Welcome to My Closet/Brand Ubiquitous Beauty
Not for sale
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I am an avid entrepreneur with a vast array of experience in biochemical and molecular pharmacological research. Studying biochemistry and psychology at Purdue University, I've assisted in the accomplishment of vital cancer research and drug implications while staying actively involved in extra-curricular activities/clubs. I applied and received my first research grant during my freshman year and have since been awarded several scholarships for my work.
Oh and I’m a drag queen! -Molly Kules

83 others
like this

Congratulations on your company!!! This is awesome!!!
Jul 01Reply

@wanderlustbeach thank you so much!!! ❤️
Jul 01Reply

Welcome to Poshmark. Good luck with your closet! 💄🛍
Jul 02Reply

Congrats on all your accomplishments, and good luck on Poshmark!
Jul 02Reply

@ubiqbeauty Welcome to Posh! Congratulations on all your accomplishments! Wishing you much success in all of your endeavors! God Bless 🙏😀
Jul 02Reply

Aloha Dylan Welcome to Poshmark🍓🌴🌈 enjoy your New Journey...🇺🇸🍒🌿 I’m in a Poshmark FB group it’s been super helpful...If you should need anything always feel free to reach out...Awesome Story🦉Sally🌸@SallyonMaui
Jul 02Reply

Blessings on sharing from my closet 💜🙏❤️. Cool posher picture/ story & closet 💜. Happy 4th of July 💜🙏❤️
Jul 02Reply

Hi, welcome to Poshmark! I don’t understand your last sentence but this all sounds super impressive.
Jul 02Reply

That's all so amazing! I'm currently studying biochem with the hopes of entering the field of medicinal marijuana! Hope I can accomplish so much too lol
Jul 03Reply

Kudos on all the great work you've done and staying true to yourself! Good luck Poshing! 😊
Jul 05Reply

@springzy17 thank you so much! you as well ❤️
Jul 05Reply

@wanderlustbeach thank you!
Jul 05Reply

@colacafe68 thank you ☺️
Jul 05Reply

Hi my name is Angela. Nice to meet you.
Jul 05Reply

@dreamingmomma17 thank you so much!! ❤️☺️
Jul 05Reply

@chamiltonc3 thank you 🥰 you too!
Jul 05Reply

@sallyjoyce605 I will for sure thank you so much! 🥰
Jul 05Reply

@dayzhabrooks awe awesome! def a huge field to get into, Ive worked with it before myself!
Jul 05Reply

@ubiqbeauty Would love to get some tips from you if you'd message me on IG! I don't know anyone else with my major 😆
Jul 05Reply

@dayzhabrooks @ubiquitousbeautycosmetics :) feel free to message me!
Jul 05Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! What an amazing list of accomplishments & bravo for staying true to yourself !👏🏻 Best of luck here and your future ventures.
Jul 05Reply

@dawna114 thank you so much! ☺️❤️
Jul 05Reply

You are awesome!!!
Jul 05Reply

@ubiqbeauty welcome to poshmark i hope u had a wonderful holiday and hope u have a great weekend thankyou for following me and sharing i will continue to share your closet as well thanks so much 🌹😘
Jul 05Reply

Happy 4th 🇺🇸❤️ my pleasure🤗🌸🍃
Jul 05Reply

@ubiqbeauty Followed!
Jul 05Reply

Love the name !!!
Jul 05Reply

Beautiful!! 💜💜💜💜
Jul 05Reply

hi welcome to poshmark! feel free to search through my closet, i have lots of trending clothes, makeup, shoes, etc. that are in good condition! feel free to bundle your likes together to save or send me an offer! happy poshing!!💗🎉
Jul 05Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! ❤️
Jul 05Reply

Thanks for following me. Hope you will check out my closet. I have some great deals. I ship same day in most instances. Any likes and shares are much appreciated. Wishing you lots of success 😊
Jul 06Reply

I wanted to let you know that I am currently offering an ADDITIONAL 50% OFF EVERY ITEM IN MY CLOSET SALE❤️😀. If you see items that you like just add them to a bundle and either send me a 50% off offer and I will accept.
Happy Poshing.❤️
Cami 😀
Jul 07Reply

WELCOME.....🤗 Wishing you lots of sale 💵 One of the key elements that has worked for me is SHARING others closets and your own as often as possible💰😉💝
Also, just wanted to pass along some information that was given to me when I started my adventure with Posh. When making an offer PLEASE understand that the seller still has to pay Posh 20% for items over $15.00 or $2.95 if under $15.00.
PLEASE❣️consider that with offers 💝 Thank You ☺️ and WELCOME 🌺
Jul 11Reply

Thanks for all the shares! 🦋
Jul 11Reply

Thank you for share
Jul 11Reply

Welcome to My closet☀️ please let me know
if you have any questions and thank you for following me! Please do the same over on instagram @chante_allday I’ll return the favor 😘
Jul 11Reply

Hi, Nice to meet you. Welcome to Poshmark! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I am a Posh Ambassador too, if you have any questions. I am here to help. Feel free to check out my closet for a special bundle savings. Sending positive vibes. Happy Poshing! :) Check out my New Home Market.
Jul 11Reply

Welcome to posh
I'm Tasha Posh Ambassador fast shipper with 5🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠 ratings
Hope your enjoying posh😊
feel free to ask any questions if you get confused 😵
Enjoy a stop by my closet anytime @sugabears04
😊I try to add several item daily 👠👙⌚👞👟👗👖👕👢👡👔
Wishing you many sales 😃🛍🛍📦
and blessings Happy poshing😃🌺🌺🌺
Jul 11Reply

Welcome to posh! I am a posh ambassador and here to help you with any questions you may have. As you continue to list items to your closet I will help you sell them by sharing them with my followers! Please check my closet out I hope you find something you love for yourself if not I have a lot of great gift giving items for every occasion graduations birthdays you name it… If you like the item but not the price please make an offer I am very reasonable💕
Jul 11Reply

Gorgeous cover pictures🌺
Jul 11Reply

Congrats...great job swing by my closet!
Jul 12Reply

Thank you for sharing my items have a wonderful day😊
Jul 12Reply

Thank you for sharing my listings! Your resume is amazing!!
Jul 12Reply

Hello and welcome to Poshmark may this year bring you nothing but Prosperity and Abundance happy poshin💕
Jul 12Reply

@dchillas thank you so much! ❤️☺️
Jul 12Reply

@kimberlygwatkin of course! ☺️ & thank you!
Jul 12Reply

Thanks for all the shares!! Good luck & wishing you many sales, the cosmetics are beautiful 💗
Jul 12Reply

@ubiqbeauty love your closet!!😍😘
Jul 12Reply

Thank you for all the shares ❤️❤️ Congratulations on all your accomplishments & Brand 💕🙌🏽😃!
Jul 12Reply

@glossyclair thank you! 🥰 you as well ❤️
Jul 12Reply

@hauteprincessa thank you! ❤️💄
Jul 12Reply

@cutecutekawaii thank you so much! 🙈😊
Jul 12Reply

@ubiqbeauty You are welcome ❤️
Jul 12Reply

So excited to watch this journey you’re on!!!!! Super proud of you!!!! ❤️
Jul 12Reply

Hi and welcome! 👋😃
Jul 12Reply

I love it! I wish you all the success in your sales and your endeavors!
Jul 12Reply

Jul 12Reply

You are so beautiful! Love the make up looks ! Thanks for the shares ❤️🥰
Jul 13Reply

Hello and welcome to poshmark. Congrats on your business, you have an awesome story! Thanks for all the shares and likes. Wasn’t sure if you meant to like or hit the wrong button so let me know if you would like me to bundle the likes together and send you an offer. Again thanks for all the shares and wishing you lots of success! 🌸😊
Jul 13Reply

Hi love, Just wanted to say thank you for all the shares! 😘😘
Jul 13Reply

Welcome to Posh my dear 💃 best of luck in your research 👨🔬 and fabulous drag 💅🏻 👄👩🏻🎤 Have fun and hope you snag some fantastic 🤩 deals 😘🐶🍭
Jul 15Reply

You remind me of my best friend Greg! Just without the drag queen part, BUT he and I love drags 😘😘😘😘
Jul 16Reply

Welcome to Posh Molly!!! I wish you every success in your latest endeavor. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance regarding Poshing! Warmest Regards from my Posh closet to yours!! 🌞
Jul 16Reply

Congratulations on all your accomplishments; and also for just doing you! I wish you continued success!😊
Jul 16Reply

@ubiqbeauty Yaasss👑 Love 😍love🤩LOVE! 🎓get that money💸
Jul 16Reply

You look awesome🤩 My listings are flexible for price if there’s anything you like, just let me know Best of luck Poshing! 💋
Jul 17Reply

Thank you for sharing. I really appreciate it.😊
Jul 17Reply

Amazing life Molly! Thank you for the shares! God Bless!🙂
Jul 23Reply

I love that you’re doing so much! Feel free to check out the makeup I have in my closet, I’ll make you a nice bundle if you’d like ❤️😁
Jul 23Reply

I'm going to admit, I was scrolling down your pics after seeing your first photo of a young man with make-up listings only and being curious as well as wanting to share back after you shared. And btw, thanks for the shares!! You got me and completely caught me off guard!! But I'm a firm believer in all I care about is hoping no one ever feels anything but kindness and love coming from me, so beautiful closet
Jul 23Reply

And if you ever need anything, help on here, whatever, I'm usually around. I'm looking forward to seeing what else you list and wish you the best here, everywhere!!💕💕💕
Jul 23Reply

Hello once again...Huge thank you for all the shares! Much love😘😘😘😘
Jul 23Reply

Hi there! Enjoyed your story and your photos. I happen to be a patient at Sloan Kettering right now, so good luck with the cancer research. Good for you that your brain is working thru school and your life is happy out of school. I’m happy to answer any questions you might have.
Jul 23Reply

Cont. I was an airbrushed makeup artist and must say your first photo makes you look most beautiful. That’s my opinion. I’m guessing the other applications are for dramatic effect. Hope you don’t mind my opinion!!!! …Stephanie
Jul 23Reply

Thank you for sharing my listings!! ❤❤💄🤗😘😘
Jul 24Reply

Thanks so much for all the shares! 💕I’m just getting started on Poshmark so it’s super appreciated! 🤗
Jul 24Reply

Sending all of the love, joy, and positive vibes in the world your way! Let your light shine!! 💕💕💕
Jul 24Reply

You're awesome!!!💟❣💕💟
Jul 24Reply

Brainy and gorgeous!😎😎😎
Jul 24Reply

@janagain518 Awe you’re sweet thank you! ❤️
Jul 24Reply

@agnes28159 thank you 🥰
Jul 24Reply

@mochahontas88 🙏🏼 yes ma’am always! Thank you ❤️
Jul 24Reply

@mykintsukuroi same here! You’re very welcome though and I wish you the most success!
Jul 24Reply

@piccicu I love and respect everyone’s opinion no matter what it is, because that’s what makes us unique and human 🥰✨ thank you!
Jul 24Reply

@a_thomason yes ma’am of course! 🥰
Jul 24Reply

@danalouf thank you so much I really appreciate it! Yes, kindness and love are so important to spread and share! ☺️❤️
Jul 24Reply

@sabrinaaa317 thank you! I definitely will ☺️
Jul 24Reply

@fadhionlover hahaha you know it! Gotta pay for school somehow 😂 but thank you! 🥰
Jul 24Reply

@ubiqbeauty Awwwwwww you’re quite welcome 😊🌹
Jul 24Reply

thanks for your support and shares!! I love your page and wish you the best of luck and positive vibes + the best of sales! 💕😉💕
Jul 26Reply

Hi! Thanks so much for daily shares! I have a bit of cosmetics and getting more as I’m a professional makeup artist. If you want a reseller box let me know and I’ll send you things you can resell higher. I wish you all the best selling and shopping! ❤️
Jul 26Reply

Jul 26Reply

I'm so excited for you!! Welcome to Poshmark! Please ask me all of the questions you want! I am a Posh ambassador, mentor and love to share fab closets. ✌️🍾💋
Jul 26Reply

Hi! Thank you for the shares 😊
Jul 26Reply

Thank you for consistently sharing my stuff. Just stopping by to return the favor! Happy poshing!
Jul 26Reply

Hi there! Love your bio. The world needs more people with your strength and courage to make a name for themselves. Good luck to you! ❤️
Jul 27Reply

@start_a_trend awww thank you so much I really appreciate that! ☺️❤️ People just need to realize that true happiness comes from spreading love and positivity, and by living life through your true self! ✨
Jul 27Reply

@appelbc thank you so much! 🥰
Jul 27Reply

@sunshine_lilies of course ☺️ you as well!
Jul 27Reply

@denim_patent yes ma’am I will for sure! Actually if you don’t mind, could you explain bundles and how they work for a seller? I have tried reading and looking online but can’t seem to find anything detailed enough to figure it out myself. It’s making me feel dumb 😂 thank you so much for offering your help ❤️!
Jul 27Reply

@til4ever any time! 💌☺️ what brands of products come in a resellers lot if you don’t mind me asking?
Jul 27Reply

@thefancycat thank you so much and you as well 😊🌎💞 Happy Poshing! ❤️
Jul 27Reply

@ubiqbeauty Thank you for commenting back! ❤️ my son struggled with being his true self for years. Now he is living his best life owning his own music management business splitting his time between NYC and LA. He has never been happier living his true identity. Wishing you love and luck ❤️
Jul 27Reply

@ubiqbeauty Well you could let me know if you have preferences. I’m about to place an order for some new items. I range with Tarte, TooFaced, Laura Geller, to name a few, as well as cleansers and various beauty supplies/tools. I like to know what someone is interested in to send a nice package. ❤️
Jul 27Reply

Congrats on your accomplishments, and being your true self ❤️
Jul 27Reply

That’s awesome! Never stop doing what makes you happy!💗
Jul 27Reply

Hey, lovely closet❤️ let me know if you would like a bundle! 🤗
Jul 27Reply

🥰🥰🥰keep up the amazing work!! 🥰🥰🥰
Jul 27Reply

💛💙💜💚 Wow! Impressive! Hats off to you! Whatever you're doing, keep doing it! As a cancer survivor, I thank you for your research and contributions in (hopefully) one day, eradicating the world of Cancer! Cheers! 💯❤!
Jul 27Reply

Thanks for sharing my closet, it’s a pleasure to be part of your sharing group, you’re been so kind sharing so many items from my closet, Ill do it back to you with love ❤️. Sending you a big posher hug 🤗 to you and your family ♥️ from Puerto Rico ✨💖🤩💖✨
Jul 28Reply

@start_a_trend that’s awesome! 😁 you as well! 🥰
Jul 28Reply

@josiecamp thank you so much! ☺️💄💌
Jul 28Reply

@choonuyehara thank you!!! ☺️🙈 I won’t haha😘✨
Jul 28Reply

Lovely lux, molecular luv 💙
Jul 28Reply

Hey. Thank you for the follow! I shared some of my favorite listings on your closet! If you are interested in any items in mine, add them to your bundle and I will send you a deal, or feel free to send me an offer! Happy Poshing!!😄
Jul 28Reply

Hi! 😃 Congratulations on your closet! Educated and ambitious entrepreneur!! Wishing you many sales! 💸
Jul 28Reply

Thank you for following my closet 😃
Jul 28Reply

Hello💕! Welcome to Poshmark. 💎👗👛 This is a great community.😉 If you are on here to sell, I wish you many successful sales! 👭 If buying goods, like the item first by hitting the heart. 💗 You will most likely get an offer from the seller. Or you can make an offer to get a better deal!! 🤑 Bundle for bigger savings. Lmk if you have any questions! Happy Poshing and God Bless!!🙌
Jul 28Reply

Hello gorgeous!! Thanks for the shares!! 🥰💋 I appreciate it more then I can say!!! 😘😘😘😘😘 wishing you many sales and a great Sunday!! Sue
Jul 28Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares :) Have a Great Day 💕
Jul 28Reply

dangg.. I just ordered make up yesterday. I wish I have found your closet first!
will save for next purchase and will check back on your closet. happy poshing!
Jul 28Reply

Wonderful closet!!! God is ❤️ Love!
Jul 28Reply

Amazing work ❤️😍 let’s stay in touch ❤️❤️🎁
Jul 28Reply

First of all I want to applaud you for your continued efforts in cancer research. That is truly amazing and noble. Second, for being an inspiration to so many who struggle with being themselves. I think you are beautiful inside and out. And I want to thank you for being the incredible fabulous you that you are! Never stop shining!
Jul 28Reply

Hello🤗 You’ve got quite an impressing list of accomplishments & a super cute closet. Wishing you continued success. Happy Poshing🎉💖😁
Jul 28Reply

Glad to be connected! ❤💖❤
Jul 28Reply

Hi Molly! Thank you for the like! 🥰 Happy Poshing. Gale and Pye 😍😻🐾🐾
Jul 28Reply

@ubiqbeauty my first reply I maxed out the character limit! Do not worry I had to have a fellow PFF explain it to me about 3Xs! When a buyer likes a style, go to their closet and top right is shopping bag click that hit switch to sell view and it will load their likes! Share what you want to bundle, make an offer and bonus points (I recommend) add a personal 😊note. You Tube is also super helpful for many tricks! Hope this helps 🙌
Jul 29Reply

You Tube channels I follow and recommend:
Courtney @commontags
Sydney Elle @sydneyelle
Jessica @jessekin
They all have a unique take on Poshmark and have awesome tips to share 🤓 📝💵
Jul 29Reply

@denim_patent Thank you so much for the shout-out. I really appreciate it. So glad I could help in any way.
Best wishes to you 😊💛
Jul 29Reply

@adelhmhope thank you! 🥰 you as well! 💌
Jul 29Reply

@susiemal23 Hi Sue! You are more than welcome! ☺️ Happy Sunday to you too! 🌻
Jul 29Reply

@sillygoatcloset of course, anytime! ☺️✨
Jul 29Reply

@g2gtrendy hope you got a good deal! But thank you 😊 I’ll def be posting more stuff regularly! 💌✨
Jul 29Reply

@originnina thank you, you as well! ✨💞 and of course 😊💌
Jul 29Reply

@geogirl2011 thank you so much for your comment, I greatly appreciate your support! ❤️
Jul 29Reply

@mahons_palace thank you so much! 🙏🏼😊
Jul 29Reply

@mjnicada me too! 💞🌎 I absolutely love your closet and highly respect what you’re doing! ☺️
Jul 29Reply

@mysuzis yes ma’am you couldn’t have said that better! It’s definitely not been easy getting to where I am at in life as far as being my true self but it’s all been worth it!☺️ Thank you so much for your comment, and Happy Poshing!
Jul 29Reply

@denim_patent thank you so much!!! I really appreciate your kindness and willingness to share your resources/knowledge with me ☺️🙏🏼 if you like anything in my closet, please let me know as I’d like to offer you a private discount as a thank you! ✨
Jul 29Reply

@1amgirlrunner thank you! 🙏🏼☺️✨
Jul 29Reply

Thanks for the shares. Feel free to bundle and make an offer. 💕
Jul 29Reply

Dude, Welcome! Thanks for finding my closet... I have assisted many many men with their discreet clothing needs. It is nice to see that now it is more accepted for guys! 🤩🙋🏼♀️‼️ If I can be of help, just let me know. Cheers, Tamra😎
Jul 29Reply

Hi Molly K, welcome to Poshmark!😊Thank you for sharing from my closet and I shared back. You have great prices compared to a major make up store I just purchased from.😉Share items from your closet at least three times a day to gain followers and potential buyers. Your research work sounds awesome. I wish you much success in whatever you do. Happy Poshing!⚘😊Donna
Jul 29Reply

@til4ever DHGate products that are “name brand” are all 100% fake.
Jul 29Reply

@ubiqbeauty I just spoke with my daughter, she was saying the same. I misunderstood her...she would never buy from them either. ❤️
Jul 29Reply

Welcome to Poshmark and good luck on starting your closet 🤗
Jul 30Reply

Thank you for the share!
Jul 30Reply

Way to take on the world!!! 🦸♀️⭐...all good things to u...Love from teresa💜💜💜
Jul 31Reply

Welcome to Posh!! Happy shopping!! ❤️
Jul 31Reply

I LOVE your attitude & closet! I hope you have great success! D
Jul 31Reply

Molly, your shop is wonderful! You have my support and encouragement :) Thank you for posting on the group, I am so happy to have found you! xoxo Peace love and light, Ren <3
Jul 31Reply

Welcome to poshmark 🌺🦋☮️🦉🕉🌞❤️😎
Jul 31Reply

Love your closet! Wishing you much success and Happy Poshing!💖💜💖🛍👝👖👕👔
Jul 31Reply

Wishing you the best of luck here and in life. Happy poshing! 💗
Jul 31Reply

Thank you for your work on Glioblastoma❤️ My brother-in-law was diagnosed in November of 2017. He is doing amazing. He cut out all sugar and focuses on high antioxidants. He also wears Optune 18 hours a day😬
Jul 31Reply

Congrats to you on all of your accomplishments! I also attend a research university, UCSD, with a focus on Clinical Psychology. I’m set to join a lab this year. Having that experience as a freshman is quite impressive! Kudos to you! Oh - and drag queens rock!!! Happy Poshing! 😃💗💄💋
Aug 01Reply

@ubiqbeauty I LOVE your closet, LOVE your SPIRIT and Intent! Beautiful. Sending you alll the thoughts of health, success & prosperity I can muster!! \o/ <3<3<3 ~~~~ Will visit and share your closet often! Rock. The. House. Beautiful One:))
Aug 01Reply

Welcome! Good luck on all your ventures! My very first roommates were drag queens and I swear my makeup has never looked that good since! Lol! And that has been 34 years ago.💓💚💙💛
Aug 01Reply

Welcome to Posh! Love what you’re doing. XOXOXO!
Aug 01Reply

Hey hey! Just wanted to say hello and extend my welcome via the Facebook group! Also, if you ever have any benefit or two face products please tag me- I’m your girl! I love those products and I’m always looking to support other entrepreneurs! I also have two teen daughter obsessed with the beauty community, so I will make sure they follow your closet as well!
Aug 01Reply

Thank you so much for all of your shared. I truly do appreciate it and I must say you look absolutely gorgeous in drag! Thanks for all the support and I wish you the best as well😀🙏
Aug 01Reply

@jessekin I hope sales are going well for you!! Things seem to be picking up as we head into Fall and back to school. Take care & have a great weekend! 🛍️💯🙋🏼♀️
Aug 02Reply

@ubiqbeauty thanks!! Anytime! I hope you're enjoying learning about all things Posh. It takes awhile but it is always fun to master anything new! Best of luck with your sales! 🛍️💯♥️
Aug 02Reply

But, can you dance? I mean, let’s get real here!💃🏻
Aug 03Reply

Gorgeous closet, babe! 💖💖💖
Aug 03Reply

Hey there. What are you doing up at this hour?
Aug 03Reply

Thanks for all your shares! I’ll share back soon!
Aug 03Reply

@ubiqbeauty hey love makeup party 🎉 today at 3 pm EST. Make sure you share alllllll makeup to party.
Aug 04Reply

Hey Molly - wow, right on! Bravo - you do you!
Aug 04Reply

@denim_patent @ubiqbeauty Omgosh ya’ll - GAME CHANGER! As a seller, I’ve been sending bundled offers a longer, much more difficult way! I was thinking Poshmark needed to fix that...🙄🤦🏼♀️ @ubiqbeauty shared some of my closet, and I always share back so I came to visit and was reading the posts here...Molly Kules - awesome and clever BTW - love it and THANK YOU for your q&a, helped me too! I’ll check out the recommended YouTube vids. Have a great day & thx again! 💖🛍☺️
Aug 04Reply

thanks for sharing my listing on twitter!🥰
Aug 04Reply

Thank you for the shares love!!😘
Aug 04Reply

Aug 05Reply

Hi!!! Just wanted to stop by and thank you for all the shares. I see how Committed you are to your Poshmark business. I get shares from you just about any time I share my closet. Amazing work my friend! I will try to return the shares. Have an amazing week 😃
Aug 05Reply

Ubiquitous Beauty just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listing. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Aug 05Reply

Welcome to Poshmark ! Happy to have you here ! 😚😙💕💕💔💕💖💕💔💝💖💖💕💗💗💟💗💖💕💔💖💖
Aug 05Reply

All shared zip Joanna L. From fb!
Aug 05Reply

Sent you some posh love and shared your makeup to the party today! I hope it brings you many sales!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳 Sue
Aug 06Reply

You forgot to mention that you are a unique, wonderful human being who brings light to the beauty and diversity on this planet! 😉👍🏻
Aug 06Reply

🙏🏼🌸 Hi Molly, I just wanted to say Thanks for Sharing me! Hope you’ll visit my closet again soon! I just made Posh Ambassador! Any Likes and Shares are so so appreciated. Wishing you LOADS of POSH SUCCESS! Michelle🌸🙏🏼
Aug 06Reply

Hi:) Thanks for the share. Am following you now. Sounds like your super busy w/everything you do & really show all side of yourself to the world which is great:) We are all multi-faceted people:) Excited to check out your closet. FYI if ever interested in anything in mine, I'm always open to offers & take 20% off bundles of 2 or more items. Hope you have a great night & Happy Poshing!!!
Aug 07Reply

Love your closet!! Best of luck ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💗🤗
Aug 07Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 😃Hi I am Gloria. I hope you are enjoying this great community of wonderful people and amazing deals. I am a Poshmark Ambassador, Top rated seller, fast shipper and a Poshmark Mentor. Feel free to contact me with any questions about Poshmark, I’d be glad to help .Also I invite you to check out my closet, i carry men’s and women’s items in all sizes. I have a sale now 5 pieces for $29, feel free to browse. I also give discounts on bundles 😃
Aug 08Reply

Thanks for being so awesome and sharing my closet every day!🙂🌵🌟
Aug 08Reply

@ubiqbeauty your closet looks great ! your an awesome posher
Aug 09Reply

@1centwiz absolutely! 🥰✨ Thank you so much!
Aug 09Reply

@fladaw60 Hi Dona! I appreciate your comment and shares, and wish you the best luck as well! 🥰
Aug 09Reply

Happy Poshing!!🌺🌺🌺
Aug 10Reply

Thank you for the shares.
Aug 10Reply

Ubiquitous Beauty just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet & sharing my listing today. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Aug 10Reply

Thanks for sharing!! Liking so I can come back and check out your closet often!! 😊
Aug 11Reply

Beautiful and Intelligent! Yeasss Queen 😘 Don't ever stop pouring into your gorgeous self so you can continue to offer all your gifts and your drive to be who you are and to do what you love into a world that needs more.people liek you! Authentic genuine strength and tenacity comes from knowing and preservering when it's easier to quit, and someone like yourself reminds others to keep your chin up with your shoulders back so the crown won't crown slip 👑 💗
Aug 11Reply

Ubiquitous Beauty just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listing today. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Aug 11Reply

Thanks for your shares😉 your are a really active member of the Poshmark app, a wish the best for you a lot of sales 🤑🤑🤑🤑, good luck 🍀 and happy poshing 🤑🎉🎊📦🤩
Aug 11Reply

Very cool closet. ☮️💜☮️💜Joanne🦜
Aug 12Reply

Ubiquitous Beauty just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listings tonight. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Aug 12Reply

Beautiful page <3
Aug 13Reply

Hi there! Thanks for sharing my Coach Vest!😊
Aug 13Reply

You are amazing member of this planet! Keep up the awesome work! I’ve lost so many family members to cancer. It brings me joy to know, people like yourself working on advancement in the treatment of cancer. One step closer to the cure,
Aug 20Reply

Ubiquitous Beauty just wanted to stop & thank you so much for following my closet & sharing my Beautiful Lia Sophia Necklace. You will meet some of the most awesome people here on Posh. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Aug 22Reply

Hello I have a 4 for $15 dollar sale in my closet on all items under $8 🤩🤩🙂
Aug 23Reply

@ubiqbeauty Hello I have a 4 for $15 dollar sale in my closet on all items under $8 🤩🤩🙂 I ship out the next day
Aug 23Reply

@ubiqbeauty Brains, beauty and a killer closet! GREAT JOB! Thanks for the shares. I'll keep you on my repeat share list as you build as many did for me. Otherwise, welcome, enjoy and reach out if you have any questions. Congrats on building your brand. PM is a great place to make it happen. Lean in! xo, Annie :)
Aug 24Reply

Thank you very much for sharing my closet. I'm always happy to share the Posh love❣ Have a great weekend! 🌞
Aug 24Reply

Feb 09Reply
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