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Updated Nov 13
Updated Nov 13

The girl behind the closet!


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Hello fellow gorgeous Poshaholics! I'm Ashleigh and welcome to my closet! I'm a makeup artist and CCMA by day, social butterfly by night. That's me and the absolute love of my life. Newly engaged!!!Never have I been so happy! Please let me know if there's something you're interested in, or something you'd like to know if I have. I have a LOT more goodies to post (coming soon!) please share/like anything that may interest you! ? thanks for stopping by!
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trivera7610 @summerbabe08080 you are beautiful hon love your closet, were you in Playboy if so that's awesome and a life I would love to live!!!! Iam 37 when I was 26 was diagnosed with MS I manage but some days are harder than others just saying I am a little jealous!!!!maybe my next life!!😘
Jul 06Reply
summerbabe08080 @trivera7610 oh my gosh you are so sweet! I was not in Playboy, just a costume ☺ thanks for the kind words, you made my day. I hope you had a great holiday!
Jul 06Reply
trivera7610 @summerbabe08080 Thanks hon I just speak from my heart you two look great!!your very attractive girl!!😉
Jul 06Reply
summerbabe08080 @trivera7610 you're a doll! 😘😘😘
Jul 06Reply
trivera7610 @summerbabe08080 oh Thank You that's sweet if you and thanks for the shares!!it sure helps😻
Jul 06Reply
summerbabe08080 @trivera7610 anytime girl 😃
Jul 06Reply
sochicboutique @summerbabe08080 hi hun I am selling an authentic pink Dior bag for a great price if you're interested. It's in excellent condition as well ☺🎀
Jul 09Reply
hooochietaco Hello love. Recently I have been struggling to pay bills and other finances. I am now opening my own buisness & was wondering if you can take a look at all of my iPhone 4/4S/5 cases. I have ordered and created these through a manufacturer and am selling them for a good price. Each case will be $14 on PayPal to allow me to make $10 and $4 for shipping. Please let me know if you're interested! Thank you so much.
Jul 13Reply
chic_786 You are stunning! 💙💙💙
Jul 13Reply
summerbabe08080 @chic_786 oh my gosh thank you so much, I was going to say the same about you! 😘
Jul 13Reply
summerbabe08080 @ladijustice30 can you please tell me what is going on? I've contacted Posh because I'm worried. Please respond to me. Thank you.
Jul 17Reply
summerbabe08080 @emdcloset OMG yay! Hello my gorgeous friend :)
Jul 18Reply
summerbabe08080 @carlee4727 hey girl!! Welcome to posh!
Mar 13Reply
erika3482 @summerbabe08080 you are gorgeous and I love your closet! I'm excited to look at it in more detail to see what I can find!
Oct 14Reply
summerbabe08080 @erika3482 you are so sweet!! I really appreciate that. I was just looking thru yours cute. I haven't listed much in a while. Most of my items have sold. I'll be posting new stuff soon, though ;)
Oct 14Reply
erika3482 @summerbabe08080 no problem doll 😀! You still have a lot of nice things. I will be posting new items soon.
Oct 14Reply
summerbabe08080 @erika3482 I love posh, it's so much fun!! I'll keep an eye out :)
Oct 14Reply
beaudeeaddictxo 😘😘😘
Mar 03Reply
summerbabe08080 @beaudeeaddictxo omg hey girl!! 💜💙💚 welcome 😍
Mar 03Reply
beaudeeaddictxo Thanks! Love all your goodies.
Mar 03Reply
summerbabe08080 @beaudeeaddictxo thanks Lovey! I'm excited to see everything you post!! Remember when we traded bags before Apps like this existed?! I forget what your bag was, i remember mine was the white Bebe bag and wallet. Loved that bag :)
Mar 03Reply
beaudeeaddictxo Yes I remember! I think mine was the Amber lv bag. That was kinda see thru. It was super cute! I'm excited to see everything you post as well. Maybe we can do a trade or something :)
Mar 03Reply
summerbabe08080 @beaudeeaddictxo omg I remember now! I love that bag and I still wear it in the summer sometimes!! And yes we totally can 👌 I never would do a trade with anyone otherwise. I'm so afraid people can easily rip you off. I did do it once with this other girl that had tons of feedback but it's scary!
Mar 03Reply
beaudeeaddictxo Yes I can imagine. Since you don't know people. Unless they have good feedback.
Mar 03Reply
chimera76 The Aldo wedges are still for sale.. If you'd like to repost your offer I will accept. I didn't see it otherwise I would have accepted.. 😉😉
Sep 11Reply
summerbabe08080 @shanamra aw thanks so much! You and your little boy are beautiful too, love that hat! And it's all good:)
Mar 27Reply
curated4you Hi There - I'm not sure I made myself clear in the listing for the Tiffany Blue Kate Spade bag in my closet. If you are still interested in it lets see if we can work something out? 🎀
Jul 25Reply
summerbabe08080 @curated4you Oh yes I would love to purchase, but unfortunately I can't afford that beauty at the moment. :( I should've mentioned this. Sorry about that!
Jul 25Reply
curated4you Lol - not a worry. I shop (wish) like that too! 🎀
Jul 25Reply
sarahr42 ahhhh! Sorry about all this! Worst case scenario- I'll just ask you to send her the package you have & If she's too inconvenienced to send you yours I'll make sure Posh refunds you ASAP. 😞
Aug 09Reply
summerbabe08080 @sarahr42 not your fault! Stupid post office. Ugh. If she is "too inconvenienced" to send mine to me I definitely don't think she deserves hers. I'm pissed off:( not at you, her.
Aug 09Reply
summerbabe08080 @sarahr42 she's been away, great good for her. So was I. She never mentioned that she'd be away.
Aug 09Reply
sarahr42 Hey beautiful. PoshSupport sent me a message stating they refunded you for the item you tried purchasing from me, feel free to keep the item you did receive or re-posh it lol sorry about all this 😞
Aug 14Reply
summerbabe08080 @sarahr42 I'm so sad :( why is this girl being such a dick?! You did nothing wrong and are as innocent as I am. Now also you are out two items ?!?!
Aug 14Reply
summerbabe08080 @thesethingsrock thanks for being such a huge pain in the ass, and jerking both Sarah and I around for weeks now. I was extremely excited for that sleep set that I'm guessing you decided to keep for yourself.
Aug 14Reply
summerbabe08080 @thesethingsrock I'm going to return the item that you purchased from @sarahr42 to her. At least then she will be screwed out of one item instead of two. I hope you enjoy the set that I searched for FOREVER!! GRRRRR I HOPE THEY SHUT YOUR ACCOUNT DOWN!!!!
Aug 14Reply
dcelis You are gorgeous & an adorable couple. Yours eyes beaming w/ absolute love. Congratulations on your engagement. Much love to you & your's. 😍💖😘
Aug 14Reply
dcelis *Your
Aug 14Reply
sarahr42 If you know someone who can benefit from it, then feel free to gift it. I don't want you spending the money to send it back to me 💜 & I REALLY really hope you have success finding the outfit in the future & I'm super sorry this all happened. Also, Thanks for being so sweet through all of this...It's been a HUGE learning experience/lesson learned for me on here lol. ☺️
Aug 14Reply
thesethingsrock I don't want your items at all why would I keep something that doesn't belong to me I also don't understand why I'm being harassed by you too it was not my mistake that she sent you the wrong item at this point I've been contacting posh because I've never gotten a label because of my updated email
Aug 15Reply
thesethingsrock and I've asked for it to be resent this is ridiculous Being that I know her address I'll just send it back to her as you said please stop harassing me for something that isn't my doing in the first
Aug 15Reply
thesethingsrock And I don't want your pajamas you'll get them don't worry
Aug 15Reply
summerbabe08080 @dcelis thank you SO MUCH for your kind words. What a sweetheart! :)
Aug 16Reply
summerbabe08080 @thesethingsrock both Sarah and I were extremely patient and only until recently did we hear from you. You were completely unresponsive and not helpful at all. You failed to communicate your intentions so that is why I got upset. You responded once or twice but that was pretty much it. I get that people are busy but it's been almost 3 weeks now!
Aug 16Reply
thesethingsrock Item is on its way to you...
Aug 16Reply
summerbabe08080 @thesethingsrock thank you very much:) sorry I got so upset.. I will mail your item out to you tomorrow!
Aug 17Reply
addiegrageda Hi Ashleigh, all 4 of your NUXE oils should be at your doorstop tomorrow! Sorry for the delay, I have spent the last two days looking for my lost cat in the neighborhood so I thank you for your patience! Also, apologies if I spelled your name wrong on the package! Enjoy the oils, Addie
Aug 18Reply
summerbabe08080 @addiegrageda Oh nooooooo I am very sorry for you. I love cats so very much and I would be devastated to lose one. I do hope you find your baby. Please let me know that you found him/her. I appreciate the update, and positive thoughts you find them asap :(
Aug 18Reply
summerbabe08080 @thesethingsrock for some reason I can't locate your leggings, my room is a total mess but they ARE here, somewhere. I just have to find them. I wanted to be honest, and update you. I'm going to dig for them furiously tonight, with hopes I can ship them tomorrow. I'm sorry about this after I made a stink! But I promise I will keep you 100% in the loop...
Aug 18Reply
summerbabe08080 @sarahr42 can you believe all this 😂 also I want to make sure that you get your money after all this is over?!
Aug 18Reply
sarahr42 Bahhahahhah! Omgosh 😂 well I'm glad you are going to get your package afterall but mannnnn...what an experience 🙈🙈 too bad you live so far away- we need a jug of margaritas. 🍹🍹
Aug 18Reply
addiegrageda thank you for your support and good thoughts Ashleigh! It is much appreciated. She is still amiss and we are all very sad coping with her absence. My dog waits still for her to come home every night😿🐾🐶😿 on a brighter note, have your oils arrived today?
Aug 18Reply
summerbabe08080 @addiegrageda that's heart breaking 😢😢😢 how old is she? What's her name? I haven't checked the mail yet, but I will let you know:)
Aug 18Reply
summerbabe08080 @sarahr42 where are you from again darling? I think I might make myself a Margarita now!
Aug 18Reply
summerbabe08080 @sarahr42 and I'm happy too!! I just feel like an a hole now, because I have misplaced this girls package. Lol. It's here somewhere, of course. So much time went by that my room has hidden it from me lol.
Aug 18Reply
sarahr42 Sunny Scottsdale ☀️😍 & don't feel like an Ahole! It took her 3 friggen weeks to get back to us on the status of what was going on...I'm sure waiting 24hrs or so won't kill her 😉
Aug 19Reply
summerbabe08080 @sarahr42 oh I am so jealous I bet it's amazing out there!!! I live in a crappy Country Town in northeast Pennsylvania 😧 and you are so funny, I'm grateful that she mailed it! And I suppose you're right but I still feel like an idiot lol.
Aug 19Reply
addiegrageda ah, I see it arrived at your UPS location, it will be at your door tomorrow! And she is 12, her name is Yuki. It's means 'snow' because she is all is with a heavy heart that I write about her in present tense, I want to stay positive! Thank you for your love and concern Ashleigh, it means a lot!!!!😿🐾😿Please come homes Yukes💕🐾💕
Aug 19Reply
summerbabe08080 @addiegrageda thanks for checking, sweetie. I have 2 that are both 11, another set that are almost 2 now, that I got when I had my own apartment, brought them back to mom & dad's. That's a very cute name. 12 isn't that old. Have you put up posters? My fiance's cat went missing and he put up a poster in his apartment bldg. An old lady took her in because the weather was bad. I really do hope you find her. I am a huge animal lover and have a special place in my heart for kitties 😽
Aug 19Reply
addiegrageda aww thanks😸😽 yes, we spoke with all the neighbors and posted signs, sadly there is another cat missing who lived a few houses down from us. 😞There are coyotes in our neighborhood so we are all very concerned about them both, plus the safety of our other small animals now! Hopefully she is just couped up at a neighbors yard somewhere hiding or on an adventure with that other cat.😼 Thanks so much again, it's so nice to receive such warm thoughts and concerns. Everyone just wants them home!😫🙏🏼🐾
Aug 19Reply
summerbabe08080 @addiegrageda nooooo, coyotes?! And you're welcome darling, you seem like such a doll. Keep your chin up! I'll be thinking of you!
Aug 19Reply
addiegrageda yup, coyotes. 🙀🐺😞 I live in southern Cali and they're in our neighborhoods, not even the raccoons come by as much! Thanks girl, I'm glad your fiancé was reunited with his cat!! I fear luck is not on our furry friends side😿 Like I said, the neighborhood is all upset!!😓😓 Hug your kitties and keep them close! I wish we were more cautious with our Yuki🐱💕🐱
Aug 19Reply
summerbabe08080 @addiegrageda my heart breaks for you darling 😿😿😿 it's not your fault, cats love to play outside as it's their nature... how long has it been? There may still be hope <3
Aug 19Reply
addiegrageda thanks so much again for all your love and positive thoughts for Yuki! she's still missing, she left late Sat night and we all miss her. She was truly a unique and beautiful cat with an unforgettable personality. She is terribly missed😓😭🐱😫😿😿 I'm glad you like the oils, I am personally addicted to the way it makes my skin shimmery and soft. Enjoy💕
Aug 20Reply
summerbabe08080 @addiegrageda it's always been my favorite too! It smells amazing, and makes you glow like a goddess. 😍 Did Yuki turn up? Please let me know if she does. So sad :'(
Aug 24Reply
summerbabe08080 @katakcan hey stalker. Lolol
Aug 24Reply
summerbabe08080 @katakcan lmao! I went on a spending spree because I sold a few things 😍😍😍 how can you see what I'm buying?
Aug 24Reply
summerbabe08080 @katakcan Oh of course lol. You're funny. Stalker!!
Aug 25Reply
summerbabe08080 @thesethingsrock do you have a tracking number? I still haven't received it...
Aug 25Reply
thesethingsrock Uh yeah I rerouted my shipment after the last message thought if when you found it that would be best
Aug 26Reply
summerbabe08080 @thesethingsrock I understand, it's fine. At least I am honest and communicating clearly with you. I've been swamped as I've recently become a caregiver to my grandfather so I haven't had much time to look for them. But like I said, they are there. I just have to find them.
Aug 26Reply
thesethingsrock Ok no problem just let me know there still packaged
Aug 27Reply
summerbabe08080 @thesethingsrock thanks girl, I really appreciate it, my parents are sleeping in my room for the time being and I'm in the guest room (bc my grandfather is in my parents bedroom on the first floor) lol its a big mess, so I have to wait till the morning to look again. But I will tear apart my room and find the leggings:)
Aug 27Reply
thesethingsrock Ok great np
Aug 28Reply
summerbabe08080 @thesethingsrock BEHOLD ! I have FOUND THE LEGGINGS!!! They were in the guest room closet, my mom must've put it in there during all the drama. I can finally ship tomorrow. :) Can you post a photo with a tracking # or something?
Aug 29Reply
summerbabe08080 @thesethingsrock or maybe thru posh, it always gives notification and tracking etc. Let me know, thanks girl. I can do the same.
Aug 29Reply
thesethingsrock Im sorry for the late response i can ship tomm for you
Aug 31Reply
summerbabe08080 @thesethingsrock but I got an email saying you mailed it ??
Aug 31Reply
summerbabe08080 @thesethingsrock why do you keep jerking me around 😢😢😢 I shipped your leggings yesterday, I hope I don't regret it!
Aug 31Reply
summerbabe08080 @thesethingsrock My uncle is a cop in New York. It wouldn't take more than a phone call to have him stop by your place to take care of the situation. You really wouldn't want petty theft by unlawful taking on your record, would you?
Sep 02Reply
sarahr42 Hey beautiful! Did you ever receive that set? 💜💜
Sep 03Reply
summerbabe08080 @sarahr42 nope :( I'm so sad. And you are out of your things. Is posh going to rectify the situation on your end ? This is beyond ridiculous. Thanks for checking in :)
Sep 03Reply
sarahr42 That's weird! I received two emails saying that both of you had sent them (to each other) on the 29th?! So I just wanted to check in. 😞
Sep 03Reply
summerbabe08080 @sarahr42 I actually got an email saying she shipped mine. I was going to send hers but I didn't last minute bc I worry that I'll ship her package and never hear from her again. I swear I'm going to have my uncle (hes actually a cop in NY, where she's from!) handle the situation. They would never deal with such a petty incident normally, but what she is doing is legally considered theft by unlawful taking. (Basically, keeping what isn't yours!) I've just about HAD it with this girl!!
Sep 04Reply
sarahr42 Honestly I'm happy you haven't sent hers yet. & I am really surprised that Posh has continued to allow her to have an account here after all this, but c'est la vie. Lol. I'd totally send my family to handle this, if I had some there too! Ha. I wish there was more I can do 😞 But ultimately I'm glad we have been able to get along through this shitty process. Speaks volumes of your character! ☺️💜
Sep 04Reply
thesethingsrock Lol these threats is absolutely ridiculous i work alot and i dont know when ill have free time i shipped them out before right after your threats and you lost my items which all i have proof of if your uncle does in fact work in nyc he can pick it up if its that serious id be happy to give him my name number etc
Sep 04Reply
thesethingsrock otherwise ill be shipping them out Tuesday morning because of the holiday please stop threatening me or i will not keep you updated and ship them back to the seller i spent to much out of my pocket for this crap for being nice and its taking up my time a patients
Sep 04Reply
summerbabe08080 @thesethingsrock it's been what, 6 weeks now? Everyone has busy lives. There's absolutely no excuse. You said you'd mail it a week ago, and have done nothing but jerk me around !! I wish you would mail it back to the seller, because @sarahr42 would actually send it to me !! I've run out of patience!! Do the right thing and mail me the package. You wasted your own time, mine and Sarah's. Why you continue you frustrate and dick around is beyond me.
Sep 05Reply
summerbabe08080 @sarahr42 you are so sweet, that means so much! You my darling are very professional and have been nothing but cooperative and friendly! Wish you did live closer, those margaritas are sounding better and better!! Lol!
Sep 05Reply
summerbabe08080 @thesethingsrock and I didn't lose your item. I have it, was completely crystal clear that they were found, and simply misplaced during the confusion currently at my household. You are ridiculous! And my uncle is a cop not in your neighborhood but the upper east side. like I said he would do me a favor given all the grief you've caused. If you don't mail my package by Tuesday with a tracking number then I will get him involved. I'm beyond tired of this.
Sep 05Reply
thesethingsrock Lol anyways whats the traking number to the item youve sent and ill send mine in return
Sep 06Reply
summerbabe08080 @thesethingsrock I waited because I don't trust you'll send mine. How do I know you won't screw me over ?
Sep 06Reply
summerbabe08080 @thesethingsrock you know what i don't care anymore. I will get your package and take it to the post office right now. Because it's the right thing to do.
Sep 06Reply
thesethingsrock Keep the package im also guessing you lied about shipping it too wow ok just email me im annoyed
Sep 06Reply
summerbabe08080 @sarahr42 well, I shipped her package today. And after everything she ended up f*ing me over 😢😢😢😢😢
Sep 07Reply
summerbabe08080 @sarahr42 I'm so upset. I've emailed Posh but I'm sure they will just say it's out of their hands. She's blocked me... maybe you could try messaging her? I'm going to file a police report this week also.
Sep 07Reply
sarahr42 Apparently I'm blocked too? @thesethingsrock unblock me so I can purchase your listing so I can have this package sent back to me. Thanks.
Sep 07Reply
summerbabe08080 @margaretlee hey girl, I love my shirt! I just wanted to ask you a quick question whenever you have a chance but I didn't want to post it in my rating, can you email me when you have a moment? Ashleigh.lawrence1 at yahoo . com
Sep 27Reply
thekogs Okay well if you use Ⓜ️I could go lower
Oct 14Reply
vprominski @summerbabe08080 and you are beautiful too!! 😘 and congrats on your engagement💍 how exciting, I wish you the best! 💗💕💕
Oct 27Reply
muddypuddles Hi there! 💝 The Wildfox romper is very stretchy. Here are the approx measurements: Shoulder to waistband: 18", waist to hem: 9 1/2". Armpit to armpit: 19". I hope this helped 💖😇
Nov 07Reply
summerbabe08080 @muddypuddles since you commented here and not the item I had trouble locating it quickly. While trying to find it I found another BNWT for 60. I'm sorry. Thank you for your help. I'm not trying to be a jerk just wanted to explain so it doesn't happen in the future for you. I hope you understand what I mean :)
Nov 07Reply
muddypuddles No problem whatsoever 🎀💗😇💖💝
Nov 07Reply
summerbabe08080 @muddypuddles I also totally didn't think to go directly to your page. But again commenting on the item eliminates any confusion:)
Nov 07Reply
muddypuddles No worries, whatsoever. I was having troube tagging you for some reason which is why I went straight to your profile 😇💖 I'm glad you found one, though. It's so cute, and I'm trying to sell it so I can get another in my size 👭💖🎀
Nov 08Reply
summerbabe08080 @muddypuddles ahhhhh that makes sense. Sorry for the confusion. I was in such a rush bc I know how quickly WF items can sell out! I was shocked to find one in a M as well, which I think is actually perfect for me. What size are you looking for?
Nov 08Reply
fashiontko I just love it when I meet someone on here who is so sweet...and beautiful!! Congratulations on getting engaged!! Such a fun time in your life. Wishing you all the best!!
Nov 11Reply
summerbabe08080 @fashiontko awwwwwww ME TOO! Thank you so much! You're adorable. Your compliment made my day:))
Nov 11Reply
jeanhall34 Thanks for shopping my closet. Sorry no lower on bridal set. Lowest due to any lower I lose money. Happy Poshing😊
Dec 08Reply
summerbabe08080 @jeanhall34 Oh I understand, thank u anyway:)
Dec 08Reply
jeanhall34 @summerbabe08080 thanks for looking😁
Dec 08Reply
374gatorgirl Great seller!!! Had to do purchase outside I'd poshmark and she got the shoes to me so quick!! They were perfect and great price!!!!
Dec 19Reply
summerbabe08080 @slave_to_love hi!! Thanks so much doll!!
Jan 03Reply
olychka @summerbabe08080 sorry hun its not available for sale yet... I will tag you when I have them:))
Jan 23Reply
summerbabe08080 @olychka ah okay thanks girl!
Jan 23Reply
olychka Hi! You purchased a pajama set from me yesterday and before I send it out I just want to let you know that after inspecting it again I saw there was no Wildfox tag on them but the material is still good. I understand if you want to cancel the order, just wanted to let you know because I would never wanna mislead you. If you still want it, I can sell it for you 15$ because 32$ is way overpriced for something that's not actually Wildfox.
Feb 07Reply
olychka Let me know and I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may caused you 😞
Feb 07Reply
summerbabe08080 @olychka ouch yes pls I would like to cancel...
Feb 07Reply
summerbabe08080 @olychka I'm not sure how you could not know that they were not authentic Wildfox...😒 But I appreciate you letting me know. I would let the others know as well.
Feb 07Reply
olychka @summerbabe08080 I'm sorry I was mislead by the person who supplied me this set. I just wanted to let you know.
Feb 07Reply
sequinstiletto Hi there! I accepted your offer for the Juicy Set but it seems Posh is having trouble processing your payment? Please let me know if you still want the set 😊
Feb 18Reply
summerbabe08080 @olychka awwww sorry girl, I just saw your message now, I must've missed it in my notifications. Thanks for letting me know. :)
Feb 22Reply
olychka @summerbabe08080 its ok no worries 😉
Feb 22Reply
summerbabe08080 @sequinstiletto ugh! I'm so sorry about that. I had some issues with my paycheck not depositing when it was supposed to. I hope they will still be there in a few days!
Feb 22Reply
sequinstiletto @summerbabe08080 gotcha, ok no prob! Lemme know! 😊
Feb 22Reply
dazzlingsoul @summerbabe08080 hi👋🏼please visit my closet when you have a chance I have some lovely items that might tickle your fancy 🌸looking forward your visit 😊thanks
Mar 21Reply
summerbabe08080 @kugelschreiber oh thanks so much! I actually should probably update this because I've since tied the knot! 💍👰🏼🤵🏼
Sep 12Reply
summerbabe08080 @kugelschreiber thank you so much!! You're very very sweet. I really love chatting with you:)
Sep 13Reply
spreadlove Hi! I️ know there are many closets but I’d be grateful if you check out mine. Either way I️ was just stopping in the say hello. Have a great day!
Feb 01Reply
summerbabe08080 @spreadlove hi! Checked out your closet. Thx for viewing mine!
Feb 02Reply
summerbabe08080 @katakcan lol yes my little goober?
Feb 18Reply
loungeinluxe Hi Babe Been meaning to say Hello 👋💕❤️ Just added to my boutique! And big SALE on selected items ! Would love for you to take a 👀 looksie ! 😚 Happy poshing !!! Xoxo Mindy
Feb 26Reply
juss2fresh @summerbabe08080 Thank you so much for the likes! I accept all reasonable offers and offer great bundle discounts 20% bundles and or private offers ! Please let me know if you have any questions💗TY for visiting my closet
Apr 02Reply
summerbabe08080 @vbirmin1 hey vicki! just wanted to check and see if you got the other eye mask i sent ya. hope you're doing well amidst all this madness. 😓
Mar 26Reply
ashleymarpaux @mylovejewelry thanks so much hon! definitely do!! I'll check yours out too!
Mar 26Reply
cutehosiery @summerbabe08080 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 14Reply

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Last Active: Feb 20 2023

Morgantown, PA
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Last Active: Feb 20 2023

Morgantown, PA
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