorry that happened…Happy holidays!
Dec 09Reply
bachsmom @sophy_treasure That was supposed to say…Posh admin will probably notice in a couple of days…
Dec 09Reply
sophy_picks @bachsmom Okay great thank you so much for your help! I just realized duh, it will ask me to cancel in a couple days anyway lol. 👍
Dec 09Reply
gemsrpretty @bachsmom hello my friend I just shared to your dressing room the Black onyx and gold chain necklace /cross one is from Italy the other is from turkey. Those are the pieces that I wore with the bracelet you purchased so I just wanted to make sure that you were aware and had first dibs in case you were interested😃 I hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season wishing you all the best Merry Christmas🐾🎄🎁🎅😚
Dec 16Reply
bachsmom @gemsrpretty thanks, Love! I’ll check out your closet in a little bit💕💕
Dec 17Reply
carly041108 Hi, if you put too many items in a bundle, Then I end up paying for the difference in shipping and it costs more than the original shipping cost , I understand nobody wants to pay for shipping
Dec 17Reply
bachsmom @carly041108 OK… So do you want me to take items out of the bundle? I don’t think I understand what you’re saying or if you’re asking me a question. Sorry😟
Dec 17Reply
firstlady66 I shipped your package. Thanks again!
Jan 02Reply
bachsmom @firstlady66 thank you so much 🤗
Jan 02Reply
korcarkepe_vert Thank you so much for shopping in my closet.
Jan 06Reply
robertbiondi Thank you for shopping!!! I'll get that pretty scarf out right away!💟
Jan 16Reply
bachsmom @robertbiondi yay! thank you and thank you for all the shares!
Jan 16Reply
robertbiondi Just giving my thanks and want you to be successful!
Jan 16Reply
demarcoscloset Thank you for your purchase of the Dana Buchman top! I see you live in Nashville. I do, too! I would have this at the post office first thing this morning but snow-mageddon is here !!! 😂 as soon as the roads clear, I'll have it at the p.o.!! 🤗
Jan 16Reply
bachsmom @homey123 oh wow okay! That is great… You stay warm and safe! Thanks for the top❄️❄️❄️
Jan 16Reply
demarcoscloset @bachsmom you're welcome! Hope you don't have to get out. It's a hunker down day!☃️❄
Jan 16Reply
bevconner Thank you for the great rating and kind words! I’m so glad you like your leggings and top! Please shop my closet anytime! Posh Love!💐
Feb 15Reply
spreadlove Hi! I️ know there are many closets but I’d be grateful if you check out mine. Either way I️ was just stopping in the say hello. Have a nice day!
Feb 19Reply
ejt2017 Thank you for your purchase! Will get that right out to you💕 have a great night!
Mar 31Reply
snatanov I just wanted to stop by to say hey, Hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be thrilled if you would check out my closet as well :) Happy Poshing!
Jun 02Reply
wanttofindit Hi! I really like the Madison Coach you have. I’m leaving town on the 11th..back on the 14th. Don’t want to leave you hanging. If I get it today not sure if it could be here by the 11th? What do you suggest? Thank you..I’m kind of new to this.
Oct 04Reply
hassil3m Thanks for the 5 star review! So glad you loved the bracelet
Oct 12Reply
lovingpurple Hi there!😊Just wanted to stop by to say hello, hope you are having a great time here on posh 🤗 Hope you can have some time to visit my closet 😶 Blessings! -Liz💜
Jan 09Reply
steadythreads I'd like to invite you to stop by my closet. I'd love to know what you think of my work. I'm an artist and designer who creates all my own custom designed fabrics and fashions. That means all pieces are unique, original, and brand new. I have many items that make great gifts. I'm also a Top Rated Poshmark Seller and Fast Shipper. So let me know if you have any questions. I'm happy to help. xoxo, deb ♥
Jun 22Reply
chaescloset Hello thank you sooo much for your purchase!!😘
Sep 25Reply
chaescloset Thank you for the purchase of the 5 items, however I'm not able to find the scarf if you would like to choose another item same price I will ship it out tomorrow or I can cancel the purchase let me know again so sorry
Sep 27Reply
chaescloset You can pick under $8😊
Sep 27Reply
bachsmom @chaescloset ok I’ll see what I can find. No worries
Sep 27Reply
chaescloset @bachsmom thank you sooo much 😘good night 🌙
Sep 27Reply
chaescloset Hi there thank you sooo much for your sweet rating 😘🥰
Sep 30Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Jul 29Reply
shopaholic100 Hello! I actually started a nonprofit animal rescue! I love animals too! Welcome to Poshmark! I have extended my Black Friday and Cyber Monday SALE to the BIGGEST Christmas Holiday Sale Ever! Every single item qualifies for BUY 1 GET 1 FREE! Check out my closet and bundle your likes! 🌲❄️🛍💸
Dec 07Reply
shopaholic100 @bachsmom I LOVE that you’ve not only RECEIVED over 100 love notes but you’ve GIVEN over 100. Spread that 💖💖💖 around. It’s really nice to see someone that’s so supportive of other sellers, while you’re a seller as well. Love it! I still feel like I’m more of a Buyer but I’ve been learning. ☺️☺️ Anyway I just thought that’s really nice of you and recognize it if no one else has. 😉
Jan 20Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  Adding new stuff weekly
Jan 28Reply
poshmf Hi 👋 Feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have an assortment of clothes, jewlery, and other items. Something for everyone!   I try to post new items weekly 😊 Stop by often and Happy poshing
Dec 13Reply
marabargainposh ⭐Thank-you for your purchase⭐  I go to PO every AM except Sunday & holidays but USPS still has delays. You can track your order on PM-- it's worth the wait! 🌸Mara
Jan 07Reply
bachsmom @marabargainposh it’s fine I’m Good thank you ! Cute bag!
Jan 07Reply
marabargainposh Yes! adorable🌸
Jan 07Reply
cutehosiery @bachsmom Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 09Reply
johncopeland921 Hey there fellow Nashville—Ian are used to live in Hermitage and still have a house there— May I ask a personal question if I’m out of bounds— just let me know and I’ll not pursue this but anyway my wife’s been looking for very very similar color of lip makeup that you are wearing in your picture that deep cranberry red
Jul 12Reply
johncopeland921 cont’d) Could you please share what brand and what color in that brand thank you for your answer
Jul 12Reply
mckenziejruud Hey girly. I have a ton of different brands such as Michael Kors, Hollister, Maurices, Aeropostale, PINK, Apt 9, buckle, rue 21, Express and many more. Size range from XS to 4X and Tons of things that are new with tags! Everything is listed for $10 or less. Will be posting more daily. If you have time check out my closet. Ship same or next day depending on time of purchase😀 Happy Poshing! ❤️
Jan 04Reply

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Last Active: Mar 02

Nashville, TN
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Last Active: Mar 02

Nashville, TN
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