The story behind the closet- @karconsigns
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I've been on Poshmark for 7 yrs so i've kinda grown up on this platform as weird as that is to say. I love this site just as much as i did from the beginning- it's a great community and i've had lots of fun. I'm a keeper of many hobbies, master of none. I believe wholeheartedly that generosity and kindness are the only things that matter at the end of the day. We only have one life to live and I refuse to waste any of my precious moments hurting or ruining someone else's day.

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Great closet I wish I found this a while ago, I used to be a teacher who worked with children with disabilities just the opposite of you. Challenging but so rewarding. I miss it a lot. Great write up...Happy Holidays :-)
Dec 23Reply

@toomanythings That's awesome!! Love meeting other people with similar career paths. I started in the school environment-- helping a teenager with autism in after school care and therapy. I agree with you... Challenging but SO rewarding. I always say that my clients are the best part of my job, I learn more from them than they do from me I swear. I'm sure you know that as a teacher, No doubt a very hard role but so important and gratifying to be a part of these awesome kids and their lives. Happy Holidays!! ❄️🌲⛄️
Dec 23Reply

You are a great person and will get far in life for being open minded and genuine.
Jan 03Reply

@neon_resale Thank you so much!! That is really kind of you to say and the same sentiments apply to you. Happy new year!! 🎉😃💕
Jan 04Reply

🎀🎀 hooray Seattle !! Hi I am Kim/@keg90 - my initials (not a beer drinker🍻 ) love our PNW but love the sun!! Thanks for sharing - 💞 drop in anytime. 👀 happy poshing!
Jan 13Reply

@keg90 Thanks for stopping by and saying Hi! 🙋 Always enjoy meeting another PNWer ☔️💕 And of course always happy to share. Cheers!! 🍻🎉😉
Jan 13Reply

Jan 25Reply

@cristinak1212 Thank you!! that is so sweet of you to say 😘💕
Jan 25Reply

@cagedbirdfly so nice to meet u. It looks beautiful where u live. I was just sharing as a Ty for ur purchase. Please go to my closet & meet me. It took me almost 2 yrs to put up the Figured it was time.
Feb 18Reply

@hopevanessa Hi Hope I appreciate you reaching out to me but I'm actually no longer interested in the Coach crossbody. Thanks! 😊🎀
Feb 21Reply

@cagedbirdfly Hooray!! Another WA posher!! 💚💙💚💙☔️⛅️☕️🌲 Nice to meet you! :) 💕
Feb 22Reply

@bevans91 Thanks Brittani nice to meet you too!! 😃💕👍
Feb 22Reply

@cagedbirdfly Hi Karissa. Hope u r well. Ty so much for sharing last night. U know I truly appreciate it. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Feb 24Reply

💖💖Another posher from Seattle!! Woot woot! @trichel @lilacrose @cassandraknox @alexalondon @gordomom @kc1101 @keg90 @allthingskate @panela05 @glamiam8 @shopgirl05 @kparedes I hope I'm not forgetting anyone!! 💖💖💖
Feb 25Reply

@cagedbirdfly - hello again!! 😊 @andine - we have already met & I assumed you all knew each other @posh @ellebee206 @kc1101
Feb 25Reply

@cagedbirdfly. Welcome to Posh Karissa!😊. I hope you have a great time Poshing with everyone here! Have fun!
Feb 25Reply

@andine Woohoo all the Seattleites!! 🎉 Didn't know several of you were from Seattle 😃💕
Feb 25Reply

@keg90 Hey Kim!! Nice to see you again 😃👍
Feb 25Reply

@kc1101 Thank you Kristi!! 😃🎉 And I love Poshmark- it's the most wonderfully addicting app on earth 💕👍
Feb 25Reply

@cagedbirdfly Its the crazy fun here! Hope to meet you at one of our little get together nights!
Feb 25Reply

@kc1101 Aww that would be great- thank you!! 😃💕
Feb 25Reply

Feb 25Reply

Hello from a fellow North-westerner. it's nice to meet you😊
Feb 25Reply

@cagedbirdfly Nice to meet you, Karissa. It's always great to find fellow home girlz! 😍. I'm keeping a Seattle area posher list and you are now on it! Hopefully, I can get something going in May. I will definitely let you know. Btw- love your closet. 💕💕. Keep in touch. Happy poshing!
Feb 25Reply

Thank you Anne, for the introduction! 😍😍 @andine
Feb 25Reply

@cassandraknox Thank you so much Cassandra!! 😘👍 I definitely won't be a stranger 🌻💕
Feb 25Reply

Nice to meet you Karissa! Shared your beautiful closet! Thnx for the tag @andine 😘
Feb 25Reply

@cagedbirdfly too cool ! I used to work juvenile probation and corrections In San Francisco before I had my babies ! Your work is highly draining and often times under appreciated !
Mar 01Reply

@3bugmama Hey Savannah! Oh wow had no idea you had a social work background also 😃 Yeah this line of work is not for the faint of heart. I always comment on the type of person it takes to care and advocate for others for a living and it's a unique group of spirited and resilient individuals for sure! I cannot imagine corrections though- that's an area I could never see myself in. I use to work as a domestic violence advocate and there was far more trauma turmoil in that line of work than the population I work with presently 🌻💕
Mar 01Reply

@cagedbirdfly you're completely right ! It takes a certain breed of human to get and stay in the field and I feel like over time people quickly find their niche in the system . I never imagined myself working in the field , I did psych and child development at uc Davis and took an internship with the probation department instead of taking another class right before graduation and fell in love with it . Was hired on as soon as I graduated and worked 3.5 years before I had my babes. It definitely preps you to deal with any type of personality in this world ! Good luck to you and thank you for all you do for the community !
Mar 01Reply

@3bugmama And even though the package said it was delivered today I did not receive it 😕 I just went out to the mailbox to double check. So strange because I got another Poshmarker's package. I hope it will be delivered tomorrow I don't know what's going on! 👎
Mar 01Reply

Hi.. I just had to comment.. A short story... I live in cincinnati Ohio.. When I turned 18 I was pulled over for leaving a turn signal on.. I was only running to a food place so I grabbed money an keys an hit the door!!
Upon being pulled over I was asked my info seeings as I had no DL because my purse was left at home.. Atv18 yrs old no kids yet.. Purses was left behind regularly!!! ☺️. So I gave my info to the cop! He said ok where u from? I said here! Born an raised! He said ....Lol I will never forget how scared I was!!
He said "if you think lies will keep you from going to jail they WONT!! Are you wanted! Got a warrent!?? I said (omg no!!) he said "YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER IS FROM SEATTLE !! So YOU ARE TELLING LIES ABOUT WHERE YOUR FROM!!" I thought WHAT? This guys NUTS! He puts me in back the car, runs my plates! I'm balling like a baby!!
Then my mom calls my phone! I told her I was in back a cop car going to jail because the cop thinks I'm hiding something about where I'm from😭😣😭😢she said to put her on speaker so I did!! An I sat there an listen while my mom explained to him that when SHE was 19 and I was only 2mnths old she ran to Seattle with a women's group called "heart" an that's where she had to file for my social security number at! He let me go I went home and she showed me all these pics where she was hanging out with these band chics an said she never showed me before because it was her "wild days" an she wasn't proud of them.. So yeah Hun I seen your from Seattle I had to look at your pics to see hat that place looks like☺️hope this wasn't too stupid of a story😳
Mar 02Reply

@3bugmama Thanks for all the shares love!! Sorry I haven't gotten back to you- I had the worst 24 hour stomach flu today that basically left me unable to move. I just slept all day. I wanted to let you know that I so appreciate your generosity and kindness offering that cardigan to me but that you in no way owe me anything!! Hope your weekend has been lovely 🌻💕
Mar 09Reply

@cagedbirdfly I'm so
Sorry you were feeling crappy . I think the stomach flu has to be one of the worst things ever , just so debilitating . Hope you are feeling completely better very soon. Please don't ever stress about returning the shares ! I really feel so bad about what happened to the sweater that im trying to make it up in other ways 😜
Mar 09Reply

And yeah Seahawks!!!
Mar 20Reply

@malikai1 Haha Go Hawks! 💙💚
Mar 20Reply

Hey girl...I saw your purchased a cute black and white free people dress from Madison...if for some reason the dress doesn't work for you..let me know! Have a good night!
Mar 22Reply

@marcialafferty Hey Marcia! I appreciate you reaching out to me but for the time being I'm not planning on listing the dress as I love it. Hope you're able to find it again and I'll let you know if I change my mind! 🌻💕
Mar 22Reply

No problem I understand! :)
Mar 22Reply

You are so adorable and what a wonderful career you have! Blessings!! Xoxo
Apr 20Reply

Love your write up. Gratitude is so important!
May 25Reply

@janet0103 Thank you! That is so sweet of you to say and I completely agree. I'm still very much learning to count my blessings and be grateful instead of focusing on the negative things of life 👍💕
May 25Reply

Karissa, I love this.. My sister has Autism and Downs Syndrome and people like you make ALL the difference in their lives🙏 I will be forever grateful to "earth angels" like you that take the time to care and open their hearts to people like my sis❤️ They may not always be able to express their appreciation and love for you but believe me, you are most likely the owner of a big piece of their hearts... God Bless you for all you do!!
Jul 11Reply

Hi!!! Nice to meet you!! I'm Jillian..I am also a Social Worker and during my day job, I also work with individuals with Intellectual Disabilities in NY. Have always wanted to see Seattle. Nice to meet you!!
Jul 11Reply

@anoliver Thank you so much for your kind words Angela you do not know how much that means to me!!! 😃💕 My field is no doubt one few people understand or care to understand but I feel rewarded every single day in my interactions with clients and the way they enrich my life. I'm better for them and the way they've taught me to see the world much more than the other way around!! 😉👍 💕
Jul 12Reply

I totally get it👍 I worked part time doing the same thing for many years- no amount of money or prestige could give you what those gentle spirits can❤️ But you are so right, it's a calling that only very special people seem to get, that's why I know without a doubt that you are a truly beautiful soul❤️ I really hope you receive blessings tenfold what you have given others!!🙏
Jul 12Reply

@cagedbirdfly ! Karissa, just wanted to say Hi! Got a job about a month ago & really enjoy it-- I wanted to say I appreciate the kindness & time you spent chatting with me a few months back. Hooray on your party & go Seattle !!
Jul 14Reply

@keg90 That is SUCH great news Kim!! Honestly makes my day to hear that 👏💕🎉 Thank you so much and congrats to you also!! 😃🎉 I'm always open to a good chat and I hope we get the chance to meet at a Posh gathering some day 👍💕
Jul 14Reply

@cagedbirdfly Hi Karissa it's great to "posh" meet you. I truly believe that your career is a calling. You have to be so understanding and love what you do. I'm a teacher and majored in psychology, I had thought of going I to your field but ended up teaching. I think that teaching was meant for me. Thank you for the wonderful job you do!😊💞👏👏
Jul 19Reply

Hey Karissa! You're not only fashionable, but you have a heart of gold. The work you do is amazing, and so needed! It takes a unique person with compassion and humility to do this work. Wishing you the best of success on Posh and beyond! 💐✌️💜
Jul 25Reply

@concept Thank you Melissa!! That is so incredible sweet of you to reach out and say 😘🎀 My field is certainly not without its challenges and sacrifices but honestly the work can be so rewarding and where I work, the clients are happy each and every day to see me and you really can't beat that feeling of meaning something to someone and visa versa. They've "helped" me more than I could ever "help" them 😉✌️
Jul 25Reply

@cagedbirdfly hi karissa! just wanted to thank you for the amazing work you do; as the older sister of a young adult with developmental disabilities - my brother is autistic - I have to tell you how much your work helps the lives not only of the individuals you work with, but their families as well. my brother means the world to me, and the people who help him do, too. thank you so much for devoting your life to such deserving individuals - their families (and mine!) thank you enormously.
Jul 26Reply

Yay another tall girl! 😊😊 lovely closet hun! 💖
Jul 26Reply

Very nice!!
Jul 27Reply

Hope to meet you during one of my visits! I'm up there about once a month to visit my mom. ���
Jul 31Reply

Hope to meet you during one of my visits! I'm up there about once a month to visit my mom. 🌻
Jul 31Reply

awesome bio sweetie! :)
Aug 04Reply

@bellanblue Thank you Jennifer that is so sweet of you to say! ⭐️💕
Aug 04Reply

@ridinghood13 Thank you Jen! That is so sweet of you to say ⭐️💕
Aug 11Reply

@ridinghood13 Thank you and same to you!! ✌️💕
Aug 11Reply

Love your closet! I also used to teach children with special needs. I'm so encouraged to hear that you love your job. I know your it is not easy but you are amazing! 😘 it's so great to meet you!
Aug 19Reply

@mrs_anderson An easy job it is definitely not. I could never work with kids so I admire you greatly for doing so. The adults I work with are awesome, but there are challenges everyday and also great rewards. Thank you I love your closet too! ⭐️💕
Aug 19Reply

Thanks friend.. Yes I love children and admire you for working with adults! 😂 it's crazy how different we all are. But it was so great to meet you on here!
Aug 19Reply

I just started grad school for my MSW :-) Great closet!
Sep 04Reply

@lhabat Hey Laura! That's awesome, that's what I'm hoping to go back for next Fall. How are you liking it so far?
Sep 04Reply

@cagedbirdfly hi girl! Did you receive the thermal?
Sep 29Reply

cutie pie...
Oct 03Reply

Hi Karissa! Nice to "meet" you! I still think of Seattle as home, since I lived there 1.5 years as a kid and then for 14 years for college onward. SPU alum! Having worked in the nonprofit sector most of my career on the communication and fundraising side, I know what a vital difference your work makes to each person you serve. Also a volunteer with various charities (Childhaven? KidREACH?), I've helped some of the children for which you care. A few hours once a week filled me up, blessed me, AND wore me out! Many blessings and much energy to you in your calling! And say "hi" to Starbucks, the needle, Queen Anne Hill, Mt. Rainier, the waterfront . . . I could go on and on! What a cool city. Hope to bump into you again on Posh!
Oct 12Reply

Hey! I will ship when I get back in town, I'm currently on vacation in Hawaii but I will return in 3 days. Sorry for the delay!
Feb 15Reply

Mar 31Reply

Great bio💕✌️
Apr 25Reply

@thrifter Thank you 😘
Apr 25Reply

Cute doggie too! Did you get the corrected version with the $40?
Sorry to be such a newbie......
Feb 05Reply

I can’t believe we never met! I’m marian Wanted to say hi because your reviews are amazing! And not minding my business but someone selling things as antique gets them wholesale. Just saying.. sorry 😐 Anyway had to come visit your closet and I hear ya! January 2013 OMG me too!
Feb 12Reply

@maidmarian Hi but who selling wholesale items are you referring to? Sorry just confused.
Feb 12Reply

@cagedbirdfly kawther And are you a social worker! That’d be me too! (Disregard my gossip, just hate misrepresentation) I bought something from her and it broke immediately. Other PFFs report the same thing.
Feb 13Reply

@maidmarian ohh yes kawther. I already discovered that about her items actually. I felt quite ripped off from her previously and i just purchased eartings from her because i think they're cute and she offered me a great deal, not because they are authentic. She is definitely misrepresenting her merchandise and i agree there should be more accountability on poshmark for that
Feb 13Reply

@cagedbirdfly I get annoyed then say she’s gotta live with herself!
Feb 13Reply

Hi! Are you still interested in the two dresses, the red Anthropologie and the Beaded one? If so, I can try and do the separate listing just to you, or make me an offer that totals what you wanted to pay. Oxoxox
Mar 02Reply

You will probably sell that fast I don’t get a check until the first of the month right now I have less than $20
Dec 28Reply

@beetlegoose That's ok! we'll see if it sells soon. if not maybe we can work it out in a future trade 💞
Dec 28Reply

Willing to trade with you any day and you’ll get what you’re supposed to get And more make sure you get some goodies instead of always giving some goodies
Dec 28Reply

Because you need goodies too!
Dec 28Reply

@beetlegoose Aww well you're so sweet! Happy to trade anytime. I do have more to list as well. Really clearing out my closet, getting ready for a future move so streamlining/downsizing is definitely a priority.
Dec 28Reply

Hi sweet mama!! I have everything packaged up and will have it in the mail for you tomorrow!! Thank you SOOO much for shopping with us!! Xoxo
Jan 07Reply

You like the Black jacket with the fur that’s yours then
Jan 07Reply

@beetlegoose Aww you're too sweet! i think it's super beautiful but not exactly my style. i'm not fancy enough for such a jacket haha 💞 I do see quite a few things in your closet i like! do you have more to list?
Jan 07Reply

That’s nothing I did those myself but I got tons of stuff
Jan 07Reply

If you want the Black velvet tops/bra just Offer me five dollars it would go really nice too with the jacket if you’re being sexy for the night if you want it you can bundle it for the five dollars up to you no worries
Jan 07Reply

I will try and add more tonight but just let me know about anything you really likeI got my stuff yesterday from Blondie the cowboy boots are up on my site
Jan 07Reply

Thank you sooo much for your kind review! We are so glad you love them mama! Xoxoxo
Jan 10Reply

Hey hon Im shipping in a few hrs...I will let you know when it gets to the post office💖
Jan 16Reply

@luv4harley of course no rush i totally get it!!
Jan 16Reply

Its on the way💖cant wait☺
Jan 16Reply

@luv4harley yay ty me either!! 💞
Jan 16Reply

@karconsigns 💖😍💖
Jan 16Reply

@jlandre5 Hey girl i'll be listing a bunch of rose stuff soon and i'll tag you 🥀🌙
Jan 27Reply

@karconsigns Yaaaas! XD I'm still thinking on those boots. My life is just kinda hectic and upside down right now.
Jan 27Reply

@luv4harley First photo is yesterday wearing the padlock necklace 😭😍 It is everythinggg. Also what did you think of the charcoal mask?
Jan 30Reply

@karconsigns It looks so cute 💖I have another just a btw...I love keys & locks etc myself...I didnt get to use it actually...I m so excited to try it tho...💖
Jan 30Reply

@karconsigns that Guess necklace is all will glad you want it💖
Jan 30Reply

@karconsigns the clay sample mask made my face feel sooooo good💖Jazz didnt want nothing to do with me with it on tho lol...the matte lippie is it goes on so smooth...I tried the eyeliner but could not apply it right used to pencil...will have my bro help me another day with that lol..
Jan 30Reply

@luv4harley Haha yay i'm so happy! i think you'll love the goodies i sent in the 2nd package they go perfectly with the lippie and liner. i know exactly what you mean... liquid liner took me a hot sec to figure out too, the key is taking lots off the brush at first, applying slowly and then adding a second coat to make it more opaque. i bet your bro will help you get it down. But it's worth it cause there's no tugging on your eyes and it stays put and more vibrant than pencil 💖
Jan 30Reply

@karconsigns that will be my new goal💖its fun trying new things...thats why you wanted it on time for Friday💖
Jan 30Reply

@luv4harley Also if the same place is carrying that mask i'll pick you up one when i buy myself another cause i know that mask is excellent and really takes care of every skin issues. i've used it 1-2x a week for almost a yr, the tub lasts forever and it feels like a spa treatment for your skin every time 🧖♀️
Jan 30Reply

@karconsigns awww as long as it dont cost you much...I can always make it up in trade anyhow...Im so glad you said that I would have tried to use it everyday ..smh...
Jan 30Reply

@luv4harley Haha it probably wouldn't hurt every 2-3 days but i'm not sure if it would be too much for your skin's natural moisture barrier if you used it everyday. i have super oily skin though so i can get away with clarifying products more than most ppl 🤷♀️
Jan 30Reply

@karconsigns my face too..but I will stick to 2x a week...see how that goes...
Jan 30Reply

@luv4harley curious to see what you think of the hempz mask, you should try that next! 😜
Jan 30Reply

@luv4harley Also you need to know that i love that concealer! used it twice now under eyes and it's very brightening. haven't tried it for face yet but i'm super pleased so thx for introducing me to that 💞
Jan 30Reply

@karconsigns I can try it next☺I love concealers for under my eye too...I love that kokie and glad you like it...I think I have 1 left that you are welcome too💖
Jan 30Reply

@luv4harley yeah the kokie is great. maybe one day i'll give the morphe a try but i am not a fan of that brand in general. i think it's overhyped. have you tried any of the kokie liquid lippies? i am curious about them but i'm sooo picky about formula so idk if it's worth trying 🤷♀️
Jan 30Reply

@karconsigns the lippies are good but don't stay on long...that is the only morphe product ive tried was $3💖I would NEVER pay full price..
Jan 30Reply

@luv4harley yeah see in my job i need a lip product to stay on for 7-8 hrs without budging cause i never have a moment to myself to use the bathroom much less re-apply a lipstick. that's why i stick to just the makeup revolution lippies and anastasia bh if i want to spend $20 lmao. but the $6-7 makeup rev ones are just as good imo
Jan 30Reply

@karconsigns I never tried the Anastasia brand myself...I am up to try any brand myself...glad whenever I find a lower price for great products..
Jan 30Reply

@karconsigns you do order your boxes free from the post office right?They have the ones I sent you in case you need different sizes...just didnt remember if you said you did..
Jan 31Reply

@luv4harley i just pick them up at the post office. for most things i'm fine except for when things don't fit in the standard priority boxes. can you order bigger boxes from them for free?
Jan 31Reply

@karconsigns yes you can-all different shapes too and saves you time at they come to your house just go under free boxes💖
Jan 31Reply

@karconsigns posh takes all boxes no matter what the box says btw💖
Jan 31Reply

@luv4harley Damn smh wish i knew that sooner 🤦♀️
Jan 31Reply

@karconsigns well you know now😀
Jan 31Reply

@karconsigns I didnt know til someone told me too💗
Jan 31Reply

hey Karissa, I'm glad you were happy with the extra shirts. I thought maybe you could use them for working out. My 14 year old just cleaned out her closet and I think you are smaller than me, so that's why I sent those extras. she's really selective and doesn't wear most of the clothes that I've bought her, thus the stuff is practically new. feel free to re- Posh whatever doesn't work for you.
Jan 31Reply

@limu33yahoo Thank you Michelle your package was super thoughtful i hope you know i appreciate it all! Your daughter has good taste too, way cuter than what i was wearing at her age lol. i know some petite gals who will probably love some of the tops so tysm 💖 Either way they will be ised and appreciated, you're one of the most generous poshers i've met and thank you for being so willing to trade with me xo
Jan 31Reply

@karconsigns I can’t Thank you enough for all your shares yesterday!!! I hope you enjoyed your weekend Posh’in 🥳🛍🗓 it up!! If you really want the two items you ✨♥️✨ create a bundle and I’m sure I can work with your budget!! Take Care & thanks again!! 💜Ren
Apr 20Reply

Hey- if u wanted the watch today, I could meet u somewhere. I live in West seattle but if u are East side, I could meet u half way like Mercer Island. Otherwise I’ll drop in mail tonight
Apr 21Reply

@ddublirer Thanks for offering that is super sweet but i'm working til late the next two days! Appreciate your thoughtfulness
Apr 21Reply

Good Evening, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my Closet. I'm a Silversmith, all my items made by hand, many of my items one of the kinds exclusive handmade. I always working on new pieces, also have other designers as well... You can find something that you may like. I sincerely appreciate your interest. Thank you, George
May 16Reply

@karconsigns hey sweetheart I seen in some comments that you’ve been in the hospital!!! Are you doing alright sweetheart I surely pray that you’re okay please lmk Karissa!!?🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Jun 03Reply

Hi, how are you, I hope you can find a minute to check on my closet, I have some cool items you may find interesting. Appreciate your time, thank you, Viva
Jun 16Reply

Hi Im sending a message to all my previous customers & those who have sent me likes on a item or items. I will be closing my closet & accepting any and all reasonable offers. Just hit the offer button & Im happy to give you a great deal, ship quickly & send a free gift 🎁. Have a great day, Renee’
Aug 13Reply

Thanks for the great rating sweetie! Glad you liked everything 🙂
Oct 24Reply

@cmrueger Anytime bestie! 🥂
Dec 31Reply

😍🥰😘😗 Hello my name is Daniela!!! Welcome to Poshmark. If you need help seeking don’t be shy to ask for help.All my items from the boutique section come from my small boutique in Portland Oregon 😍 currently have a great sale going on till March. Bundle any 5 items from either closet (not new) or boutique and get 50 percent off your purchase (First time buyers only) 😙😚😋😛😝😌😍🥰😙🙃😛😚😙😍😇
Jan 30Reply

Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉🤗
Feb 07Reply

@karconsigns Hi! I’m having a Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Sale on ALL 925 SILVER JEWELRY!! I would love for you to visit my closet whenever you get the chance. I would love to give you an amazing deal. Thanks! Hope you and your family are safe and healthy! 🥰🤗😊
Apr 03Reply

Good afternoon, Can you please take a minute to check my closet. Truly appreciate your time, offers welcomed! Have a wonderful weekend. Arthur
May 23Reply

Thank you for sharing my listings it is greatly appreciated. Be safe.....Dorothy 💜
Jun 11Reply

Great closet!💎 👋 It’s nice to meet you. Hope you are enjoying your Posh experience. I’d love 💕 for you to stop 🛑 by and visit my closet when you get a moment. Wishing you all the the 🍀luck 🍀 in the 🌎
Jul 02Reply

@karconsigns Love Poshmark!! Everyone has something different open 24/7. Stop by I have One Of A Kind Jewelry and more. Have a great day! @Twinsdesign
Jul 05Reply

Hi Karissa, It’s your posh friend Michelle, I have a funny question for you, where did you get those chai teas you sent me? I love them and I used them at work I want to get more. I thought I save the package but I can’t find it?
Aug 17Reply

@limu33yahoo Hi Michelle! let me find out for you when i get home. i still have a partial box left of those i'd be happy to send your way next time we trade. i'm not a big tea drinker sadly
Aug 17Reply

@karconsigns thx! & I love your art, too!😊
Aug 18Reply

@limu33yahoo Thank you! And the tea is called chai moments masala
Aug 18Reply

@karconsigns thanks for the info !💞
Aug 23Reply

Hi. I bought your Desigual leather jacket. I know it’s too late to do anything about it but wanted you to know that it isn’t “100 percent genuine leather”. It looks like it, and I can see where you would have thought so, but it’s “pleather”, which I am allergic to. I didn’t check because your description said it was 100 percent leather, and it looks like it, but when I put it on I broke out, looked at the tag and saw that it was not. Just wanted you to know.
Oct 25Reply

@jaynesaddicti0n Oh no i am so sorry about that!! i did not intentionally mean to sell you a pleather jacket and i'm sorry that you are allergic to it 😞 Since the sale is finalized i'm not sure what options we have. i'm happy to send you something else from my closet to make up for it or let me know what you think would be fair
Oct 25Reply

@karconsigns hi. I know it was just an oversight. I’ll look at your closet soon (my mother is currently in the hospital-not COVID) and get back with you. Thank you.
Oct 25Reply

@karconsigns Hi. Your closet is lovely, but I was really wanting a black leather jacket and can’t afford the one in your closet. Would it be possible to mail the one I got back to you and when you receive it you could mail me a check, money order, whatever is convenient? If you’re agreeable to that I can give you my email address and we can go from there. Please let me know.
Oct 26Reply

@jaynesaddicti0n That sounds like way too much hassle on both our parts. how about i zelle you the profit i made from the sale and you can re-list the jacket along with the extras i sent you and earn money from that in your closet
Oct 26Reply

@jaynesaddicti0n I earned $20.55 from your purchase after Poshmark's commission and the discounted shipping i iffered you
Oct 26Reply

@karconsigns hi. That would be fine. Email me at and we can work out details. I have sent money using that method, but never received it like that.
Oct 27Reply

@jaynesaddicti0n sounds good i can also do pay-pal if that is easier
Oct 27Reply

@jaynesaddicti0n Email sent, thank you
Oct 27Reply

❤️❤️🔥 I whole heartedly agree! I love this platform and meeting amazing people through it! Are those your drawings?!? They are amazing. As a fellow artist I’m so in love with your style sweetie!
Oct 30Reply

@karconsigns girl, you DO have them good good genes 😍💚
Nov 17Reply

@juliekattke Aww thank you!! but most of these pictures are several yrs old now haha
Nov 17Reply

@karconsigns Hello! 🙋🏼♀️ CUTE PUP! I’m Moving so I’m offering huge sales right now, including a BUY 1 GET 1, 4 for $25, Mystery Boxes, add $10 to purchase to make it a Mystery Box and huge bundle discounts. I have a few TIFFANY pieces 💎 VALENTINO 👛 MILLY DRESSES 👗, Red Bottom Shoes 👠BEACH BUNNY SWIMSUITS 👙 LOTS OF HOME ITEMS 🏠 PET ITEMS 🐶 and a few MEN’S ITEMS. 🙎🏼♂️
Nov 20Reply

🌄 G'MORNING & Love your Advice
Lived in Beutiful Seattle Decades Ago, married atop 🏔 Crystal Mountain ......that was then, This is Now 😉
Years Experience @NORDSTROMS & Mark Henri/Seifert's & Bloomingdale's 🛍🛍🛍 Cynthia
Nov 21Reply

Hi Karissa, hope u r well! Happy holidays to you & if you’d like to trade again when you’re back, please lmk, still enjoying your original artwork from our last trade!
Dec 06Reply

@limu33yahoo Hi Michelle i am doing well how are you doing? Sounds great i always love our trades- looking forward to it.
Dec 06Reply

Great choices ! I sent you an offer
Feb 03Reply

Hi Gorgeous , how are you? You got a lovely pic :)
Here I would like to say Hi, invite and welcome you to stop by at my store to check out if you could find anything you Like.
My closet is selling 550+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE”
Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Feb 20Reply

Hi doll ! I am cleaning and sending out the rings you purchased. Looking at the Amethyst and diamond ring. I always test and clean before ship. One of the stones in the ring is a little darker and so I made sure it wasn’t missing and tested it. It is their and just wanted to reassure you it’s not missing. I can send pic of diamond tester on it if that helps. Lemme know ❤️Otherwise they are ready to ship. Much love 💕
Apr 04Reply

@jolieann1 That's totally fine with me, thank you for reaching outand letting me know!
Apr 04Reply

@karconsigns I will add pic in listing :) Thank you for your purchase. Just wanted to reach out . I am honest seller and wanted to let you know that it’s their. Ty so much 💕
Apr 04Reply

@karconsigns Not letting me add pic since listing has sold. 🥹I can put it under different listing if you would like ?
Apr 04Reply

@jolieann1 Sure np! just tag me
Apr 04Reply

@karconsigns Ok tagged you. It’s under a promise ring that I have listed . Ty
Apr 04Reply

Hi, I'm Marianne, a Postmark
Ambassador. l'd like to invite you to visit my closet where I have many vintage and unique items including china, clothing, seasonal decor, plush toys, books, CDs, jewelry and religious items. You'll receive a 20% (or more) discount when you purchase a bundle of 2 or more items (up to 5 lbs per bundle). Hope you'll take a peek at my closet and make an offer on any item that you’d like to purchase.
Apr 16Reply

@karconsigns Hi! I have beautiful 925 silver jewelry with genuine gemstones. I would love for you to visit my closet whenever you get the chance. I would love to give you a great deal if you were interested in anything! Thank you! Hope you have a great day!! 🥰❤️
Jun 26Reply

@karconsigns Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 15Reply

@karconsigns Hello! 🙋🏼♀️ MY CLOSET IS REOPEN! I saw that we have similar taste. I wanted to offer you a sweet deal. 💸 I’m having a HUGE CLOSET CLEAN OUT! I’m having a few deals while I’m open, great prices on Mystery Boxes, add $10 to any item and turn it into a Mystery Box where I’ll add 3-5 additional items to your purchase OR any item under $100 qualifies for a BUY 1 GET 1! 💰 🥰 🎁✈️ Thanks for checking out my closet! 👏🏼
Jul 15Reply

was on another site and saw a ring you bought, ruby and diamond. I have never gone to see who purchased something I like. but for some reason I did with you...I am glad I did I'm a mother of an autistic son whom I love with all my heart and have been blessed to call my son and gift from God. I love your outlook on life and passion, reading other people's posts I feel you have touched many people. God works in mysterious ways 🙏.
Dec 10Reply

@kariliz1963 What ring was that by chance? and thank you for the kind words 💖✨️
Dec 10Reply

@karconsigns ruby and diamond ring you bought for $350
Dec 10Reply

@karconsigns I put a heart on it just now
Dec 10Reply

@kariliz1963 Aww yes i know which one you're referring to... gorgeous ring i wore it for over a year and the traded it 💖✨️
Dec 10Reply

Hey!! Come check out my closet, I’m accepting all offers !
Dec 13Reply

Hello! I hope you are doing well, and you can find a min. to check my closet Thank you, and have a wonderful evening. Ivana
Feb 08Reply

I love this!!! ❤️
Feb 24Reply

Hello How are you, I hope you have a wonderful day and find a minute to take a look at my closet. Thank you))) Albina
Mar 06Reply

thank you so very much ✨️
May 09Reply

Hi there! Thank you for supporting my business in the past :) I am having a grand reopening of my store with buy one get one free offer until the end of the month. Please take a look and have a beautiful day!
Jul 18Reply

Hi , feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have a huge selection something for everyone. Woman's, men's, kids, pet, shoes, purses jewelry and more.
Find a few items you like bundle them and make a reasonable offer (pay only 1 shipping price for all). Trying to add new stuff weekly so stop by often.
Thanks and Happy Poshing! I
Nov 09Reply

happy new year karissa!! I hope it is a wonderful year for you and filled with many blessings 💗🥰🙏
Jan 02Reply

Is that your drawing? It’s so great, really captures that doggie joy
Apr 02Reply

Hi I am an artist and lately have gotten into making jewelry! hope you can come check out my closet and art in the boutique! 🐾 MLEjea
Sep 10Reply

Thank you for the offer but I can’t go any lower.
Have a wonderful day!🪴🌷🪴🌷
Nov 12Reply

@cgbmgb OK ty! I will need to wait on more balance to come through
Nov 12Reply

@graceprovisions Too funny! 🌷🪴🌷🪴
Nov 12Reply

Hello there! My name is Sarah and I am definitely a posher! I hope you are enjoying Poshmark as much as I am. If you are a Chico’s fan or love unique jewelry, you will definitely want to check out My Closet! Have a great day!
Jan 13Reply
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