Self Image Issues
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I feel incredibly awkward when people talk about sizes. I have no idea what to say, if I should say anything. I don't want to be rude. I doubt people really want to hear the truth when they leave the remark. All I ask is that you think about the true point of this remark before leaving it. Maybe it isn't necessary to say. Maybe it's a sign of your own issues. We all have them. Someone will be there for you when you are ready to work on them. I will be here for you.

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Sooooo true!!
Aug 23Reply

Soooo true!!! We all struggle with our self image in one way or another."If we all understood that everyone has their own battles to fight, insecurities to face, loves to contend and goals to attain, the world would be a gentler place." I always say this "Everyone love everyone, ALL the time!"
Aug 31Reply

@littleladyluck I do too!! 😊 ELE!! Everybody love everybody!! 💖 Is what I say, hehe. 😊💗👍
Aug 31Reply

Don't judge me......BUT I got it from Will Farrell in the movie Semi Pro! I actually use ELE at family gatherings and road trips! & even when my dogs get to playing too rough! Seriously you could probably find my tag #ELE in social networks too lmao I'm such a goof!
Aug 31Reply

@littleladyluck Hehe, no judgment here. 😊 That's where I got it from too! I'm not a very social person but I do online games and when I see people in chat being mean to each other I'm all, "ELE!" Hehehe. Being a goof is awesome! 🎉👍😊💗
Aug 31Reply

lol right on!! :) Hope to see you around on Posh!! xo :))
Aug 31Reply

@littleladyluck Most definitely! Take care! xo 😘😊💗
Sep 01Reply

@jennika love you for this, hits the nail on the head. Ur awesome hang in there sending good vibes your way! ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
Sep 01Reply

@abura153 Thank you so much my dear!! 😘💖 I am sending lots of your way!! 😍😊💗
Sep 05Reply

@jennika lol thanks! (≧∇≦)/
Sep 05Reply

❤️❤️❤️ your an inspiration keep up that strong suit love!!!
Sep 23Reply

@hollyrider Thank you so much my dear! 😍💖😘 I plan to keep trying to be the best me I can be and hope to inspire others along the way. 😊💗
Sep 24Reply

@yvonne75 I am so glad to hear of your son's fantastic accomplishment! 😊 And congratulations to you as well! 😘 I'm sure it could not have been easy times for anyone. I'm also sure the journey is not over but you all made it through a huge step. Everyone one needs love and true knowledge...
Oct 09Reply

@yvonne75 With those things and perseverance we can conquer our demons and bloom into something magnificent. I just wanted to help be a part of passing some knowledge and love along. I'm glad this message can reach out to people, no matter how few. Wishing you and yours all the best, always! 😘😊💗
Oct 09Reply

@yvonne75 That is phenomenal! 😘 It brings tears to my eyes. It is amazing what positive things can be pulled from tragedy. Life is definitely a crazy ball of wonder. 😊💗
Oct 09Reply

Very well put!
Oct 14Reply

Help I'm dealing with a hater on posh!!!
Oct 25Reply

@hollyrider Oh no! *hugs* What happened? 💗
Oct 25Reply

I feel like I can always count on you and I haven't met you!! Thank you ❤️ a girl inquired about an item of mine and she didn't even like it and was being rude about her comment and I told her to not to leave comments like that and then when I reply not respond and she implied she wasn't being ugly but I told her her comment came off rude and suggested maybe in the future using emojis and it might not come off that way
Oct 25Reply

@hollyrider Aww, you are the sweetest! 🍪😘 It sounds like you handled it well. As frustrating and upsetting as haters can be I find it's always best to try and stay nice and helpful. "You're never wrong for doing the right thing". 😊 Haters do what they do because they have issues with something and they just want to effect you in some way because of it. I think it makes them feel in control if they succeed in effecting you. ....
Oct 25Reply

@hollyrider Don't forget there is an option to block them, depending on how you feel about that person after the convo. If you feel they were harassing you that can also be reported. If you feel the convo doesn't look good on the listing you can delete and repost. ...
Oct 25Reply

@hollyrider If you do, maybe jot down the names of the people that liked it before and tag them with a little message in the new listing to see if they still wish to follow the item. I hope these things helpful. Let me know if there is anything else. I will always try to help the best I can. 😘😊💗
Oct 25Reply

Awe thank you doll your so sweet yourself!! I actually did ask her kindly to stop and I reposted the shirt and tagged the other likers! People don't have to be so mean and rude no sense in it! Thank you being so supportive and helpful your a great role model for people ❤️❤️ glad I can meet someone as nice as you!!! On here
Oct 29Reply

@hollyrider I'd suggest screenshotting the bad post, though. If she harasses you again, you'll have data to back up a possible claim against her on Posh. As my business lawyer father and all my journalism profs said, "Document, document, document!" 😆
Nov 05Reply

@littleladyluck I LOVE your quote. If more of us stopped and thought before plopping some ill-considered comment out there... remembered that everyone has their own baggage, burdens and stresses, as well as hopes, dreams, passions... Well, I'd like to see that world very much. People mean well, but the resonance of their words can really rip you up inside - and they have no idea. And you don't want them to understand, because that would mean they'd been through it too. 😟
Nov 05Reply

@jennika YOU ROCK. No, it ain't nuthin' easy! I don't have to deal with eating disorders & the nasty Pandora's box of issues they open, but I've got my own diagnosable (sp?) crap. Nothing like this is easy or simple or ever quite resolved. It's the wolf at the door.
Nov 05Reply

But you've got your sawed-off shotgun filled with rock salt, & if that poncy predator sticks so much as his nose in your window, he's going to have odd pockmarks to explain to the tribe, and they'll remind him off the incident for years to come. 😆 So keep on keepin' on! You are, and that's all I need to know to know you're gonna be just fine. 😊
Nov 05Reply

@singaporejones Thank you so much for all the love and kind words! 😘 All of your messages were enjoyable to read. 😍💖 You have such a beautiful and unique personality. Thank you for sharing it! 😊💗
Nov 11Reply

You are so brave & beautiful to put this out there! Lots of us struggle w/ body image issues. For some of us, it has been happening since childhood, and the insecurities were planted by those who we trusted most. It's not something a woman can just "get over" by growing a thick skin. I appreciate your courage in explaining, in a very public forum, that careless words can re-open wounds that take a lifetime to heal. Kindness and positivity ALWAYS win! xoxoxoxo
Nov 11Reply

@smartyknickers So very true, Danielle. On top of all that, we are made to feel ashamed to talk about our issues openly and that we must keep things to ourselves. I believe that it is only through awareness and being open can things begin to change. We all have to work together to achieve the betterment we all deserve. Thank you so much for your kind supporting words. 😘😊💗
Nov 13Reply

Dec 04Reply

Well said,my friend👍🏼and I wish u a healthy happy life on ur road to recovery ! If u need me, I'm here for u❤️
Dec 17Reply

Agree with this 100%! The media these days doesn't help either. I'm so sorry for your struggles, but your self awareness is the first step. Refreshing to read this on Posh. Good luck to you and congratulations! 😊
Jan 23Reply

@bullittsmom I can't believe I didn't see your message sooner. Thank you so much for your kind words! 😘😊💗
Jan 23Reply

@megger Thank you kindly!! 😘😊💗
Jan 23Reply

@jennika I have fibromyalgia too 😔 I also had a brain tumor removed with part of my pituitary gland my two year anniversary is feb 19th ! I tried 3 years to get pregnant and was finally able to after the tumor was removed ! My son just turned 5 months old 💙 everyone's struggle is their own 💕 people need to show more kindness and chose their words more thoughtfully 💗💜
Feb 13Reply

@fashionmom15 I'm sorry to hear about your troubles but very glad to hear about your baby! I know issues like that can set some people back but I'm sure that little guy will give you more strength than you ever thought you had to power through. Right now it doesn't look like I will be able to have my own but I plan on staying focused with getting my health on track. Maybe, when the time is right, something will work out. All anyone can do is just keep trying. 💗💗💗
Feb 14Reply

@jennika I wasnt going to be able to have any of my own either ! Tried for three years had the surgery in February 2014 got pregnant in December 2014 had my son this September 2015 💙 you never know ! God works in mysterious ways sometimes! The best thing for my fibromyalgia was cutting out gluten 3 years ago and massage / plus sleep ( I know ironic since I have insomnia 😓)
Feb 14Reply

@fashionmom15 I'm sure those were some trying and uncertain times. I'm glad to hear you've pulled through. Those kinds of things can give great strength for the future as well. We haven't had the money to look into possibilities of what's going on or how to deal with it, just some general testing. I've been with my husband for 13 going on 14 years. Our 10th anniversary will be this year. I had a miscarriage early on and no luck since then. ...
Feb 14Reply

@fashionmom15 I decided that I will just have to do the best I can for my health. I jumped on that "paleo" wagon early. I never thought about how long it's been until now, 7 or 8 years. Man how time flies! I'm constantly reading up on things various health things. There is just so much stuff to tackle but I plan on taking it one step at time all the while trying to be grateful for everything I have and don't have. 💗💗💗
Feb 14Reply

@jennika me and my husband just had our 9 year ☺️ I'm sorry for your loss 😢 my sister had two miscarriage this year :one ectopic and one blighted ovum . I know stress can prohibit getting pregnant too but when you don't feel good it's very hard not to be stressed 😢 I'll pray for you though 🙏🏽 medical bills/insurance sucks 😰 but being healthy =priceless
Feb 14Reply

@fashionmom15 Congrats on your 9 year! 😊 I would say you exactly nailed it on the head. I'm sorry to hear about your sisters troubles too. It can be an incredibly emotional thing to deal with when its the one thing you want. I will be praying for you and your family, keeping you in my thoughts. 😘 I've enjoyed our little bonding time. This place can be therapeutic too. 😊💗
Feb 14Reply

@jennika for sure! I've found several women I've bonded with on posh surprisingly! Everyone has their own unique struggles ! Just got to be thankful for the positive and focus on those and not the negative! Love your closet btw💕💕
Feb 14Reply

@fashionmom15 So true! That's what it's all about! I feel it's the only way to make it through life and not completely lose it, hehe. Poshmark has been a great outlet for me to learn to be more social and feel more comfortable about it. I've always been so closed in and quiet. Posh helps me see it's not so scary, hehe. Your closet is super cute! I especially love the dresses and shoes! 😍💖
Feb 14Reply

Very true
Mar 17Reply

@fairyrelics OMG!! So my feelings in your words! So what if I'm 40+ and still have to buy kids size jeans! Why do people even care how skinny I am or why do they always ask me how i had 3 kids and now I am so skinny and oh do tell how I stay that way!! Seriously people?! I don't stay this way on purpose! Thanks for your words and letting me have a vent:)!
Apr 01Reply

@p1nked4evr No problem. 😊 This is definitely a safe place to do that. Thank you for sharing! This is my starting point for raising self awareness of all kinds. Over time I've come to realize that when people say these things it's not really about you, it's about them. Everyone wants an easy magic answer and if it looks like you have what they want they want to know how you got it so they can have it too. ...
Apr 01Reply

@p1nked4evr All the while, never thinking what impact their words may cause or that the answer is something they don't want to hear. People don't realize the answer is usually inside them they just don't want to do what it takes because it may feel like too much for them. ...
Apr 01Reply

@p1nked4evr Another reason is people will say things without even thinking and a lot of times people will say stuff just to make them feel like they are above you or better and they may not even realize why they are doing it but it all comes from their own internal issues. I would love to spread mental health awareness to the world. I feel we are in need of some serious changes. 💗💗💗
Apr 01Reply

Thank you for being YOU!! Thank you for being a voice for so many.
Apr 22Reply

@redbug17 Thank you for your kind words. 😘😊💗💗💗
Apr 22Reply

Bless you on your Healing Journey💗 I too suffer with Chronic pain, FMS and a back injury. It's a hard road. I was touched by your story. You are a Warrior for sure! 🌻 Love and Light
May 06Reply

Jun 10Reply

@fairyrelics I feel like your stalker today🙈 I've been disabled by ME since I was a teenager (17 years) and just wanted you to know that I'll be here for you if you need to vent, to laugh or ask "does ______ happen to you too?". Xo.
Jun 18Reply

@fairyrelics Thank you for having the strength, wisdom, and courage to share your story. Wishing you peace, love, and continued strength in your healing journey. 😊💓
Jul 19Reply

Well said and so true!😘💕
Jul 22Reply

Beautiful of you to open up about yourself and your struggles. I've suffered and suffer from many similar issues as you do so I truly know the battle you face each day. I hope and pray things get easier for you and me and everyone struggling with invisible illnesses. God bless and beautiful closet 😘😘
Oct 15Reply

Happy Poshing!
Oct 21Reply

Hello! I know there are many closets, but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I wanted to say hi and wish you a lovely night! 😊
Nov 08Reply

Hi Myka, Thank you for sharing another great message and your personal struggles with body issues. Ugh, I think most of us have struggled in some ways. We can record positive, self caring, love messages to ourselves if we would think of ourselves as our best friend. "Hey BF, you are beautiful, kind, caring, healthy and I appreciate that you take such good care of me." I hope this example of self talk helps you and others.
Jan 12Reply

I wish I could relate to this subject but I cannot. Because of my high activity at work and fast metabolism I stay fit. But, I agree that comments on a person’s physical appearance negatively can be VERY dangerous. I have a co worker who eats once a day in order to look how she feels is best for her. I don’t comment on it, don’t know how. I just smile like a dork and say something silly and unrelated:(
Mar 31Reply

Also I’m curious, can love help these situations? Not like love from a parent or friend but from a partner who’s also your best friend? I’m probably just being a dork for thinking that...oh well. Everyone is beautiful and unique and that’s not a dork thing to say. I should stop apologies. Peace&Love.
Mar 31Reply
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