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I worked at the Nursing Home where my Sweet Mother is a Resident until today 4/4/21, I can visit her any time now. I am honored to have been there to Protect our most Valued vulnerable Angels. I am so thankful for my amazing customers and will be Poshing Full Time now...YAY! I cherish you all, and thank all of you & hope you will find or continue to find Heirloom Treasures among my items. Having been in Vintage/Antique jewelry for over 30yrs, it's an honor to be back Full Time. Every single LIKE Will receive an Offer. Posh-Hugs, ~Meredith

203 others
like this

your closet is like a candy store. you have such whimsical & beautiful pieces. Stay safe & thank you for the shares ❤❤❤
Apr 07Reply

@bellenewlon Thank you sweet Michelle 😁. I love your pretty Vintage gowns. Taking things one day at a time. It's a little scary however, someone has to do this and prayer & encouragement from people like you keeps me going. Stay safe.
Apr 07Reply

Thank you for the shares. That’s wonderful that your able to be with your Mom. Thank you for your service !! Will keep you your mom and other residence in prayer.
Your closet is beautiful !!!!!
Apr 21Reply

@catherinekieran Dear Catherine..You have some AMAZING Jewelry !! Thank you as well for the shares. Poshmark is my little getaway PLUS, it helps a lot with that extra needed cash <3
Apr 21Reply

Gorg! I want your cheekbones
May 06Reply

@bperales20 Thank you <3.
May 06Reply

hello and thanks for the shares! and Thank you for being a caring nursing home worker💕💕💕 it takes a special person and you obviously are!💗👍😊 take care of yourself my new Posh friend!
May 24Reply

@3monkeysmom Thank you Lisa, My Pleasure..if ever I get behind on sharing, you know it is not because I don't love to share. Poshmark is my getaway place & I totally can have something that is just for me. The extra income is needed, as well. God Bless you and yours & stay safe,
May 24Reply

@danamariecre8 Dear Dana...as you can see, I work long hours and I am in my Office here and those pants !! I cannot wait. I have severe fibromyalgia so, I LOOK specifically for stretchy and comfort but with 'style'..
Have a Great Day !
Jun 02Reply

@maxwellestate im so sorry to hear that🌷🙏❤️ ... Well hopefully these will be comfy for you.. After the birth of my son I got diagnosed with rheumatory arthritis and I was never tested for fibro but for yrs doctors thought ive had it because of unknown pain since my teens. And I have costochondritis on top of it.. The only things that stop the pain are when I exercise, eat right, stay away from stress, and acupuncture.. Also comfy close help tremendously and ginger too💖🌷🌺🌺
Jun 02Reply

@maxwellestate I hope you feel ok now.. im so glad to be able to help.. ❤️🌺 I really hope you get lots of use out of everything and they are definitely stylish too and comfy which is a plus🌸🌷💖🙏
Jun 02Reply

@danamariecre8 I seem to meet so many that suffer with chronic pain. Turmeric helps with inflammation too. If there is a natural remedy in the world - I have tried it..haha! I am blessed that I can sit down on my job for the most part, otherwise, I could not work. If you ever have a few more pair of stretchy comfy pants - I am your gal. I wear a 10 to 14 depending on the maker..and the stretch factor. I need some cute long flattering comfy tops too. I am an hour glass and busty..5'4" tall.
Jun 02Reply

@maxwellestate We sound so much alike!! I have tried so many natural remedies over the years to try to reduce my pain.. Turmeric is great.. Works well in my morning tea🙏🌸❤️ I used to be a size 4( yrs ago) and I am now a 14 which is ok.. I think beauty is the way people wear it- style, confidence, persona all make a women beautiful.. Im gonna check and see if i have some size 14 pants and tops too.. 👍👍🌸 Style and comfort is the key!! Ill let you know soon what I find!!⭐️🌷🌺
Jun 02Reply

@maxwellestate I am 5 9 almost 5 10. I wear xl in tops.. Let me know your size in tops so i can check for you❤️🙏Im also on more curvy side.
Jun 02Reply

@maxwellestate i have alot more to put up also.. Guess what I just checked and I have a pair of pants( these ae the most comfortable pair of pants I own.. Size xl.. Stylish and comfy by about a girl Los Angeles.. I will put them at top so you can see them.. 🌺❤️👍
Jun 02Reply

@danamariecre8 Awesome!! Maybe save my pkg & add them in the same box ? save me on shipping please <3. I have small shoulders but 40D+ bra, 32 waist, 40 hips, 32 inch legs. Short body, long legs. We ARE alike. Never met a Scorp I didn't like. I am Pisces with Scorp rising. You seem like my sista from another mista from what you wrote about yourself. So happy we 'met' on here !!
Jun 02Reply

@maxwellestate lol.. Me too!!🌺🌷 That was written beautifully.. I love it!!! Im so glad we met too.. Thanks for brightening up my day.. 💖⭐️
Jun 02Reply

@danamariecre8 Ditto! shoot me a msg when you list me some goodies <3 Thank you Sweety !
Jun 02Reply

@danamariecre8 Oh, blonde moment..I just realized you said you put them up top. I will go like them & maybe you can offer a deal with free ship and add them to my pkg. And do you think you might have any long tops that might fit ?
Jun 02Reply

@maxwellestate Im going to add those ‘about a girl los angeles pants’ to the bundle you already purchased👍❤️🌺🙏 along with the grey ci sono pants and floral dress.. I know you will love them.. I will send you a message also when i add more listings.. There is a very interesting and stylish top I found you might like that I will be listing soon too❤️🌺💖👍 I will let you know.. 🌸🌷
Jun 02Reply

@maxwellestate im not even kidding you those pants are so comfortable- the black and white ones.. 🌹⭐️
Jun 02Reply

@danamariecre8 OMG! Thank you soooo much !! What state are you in ? I grew up in Atlanta & visited this little town where I live every summer growing up and THIS was always home to me. It's in the NW corner of NC where the Real mountains are !
Jun 02Reply

@maxwellestate oh shoot i just saw this.. I just tried to resend the offer to give you free shipping( I will pay full shipping for you) Let me try to resend it. Pe. i need to go blonde again soon. I love my hair blonde!👍💖⭐️
Jun 02Reply

@maxwellestate oh nice!!It sounds so beautiful!!🌷💖❤️ Im in Va btw..
Jun 02Reply

@maxwellestate i love North Carolina sooo much btw and everyone is so nice and friendly there and guess whst.. Ive always been more of a mountain/ lake river kinda gal instead of a beach girl. I do love the beach but I love the mountains more.. There is just something about it!!!!
Jun 02Reply

@danamariecre8 I went ahead and paid it ..so, if you find a cheapy top to throw in, I wouldn't cry ..LOL! Blonde's have more fun..I was white blonde as a child..now,when the roots come in, they look Dark brown. This town is Heaven. I really love the beach, lived in FL for yrs. but, something kept calling me home. I am so excited to get my goodies ! I have to combat the sadness of our residents not getting any visitors with shopping therapy <3.
Jun 02Reply

@maxwellestate lol.. Thank you for the smiles.. ⭐️🌸🌺 Im so happy and excited for you it will be like Christmas when you open everything up. I will def ve adding some extra surprises for you!💖🌷❤️
Jun 02Reply

@danamariecre8 You are a Gem! I put you on my likes so I will remember to share your goodies to help with sales. Posh is my "me" place..I LOVE it !! Have a blessed evening..I am going to my Mans moms house for dinner later this evening. I LOVE to cook but, it is always Great to have someone else cook for a change. If you ever get this way, I would happily cook you something Yummy!
Jun 02Reply

@maxwellestate lol.. We are SO alike⭐️🌺❤️ That sounds like so much fun!!!😀😀👍🌺 ..Thank you SO much.. I basically had to teach myself how to cook and my husband couldnt believe how good my food was he was like ‘are you sure you haven’t cooked before.’ Lol.. I have been cooking so much during this time it feels like HEAVEN when someone else cooks for me or I get takeout. My hands start hurting.. 🌸💖❤️ Have fun and enjoy the food.. I love to eat with a passion.. its been a hobby of mine forever..
Jun 02Reply

@maxwellestate i will also keep checking and sharing your closet too.. U are now a favorite of mine🌺
Jun 02Reply

@danamariecre8 <<<HUGS>>>
Jun 02Reply

Great Listings 😍 Adding to My likes to shop later
Aug 01Reply

@marieenave Thank you <3 and thanks for all the shares sweety! You have great items as well. If you ever want to Bundle, just let me know. I can always do somewhat better with Bundles.
Aug 01Reply

@maxwellestate Hi, wanted to say thank You for the info on the necklace, I thought it very interesting. I was a nurse till I fractured my knee and leg,since then have had both knees replaced,and hand surgery for arthritis. I say this asI no longer am able to do nursing, and I admire you in working in the nursing home,and am able to be with your mum. Nursing is so hard physically and emotionally, give yourself a pat on the back for all you do !
Aug 12Reply

My husband loves those beautiful beads that’s why they are coming so fast to me! I shared you because I love all the beautiful pieces, but I know how tried you are after a shift so no worries,it’s ladies helping each other to sell here. Claudia
Aug 12Reply

@claudiafeltus Aww, God Bless you Claudia. I am not a nurse however, I admire all that are & for what they do. I am the receptionist, I screen all that are allowed to enter (including our workers), office duties, projects,
etc., I am just honored to be here with my Mom as we can have NO visitors & that is probably the hardest thing for all concerned right now during this pandemic.
I cannot imagine a better facility for my Mom - it is the Best. <3 Thank you for serving while you could <3
Aug 12Reply

I must also say stay safe Claudia
Aug 12Reply

@claudiafeltus That is Great that you have a hubby that shows an interest in your jewelry <3. I added an extra little gift in the pkg for your enjoyment.
Aug 12Reply

@claudiafeltus Indeed, we are taking every precaution possible and have since before required.
Aug 12Reply

@maxwellestate Thank you in advance Claudia
Aug 12Reply

@maxwellestate Hi, I don’t know if you are into games but this is easy one 3 Closets are featured a day and it’s a fun group we have our little problems about our families ,sometimes we vent but it’s a great group. It’s called Candyland, run by @ Loridgiam. I play this one game as it gets your Closet out to others. They are a great group and you can talk to Lori,the Hostess. Very nice. I will be away for 2 weeks. No pressure Stay safe Claudia
Aug 19Reply

@claudiafeltus Dear Claudia, Most of my mind is gone juggling taking care of Mom, my fam at home and Poshmark. I simply would LOVE too but, I quite possibly might go insane if I add even one more thing into my already crazy schedule. I have pretty bad health issues personally & I am spent 99% of the time but, I Honestly appreciate & thank you for the Very Kind & Thoughtful Offer <3.
Aug 20Reply

@maxwellestate l know ,that’s why I did this game,with my health issues to, I totally understand. But we will keep in touch that beautiful purple bracelet and other thing are gorgeous. Do let me know if you can’t share I have a couple of friends that. We share with no share backs. It helps when one of us I’d down. Claudia
Aug 20Reply

@claudiafeltus Thank you sweet Claudia, I worked 10+ hrs yesterday & same today & I am still cooking..that is kind of a therapy for me. If you are ever in my area,You will always have a seat at my table darlin'. I can share as much as possible so, if I get behind with you, accept my apologies in advance. I Try very hard to keep up.Many of my friends and family enjot my cooking, which makes me pretty happy & I am a type A so, it's hard to quit working so much but, I need to learn to slow it a bit
Aug 20Reply

Hi, have been busy since I last talked with you ,how are you.? Your Mom good?
Sep 29Reply

@claudiafeltus Hi Sweet Claudia, I am glad you are back. I have thought of you often & saw you must've gone on vacation. If so, I hope it was Great! Mom is well & I am so thankful. Thank you for asking <3
Sep 29Reply

@maxwellestate Hi, it feels like a long time since we last said hi. Looks like you have sold some of your jewelry. I have had a sale here and there. What I really need is for all those handbags to go ! I have many more to put up, they accumulate! I should have a Shop Called the lovelorn bags! Ha ! How is your mum? How’s the Guy? Mine is good except for a knee replacement,had a bone scan yesterday.
Oct 21Reply

Leaves are falling, nights are cool to frost. Another season comes upon us. Stay safe Claudia
Oct 21Reply

@claudiafeltus Hi Claudia! Great to see you again. I had an epidural put in my neck this week, I will pray for him a swift healing. My Mom is doing Great except she needs to eat more. She's a tiny little thing. I had a host pick last night & OMG! talk about catching up. I am at work now so, I have to be brief. I will share your goodies as much as I can sweety! You deserve some great sales <3
Oct 21Reply

@maxwellestate What was your Host Pick so I can share it. I missed the party last night. Claudia
Oct 21Reply

@claudiafeltus You ought to see the leaves here in the North Carolina Mtns! People from all over the world come here to see the beauty. It was one of my Christian Dior necklaces. It says Host Pick first, in the description. Thank you Claudia <3. I am working really hard today. It has been crazy busy thus far so, maybe the rest of the day won't be so bad.
Oct 21Reply

Hi, pretty bracelet to big for me ! How are you and your mum? Getting close to Thanksgiving, to fast, any plans? Charlie and I are gonna try cooking a turkey. I have a question I have a silver collar with scallop like edging,I have a good picture of the letters. Would you please check it out? I think the first is either English or Italian, but haven’t been able to figure out second set. Thanks in advance Claudia
Nov 05Reply

@claudiafeltus Hi Claudia, I am at work 10+ hours today. So, please tag me under the listing or send me a pic somehow ?. How have you been Darlin' ? me? Crazy busy ! Mom is doing so well. I was just in there with her & covered her up with an extra blanket because she gets cold easily. Thank you for asking <3 I better get caught up here a little & back to work.
Nov 05Reply

Nov 07Reply

If I love this does it bookmark it ? U are stunning btw
Nov 07Reply

@alexajordanf This will be on your likes page. That is how I bookmark folks :-D...and thank you so much..Made this Grandmother of 7 and another on the way's Day <3
Nov 07Reply

@maxwellestate I don’t believe u lol. You are absolutely gorgeous. I hope I look half as good when I become a mom mom
Nov 07Reply

@alexajordanf Oh, it is true. I was born in 1964. My Mom is 82 and I can only hope to look as pretty as she truly is when I am that age. You are So very Pretty. I am sure you will always be <3
Nov 07Reply

@maxwellestate my grams was gorgeous at 88 she taught me to avoid the sun at all costs. So here’s hoping lol. I would never have guessed you were almost 20 years older than me. I truly mean that ! U don’t even look 50! Ty so much. You are equally a doll. I love when people will chat with my chatty butt lol
Nov 07Reply

@alexajordanf Oh My Gosh! My Mom told me the same thing..wowie!
Nov 07Reply

beautiful vintage pieces 💍😍 can I move into your closet 😉😄
Dec 02Reply

@joannissis Aww, Thank you so much. I wish I had as much time as I have jewelry! LOL! I try to get as much as I can however, I work an awful lot. Starting next year, I am 'supposed" to have more time off & if so, watch out :-D
Dec 02Reply

Thanks for the share. Saw that you are working in a nursing home - - praying for you & your sweet mama to stay safe! Thanks for all you do!
Dec 04Reply

@wildladyslipper Thank you so much <3 It seems that I play catch up all the time however, it is so worth it to be here with my Mom.
Dec 05Reply

I LOVE YOUR CLOSET!!!!!!! I am a huge fan of Estate and Vintage Jewelry. I have quite a bit in my closet but, I am always looking for ways to learn what the different marks on jewelry mean and their time periods. How did you get such extensive knowledge and do you have any tips for me???😊🌸😊🌸😊💕
Dec 06Reply

You have the most gorgeous items in your store, I hope you attract many sales! 🦋💚
Dec 06Reply

@bgrg99 Thanks so much! Myself & My Hubby that passed in 2013 owned an International Estate Jewelry Gallery. I just did research in books & online (everything you need to find is online now)..So much TIME that I could have a PhD in jewelry & have more jewelry than time. Pinterest has a LOT of knowledge. Well, I am working 10hrs at the Nursing Home so, I better run. Have a Blessed Day & Thank you again <3
Dec 06Reply

@cloudseven Thank you so much <3 I hope you have a Wonderful Successful Holiday Season.
Dec 06Reply

@maxwellestate thanks so much for the pointers! Stay safe and rest when you can. I was a caregiver for My Husband who had ALS- he passed last June. So Poshmark is helping me stay busy. You are a true hero for your work at the Nursing Home- Stay Healthy & Safe!
Dec 06Reply

@bgrg99 God Bless you for taking care of your hubby. ALS is a HARD disease. My hubby passed quickly of a heart attack. I am honored & grateful to work here where my sweet Mom is a resident. She has had Alzheimer's for approx. 18yrs. If I didn't work here, I could not see her. Thank God, we have Zero residents with Covid. Great 'meeting' you here. I have met some of the Greatest folks ever here <3,
Dec 06Reply

💜💜💜Prayers RIGHT NOW.... coming your way! I UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!!💜💜💜
Dec 16Reply

@theblushempire Yes,You do <3. Thank you so very much. Merry Christmas !
Dec 16Reply

You’re closet is beautiful. Prayers to you. My daughter-in-law was the head of memory care unit where my mother-in-law was. I find it comforting that when we lost her in Feb this year, we were able to be by her side. Those than can’t are always in my prayers🙏🏻 Blessings to you🎄
Dec 20Reply

@skpwyo Thank you so much. It is an Honor to be here with my sweet Mom. I have the best of both worlds as I can do my Passion, which is sharing my jewelry with others and I can spread love to the Precious residents here. God is Good ALL the Time. We will get through this stronger and better <3
Dec 20Reply

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year How is your Mom How are you.? We are keeping safe,wearing our mask and basically not going anywhere. I am feeling a bit wanting for a nice dinner out and wander around places, I think Hubby is feeling the same way. Oh well I hope they get together and start making this country better and get the vaccine out. Claudia
Jan 03Reply

@claudiafeltus Dear Claudia, I hope your Christmas was Wonderful & Happy New Year to you and Hubby. My Mom is doing Great ! Thank you for asking. I actually had flu A & B!!! Crazy, huh ? Just thankful that we have Zero residents with Covid OR the Flu. I must've caught it out shopping. The vaccine is already here for us <3 ..Great hearing from you sweety thank you for staying in touch.
Jan 03Reply

Feb 01Reply

You are very pretty, obviously widowed young as was I. At 51, no children due to birth defect but huge career as doctor of gerontology. I’m looking to commemorate my 70th due on 3/27. So search the aquamarine very important. Blessings 🧜♀️
Feb 01Reply

@wingedwearables I will reply on your bundle, in private <3
Feb 01Reply

@maxwellestate I live in New Bern, NC on the Neuse River... but my only family don’t think I should live alone anymore so putting off the inevitable move back to northern Michigan 🤷♀️
Feb 01Reply

@wingedwearables It is very great to be around family as we get older. I am just so Blessed to have been able to move here a couple of yrs ago to be with my Mom & many other family members.
Feb 01Reply

Hi yes I like it a lot all what you have they’re beautiful staff, I’m working in the hospital Lower Key Medical Center in key west Florida I had my 2nd shot this pass week and I got a little sick but I’m ok now stay safe
Feb 07Reply

@gaitanmca Thank you, you stay safe too. Most everyone had a little reaction but, not too bad.
Feb 07Reply

Oh my gosh, you look like Brigitte Bardot❣️
Mar 14Reply

@briggsinbold Oh My! I have never heard that one, but, I will take it..hehe. Thank you so very much my Ah-mazing New Posh friend ~!!
Mar 14Reply

@susieqtheswede Aww, Thank you my friend <3 I will ship tomorrow as I am headed to work 10+ hours today. I will add YOU a prezzie because I want to brighten your day my dear friend. <3
Mar 18Reply

Hi Meredith! Thanks for sharing my Earnest Sewn Jeans! 👖Bless you for the work you do!
Mar 23Reply

@janfast Thank you <3 .. Have a wonderful evening <3
Mar 23Reply

Apr 07Reply

@stefanielena Indeed, I got to visit her yesterday for 45 minutes with her identical twin, my Aunt Ollie. It was Glorious because when I was working there, it was just a few minutes here & there. <3
Apr 07Reply

@maxwellestate That’s Wonderful🌸 Hope this is a new trend💘 My sister and I are planning a trip to visit our 89 year old Mother in the coming weeks, she is soooo far away!!!
Apr 07Reply

@stefanielena Oh Prayers for your trip & if she's in a Nursing Home, you should be able to visit now. There's nothing like your Mother & time passes so fast. Hug her a lot, they need that physical touch from those that love them. Get lots of pics :-D, This was the 1st time my Aunt Ollie was able to visit in a year & they've always been extremely close. She cried when we left so, I made us another appt for Sunday. We'll be going 1 to 2x a week.
Apr 07Reply

@maxwellestate 1-2 times a week!! Cheers💞 You are so right about how important physical contact is!! When I moved away from home-nearly 40 years ago, I was too young and naive to realize the impact it would have on my life-spent too far away from Family! But the roots I created are too deep to transplant. Thankfully we have the advantage of air travel 💙
Apr 07Reply

@stefanielena So True. Let me know about how it goes ~ I know it will be simply Wonderful!
Apr 07Reply

@maxwellestate You are a Gem 💎 such a beautiful encounter and I will definitely be in touch😘🤗
Apr 07Reply

@stefanielena Awesome Stefanie! You are a doll & I feel very Blessed to have 'met' a new friend here on Posh <3
Apr 07Reply

@maxwellestate Likewise! How very sweet of you to share. I am a tiny fish-haha. But a bit of a hoarder-so much more to list! I need to get busy!!
Apr 07Reply

@stefanielena I hear ya..I look at how much jewelry I have & just think to myself, okay you can do this ..it's like climbing a mountain...one step at a time.
Apr 07Reply

@maxwellestate You’re embarking on your 2nd Saturn return-so you have Cosmic forces at your behest🪐!
Apr 07Reply

@stefanielena Cool beans~! I accept that ! <3
Apr 07Reply

@maxwellestate 🤩
Apr 07Reply

Apr 10Reply

@giftsgalore51 Thank you so much <3 Have a Blessed weekend ~!
Apr 10Reply

I love your items! Great closet!
Apr 11Reply

@mcondjel Thank you so much, I will be adding more asap. Thank you so much for sharing <3
Apr 11Reply

Hello! You have a beautiful closet and are very knowledgeable in vintage. I am curious if you are able to tell me anything on a piece I just shared. Any information on it would be appreciated, thank you!
Apr 22Reply

@eclecticcaviar Hi There, Thank you very much. From your closet or mine ? I have gotten about 100+ shares from others in the past 10 minutes .
Apr 22Reply

@eclecticcaviar Please tag me under the particular item. If I don't answer right away, I have to cook dinner <3
Apr 22Reply

@maxwellestate I apologize no rush and IL tag you in it, thank you for responding so fast!
Apr 22Reply

I'm so glad to hear good news of your mother! Your closet is dangerous in all wonderful ways--so many lovely items to save for!
Apr 23Reply

@hummingbirdhobo Thank you so Much <3 It's a Blessing to share my Passion with others !
Apr 23Reply

Hey Meredith! How are you and you Mom? I had
rotator cuff surgery on Tuesday and am laid up for a while🥴 Miss our chats❤️❤️❤️
May 01Reply

@lwoods1188 Hey You! I have sent you a couple of messages on here & didn't hear back. I wanted to call you to fill you in on everything. I will see Mom tomorrow for an hour or so! It's actually better now to work from home & I actually get to see her for more time than when I worked there. I want to call asap <3 I have missed you. Sorry about your surgery. I hope you're able to heal quickly. I can call today whenever is convenient to you.
May 01Reply

@lwoods1188 Oh, if you like that necklace, put in a bundle by itself & I can send you a private better offer <3
May 01Reply

Call as soon as you can ❤️ I didn’t get your messages!!!
May 01Reply

@lwoods1188 Okay, I will call in a few <3
May 01Reply

Great collection of Jewelry, you should consider joining "Weekly Jewelry Share Group" hosted by @ginasgems4you, go to her closet follow, like the share group post, and sign up. This is a great way to get sells, followers, and shares. I would love to share your jewels there! Your Posh Sis, Jamie
May 04Reply

@jamesaddiction Thank you so much Jamie ! signed up <3 I may have to get to bed earlier but, I will share my butt off until then. It says that she announces when, that is great!
May 04Reply

@maxwellestate 👍 YAY! Thats awesome, I have a great time sharing and seeing everyone's jewelry. I always share more than 5, that's just what I do, it helps my PFFs get some notice. I will share you there! Your Posh Sis, Jamie
May 04Reply

@jamesaddiction It starts this morning. I am EST & just getting on here. I don't know, it may have started. I am playing catch up first & then to check. Thank you so much ! I will definitely share yours!
May 05Reply

I hope that you will check out my closet
May 07Reply

@martinbd6029 Thanks, sure will. I love to share other sellers items as time allows. Have a blessed evening
May 07Reply

Your closet is incredible! I’m a jewelry and gem lover. I’ve sold jewelry for over 10 years and studied gems for a long time and have an amazing collection. I have just started trying to make a few pieces of my own. Definitely a work in process. But your pieces are awesome ❤️❤️
May 07Reply

@shelynlucy Hi Beautiful Shelley! Thank you so much. I probably have 10,000 more pieces to add. So much jewelry, so little time..hehe. It's my passion. I used to own an International Jewelry Biz (mainly vintage/antique as that's my PASSION!) and I am overjoyed to share these Treasures with their new owners. The Rich history & craftsmanship is so vast and brings such Joy to constantly learn, even after Many yrs. Your closet is GORGEOUS!!
May 07Reply

@maxwellestate you are so kind! Thank you . ❤️❤️ I honestly could look at your closet all day every day ❤️❤️
May 07Reply

@shelynlucy Please do! hehe. I love meeting new Posh friends, such a blessing. This grandma is heading to bed early ~! Maybe I can get more on this weekend ? The thing I enjoy the least is taking pics. I love the ad writing & shipping with love. Have a Blessed evening Shelley <3
May 08Reply

💕 Beautiful 💕
May 08Reply

@carameliciious Thank you <3
May 08Reply

@maxwellestate You are most welcome 💞💗💞 sweetie 😘
May 08Reply

Dear @arianat123 thank you for your offer. I have to make something to stay in biz so, I countered Have a great evening, ~Meredith
May 10Reply

Hey thanks for sharing! Love Love your collection! I have so much to post, it's time consuming! You coming back to Share Group? Hope so! Make sure you like and sign-up new post. Every time we finish one gina makes a new sign-up post. I love seeing everyone jewelry collection! It's so hard not to shop! Be sharing soon!
May 11Reply

Your Posh Sis, Jamie
May 11Reply

@jamesaddiction Hello Darlin, My pleasure. I will check out the new post. I have been crazy busy & haven't checked about when the next one starts. I just got home after being gone ALL day so, If tonight...we shall see. I love being a part of the group when I can. Have a Blessed evening sweetheart <3
May 11Reply

@jamesaddiction I didn't see a new one ?
May 11Reply

@jamesaddiction NM, just found it..lol. Thanks Sister <3
May 11Reply

@maxwellestate When I ❤ like a post I get noticed from it everytime its update, so I will know when next Share Party is or I will miss it. Life is busy sometimes! J
May 11Reply

Oh, my...your closet is gorgeous! I need some lottery so I can clean you out!!
May 13Reply

@vmacentee hehe.. I can work with you to an extent according to my investment. I have approx 10,000 more pieces to share as time allows. I will be posting more today. <3 stay tuned & Thanks again for perusing my closet Victoria <3
May 13Reply

I truly appreciate your kind offer on your stunning pieces...I will, unfortunately, not be able to purchase. The Sadie Greene Art deco especially. Alas, I am religated to drooling from afar. If circumstance should change-you will hear from me again.
Warm Regards,
May 16Reply

@vmacentee I don't mind people enjoying my listings, sweet Vicky. I try to add information (extra) on some things that I have studied about (history of company, etc.,) when I can & have time, in order to help other jewelry lovers to learn if they don't already know. This is my Passion & yes, I have to make a living however, I love to learn & share about the beauty in older jewelry. So, I hope you stick around no matter what <virtual hugs>
May 17Reply

Passion is the right word. I adore the old pieces. My great grandfather was a jeweler in Mississippi about the time of the late Edwardian, Arts and Crafts Movement. I am blessed to have one of the family pieces.
I am getting ready to begin to put together some "assemblage" pieces as I can- in my, oh (lol) so copious spare time. The Vintage Jewelry Supply has some lovely reproduction items if you care to take a look.
Thank you for your time and graciousness.
May 17Reply

@vmacentee The Vintage Jewelry Supply ? Copious time ...haha..after I resigned from my job at the Nursing Home, I thought "oh yeah, now I'm going to have more time"..nope, I am a type A personality & I always have work for me..lol
May 17Reply

You’re amazing! Thank you, hope all is well ♥️
May 18Reply

@bperales20 Good Morning Sunshine! I hope you have lots of sales today. Thanks for stopping by <3
May 18Reply

Book marked ❤🍀
May 21Reply

@jenlarson29414 Yay!
May 21Reply

I am blown away by your closet and then I read about you and find you are as equally a beautiful person. 🦋 XO Robin
May 25Reply

@bruiserthehound Thank you so much ~ You made my day Robin! I hope you have loads of sales in 2021 ~!!!
May 25Reply

Thank you for your follow and share. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
May 25Reply

@glassprism70 Thank you <3 I hope you have many sales in 2021!
May 25Reply

@maxwellestate 🦋🧡🦋🧡 Thank you and right back atcha 😊
May 26Reply

@bruiserthehound ...and..you are just Beautiful !!
May 26Reply

@maxwellestate 🌸🌸🌸🌼🌼🧡 Thank you!!! 🌸🌸🌸🌼🌼🧡
May 26Reply

@bruiserthehound You are so very welcome Darlin <3
May 26Reply

TQ. And you are very welcome. All the best to you.
May 26Reply

Meredith hi and good evening. thank you for your follow, wishing you all the very best, my fiance Samantha was an Army R.N, we both caught desert shield-storm, I was air assault, she was in the 47th combat support hospital. Civilian life she was an E.R nurse now admin at the hospital, me retired, I got the work cut out for me too,a new driveway, tree cutting, dirt work, painting, I had it easier in service, lol keep up the great work.
May 26Reply

@sargebill Thank you both so very much for your service Bill. I was not a nurse, I worked in the front office but, I got to get very close to our residents and though I went there for my Mom, I wound up falling in love with all of them. God Bless you & yours, ~Meredith
May 26Reply

@maxwellestate you're very welcome, the news didn't show half of what really happened, the combat support hospitals got all the 1st line casualties. I later went airborne, perfectly fine C130s and I jumped from em.go figure The greatest generation is going fast, I'd sit with those great folks and listen to history. Uncle Ray caught all 3 wars, WW2, Korea and 2x Vietnam, all airborne, his class A's and jump boots ,the decorations, always smiling and loved his gardening
May 26Reply

@sargebill Agreed !That's one of the things I loved the MOST about working at the Nursing Home =The stories from so many. One lady,Loved this light up watch that I had (she would giggle like a school girl) &so, I gave it to her.Then, she gave it to her grandson, which, it was hers so of course fine by me so, I bought her another one. Before she passed, she gave me a pr of gloves from the 1920's that were very special to her. I cherish them & my memories w/her. That is is just one story of Many!
May 26Reply

@maxwellestate I used to do living history and our WW2 section hosted a USO show, all in vintage attire,vehicles, etc... you should've seen those old couple dancing, one WW2 paratrooper was in his Class A uniform and still fit. They had fun that night, our M.P.s were "checking " passes, the jeeps,staff car, M.P bike, I went to the opening of the DAY museum in New Orleans, now the national WW2 museum, got autographs from all kinds of vet's, Free French, Australian, British, U.S.forces,
May 26Reply

@sargebill What a wonderful experience!I have a WW2 remembrance necklace on my listings,where the man would get sterling tags with family members names on them &place them on a ribbon &upon arriving home safely, he'd give to his mother,sister,wife,girlfriend or daughter.The History of things is what gives them their value to me. I would imagine that you have things that are priceless to you, from your memories. I don't know who the necklace belonged to, because it would not be for sale if I did.
May 26Reply

@maxwellestate it's not the big things that draw attention as much as the small things, memoirs, diaries, photos,maps, home front items, pay books, a lot of my collections are one of a kind, reading the notes of Sam Watkins, Co. H tenn inf. ,hair raising. I have battlefield drawings of Col. Warren Ducote and the book he wrote, Chaplain Francis Duffy, his autobiography, war correspondent Erie Pyle published just before his death on Okinawa 1945
May 26Reply

@sargebill Indeed, we are all different in what fascinates us. Mine happens to be jewelry & not due to mankind's normal way of thinking. It's the wonder of craftsmanship & rich history. I got hooked many yrs ago when my husband that passed (I'm engaged to a wonderful man now, after yrs of thinking I'd never have that mate again) anyway, we bought an Estate of jewelry of a woman that was a spinster, a teacher & her passion was jewelry. She had no one to leave it to. It led us to own an....cont..
May 26Reply

@sargebill ...International Vintage/Antique Jewelry biz for yrs. He passed, I got really sick & basically bed ridden for several years & now, I am so Blessed to have great doctors & my lease on life & passion has been given back to me. I live a very Thankful life. I hope you enjoy and pass your items on to someone who will cherish your items as much as you do.
May 26Reply

@maxwellestate I'd love to go into the attics of these old homes here,some dating back to civil war era and beautiful. The woodworking is gorgeous and solid, the Ducote house has been refurbished, big sucker !!!! that porch goes all around the structure. Everything is already set to go to various military museum around the U.S. so I know it'll be cared for and people can see it, I made sure my 1943 gun jeep is to be an indoors exhibit as not to rot in the weather
May 26Reply

@sargebill Me too! I lived in a 100yr old house for a while when my children were young. Nothing was level..haha! but, I loved it ! Just to look at the 'hand carved - anything!" in the house & we just had the old wood stove for heating and it was just fine! My fiance wants that Jeep..LOL. I would say kidding but, he'd love it. He has bought 4 vehicles in the past 3 months...so, I guess he collects cars too..hehe
May 27Reply

SOooo Sultry in that third pic down! Marilyn-esque!! You look great in red!
May 30Reply

@samloveslife Aww, Thanks. I am an old grandma in these pics..I don't mind - they are Worth it ! I was 1st runner up in a Marilyn contest when I was young. It was late 80's and skinny was in & I was a size 8 and the gal that won was a size 0. My Mom always said, 'pretty is as pretty does' and so, that is what I have always believed.
May 30Reply

@maxwellestate You’re too young to be a Grandma! And as far as the contest goes, I believe you, the 80’s were a coke fest for models. I’m shocked you didn’t win, because Miss Marilyn was not a size zero ever!! So, I therefore declare YOU as the OFFICIAL WINNER!!! 👑👄🥂🏆 Congratulations!!
May 31Reply

@samloveslife I receive t..LOL ~! You are so fun!! I hope your move goes well without a hitch. If you don't mind, are you moving to another state ? or ?
May 31Reply

*It* (typo)
May 31Reply

@maxwellestate Yay! I’ll give you my cell, some things I don’t want to divulge on a public forum. I was being stalked. As in, seriously stalked, had to leave the town, my job. I’ll tell more later. Lol, I’ll probably be asleep if you text tonight, I have an erratic schedule at the moment(part of my reason for moving). 310-980-3071
May 31Reply

@samloveslife Been there! Maybe you should delete your cell post honey. Get somewhere safe ! Virtual Hugs ~ Maybe you will waken to lots of likers to give offers to & some offers & outright sales. Sleep well my friend, I have your back this evening. I will text you with my #. Love & Peace, ~Meredith
May 31Reply

Hey, can't wait for share group come back, I know gina been out, I will try and share back, may not be staight away but I will share back, promise! Thanks for sharing! I've noticed few pieces have sold, awesome.
Your Posh Sis, Jamie
May 31Reply

@jamesaddiction You actually made me feel guilty today..I am like Lord, you know how much I share but, I can't keep up today. Thank you for realizing that I may not be able to share all at once but, I am there little by little. Thank you Sweet Jamie <3
May 31Reply

@maxwellestate Oh no, please don't feel guilty, I wasn't trying to guilt trip you, LOL! I'm the one that feels I don't share as often, and no worries, you don't have to share all the time or as much, I do it just because I want to! I really like looking at all those pretty jewels! It's👌ok!
Your Posh Sis, Jamie
Jun 02Reply

@jamesaddiction Thank you Darlin'...I genuinely try to share about 2hrs a day but, sometimes, it is just not possible. <3
Jun 03Reply

Very beautiful and unique jewelry! “Like!” 💖👍💖
Jun 04Reply

@shabbysaltbox Thank you so much..I'm trying to decide if it's an addiction or Passion..LOL! So much jewelry, too little time :-D
Jun 04Reply

Hey, Darlin, Been trying to keep up with you, Thanks a bunches for all the sharing, hope I am sharing you back, I may not be able everyday, but will share as much as I can when I am up here. Let me know I got you back? Your Posh Sis, Jamie
Jun 09Reply

@jamesaddiction Oh Please don't try to keep up. That's not what it's all about. I just share when I can & sometimes, it is a lot & sometimes not much. So, you just do what is comfortable to you. There's a lot to do on Posh & also, we have families to take care of. So, Please never feel pressured honey. Thank you for what you 'can do' & don't ever worry about 'how much'..Love you gal. ~Meredith
Jun 09Reply

Hey, How you doing? Let me know you ok! Love Your Sis, Jamie
Jun 20Reply

@jamesaddiction Hello sweet Jamie, thank you for texting to check up on me. That's what friends do and you are a good friend! Feeling better this morning. Thank the Lord! ..PS. Thank you as always, for having my back with all the shares !
Jun 20Reply

Good Morning Beautiful! Thought of you when I saw these. https://posh.mk/PfXWSycjihb. Love you🤗🥰
Jun 22Reply

@arlamars Yes, those are Beautiful ~!!! We've had a Big storm & Momma Brenda has a Tree down in her yard on top of a power line that is stretched but, not broken so, Eddie to the rescue this morning. I am missing talking to you..Soon! Today, I have to list. I lost a lot of time this week & I know you did too sweetness. I love you too !!
Jun 22Reply

Hi Meredith, thanks so much for sharing my Mawi Kunzite. Good luck with your sales too. Stay well. Peace and love, Anji
Jun 30Reply

@anjisattic You are very welcome. I've had a busy week so, I am glad for what I got to share. We had a death in the family so, lots to do. Have a Lovely evening. God Bless, ~Meredith
Jun 30Reply

My thoughts are with you at this very sad time. Stray strong Meredith. Peace and love, Anji
Jun 30Reply

thanks so much for the share from my closet!
Jul 13Reply

@southdrawl You're very welcome. Thank you! Have a Blessed Day ♥️⚘♥️
Jul 13Reply

Thanks for the shares!!!! here hoping I sell, happy poshing!
Jul 15Reply

@gajamie You are so very welcome. If you'd like a great advice page, look up @denimcrush under members. It's 2 awesome sisters that also sell on here, on different closets. When I first got on here, I found the information to be of great help. I can also help, if you have any questions. Welcome!
Jul 15Reply

Meredith, It's so great to find a seller who KNOWS jewelry! I hope you will visit my Meet-the-Posher to see why I am here AND my 2nd listing, which you may find interesting. LOVE your items! Cheryl😍🎉
Jul 16Reply

@cheryl1da Thank you! it has been my Passion since I was a little girl (in the stone age) hehe. I'll check your page now ♥️
Jul 16Reply

I am SO happy you enjoyed visiting! I am making this listing (and sellers like YOU) open to anyone who is interested in acquiring pieces with meaning (meaning to THEM). It is an ongoing project, I can tell you! Such a pleasure to meet. Hope you will actually check-out my closet & read some of the descriptions & comments ( many pieces require more space than the "box" allows. LOL Best Wishes for MANY sales! Take care & Stay Safe! Cheryl💖
Jul 16Reply

@cheryl1da I so did Enjoy your closet! I don't know about you but, I have like 10k or more pieces, just waiting for me to list to find new homes & I still buy..haha! I know it's a 'bug' that bit me but, a welcomed one! lol
Jul 16Reply

As a doc in the COVID-19 unit, I can't really wear jewelry. Even studs get accidentally yanked by sick patients! But I DO give jewelry to recovering patients & it means the world to them! They see their piece as a symbol of rebirth, renewal, & so much more. My Aunt Marie has been SO kind. Yep, I have a TON of beautiful pieces to list like you! Here, though, I am more cautious about my pricing because many people WANT to make a purchase (and contribute) but their budgets just don't allow for
Jul 16Reply

cont. much at this time. At first my Aunt saw some of my pricing and wondered if I KNEW the real worth of the jewelry...NOW, though, she realizes why I make the choices I do. That is why I am SO pleased you are free to present YOUR quality jewelry at "appropriate" prices. Too many Poshers (IMHO) don't have a clue WHAT they are offering! And then there are the "boutique" fanatics...don't get me started on those because it's Poshmark that is offering these cheap imitations...GRRRR. Anyway, THANKS!
Jul 16Reply

BTW...as a Neurosurgeon & Psychiatrist, my heart goes out to you in regards to your Mother!💖 I have had the honor to work with such patients & their loved ones. Oh, how wonderful you HAVE such incredible memories of her in better times AND are clearly carrying on her "legacy." YOU, dear one, ARE a TREASURE! A truly special person. I am privileged we crossed paths. I hope we do it again & again. Big Hug, Cheryl😘🌹
Jul 16Reply

@cheryl1da Thank you for serving & especially during the crisis. I was in the thick of it at the Nursing Home & once I could visit my Mom, I decided to leave & do Posh full time. I am not a medical professional. I worked in the front office & after covid hit, my duties became medical. I was to screen anyone who was allowed to enter. It was VERY scary to someone who had never had medical training but, in order to stay with my Mom, I sucked it up & stayed until things died down. God Bless YOU!!
Jul 16Reply

@cheryl1da & Thank you for the kind words about my Sweet Mom. She was a Raving Beauty!! My sweet Aunt Ollie is her identical twin. I have often called her Mom by mistake. She goes with me to visit Mom sometimes on Sundays. I am very Blessed to have them Both still here. It has been a JOY to talk with you. Thank you for blessing my whole day!
Jul 16Reply

It is MY privilege to work with patients. When my Mother heard I was accepted into Med School she disowned me...her belief system doesn't see what I do as valuable. My Dad supported my efforts, but has had to limit contact because of my Mother. Her religion is a beautiful one; it's just not mine. People like you, Margaret, are of awesome help to those of us dealing with the ill every day. Right now I am also manning THREE hotlines, with the help of residents- Burned-out Healthcare Workers,
Jul 16Reply

@cheryl1da Well, I am thankful that with your passion for your patients & co-workers, that the Medical field was blessed with YOU. I am sorry that you have had to overcome a heartache with your Mom & Dad. It sounds like we have something in common. A Long time ago, when I faced some pretty dire circumstances, I made up my mind to Always get better & never bitter. It makes for a Happy Life & satisfaction in my own decisions <3
Jul 16Reply

Suicide Prevention, & Addicts who can't attend meetings & are afraid they are returning to their old ways. Yep, it's a lot. AND, it just scares my Residents to pieces! But, Margaret, it's people like YOU; people who keep going, that makes it an HONOR! I LOVE what I do! I love people like YOU! Don't ever doubt that offering your wonderful jewelry is ANY different than what I do! YOU have your whole heart & soul involved and we really NEED that at this time right now. God Bless, my new friend, C🌹
Jul 16Reply

@cheryl1da Aww, Thank you..God Bless you too Cheryl _the feeling is Mutual. ~Meredith
Jul 16Reply

Meredith, I can and will exchange that for a larger size if you would like. Just let me know.
Jul 17Reply

@scoobie60 Thank you. I will wait for the others to come in & if there's more than one thing, I will happily send back for exchange. I really appreciate you offering that.
Jul 17Reply

I am so happy u shared from my closet, ty very much!!! It makes me beyond excited that it brought me to urs and now I get to go thru ur intriguingly unique listings! I want to read the description on each item... lol! they r so interesting and GORGEOUS! I have never seen a closet like urs on POSH yet. And it is exquisite!
Jul 18Reply

@bubsch4 Thank you so much Christy! That means So much to me. Vintage jewelry is my true Passion and I love sharing the History with others. I especially love rehoming them to someone who will cherish them. You've Blessed my Day!!! ~Meredith
Jul 18Reply

@maxwellestate you r so welcome, Meredith. I end up reading the description on pretty much every single piece. I can't help it, they're all so beautiful and interesting. I'm looking forward to continuing learning my way thru ur closet and finding treasures of my own😁
Have a gorgeous day🌞🕶!
Jul 18Reply

@maxwellestate...... i also love that it shines thru in ur descriptions that these aren't just items for sale to u. it is awesome to see how truly passionate u r about these historical pieces and that u really do know what ur talking about. i instantly trusted u as a seller! i know u what these pieces to go to sum1 who is going to cherish them as much as u do!
Jul 18Reply

@bubsch4 Awww, your encouragement means a Lot. I go to visit my Mom every Sunday and she's got severe Alzheimers so, I hang on to every positive thing, especially on Sundays. It's hard but, I'm SO thankful for my memories with her and doing what I love to do, helps too ♥️
Jul 18Reply

@bubsch4 So, you've Really been a Genuine Blessing Today!
Jul 18Reply

🙋♀️Hi, 🍍it’s nice to meet you🍍 Glad you are lovin’ Poshmark. I’d love 💕 you to stop by my closet and follow me. And, I will do the same. Wishing you all the 🍀luck 🍀 in the world 🌎
Jul 20Reply

@bestdressed995 Thank you Paula. Happy to meet you too! I've been Poshing now for 19 months & just am really loving it, still! it's a great Avenue to meet PFF's and to share my Passion of vintage jewelry with like minded friends, as well. I buy presents & things for myself too. I'll happily visit your closet♥️
Jul 20Reply

thank you for the shares. 🥰🤗💗
Jul 20Reply

@debrakling Thank you too♥️ I hope you make lots of sales. You've got some Beautiful jewelry!
Jul 20Reply

@maxwellestate thank you for the compliment. your closet is gorgeous as well. 💗💞
Jul 20Reply

I try to support our Posh community from buying for myself & for gifts for family and friends. It was so nice meeting , you are very 🍬
Jul 20Reply

@bestdressed995 My pleasure ♥️⚘♥️
Jul 20Reply

Your closet is absolutely stunning! I love your inventory! And you are gorgeous too! I just had to tell you! Happy Poshing!♥️
Jul 20Reply

More Beautiful than ever! Love you!🤗🥰
Jul 21Reply

@arlamars Thank you my sweetest friend ♥️
Jul 21Reply

Good luck with the surgery! As a doc you would THINK I would get great treatment. Well, I had to have a septoplasty and the doc had GREAT credentials. I was AWAKE throughout the procedure (I needed much more sedation) and the guy actually hit a burr & pronounced, "God! I almost poked her eye out!" Boy, was HE surprised to hear me reply, "Save that burr, Frank, I want to put it in a jar!" Of course, I received OUTSTANDING follow-up care! LOL YOU are areal treat! Cheryl😍🎉
Jul 21Reply

@cheryl1da Thank you. I'm still dreading it. I hate to get surgery! but, I must. I've got a little stream on one side of my nostrils and the gulf of Mexico on the other 🤣🤣🤣. You're so much fun! I bet you have the nurses in stitches with your energy.
Jul 21Reply

Good morning dear- thank you for sharing my closet. I appreciate you.
I look forward to hopping on Poshmark with my coffee each day & sharing your beautiful items. It seriously brings me joy to see all of the beautiful offerings you have. Happy Friday Eve
Much gratitude ♡
Jul 22Reply

@jenlarson29414 oh Jen! You have started my day off beautifully this morning. First of all, it's my pleasure. Secondly, thank you for being a blessing. Your closet is Amazing! You've got such a nice array of the pretty girl next door items. No wonder you do so well! Have a wonderful day and....
Jul 22Reply

@jenlarson29414 if you ever would like to chat, just put an item in a bundle (not for purchase) & we can chat privately. If you ever have any jewelry questions, I'm your huckleberry ♥️⚘♥️ Big Ole Virtual Hugs , ~Meredith
Jul 22Reply

You have a beautiful face mlady!!😉😍
Jul 22Reply

@luvyorlook Thank you darlin. You do too !!♥️
Jul 22Reply

Thank you, again, for sharing my closet!🌹 I went through some of your descriptions the other day (during a brief break) & found we BOTH like to make certain people understand what they will be buying. I LOVE it when that happens! 🎉 I came across a piece that made question my "understanding" of a piece I also offer. I called my Aunt & she explained WHY we would definitely differ in our "history" of the piece(s). OH! Turns out THAT is why she used that piece in guest lecture! I don't see how
Jul 23Reply

you manage to list so many items! Even w/a few volunteers, I need much time (not available right now) just to list what I do! I am SO glad we met & I suggest you to ALL my followers...many good wishes for your surgery. I am certain it will be fine. And, when I AM able, it's a real joy sharing yours! Keep Safe, Meredith, Cheryl😘💖✨✨✨✨✨
Jul 23Reply

@cheryl1da Thank you Precious Doc Cheryl. It has taken a while to list all the items. I'm trying to list as much as I can before the surgery, to give me a cushion in the bank account for the time I'm off. Your Aunt must be so proud of you ♥️. As busy as you are, THANK you for taking time to chat with me ♥️♥️♥️
Jul 23Reply

@cheryl1da Oh! and MAJOR thanks for the referrals ♥️♥️ As you know, I want all the items to wind up with their new destined owners 😁⚘
Jul 23Reply

My Aunt Marie has been VERY supportive of me, especially since her sister (my Mother) refuses to have anything to do with me now. Sometimes she DOES question my prices! LOL Afterall, she DOES know her jewelry! But, given the circumstances, SHE tells me it just gives HER an excuse to buy MORE...LOL!🎉😘 AND, she is so pleased someone like YOU truly does her "homework" because she has only paid short "visits" to Poshmark, and has been pretty unimpressed with the lack of good info about jewelry.
Jul 23Reply

She told me, when I suggested she visit YOUR closet, that, "This is obviously a person who also cares deeply about good pieces and their worth." Coming from THAT woman YOU have received an outstanding "endorsement! LOL Keep in mind, though, my Aunt will buy ANY piece she feels "moves" her...could be trash OR treasure! LOL That's why I created my 2nd listing in her honor. Now, I just have to get more days (have some to spare?) to explain exactly how to care from the purchases! So much bad info
Jul 23Reply

on the WEB! I DO appreciate you, more than you know. Thanks, again, for being YOU! Big Hug, Cheryl😍✨✨✨✨✨💖
Jul 23Reply

@cheryl1da I just adore you AND your Aunt Maria even though I've not had the honor of chatting with her. I can imagine that I could learn a lot from her. The more one learns, the more we realize how much we don't know. I hope that one day, she might find a Treasure in my closet that she must have. That would be an honor. I hand pick little surprises to send too ⚘♥️⚘
Jul 23Reply

LOVE being able to actually share back what you do for me! I am sitting with a patient who will pass shortly. I'm describing to her YOUR pieces! SHE has been a major collector of jewelry her whole life (85 years), and THIS is what she loves to "dream" about. Thank you, Dear-one, thank you! Cheryl😘💖🙌
Jul 25Reply

@cheryl1da You needn't ever worry about sharing back ♥️. God Bless you for what you do. I pray that she passes peacefully. It's hard to watch but, I believe that it helps to have someone there with them, it would be awful to pass alone. ♥️♥️♥️♥️🙏♥️♥️♥️♥️
Jul 25Reply

Because I KNOW she will be at peace I am NOT uncomfortable being with those who will leave this world soon. It IS unfortunate that, although our state is highly vaccinated, some people still refuse to get their shots so they could be with a loved one. At the time of passing I ALWAYS experience a wonder ....a "light" and a bit of warmth rushes through me and I often here a, "It's so beautiful," as a patient dies. I tell these things to the loved ones. It brings them comfort. It is an HONOR. C🌹🌹
Jul 25Reply

@cheryl1da Very True my friend ♥️. I'm glad she's got you through this. I've seen it both ways, where they're really struggling and when it goes peacefully. There's a lot of factors involved. I think that I'd prefer to be knocked out when it's my time or at least very heavily medicated. I live in chronic pain so, at that time, I'd appreciate some grace from modern medicine ♥️
Jul 25Reply

This patient is feeling NO PAIN! I am with you on that point. NO ONE should have to suffer-to-death! Where I practice we make SURE patients are properly attended to regarding pain...I wouldn't do this if that wasn't the case. I also attend hospice (home) passings to "help" assure the loved one IS feeling no pain. Most docs refuse because they are afraid. Of what? I can't say, really. I guess a lot of it comes from the training- death is always seen as "failure." Not to ME! WE are only a
Jul 25Reply

"helper," in God's plan, NOT some "god" ourselves. Sad, really. The fear of death Med School tries to drill into students. I am grateful for the way I was raised, even if my Mother went a bit overboard. It has always given me a different perspective about illness/wellness. For that I am blessed. Thanks for your "ear." Big Hug, C😘💖💖💖💖
Jul 25Reply

@cheryl1da We had some amazing nurses with Hospice that come out to the Nursing Home. I was amazed at the strength & love extended to the resident & families. It sure has made me feel a lot better about my Mom being there. Mom has always been physically healthy so, I am also very thankful for that. It won't be as hard on her.
Jul 25Reply

@cheryl1da I always love chatting with you. I will put an item of yours in a bundle to chat privately, not for purchase as you know, I have too much jewelry..LOL.
Jul 25Reply

Dearheart, I sincerely hope you will NOT degrade your precious items by listing them as "0" as the original price! You are an EXPERT! You KNOW their true value & should, with confidence, place what the "original selling price" would be if someone were to have made the purchase in terms of money today! I once sold a Lenci-like doll in "another place," knowing exactly what the price would be in today's market, and the buyer felt/knew they got a real bargain. PLEASE (I know, real pain) change all
Jul 28Reply

cont. those "0's" to the ACTUAL amount such pieces would sell for TODAY. Gee, what ARE they worth? Just ask my Aunt Marie, "To ME they are worth the world in their history, meaning, making, and current condition." Check her "receipts" (MY original prices are from HERS, be they high OR, as SHE would say, "A real bargain." LOL ). Do yourself that service & do it for your awesome customers. They deserve to know the real value of their purchases! BIG HUG, Cheryl😘💖🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jul 28Reply

@cheryl1da You're right in that I know the value. I try to eliminate Stress in any way that I can so, it's mainly for my mental health to put 0 on certain things because I've had some REAL smartasses who I don't have time to give of my time that are always "the couch sitting experts " so, I do that for myself in order to keep my own peace. Thank you my Precious friend, for looking out for me. ⚘♥️⚘
Jul 28Reply

@cheryl1da I was just thinking about you this morning. How Very blessed I am to have you in my life and corner ♥️♥️♥️. I'm going to be shipping today & I might even list some more Beauties. My surgery is the 20th! I need suggestions on prep herbs, minerals, etc to help my skin heal Quick! I shouldn't have watched the surgery on video 🤣⚘
Jul 28Reply

Good Morning Beautiful 🤗🥰
Saw this and thought of you!
Aug 01Reply

This one too:
Love you🤗🥰
Aug 01Reply

@arlamars Pretty!!! Thank you love !! Was such fun talking yesterday <3
Aug 01Reply

Yes, it was fun!🤗🥰 and you are welcome!
Aug 01Reply

@arlamars ♥️⚘♥️⚘♥️
Aug 01Reply

I just got home...It's about 7:40 AM...another 48 hours spent tending to the sick & dying that is SO unnecessary. I am about to get some rest, but wanted to check in and there YOU were! How very kind you always are to share what I cannot. I wanted to remind you TO use the nasal lavage (I know, I know, it's a pain). BUT, you DID ask for anything that might help you handle the surgery AND its aftermath. I forgot to tell you that draining those sinus cavities WILL absolutely help your SKIN! cont.-
Aug 03Reply

When our sinuses are the least bit clogged or inflamed (and they will be if they aren't already after the surgery (just a natural response) prepping with twice-a-day lavages actually causes your skin's collagen to automatically regenerate! This is why MY patients have always thanked me for "strongly suggesting" nasal lavage every single day before ANY other anti-aging thing! One VERY picky woman had been using Botox since she was 30! Oh, she used natural items as well, but at least once cont.
Aug 03Reply

cont. every 2 months she had had that junk injected. I met her when she was 60. The effects of the Botox "weren't working well any more & I have a twitch in one eye." No wonder I knew how to "fix" the twitch, but asked her to just try nasal lavage twice-a-day for a month. Meredith, that's all it took. That & natural "Josie Maran's" Argon oil (hers is the best!). She has never stopped these two things and has NOT had anymore Botox! People tell her she has never looked better, & she knows it.
Aug 03Reply

So, my Dearest, please try the lavages & stick with them. The Argon oil by Josie Maran is available on QVC and it IS the best of argon (I know her; she is lovely inside-out). She donates a good sum to the people who "refine" this natural substance, laboring in hot AND rainy weather. I have had different brands tested by our lab & hers IS the closest to all-natural argon. Oh, and SHE now does nasal lavages! I hope this helps. I need to go. I AM sending you good thoughts. Take care, Cheryl
Aug 03Reply

@cheryl1da Thank you sweetest friend! indeed, I needed reminding. With the muggy weather lately, fibro fog has been imminent. That magnesium is in, I just have to pick it up. You know, we mountain folks don't have a mailbox 😁. You get your rest, love you!♥️⚘♥️
Aug 03Reply

@cheryl1da PS. I'll try the Josie Maran Argon Oil too. Thank you so much for always looking out for me ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Aug 03Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 💕😌💕…my name is Katalin. 💕💕
You have a fabulous closet,…I wish you lots of success here!💗
Stay safe and have a beautiful weekend!🍃🌻🍃
Aug 06Reply

@craftcraze Thank you Katalin. I've been here quite some time. I wish you success always, as well ♥️⚘♥️. You have a Gorgeous closet! Thanks so much for stopping by 😁🌻⚘
Aug 06Reply

@maxwellestate It’s my pleasure,….💕😌💕Thank you so much for your kind words!💗
Aug 06Reply

Hi! Thank you so much for the offers but I cannot purchase at this time I didn’t want you to think I was ignoring them and I will come back when I can purchase Thanks again🌺
Aug 08Reply

@3peas I understand. I can see why you also love to shop with Kawther! She's got an Amazing closet too. Yours is looking Beautiful! I'm working on getting on as much I can to sell b4 surgery coming up on the 20th. I'll be back soon though.
Love & Hugs, ~Meredith
Aug 08Reply

@maxwellestate yes, me and Kawther have had a lot of business together, her prices for me are amazing and she holds items for me until I get paid so I’m loyal to her We have a friendship as well so it’s on a personal level too I LOVE your closet and if I can continue to get great offers I will be back! I’m sorry to hear you are having surgery, I will send prayers your way🙏🏻🥰
Aug 08Reply

Aug 08Reply

@3peas Thank you darlin. Yes, she is very sweet and she's got So many beautiful items! I just adore her. I'm glad that she can hold items for a little while. I've been able to do that on a short term basis and it worked out perfectly. The more time I have, the easier that will be..eventually I'll have more time.. hehe. You know exactly what I mean with what all you do sweet friend ♥️⚘♥️
Aug 08Reply

@maxwellestate unfortunately had to put down 2 of our Furbabies in the last 2 weeks Coco was our 13 yr old Chihuahua who had seizures and fell off the bed and broke her back and found out she had tumors and our 12 yr old Bishon Bella who had Lyme disease, we thought she was lethargic because of Coco but she had tumors on her stomach and spleen poor prognosis for recovery We are all still shocked especially my triplet granddaughters $2,400.00 dollars later
Aug 08Reply

@3peas Oh no 😢 I'm so sorry. I know how they are really Family ⚘♥️🙏♥️. I'll definitely keep you & your family in my prayers. I pray for wonderful things to come your way to help heal your hearts! I'm going to visit Mom today. I'm dreading not getting to see her while I'm healing but, it shouldn't take too long to heal. I'm always happy to hear from you, no matter what's happening. You're an Angel ⚘
Aug 08Reply

@maxwellestate Give Mom a hug from me and don’t worry, many people will watch over her and I will prayer for her as well as you Make sure you take care of YOURSELF!we have to do that to be able to take care of our loved ones You are an absolute Angel for all that you do I would love to keep in touch I enjoy talking with you and I want to know how your surgery turns out and if I can help in any way 🥰🙏🏻❤️🥰🙏🏻❤️
Aug 08Reply

@3peas You're so precious. I'm heading to make breakfast now for my Eddie, then to get ready to head out. Put an item in a bundle to talk privately after while.
love you lady ♥️⚘♥️
Aug 08Reply

@maxwellestate ok Enjoy your day and we will talk soon Love you too!❤️
Aug 08Reply

I HOPE you will enjoy your visit with your Mother. Honestly. The more you offer input that is from the PAST the more likely she is to have SOME understanding of pleasantries in her life. It doesn't matter WHAT you talk to her about, but SMELLS trigger memories, even in those in a COMA! Yes, it's true. So, think of things she used to cook, or foods she liked & talk about those! It HELPS! I know you feel so helpless when you are looking at a person who seems like a "blank screen," but SMELLS last
Aug 08Reply

a lifetime! HUGE HUG! Cheryl😘💖
Aug 08Reply

BTW, I truly appreciate the shares! They are important to my cause, and I can't thank you enough. You are a STAR! Take good care of YOU, Cheryl✨✨✨💋
Aug 08Reply

@cheryl1da Thank you sweetest heart. I'm in a Great hurry to get there on time. I appreciate you always & your wisdom ♥️⚘♥️ have a Blessed day ♥️⚘♥️
Aug 08Reply

Thank you, once again, for your generous sharing of my closet!🌹 It It means the world to me & those who receive $ from my sales.🎉 I so hope your visit with your Mother went well. But, I DO know it is always a hard thing to do, given how much you care. Please take good care of YOU! Big Hug, Cheryl😘💖
Aug 09Reply

@cheryl1da Thank you darlin. it went wonderfully. Now, I'm off to the dentist. Bad toothache in a tooth that he fixed not too long ago. Hoping no infection because I need to keep my surgery date. Seems I stay crazy busy constantly. I need a no electronics break. I'll probably unplug a little while during my healing time. Hope you're having a Blessed day sweetness! oh! That Elite coffee is GREAT!!! ♥️⚘♥️
Aug 09Reply

I'm so glad you like the coffee. Hope the dentist goes well! Later, Cheryl😘
Aug 09Reply

Thank you for the shares. You have a lovely closet. Thank you for all you do. "Kind People Are My Kind Of People" ♥
Aug 12Reply

@mypookie96 Thank you too ♥️⚘♥️ Kind folks are my kind of folks too 😁. Have a wonderful day!
Aug 12Reply

awesome, thank you for inviting me by one of the things that I am proud about is that when I buy an antique it is well loved and well taken care of. most of my antique are pre 1900 so the owners are very well deceased. It is my duty to them to uphold their belongings and possessions to the highest standards, because their Spirit comes along with the item:-) one of my dream closets is right here
Aug 12Reply

As usual, Beautiful, thank you SO much for the shares! I could only share a few of yours...it is VERY busy here...haven't been home even to shower! Yuk! Hope you are doing well...lavage, ordering Argon, being YOU! Cheryl🌹
Aug 14Reply

@cheryl1da Hello my dear friend ⚘ I am sure that you're overwhelmed in the ER right now. I hope when things get better, you'll take a Grand vacation just to breathe and spoil yourself ! You so desperately deserve it ♥️ I'm using her Face cream. It's luscious & feels so good on my skin. Results are pending but, I could swear that my 2 little lines between my eyes are dwindling. Call anytime you want. Love you ♥️
Aug 14Reply

Hi, Lovely! I just got home (it's 6:30 AM).Hopefully there will be no emergencies today...it's been an almost 24 hour shift ( so many sick people now coming from other states). Nice to see your pretty face as I log in here, at home, with my husband still sleeping & our dog, Jade, cuddling near me. Thank you, one more time, for kindly sharing my closet. It is a true blessing. I so hope you are healing from your tooth abscess...so painful! I'm so glad you are taking some of my suggestions. C🌹
Aug 15Reply

@cheryl1da You are my Angel Doc Cheryl ♥️⚘♥️ Get plenty of rest, you so deserve it. I bought the JM cream for the face and yesterday, I ordered the oil. My tooth is still sore but, a far cry from the intense pain that I've been through for the past week. I get to go visit Mom Today so, I'm getting ready for that. So excited ⚘.
Aug 15Reply

Thank you! With shipping and OUR tax (ugh) it came to over $43, which is why I had to offer so low. I DO appreciate you! Big Hug, Cheryl
Aug 15Reply

@cheryl1da Believe me, I know. That's why I love Amazon P. Free shipping! I'm very excited to pack up your package. It's like a ritual of caring. I try to make it like you're getting an Amazing present ♥️⚘♥️
Aug 15Reply

Meredith, I ONLY just arrived home for a quick shower & meal, then BACK I go to the hospital. But, there you are...once again, managing to share so much of my closet!✨ AND adding even MORE new items! HOW you do this I don't know, but I remain so very grateful you do!🎉 I have so MUCH waiting to be listed it's embarrassing. But COVID is my main priority right now. I DO hope your tooth & gum (it does affect your gum area, too) is less painful. If it is still sore I do hope you will try
Aug 17Reply

small amounts of Orajel Mouth Sore Gel. I know you like natural substances and, dear one, the benzocaine in this product comes from a PLANT! It not only helps relieve pain, but also the inflammation that comes with it. Tooth/gum pain affects our brain's P2 (the area that registers pain throughout our whole body! To our brain, NOTHING produces more P2 than that of tooth/gum pain! It definitely can affect our body's ability to recover from any other type of pain! With your upcoming surgery you
Aug 17Reply

@cheryl1da Hello my Darlin friend, I had SO much fun packing your package yesterday. I enjoyed picking out a pretty box for your Earrings (it's unique like You) & also, your goodies. You really mean so much to me, it was a Pleasure. I'm glad that you got "some" rest. I'm hoping that things will slow for You and all of those suffering in so many ways ♥️⚘♥️ Hugs, ~Meredith
Aug 17Reply

do NOT even soreness in your mouth! Please consider trying it in tiny amounts. Gotta go, Sweetness...take care...HUGE HUG, Cheryl😘💖
Aug 17Reply

@cheryl1da Thank you for the heads up about the orajel. My doc gave me lidocaine oral gel but, actually, chloroseptic helps more. It's getting better however, they need to get the root canal done asap because I don't want to keep taking antibiotics. I'm on my 2nd round for this & I've been off & on them for a Year for the sinus issues!
Aug 17Reply

Just have a minute, but saw that you have been taking antibiotics a lot! THIS will absolutely affect how well you recover from your upcoming surgery- NOT in a good way! PLEASE buy ESTER C (that is a type, not a brand, of Vitamin C). It is less acidic than regular Vit. C AND is extremely well-tolerated by the body. Start taking 2,000 mg a day and go up to 5,000mg while recovering from your surgery. I promise (and I DON'T make many promises) it WILL help your body, inside and out, recover from the
Aug 17Reply

surgery! The constant antibiotic have almost destroyed your body's natural ability to "process" other healing items at the moment. It will also help with your root canal! But, no joke, you NEED that much & it must be ESTER C- no other. (Yes, Amazon offers it). You may take it on an empty stomach or with food, but you must drink a lot of water! YOUR body is literally screaming for it because of those antibiotics. When I say "a lot of water, I mean 16 ounces at a time. If you don't like your home
Aug 17Reply

water please buy any brand you like. You won't like me for this, but for now, I need you to drink 1/2 gallon a day at LEAST (I may not have time to eat, but I drink over 2 Gallons a day!). You may take 1,000 mg at a time OR pop 2,000mg at a time, but with each dose drink that 16 ounces! Yes, Ma'am, you WILL pee a lot. GOOD! It will flush your system of the garbage you already have AND the items given during and after surgery. ALL skin care items WILL work much better when you are properly
Aug 17Reply

hydrated! You will get well faster. Water IS God's gift- we are 85% water! And, NO, you may NOT flavor the water with those artificial flavorings. You MAY take a SLICE (just a slice) of a low acidic fruit (NO LEMON! It's too acidic for now), like watermelon, grape, cherry, apple. Sorry, but you NEED that water AND the Ester C. Yes, you may take MORE than 5,000mg a day if you want. Linus Pauling popped Vit. C all day- at least 9,000mg every day, so you can't overdose on this vitamin, but you CAN
Aug 17Reply

be depleted and not know it. ESTER C is the ONLY type I want you to take. I beg you to do this! And drink that water! Am late now....luv you, C💖🤞
Aug 17Reply

@cheryl1da Will do Sweet One ♥️⚘♥️ I've put it on the list. I "may " have some Ester C already but, if I don't, I'll get some for sure. I drink water constantly so, thankfully, I'm covered there. I'm curious as to what you think about Quercetin? looks good. Also, Sumac has a lot of benefits. We could talk all day
... lol. I know that you're working now, so we'll talk soon. I hope things are SLOW today in the ER. ♥️♥️
Aug 17Reply

Annnnnnd, there she IS! Thanks SO much for the shares! Hope you found the Ester C! Busy here, later, Cheryl💋
Aug 18Reply

@cheryl1da Good morning Sunshine. I'm headed out of town to my Fibromyalgia doc.. then guess what??! Tomorrow is my root canal, first thing in the morning ♥️⚘♥️ I've rescheduled my Septum surgery. So, I'm hoping I'll be healed by the 17th for my Marilyn Monroe gig here in town. Gotta run. Have a Wonderful day my precious friend ♥️
Aug 18Reply

Once again, you top-the-list of poshers sharing! And I am just here to do a few minutes of research then back to the hospital! Haven't even seen my hubby in 3 DAYS except to see him asleep! Too much going on. HUGE, HUGE HUG, Cheryl😘🌹
Aug 20Reply

@cheryl1da You needn't ever worry about sharing. It's my honor to help get your things sold because it helps so many. I understand about missing your hubby. My fiance has been working many 16hr days lately & also working on our Jeep to get it nice enough to drive. We've got 6 vehicles but, 2 are classics & aren't driven much & one needs a transmission & one of the 3 left will probably go to his son, not my Yukon though 😁. I 🙏 you get some free time soon sweetness ♥️⚘♥️
Aug 20Reply

Thank you! Thank you! for the shares ♡ Happy Sunday to you
Aug 21Reply

@jenlarson29414 You're so welcome Jen ♥️⚘♥️
Aug 21Reply

Kudos to you for your effort on behalf of others. Would also like to say that you have amassed an
unbelievable collection of pieces. Must be so much fun to play with. Wow!
Aug 24Reply

@ellenvil Thank you Ellen. It's been my pleasure... and the jewelry has Always been my Passion so, I totally love helping the pieces find new homes. There's just a real emotional connection there & I get just as excited to ship people their new (old sometimes) Treasures, as they are to receive them. Have a Blessed day & thanks for stopping by ♥️⚘♥️
Aug 24Reply

@maxwellestate Jewelry is one of my
passions as well. Both vintage and new. I don’t discriminate. Actually do some goldsmith and bead work myself. I don’t know much about costume jewelry altho I’ve acquired a few things over the years. I could easily fall in live with some of your treasures. When I have some time, i will have to take a closer look. Keep up the good work(s).!
Aug 24Reply

@ellenvil I'd love to see your work. The Vintage classics are my favorites. Such as, Givenchy, Christian Dior, etc., The runway chunky designs are really in style and I think that they probably always will be. ♥️
Aug 24Reply

Thank you, thank you & thank you, again, for sharing my closet! I just got a few minutes to share some of yours & it is always a pleasure! You really do make me feel lacking as I have SO much to list & am behind! But, when I am able, I truly enjoy sharing your items with my followers! Thanks, again, for your generosity of spirit. Big Hug! Cheryl😘💖🎉🎉🎉🎉
Aug 25Reply

@cheryl1da Thank You Darlin! I've not even gotten to yours today. I've been straightening out my closet this morning but, it'll get out of order again when I list but, that's okay. You're always on my list to share for the day. I adore you and don't ever worry about sharing my things because I know what you're doing is Way more important my friend ♥️⚘♥️
love you bunches ♥️
Aug 25Reply

jewelry & accessories party ~ I got you 😉✨❤
Aug 25Reply

@jenlarson29414 Thank you!!So Much Jen! You are amazing ♥️⚘♥️
Aug 25Reply

@maxwellestate Your closet is giving me life this morning!! 💎💍 Just so many absolutely stunning and rare pieces 😍 I think I’ll come by every morning for inspiration 💃🏻🔮 Thank you!
Aug 26Reply

@hollis1857 Awww Thank you Margot ♥️⚘♥️ I'm going to check yours out later this afternoon after my doctor's appointment. You're such a blessing. I'm so happy you stopped by ♥️
Aug 26Reply

Good Morning, Lovely! I always try to take a few moments when I get a break to try and share at least a few of your awesome pieces to my followers. Oh, my, but I AM behind! Hope all is well, my Southern Belle! Big Hug, Cheryl🌹
Aug 26Reply

@cheryl1da Hello Darlin. I'm just getting in after a doc appt and errands. I hope you're having a wonderful day. Thank you for all that you do ♥️⚘♥️
Aug 26Reply

Meredith, I would believe it if YOU had one of almost everything listed as far as jewelry goes! LOL YOU, my dear, possess a tremendous collection! (My Aunt Marie keeps MOST of hers in vaults! What I receive are the "fun" things! LOL) Always great to see your beautiful face....have another surgery...later, gorgeous! Again, many thanks for the shares! HUGE HUG, Cheryl😘💖
Aug 31Reply

@cheryl1da You're so welcome. I'm sure your surgery will be of great success. Starting later this evening, I'm putting on the vacation notice since my surgery is Friday, I knew that I wouldn't want to ship on Thursday so, I'll be back in about a week, depending on my quick recovery ♥️⚘♥️ love you bunches Doc Cheryl!
Aug 31Reply

I so hope you check here tomorrow. I will pray you have a safe and successful procedure, and that your recovery goes smoothly. Take care, my thoughts are with you, Cheryl😘💖🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Sep 01Reply

@cheryl1da There's my friend!♥️ I received THE most beautiful card ever today! Thank you so much. Surgery is Friday morning. I received Halcion and something for nausea. That's strong stuff! My doctor teaches other doctors on new procedures so, I'm happy to be in great hands. I'll keep that sweet card close when I come home for encouragement ♥️♥️♥️
Sep 01Reply

Wishing you comfort & healing 🙏
Get some rest after your procedure. Hugs & prayers.
Sep 02Reply

So happy you got the card before surgery ! Be sure you take the magnesium before and after the surgery! The anesthetic causes constipation, as do pain medications. You want them out of your system as soon as possible ! Make sure you drink water! You are going to feel so much better when it's all done! I'm thinking of you ! Cheryl 😘❤💚💙💜
Sep 02Reply

@jenlarson29414 Thank you darlin ♥️⚘♥️
Sep 02Reply

@cheryl1da Thank you sweetness. I'm taking the magnesium and the Ester C, plus a lot more supplements to help my immunity. A really Great one is Quercetin. I have to order that one as no Pharmacy carries it here. Thank God for Amazon Prime ♥️ Love you bunches, ~Meredith
Sep 02Reply

Hi, Beautiful! A friend shared some of my closet just because YOU have befriended me....thought I should at least share some of yours! Hope you are on the mend. HUGE HUG! Cheryl😘💖🎉🎉🎉🎉
Sep 13Reply

@cheryl1da Hello Darling, Thank you for that however, nothing is for sale as you can see on the listing, my closet is still on "vacation " due to still recovering ♥️. I look forward to getting back & sharing your closet Sweetheart. I had a Staph infection WHEN he did surgery/ results didn't come back until 5 days After. So, long healing process. It's been Very hard but, I'm coming back asap ♥️
Sep 14Reply

Hey, my Southern Belle! I knew your closet was on hold when I shared. I have had to put mine that way when too much is happening at the hospital. People still shared for me. I was just trying to return a little of what you have done for me. I am so glad you are on the mend! Yes, stuff happens...I was in the middle of a brain surgery when the guy had a heart attack that had just been "waiting to happen." You do what you can. Amazing what the human body can handle when it has to. Now, with YOU,
Sep 15Reply

your special spirit just soars through these "hard times!" YOU are a fighter! Later, Dear One...HUGE HUG! Cheryl😘💖💖💖💖
Sep 15Reply

@cheryl1da Hey Sweetness! I'm going to be back tomorrow! Feeling better and I owe it to Prayer, friends like you who are so supportive, family and Great Supplements! Gotta run, getting ready for tomorrow. Love you Doc Cheryl ♥️⚘♥️
Sep 15Reply

Welcome back dear. Hope you're doing well.
Sep 16Reply

@jenlarson29414 Thank you darlin. I'm doing so much better ♥️⚘♥️ I've missed you and all of my amazing Posh friends ⚘
Sep 16Reply

Too awesome for words! Thank you, again, Dearheart! C💋💋💋💖💖💖
Sep 18Reply

@cheryl1da That's what You are! Totally Amazing my dear friend ⚘♥️⚘
Sep 18Reply

Once again, you are just the BEST face to see sharing my closet! How are you doing, Dear One? Recovering? Huge Hug, Cheryl😘💖
Sep 21Reply

@cheryl1da Major HUGS to You, my Favorite ER Doc & Dear friend! I don't think that I would've made it through without Your suggestion of Ester C! I'm doing very well and just so happy to feel like myself again. Thank you, my Angel ♥️ Call again whenever you'd like & I'll tell you the whole story.
love, love, love you,
Sep 21Reply

I am SO thankful you are on-the-mend! I have a question, if you don't mind...??? I once had a Host Pick. Well, today I was notified (while in surgery) that it "appeared" one Host picked THREE items as Host Picks today during the Posh Party on Jewelry & Accessories. Can that happen? Each item does have a congrats comment left by the item's description from this Host...???? Let me know okay? Thanks, ....now I have to check on my patient in recovery. Love you, Cheryl😊✨
Sep 21Reply

@cheryl1da Indeed. As you know, I have many responsibilities in my life. I've had Host Picks without me Even knowing about them until I received an Email! I work hard to be here every few hours but, it's reasonable to check 2x a day. Don't worry my sweetness ♥️⚘♥️
Sep 22Reply

Hi, I am just getting home after losing yet another patient to COVID. It NEVER gets easier to tell a family & friends that they have lost a loved one, despite all of our efforts. I have been on-duty for 48 hours and need a break. I decided to check-in and there you were...my Sweet Southern Belle, as pretty as ever, looking out for me. Thank you SO much! It means the world to have you sharing. PLEASE DEAR ONE, take good care! You are special to so many people here!🌹🌹🌹 You ARE a wonder! Cheryl✨
Sep 24Reply

@cheryl1da Oh no 😢 I'm so sorry. I know that it never gets any easier. My prayers are with & for you my dear friend. Get some good rest and do something good for yourself ♥️
love you bunches,
Sep 24Reply

Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Sep 27Reply

@s27a Thank you. You have a lovely closet. I hope that you make lots of sales ♥️
Sep 27Reply

Got a break so thought I would try to share just a SMALL amount of what you do for me. I just found out that over 20+ photos of listings were erased from my camera's card!😒 This has NOT been my week! YOUR closet is looking amazing, as always!🎉😊🎉🎉🎉🎉HUGE HUG, Cheryl 😘💖💖
Sep 30Reply

@cheryl1da Thank you sweetness. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Taking pics is the hardest part for me. You're always on my mind & prayers. I just hope you're getting your rest. I really need to list! I'm trying to get some energy. Seems I'm still recovering some. ♥️♥️♥️
Sep 30Reply

Too often people don't realize the extent of the trauma their bodies go through with even (what is often called) a "small procedure." To our body it is an invasion! That trauma may continue to linger for some time & rest IS imperative. Be kind to yourself. You NEED it! Have surgery...later Dearheart, C😘🌹
Sep 30Reply

Thank you, Beautiful!!!🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍🔥🔥🔥❤️
Sep 30Reply

@cheryl1da I love you Doc! You're always my bright shiny Angel ♥️ praying for whatever surgery you're having to perform 🙏
Sep 30Reply

@samloveslife You're always welcome my friend. I've missed hearing from you. Glad you're getting back into the swing of things ♥️♥️♥️
Sep 30Reply

@maxwellestate Aww, Thanks Luvvy🥰🙏🏽 It’s been a crazy year, health wise so I am grateful to still be here and look forward to the next year…. Come what may
Hugs, Miss Marilyn💯💯💯
Sep 30Reply

@samloveslife oh my baby girl ♥️ you're the Best! I'll always be your advocate! been there, know that. We've been thru a lot. I'm always here for you ♥️
Sep 30Reply

My closet ANGEL! Thank you, once again, for sharing what I cannot. At the moment I am filled with beds containing CHILDREN who have COVID! Only time will tell how their bodies will continue to be affected by this disease. Gotta, go....just didn't want you to think I am not aware of your constant support! HUGE, HUGE HUG, Cheryl😘💖💖💖💋💋💋
Oct 04Reply

@cheryl1da Hello sweetheart. 🙏🙏🙏🙏 for you and those babies continued ♥️. You're such a Hero! thank you always for thinking of me ♥️♥️♥️
Oct 04Reply

Hey there I received a notification the item is at your PO ready for pick up do they not deliver to your home? 🤔🤔
Oct 06Reply

@cupcake52 Hi there. I don't have a mail box. We're out in the Country and I've been out of town all day to two doctors appts. ♥️
Oct 06Reply

@maxwellestate I’m so glad it got to you please enjoy. Thank you and stay safe 🤗
Oct 08Reply

@cupcake52 Thank you darlin. I'm going to wear them with all black and they'll shine! 😁♥️
Oct 08Reply

I was just thinking of you!🌹 You seem to be recovering well. BUT, I am hoping you are continuing to take Vit. C AND have started the Magnesium Glycinate! The 2nd is SO important for your pain disorder! Kisses my Southern Belle, Cheryl😘💖🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Oct 11Reply

@cheryl1da Thank you darlin. I'm for sure taking all of my supplements and doing good. I've been really busy with family but, hoping to list again tomorrow ♥️. I hope You're taking care of yourself. You're vital ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 11Reply

@pogamahone78 Awww, Thank you so very much. I LOVE rehoming Treasures. Jewelry is so much more than just "objects" ..it's a beautiful thing to pass on to others♥️ You've MADE MY DAY! when you do what you love, you never have to "work" again♥️
Oct 13Reply

Do you realize just how awesome you ARE? 😘💖✨✨✨✨Your shares make my breaks so much easier. Again, my Southern Belle, YOU are a true BLESSING! Thank you, Cheryl😊🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Oct 16Reply

@cheryl1da That makes me so happy ♥️ I'm glad that you know that I respect, care about & just love you my friend. You're the Best ♥️⚘♥️
Oct 16Reply

Oct 22Reply

I ❤️ this
Oct 24Reply

You are a Posh 😇
- I have a ? bc I looooooooooove your items & a lot are vintage - so I’m assuming you know how to assess their worth- do u use a certain website for value assessment? I have several KJL necklaces - one I can’t find anywhere, so hard to comp value
Thx, Posh 😇!!!!! Krista
Oct 24Reply

@flygirlfoxtrot Hello Krista, thank you ♥️⚘♥️. If you read the comments above, it goes into (somewhere 😁) my history in Vintage/Antique jewelry. I've studied so much that even jewelers & jewelry store owners used to call me in to help identify things. Honestly, it's good old fashioned elbow grease. Hunting & Research. I still research as I've done so 30yrs+.......(cont.)
Oct 24Reply

@flygirlfoxtrot .. Find similar things in SOLD items on every site you can find & also research the Company's markings and what years they had those markings & Still research more ♥️. Books are great for beginners too. I hope this helps & I hope you'll have ALL success. There's nothing set in stone to do, it's a variety & Years of learning. ♥️.
Blessings always,
Oct 24Reply

My awesome Southern Belle, I am so glad to see you ❤! Seeing so many sick children being flown here is heartbreaking 😢. Had to take a break and there you were, always sharing, always caring. Wishing you a great week 😘! Cheryl
Oct 25Reply

@cheryl1da Thank you sweetness. You NEED to rest when you can & remember you're fighting the great fight ♥️. Now, I'm dealing with my SI joint being out of wack but, I'll see my Wonderful Doc in a little over a week. He'll patch me up.. lol. Love you!!♥️♥️♥️
Oct 25Reply

Thank you for the shares! 💖 Your closet is exquisite!
Oct 30Reply

@kalina721 My pleasure Kalina ♥️ Your's is Gorgeous!
Oct 30Reply

Awww! Thank you🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽, as always for the Shares! I hope you are well and good, and warm! Im ok, going for surgery Friday, trying to list some before then, I’ll be down for a few weeks. Stay sweet n pretty, Miss Marilyn🥰🥰🥰💯💯💯❤️❤️❤️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Oct 30Reply

@samloveslife Awww Sandra, you're very welcome ♥️⚘♥️. I'll keep you in my prayers for your surgery and for a speedy recovery sweetness 🌼
Oct 30Reply

I just walked in and there YOU are!😊🎈🎈🎈🎈 How are you feeling? Healing better? Taking the Vit. C & Magnesium Glycinate? Have to stay on top of my Southern Belle! I need her to stay strong!👍🎊 Your forever "fan," Cheryl😘💖💖💖💖💖
Nov 01Reply

@cheryl1da Good Morning Sunshine ♥️⚘♥️ I'm getting ready for a doc appt. I've got 4 visits this week! and Yes, I'm taking my supplements faithfully. I hope that you're getting adequate rest and staying as upbeat as possible my dear friend ♥️. I'm Always so happy to hear from You. You make my Day 💛
Nov 01Reply

Hi Sweet Southern Belle! Your shares always make me feel special, even though I know you do that with others. You are such a joy to me! Back to my patients! Keep taking care of yourself! Love you 😍💗Cheryl
Nov 02Reply

@cheryl1da I just wrote you a novel 🤣 & the dermatologist just called & NOW, I have a 5th doctor appointment this week! Lordy. My msg wouldn't go through after their call so, in essence, I adore you and appreciate you more than you know ♥️🌲♥️ here's hoping we all have a Blessed Christmas !!!
Nov 02Reply

And she continues to SHINE! Cheryl 😄
Nov 04Reply

@cheryl1da Hello Darlin. Whew! I'm spent this afternoon. However, last appt was today and I'm just going to recoup. We're going out of town with friends this weekend. That'll be Worth it all. I hope you're getting adequate rest my precious friend ♥️⚘♥️
Nov 04Reply

And she is LOVE! On my way back to the hospital, but HAD to say, Hi!" HUGE HUG, Cheryl😘💖🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Nov 05Reply

@cheryl1da Have a safe and blessed day my precious friend ♥️⚘♥️
Nov 05Reply

How can I not? I take YOU with me! (Really! I show your closet to the loved ones of my patients as an example of an outstanding seller!) Cheryl👍🎈🎈🎈🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊👌
Nov 05Reply

@cheryl1da ♥️⚘♥️ Thank you so much! I'm praying for time to list! hopefully, I'll get a little bit of time later this afternoon ♥️. Christmas will be here before we know it 🌲⚘🎁 Love you bunches ⚘
Nov 05Reply

Nice to meet you! Thank you for sharing!
Nov 07Reply

@sgcvp Thank you to Sherilyn ♥️⚘♥️
Nov 07Reply

Dear Meredith, I am so happy that you have found a partner to gladden your heart and brighten your days! May you be joyful together for decades! I will peruse your treasure-chest and doubtless find many lovely pieces to ask you about. For now, may you have a good evening and a bright smile on your face.
Nov 09Reply

AND she's OFF & RUNNING! 😊✨✨✨✨✨🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 I'm about to go into insert a ventilator on a CHILD (yuk!), & I needed a boost! There you ARE- giving me much needed love! 😍😍😍😍 Thank you, Dearheart! I am asking a volunteer to TRY & list some pieces....I gave her a TON of notes! Boy, how I HATE this part of my job! YOU help keep me going! Wish I could have returned the favor more than by a few. HUGE, HUGE HUG, Cheryl😘💖
Nov 10Reply

@cheryl1da Oh Gosh 😪 my prayers for you and that child. You're just so strong. I adore you and thank you for your care of so many ♥️♥️♥️⚘♥️♥️♥️
Nov 10Reply

Hi, My Beauty! I just saw a Love Note from a friend I recommended your closet to...Margaret is a great person, involved with helping others. (Magpie) loved her recent purchases from YOU, LOL 😆 Don't you just enjoy sharing buyers? I don't recommend many sellers because they don't have the expertise I feel they need. With YOU I don't worry. 😊💘 She's good-people. Hey, how are YOU? Let me know when you can. I CARE about my Southern Belle! Gotta go. Be good... Love 💘, Cheryl 😋💖
Nov 11Reply

@cheryl1da She is so precious! I just happened to run across your conversation with her while perusing her closet and sharing her items. Small Posh World ♥️⚘♥️. Thank you if you recommended me ♥️♥️♥️ I hope you're getting adequate rest my dear friend ⚘. You're always on my mind so, I'm always So overjoyed to hear from you ♥️
Nov 11Reply

Sweet Thing, By now you should know I may not be able to share what you deserve, but I DO try to share YOU!😚 It's the least I can do for someone as special as you! Huge Hug 🤗💙 Cheryl
Nov 11Reply

@cheryl1da I just love you Bunches Doc Cheryl ⚘⚘⚘⚘
Nov 11Reply

Just wanted to give you a HUG! I had to be with a child as he passed. HARD part of this job. Saw your face on a PC and knew you are so loving ❤ to your Mother I wanted to give thanks to you! 😘. Later, Cheryl 😋💘💟
Nov 13Reply

@cheryl1da Dear Friend, I'm So Sorry that you have to endure that heartache. I know as much as you Care about your responsibilities that you also know that you'll be facing some dark days... and that's when you Must always be reminded of all the Good that you DO. My prayers & HUGS to You and the family of the child who passed ♥️🙏♥️.
Love you,
Nov 13Reply

My Sweet Southern Belle, Have your ears been burning? Yep, I was talking about you with two other Posh Sellers! They have been here since 2013 & 2015 respectfully, and I had NOT been to your closet. I, on the other hand, was being given a rude awakening by a newer seller who was NOT following PM etiquette. Here since 2018, she should have known better than to try to bully a newer Posher (me), and these two wonderful people saw what was happening and jumped in to "assist." LOL Like I needed it.
Nov 14Reply

LOL. Anyway, we got to chatting during a long night at work (me on a PC at work) and it turned out we were discussing great Poshers. I named YOU!✨ Neither had been acquainted with your closet (actually neither are well-versed in vintage jewelry, though they try to sell it). Long story short, I pretty much took them on a "tour" of your fabulous "shop," (I DON'T talk to others about anything personal...friends are FRIENDS, and you I consider a FRIEND.) It was all about your awesome shop AND
Nov 14Reply

attention to those who may visit. The rude seller, as it turns out, is suffering from Poshmark-Burnout....her offer to me came out of no-where for nothing I would even be interested in buying, and when I was "invited" to ask questions and did so SHE responded with inaccurate & just plain rude responses! GRRRR! Both long-term sellers "saw" (in comments) that this person was just trying to give me a hard time & quickly came to my "problem." LOL I didn't have one! I knew right away what was
Nov 14Reply

happening. A "pick-on-the-newer-kid" attempt. Didn't work and SHE was too stupid to realize that MY comments weren't the ones looking VERY negative! On PM you CAN erase other Poshers remarks (as you probably know), but you CAN'T erase your OWN! Soooo, she ended up being stuck. IF she deleted MY remarks & questions (ALL polite) that would leave her with just horrible comments from HERSELF to HERSELF! LOL After "explaining" that I was fine, both of these great sellers were feeling the pinch
Nov 14Reply

of current low sales and, frankly, also having a problem with burnout. They want OUT. Meredith, their lack of knowledge about jewelry is the problem. They BOTH admitted not really knowing much (they get most info from the WEB, and you & I know how inaccurate THAT can be! LOL ). Soooo, being the big0mouth that I am, I suggested they see someone who really KNOWS this field & loves it like I do- YOU! 😍👍🎉 They were SO impressed! (Well, of course!) To THEM you are a SUPER WOMAN!👌🎈🎈🎈🎈🎊🎊🎊🎊
Nov 14Reply

To ME, you are just THE best example of how to be a GREAT seller without compromising your principles!😘💖✨✨✨✨ We parted, with the 2 deciding they should choose different areas to focus on- ignorance is NOT bliss! One is jumping to Etsy! The other is going to think on it and get back to me. Regardless, BOTH received a valuable lesson in what it takes to actually KNOW what you are selling and HOW to offer it. YOU came out, as usual, the QUEEN of Vintage pieces! HUGE HUG, My Dear! BRAVO! C 💋
Nov 14Reply

PS- I believe some of MY comments here will be deleted by PM. I TRY to follow the rules, but sometimes I also want to tell-the-truth. Hard choice. Also, the PC I was using at the hospital has a defect (yuk) so some of my sentences may seem strange. LOL Boy, I am tired. Thanks, as always, for being YOU! Cheryl✨✨✨✨✨😀😀😀😀🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Nov 14Reply

@cheryl1da Wow! I'm sorry that you got "broken in" to Posh by someone who was being ,well.. you know what. I've had the pleasure of having mostly great experiences. I've had just a couple of rude people to deal with & I simply blocked them 😁. Like you, I don't put up with someone else dumping their issues on me. I'm SO HAPPY AND BLESSED with Your friendship..off to see Mom ♥️♥️♥️ Love you !
Nov 14Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet. You have a very elegant closet. Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas and God Bless.
Nov 15Reply

@rosannrusso You're so welcome sweet Rosann ♥️. Thank you too ! I hope that we all have a wonderful and prosperous Christmas Season too ♥️🎁🌲♥️⚘
Nov 15Reply

How Lovely to have had the Skills & Opportunity to be with your Mom.
I pray she & you are doing well 😇
Years Experience @NORDSTROMS & Mark Henri/Seifert's & Bloomingdale's 🛍🛍🛍 Cynthia
Nov 20Reply

@sinsofcyn Good Morning Cynthia! thanks for stopping by. For now, I'm all shopped out. I am focused on Christmas items for a 16yr old that's picky and only wants New stuff ♥️ Personally, I prefer gently used for myself however, it's not the time for me right now. I hope all of us Posh friends do Amazing this Holiday Season so that we can get those special gifts for family and friends. Have a wonderful weekend 😁♥️♥️♥️
Nov 20Reply

Hello My Southern Belle! Again, and forever, I owe you a debt of gratitude for sharing my closet!😊🌹 I see you placed some newer items in your closet....beautiful, as always! Couldn't match YOUR generosity, but tried before time got away. Hope the Holidays brings you a ton of sales, AND that your Mother is feeling well as can be at this point. HUGE HUG of LOVE for one of my MOST favorite people, Cheryl😘💖✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Nov 21Reply

@cheryl1da Hello sweetness. I was just thinking about you this morning. I'm hoping that things are going better in the hospital ♥️. I'm heading out to see Mom in a little while. She's pretty much the same. I'm just happy to spend time with her. It's always a Pleasure to share your beautiful Treasures⚘. love you sister!
Nov 21Reply

I swear, God has a special love for you ❤💕! You have the sweetest soul! I don't know how I was so blessed to have you in my life! Do something for YOU today! Huge Hug of Love 💘 Cheryl
Nov 22Reply

@cheryl1da Back atcha sweetness ♥️. I'm fortunate to be doing some shipping today. Sweet Margaret shopped with me again.. Thank you so much for putting in a good word for me ♥️♥️♥️. I made a few more sales as well. God is Great! I'm thankful for you and hope that you'll do something special for yourself too.
Nov 22Reply

Beautiful closet! ❤️
Nov 26Reply

@terracottamint Thank you so much! I'm really excited to get more on for the Christmas Season ♥️⚘♥️. I hope that you and your family have a Blessed Christmas Holiday 🌲🎁🌲
Nov 26Reply

God bless you & Merry Christmas!
Nov 26Reply

Hi My Southern Belle! I hope you will help me with a problem. I am certain that in your business life people have sometimes questioned your expertise. I have never met pro who hasn't experienced this. Anyway, despite my thorough explanation of a piece my Aunt secured in Britain (that had been appraised even by a specialist) I received an accusation that the item is a fake.
Nov 27Reply

I could have had the remark removed, but I am trying to "educate," not just sell. So I provided further information. It pertains to a piece made during the industrialization period. ALL information is accurate. If you could please provide an endorsement of my integrity it would mean the world. My Aunt just wants me to, "Leave this ridiculous place." I love her so much, but I want to try calm reasoning if possible.
Nov 27Reply

Meredith, the necklace is currently near the top of my closet, labeled as an antique, N.A. made in Britain. My Aunt could have donated it to a museum, but sent it to me for my cause. If you have any questions please ask! But it is exactly as explained. Thank you for any assistance you may provide. I treasure you! Cheryl 😋💝💥PS- I hate when people think online info means, "fact."
Nov 27Reply

FYI Angel, I am having to rearrange my closet, so if the piece is hard to locate it looks like a wire wrapped pendant, says Antique from 1890's Nati...in title & priced at $297. Again, my sincere appreciation for any positive statement you might make. Much-loved, Cheryl 😊💝
Nov 27Reply

@cheryl1da Done my friend ♥️⚘♥️. I honestly would've blocked her myself. She obviously didn't READ the entire description so, I responded & blocked her after. With my life, family and friends, I don't have time for instigators! Love you. Hope I helped ♥️
Nov 27Reply

Nov 27Reply

I guess the block was still in effect when I tried to thank you SO MUCH for your support. My Aunt feels like you do, but as a doc, I have to exert a tremendous amount of patience. Usually it works. Sometimes it doesn't. Recently, for example, PM removed a piece of jewelry for no other reason than they claimed it could not be authenticated (the price was way under $100). The note was placed in my Posh Stats. I have never seen or heard anyone received this type of notice. I was told I could ...
Nov 27Reply

"respond," which I did. Per usual, they indicated someone from the ... "Moderation Team," would get back to me shortly. The note added the remark was "nothing to worry about" because it would be removed in 30 days. Meanwhile, the piece IS authentic. I was made by Pandora, a company known for changing its initial "bracelet" style several times before releasing the current one. If PM actually checked they would find LOTS of fake Pandora pieces. I wrote them politely -- NO reply. ...
Nov 27Reply

I never claimed it was a Pandora bracelet or bead. Now, if I try to place this "liked" piece back in my closet they have threatened to kick me off. My Aunt wants me to switch back to e_ay where I was a top user/seller for 20 years. I don't know, Meredith; maybe I HAVE reached my limit patience-wise. This never happened at the other place, but PM started as sell app. The other place did not. As you know, I teach PM to loved ones of Covid. Thank you for being there when I needed you! Cheryl 😘💖💜
Nov 27Reply

@cheryl1da You're welcome my darlin. I just don't think people like that are worth your energy because you do so much good in this world that folks like that aren't worth tying your shoes! I'm sorry that they took your item off. Most likely, it was some sad person with nothing else to do but report it and complain. I'm so thankful to live Positively! 😁 if I were you, I'd block that user anyway. Life is short my friend ♥️⚘♥️ I'm glad you're in mine!
Nov 27Reply

Dear Meredith, My name is Dennis & I'm married to Cheryl. Unfortunately, C received an emergency call before seeing this note. I will make sure C sees your message. As for you, I'd like to buy you 2 dozen long-stem roses! C has repeatedly stated what a wonderful person you are, & how grateful she is to know someone else who has similar (at least) jewelry expertise as her aunt. I only do packing and shipping on items people buy. Personally, I would rather she go back to the other place. Hug, D 🤗
Nov 27Reply

@cheryl1da Hello Dennis, it's my honor to "meet " you. You're a very blessed man in that you have such a loving, caring, generous woman that is Genuinely changing lives on a daily basis. What pressure that she endures! I can't even imagine. She & you remain in my prayers. I know that you're a Team & neither of you deserve to have Any more pressure than life already brings. If it's better for her, I'd miss her here but, I understand. Thank you for writing♥️ the Happiest Holidays to you two ♥️🌲♥️
Nov 27Reply

And she's OFF and RUNNING with her shares!💖💝💥 What a wonderful woman! What a wonderful FRIEND! Thanks SO much for jumping to my defense. I know I could have banned the person. But, Meredith, I am hoping the "conversation" will assure others THEY may certainly ask questions! I know, it may seem silly, and it certainly doesn't help me with the PM team, but it's part of who I am. Just like YOU are who YOU are- AWESOMENESS! Good morning, dear friend! I appreciate you SO much! HUG, Cheryl😍✨✨✨
Nov 28Reply

@cheryl1da It's certainly My Pleasure however, that one wasn't interested in a conversation. She just wanted to spread her misery IMO. I'm resting before my day 😁. I get to go see my Mom today. Last week, I took her a Christmas quilt that is very special. She always has loved homemade quilts ♥️. Have a Blessed day my Dear Precious Friend. ⚘
Nov 28Reply

Good morning Sunshine ! have been with a patient most of the night. She almost died 3 times, but I was determined. It's early (not 5am yet) and is finally coming around. Had my laptop & had promised to show her this app with my favorite seller IF she could "help." LOL 😆🤣 So she picked items until she fell asleep. Finally, I can take a break. Be good (as always), Hug, Cheryl 😷
Nov 29Reply

@cheryl1da Oh Doc, that's the sweetest thing Ever! I pray she makes it with your love and support. You're a Rare breed! My internet is out so, I'm using LTE to connect. I'll be hunting a friend here for printing my labels out 😁... fortunately, there's lots of great people here in Robbinsville that help one another ♥️. Hug your patient & tell her I'm keeping her in my 🙏 today.
Love you!
Nov 29Reply

YOU just told her yourself! Came back from getting a snack and she wanted to know, "The magic lady with the beautiful jewelry. " I showed her your pics..she thinks you are SO pretty! Not a bad way to start the day, huh? MY PRETTY LADY...big hug, Cheryl 😇💝
Nov 29Reply

@cheryl1da Awesome way to start the Day , Thank her from this ole grandmother ♥️😁 .. you're Amazing ♥️♥️♥️
Nov 29Reply

Oh, Dear Soul, you are the one who is AMAZING 👏❤! I am so grateful for you...Cheryl 😙🥳💜💝💘
Nov 29Reply

God Bless you for your good
thank you so much for sharing
my pants.
Happy and safe Holidays
Nov 29Reply

@tonirego2002 Thank you Maria, my Pleasure ♥️. I'm thankful for my Posh friends, it's such a Joy to meet you! I hope that you and your family have the best Holiday Season Ever ♥️♥️♥️🌲♥️♥️♥️
Nov 29Reply

You have an amazing closet…I am a lover of vintage, especially silver…luv sterling!
Nov 30Reply

@rainspirit6 Thank you Rain ♥️. Hang tight, I've got much more to come 😁. I used to own an International jewelry biz and I've got years worth to put on ♥️. It's my Passion and I love rehoming my Treasures. Happy Holidays,
Nov 30Reply

Hi Sweetness! I got in just a moment ago (loooong night again, and I'm NOT on graveyard! LOL) and there you were! Have I said how much I appreciate you?!? I received an item for a patient (a cardigan she wanted so bad) and it was NOT as described. Not at all! GRRRR! Before leaving a lousy rating ( I don't like to do that) I politely wrote and explained that the description of the, "Barefoot Dreams" item turned out to be less-than-accurate & asked what she would like to do about it. Calm and
Nov 30Reply

willing to work-the-problem. HER response? "Open a case." Meredith, this seller had advertised what is usually a rather costly sweater, using a copyrighted photo as enticement, claiming it was BLUE (it's gray), provided just 2 measurements (someone else had asked what they stood for & she later erased the question)...it was SO huge Dennis put it on and it looked like a bathrobe! Yep, I took photos! This patient has been through hell, and all she felt might be "nice" was a sweater SHE would
Nov 30Reply

never be able to afford due to her medical bills. WHY someone would ever want to offer an item so different than described is truly beyond me. And, WHY their answer to a possible, "Let's fix this," is equally disconcerting. But, as I have had to learn, PM encourages it! It brought to mind, yet another reason YOU are so dear to me. When I am giving PM lesssons I always use YOU as an example of a great seller, a great person, someone they should try to emulate when they open a closet!
Nov 30Reply

I show "students" (the loved ones of patients) how to behave during this stressfilled time by using YOU as THE example of outstanding "hospitality," kindness, and, of course, expertise. No, I tell them, not everyone has to be an expert in order to be a success here. But honesty and customer service IS a must! When my students think I am "special," I remind them of YOU! I don't need to "explain" anything "personal." It's none of their business. But I DO discuss that NO ONE has a perfect life,
Nov 30Reply

yet YOU always manage to express joy and sincere appreciation to all who "enter" your closet, and that is what they must do as well. Meredith, you remain my go-to-person when it comes to expressing how a "shop-keeper's" manner can make or break their business AND their status as a beloved person. I think I may just be (among ALL of your fans) your biggest admirer- I just had to take time and remind you, once again, I love you, Dear One. YOU are what I aspire to be on this site! KISSES, Cheryl💖
Nov 30Reply

@cheryl1da Hello Darlin! I just saw this. I'm sorry that you received an item that wasn't as described.. Mostly, for your dear patient! Although, they should've been amicable and kind, the best thing to do now, is to open the case. I would include the account of their "wonderful 😂, communication skills.. rather non existent. Posh will send you a free return shipping label and refund you. ♥️...
Nov 30Reply

@cheryl1da .. Some folks that sell just don't like what they do. I think that's the bottom line. I LOVE what I do & that makes it a Joy for everyone..I Hope! Thanks as always for your kind words Doc but, I don't feel as though I hold a candle to the world changing life that you lead my Hero friend. Breathe deep, relax when you can & know I love you !!
Nov 30Reply

I am deep-breathing as I type this. I just received the response from the seller. HE was as nasty as he could be. PM asked me for a "friendly" response. Since I am not near a computer Dennis wrote one, directly aimed at the less-than-friendly remarks this guy made. D is typing my response & I asked hime to check PM messages as I was pretty certain you would respond. Sure enough, you did. D also checked this guy's closet, noticing he has been selling new clothing from, probably, distributors.
Nov 30Reply

@cheryl1da What's the closet without the @ sign ? That way, I'll know not to shop there. I'm glad Dennis is taking care of this = Great husband! Posh should easily side with you, after All, I KNOW that you're more than a good person, You're a Phenomenal Person!!
Nov 30Reply

He uses copyrighted photos, takes his own, quick pics, then pretty much copies whatever is on the receipts. And PM has put up with his lazy manner for over 3 YEARS! THAT made D really want me to return to the "other" place! I will see how PM acts regarding this situation and another that accuses me of offering a piece that "cannot be authenticated (when it has been!" ) LOL Oh, gees, I can read from a monitor (no keyboard here)...my hunee is making spelling/typing errors. Oh well. Time will
Nov 30Reply

@cheryl1da Well, I will say that if the other place is less stress for you, then go for it darlin. You certainly deserve to destress as much as possible ♥️♥️♥️
Nov 30Reply

tell. Back to the "boards" (you know...the list posted of what I am scheduled to do...LOL). Thanks for being there....HUGE HUG, Cheryl PS- The item PM said could not be authenticated was simply withdrawn (without prior questions or notification). It's funny, really, because it IS one of the original versions of a Pandora Bracelet, created about 1987. My Aunt had it officially "authenticated" while in Baltimore, Maryland, the company's American office! LOL Gees. Cheryl😘💖
Nov 30Reply

@cheryl1da Be sure to call me if you go...or, you know that many cross sell. I don't. I don't know if I have the brain space..😁😂.
Try to let it go for a while, sit back, have a cup of Elite Coffee and think on things later ♥️♥️♥️
Nov 30Reply

His address is @peculiarpeddler. HE originally visited MY closet. I just attempted to share one item & saw this cardigan. NOT my usual reaction. D says he just answered again. NOW he is claiming BOTH of us are harrassing him! LOL PM controls the gathering of info, not me, not D. I think he suspects D was checking his closet...going deep into sales, noticing repeated purchases NOT made from PM, & containing copyrighted photos w/out permission by PM. NOW he just wants to settle- fast! C (& D) 😒
Nov 30Reply

@cheryl1da Oh Lordy. If I ever have an issue, I may call on your Dennis to help.. hehe.. He's doing great!
Nov 30Reply

Well, Dearheart, PM ruled in my favor, but that guy continued to act like a jerk. I am contacting some of my friends who are still at e_ay to see if maybe I might jump back. That place now has about 200 million members & they are located all over the world! You can buy, sell, and, if you want, you can set up shop, too! NO having to follow & share...it is not more costly than PM, way nicer! ☺
Dec 01Reply

It also now employs an app if you want it! I still shop for certain things there. My username is still in good stead. I know new things are happening but their support is always there. Maybe it's time to think of returning. BUT, I won't leave you- not a chance...we are FRIENDS! Cheryl 😋💝💘🥳💜
Dec 01Reply

Oh, yeah, they don't care WHERE you also might "work." You could also have a place there! It's not like you would have to "move." LOL Cheryl 😆🤣 Later, big kiss 💋
Dec 01Reply

@cheryl1da I'm So happy to hear you so cheery! There's all sorts of people in this world. I've seen a lot. I hope that you'll consider staying. At least the good ones out weigh the very few not so good ♥️. However, I know you'll stay in contact no matter what. All I ever want is what's best for you. Have a wonderful day and remember, Santa's coming 😁. I LOVE CHRISTMAS! I stay awake just thinking about all the fun things to do this time of year and thankful for the Good ♥️
love you bunches,
Dec 01Reply

Hi Beautiful! Thanks for the shares and the greeting 😀. What is the thing YOU like finding under the tree? Does jewelry still make you excited, or a new ornament? Everyone, even adults, tend to enjoy, say, a good book or some type of thing that makes them laugh...whatever...what is YOUR " whatever " that makes you smile just to think of it? WE are playing this game at work & it made me think of you! Tell me! C 😇💜💘
Dec 01Reply

I downloaded a new book about the other place (from my favorite site author) to learn about all the new things. When Pierre, a French programming genius started _bay all he wanted to do was sell broken machine! AND he wanted it to be FUN! LOL He created a place just for fun between people. He loved auctions, but didn't want to meet snobby people. For Pierre this was a way to create a friendly community, NOT about money...q
Dec 01Reply

It didn't take long before lots of folks began "offering " all manner of items, mostly broken, for auction starting at a dollar! One person put his CAR up for auction because it needed new shocks! The winner won it for $5 ! LOL 😆🤣 Back then there were no fees, no categories, just various folks enjoying a new online "adventure." No one was more thrilled by this than Pierre.
Dec 01Reply

He had NO idea how fast this place was growing until these dollar-starting auctions began attracting all kinds of people & items from all over the country! You were supposed to be 18 to join, but I asked my Dad to "sponsor" me when I was just 15 (I began going to live auctions at 8! LOL). My Dad would sign for me just in case I bid on something...at Christie's I would sit on my hands!
Dec 01Reply

My Dad was on the Board of the BOEING aircraft company, so I was raised wealthy, but was not spoiled. Anyway, I learned computing from my "Uncle Bill"...yep, Bill Gates' Dad was a friend & the family lived pretty close. LOL I actually built my own computer (my Dad is both an electrical & mechanical engineer...but he didn't help me. I always liked trying new things on my own. My older sister & 2 brothers thought I was nuts. LOL 😆)
Dec 01Reply

@cheryl1da Oh Wow! that's quite the story. I'll tell you mine with them someday when we talk on the phone. As for what makes me smile.. Flowers, anytime of year. I just love fresh cut flowers. It's funny because when I see folks have them all in the yard, I think "wasting all that beauty for where most spend time = inside 🤣". Other than that, I get what I want for myself in general & I think mostly about the excitement of getting someone a great gift ♥️🎁♥️
Dec 01Reply

Because so many people like airplanes we entertained a lot, and I had the chance to meet people from all walks of life. Dinners might last 2-3 hours, and visitors included everyone from Generals to movie stars to "heaven-knew- who." Respect & manners were a must! A homeless person might end up at the dining table & THEIR life story was taken as any other person's. My Aunt was a frequent guest even though my Mother literally despised her!
Dec 01Reply

@cheryl1da Sounds very interesting. I understand. Bing Crosby's son Phil was my Dad's best friend and my 2nd Dad. Oh, the stories you & I could tell 🤣. I love the quiet no nonsense life now! I've had enough excitement. Family & friends, that's my ♥️♥️♥️
Dec 01Reply

So, in time, Pierre came to the estate, & later, of course, I joined _bay. Today
Dec 01Reply

Sorry, had ER call...will talk later, 👄
Dec 01Reply

Absolutely 💯!
Dec 01Reply

@cheryl1da Okay sweety heart. we'll talk later ♥️
Dec 01Reply

Good morning Sunshine, I hope you check the bundle I made. 💛😊💗C
Dec 03Reply

@cheryl1da I did honey. I already replied ♥️♥️♥️
Dec 03Reply

@maxwellestate Hello, beautiful vintage jewelry. I am a big sucker for vintage pearls;-)
Thanks for the shares…
Dec 03Reply

@debzz101 Thank you so much & for the shares too! It's been my Passion all of my life! Happy Holidays ♥️🌲♥️
Dec 03Reply

Hey Beautiful! Came across this closet @cougarmom. She has 13 cars and one motorcycle https://posh.mk/iQdPlRZJIlb
Dec 04Reply

@arlamars Hi 👋🏻 thanks so much for the mention!
@maxwellestate the 1:18 die cast models I have belonged to my late father. He restored classic cars and collected the models as a hobby. They were all purchased between 1980s-1990s and he kept them in a curio cabinet on display. They have aged very well. Some have minor flaws but the majority of them have nothing at all wrong with them. Scroll through my closet and take a look!😁
Dec 04Reply

@cougarmom @arlamars Thanks ladies! However, Eddie's collection are all Rare Dale Earnhardt Sr. cars ♥️🌲♥️ Much love and Merry Christmas!
Dec 04Reply

Dec 06Reply

@cindymk2017 ♥️As are You, my new Posh friend. Thank you so much ♥️⚘♥️
Dec 06Reply

Your closet is so much fun and a walk through time and fashion! Thank you for curating so beautifully. All best and be well! 🙏
Dec 06Reply

@jklwells Thank you Jules! I LOVE your beautiful jewelry! I hope you and your family have a wonderful blessed Christmas ♥️🌲♥️
Dec 06Reply

Hi!! Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. If you're in the mood to shop , please check out my items! Have a great day!! ☀️🙏✌️🙏✌️☀️
Dec 06Reply

@spreadlove Hello Precious Melissa, it's a Pleasure to meet you! I'm hunting some specific Christmas prezzies 😁 so, if you've got some stock that you're still putting on..Bundle one of my items just to chat about what I'm looking for. If I can, I love to support my fellow Posh friends.
Christmas hugs,
Dec 06Reply

You have some awesome pieces. I was just scrolling through. Not looking to buy right now, but I can sure appreciate some of the stuff you have.
Dec 09Reply

@rfontaine178 Thank you so much ♥️ Happy Holidays to you and yours,
Dec 09Reply

Hi My Sweet Southern Belle ☺, How are you recovering from your latest "adventure" ? Looking beautiful! Even my Dennis didn't notice (a compliment to your doc), " Well, Meredith is looking great, as usual...is she changing her profile shot?" THAT says a lot from a man who hates women having 💋 "enlarged." Feel good? Hope so. 💘 you, Cheryl
Dec 09Reply

@cheryl1da Hey darlin. I haven't gone yet 🤣. I just made that post so that we could converse on there since this page is so full. Are you & Dennis ready for Christmas? Oh, I asked a seller to give me measurements on a coat & their reply on my bundle was No, I can't do that!!! what ?! I'll tag you 🤣. Then, I've made an offer on another bundle & that seller hasn't been on in 6 days! Crazy!
Dec 09Reply

I can't find your new Meet-the-Posher today! Also, if you have lips like the pic you sent DON'T have a thing done to them! They are Perfect! Things are crazy here, too. Many are keeping their closets open, but are not responding, even to questions! Cheryl 🤔
Dec 09Reply

@cheryl1da I know. I'm really disappointed because I'm spending so much time trying to locate something perfect for a gift.. only to have lame or no responses. I don't understand.. I'm GRATEFUL for my customers ♥️
Dec 09Reply

I understand, believe me. I bundled a couple of gifts, got really busy at work and, still, this awesome seller stayed calm & gently asked if I was still "interested. " Now THAT is paying attention to your customers! She had read my Meet-the-Posher & used her brain. Others just don't seem to care. Grr...Also, as long as I am venting...many expect 50% discounts AND free shipping! LOL 😆
Dec 09Reply

@cheryl1da Ah well, that's the way it goes. I'll say that I have certainly dealt with more good than bad, Thankfully! Maybe, if you get time.. comment on that one I tagged you on. I even asked her why she couldn't measure on the bundle and no reply 😲
Dec 09Reply

Slammed at the hospital! But how brilliant you were to think of sharing my 2 bags so many times yesterday at a party. AWESOME to the MAX! BTW, did that seller ever give you measurements? Hug of Love 💘🤗
Dec 10Reply

@cheryl1da So glad to hear from you.. was thinking about you, as always. Pace yourself & Breathe ♥️. No, I even offered to just buy it, after doing a bit of research on my own about how Kors runs but, my caveat was that she'd need to ship today. She never answered. I bought another one = super nice 😁🎀🎁
Dec 10Reply

I meditate twice a day so I know I am breathing calmly & with refreshment. But thanks 😊 for always thinking of my health. I actually practice what I tell my patients 😅 ANY pics of the gift you DID find? You are always so careful about your choices. 😚
Dec 10Reply

@cheryl1da I'll tag you in the one I bought. He just needed a wool jacket. I got him some other things. I'm still not finished shopping!! ♥️♥️ I'm glad you take good care of yourself..I just feel like reminding you 😁
Dec 10Reply

Love love love your treasures, great taste and so unique!!!!!!
Dec 12Reply

Forgot, ty for your share too!!!! Been working full-time & overtime the last two years, our former salon owner has terminal brain cancer so we had to take over so its hard to find time to Posh😌 Best wishes my dear🥰
Dec 12Reply

@kriketscorner Prayers for your former salon owner ♥️🙏♥️.
Thank you so very much. I Love sharing my Treasures and sending them to those who'll cherish them. Heading out to visit my Mom in a little while..so excited 😁. Have a wonderful day and Merry Christmas to you and yours ♥️🌲♥️
Dec 12Reply

@maxwellestate Merry Christmas to you and many blessings to your family and friends. Many thanks for your well wishes!!!!!! Take the most special care of Mom too♥️🥰
Dec 12Reply

@kriketscorner Indeed I will ♥️ Thank you for your purchase. I'll be happily shipping tomorrow. ♥️♥️♥️
Dec 12Reply

@maxwellestate thanks so very much!!!!🎁🎄🙌🏻😌🥰👏🏻🙏🏽
Dec 12Reply

You are just incredible! Only YOU would think to share to parties I cannot. YOU are the person I constantly refer "students" to...YOU are the one I recommend followers to...AND you are the face I am always so happy to see! Bless you as I know you bless others with your generosity of spirit 🙏. Love you, Meredith, Cheryl 😚💝
Dec 19Reply

@cheryl1da Love you More 😁♥️♥️♥️! Thanks so much for the glowing love note and 5*. You're just the best! I'll be putting my closet on vacation for a few days coming up..Rest is needed. We're not even going to cook our traditional food, we're doing Pizza this year 😁. That way, me and Momma Brenda can chill with everyone else. I hope you and Dennis get some Special time this Christmas ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Dec 19Reply

@maxwellestate My sweet Southern belle, I hope you saw BOTH my review & my comment in your MTP. Christmas will probably be a work day. This disease doesn't care about holidays. Big hugs of love from both of us to you & your loved ones. Me & D 😘🌹🌹💖💖🎄
Dec 19Reply

@cheryl1da My reply is above darlin ♥️. My prayers for you and your patients as always & especially Christmas ♥️♥️♥️
Dec 19Reply

Hi there @maxwellestate
Thank you for the follow & shares. It's truly appreciated. Nice to meet you Posh friend 😊🤗
☃️🎄🎁Happy Holidays🎊🍾🎉
Dec 19Reply

@ambani Thank you too dear Amy ♥️♥️♥️. Merry Christmas to you and your family ♥️🎁♥️
Dec 19Reply

I love your passion for this art. It’s truly amazing. The pieces we run across on our treasure hunting outings. I look forward to seeing more of your finds… God Bless.. :)
Dec 20Reply

@lisakw6200 Thanks so much Lisa ♥️ I totally enjoy sharing them all with my Posh friends 😁. I hope that you and your family have a wonderful Christmas ♥️🌲♥️,
Dec 20Reply

Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 to you & yours also.
Have a prosperous new year… congratulations 🎉🍾🎈🎊
Dec 20Reply

HAPPY NEW YEAR, DARLING🥳🥳🥳!!!! As always, Thank you for the shares🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Jan 01Reply

@samloveslife Hey sweetness! Happy New Year to you too, my Precious friend ♥️🎊♥️
Jan 01Reply

@maxwellestate 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
Jan 01Reply

Omg your closet is fabulous , absolutely stunning beautiful treasures ! Love love love
Jan 02Reply

@giardanolina Thank you beautiful Paulina ! That's wonderful to hear after a long day visiting Mom, cooking a big Sunday dinner.. this grandma is going to lay down 😁. I love all of your cute Vintage items.. I'm a sucker for Vintage !!
Have a Blessed evening,
♥️ Meredith
Jan 03Reply

@maxwellestate 💝what a best blessings to spend time with moms and have Sunday dinner ! You must be sleeping already , 😇 sweet dreams 😽
Jan 03Reply

@giardanolina Oh yes, I was fast asleep. It's 3 hours later here than on the west coast 😁. I generally get to bed really early. This thing called aging knocked the "night owl" right out of me 😂🤣. Have a wonderful day my Posh friend ♥️
Jan 03Reply

@maxwellestate you have a wonderful sense of humor , have a blessed day ! Thank you for all your generous shares 🙏🙏🙏
Jan 03Reply

@giardanolina I'm goofy but, I'm glad someone enjoys it 😁. You have a wonderful day too Paulina and thank you for the shares. ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Jan 03Reply

@maxwellestate yes thank you so much , you beautiful woman ! 💝
Jan 04Reply

Hey Sweet-thing, Check out @wowtreasures. Michelle has acquired great info regarding PM's algorithm that came from another seller...very cool. Just check her listing that talks about "random sharing." It will increase our followers AND lower the actual time you actually share! It's science-based, open to any, and I immediately thought of you! It will allow you more time to list! 🥰💝💜
Jan 09Reply

Thanks even MORE for the comments! Just keep in mind that you and I know how much inaccurate info exists on the web! I KNOW your accumulated knowledge...that's what shines when you make comments on my offerings; not references to anything online. WE know what to look for...remember, Dearheart, too many others rely on the junk-info! As always, Love you, 💘 Cheryl
Jan 09Reply

My Dear Southern Belle...TEETER! ♥ Just a loving reminder. Your forever 💛 friend, Cheryl
Jan 11Reply

@cheryl1da Hey darlin! I hope you're having a peaceful, positive day filled with strength and joy ♥️
Jan 11Reply

Hi Meredith! Thank you for all the shares. You have a wonderful closet, but I can’t spend for a couple more weeks. If I hit “like” on some items in the next few days, please know I am saving my place so I can find them again easily. When I can spend again, I’ll definitely make a bundle and let you know. Otherwise, offers might expire before I can spend again, lol. Take care; be healthy. Love, Bonnie @Denimandiamonds 💖
Jan 11Reply

@denimandiamonds I totally understand and it's automatic to send offers to all likes. I'm just happy that you're visiting my closet ♥️ and Thank you so much for your shares ♥️♥️♥️
Jan 11Reply

Hi Beautiful, One word- TEETER! Luv u 💓Cheryl
Jan 14Reply

@cheryl1da Hello my dear friend ♥️ I'll be Teetering 😁
Jan 14Reply

Thank you for the share. I have to say that you are very photogenic🌸
Jan 15Reply

@tevees143 Aww,Thank you Pat ! So are you & your Beautiful daughters ♥️
Jan 15Reply

@maxwellestate Thank you🌸💗☺️
Jan 15Reply

Hello and thank you for following and sharing my closet. Enjoy and much success to you!💖
Jan 21Reply

@jackiesthreads1 Thank you too ♥️ Have a Blessed day,
Jan 21Reply

Your closet is amazing! Where do you find all of these treasures? 💕💕
Jan 26Reply

@monarchmom Thank you so much! I've been active mostly for the last 30 years in Vintage/Antique jewelry so, I've got a wonderful old Stock collection along with many hard earned sources. This is my "calling ", if you will..to pass along timeless, historical Treasures. I so much appreciate others who see that Passion ♥️
Jan 27Reply

I just can’t Thank you enough, dear one🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽, it’s been a bit rough lately. I so appreciate you, Beautiful One💞💞💞
Feb 02Reply

@samloveslife Hello dear Sandra, it's my Pleasure. You have my digits, use them anytime. The least a friend can do, is listen ♥️♥️♥️. I'll also make a Special point to add you to my 🙏.
Feb 02Reply

You are as beautiful as your closet, inside and out! I love your vintage items and just wish I had the budget to buy it all!
Feb 07Reply

@candyshap Aww, Thank you Cindy..So are you! My goodness what beautiful jewelry you have! I hope that you sell lots this year ♥️. I am thankful to be able to do what I love in the comfort of my home 😁. I really appreciate you stopping in and your encouragement ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Feb 07Reply

Hello, I'm new to selling and really don't know much about it but I appreciated all the shares of my closet. I'm not much on buying anymore and to be quite honest, I have much to list. BUT you have some fabulous pieces and it's hard not to bite. It's nice to meet you.
Feb 07Reply

@sarrett Thank you Wendy. I found a page that has tips for sellers that helped me tremendously when I first started its @denimcrush . Wonderful information there. I hope you have a successful 2022! and I genuinely appreciate and love meeting new Posh friends ♥️ If you need help, just ask. I have a conversation post in my closet. Have a wonderful day,
Feb 07Reply

@maxwellestate Thank you Meredith for the info. I'll surely check it out and look for your conversation post. Have a great day. Wendy
Feb 07Reply

Feb 15Reply

@luvyorlook ⚘😍⚘♥️♥️
Feb 15Reply

Love your pieces. I recently purchased a hobo garnett necklace (leaves on black silk rope) from you & im in love with it. I am looking for rings in size 7 & 8 as well as earrings to match. Please give me a shout if you end up with any pieces that will go with that purchase. I'm going to try and add a photo.
Feb 15Reply

@allyralston I'll do my best. My conversation page is less crowded and I TRULY desire to remember everything ♥️. If you've Liked this post, you'll be able to look on your likes and always peruse 😁. I have you in my heart and mind so, I'll do my Very best to remember your request. You're THE REASON why I do what I do & I'm Ever Grateful ♥️♥️♥️
Feb 15Reply

Beautiful closet and thank you for sharing mine ❤️
Feb 19Reply

@diamoninthrough Thank you Marcy ♥️ Your closet is Amazing! I appreciate all of the shares as well. Have a wonderful weekend ♥️
Feb 19Reply

@maxwellestate you too beautiful lady!!
Feb 19Reply

O WoW! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 Thank you for the Shares, Love!! And Congrats on Level 2!!!!
Hugs!!! Sandra🥰☺️🙏🏽
Feb 20Reply

@samloveslife You're so welcome my dear friend. I hope today finds you happy and well.
♥️♥️♥️ Meredith
Feb 20Reply

@maxwellestate Thank you, dear! Working on it day by day! Blessings to you and yours🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🥰🥰🥰
Feb 20Reply

Thank you for the follow! You are Adorable And Gorgeous, as is your closet
I look forward to shopping in and sharing your closet soon! Happy Poshing, Dear One!❤️🤗🥰
Feb 23Reply

@7thchakra Awe Thank you dear Virginia ♥️ and Welcome! I've got years of items to post in my closet 😁. Enjoy perusing. I'm going to bed soon however, if you have any questions, I'll be right back in the morning. Have a Blessed evening,
Feb 23Reply

You have some really stunning pieces! Anything in Alexandrite? Preferably natural.
Feb 25Reply

@mizzgrizz Good morning Beth, Thanks for stopping in. I have literally years worth of jewelry to post. I randomly choose a box full out of a vault. If you put an Alexandrite request on my conversation page, I'll check that periodically to remember to tag you when I list. Thanks again ♥️♥️♥️
Feb 25Reply

Your closet is stunning, such beautiful pieces 💕 Thankyou for the shares
Mar 01Reply

@karra_leigh Thank you Karra & what a Beautiful name! I hope you have a wonderful 2022 filled with sales and friendships ♥️ I have a conversation page if you're ever in the mood to stop by & chat 😁
Mar 01Reply

@maxwellestate thankyou your so sweet!! sure i would love too! I hope you have tons of sales as well!! and have an amazing week 💕
Mar 01Reply

Beautiful closet and person coming from a nurse.
Mar 02Reply

@rjlw1969 Thank you Rebecca. Are you a nurse ? I am not. I just worked at the Nursing home office. If you are, THANK YOU so much for what you do. My Mom is still in the Best of hands. ♥️♥️♥️
Mar 02Reply

@maxwellestate yes I have been a RN for 26 years. I have been fortunate enough to work from home for the last 10 years before the pandemic started. Still has not been an easy job for the last 2 years. Unlike anything I have seen in my entire career.
Mar 02Reply

@maxwellestate anyone who works in a nursing home is a hero no matter what their title.
Mar 02Reply

@rjlw1969 Awww Thank you & thank you for your service to our most vulnerable, especially in the past 2 years. The pressure that has been on Nurses has been a weight few could bear. So, that speaks Volumes of your character and strength. I'm so happy that we've crossed paths. If you ever want to chat, put an item in a bundle just for "us talk". ♥️
Mar 02Reply

Thanks for sharing! Your closet of vintage jewelry is wonderful!
Mar 04Reply

@bluesyfish Thank you too Amelia, I don't always have a lot of time but, I try ♥️ Have a wonderful day,
Mar 04Reply

You have beautiful Items in your Closet. 🥰
Mar 04Reply

@angelikadot Thank you Angelika! If there's something that you're looking for, I've got a conversation listing or, if you'd just like to visit with us Posh friends ♥️♥️
Mar 04Reply

You are to kind Meredith. Thank you very much, I will keep you in mind for Questions. I am glad someone finally offered some help. 🥰 I had to google most of my questions so far, since I’m still kind of Posh Green 🤣 thank you from my corner of the woods in NC
Mar 04Reply

@angelikadot Oh, I'm in Robbinsville..major Country here in the mountains. 😁 I made the conversation page because this one takes 5 minutes to scroll to the bottom 😂
Mar 04Reply

Congrats on your PA II ⭐️ status! 🎉🎉🎉
Mar 12Reply

@zardiva1 Thank you so much ♥️⚘♥️
Mar 12Reply

@maxwellestate You’re welcome 🤗
Mar 12Reply

Such a fun closet! I could get lost……
Mar 20Reply

@momcheevic What a Joy to have you come by Vickie 😁🥰 Take your time and just enjoy. I'm hoping to find some time this week to add more Treasures. I LOVE what I do & the wonderful people who I meet along the way. so, Welcome with open arms ♥️♥️♥️
Mar 20Reply

Love your site
Mar 25Reply

@celmaystermegg Thank you Meg ♥️⚘♥️ I love yours too! I'll get to look more later 😁 I'm traveling today so, internet has been sketchy however, I'm trying to keep caught up 😁. Have a wonderful evening,
Mar 25Reply

@maxwellestate thanks ❤️
Mar 25Reply

@adoringstyles Certainly. Please feel free to go to my VIP UPDATE page and read the comments and share with other Posh friends. Have a Blessed day, ~Meredith
Apr 10Reply

Thank you for the follow and shares. You have a beautiful closet full of lovely items.
Apr 12Reply

@helloamykat Thank you Amy 🥰 Have a wonderful evening, ~Meredith
Apr 12Reply

Thank you for all the help! :-)
Apr 17Reply

@mgs77 You are very welcome. If you do a little research on Moss Agate & educate your buyer on it, you can certainly ask for a lot more on that beautiful Vintage ring. It's really quite collectible. I would buy it all day long at that price but, I'd rather You get the $ for you & your Mom ♥️
Apr 17Reply

Apr 19Reply

@samloveslife Hello Beautiful 🥰💐🥰
Apr 19Reply

@maxwellestate well hello there! WoW! I wasn’t feeling well, and then woke up to all your Shares🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
You are an amazing woman🥰☺️❤️😍🦋❤️❤️🙏🏽
Apr 19Reply

@samloveslife Oh my, I Sure hope that you're feeling better darlin. There was a shoe party & I was just thinking about you ♥️💐♥️. Take good care of yourself. You are Precious my friend ⚘
Apr 19Reply

@maxwellestate Thank you, Lovely lady🙏🏽🦋❤️🥰
Prepping for another surgery, but I am ok. Thank you again, my friend☺️☺️🥰Love ya!
Apr 19Reply

@samloveslife Well, definite 🙏 for you and it's always my pleasure. Love you sweetness 💐
Apr 20Reply

Hi Gorgeous😍I hope you are having a nice vacation😎🤙🏽🙏🏽
Apr 22Reply

@samloveslife Hey sweetness, in reality, I simply had to go out of town for the day to take hubby to a doctor that lasted all day. I thought Posh would've taken me off vacation notice this morning? oh well, I'll do it myself. Have a Blessed day darlin ♥️
Apr 22Reply

Well that was very nice of you, I know you love your man❤️☺️❤️ but I thought you were having a REAL vacay!! Like the kind we all could use right about now!
Ok, I’ll catch up on the Shares ASAP! Lots of Love!🦋❤️🦋🙏🏽🥰
Apr 22Reply

@samloveslife You just get better soon 💐 And yeah, he's a pretty good fellah' so, I think I'll keep him around 😁. Love you bunches ♥️
Apr 22Reply

@maxwellestate You really have a beautiful closet. I just keep scrolling girl👏👏👏🙌🏼🌺😍💗
Apr 23Reply

Also, I appreciate the shares, very sweet of you😌
Apr 23Reply

@merwoman777 Awww, you're so kind and very welcome. I do what I can. Weekends are a little crazy around here 😁🤣. I love your beautiful closet 🥰 I hope you'll have lots of sales 💐
Apr 23Reply

@maxwellestate Well I'm sending you a virtual hug and a curtsie🌺💗🐥
Apr 24Reply

@merwoman777 You are Amazing! Hey! I've got an update & conversation page for us gals too, anytime you want to stop by 🥰♥️💐
Apr 24Reply

@maxwellestate So admittedly, I had no clue what that meant or how to do that 😂🤣 (I've only been on Posh since the end of November). But, alas, I figured it out and truly appreciate you letting me know 🙌🏼🌺😊
Apr 24Reply
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