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Updated 3 days ago
Updated 3 days ago


manic panic

C$13 C$20

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Manic Panic is a well-loved brand of hair dye that is SO EASY TO USE! Just plop colour onto bleached, dry hair and saturate. Wait an hour or longer. Rinse in cool water. Ta-daaa! Today I have these colours available (all are in pics, in order.. but they are also frequently selling out/changing, so I'll try my best to keep up mmkay?)- 0.5- Cotton Candy Pink 1- Atomic Turquoise 2- Ultra Violet 3- MP Wildfire 4- MP Green Envy ×2 5- MP Rockabilly Blue 6- MP Atomic Turquoise Amplified 7- MP After Midnight ×2 8- Shocking Blue ×2 9- Fuschia Shock- OUT OF STOCK 10- MP Pastelizer- OUT OF STOCK ^^ Lightens previously-coloured hair. Or {shocker} turns it pastel. Or in Kelly-speak, it "Easter-izes" yer hairs. Hint: Dr. Google LOVES this sorta thing: Go on an images search with him to look for your hair's triumphant colour wins and their heinous colour fails. And do this PRIOR to journeying balls deep into pastel orange and minty-coloured liberty spikes territory, mmkay? Or don't. But then you'll have to sit in the corner and think about what you did until your follicles take pity on you and grow out - or until you return for a darker colour. Either way, "After Midnight" and I will be here for you! All items are new/never opened - Have fun and just remember, it's never too late to express yourself and scare the elderly!! 👵🔥🧑‍🎤📢💩☠️💦🖤🧨🤪!!
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kellseven **P.S. The Cotton Candy Pink usually comes out quite a bit more subdued than it appears in the picture ^^^ up there, and more like, well..... cotton candy-coloured pink.** 😍😍
Nov 23Reply
donapep Would you do 4 for $40?
Dec 09Reply
kellseven @donapep Sounds good to me!
Dec 09Reply
c_mcwhinnie are all colors still available, also will u still do 4 for 40 ?
Dec 31Reply
kellseven @c_mcwhinnie Hi! Nope, I have sold a few (3) colours, but have deleted them from my list and erased their pictures. The list is always updated and only contains the colours I have in stock. So what you see here will always be everything I've got in stock 🙂.... and 4 for $40 works for me! You'll just have to add the listing to your bundle 4 times and tell me when you're ready for your offer. Or you can send me the offer. Up to you!
Dec 31Reply
amirx I want to offer 21 for two cotton candy but I cannot offer more than 13, you have to reset the price to 99 cause the app is messed
Jan 02Reply
kellseven @amirx sorry about that and good problem solving to get it done! I know, that's definitely an annoying feature on here... 😕
Jan 03Reply
kellseven @c_mcwhinnie @donapep I'm ready when/if you are! 🙂👍
Jan 05Reply
c_mcwhinnie sorry I was unable to get back on the app till now can offer 30 of 3 . the blue jean baby's and the midnight blue from manic panic?
Jan 06Reply
kellseven @c_mcwhinnie Sure, sounds good. Stand by, I may have to make a special listing just for you and I'll need you to accept it.
Jan 07Reply
kellseven @c_mcwhinnie oh, and I'm assuming you mean "After Midnight"?
Jan 07Reply
kellseven @c_mcwhinnie It's all ready for you and I just shared the new listing to you in a bundle 😉
Jan 07Reply
shiningstarsoup @kellseven You're awesome by the way, thank you!
Jan 08Reply
kellseven @shiningstarsoup aww thanks! You're so welcome ☺️✨
Jan 08Reply
samantha_hind Hi there. So I’m not sure what else to do, sorry am I supposed to pick colour or....? Thank you
Jan 14Reply
kellseven @samantha_hind heya! i just wrote youna lil note on your bundle and tagged you in it 😉
Jan 15Reply
kellseven you** a** (derp... 😑)
Jan 15Reply
gemmaaaa Hi could u do free shipping on one
Jan 29Reply
g_marrocco Hey, so I’m guessing you don’t have Rockabilly blue and the pastelizer???? Haha just seeing.
Feb 01Reply
kellseven @gemmaaaa I'll send you a msg
Feb 01Reply
kellseven @g_marrocco Hi, I did have one Rockabilly Blue but it has since been sold. Shocking Blue is pretty close. I could likely get you a Pastelizer within the week if you like? Plz let me know.
Feb 01Reply
kellseven @vileogem oh just dye it already! Haha!
Feb 01Reply
floreshinyshoes Wild fire and Green envy are the bombbbbb! electric lava too! 🤩🤩
Feb 09Reply
kellseven @floreshinyshoes I've got the one Wildfire in stock now....🔥
Feb 11Reply
floreshinyshoes @kellseven to be honest, I started using manic panic when I arrived to Canada and I loved it, I don't like so much the permanent dyers that have ppd and Manic panic is ppd free so it's great, I also like that your hair looks live and that when t washes ou can use a new color (hahahah yeah for people who don't like to keep a hair color for more than a month).
Feb 12Reply
kellseven @floreshinyshoes it actually stays vibrant in my hair for a long time (but then I usually bleach it before I dye it)... I like when it eventually does fade, it goes back to bleached so it's easy to dye right over (best if you dye it a darker colour than before though). For ex. I got my hair platinum, then had Siren Song with bits of Fuschia Shock, then it faded out and I just did Atomic Turquoise fading into Shocking Blue fading into After Midnight! Just did it about a week ago and I love it!
Feb 12Reply
violetnguyen8 Could you do a 2/$25+ $9.99 shipping bundle?
Feb 13Reply
kellseven @violetnguyen8 I'll reply in your bundle 😉
Feb 13Reply
levesquelulu - MP Cotton Candy Pink ×2
Mar 03Reply
levesquelulu - MP Cotton Candy Pink ×2
Mar 03Reply
levesquelulu @kellseven i would like - MP Cotton Candy Pink × 2
Mar 03Reply
kellseven @levesquelulu Sure! I'll make you a seperate listing with an offer ok? Keep an eyeball out for it in about 5 minutes 🤩🤩!!
Mar 04Reply
kellseven @levesquelulu I made a seperate listing for you hours ago but I guess you haven't seen it yet? I'll add it into a private bundle for you and tag you in it. Let me know if my offer works for you, or if you want to add anything else, etc. Thanks! 😉👍~Kelly
Mar 04Reply
kellseven @floreshinyshoes I've got a Wildfire now.
Mar 09Reply
kellseven @g_marrocco I do have the Pastelizer now.
Mar 09Reply
kellseven @floreshinyshoes woops! I see we've already discussed this!
Mar 09Reply
levesquelulu @kellseven tu peux laisser ma commande stp
Mar 09Reply
kellseven @levesquelulu Oh d'accord.... 💀
Mar 09Reply
marilynnharvey Can you give me a deal on the Yellow from Arctic Fox Red Passion MP Pastelerizer MP Shocking Blue MP Mermaid MP please and thank you✌😁
Apr 03Reply
kellseven @marilynnharvey Sure! So that's 5? I'll make you a special listing, just let me know I've got that correct with 5... ❤️
Apr 03Reply
kellseven @marilynnharvey p.s. That sounds like alot of fun!
Apr 03Reply
c_mcwhinnie whats the best price I could get for the 2 blue steels , time for a slight color change.
Apr 05Reply
kellseven @c_mcwhinnie Umm.. $22?? I'll make you a special bundle.
Apr 06Reply
kellseven @marilynnharvey hey Marilynn, you didn't reply and the Arctic Fox sold, sorry!
Apr 06Reply
kellseven @c_mcwhinnie it's ready for you 💙
Apr 06Reply
marilynnharvey @kellseven alright I understand...was in the hospital couldn't reach out to you... my loss:(
Apr 07Reply
kellseven @marilynnharvey Aww, I'm so sorry though, that sucks, I wish I'd known! I hope you're doin ok💙! And I've got a deal for you if you ever check my closet to find anything else you like 😉✨
Apr 08Reply
hannascott410 hey! would you do 4 for $40 still? 😊
Apr 10Reply
kellseven @hannascott410 helloooo! I'm sorry, but I can't, just because you get an automatic 15% off already with a bundle of 3 or more things, so that equals $44.20 total for you to pay, but then Poshmark takes another 20% from me (as they do on every transaction), so I only get $35.36 in the end.
Apr 10Reply
kellseven @hannascott410 BUT! I can give you a small shipping discount (thereby you paying $3 less for shipping and me receiving $3 less of my profit), so in total I'll actually only get $32.36 and I'm losing money... BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! With every order I send out, I include free extra stuff such as jewellery, makeup, toys, clothes, skin/hair care, accessories, books, etc. and I always make them FUN!!Just read my reviews.Thanks, I hope to hear back from you 😘✨~Kelly
Apr 10Reply
hannascott410 @kellseven no worries, i totally understand 😊 its still a great deal and more affordable than purchasing in store! i’m definitely still interested- i still have to pick colours, but i’ll send an offer when i do! 🥰
Apr 10Reply
hannascott410 @kellseven hey, i’ve picked the colours! 😊
Apr 12Reply
cici311997 Hi hun. I am looking for rose gold like the first sample, in your 12th pic and a mauve shade. Nothing too neon. I know manic panic is really intense. Im trying to achieve the colours like I have in my pic but slightly brighter. What manic panic shades would you recommend? Pastelizer needed? Dilute with conditioner? 💗
Apr 12Reply
kellseven @hannascott410 Sweet! Wrote you a note on your bundle!
Apr 12Reply
kellseven @cici311997 Hey girl! Honestly, I am not a hairdresser or colourist (by FAR- I had dreads for 17 years of my life and have had precisely one head shave and one professiomal hair cut since. Before that my roommates or my mom would trim my hair, but I rarely let them haha!) So this has been a journey of experimentation for me also. Many hair do's (but mostly don'ts) in a
Apr 12Reply
kellseven very short amount of time. That being said, I'm not sure ANY of these will create rose gold as the Pastelizer literally just makes whatever colour you're wearing much lighter and "creamier" (?), oh yeah, pastel. heehe 🤪 I did however make you a bundle and looked up some brands of rose gold colour from, I think, Allure magazine? that I'll post there. Literally just Googled "Best rose gold hair dye 2021"... I'll tag you. See ya there! 💕
Apr 12Reply
bgmylcn Hey! How much would be for 4 tubes, I would like to get two hot hot pinks and two fushia shock if you still have
Apr 15Reply
kellseven @bgmylcn Well it's 13 per, plus any bundle of 3 or more things is 15% off, plus I could offer a small shipping discount and with me you also get free fun bonus stuffs in your package so.....
Apr 16Reply
kellseven @bgmylcn Approx $54.19 ☺️
Apr 16Reply
bgmylcn @kellseven oh, okay then.. You don't offer 4/40$ anymore I guess.
Apr 16Reply
kellseven bgmylcn @bgmylcn No, as I said before, I give an already good price + 15% discount + shipping discount + free gifts. It was a one-time mistake to give a 4/$40 deal because after Poshmark took their cut, I was left with $27.20. I don't do this to make the big buck$ by any stretch, but I'd like to at least make a percentage back. That deal had me losing money and was not at all worth my while. You
Apr 16Reply
kellseven have to keep in mind that you're already getting (before any "extra" discounts) $7+ off the market value and would be paying $80+ in the store for what you're asking. Then after offering the 15% off, I have to give Poshmark 20% from every single sale (so immediately there goes 35% of any profits out the window and out of my hands). AND I always keep my profit margin basically non-existent, just making a percentage
Apr 16Reply
kellseven back. This is because I'm not a thrifter, most of my stuff is brand new, and I once paid retail prices for the items (very often + shipping/handling, exchange rate- because a lot of my stuff is imported, taxes, and customs). Then I have to take/find pics, research and measure, write descriptions and price accordingly, talk and barter with multiple people, make sales
Apr 16Reply
kellseven eventually, then find and pack up the items with appropriate packaging, WITH extra goodies that I buy, take them to the post office, and wait up to two weeks sometimes until the buyer gets the package and accepts it until I finally get my percentage paid out to me (which takes 3-4 days to go from my Poshmark account into my
Apr 16Reply
kellseven bank account). So, for instance, I saw you want 3 now, which is great! And I do appreciate your patronage! But after all is said and done I'll just be making $26.52, and without divulging what I pay, that leaves me with a just-barely two-figure profit. Meh. Definitely NOT trying to lecture you, I just figure maybe you're new and nobody tells you these things straight up when you join Poshmark! 😉 👋SO HEY EVERYBODY READ RIGHT HERE!👋
Apr 16Reply
bgmylcn @kellseven okay, no worries, I wasn't trying to pluck or anything 😅 just my math.exe stopped working last night, as 13*4 tubes would make 52$ without any sellers discount, I didn't get why you sad 54.14$. So it probably included shipping costs after for discount offer. Anyways, if you do the bundle arrangement I will appreciate
Apr 16Reply
kellseven @bgmylcn Oh weird! I don't know why that would happen either, just how it worked out between me and a calculator... which leaves a huge margin for error just in that one step, haha! And then after all that mansplaining I forgot to even make your bundle 🤪. Hang on 1 minute! And thank youuuu ❤️!
Apr 16Reply
hannascott410 @kellseven hey! so sorry, finally got the money i was owed. i’d love to do the 3/35 deal you had previously❤️ i totally thought i commented back- we had to move so my life was chaos for a while.
May 06Reply
kellseven @hannascott410 No worries girl, everything's good and all ready for ya 😉👍
May 09Reply
aanonbeautiful Where’s your location ? Could you meet up ?
Jun 19Reply
kellseven @aanonbeautiful Hi there, where are you located?
Jun 20Reply
g_marrocco I’d like to purchase blue steel off you :) do you still have it??
Jun 20Reply
kellseven @g_marrocco Yes I do, the colours are updated all the time as they sell.
Jun 20Reply
g_marrocco @kellseven okay haha I’m trying to blue blue steal but it doesn’t list it as an option?? I’ve never purchased of Poshmark before?? What should I do haha.
Jun 20Reply
g_marrocco Trying to buy*****
Jun 20Reply
kellseven @g_marrocco Oh crap, sorry about that, gimme a second! Thanks 😅
Jun 20Reply
g_marrocco @kellseven no worries was gonna buy blue steal at shoppers today but remembered you and lately I would rather give my money to a real person lol. Sorry about not responding about rockabilly blue awhile back. I forgot to, my head is in space all the time lmao.
Jun 20Reply
kellseven @g_marrocco Ahh no way! I so appreciate that- thanks! I know it's kind of a bunk deal that you pay basically an equal amount in shipping costs for such a small item (and I only get like $6 for it), but unless you want to make a bundle, I still feel badly that you're paying up to $28 for ONE hair colour. So if you're just getting the one, just make me an offer for $10. Saves you a lil bit anyway, and I always give free gift(s) with every order- especially to sweet, conscientious buyers 😉
Jun 20Reply
kellseven @g_marrocco Whaaaa?? You beat me to it! Ok well, extra cool free gifts for you then. Thank you 😉❤️👍
Jun 20Reply
g_marrocco @kellseven ❤️ 😁
Jun 20Reply
g_marrocco Aw you don’t have to give me free gifts, just want to support other Poshers! ❤️ thanks again 😁
Jun 20Reply
kellseven @g_marrocco Well I'm not giving away free cars or anything 🤪
Jun 20Reply
g_marrocco @kellseven Lol! 😂🥰
Jun 20Reply
jordy_poon Hi, I would like to take shocking blue, siren song and hot hot pink if you still have it. How can I select them to purchase?
Jun 26Reply
kellseven @jordy_poon Hey Jordy! How 'bout I make a custom listing and tag you in it? Sorry, the way Posh listings are set up, you can only put one item from a listing at a time into bundles... it's confusing, I know. Just give me a minute. 😊👍
Jun 26Reply
kellseven @jordy_poon Hey, I made your custom listing for you yesterday.... I suppose I'll tag you again? Let me know how/whether you'd like to proceed since I erased those colours from this listing to sell them to you. Thanx!
Jun 28Reply
tristad900 I would love to buy some of these from you. unfortunately I can't figure out how to add more than one! please help!
Jul 12Reply
tristad900 I really really want to order at least 3 colors from you!! I can't figure out how to put more than one in my bundle tho
Jul 13Reply
blemmett Do you still have the 2 ultraviolet and the hot hot pink ?
Aug 21Reply
cateburgers12 Hey what colours are available still?!
Sep 03Reply
tekkitten hello! do you still do 4 for 40? can you do custom bundles to purchase?
Sep 24Reply
melissamitch4 Which are available?
Oct 12Reply
kellseven @tristad900 hey there, if you're still interested I can make you a custom combo with a discount. Which colours are you wanting?
Nov 17Reply
kellseven @blemmett I do indeed! Do you want me to make you a custom bundle?
Nov 17Reply
kellseven @cateburgers12 All are listed above
Nov 17Reply
kellseven @tekkitten I won't do 4 for $40. That was one time for one person and a mistake where I lost money. I can do custom bundles with some sort of discount though!
Nov 17Reply
kellseven @melissamitch4 All the colours you see listed above are up to date.
Nov 17Reply
tristad900 @kellseven I would love hot hot pink, the fuchsia and the violet but can't order til Monday
Nov 17Reply
blemmett @kellseven as much as I want to say yes , I’m stuck on the opposite side of all the flooding so I need to save $$ as I don’t know when I can get back to chilliwack to work 🙁
Nov 17Reply
kellseven @blemmett Oh no!! I really hope things turned out ok for you and so sorry I missed this. And my owl didn't even mention it... 🤔🤔 If you would still like to get some hair colour(s) I would love to offer you a deal of some kind. Let me know 🎁
Jan 28Reply
kellseven @tristad900 😨😨 how bout next Monday?? Sorry, I'm the WORST. And obviously hired the wrong owl. Can't pass a message to save his life, geez... Anyways I'm here now! 💜💣💥
Jan 28Reply
skykeeg Won’t let me add more then one to a bundle
Mar 12Reply
kellseven @skykeeg sorry bout that, this system has a couple glitches i can't figure out either, so what i usually w
May 14Reply
skykeeg @kellseven well if you can figure out how I’d like 4 hot pink shocking blue
May 14Reply
kellseven @skykeeg woops... will do, is talk with the potential buyer and you can just tell me the colors you're interestedin, then I'd make a separate listing just for you with your name on it and forward it to you for approval or whether you change your mind on colors or whatever, the options there... I know I'm late here but let me know if you're into that idea 😉
May 14Reply
skykeeg Ultra violet and Fuchsia
May 14Reply
kellseven @skykeeg awesome! and of course I'd give you a screaming good deal on them plus you can always expect some kind of fun bonus gift from my closet. Let me just put it together after work for you ok? I'll msg you then in your bundle off my closet. 🖤
May 14Reply
skykeeg @kellseven sounds great 🖤❤️
May 14Reply
kellseven @skykeeg check it!
May 15Reply
helenjansen45 do you still have cotton candy pink and the turquoise?
May 19Reply
c_mcwhinnie hey u long time no chat hope all is well . how about the purple, cotton candy and the fuchsia shook what's the best price u can offer ?
Jun 01Reply
c_mcwhinnie u there ?
Jun 14Reply
kellseven @helenjansen45 @c_mcwhinnie Hey there (from 1400 years later 😳 and psst- Hi Crystal💜, great to hear from you!!), I'm so sorry i missed your msgs. Not much of an excuse here, I've just been extra busy and 99+ notifications every single time I log on - even if I check email all and come back an hour or two later!!! - it's just TOO MUCH sometimes! Bit I AM sorry for every note and question I miss. Also, YES, I have all the colours!!
Aug 03Reply
kellseven 3/$35, shipping discount, gifts with purchase?
Aug 03Reply
c_mcwhinnie @kellseven good 2 hear from u .I went store bought when I did not hear from u but when I need a new color job done a couples mouths from now I will check in with what u have available. thanks
Aug 09Reply
kellseven @c_mcwhinnie Hey girl, how are you? I havent checked in FOREVER and, thankfully actually, NO ONE's been wanting these lately! I say this because I cant find the hours in a day to stay on top of Poshmark. It's too much! That being said, I'm gonna make it a regular thing- coming to check listings like this to see if anyone needs a particular item... since its impossible to pick more than one colour for your bundle without me doing it for you (or whomever). Anyway, I hope you're well! 😘👌
Dec 12Reply
crystalchurc135 I would like two shocking blue and one ultra violet please
Dec 16Reply
kellseven @crystalchurc135 Sure! Omg I'm sorry... I'll make you a bundle now if you're still interested... at a discount. Thanks!
Jan 12Reply
kellseven @c_mcwhinnie OH HAI THERE 🤩
Jan 22Reply
crystalchurc135 @kellseven hello, can I still order please. I just have to see what’s still available!
Jan 23Reply
crystalchurc135 @kellseven I would like the red one, midnight blue and the violet one I believe but I will double check
Jan 23Reply
crystalchurc135 Wildfire, ultraviolet and after midnight please @kellseven
Jan 23Reply
crystalchurc135 @kellseven Unless you will do the floor for 20 then I will take a shocking blue on top of that please
Jan 23Reply
crystalchurc135 @kellseven, hello I am wondering if I can get 4/$40 and if not that’s fine too but I need to know if I am making this purchase or not, seeing as it says you were active within the hour again! Thank you!
Jan 24Reply
kellseven @crystalchurc135 OMG I'm so friggin sorry, I swear it's impossible to keep up with all the notifications, buy this is totally uncool. I will for sure do 4/$40 for you, just for (maybe) your patience? I promise I will check back with you right here and make your offer and parcel EXTRA special (?)!! Again, my apologies 😬😔😵‍💫
Feb 13Reply
kellseven @floreshinyshoes I've got the colours you mentioned WAYYY back now ^^...minus the Electric Lava. 2 out of 3 ain't something-something. 🙂🙃🙂
Feb 14Reply
kellseven ***ALL COLOURS ARE NOW UPDATED AND IN STOCK, AS SHOWN*** p.s. The best way to contact me is probably through my crazy-lookin'-OWL listing. And I WILL check there every day, dammit-i-mean-TYVM 😉.
Feb 15Reply
kellseven Just got Deadly Nightshade and Vampire Red!!
Apr 30Reply
rhondapeppel interested in the red,blue and purple
May 31Reply
rhondapeppel I need to ask my son,for the ones he would like.
May 31Reply
kellseven @rhondapeppel Sure, let me know, thanks ❤💙💜
Jun 11Reply
kleclerc77 How many fuscia u have?? And got any other pinks? Electric?
Dec 29Reply
kellseven @kleclerc77 Hey! I recently sold a bundle of all pinks and purples, so I need to re-up my inventory. For now I've just got one Cotton Candy Pink and one Ultra Violet. Keep checking back if those won't do. Thanks!
Jan 31Reply

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