Welcome to my closet Thanks for checking it out❤️
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Hi there! I’m Erica. I disabled my old profile I had up for many years without realizing I permanently deleted it. I was @ollially during that time. Say hello so I can take a look at your closet, and thank you for visiting mine!
Please note: all my items are categorized. I appreciate your time in scrolling down to find your items.
Offers are always welcome. Lowballs leave room for negotiation. But I will often just flat out accept an offer.
Bundles will receive offers on top of bundle discount

38 others
like this

💕thank you for all the shares 💕
Mar 01Reply

@kjr61 thanks so much for all the shares❤️❤️❤️
Mar 04Reply

@noescape2009 ♥️
Mar 04Reply

Glad you all are safe. 🙏🏻❤️
Mar 05Reply

@frock_n_fashion thank you❤️. My oldest stepdaughter’s (Morri) boyfriend was injured when his building collapsed and schools have been closed all week. The school that my son (Oliver) went to last year lost its roof and they estimate 6 weeks before they can re-open.
Mar 05Reply

@frock_n_fashion I guess with the roof and water damage. It hit the hardest around 3-5 miles from us. Luckily, most of our friends and family lost much. Some students at my youngest (Milo’s) school lost everything. The damage to parts of the city are BAD/demolished.
Mar 05Reply

@noescape2009 anything I can do to help?
Mar 05Reply

@frock_n_fashion just keep Nashville in your positive thoughts or prayers. That would be what is needed the most.
Mar 05Reply

@frock_n_fashion I became posh ambassador last night! Woohoo!!! I’ve been on here a lot. Listing things and having our quasi-adopted 20 yr old model some clothes I have outgrown due to my crazy now enormous boobs. Since losing Rocksan I have gained 25-30lbs and went from a 32c to 32DDD. I don’t like it. Some of my favorite clothes (mainly dresses) no longer fit. Especially that yellow handmade silk dress. Bummer.
Mar 05Reply

@noescape2009 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Mar 05Reply

@noescape2009 your model is gorgeous as you are. I wish I had big boobs. Hard to fight unwanted side effects. Just try to exercise more.
Mar 05Reply

@frock_n_fashion I do need to exercise. I get winded just walking up a flight of stairs. Lol. It’s true
Mar 05Reply

@frock_n_fashion that’s Rudy. She is so little and cute. She wears size 6 shoes!!! She’s adorable and equally as sweet.
Mar 05Reply

@frock_n_fashion what’s the best way to get more followers?
Mar 05Reply

@noescape2009 is she Courtney’s daughter? Best way to get followers would be to click on mine, follow and share 1 or 2 items. That gets their attention.
Mar 05Reply

@noescape2009 another way is to see who listed in a party and follow them, as well as the hosts.
Mar 05Reply

@frock_n_fashion she’s not Courtney’s daughter she is just scared to sleep where her mom lives in some really crime high projects so she stays w us when she is home from college.
Mar 05Reply

Hi, thank you for following my closet! Do take a look at my listings, and let me know if you find anything you like! I can give a good discount on bundles!
Mar 05Reply

🧡Beloved🧡I am delighted to know you🥰My commitment is caring🌸sharing🌺giving🌼and being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🎀😇I only pray for your health, wealth, and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡
Mar 06Reply

@madblk3 Thank you so much❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Mar 06Reply

Hi Erica! I’m Julie—and it looks like we are both Nashvilians!!! Bad weather earlier in week! My house not too damaged! I was very lucky. Most of the homes on my street were destroyed!Just got electricity back yesterday! I hope you and your home are ok!!! I have never seen so much Free People in one closet! I’m a huge fan! You also have many other items! Thanks so much for following me!!! Check out my closet anytime—not so many items! I have tons still to list. But I got lazy!!!
Mar 06Reply

@ohusoneedthis happy to meet a fellow Nashvillian❤️ We were some of the lucky ones, as well. Many of my friends had damage and a few lost their places of business/jobs. School has been out all week, so I have cabin fever with my kiddos. My youngest was real upset and inconsolable when he just heard the word “tornado”, so I have not ventured out and have stayed home with him and my older kids.
Mar 06Reply

@ohusoneedthis Feel free to stop in anytime. I still have lots to list, too. I’ve been working on my closet for days at a time. My late best friend used to live with us and there’s a ton of clothes (likely free people) in the barn we stored her belongings in. And I need to go through my drawers.
Mar 06Reply

Thanks for the scoop! Sorry about your loss. I’m having a hard time grieving my mother’s passing in January. Happy Poshing!
Mar 06Reply

@ohusoneedthis thank you. She (Rocksan) was big into poshing. Her handle was @loopholer and she knew everyone, so it seemed. She was ALWAYS on Poshmark. Day and night. She was a hoot and my best friend of 25 years! She left me all of her clothes and belongings, but her half-sister took about half of it. I still can’t bare to get into that barn. Plus it is filled with crap so I would need help.
Mar 06Reply

Hi Erica my name is Angela.Nice to meet you.
Mar 07Reply

I guess that by now you have figured out that I love Free People!!! Lol!!! I don’t get paid until Wednesday. Can’t spend a lot!
Mar 07Reply

Hi and welcome to Poshmark! I invite you to visit my closet @Poshpussycat. I have new and gently used items for the whole family that are affordable! Happy poshing!
Mar 09Reply

Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Mar 11Reply

@polka5dots right back atcha!😘
Mar 11Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Mar 14Reply

Glad you loved your items!! 🥰 I do my best to ship same day or early the next
Mar 15Reply

@lianew thank you. Just share the items in whatever order you want them to be in. Share from bottom to top
Mar 16Reply

HI, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have great day! @spreadlove
Mar 17Reply

Welcome to Poshmania! Friends 👩🎤👨💼will answer your questions❓and cheer 📣you on! Posh is all about sharing items from your closet & from the closet(s) of others. At bottom of 'About' page, on R, click 'See All Closets.' Touch ea. blue 🅿️bar. It changes to white, meaning U are following that closet. Share 5-6 items 👗👔from it. Continue. A large number of Poshers you follow 👣will follow 👣you back & share items from YOUR 👜👠closet.
Please ✓☞MY closet. ❣Saundra, Posh Ambassador
Mar 21Reply

Thanks so much for the follow!! Great representation of the app! Appreciate you! Take a look at our closet if you have a chance. Also, check out another project we are just getting into on insta at workofmanystudio. It would be a blessing if you could follow and let your friends and fam know if you think they would vibe with us. Stay tuned for some new releases in 2020! All the best! Be well, SS/WOMS 🤙😎🤙
Mar 26Reply

Thank you for following
Welcome to stop by anytime 🎀
Mar 31Reply

Hi. Do you still have any of the Hermione items for sale?
Apr 07Reply

Thank you so much 😊
May 09Reply

@angelamaines you are so welcome. Thank you ❤️
May 09Reply

@noescape2009 I’ve been looking for this so I’m very happy 💕
May 09Reply

@noescape2009 it’s beautiful thank you so much ❤️
May 13Reply

@angelamaines thank you so much. I’m glad you love it. I have never seen another one in that Color. The other purple ones are like a brownish dusty purple. ❤️
May 13Reply

@noescape2009 yes more like a gray or black! This one is definitely different perfect!
May 13Reply

hello!!!I saw a comment of yours that said you might have something by Hermione Granger? I have an ISO and if you have anything I’d certainly consider it! 💕💕☺️
Jul 28Reply

Hello, . I invite you to visit my closet. I have very beautiful, modern clothes and handmade clothing, have a wonderful day.
Thanks for visiting my closet, blessings to you and your family.
Aug 10Reply

Hi FYI you just purchased the TSE grey t shirt from me. There is a grey silk skirt that goes with it and listed separately. Just FYI ty for the order
Nov 07Reply

hey I hope I am correct, if not just disregard this! Lol but are you also on eBay as noescape as well?
Feb 09Reply

@ashleyvidalis yes that is me
Feb 09Reply

@noescape2009 nice! I have seen you around poshmark here and there while collecting thermals lol! I placed a bid on the purp kyoto on eBay (I think I messaged you last week)
Feb 09Reply

@ashleyvidalis I countered your offer. I paid 157.11 for it and have not worn it.
Feb 09Reply

@ashleyvidalis thank you for your offer
Feb 09Reply

@noescape2009 thank you for your honesty and I completely understand! I will hopefully be able to do that price within the next week for sure! Thanks again!! 💜
Feb 09Reply

@ashleyvidalis thank you so much. I can do 100 for you if you want
Feb 09Reply

Hey sweetie I left a message underneath the the women’s closet that you said she’s deceased that is crazy and it makes me extremely sad I had no idea and I wonder if someone could put her closet on vacation mode or I hate to say that but at least not for sale or something that is so sad and I’m from Nashville Tennessee and so is she
Feb 28Reply

Again that’s just a very very sad I’m a person that cares I’m a very kind hearted individual so that hits me pretty hard did you know her personally or I’m just wondering how you know she’s deceased or I mean how long she’s been deceased
Feb 28Reply

If you could just get back with me on that I would greatly appreciate it thank you sweetie
Feb 28Reply

@noescape2009 Sorry for all the comments laugh I see you’re also from Nashville Tennessee like myself but yeah I was just wondering about the woman just get back with me OK thank you sweetie do you have a wonderful evening love
Feb 28Reply

@channeling hi. Yes Rocksan was my best friend in real life did 25 years. I was at the hospital when they pulled her off life support so it is definitely true, even though some days I can’t believe it. It was 2 years ago jan 20, 2019. I had her phone and put her closet on vacation mode. But I guess you can only do that for a few months. Her bf had her phone and he took Poshmark off of the phone before I could get my thoughts together about it. I don’t know her login.
Feb 28Reply

Sorry 1/21/19
Feb 28Reply

@channeling she was 39 and left a son who is now 13. I keep up a line of communication with his dad and see him from time to time. He is doing well, at least on the outside. I’m currently talking his dad into getting him a kitten😻
Feb 28Reply

@channeling sometimes when I miss her I’ll go to her closet to torture myself and read what she has written on her listings. She was poshing 24/7 always. Rarely slept. I think I have commented her as deceased on most of her listings so ppl won’t buy. She used posh as a means to have many friendships. So a lot of people were upset when she passed.
Feb 28Reply

Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
May 12Reply

Hey love, check out my closet we both love FP! :]
Jul 09Reply

Hi! Idk how poshmark works regarding the case with the tiger tee. But if they aren’t able to work something out regarding the dry cleaning, I can v e n m o you a few bucks. Just frustrating if they don’t because they already take a % out of my earrings so I’d rather them just handle how that works. But I do understand your frustration so if they can’t help - I’m open to v e n m o or something
Nov 19Reply

@goingplatinum00 that is mighty sweet of you. I’ll create a bundle so we can chat privately.
Nov 19Reply

ALOHA! I hope you can stop by my closet! Im selling women, men and girls items.If you bundle, you’ll be able to save money!! ALL in preowned or NWT condition!! Much love from HAWAII :)
Mar 19Reply

Hi 👋, Check out my closet sometime.
I have something for everyone!
Women's, men's, kids, pets, jewlery, shoes and much more. 🛍 Adding new stuff weekly so stop by often.
Enjoy your shopping and Happy poshing!
May 13Reply

How do I chat with you privately? I joined this so I could message you about something you have on Etsy. I’m pretty sure we may know some of the same people or people of people, lol.
Aug 02Reply

@noescape2009 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 01Reply

Hi Erica , please reach out if I can help with anything, I carry beautiful vintage jewelry and accessories along with contemporary brands 🌷Have a happy weekend! ~Tricia
Feb 03Reply
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