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Updated Nov 04
Updated Nov 04





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Great brands, classic pieces in my closet @stapleandtrend
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gordomom @randikandi @couturegirl @cvz15 hey ladies, I think KD is from the Philly area, so wanted to introduce you. 💝
May 08Reply
randikandi @serenagray I always love to welcome an east coast girl. Philly here. Nice to meet u. Beautiful closet & great cover shots. So Ty @gordomom (my Michelle) for the intro. Baltimore is just a hop, skip & a jump away. 😘😘
May 08Reply
stapleandtrend @randikandi thanks so much for the likes and shares!!! Yes I'm in Bmore, but love to visit Philly for the Reading Terminal Market and the Flower Show.
May 09Reply
randikandi @serenagray hi there. I missed the flower show this year. I haven't been was it.
May 09Reply
avenlove I'm in Baltimore too 😊💕
Sep 29Reply
stapleandtrend @avenlove awesome! You have a great closet too. Thanks for the shares.
Sep 29Reply
stapleandtrend @daisyshop congrats on your upcoming party! Please check out my closet for host picks!
Nov 12Reply
stapleandtrend @glamlifebtq congrats on your upcoming party! Please check out my closet for host picks!
Nov 12Reply
stapleandtrend @andine congrats on your upcoming party! Please check out my closet for host picks!
Nov 14Reply
stapleandtrend @tamarismom hi! Congrats on your upcoming party! Please check out my closet for host picks. Thanks!
Nov 14Reply
stapleandtrend @erix hi! Congrats on your upcoming party! Please check out my closet for host picks. Thanks!
Nov 14Reply
stapleandtrend @lyvonne7298 congratulations on your upcoming party! please check out my closet for host picks!
Dec 11Reply
stapleandtrend @bwenger congratulations on your upcoming party! please check out my closet for host picks!
Dec 12Reply
endersd Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Dec 26Reply
demitria @serenagray I truly appreciate you sharing my items💜Your closet is absolutely fabulous💜Wishing you many more happy sales to come. Have a beautiful rest of your day
Feb 19Reply
stapleandtrend @demitria so kind of you to share generously!
Feb 19Reply
demitria @serenagray It was my pleasure. I love to shop and share❤️
Feb 19Reply
stapleandtrend @bananaleeanna check out my closet!! Lmk how I can help you out in learning more about Posh.
Apr 19Reply
moviecloset Lovely closet! 💚💜💙💛
Apr 24Reply
stapleandtrend @ellensemones ah thanks soo much! I appreciate you noticing & saying so...and sharing!
Apr 25Reply
staceyrycz Very nice closet!! Love it.
Apr 26Reply
katlady2 Love your closet! Beautiful pieces! 😍
Mar 14Reply
rosieismypuppy 💝💝Thank you for visiting my closet. I am Wendy, I would love an opportunity to serve YOU. Reasonable offers are welcome, and I provide a bundle discount have a wonderful day and happy poshing.💝💝
Mar 23Reply
c2victory Thanks for following me.
Apr 02Reply
kimber53144 I just got my teal sweater,everything was perfect and fast! I'll shop with you again!
May 19Reply
ashlyn_bekah Thanks for looking at my closet! My online store is☺️
Jun 29Reply
gemstone14kt Thanks for the like 😊I am open to offers@gemstone14kt
Aug 29Reply
_amdavis Hi there! If you're interested in the scarves from my closet, feel free to bundle them for a discounted price! 🙂
Sep 27Reply
leili24 Thank you for sharing, please visit my closet, best way to save from my closet is to bundle and save 15% plus I send you a discounted shipping
Jul 28Reply
oliviacat24 Hi! Come check out my closet! Thanks so much and happy poshing! 🎊
Aug 11Reply
tricia77r Nice to meet you on posh. Hope you are loving it! 💘
Sep 06Reply
caseyhe0 Found you! Nice meeting you and thanks for finding me on Instagram. Looking forward to poshing with you. ❤
Sep 11Reply
spagetti7 Welcome! Please come check out my closet!😀
Sep 21Reply
buyitwhenfound Thank you for generously sharing my closet! While reciprocating and sharing your closet, I needed to take pause and express to you how lovely your closet is. 💖Traci
Oct 21Reply
stapleandtrend @buyitwhenfound aww thanks, so is yourcloset!!💍🧡
Oct 21Reply
rufflesanlace I don’t know what it is that made you follow me, so thankful for all of you. I love each and everyone of you even if we’ve never spoken to each other!!!!!!! Have a wonderful day!!!!!
Oct 30Reply
unibaby79 Hello I ordered something from you on the 11th & haven’t received my tracking number yet
Nov 14Reply
stapleandtrend @unibaby79 hi! I had technical difficulties but it'll be in the mail tomorrow. Thanks for your order!
Nov 14Reply
stapleandtrend @unibaby79 sorry about the slow shipping (and the holiday).
Nov 15Reply
stapleandtrend @rsuyaba you're Welcome!
Dec 09Reply
nine3one thanks so much for sharing, love ❤️
Dec 13Reply
verikorr Thank you for all the shares! I really appreciate it! 😎
Dec 18Reply
goodfindsmn Great closet! Well done! Have a beautiful day!
Jan 07Reply
stapleandtrend @goodfindsmn thanks so much!
Jan 07Reply
mitchell3686 Hi sis!
Jan 11Reply
stapleandtrend @mitchell3686 hey sis! Pretty closet!
Jan 11Reply
berkshirecyn Beautiful closet! 😊💞💞
Mar 29Reply
janfast Hi there! Thanks for sharing my Ryder Cup hat!😊
Apr 02Reply
stapleandtrend @janfast You're Welcome. Thought it was unique and a buyer might be interested.
Apr 02Reply
wonderaa Hello!😊💕 feel free to visit my closet to see amazing finds!👚👗👙👘👠👡👢👜👛👝🥿
Apr 03Reply
danasdoings 💍💖Hello Thank you for the follow. Come by anytime for a visit I took a stroll through your closet and shared a few HAPPY POSHING 💍💖💍
Apr 15Reply
leitiques Welcome to my Poshmark closet and if you find items you like make a bundle and get a discount on shipping and the items. Wait for me to send you an offer for shipping.
Apr 27Reply
blueloft Yo uhave a beautiful closet!!!!!!
Jun 20Reply
stapleandtrend @blueloft Thanks so much!
Jun 20Reply
isafrias_ @stapleandtrend Hi and thx for the like on the chic Kenneth Cole necklace 👌🏻please feel free to check out my closet in case you’re interested in something else you’d like to bundle and save more- I have several listings in the brands you ❤️😊🌸💵
Jun 21Reply
4bargainthreads Good Morning! I just wanted to tell you that you have a wonderful closet! I will enjoy sharing your things with my followers. I hope you have a great week!
Sep 16Reply
stapleandtrend @4bargainthreads Thanks so much! Likewise, your closet has nice variety.
Sep 16Reply
4bargainthreads @stapleandtrend You are very welcome and thank you! I really appreciate your compliment and your sharing! Take care!
Sep 16Reply
brenhub What is the fabric of the navy white yellow floral scarf and is it a true white or more ivory....thank you!!!!
Oct 19Reply
brenhub Re: navy white and yellow scarf white a true white or more of an ivory color? What is the fabric?
Oct 19Reply
stapleandtrend @brenhub Let me get back to you about those details
Oct 20Reply
brenhub @stapleandtrend Okay...I’ll wait to be sure! Thank you
Oct 20Reply
sigi_bebe Good morning … Thanks for stopping by the Sigi Bebe' Closet and showing us some ❤️!
Oct 21Reply
brenhub @stapleandtrend Happy weekend!! I got the scarf...unfortunately the white is more of an ivory color rather than white and will not work with my navy and white stripe skirt.
Oct 26Reply
stapleandtrend @brenhub I'm sorry to hear that. I thought it was white. Are you able to try the outfit anyway, with the scarf? I can see the combo in my mind, and think it'll still be very cute and you'll probably receive compliments. Floral scarf with stripes is a great mix esp. when worn with similar color family!
Oct 26Reply
brenhub @stapleandtrend yeah the white in the skirt is a true white so it’s too obvious....that’s why I asked ... I knew floral and stripe would work well together..
Oct 26Reply
stapleandtrend @brenhub Trust me, It'll still be cute! 😀
Oct 26Reply
brenhub @stapleandtrend do you accept returns?
Oct 26Reply
loulourae Great closet sis 🤗🤗🤗💕💕
Jan 04Reply
septembermalone Thank you!!!!!
Feb 24Reply
mrsknle Hola- Just a note of thx for sharing from my closet, 👟+👕, where every day is a boy’s day. I’m doing this social distancing + Poshing from my couch with a glass of Merlot. I fear that this could be a dangerous combination. 🙃 Stay safe, healthy + keep your loved ones close. ❤️Appreciate it + Happy Poshing!
Apr 15Reply
azgonce Thank you for sharing my closet! Not much in there yet but I’ll keep posting new items so please keep checking back. Thanks again 😊
May 27Reply
stapleandtrend @azgonce YW. More sales=following, sharing, posting items. So keep at it! Be well during this challenging time.
May 27Reply
azgonce @stapleandtrend you too!! I don’t know about where you live but I haven’t been able to find toilet paper since March! Thank goodness for friends that buy in bulk! Lol ☺️
May 27Reply
luvmee40 Customer Alert, My biggest sale ever, 50% additional off ALL Jackets,  Blazers and Suits. Everything from Ralph Lauren to Giorgio Armani. Over 200 to choose from. All other Items are an additional 30% discount. Click the heart under the item you want to buy and I will send you the discounted offer. Come shop till you drop! 
Jun 12Reply
greenshop7 @stapleandtrend hello.Thank you very much for your kind sharing. Have a beautiful happy rest of the week. ( you have such a nice smile🙂😉)
Jun 19Reply
stapleandtrend @greenshop7 Appreciate that!
Jun 19Reply
shoefloozy What a gorgeous closet! 😍
Jun 19Reply
pamelabanks52 Thanks for all the generous shares and congratulations on your win. Have a great day. Happy Poshing!
Jun 19Reply
myaddedsparkle 🌺🌺🌺Hi there!🎊🎊🎊Congratulations on your MAKE A DEALS DAY win!!✨✨✨You’ve won $50 worth of posh credits🎉🎉🎉Now it’s time to shop guilt-free and treat yourself🛍🛍🛍Come check out my closet for jewelry and hair accessories🦋🦋🦋3/$30 SALE going on!🤩🤩🤩Happy Poshing💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻~My Added Sparkle 🥰🥰🥰
Jun 19Reply
amber2286 Hello! Congrats on you win!! Please enjoy my closet and I’m happy to offer HALF OFF for all winners for any item whn you bundle and use code word “winner.” Please do this so I can know to send your special offer. So excited for your big win and be sure to spoil yourself because you deserve it!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 20Reply
scorpiomvp Hi, I'm Angel ! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day! ∞ Sнoppər|#ShopSmall ∞,#ShopMyCloset for way less ∞ #ShopSmall + ✅ Verified #Google Business Owner #🌍❤️🔑 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @scorpiomvp ┈┈┈┈╱▔╲▂▂╱▔╲┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈▕╮╱▔╲╱▔╲╭▏┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱╋▏┊▕┊┊▕╋╲┈┈┈ ┈┈▕╋▕━▅━━▅━▏╋▏┈┈ ┈┈▕╱▔╲▔╭╮▔╱▔╲▏┈┈ ┈┈▕┊┳┊▔╰╯▔┊┳┊▏┈┈ ┈┈┈╲╰━━╯╰━━╯╱┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔╭┈┈┈┈╮▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈ 🛍🛒🎀 👚👡👔👖👕👟🎩👙🧤🧣👒👜🧢👘👢👗👡👠💼👜👛🇺🇸
Jun 20Reply
stapleandtrend @scorpiomvp Thanks!! Thoughtful of you to reach out!
Jun 20Reply
stapleandtrend @myaddedsparkle Thanks!! Thoughtful of you to reach out!
Jun 20Reply
stapleandtrend @amber2286 Thanks!! Thoughtful of you to reach out!
Jun 20Reply
aschanick @stapleandtrend Such a classy closet 👠 🕶❤️ love it!
Oct 12Reply
aleishalohnes Hi! Thank you so much for your like! I hope you can stop by and visit my closet. If you see anything you can’t live without please don’t be afraid to make a reasonable offer 😃🦃 Happy Poshing
Nov 12Reply
shopaholic100 @stapleandtrend 🎁 Hello! Thank you for the follow! TODAY ONLY TAKE 50% OFF any item under $1000 in my closet! 💸 NYE SALE will to end tonight!! 🍾 Check out my closet and bundle your likes! 🛍 I have some beautiful Tiffany, 💎 Louis Vuitton, 👜 Tory Burch, D’Or Skincare, 💆🏼‍♀️ Jimmy Choo Shoes 👠 and Victoria Secret items! 👙 😃
Dec 31Reply
stapleandtrend @deborahwagner35 Thanks!!! Nice to meet you. Will consider this!!
Feb 24Reply
foresttreasures Hi 🙋 I'm Cindy from the mountains of NC! WELCOME to my closet! I saw you liked the pretty gold tassels, so I sent you an AWESOME offer & hope that makes you LOVE them even more! Like a few other items & we can bundle for an even better deal & the other items SHIP FREE in the bundle! 🤗 Happy Poshing! ❤️ Cindy from the 🌳🐻🌳 Forest
Mar 24Reply
haileyscloset4 Hello! I’d love to work out a great price to get your favorite items from my shop! If there isn’t anything here you particularly like, you can always order my Mystery Box! You can tell me the kinds of items you would like it to include, I go get them and ship it to you! It’s a fun way to get an absolutely awesome wardrobe! Let me know if your interested!
May 07Reply
haileyscloset4 Hello! I’d love to drop the price of just about everything in my shop to a fabulous deal! I can have it packed and ready to go right away and it will ship in the morning. If you order within the next 2 hours, a special extra gift will be included as well! Let me know if your interested!!
May 13Reply
dv1011 Hi I’m Debbie, a Posh Ambassador. You’re invited to browse my closet and if you bundle 2+ items you’ll receive 15% off plus save on shipping! 😊🎉🛍
Jun 24Reply
proverbs2323 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ‭‭ 🌸 ❤️🌸 Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ ‭NIV‬‬ 🌸 ❤️🌸 🎉Congratulations on Party Hosting! 🎉 ❤️God bless❤️ ~ @proverbs2323
Jul 06Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
Jul 06Reply
mairymairy Hi hi! Congratulations on cohosting a Posh party! Sending wishes for many shares & many quick sales! If you get a minute, stop by my closet. I would love to be considered for a host pick. Good luck!!! 🍀 🌸🍀🌸🍀🌸🍀🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
Jul 06Reply
live_love_shop0 Congratulations on hosting tomorrow!! 🤩😍 wishing you all the best as you continue to shine 🌟 sending love and light 💖
Jul 06Reply
stapleandtrend @live_love_shop0 Thanks! It's my first party, so I hope I do things right ✅
Jul 06Reply
stapleandtrend @mairymairy Thanks! It's my first party, so I hope I do things right ✅ Will check out your closet.
Jul 06Reply
stapleandtrend @proverbs2323 Oh a fellow Bible reader, how nice! My go-to is Romans 8:35-39, especially with all that's going on. Thanks for the well wishes! It's my first party, so I hope I do things right ✅ Will check out your closet.
Jul 06Reply
proverbs2323 @stapleandtrend Yes! I love the Bible!
Jul 06Reply
stapleandtrend @karinhausman Thanks for the well wishes! It's my first party, so I hope I do things right ✅ Will check out your closet.
Jul 06Reply
madamelagerfeld Hi! Congrats on Co-Hosting tonight’s party! I was wondering if you would consider picking an item from my closet as a host pick? That would be awesome!
Jul 07Reply
stapleandtrend @madamelagerfeld Thanks! Tag me in a few items from your closet that fit tomorrow's 12pm party theme, please?
Jul 07Reply
stapleandtrend @live_love_shop0 Thanks! Tag me in a few items from your closet that fit tomorrow's 12pm party theme, please?
Jul 07Reply
stapleandtrend @live_love_shop0 Thanks! Tag me in a few items from your closet that fit tomorrow's 12pm party theme, please?
Jul 07Reply
stapleandtrend @mairymairy Tag me in a few items from your closet that fit tomorrow's 12pm party theme, please?
Jul 07Reply
stapleandtrend @karinhausman Tag me in a few items from your closet that fit tomorrow's 12pm party theme, please?
Jul 07Reply
stapleandtrend @proverbs2323 Tag me in a few items from your closet that fit tomorrow's 12pm party theme, please?
Jul 07Reply
mairymairy @stapleandtrend I will, thank you! Good luck tomorrow!
Jul 07Reply
mairymairy @stapleandtrend thanks for all the shares & likes!! Good luck tomorrow, it will be great!
Jul 07Reply
clothes4cancer Happy Wednesday!!! I started an Instagram account for my Poshmark closet several months ago, & I’m so glad I came across your page. Looking forward to following you here & on Insta :)
Jul 07Reply
standoutstaples @stapleandtrend congratulations on co-hosting your 1st party! Wishing you all the best in new followers, shares, likes and sales! The most important thing prior to the party is to save your future Host Picks as likes or in bundles and preset a nice message with a quote template for your Host picks! Time will fly super fast (I co-hosted 4 parties in the past)! Good luck and most importantly: Have fun! xoxo Marina
Jul 07Reply
nicole_parr Congratulations on hosting!!!!! I’d be so grateful if you considered one of my listings for a host pick 💖🦋🥳🙏
Jul 07Reply
iclothes4u Congratulations on hosting the party today. Please take a peek in my closet for a possible host pick. Will be there to share host picks. Thanks and have fun!
Jul 07Reply
mela9 Party picks waiting at the top of my closet! Thanks for your consideration!
Jul 07Reply
stapleandtrend @mela9 Thanks, you made it easy.
Jul 07Reply
stapleandtrend @iclothes4u Thanks! Tag me in a few items from your closet that fit today's 12pm party theme, please?
Jul 07Reply
stapleandtrend @nicole_parr Thanks! Tag me in a few items from your closet that fit today's 12pm party theme, please?
Jul 07Reply
stapleandtrend @iclothes4u Thanks! Tag me in a few items from your closet that fit today's 12pm party theme, please?
Jul 07Reply
stapleandtrend @nicole_parr Thanks! Tag me in a few items from your closet that fit today's 12pm party theme, please?
Jul 07Reply
stapleandtrend @standoutstaples Thanks sooooo much! I needed this!!!
Jul 07Reply
stapleandtrend @clothes4cancer Thanks, followed you back on IG.
Jul 07Reply
stapleandtrend @clothes4cancer Also tag me on Posh with a few items from your closet that fit today's 12pm party theme, please?
Jul 07Reply
madamelagerfeld Hi! Congrats on co hosting today’s party! I was wondering if you would consider picking an item from my closet as a host pick? That would be awesome and id really appreciate it!🎉🎉🎉
Jul 07Reply
stapleandtrend @madamelagerfeld Thanks! Tag me in a few items from your closet that fit today's 12pm party theme, please?
Jul 07Reply
wishuponastyle CONGRATULATIONS on Hosting‼️🥳🎉🎈🍾🌸🤩💕 💫💐🎊❣️🤗 If you are still looking for🌟Host Picks🌟 I would greatly appreciate if you consider featuring an item from my closet @wishuponastyle . Sending you lots of Love 💖 and wishing you a fun and successful and party full of sales!! 🎉💗🥰💚🛍💐 💜✨🌈💙💥🤗🧡
Jul 07Reply
mariposadecampo CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR PARTY HOSTING!!!!! 🎊🎈⭐️🎊🎈⭐️🎊🎈⭐️🎊 I appreciate if you consider any of my listings for a Host Pick ;) 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Jul 07Reply
iclothes4u @stapleandtrend Thanks for considering my closet. 😘😘😘😘😘 tagged you on a few items. Sharing host picks.
Jul 07Reply
acelestialsoul 🙏🥳🏆Michael MICHAEL KORS & Wilfred🥰🎈📣
Jul 07Reply
fashionmix_1 🎈Hello and congratulations on co-hosting the party today!!!🎈I would be so grateful if you could check out my closet while considering HP🎈Thank you big time🎊🎊🎊
Jul 07Reply
dressscore @stapleandtrend Hi, hello, just another person asking for a Host Pick🙋 I take professional photos and would love to be considered! - Audrey
Jul 07Reply
stapleandtrend @dressscore Thanks! Tag me in a few items from your closet that fit today's 12pm party theme, please?
Jul 07Reply
stapleandtrend @nbobkova 🤩I chose this as one of my Host Picks in my very first Posh Party 🥳🎉🎊 Congratulations on your Host Pick🎯🥳  From @stapleandtrend. 
Jul 07Reply
stapleandtrend @nbobkova Actually meant to send you this: Tag me in a few items from your closet that fit today's 12pm party theme, please?
Jul 07Reply
stapleandtrend @wishuponastyle Thanks! Tag me in a few items from your closet that fit today's 12pm party theme, please?
Jul 07Reply
stapleandtrend @mariposadecampo Thanks! Tag me in a few items from your closet that fit today's 12pm party theme, please?
Jul 07Reply
fashionmix_1 @stapleandtrend Hi thank you so much, I just did!
Jul 07Reply
cutehosiery @stapleandtrend Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 23Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there 🥰 New Year New DEALS!!! I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals on everything for the new year!!! If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉
Jan 15Reply

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