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Thank you for visiting my closet! My name is Traci and I'm so glad to meet you! Please feel free to ask questions! I'm a disabled stay at home mom and a Paparazzi $5 jewelry consultant! Find my VIP group on Facebook at Traci's $5 Sparkle and Shine VIPS or my website www.paparazziaccessories.com/60277

439 others
like this

@vonnie71 @rayray22485 @ex_globetrotter @mommyc @sweetmagnolia @katilydia22 @carina_von @ridimaria @prunedamom @beanieingle @missylute @alstokes @sunshine359 @nmary @queenb4ever @oofahl @trendytouch @guajardok @rschopler @khowell3282🌺🌺thank you for following me and checking out my closet!! All prices are negotiable! Big bundle sale ends today! The more you bundle the more you save up to 40%!!! Nice meeting you and Happy Poshing!!🌺🌺
May 19Reply

Hi @jakeamom12 you're a great mom!!! GBU dear! 🙏👼🌟
May 19Reply

Hope you have a wonderful and lazy Sunday
May 19Reply

@skiper you too!! Rainy day here in VA so my arthritis and Fibro are making me lazy today!!!
May 19Reply

@ex_globetrotter thank you!!!!💜💙💛💚❤😋
May 19Reply

You're welcome @jakeamom12 stay warm!! 😇
May 19Reply

@jakeamom12 u r so sweet. I wish every one was as nice as u. Have a good day dear.
May 19Reply

@ykmk back at ya!!❤💜💛💚💙😋
May 19Reply

@jakeamom12 Amazing family💜💜💜thank you so much for all your shares, soo sweet of you!💗💗💗
May 19Reply

Nice to meet you Traci!
May 19Reply

@jakeamom12 and the SWEETEST Lady on Poshmark! So happy I ran into Traci's Closet...I find her to be so inspirational and she has a way of making everyone feel special! Alway there to lend a helping hand when needed :) This is one FANTASTIC Lady!
May 19Reply

@liv1966 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘back at ya!
May 19Reply

@jenewyn @nay_luvs_style @mikhaila272 @nana_grl @natnit98 @sleewalker @yassic @stydodt @fab17 @madlux @christinegivens @singingsweetie @miss_nicole222 @sara821 @nikibx2 @shortydawn23 @bruschr @paisleyfaye @prettyinprada 🌺🌺🌺thanks for the follow/shares/likes!!! It's nice to meet you! Please feel free to ask any questions!! All prices negotiable!🌺🌺🌺
May 20Reply

@nappyglam 😘😘😘😘😘😘
May 20Reply

What a great family! Your son is a cutie patootie😊 great family!
May 20Reply

@danipage why thank you!! He is quite handsome if I say so myself!!!😱😱😱
May 20Reply

Indeed he is!! What a proud mama you are!!
May 20Reply

@jakeamom12 your an inspiration Hun best of luck to you :) all the best!!
May 20Reply

@lainelizabeth1 thank you!!! I love that I've met so many nice people here on Posh!!❤❤❤
May 20Reply

@lainelizabeth1 thanks for all the shares!!
May 20Reply

Thanks for all the shares! Definitely appreciate it! Will do the same for you ;)
May 20Reply

@jakeamom12 thanks for all your share....😉😍😍😍😍😍😉
May 20Reply

@nsm56 thanks for all the shares! You're the best!💜💚💙💛
May 21Reply

@jakeamom12 anytime, happy Poshing
May 21Reply

Awee, your son is a cutiee! ❤ God bless you and your family!
May 21Reply

@jakeamom12 Thank you for being such a wonderful posher and friend!!!😊 I love your Australian Shepherd.💙 Your son is pretty darn cute too, haha.😉
May 21Reply

@haybay7789 thanks! He is rather handsome if I say so myself!!!😋😋
May 21Reply

thanks beautiful
May 22Reply

Thank you very much for sharing so many of my listings!! :) in return I will share Urs too ;)
May 22Reply

You are truly one of the kindest & warm-hearted "Posher's" 💕💕!! Thank you for caring & sharing! A blessing you are 🙏💓!
May 22Reply

@tevavold thank you soo much!! Back at ya!💜❤💛💙💚
May 22Reply

There you are!!!
May 22Reply

@5kewlklosets there I am!
May 22Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares awesome I share whenever I can too!!!!
May 24Reply

You sent me the wrong bundle. Will post a pic of what I received and tag you.
May 24Reply

@mrs_l_morgan oooohhh noooo!! I am sooo sorry !! I will get it fixed!! I can't believe I did that!! I am sooo embarrassed! I had eight orders at one time! I can't apologize enough! Give me a few to figure out what to do! I've never mixed orders up before!! I really really sorry!
May 24Reply

I am happy to send this stuff back. I don't want you out of any money. Not sure how you will be able to recover the things I chose, however :(
May 24Reply

@mrs_l_morgan I will have to ask her to return it..... I will gladly refund you for your order, my address should be on the package!!! Thank you for being so kind and understanding!! I am really really sorry!
May 24Reply

@coachlover thanks for all the shares'
May 25Reply

Thx for sharing :-*
May 25Reply

@dobegirl thanks for all the love💜❤💚💙💛
May 26Reply

@ascoopoffashion thanks for all the love💜❤💚💙💛
May 26Reply

@jakeamom12 Ditto💗💙💗💚🎀
May 26Reply

@jakeamom12 You have a beautiful family!! God bless you!!💞💞💞💞🙏🙏
May 26Reply

@margarita29 thank you so much!
May 26Reply

@shylaquisano @kris81 @kweenjdt @goldilox2675 @amyruz @klajenkins @tfnygurl @gracesayswhatx @kshive123 @chrytaan @annabelle78 @just0507 @ladygwen86 @ktr77 @stephiestyles4u @ms_meli_b @sisimmons @simple49 @deband1129 @kass9013 @jperkins39 @lissanovoa @dana_rea_gward @ccruiz1344 @button42 @trice9091 @ashannah @gremelkin @mbcady79 @joannlevelli1 @wentemi @mnugent77 @wisconsingirl @sashab5 @kcampbell10 @sorinko9 @mbe @hermanabella @adrianabq72 @demitaj3 @sweetmaria @skyfire99 @shillier @kroberts0609 @nep723 @lolobearleo @rinehart218 @bone314 @cookiexkiller @niloo1978 @tierrastewart @pumashy @bubbabebbe @glenda1219 @yan4ik @misshope444 @cruisegirl223 @iwanturstuff @sunshine_lover @mageth @xavieandrysmom @vivian21 @luvdavian @kaseeyx3 @jennamarie2010 @asandifer229 @ashleh1125 @atomchik @mothergaby @ladyhotwing @emory1975 @frankiebecker @diana25 @rwinters7612 @beautifulbuys @asmiths @aoutain @alg1313 @christagayle @fashioneer @amarceau94 @rossy2020 @snlemmons @ebonystinson @kgltap @mommykeenan @altheia_k @rowie @hannaboo02 @patray1 @tmcates @kpenn88 @mizhou @janetslasvegas @torygilmore @bbyrd1951 @nadeen04 @kdawn80 @jenni_jdmx3 @kristen2413 @cjtatt @brittany_rose12 @juju222 @damadeo @toniames @horans @chellebelle @kelly774 @danaapuy @durannoel17 @sydney_b @jd0922 @lexx82 @zebra7 @jaymilawrence @lmartin32 @jygardner2 @misspr1 @stacy8510 @jkrowyn @daniest @gmacieiski @khuffman @gabbyramirez19 @beard_o @judiheri @dawncoluccio @rjaramillo1 @@mchl_flaherty @zsi @edeltodd @azulpacifica @heatherl25 @janeeneashworth @kahlap @alicehe30 @jackie0430 @bepifane @swise5 @kelseymarie790 @thryni @tweety33 @sweetbliss22 @anderson9112 @jolie34685 @charlene637 @mamasellingmens @cmarkgraf @mbeezy_ttu @msjayzam @ard122573 @beckysue313 @ladyrobinnicole @clcarney @emleopardi @veronica1313 @mks85907 @dwilso33 @kelzona @shelley1213 @sunshinez @kaylabrandes @lena0207 @budzygirl @amy_y @anharris44 @steranyd @hl11 @mcouc 🌟🌟I don't usually mass tag,so I apologize for doing it! Last night I received over 200 followers and wanted to thank each and everyone of you for taking the time to stop and look at my closet!! I hope you will come back again! My fabulous mother gave me 12 bags of all sorts of goodies to help me make some money to make ends meet during this hard time! I also sell new and used jewelry and new makeup. I'm hoping to make this a place for me to supplement my disability and help my family! I love to share with all my fellow Poshers and promise to try and share each of your closets! Please let me know if I can help you in anyway! Traci💜❤💙💚💛🌟🌟
May 26Reply

@mammasellingmens thank you for the kind words💜❤💙💛💚
May 27Reply

@jakeamom12 very nice to meet u too :)
May 27Reply

@jakeamom12 What a sweet message! Thank you! It's nice to know there are awesome people out here on Poshmark like you! Good luck 😊💞
May 27Reply

@asandifer229 thank you!💜❤💚💛💛
May 27Reply

@jakeamom12 ❤I just read your story! (YOU ARE AWESOME) And also SHARED!!
May 27Reply

@livrose thank you for the kind words and for sharing!!!💜❤💛💚💙
May 27Reply

@jakeamom12 OMG!! You are so welcome! You read and see so much negative things on TV and online that when I read above it made me sad but happy also!
May 27Reply

@livrose 😘😘😘😘😘
May 27Reply

@jakeamom12 There are items I ❤ big purse and Hard Candy items! Can you give me a price on all oh and the mascara you have do you have in black? Thanks
May 27Reply

@livrose the only mascara I have left is "catfight" and it's a brown/black.....
May 27Reply

@livrose I can do the mascara, hot smudge and purse for $9, does that work???
May 27Reply

@jakeamom12 brown/black that's ok I can give it to my daughter
May 27Reply

@livrose I sent your bundle!! Thank you so so much!😘😘😘
May 27Reply

@jakeamom12 The total on all is AWESOME!! ❤😃❤😃❤ Thank you & have a great Memorial Day!
May 27Reply

How much for your son?! Lol just kidding! But he's very handsome!
May 28Reply

God Bless You and your family. May the Lord's grace and mercy shine upon you. Xoxoxoxo
May 29Reply

@jakeamom12 what a great mom you arr! Proud of you👏👏👏
May 30Reply

@robinheatherfit I sent you an email💜💜💜💜💜
May 30Reply

@buymyproductnow thank you for the kind words!! Sometimes I don't feel like I am doing a good job, I shouldn't have to worry wether or not we will have a roof over our heads each month!!! I was really hoping I could get my things to sell and get a litte online business going,but it's not been going as well as I hoped!!! The Lord will see me through it!!💜💜💜💜💜
May 30Reply

@jakeamom12 : Hi, Traci! Thank you very much for sharing so many items from my closet!! Before I share the 💖💖 by sharing items on your closet, let me say that you and I have a LOT in common! Poshmark is the perfect place for you to get so much love & support that you need! I'm going to tag you in some listings that I would like for you to see. If you wish, my e-mail addy is shown at the top of my closet...please feel free to drop me a line! Lastly, please know you're not alone! Welcome to Poshmark!!
May 30Reply

@cvz15 thank you for your kind wors and support💜❤💛💙💚
May 30Reply

Thank for sharing Hun
May 30Reply

Thank you for all of the shares Hun. God bless, and have a great weekend.
May 31Reply

@jakeamom12 happy to meet you officially. We have a lot in common. I also have a 22 year old girl who just graduated from college am married, 23 years now, also have a 14 year old who keeps me on my toes. Planning my daughters wedding for July. Happy Poshing. Hugs-gentle cuz you know that fibro
Jun 01Reply

@cherryblast thank you for all the kind words!! It's amazing how many of us Fibromites are on here and in similar situations!! I made a post for us,it's the one about Fibro awareness day,please feel free to like it so we can keep in touch!!! Gentle hugs💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Jun 01Reply

@jakeamom12 thanks sweet heart for sharing my closet. God bless you .
Jun 01Reply

How are you today? thank you for the SHARES
Jun 02Reply

@stitchesforyou I'm ok,hurting,but ok!!! Thank you for asking😘😘😘
Jun 02Reply

I know I wake up everyday to pain also it would be so nice to be pain free 😄
Jun 02Reply

@stitchesforyou amen!!! Even just one day....
Jun 02Reply

You & your son are adorable!!!!!!!! ❤
Jun 03Reply

@mayra8601 @danyaallen @miss_lauria12 @alicia0923 @xttinamore @gogs968 @irishtraveldiva @ramonaesco @sophiagkim @kailees_mom21 @tdb76 @ina1980us @ddowell @abruslaw @styleidnet @tmariebabyy @kurban @mrscisneros @sarahkbrad @lbabyx23 @csmom @brittx0x0x0 @netbaby007 @ampmomma1 @misscampbell81 @carlibaldo @llanglois @pamdes @nahar @k_bickford @kathybee @mari103187 @bodyworksmia @zabagirl @ccarter71847 @dalia88 @cmhouchins @colie23 @mkate1381 @briancremeans @ayurveda2013 @jrv @maddison_3312 @britpritchard @sammiep19 @smoochy74 @tj_nyclover @kaitlanddd @jandersen311 @mellielynne94 @ettwyman @cocohdz @creimuel @perfectk93 @idclair @jessica_2343 @zubhaf29 @dplomero12 @alyssa40 @apples4b3 @domsmom @dkelly33647 @divastyles @yuppy @jwilhelm @vivid_candi @queenjojo @miss_jesa @tiffaneyrae @erikaliz @lvblonde89 @lchurches @reneerivera @briannacordova1 @lovenwar @mommymonet @laruesboutique @angelalz @bwhittt @rkfetter @elizataplin @jmtrayer @3monstersmommy @lmherli @diorable @86alejen @jjc654 @mmhoneydo @alypayne @jburdmo @chels_lynn13 @jyeung @gina10498 @jenna1986 @yevi13 @mrs_balagtas @chelseymae @connie1208 @fashionsquared @lisa4803 @javalava @sherby2912 @angel1530 @lroselove @sngai3 @hallyndschaye @pinaycana @sarafrias27 @kimmieallen @vickyruba @esterscloset @dls999 @margarettebar @careolivo27 @nickismith6 @dsalinas737 @briela11 @tiffperkins @bcasey12 @equerra14 @danielle_faith @jazztopia @kdlackwell @issaflo @dbinnette @jennbender @mrsescobedo19 @karenj207 @nani1108 @gabbyluvselvis @spider @shellybuys @loverb3 @aram2256 @cbradford22 @shoppers_dlight @nikayanasab @jasmine01231 @chicagocolleen @fashionhead01 @grneyes8 @nicholas37752 @posh4210 @sexygoddess @kehaulani4 @katiepierson82 @starry_eyedluv @jpaquette14🌟🌟I don't usually like to mass tag,so I apologize! I just wanted to thank each and everyone of you who stopped and followed my closet today!!! Please let me know if I can help in anyway and I will do my best to share each of your closets!!! Thanks so much, Traci💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Jun 03Reply

You're so welcome! Thanks for acknowledging everyone! That's awesome 😊💕💗
Jun 03Reply

Thank u!!
Jun 03Reply

Thanks for all the shares!! 😉 @jakeamom12
Jun 03Reply

@jakeamom12 so nice to "meet" you 😬!
Jun 04Reply

Thanks for Sharing my stuff hun👍👍👍👍😃
Jun 06Reply

Thanks for all the shares :)
Jun 06Reply

@xokassie1810 thank you😋😋😋
Jun 07Reply

@gwow319 I'm sorry to hear that! It's no fun! It's hard to get a diagnosis, you need to ask your doc to send you to someone who specializes in Fibro and hope they will!! You can also look up the Fibromyalgia Association on the web and it will give you lots of advice!!! Good luck💜💜💜💜💜it took me two years to get my diagnosis and thy now think I've had it since my teens!!
Jun 08Reply

Nice to meet you Traci!!
Jun 08Reply

@lynnsimmons nice to meet you too!!
Jun 08Reply

I hope you're health is all good! I'm 13 and within the past year I've gotten diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and Raynaud's disease and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone not even my worst enemy :( anyway! You have a great closet and I'm looking forward to checking it out!
Jun 11Reply

@emilybaigent nice to meet you!!! My son was 12 when he was diagnosed with Fibro and Ehlers Danlos, I am sorry you're having to deal with such a thing a you're age!!! He has never let it stop him, so don't let it take anything away from you!!! Keep in touch and make sure you like our Fibro group post in my closet !!! Gentle hugs, Traci💜💜💜💜💜
Jun 11Reply

Ohh, I hope you don't mind, I shared with my fellow followers because it was just too sweet NOT TO!!! So glad that there are still such sweethearts like you out there!!!! <3
Jun 12Reply

Ps- you're son is, indeed, very handsome; of course, you can gloat to everyone & say he got his "good genes" from his Mama! :-D
Jun 12Reply

@evelynjax_sid thank you soooo much!! Please share with everyone!!
Jun 12Reply

@evelynjax_sid sorry I didn't finish!!! Please share with everyone! My family is in a bad way!! We are a month behind in rent and if not paid by end of month we will have to find somewhere else to live!! I need to sell sell sell!! Thanks he is very handsome, he is the spitting image of his dad!! He did get his brains fom me though! LOL!
Jun 12Reply

I will most definitely keep sharing throughout the week!! I am so sorry to hear that, if I wasn't suffering from the same issue, and wasnt negative funds in my account, I would certainly be trying to pitch in as much as I possibly could to help you! But until then, the least I can do is pass this beautiful post along <3
Jun 12Reply

@evelynjax_sid just your kind words and your shares is enough!!! I will do the same!!! I hope your situation works itself out too!!! Please keep in touch!💜💜💜💜💜😘😘😘😘😘
Jun 12Reply

Thanks for all the shares :)
Jun 13Reply

@jakeamom12 💐🎀Good Luck to You And God Bless💒
Jun 13Reply

Thanks for all the shares love<3
Jun 14Reply

@sharxxcamp @amirapierik @soconnell @dbomsu79 @timber_day @umet214 @tmarie04 @haleigh_24 @kiki_escobar @sbseiso @texasbound @angelsvintage @sweetkitty825 @beckyxiong @pinkandblue @wearyourcrown @ada89 @shannydarling @birdbrained @dmccg101 @tmarie04 @megcfoe @kami42 @harmind @mrsdeveaux @kalykins @jasmineselina @cjgiles @fabelen @josh12345 @shelbs210 @manda24 @ak1986 @mollysmom1207 @kristenwhite25 @jmedios89 @caramelthug @han0214 @lawgirl57 @jcapo73 @breannamarins @meesh1991 @camilacloset @blakley1516 @nhealey @suzys13 @mariedidy @dwray1129 @lhealy927 @rencerivera @kaycrawford412 @cookies1220 @violetini @cmpage @ashrox1 @kimberlylynn3 @litamm83 @goodnana @smr328 @gababdel @glitterrox @mzbrittylynn @versatile1920 @jayhernan13 @paige3m @miki6895 @sugashit @skinnyblondie62 @deblynne @debby77 @heatherk0109 @jackson3733 @chrissieann2007 @summer_013 @iheartfashion55 @tonyamulrooney @kim_nichols @sadiecorrine @harvellkia @panda711 @jahmed07 @melanieq84 @sarahlizifyxo @katiegill23 @mimajack @lmaniboutique @tjsheart @luciao @lucia @candicane26 @daynesmommy @summercleaning @jwielch @estef_08 @smrzzz @melaneybartlett @vixxen @dreamn109 @mzashes @precious82 💜💜thank you for following my closet!! Please feel free to take a look and ask as many questions as you want!! My prices are negotiable so please don't be afraid to ask. It is very important to me that everyone is happy with your purchase and I will do my best to give you a great buying experience!! My family and I are in real need of money as we are behind in rent and if we don't catch up this month we will have to find another place to live. I would be very grateful for any purchase or shares!! I always share back!! I offer 20% on bundles always! This week all clothing and shoes 40% off and jewelry 20% off!! Thank you so much for taking the time to look at and share my closet! Traci💜💜
Jun 14Reply

A sweet message and sweet pictures! Thank you for sharing :) <3
Jun 14Reply

@daynesmommy 💜💜😘😘💜💜
Jun 14Reply

@jakeamom12 thank you soo much for the shares! I will return the favor:))
Jun 14Reply

@jakeamom12 Thanks for sharing my closet I will share yours now!👍
Jun 14Reply

@ictfashion @kkaysmith1982 @sunnymaybray @stephanimarie @latriceh @mekaco @kp1985 @kellymessing @glamaholic @mvortsel @pinkberry1 @nitsujevoli9509 @cuddlebug3964 @shoppingnut @xocmc @deedz17 @brooklyn_s @mpeak2 @meggles1182 @cynthiax0o @deedy @amazing_ @abbylpeel @pharmdoll85 @nmonty @cupcakies @kristenp64 @rruizarm @closetdrama @simplyusana @zoilav518 @kasiroz @liralin @boonana @judyjude123 @kayjay16 @smileyshop18 @tiffanidaniels @jazz_nic @jerolyn @mestenzo @dlgeter0916 @kshot3susb @bhampton1 @faith_macd @cmy1101 @aleblue @j_adoredidi @alemellado @smwhite062 @jmoodyphillips @ladydi115 @labelladevonee @shabbychic23 @poshemmy @cesposito @mleyla122 @eedaniels1234 @rapunz @kella17 @veve26 @jeschroeder @cgiggles74 @amber21411 @ambervjudd @biancapartyka @ariphil @ldam09 @sandysplussize @savannahlowe @amesolis @ngomez253 @lorewy @nessybrian2 @carileduc @junee18 @kimberlypoyner @ana_marie61 @espritfort02 @tiffmaul @katiebroder @danni_b @tntroemer @ba24beau @kare01 @matt2013 @erindee @mollysmom1207 @coccoatea @ashworthbentley @sparklyandy @jaclynshutack @jaclyn2125 @destiny1977 @weaknessnme2003 @dealstealer @bang_on_buck @zenia86 @kmvan43 @boosieluv @caromel @silvana15 @cndymend @kim1992 @karina_here @emilykendra @smitysgirls @zuemy @hisgryl @bamboohead @lokaren @atupper @china_diaz @krissyanique @msginarey @msinger3596 @vestal13 @angiemillion @scosenze @taylorzapatero @kristenmitch @brown3818 @claumgr @sabaz @jennifer99 @majaw @caitatkinson @lizzy0x @spein09 @elainag93@cthompson1230 @ninadev @patticsp85 @hollyhaas @elizcuervo @beaukiller @melbug @chasity12 @nichalett @blackcherry7 @buscherl @daju @jmalagon @christiandeior @leilazhan @zebrasu @lmonzster 🌟🌟I apologize for the mass tag!! I got so many follows today and wanted to thank each of you for the follow and welcome you to my closet!! I have just reduced a bunch of items for quick sale! My family needs to get our rent caught up by end of month or we will have to find another place to live! So feel free to look in my closet and make me an offer, all prices are negotiable!! I understand if you cannot or do not see anything to purchase! I would ask if you wouldn't mind sharing my closet to get it out there to as many as possible! I will share yours as that's how we help each other to get sales!! Thank you again and God Bless💜💜💜🌟🌟
Jun 15Reply

@jakeamom12 ☺☺☺☺☺☺
Jun 15Reply

Thank you for sharing :)
Jun 15Reply

👍So sweet !!
Jun 15Reply

@jakeamom12 nice to meet you Hun, I'm disabled and suffer from a lot of the same things as you, I just wanted to say hi, and if you ever need to talk or anything I'm always around...I hope that you're feeling we'll today!
Jun 15Reply

@shooiesbaby nice to meet you!!! I also am here if you need to talk!!💜💜💜💜
Jun 15Reply

thank you so much for your shares! i will promote your closet as much as i can!
Jun 16Reply

@jakeamom12 I just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing all of my items! :) I really appreciate it! I will be sharing a lot of yours as well in return 😘☺👍
Jun 16Reply

Thank so much for sharing. My closet Hun
Jun 17Reply

I'd really like to tell you how much I appreciate your continual support!! 😘😘😘😘 ill share more of your items throughout the day too :)
Jun 18Reply

got my bracelet today, thank you very much :) love it :)
Jun 20Reply

@simplyusana great!! I'm glad you like it!! Please come visit anytime,I have new jewelry coming soon!💜💜💜
Jun 20Reply

I hope you dont mind if i suggest dancing for you as your back allows that is. I think it might help with the issues you have physically and the depression. It really gets the demons out for me anyway!
Jun 21Reply

@violetini I used to be a dancer!!! From age 5 through high school!! I do sometimes turn up the music and do my own style of dancing LOL!!! My hips pop in and out of socket making it hard to dance much unfortunately😔😔😔😔 thank you fr thinking of me😘😘😘
Jun 21Reply

@jakeamom12 , hi traci! God bless your beautiful heart and thank you for all the shares. I will defiantly return the favor. We suffer from the same thing and just went from bad to worse with the discovery of yet another out pouching in the brain and my cyst not actually responding to the Botox therapy but growing ;( I have decided to close my closet after all., but I love your postings up top and you have a wonderful an handsome son and grandchild I see up there😍 much love and blessing to all and I will keep u in my prayers daily! With respect, Rosie 🌹💕😉
Jun 21Reply

@mimzy74 I am so sorry to hear that you are not doing well and closing your closet😔😔😔😔please keep in touch,I'm here if you need to talk!! I am praying for you,God bless Traci💜💜💜💜
Jun 21Reply

@jakeamom12 , traci, my apologies! I just realized that was jake in all those pictures.... I need to pay more attention :/ so sorry. And thank you for your offer, very kind and sweet if you. I will keep you close to my heart.. Have a blessed night;)
Jun 21Reply

@mimzy74 😘😘😘😘😘
Jun 21Reply

Ah, then you must continue dancing, it's very important for some of us! ;)
Jun 21Reply

@classicelegance 😘😘😘
Jun 22Reply

God bless you and your son. I understand your struggles. I was fortunate to be able to retire from my job even though I struggled with Fibro and depression and CFS. God has blessed me and I will pray for u. He will make a way!
Jun 22Reply

@pursenut thank you for your kind words!! Gentle hugs,Traci💜💜💜💜
Jun 22Reply

@jakeamom12 👍Thanks for sharing!! I appreciate it. 🌹😊🌹
Jun 22Reply

Thanks for the shares, love! ✨💕💖💕✨
Jun 23Reply

Hey love thanks for sharing my listings! It's very much appreciated!👍👍👍😃😄
Jun 23Reply

@jakeamom12 thank you for the shares! You're a very nice person and God is with you and your family! God Bless you!😇🙏🙌💐🌷🌻🌹
Jun 23Reply

@barby619 ❤❤❤❤❤
Jun 23Reply

@jakeamom12 thanks for all the shares❤❤❤
Jun 24Reply

Dear traci, I'm touched by your story. God is good all the time! You are a great mom👏I'll try my best to help you and share your closet to everyone I know in the world😄
Jun 25Reply

@emmadu thank you😘😘😘😘😘
Jun 25Reply

@jakeamom12 thanks for the follow, god bless you and your family!
Jun 25Reply

Thanks for all the shares!! God bless!!
Jun 26Reply

@jordancarbonell @queenjosephinee @pinky85 @yadeline @oliversgirl29 @3smile @tiffanygm @posh_girl @jessicaxo3 @kristiefish @mystellabelle @luvinhbomb @ccamp @npfabe @simplysimonej @derobmai @carmelburgin @mleex3 @jgaitan @maritzacorona @mrbpenny @jennifer_ech @missnikka @gihabj @sophmoph @littleboutique @annaking5 @tetchie @sidjoel @krysteenagem @piepie1129 @jlw144 @ral77 @shantelmellon @lizh1776 @nellb @pamperedladies @tinaj85 @daniellebaby @staceyj315 @kraemerjm @yasmina_sadiq @bkcostello @hanadim @lilwallflower @meagan07tigers @gwenthvere76 @lbutler85 @mollsmchugh @victory4lyf @dede2015 @bigbangtheory @lzpineda @lovalee @malloryrose07 @annieko1 @anjella @benmazer @themisift13 @cart00n @staitonles @vickyyliu @rhintzy @turkishd3light @getbella @angie177 @bfink12 @kellyivie @lannaroxanne 🌟🌟please excuse the mass tag,but I wanted to thank all of you for following,sharing and liking my closet!! It's so nice to meet all of you!! Everything in my closet is negotiable and if it has a Purple Heart is $5!!! All jewelry is 15% off right now!! I am trying to make the money we need to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table,so every share or purchase is greatly appreciated!! Thank you and God bless,Traci💜💜💜💜💜🌟🌟
Jun 26Reply

@jakeamom12 No problem! Your doggies are adorable!😉
Jun 27Reply

This is so crazy, my name is Tracie and I have an 9 year old son who's name is Jake!
Jun 27Reply

@tracie0127 that too cool! Nice to meet you!
Jun 27Reply

Thank you! 😉
Jun 27Reply

@tracyphoto @btucker0609 @_sheha @alyssakathrynxo @zahra44 @elizabegon @giainaz @perez7383 @vanessa_burns @suzyopp @monitavlz @kittykoture @flexylexi @maucha1029 @sareebear123 @heather_johnson @nochezbella @britneybethhh @kharmon0427 @lanaeb2002 @nkong81 @iliag5 @bawhiddon1 @baileyskloset @safrica @tawanchai @summerlovin13 @karma234 @sabrinahouse @julianne17rose @luxury23 @lorefigs @topdiva @mtwill @treasurously @delta1girl @ibernard06 @smiley_iddle @sonisanya @arlia @neon_threads @alishanewton8 @lovestephaniex3 @v_eangx944 @candyeh @marmio @hollisjean @_ovoxo @ashleyrich @7026591515 @shellyr28 @beckypajak7 @maisakotachi @egreen12 @jholiday @lms4k @sexiepamie @queeninnis @kikismyles @gsters @snoopybear @birdieluv @queenbee @chettytrysten90 @meccasimone @vogue112678 @markyjo @pcarkley @jmorrison06 @ldanieller @yredican @rebeca3 @shayoung @lschenk29 @marilynpeach @mylady17 @and10 @arisolis @cherriefosho @caamrynn_ @msfackernoy @samanthamph @gsposato_ @megmastro @dombagnoche @michellecolp @lexpai @irrizzistible @joanne0716 @auzie @diorbawse @ingastone @eastelm @kiaaani808 @dzign4u2 @sweetheart10133 @sweatsgirl @tilliezgirl @phylis2146 @vkaicher1982 @lilkak1486 @livingincolor @bria1226 @atirstylz @iheartdesign127 @ladyb_saintsfan @rahdixie @debbie6157 @babyluff @katerina28 @travelinggirl68 @echristner @mollybabyy @christina_may15 @vanweeldenj14 @erynnanderson @lyubov @zedenee @sasharoxann @alyiahsantos @seanotes @nat650 @samanthamarie19 @ladybug226 @shelly1189 @evlaba @southernglam @amanda_estello @silencio @niketablaque @taxgirl @artiastry @jennyb7611 @jordamlschmidt @sabrinamarley @ericabod @kmhs_ccgomez @marlarose1980 @laurentabaria @krystalmarie1 🌟🌟I apologize for the mass tag,but wanted to thank each one of you for your follow,likes and shares!! I am disabled and trying to make some extra money here on posh to make ends meet for my family! Please feel free to take a look around and if you have any questions feel free to ask!! I love sharing!! Everything with a Purple Heart is $5 and all jewelry is 15% off!! I really do appreciate anything you do to help my family!! Thank you so much and happy Poshing! Traci🌟🌟
Jun 27Reply

Jun 27Reply

Your welcome @jakeamom12
Jun 27Reply

@jakeamom12 your welcome hun I hope the best for you and your family and may god bless you ;)
Jun 27Reply

Handsome boy! 😊
God bless you and your family 🌺🌷
Jun 28Reply

Love meeting you too!!!
Jun 29Reply

Thank for sharing hun
Jun 29Reply

@cardasmi @dul60 @babyrican @drandle @msprincess416 @noneedtoscream @roxxi1 @fashion31 @pagioxi @tmc089 @mzvaldez @jennakitchings @mstalter @10thavenue @olivia1oconnor @junjun12356 @bbdoll111 @mpeterson2005 @peacockresale @amavrich @vechristine @candyelaine @tay720 @viga31 @ailenecabrera @littlestar1976 @jackson5982 @breeeeeee @kateogle @kia93 @taryns13 @tahatfashion @aggg2013 @heather3141 @nekiadee @sashamichelle1 @hysley @ashleysmith501 @ganja @lapgirl2010 @kristenscheibel @emeeks03 @tiffnys1 @vbo1118 @longhornfan79 @justmepatty @kndoeg @laikalu @qbee318 @tlanalee @lovelylily @boboli77 @araewing90 @taketwo @misstdawn @ljenks6991 @calimillette @crub @lilyana @bingying87 @anastasiyaa @sugarmax9 @des10e_white @roxyschik16 @tmartin4814 @cinemabeaute @foreveralways2 @realsilver @nvila1988 @kbrookssc @samanthaskyy @mcsalcido @karinaballerina @akv83 @catherine_n @kks @celendj1 @tigerlily8696 @drdr @knguyen1112 @jac_whit @mbordlemay @_soto_ @1mrstaylor @dawnelle @ajbeani @jensdeals @jme901 @sdivney @murilliz @realflysista @pixiegirl1978 @lng81 @shutupdinna @sam1205 @cheyennajoy @faithbflorida @raelynn_navarro @fashion_square @rootjustine @jenndigi @nanasamman @bmo2012 @nikella @fabfoxxi @tiffani30 @jenny41605 @hlegan2 @harperbe @ggrim @kjoy83 @cwexler @semper_sub_dio @olgachau @mrsmeier112012 @prttyvagyrl @evaazul @laurashanshan @hgipprich @samanthaflowers @janette19 @ckint @jillysmom1 @sbelle26 @shannencordeiro @bubbabella123 @star718 @breezyc8 @lisaxjang @madeline1967 @gabi02 @keaundra @lildoll @cscole13 @rcosgrove05 @sonia2677 @patsite @minitay @saratallentt @eastonmommy @fashionseller @revolvestylist @bloomlm @alesaa @rweaver1973 @helboswell @perlita17 @kmarie28 @jessroxi777 @jordyntantum @dorkalicious @dlmiada @nicole1016 @ladyassesina @jklima85 @emilieavelar @ladygarrbel @hannahwade92 @allierae93 @mlweaver @paulasommers @realredcw80 @rv1107 @acowan @mardela @emval19 @chasl215 @courtneyfamm @raec87 @shannongiles @katheresa24 @alyssamariejone @bobmerl @mistyf1630 @j2j3 @ladymoon @girlfriend3626 @uhhmanda @serrafina @kmdtigger @elliegirlxo @dentalpro40 @ashlynn6 @mamaduck43 @tyty_ @aliciarobin @irlijoeanne_mae @pinayme87 @alvareezandreea @cheskanoelle @kcampbell277 @megan94 @cupcakes @mija76 @dawnmarie910 @keistyn @xlargeandover19 @kayla_christine @weststreetlag @lalabooo @tannerlove @msellatv @katiekiefer @amk2293 @merrykiss06 @kpeek7 @taylordianne2 @mollystclair @katefrancis @mommyrose🌟🌟please excuse the mass tag!! I wanted to say Hi and thank you all for the follow/shares/likes and purchases!! I hope you like my closet and if you have any questions please let me know!! I love to share and hope you do too!! Everything in my closet is negotiable. I started this closet to help supplement my disability to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. I have had some medical setbacks lately causing a major strain on our finances. I would appreciate if you would share my closet with all your followers to help me sell! I will share back and give a discount if you share my whole closet!!! It is so nice to meet you and look forward to talking with you!!! Good luck and Happy Poshing,Traci💜💜💜💜💜🌟🌟
Jun 30Reply

Good luck with your journey , I will pray Allah to bless you and your family. And to ease your pain.
Jun 30Reply

@jakeamom12 hi, you're back!! Thanks for all the shares. You are wonderful 😘😘❤❤
Jun 30Reply

😱😱😱😱oh my you have so many followers.
Jun 30Reply

@jakeamom12 thanks for always sharing! I will always do the same for you!
Jul 02Reply

thanks soo much!! for the share!
Jul 05Reply

@jakeamom12 thx for all your shares!! If you are ever interested in anything in my closet do not hesitate to ask. I Love making deals!
Jul 06Reply

🌺Wow dear my heart goes out to you, I also have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and other things and I know how bad it can be!! My prayers go out to you!!🌺
Jul 06Reply

@dc6724 nice to meet you!! I too suffer from chronic depression....I'm here anytime you need me😘😘😘😘
Jul 07Reply

@jakeamom12 Hi Traci. It's nice to meet you. Thanks for the shares!
Jul 09Reply

Best of luck sweetheart, and you're right, your son is very handsome!!
Jul 09Reply

Thanks for the shares hun 😘
Jul 09Reply

@jakeamom12 Great closet! How long has it taken to get as many followers as you have?
Jul 17Reply

@zippdog it's taken 7 months and many hours of sharing and following😋😋very nice to meet you!
Jul 17Reply

You have a very handsome son! I'm sorry very out of topic!i hope god blesses you, and gives you the strength you need to help ends meet in your family!
Jul 19Reply

@_sweeettcandy thank you😘😘😘
Jul 19Reply

No problem ☺😊
Jul 19Reply

@livdilauro @lawissajoyce @secret2shop @vanessa_03 @drenner @nedeebees @braesma @halle_humphrey @shelbirae @sheybutter @misspriss54 @jessiclarke83 @pk12358 @alises_closet @live4style @33rosie33 @jaearly @lapearladio24 @em_stjohn @jenniferammons @nataa @lpdesigns @jobethrice @rahdixie @mslipe @cristallo @srector2 @townegems @fabicase @mayraa616 @adminja @bethaniem @king25 @alicia015 @michellejaldin @drgillie @hannahbananaxx3 @missmusic93 @kqq123 @krissy007 @bossyy @lovenatalie804 @cortez83 @libabygirl2021 @ttrn05 @trendymomma @ladylexy94 @veronica_marie @courtney_darian @tracyjellybelly @jexx @panamabeauti @mahiaroha @shannonlk @lavender2013 @pbondy @elisaamari @elizzabethhope @cganz @mattie10 @emmmalou_22 @auntymoe @mannyjuan @amanda_m @pt_jt @mthornsberry @desireebarnz @simplepieces @sgb4177 @alamode @eloliver @shamara @urbanroyalty @lsurran @lovetheboss @rorochelley @pattiepatootie @sophialissette @sandicheekzz @makeupbyemily06 @_sweeettcandy @mojo1957 @goodness @mrsjames @larangela @croo @gabie_d9793 @ninadove101 @sparkofsunshine @carolinepappas @bluesky815 @megpeg327 @cecigarcia714 @apizzi1987 @poojurdaddy @clodder @ashrox91 @ceejayyem @msstephgonzalez @lynnbabe87 @kalleybrinkley @martinez1603 @premkicks @natalie116 @ash_leary @ravensgirl12 @barbieemarley_ @vikihooper @simoneelove @lilnicksmommyxo @julietjien @xoxostacy @monib3ar @xpandahkittyx @angelgurl @dvl @nicolemich17 @dezziebear1234 @ginaanikol @wedageeg @mandisue3 @missjoli @conniejmartinez @ggrantom @evaulted @aqiylah @lpuzia @ncraider @hannahczaj @sisterkailes @clownzrkool82 @mollierose @countrychickk @brittstass @jessessness @gaylee @sdominiek @paillyxoxo @calidollface09 @jdalove @catscloset911 @cabo14 @thymeka @libabygirl2021 @meems___ @christinahoff @myhandz2yourz @alexabrower @srah66 @luciann218 🌟🌟I just wanted to take the time to say Hi and nice to meet you!!! Thanks for following,sharing and liking my closet! I love to share and will share your closet if you share mine!!! I have reduced all my rings from $20 to $15 and reduced many other items!!! Everything with a Purple Heart is $5( no bundling discount will apply) and I give 10% bundling discount!! I'm in real financial need due to medical issues and really need to sell my things to help support my family! So all shares and other help is greatly appreciated!!! Good luck to all of you and happy Poshing!!! Traci💜💜💜💜💜💜
Jul 20Reply

@jakeamom12 thank you for the welcome
:) i will be happy to share your closet with others !
Jul 20Reply

@jakeamom12 nice to meet you & sorry about all your pain. I can relate to some of the things you're dealing with. Stay strong! 🐧
Jul 21Reply

Love this!
Jul 24Reply

Thank you for all the shares! I really appreciate it
Jul 25Reply

This is really cute! Glad there are ladies like you on posh! Beautiful family☺
Jul 26Reply

@jakeamom12 thank you for sharing my items! :)
Jul 27Reply

Aug 02Reply

@jakeamom12 you're in my prayers!
Oct 14Reply

Thank you for following me! Love your closet!! I'm trying to get noticed on posh... Not too sure about it....
Oct 30Reply

@nanna1965 Welcome! Just keep sharing,following and communicate! It will happen,just takes a while!
Oct 30Reply

Ty. I have so much to list... It's overwhelming...
Oct 30Reply

@stapler6202 thank you for being such a nice friend!😘
Nov 01Reply

Thank for sharing my closet!! I will do the same!! Happy poshing
Nov 03Reply

Thank you for all the shares! I will be looking in your closet more for jewelry items as I am going to do a jewelry theme for my daughter for her birthday. Need to spend some time with her now, but will also return the favor re: shares. Thank you so much!!
Nov 04Reply

Glad to meet you and thank you for following me too.....smile
Nov 04Reply

Prayers and love to you doll💙💙
Nov 04Reply

@kimsthings thank you😘😘😘
Nov 04Reply

Wow hun i feel ya on ur struggle keep strong my mom has fibromyalgia also she always is in a lot of pain praying for u all and i know how it is to be on ssi i just got it for my son people dont understand sometimes that even though we seem well off we really are having it rough god bless you and your sweet family babe and when i get paid again i will check back with u i already spent my posh limit and my bills or i would purchase something now to help u out 😁😁😁😞😞sorryyy but i will come back i know its hard babe but keep your head up and keep fighting god has a special place for us tough ones up there ha 😉lots of love!!! 😚😊😊
Nov 05Reply

@tiffyc05 thank you for the kind words😘😘😘😘😘
Nov 05Reply

You bet sweety if you ever need someone to talk to im ur gal im a normal person with the same types of problems so if u ever need to vent or anything at all let me know and i will give u my email sweety 😊
Nov 05Reply

@tiffyc05 😘😘😘😘😘
Nov 05Reply

Thanks for sharing! 😊
Nov 05Reply

Aww. Love your story!!! Cute son!! I'll pass along some of your listings to my followers. Happy POSHING!!! 😄
Nov 07Reply

So great to meet you! Thanks a bunch💐 for ALL the shares! I will gladly return the Posh Love!🎀💖🎀
Nov 07Reply

Thank you for all the shares!!!! 💓
Nov 07Reply

Hello! By your photos and warm words i can say you are very kind person! Lovely family!
Nov 09Reply

Would you do anything to get rid of the FMS CFS? You have the same diagnosis I had but I can say I no longer have them any longer. If your interested in let me know.......
Nov 11Reply

Me too!🌺
Nov 18Reply

Its nice 2 meet U ✌
Nov 21Reply

Hi! You're a Blessed lady!!! Hope this day is great for you❤️👍
Nov 21Reply

@jakeamom12 I love your post! I don't need money or need fancy things! I just want to be happy😉😀. Thanks or the Shares! Favor will be returned shortly 😘😘
Nov 22Reply

@mandavais thank you!! You've been share bombed back!💣💣💣💣💣
Nov 22Reply

Thanks for sharing my closet! I'm new to posh and still waiting for my first sale...lol...so thanks for helping! ☺️
Nov 22Reply

@kaitkac Welcome!!! Glad to meet you! It takes a a little patience to get your first sale! Just keep liking,following and sharing! If you like my post that says I'm a shareaholic then you'll be on my share list! The biggest part of poshe is sharing so always remember share and share back😋😋😋😋if you need any help or questions feel free to ask!
Nov 22Reply

Thanks so much! Yes I AM being patient and trying to add to my closet! Still trying to figure out how to post comments the right way 😁 lol. Thanks for the advise! Nice chatting with you!!
Nov 22Reply

Nov 23Reply

Agreed and good looking boy I must say ;)
Nov 23Reply

@jakeamom12 I don't recall if you trade or not. Plz let me know no rush🌷😇🌷
Nov 24Reply

@demitria67 no I don't, I'm sorry!
Nov 24Reply

Prayers for you! I have a friend with all your health issues except for the back. It is a challenge, just make sure you have the best Docs!
Nov 25Reply

@cristineheil thank you so much for the kind words! I see the best doc in Virginia, she's fantastic! Nice to meet you!
Nov 25Reply

Oh my gosh!!! Thank you for all the shares!!
Nov 25Reply

@jakeamom12 hey beautiful thanks for the share, Happy Holidays:)
Nov 28Reply

Will do Traci. ASAP. I'm in the same boat. Feel better😘😘😘
Nov 29Reply

You have a very beautiful closet, tons of great things. I would buy almost everything if I could. Best of luck to you and your family (: I really hope posh helps you out in these hard times. You are an extremely wonderful mother to a great and very handsome son 😉
Nov 30Reply

@oliviasavell thank you so much! Do u mind liking my shareaholic post so your on my share list?
Nov 30Reply

Sure thing!(:
Nov 30Reply

@jakeamom12 thanks so much for sharing 🎊
Dec 02Reply

@jakeamom12 You have a gorgeous family! You're a sweet heart :D
Dec 03Reply

@jakeamom12 if there's any item in my closet you want please let me know I will discount to your budget anytime. Thanks for sharing.
Dec 04Reply

@ideviceusa thank you! Merry Christmas!
Dec 04Reply

@jakeamom12 thank you for been a nice posher dear!! and for sharing have a nice day
Dec 05Reply

@jakeamom12 Hi! How are you? Well I am very tired and need to get off of Poshmark for the night. I am 43 and I am a wife and a mother of a 22 year old son and an 18 year old daughter. I am also on disability. Depression, pain, nueropathy, had bladder removed after 20 long years of having a very painful bladder disease. I call it IC but it's name is Interstitial Cystitis. It is a deterioration of the lining in the bladder. Any way that and depression, insomnia, Periphreal Neuropathy, lower back pain, neck pain and just plain ole Pain is why I am disabled. I love Poshmark because it is fun and I can puck it up and do things at anytime. Nice to meet you!!!
Dec 05Reply

@bamagirl017 Hi! Nice to meet you! I too love posh because it gives me something to do and I'm alone all day,insomnia so alone in middle of the night. The people I have met on here are so wonderful and I've met lots of new friends to keep me company! It also at times helps me make a little money since as you know disability pays very little! I have left over endometriosis on my bladder that was left after my hysterectomy so I understand about bladder problems as well as I have loss of control from three back surgery and sciatic nerve and spinal cord damage. During my second back surgery(emergency) the doctor dropped a piece of calcified disc on my spinal cord and it put a tiny hole in it. It healed but left me with bladder control problems, I fall a lot and PAIN. I have scare tissue wrapped around my sciatic nerve so it is always pinched. If you've ever had sciatic nerve pain, it's no fun to have 24 hours a day! I also have Fibromyalgia, Chronic fatigue syndrome and now liver disease from a hereditary blood disorder called Hemochromatosis. Since that diagnosis I have had to come off almost all my meds so not to damage my liver further. As you know most pain meds have acetaminophen in them which cannot be taken with liver disease and most Fibro meds hurt your liver too. The medical bills in the past 6 months have been ridiculous and trying to find meds to take has been trying! I try very hard to stay positive and if I didn't have Christ in my life, I wouldn't make it everyday! He gives me my strength! If you ever need to talk,need help etc, I'm usually on here! I'm praying fir you,Merry Christmas Traci💞💞💞💞
Dec 05Reply

@jakeamom12 oh girl do I know about pain!! I know sciatica pain is really bad. I have had it only a few times. I mainly have trouble with my kidneys now. The good thing is that I have two of those! Lol😊. Where do you live? I am in Alabama. If possible I would like to buy the earrings and necklace. Is there a ring that matches too? I won't be in a place to spend money until I get my Dec. SSD check. Which is the fourth wednesday of every month. So guess what ...............that would be......................Christmas Day! Seriously if you could get the necklace, earrings and ring if there is one then I can buy it probably the day after. That would be a little eassier. Can you do that??? I would love to chat with you about Medicare, if you are on it. I am thinking about it. I am already on my husband's insurance but it is not the best!! Just lmk! And lmk about the earrings and necklace and ring. Going to attempt to sleep now!! Good night💕💤💤💤
Dec 05Reply

@bamagirl017 I can get the earrings and necklace. Will have to check on the other! I'm not on Medicaid either.....my hubby works for the state of VA, so we have pretty good coverage!
Dec 05Reply

@bamagirl017 no matching ring! If I order today should be here by the time your check comes for the necklace and earrings.
Dec 05Reply

@jakeamom12 I have United Healthcare through my husband's company but have found that there are some major benefits for me to get on Medicare Advantage and I would use Cigna. Cigna would be billed first and medicare advantage picks up the remainder. I still have questions for Medicare and Social Security. Well getting droopy eyed finally. Good night for real this time!!! Haha💤💤💤
Dec 05Reply

@jakeamom12 i forgot to tell you that my name is Kristi.
Dec 05Reply

@bamagirl017 hi Kristi! I'm Traci!
Dec 05Reply

thanks for sharing ☺️
Dec 05Reply

Lovely family! God bless!💜
Dec 06Reply

Thinking of you my love!!! Sharing you some<3
Dec 11Reply

Thanks for sharing my closet! I appreciate it
Dec 11Reply

Thank you so much for all the share love today!!! Your very sweet and obviously a loving and devoted mom. God bless💖
Dec 12Reply

@jakeamom12 you have a very handsome young man there sweet😊💚💚💚
Dec 15Reply

Hey Traci, Merry Christmas Luv!!! I'm thinking about closing up shop so I wish you and your family the very best!!!
Dec 15Reply

@stapler6202 for good??? Oh no!! You're the third person since yesterday to tell me that! I just met you! Good Luck and Merry Christmas!
Dec 15Reply

No, I'll keep my account so I'll still be around, but I keep spending more than I make so it's not working out too well for me. I'm moving some of my things to another site that takes less than half of the 20% that they take here. Plus they don't require keeping a constant vigil. Since they've been advertising for more people and getting so many new members things have gotten much worse, rude people, people selling things that don't belong on here, lots more scamming and no policing going on really. But I do hope that it all works out for everybody else.
Dec 15Reply

@stapler6202 I understand!! Someone told me I should try Threadflip??? I may look at it, but I hate starting over again! My sales have almost stopped on here. It's a lot of work not to make much..,.
Dec 15Reply

What is thread flip? Never heard of it.
Dec 15Reply

@stapler6202 it's an app like Posh, but it's supposed to give the buyers and shippers a little more freedom as far as shipping, sales etc and from what I'm told the buyer has a cart to put their items in in from different closets?? I downloaded it, but haven't looked at it.
Dec 15Reply

you are the sweetest ever!!😘😘😘😘
Dec 18Reply

Hi Traci I'm Cat. I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome like your son. How is he managing?
Dec 22Reply

@kookc hi! Nice to meet you! He has hypermobility type and has been diagnosed since he was 11! He has always loved sports and exercise so he went through a long period of PT where they showed him how to mange his ED through staying active. When he was first diagnosed it was only his shoulder that popped out,even if he just slept on it. When he was in 10th grade during a football game he was tackled from behind and because your spine is a bunch of joints and y'all are so flexible his back bent all the way back and he fractured to vertebrae in his back. Needless to say no more Football ever! It was a big blow! But he has always had a great attitude even on his flare days! He still gets up and goes to the gym,he says it makes things better. The older he gets the more pain he seems to be in. He know has problems with his shoulder,tmj joint,knees,fingers and wrists. You can really tell a difference if he gets lazy and stops the gym. He's an inspiration to me because I have a hard time doing anything with my pain and take many meds, he on the other hand doesn't let his stop him and takes no meds other than the occasional ibuprofen. I hope as he gets older and kids and life get in the way that he doesn't become less active and start hurting worse. Unlike me who at his age no one knew what Fibro and EDS were, I was called lazy and no one showed me how to manage it,so now mines to the point it's hard to get out of bed most days. I'm hoping since we've given him the foundation and positive attitude it won't cause him to become disabled like his mother one day. It's just hard to watch when you can see in his eyes his much pain he's in or when it keeps him from doing something he wants. Earlier this year he wanted to join the National Guard and was turned down because of his Ehlers. That was a big blow! He's now training to become a personal trainer and wants to help educate other people with Ehlers,Fibro etc how to stay active and keep the pain under control. He's a good kid!
Dec 22Reply

Thanks for sharing your (his) story. I have the same type. Along with my other health problems one being Lyme disease the Dr told me the only exercise I could do is swim. To not further damage my joints..still on my journey. Thank you!
Dec 22Reply

@jakeamom12 Merry Christmas to you to Traci! I hope you have a blessed day with family! I have been working so much! I can enjoy a day off with my family! Many blessings to you and yours! 🎁🎄
Dec 25Reply

@shoppingmaniac 😘😘😘😘
Dec 27Reply

Hii hunnie can i ask u a question please...
If i block a user from my accout can they still c my listings??
Dec 28Reply

@nidia973 I'm not positive, but I don't think so.....I know they can't share or buy from you,so I would imagine they can't see your account. I hope everything's ok!??
Dec 28Reply

Thnk u so much hun. Yes is an issue with my xs girlfriend being a child
Dec 28Reply

Ty for sharing!! Happy new year!
Jan 01Reply

Thanks for the shares, you've been shared back! God Bless and Happy New Year!
Jan 02Reply

Thinking of you!! I also have fibro, as well as a small brain tumor (so far, so good!) so I can relate to the health issues!! Sending healing thoughts!! I'm still working, but I know how it feels to be tired all the time! Wishing you a wonderful 2014!!!! Xoxo ❤️🎉
Jan 02Reply

@michelle_renee1 so nice to meet you!! I will also keep you in my prayers.... I was also diagnosed with liver disease this past summer,so it feels like it never ends! Here's hoping for a better 2014! Gentle hugs! Traci💜💜💜💜 please keep in touch!
Jan 02Reply

@jakeamom12 how do you make any $$ your prices are SO LOW plus the 20o/o PM takes. I shouldn't say this on here but find an app named 98dresses. 6o/o is better than 20o/o. Let me know if there's anything I can do anything at all. Put all your cares & worries in Gods hands👼
Jan 04Reply

@demitria67 when they were higher I was getting no sales at all and I was desperate to make money! I cringe a little everytime I see what I'm getting for it! Problem is by the time people add shipping on they don't want to pay the price or you mark it low posh takes it! I don't know what's best!
Jan 04Reply

@demitria67 I really wish I could find an app where I can sell all this stuff, men's clothing and other products! I have a ton of stuff I need to sell and I hate eBay!
Jan 04Reply

@demitria67 I couldn't find the app😞😞😞
Jan 04Reply

@jakeamom12 try that one I gave you 1st & I have a list I started for others. I'll email you a few names. FYI the guidelines are not as strict as PM. Here's my email plz put your name & I'll email you ASAP Karussos23@gmail.com hugs D
Jan 04Reply

@jakeamom12 do you have an iPhone iPad? Some apps won't work on certain cells etc.
Jan 04Reply

@demitria67 I have an iPad and a droid phone....couldn't find on either??
Jan 04Reply

@demitria67 did I read your closing your closet???
Jan 04Reply

@jakeamom12 FYI I included your username on the 1st listing in my closet. Chat later ok.
Jan 04Reply

@demitria67 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jan 04Reply

@jakeamom12 you are a wonderful and generous lady.!!! So many shares of my closet.!!! Hope to return the favor!
Jan 06Reply

Beautiful family! Thanks for sharing my listings#
Jan 06Reply

@jakeamom12 thx for all your shares! May sales come your way always💖
Jan 06Reply

Ur son is cute Traci! I will be praying for you love
Jan 07Reply

Bless your heart!
Jan 08Reply

@jakeamom12 Anyone else having trouble receiving payment from Poshmark? Check requested DECEMBER 20, was told it would arrive JANUARY 6. Didn't happen. January 7 and 8 NOTHING. I shipped MY items out in 24 hours but they can't send a check from Cali to Texas in 3 weeks? Also, won't respond to emails??
Jan 08Reply

@cestlavie5 i get mine direct deposited and it used to take a day or two,now its 3 to 5
Jan 08Reply

Thanks dear. Right now I don't use a bank so I'm at their mercy, I just was not prepared for the long wait. I accepted it and then no show. :(
Jan 08Reply

@jakeamom12 I do appreciate the quick response and the help. Assuming now I may eventually get paid, hahaha. I was nearing meltdown.
Jan 08Reply

@cestlavie5 everything eith posh has gotten slow...they need a customer service number so you can actually talk to a person! It takes days to get a response from them!
Jan 08Reply

@jakeamom12 Yes, I agree and, as usual, I find most things out the hard way. lol!! Really appreciate your help.
Jan 08Reply

@jakeamom12 thanks for the shares hun
Jan 09Reply

Thanks for your generous shares ❤
Jan 17Reply

@jakeamom12 Hi Traci. I luv these quotes. So true. And very nice to meet u. I know what depression feels like. It runs in my family. I try & fight it with everything I have. But sometimes it wins. Like right now. Been in a serious funk 4 a while & not socializing at all. But I had to respond to u. It's my pleasure to return ur shares. 💕💕💕
Jan 17Reply

You didnt by chance get a package from a cjensen did you? Are you located kn canandaigia, ny??
Jan 17Reply

@sprklesnsugarx4 nope! I'm in Virginia!
Jan 17Reply

@sprklesnsugarx4 should I be on the look out for something???
Jan 17Reply

No......i had two shipments sent to my mom as i was on my way back to school, and she shipped them out to me, but for some.reason it shows delivery in NY i think she may have screwed up.
Jan 17Reply

@jakeamom12 hi thank you so much for sharing my closet !!😘
Jan 19Reply

Thank you so much!!!
Jan 19Reply

I hope you feel better as time goes on. I'm dealing with chronic pain as well and it's difficult to convey that to others but it is not easy. I also want to say your son is very handsome and you are clearly a proud mom💜
Jan 19Reply

@jakeamom12 hi there- pleasure to meet you! Great family and you are a lovely Mom!😘 I have 2 sons as well- 14 & 16 😍love the photo collage you made! Thanks for following me and sharing my closet! I will head over to yours now and share, share, share; LOL! I will pray for you and wishing you a beautiful and relaxing Martin Luther Kings's Day! 💗
Jan 20Reply

Thanks for the sharing!! (: nice to meet you!
Jan 21Reply

I'm sorry to hear about medical condition. I have sever lupus and understand how hard it can be... Could u imagine dealing with it without God!!! I'll be praying for you.
Jan 21Reply

I must say...it sucks to be ill!!! I've got Lupus and in Aug '09, that damn H1N1 caught me. I didn't catch it because had I known it was coming, I'd have run! Anyhoo, it knocked me right into a 5 month long coma, I woke up with a trachea and on a ventilator. It was hell waking up not knowing where you are, what happened, where your children are,...and the list goes on. I literally had to learn how to do everything over again and to top it off, the Lupus decided it wanted to pick up in the middle of the flare it left me in lol! (Sometimes all I can do is laugh...it sure beats crying). So now, unfortunately I've got ESRD (kidney failure), dialyze 3 days a week for 4 hours per run, I'm oxygen dependent, I have doctors appointments non dialysis days and I live in pain. Oh and one more thing, my son that is now 16, was a 24 week twin (Kaitlyn is in Heaven) that weighed 1lb 6oz, is completely blind in one eye and has very little sight in the other. With all of that being said, I'd be telling a lie if I said I didn't also deal with anxiety and depression but, I can also say that I have more good days than bad ones. I'm almost 46, worked since I was 16 and can't get food stamps! Sure I'm on disability (I guess it's a good thing I did work) but can I pay my bills? Hell no! Whats a girl to do??? Pray, keep her head up, accept prayers from others, keep moving forward, and...pray. Prayer goes a long way and I've learned if it's meant to be, it's meant to be, after all, I didn't wake up "just because." My mom said she's never cried harder or prayed harder and I firmly believe if you believe, you will be watched over...And having a nutty son like mine helps a lot too!!! I will keep you in my prayers. Just keep your head up and keep moving forward!
Jan 25Reply

@kriskris68 thank you for that! I needed that tonight! I just wish there were more compassionate people in this world! I don't understand why people like us on disability can't qualify for food stamps and have to choose between the meds we need or feeding our family! The worst is apartment complexes who would put a disabled woman and her family out in the cold instead of working out a way to get caught back up on their rent! My county has an emergency one time rent payment if your facing eviction, that is if you qualify! We are supposed to find out this week,but they say it looks as if we make $300 to much a month to qualify! Keep your fingers crossed! If I could just get that one month I'm behind caught up and not have to pay the $400 in late fees each month, then we could make it! By the skin of our teeth,but we could! But who has two months rent and $400 in late fees all at one time??? God has gotten us through all this time and he will again! Some days I just have a hard time with my faith, but he is always there to pick up the pieces ! Nice to meet you❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jan 25Reply

Nice to meet you too! Sometimes I question all of the struggles I'm faced with but then I think about all I've been saved from. That helps. I've given up on trying to figure this government out. My goal is to return to school but instead of pursuing a degree in Mathematics, I feel as though I'm being led down this path to Social Work. Although it's not a lot of money, it's rewarding in ways some people can't even fathom. Setting goals also helps me. I do know that I will have setbacks but I figure I haven't fraught this fight for nothing. I get a little frustrated every time I flare, but someone always reminds me that it's not my fault. When I get that reminder from someone, it takes myself to remember the hell I've been through. It really does make me stronger. I've also LEARNED to realize that everyone is different. What works for one doesn't work for others. My son Kristian is the most brilliant little guy. He's the one that reminded me that I can't go and get a job a week after I get a new kidney lol! He is the one that made me set realistic goals. Ultimately I will be back in Seattle with my family getting support that I need. I'm the one that raised her kids alone with no child support and I found a way to give them everything they wanted or needed. I found myself not even being able to sit on a commode. Can you say shattered ego. I still have difficulty asking for or excepting help and I do see that that's a problem. I see 45 as a little late to be starting school over again but I cannot even imagine living 20 more years (retirement age) like this. Not gonna happen!!! My mom is a diabetic and oxygen dependent as well. She was on AZ with me for 2 months but I was in the coma. I'm so glad she found a way to be with her baby girl. My dad came too (they are both remarried) so at least I had support, much needed support. I was treated horribly in some of the care facilities I was in. Anything bad you've heard about those places...true!!! I didn't know people could be so mean but they can; I feel very blessed every time someone even acknowledges my story and strength and possibly takes something from it. That's why I share. I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me, I want to help. That's why I think the fella up above is leading my down this new path to Social Work. If you ever need a listening ear, feel free to call me. Kristi (480)286-8229.
Jan 25Reply

@kriskris68 what a great story!!! I wish I had your strength! I will get it again. I think I'm just worn down. In the 25 yrs we've been married it's been one thing or another and then getting sick and the hubby doesn't understand it AT ALL, now he has diabetes and I have to be strong for both of us and it's all just too much some days. The financial burden doesn't help either and he doesn't help with that, it's my "job" because he goes to work all day and has no clue what anything costs! So that's a daily fight! I've lost all my friends, my family supports me emotionally,but they can't help financially so I feel very lonely sometimes. I will say joining posh and meeting people has really helped me! I'm not usually this much of a Debbie downer,but it's been a really long month of one thing after another and they had to change my anti depressant because of my liver and it's playing with my emotions. Just feels like everything is falling apart at one time and there's no one to help me!
Jan 25Reply

The financial issues are going to be a fight. Men seem to never get it. If they can do it so can you...blah blah blah. You never know when the shoe is on the other foot. You may be out working everyday in pain while he's too sick to do so. I thought that's what marriage was all about. Sometimes I want that love, I want someone to hold me and tell me things will be okay, but if I can't have what my mom and step-dad have, I don't want it at all. And girl, I don't think anyone will be stepping to me with tubes coming out of my nose anytime soon lol! Another thing I've learned...it's ok, this way I can give myself the attention I need. I had tons of friends (or so-called friends) before I got sick. Now I have no one but an evil sister with 3 ungrateful kids in AZ. I can't even get a ride to the store. She lives 10 minutes and works 3 blocks from me. She hates me and my son and I honestly couldn't tell you why. Anyone who doesn't give a crap about her sister (or nephew) that was discharged from the hospital 2 days before Christmas has a problem. She couldn't even bring my blind son food. She didn't call, come visit...nothing. That meant my son had to spend a week at the hospital with me and thank goodness we had 2 TV dinners in the freezer. That was Christmas dinner. Sucks! Especially since for the past 2.5 years, no matter how sick I felt, her and her kids were invited over for every holiday. I haven't even seen her house in over 4 years. Maybe I'm just hardening but it keeps me going. I shop on PM now because I refuse to look broken when I leave the house. I have appointments everyday and as crappy as I usually feel, I still seem to get compliments. Getting dressed and combing my hair may be a struggle but it sure makes me feel much better about myself as I hobble out the door, me and my walker 😊. My philosophy is, just because I'm broke, it doesn't mean I have to look like it!!! Do you get up and out much? Even if it's just for a walk?
Jan 25Reply

So nice to meet you and what a beautiful heart you have.I can see it shine through@jakeamom12
Jan 29Reply

I am new but let me know if u need anything😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Feb 03Reply

@jakeamom12 thanks for all the shares all the time it means so much!!! ❤️ what a handsome some! Your top pick has my lucky number 13 in the top background 😊
Feb 04Reply

@jakeamom12 Traci I been meaning to tell you just how fantastic your closet looks😇 I ❤️ what you've done with it🌹hope all is well with you🌹make your night a good one🌌🌠🌌
Feb 04Reply

@demitria67 thank you😘😘😘😘
Feb 04Reply

@jakeamom12 I would love to chat with you, I'm in the very same situation except I have epilepsy on top of it. 😞
Feb 04Reply

@pegster67 anytime!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Feb 04Reply

@jakeamom12 Hi, my name is Peggy. I would live to chat but is it ok to do it on here or another place?
Feb 04Reply

@pegster67 where ever you feel comfortable! My email address is listed in my closet if you prefer😋😋😋
Feb 04Reply

@jakeamom12 perfect! I will email you in the morning. Just the touch of my situation. I went to college and earned a degree. I had a great job at an university. Loved my life, I have 3 beautiful " young adults" as they like to be called. 😉). All in one day I was told I wasn't going to live to see 40, I have a very rare connective tissue disorder. I also have epilepsy, tumor behind my right ear, hemangioma on my right side of my brain, raynauds disorder that's a few of my problems. I can't drive any more and I had to quit my job. I was told this all in one day. I cried and cried. I had worked so hard to get where I was only to have it all taken away from me. I was divorced and he didn't pay child support. So there I sat. After depleting my savings acct and retirement acct, I had no choice to go on disability. Not only does this not pay much to me it's humiliating. I barely make it through, thank The Lord my church has helped me enormously! I found Posh by accident one day and decided to try it. Not only is it great for my spirits to meet some wonderful people, it gives me a little extra to put food in the table. Due to my spine detiorating l, I've had two surgeries. First one was done incorrectly so I found a new surgeon to do it. He ended up putting a 6" plate in my neck along with screws and 3 cadaver bones. The other mechanism was the wrong item he put in. I was in ICU for days and went into respiratory failure. Here we go again... Was my thought. The dr ordered them not to out it in because it would ruin everything he did during surgery. Bad news, I have to have more surgery in my future. My disks below are now giving away. Ok,I'm sure you are tired of reading my sob story. You can reach me at pknuttila@yahoo.com. Therefore, I am selling my items in hope to get my kids books for college, help out with their tuition, and put food in the table. Sometimes I'm lucky,other times I go weeks without a sale. 😓 I hope all is going great with you and you are seeing a light at the end of your tunnel. Mine is pretty black. Well I'm sure I've bored you enough. I'm tired so going to see if I can sleep (!08°
Feb 04Reply

@pegster67 our stories sound very similar!!! I too found posh and love all the people ve met and support me! It's like a family! I am here anytime you want to talk! Sorry just responding but some of my notifications from last night are just now showing up????
Feb 05Reply

@jakeamom12 I would absolutely love to continue chatting with you. I will send you an email so we don't fill up your space on here. 😉
Feb 05Reply

Thank you for the shares!
Feb 06Reply

This sounds like me
Feb 10Reply

@jakeamom12 💜💜thanks for all the shares💜💜💜💜💜
Feb 12Reply

💗💗How are you doing my sweets💗💗
Feb 14Reply

@valorieann doing ok! All this snow and ice is killing me! We got about 8" and now it's icing! Ready for spring!💖💖
Feb 14Reply

💗💗me too. We got about 7".
Feb 14Reply

@valorieann on top of it we have a 14 yr old dog with lymes disease and that's like us bring 100 with Fibro or arthritis and he hates to get his feet wet! So needless to say,he's not done well today! Thank goodness for laminate floors! When it's this cold he can hardly walk. We thought we were going to lose him at Christmas, I don't think he will make it to summer😂😂😂it's been a rough year in this household!
Feb 14Reply

@jakeamom12 , Much Posh Love!
Feb 14Reply

💗Better days will come💗💗
Feb 14Reply

Feb 14Reply

Thanks for the shares!!
Feb 15Reply

@teriellis thank you!
Feb 16Reply

You are amazing! Thank you for all the shares :)
Feb 18Reply

You are just a true doll!
Feb 19Reply

Hi Traci! Super nice to meet you. 😌 You have a great presence and seem like a great mom! . Thanks for all of the late night shares. ☺️😘
Feb 19Reply

@ejayne nice to meet you too!😋😋
Feb 19Reply

Thanks for all the shares! I really appreciate it!
Feb 20Reply

You are a amazing strong woman! You are an inspiration to never give in and give up. Thank you for sharing your story!
Feb 20Reply

@teriellis thank you for the info the other day about a jewelry supplier. Here's my question,how do you know or trust you getting what they say you are. I've had a couple of instances with a supplier saying it's sterling and then it turns the persons finger green. It's very embarrassing and I don't want to sell something that's not what it says. I just want a supplier I know I can trust, one instance the supplier had a 99.8% rating and some of the pieces were great and a couple ended up not being sterling as they said! I know about the magnet test,but that doesn't seem to be full proof! Any suggestions??? I want to be known as an honest seller, I am an honest seller and it mortified me that I would sell something wrong! I have another posh friend feeling the same way,she sent me several pieces to sell while I'm going through a rough spot to help pay rent. It's a supplier we've both used in the past,well one out of those pieces ended up turning the buyers finger green the others had no problem. She just placed a big order from them and sent me a few more pieces ,I'm scared to sell them now! What to do???
Feb 20Reply

@teriellis thanks! The mark up is crazy, I don't usually mark up that high, but when I looked at their descriptions on one page it says they were sterling and then when you looked under description it said sterling plated over brass??? So which is it, that's the problem I'm having , you think you're buying sterling,selling for sterling price and then come to find out it's not solid sterling! How can you trust what you're buying and then accurately sell it to someone else! Makes me not want to sell at all or just sell fashion jewelry and not worry with sterling at all!
Feb 20Reply

Feb 28Reply

💃💃💃💃💃🙀🙀🙀It looks Awesome🎉🎉🎉
Mar 01Reply

@valorieann thank you💖💖💖💖
Mar 01Reply

You're gorgeous and you seem like a really dedicated mother, something everyone can admire. You have a cute closet, hope you sell lots! Thanks for the share! 😊
Mar 02Reply

@quinnncolee thank you! It's been a long time since someone told me I was gorgeous💖💖💖💖
Mar 02Reply

Really?! You should be told a whole lot more then! You probably already knew, but it's always nice to be told 😄. You're welcome, but anyways, good luck with your closet!
Mar 02Reply

@fitz_elizabeth oh shoot I forgot!!! Gimme a few!
Mar 03Reply

@jakeamom12 Hi Traci. Nice to meet u. I love these sayings. Especially the bottom one. My boss was stealing from me for 9 years...I only stayed cause I had no choice. I've since quit. My point is...I'd rather b happy & who I am, then b him. Not easy finding a job at my age, but totally worth it 😘😘😘
Mar 03Reply

@jakeamom12 good lord girl! lol thanks for all the shares. That must have taken you forever! Seriously, thank you so much!
Mar 04Reply

Hi Traci, that sure is a handsome young man. My son is 30 and I have a beautiful daughter 28. How they grow up too fast😔😔😔
Mar 04Reply

@sweetpea45 thank you and yes they do!😋
Mar 04Reply

@sweetpea45 sorry wrong person!
Mar 04Reply

@sweetbee17 thank you and yes they do!😋
Mar 04Reply

Mar 04Reply

@lchouser trying to keep my chin up and push through! Thanks for asking😋😋
Mar 06Reply

Oh my goodness, you really are too kind!! I really do appreciate you taking the time to share items from my closet and I just know that all the positive energy and love you put out into the world will return to you, tenfold. :)
Mar 06Reply

@jamieezy thank you and you're welcome😋😋💖💖
Mar 06Reply

Thank you for this words of wisdom. I needed it. Thank u 🙏
Mar 07Reply

@jakeamom12 THANK you so much for all the shares😘
Mar 07Reply

Love your jewelry!
Mar 10Reply

@hepburnista thank you! If your ever interested, I would love the chance to work out a deal with you😋 I have reduced my prices,bit there is a little wiggle room left! Traci💜💜
Mar 10Reply

@jakeamom12 such gorgeous handcrafted jewelry OMG(sh) (: love it!!!
Mar 11Reply

@pmgr22 thanks! I wish I could take the credit! It's all negotiable,make me an offer😋
Mar 11Reply

@jakeamom12 thanks I will keep that in mind! I like it all😍!
Mar 11Reply

@jakeamom12 hi traci first I want to thank you for the share. I read a little bit about you and find we have something in common I am also on disability after 6 back surgeries. Depression as well guess from dealing with all the pain. But things are looking up! I hope they are for you too! Live your sayings.
Mar 11Reply

@waterwoman so nice to meet you! Please know I am here if you ever need someone to talk too! Traci💖💖💖
Mar 11Reply

@jakeamom12 hi again thank you so much I am also a good listener if you need to talk I understand what it's like!! Thank you also for sharing my closet!! Very kind of you. Do you have any advise on what to do to get a host pick? I've been talking to katravlin about it I was feeling bad because I've never had one lol I felt left out he! He! You take great care of yourself and be happy!!! 😝
Mar 11Reply

@jakeamom12 Hey Traci, Thanks for all of your shares! Sherry
Mar 12Reply

@jakeamom12 Hi Traci! Thx for showing so much Posh Love by sharing my closet!! You are too sweet! I'm sorry to hear abt your health issues! I too have FM & know what you go thru! It's a pain....Literally, lol..I have to laugh if I don't I'll cry! It's very nice to meet you & Thx again!!
Mar 14Reply

@jakeamom12 I know I just met you the other day, but I wanted to let you know you've been on my heart for prayers all day today. I know you already know, but be encouraged that He knows all the details of you and has a special plan for you. He will never fail, and He never leaves or forsakes... Or forgets... his own. <3
Mar 21Reply

@ringleader thank you😘😘😘😘
Mar 21Reply

@jakeamom12 so very nice to meet you, Traci!! God bless <3
Mar 21Reply

Thank you for the shares :)
Mar 21Reply

Thanks for all the shares! What a nice thing to help each other out like that 🌻
Mar 22Reply

@jakeamom12 Hi Traci...just stopping by to say hello!!! I hope you're all doing well! Hugs!! 😘💕❤️❤️
Mar 26Reply

@anna_redbridge sorry I've been quiet, just not feeling well😞😞
Mar 26Reply

@jakeamom12 oh no!!! I'm sorry if I bothered you....just wondering how you were doing. I'm sorry you're not feeling well. How is your hubby ?
Mar 26Reply

@anna_redbridge it's ok! He went back to the doctor Monday and the raised his metformen to 2000mg a day,which is making him feel yucky! Other than that he's lost 30lbs! So he's getting there! He has started with diabetic neuropathy in his legs and feet😞😞
Mar 26Reply

@jakeamom12 Wow...30 pounds...that's amazing. I wish I had the discipline to do that. I'm on 1000 mg of metformin and it just got cut back to 500 because I'm experiencing muscle pain, some dizziness, blurry vision..etc...I'm going to be tested for fibromyalgia next...oh we'll...the joys of getting older...right??
Mar 27Reply

Awwww this us soooo beautiful.
Mar 29Reply

@serrabeck thank you💖💖💖
Mar 29Reply

Thank you for all your shares. Nice to meet you. You have a great closet :)
Mar 29Reply

@klaudiaj88 thank you! Yours is great too💖💖
Mar 29Reply

Amen sister!! Nice to meet ya!!!
Apr 03Reply

@brookesgranny nice to meet you too! Thanks for all the shares and likes💖💖
Apr 03Reply

No problem....Much Love
Apr 03Reply

@jakeamom12 Hi there, thank you for sharing my closet! I am a fybromyalgia sufferer as well. Feel free to reach out to me anytime!
Apr 15Reply

@brownhildebrand nice to meet you! Sorry that we share Fibro in common....please feel free to also reach out to me also!Gentle hugs and prayers, Traci 💜💜💜💜
Apr 15Reply

@jakeamom12 Hi Traci, I just wanted to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. God Bless friend.
Apr 18Reply

@barnette Happy Easter to you and your family too!🐰🐰🐰
Apr 18Reply

@jakeamom12 Teaci I hope you got my message the other day. If you did not...it was sending you & your family Happy Easter blessings❤️😇🌸💐🌷🌾🌺🌻❤️God bless💐
Apr 20Reply

@demitria67 Happy Easter to you too🐰🐰
Apr 20Reply

@jakeamom12 It is good to see you again. I hope you are feeling better!
Apr 25Reply

@munci good to see you too! I've been having some medical issues so I haven't been keeping up like I should with Posh! I hope all is well with you! Traci💖💖💖
Apr 25Reply

@jakeamom12 I am fine. Medical issues in my family too but praying and keeping positive.....
Apr 25Reply

@munci that's all you can do! Without my faith, I'd be lost😋
Apr 25Reply

@munci please know even if you don't see me in a while,you can always reach out to me anytime you need to talk ,vent etc.! I always have an ear or shoulder to lend😋😋💖💖
Apr 25Reply

@jakeamom12 Thank you!~ Please do the same:)
Apr 25Reply

@saundie I take it you couldn't sleep?? I hate insomnia! It's almost 3 am here and wide awake!
Apr 29Reply

@jakeamom12 We share so many health problems! I've had back surgery(2 spinal fusions), IBS, 2 total knee replacements, ankle reconstruction, Intercestial Cystitis, blah blah blah. I taught Kindergarten for 27 years and i am now unable to work. I'd love to connect to see how you are coping, etc. Gentle Hugs! Jen
Jun 04Reply

@wer4cats Hi Jen! Nice to meet you! I'm generally always around! As you know insomnia comes with our friend Fibro, so I'm usually here most nights! Please feel free to tag me anytime! Traci💜💜💜💜
Jun 04Reply

@jakeamom12 Thank you for all the shares and for offering support! I am here for you as well! Happy Poshing!!
Jun 04Reply

Traci you a are so sweet to share so much. I'm so sorry for all the things you suffer from. You have an amazing closet. I will continue to share. Have a great weekend!
Jun 14Reply

Jun 20Reply

@jakeamom12 I'm blessed to have met you thank you for being my friend 🙏
Jun 20Reply

@jakeamom12 🙋hi Traci! Just want to let you know I am back and I am feeling lots better!! Thank You for sharing my closet so much! Hope your feeling better. Let me know!🌹🌹
Jul 08Reply

You must be a truly terrific mom. And a great fighter! 💪. God bless you!
Jul 10Reply

@fifig23 thank you!😘😘😘
Jul 10Reply

Awww is love this Traci!💗😊What a beautiful,strong, and kind woman you are my fellow Angel!😘👏👏👏💞💞💞💞
Jul 11Reply

@t_ms_sincerity thank you! 💖💖💖💖😘😘😘
Jul 11Reply

@jakeamom12 Good Morning Sweetheart!☕️🍩 Just checking in to see how you are feeling? Well let me tell you, when it rains it pours...last Friday my oldest had to have an emergency appendectomy and tomorrow my youngest is scheduled for wisdom teeth extraction. All in the middle of my gazillion appointments. But mom's in and she has been a God send. (((Hugs))) Love and Positive Energy!
Jul 15Reply

@liv1966 Good Morning! Doing ok! Fighting a flare and shingles! Sounds like your house is busy! Moms are the best! I'm praying for all of you! Hope your appointments all go well! Love ya Traci😘😘😘💐💐💐
Jul 15Reply

@jakeamom12 Thank you for all of the shares!! 😄💗
Jul 17Reply

Thanks for the shares back. I can't be there tonight to be a share Angel so I thought I would do it now. have a great night
Jul 17Reply

@canueven14 we will miss you and thank you😘😘😘
Jul 17Reply

Nice to meet you dear😄🌺
Jul 17Reply

You have a beautiful family😄🌺
Jul 17Reply

@dallize thank you💞💞💞💞
Jul 17Reply

how are you doing Traci? hope all is well ^_^.. take care and have a great night!! ^_^
Jul 25Reply

@myin2828 good Morning! Thank you for all the love! Will try to give some love back in a bit! Not been feeling very well lately!😞😞😞😞
Jul 25Reply

Traci, no need to worry about sharing back. Your health is more important. Please take care and enjoy your day ^_^ TGIF ^_^
Jul 25Reply

Enjoyed reading your bio. Hope all is well. And thanks for the shares Hun 😊💐🌺💗
Jul 31Reply

@jakeamom12 Hey Traci, Good Morning, how did they diagnose your CFS?
Aug 14Reply

@sherry8888 it was part of my work up for my Fibro diagnosis, Its been so long ago I'm not sure if there was a separate test. I think it's a lot like Fibro,you have to have so many symptoms to meet the criteria to be diagnosed. I wish I was more help! I went through so much testing at that time it's all a blur! Hope you're doing ok!😘😘😘😘😘😘
Aug 14Reply

@jakeamom12 Hey Traci, What type Dr. Did you go to? Sorry for all the questions, got lots going on. Will chat later Girl. 😘😘
Aug 15Reply

@sherry8888 I started off at a neurologist,who sent me to a doctor who specializes in Fibromyalgia and other chronic pain issues. She's who I see now to manage everything! She's my miracle! She's also helped me come back from a botched back surgery. When I first started seeing her in 2006?i was using a walker and sometimes a wheelchair. Now I rarely use my walker! The only time is when we are going to be doing a lot of walking(eg going to the aquarium etc) and sometimes in the winter because I'm worse in the winter. This summer I was actually able to walk on the beach everyday with no help! She was voted #1 doc in pain management in Either Richmond or all of Virginia! She gave me my life back! You need to find someone who specializes in Fibro as still so many doctors either don't believe in it or aren't educated enough to give you the type of care you need! I hope things are going ok!! If you have Facebook we could friend each other and talk through private messaging or text each other! Hugs and kisses Traci
Aug 15Reply

Thank you so much for sharing!
Aug 18Reply

Keep on truckin' Traci! I admire your positive attitude! 🎀🎀
Aug 30Reply

From one of your previous postings I can tell you know what the Bible says- what I call the manual - "with God ALL things are possible". That was ALL, not some, ALL things are possible." One thing that is great that God wants us all to be prosperous, everyone, yep you. He asks very little for such great returns. One thing is to spread his word, the manual, sow seads of life. Oh, when you read that manual, learn of what is available to those who will receive it. That peace settles in, fear, pain turn them over. Yes there takes time, perseverance, and patience but with God ALL things are possible. You have sown seeds, you probably have touched many through your Posh sight. Of course there are some inflictions, or diseases that do take part of our lives, that is not because God doesn't feel we are worthy it's just that S*** happens. One thing I know for sure that God has been with me through my battles & is with you as well. Sometimes I need to reorient my self & stop to listen, I'll have a fellow church member text me out of the blue when She typically would never just to tell me God is saying pay attention, pay attention. It has always been a day when I had been troubled, tired and not turning things over. I just wanted to thank you for sharing your story & orienting my day in the right direction. You are going to reap a great harvest from the seeds you've sown. Continue sister, I see great things ahead for you.
Sep 13Reply

There is nothing like the love a mother has for her child! 💖 💖 💖 I will definitely share your closet
Sep 15Reply

Nice to meet you Traci and your beautiful family sorry to hear your sick :( stick to The Lord n things will get better I'm not sick but my husband broke his feet ten years ago n hasn't been the same since we are struggling a little bit right now but praying things will get better that's why I'm selling some of my things to help out I will def share your closet thank you for sharing mine may God keep you well n keep poshing xoxo:))
Sep 20Reply

@sugarspyce thank you! I too will try to share your closet and hopefully help bring you some sales! My motto is "if God brings you to it,he'll bring you through it!" God bless you Traci🙏🙏❤️❤️😘😘
Sep 20Reply

@jakeamom12 im 42 and going through the same with a 21, 16 and 5 just diagnosed 4 years ago ! its been the hardest ever after losing a daughter 6 yrs ago! i have strength in god ! i have too!
Sep 30Reply

@neeceeg72 I'm sorry to her about your daughter. The only way I know how to survive this life I've been given is to have faith and give myself to God. He is the only one who can help us get through the darkest of days! Praying for you! Gentle hugs,Traci❤️❤️💐💐
Sep 30Reply

@jakeamom12 u as well my prayers! 😘
Sep 30Reply

@jakeamom12 thanks so much for your generous shares 🎀😘💓
Oct 09Reply

@jakeamom12 Thank you for following me!! Your son is very blessed to have a mom like you. 💐
Oct 15Reply

@hungary74 Hi Monika! Nice to meet you! Thank you,he's a good kid!😋
Oct 15Reply

@jakeamom12 I'm sure there is a reason for that 😉. Nice to meet you too!
Oct 15Reply

hi Traci!! I am Tracy!! Where in VA are you? I am across the river in Maryland - North Potomac. If there was a bridge near Trump National, I could be in Virginia in 5 minutes!!
Oct 31Reply

@tracysg Hi Tracy! Nice to meet you! I live right outside of Richmond, in Midlothian(Chesterfield)!😋
Oct 31Reply

Oh. We were in Richmond this summer for 4 days for a swim meet and we stayed in Midlothian at the Hyatt Place. The swim meet was at the Collegiate School.
Oct 31Reply

@tracysg YEP! So cool!!😋😋😋
Oct 31Reply

@Jakeamom thanks for the share!! I have disabilities too! that's why I started my page. Been having hard time selling I'm open to any advice or offer you make Evan open to trades hope you sell bunches. I will share your page
Nov 11Reply

Great items Traci!
Nov 17Reply

@jakeamom12 hi Traci! Nice to meet you, I'm Lily. You have a beautiful family. Also, thanks for all the shares 💖
Nov 18Reply

@liliya2013 nice to meet you too❤️😘😋
Nov 18Reply

@tablarasa thank you! I'm here if you ever need anything ! Wear that lupus cape and hold your head high!😘😘😘
Nov 25Reply

Thanks for all the shares Traci...GREAT to meet you and learn a little more about you! Have a BLESSED day and praying your sales MULTIPLE in order to help with your income!! ♡ Elizabeth
Dec 07Reply

Hi Sweetheart, I'm happy to see you on and working your closet! BTW your closet looks fabulous! Love ya!
Jan 27Reply

@jakeamom12 thanks for all the shares! Wish you the best! Have a question for you, how do you do the $1.99 shipping? I've had Poshers ask me about it and I have no idea how to do that? Is it for small items only? Thanks and take care!
Feb 04Reply

Sep 23Reply

@jakeamom12 thank you for the like and shares!
Sep 26Reply

@lessisbest Hi Char! So nice to meet you! Please feel free to tag me anytime you need a friend to talk too! Chronic pain illnesses are hard to deal with without having others who know what you're going through there to support you! There are many wonderful ladies on Poshmark who are going through our same struggles! Tell your son thank you for his service and I will be praying for him as well as you and your family! Gentle hugs, Traci❤️❤️
Sep 30Reply

I love what you've done marketing yourself. I'm in same boat with money. How do you put the artwork around your listings so pretty💘💘💘
Oct 01Reply

@lynnlinda54 I use an app called Instagram! Love it!😋👍
Oct 01Reply

Thank you for following me, did the same in return. Feel free to visit my closet and leave me some Posh love. :-) :-)
Oct 01Reply

@jakeamom12 Traci, Hi, it's been awhike. Hope all is well. Ruth.🎀
Oct 03Reply

@rdomal yes it has! I took the summer off from posh and just started back last week!❤️☺️
Oct 03Reply

Welcome back. .
Oct 03Reply

@jakeamom12 I just discovered you...nice to see a local posher! I live in Short Pump💜 Hope all is well with you! Having just started poshing, I am trying to grow my followers.....still learning how. Have a wonderful day🎀
Oct 04Reply

@jhintzer Welcome neighbor! You are going to love Poshmark! I'm going to go take a look at your closet now! If you need any help, I'm here to help! Happy Poshing !❤️❤️❤️
Oct 04Reply

@jakeamom12 thanks so much for following me, lovely! Your closet is adorable ❤️
Oct 05Reply

Hello, Miss Traci!!! Hope you are doing good! I wanted to come by and say hello! 🙋 Have a great week girlfriend!!😊🌹
Oct 12Reply

@nikongirlrocks Hi my friend! I took a break over the summer,my Fibro was awful and still having some troubles but the medical bills are piling up! Gotta make some extra money! I hope things are going well for you! Glad to be back with my friends!❤️❤️❤️
Oct 12Reply

Traci! I love your pics! And I have severe Finromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue and was diagnosed when I was 17 so I can relate to the days that nobody else seems to be able to relate to. Even posh seemed overwhelming at first!!!! I can relate. You know what made me start feeling a bit better? Reading a book called the highly sensitive person.. And the green smoothie diet. Haha random but true.
Oct 13Reply

@jakeamom12 but I have chronic back pain from severe scoliosis I was diagnosed with at age 8 haha so I can relate a LOT! I wouldn't survive without my electric heat pad! And also my S.A.D. Light( bahah, literally called Seasonal Affective Disorder, it's a light box !) and I'd look up "winter blues" on Amazon too and order that, a light box and the Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine Aaron today. Love you!!😍😍😍💙‼️😘
Oct 13Reply

@hacsince91 Nice to meet you! I will have to look for that book and I'm not one for "veggies", but I will look into that smoothie! Some days I would do almost anything to feel better!
Oct 13Reply

@hacsince91 I get the seasonal blues as soon as fall hits! My depression triples! I also have liver disease from a blood disorder called hemochromatosis, PTSD, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, pelvic floor dysfunction, sacroiliac joint dysfunction and arthritis in my back and hip as well as the Fibro, sciatica and back issues!
Oct 13Reply

I'm the oldest 45 yr old I know! I guess I need to update this post! I posted it three years ago when I started Posh! The women on this site have saved me many times! Posh is s fantastic community!❤️❤️
Oct 13Reply

@jakeamom12 I too am on disability for fibromyalgia, CFS , and migraines. I'm so sorry to hear about your health. But if it helps I understand.
Oct 17Reply

I am praying for you!! I pray that God will see you through this time and that your tests will turn out good. You are such a sweet lady and I empathize with you greatly!! Please keep us all updated! Love, Kristi
Oct 19Reply

@bamagirl017 😘😘😘😘
Oct 19Reply

💐💕🎉🌺 Hey gorgeous awesome closet you have keep up the amazing work and come and check mines out !!! 🌸🌺🌷💕🎉🌹
Oct 28Reply

Hi! I also have a son named Jake & am on disability due to a slew of medical issues: back surgery, chronic migraines, colitis, PTSD, depression, etc. It's a tough road we've both been down. It's taken me about a decade to deal with the guilt & shame I was putting on myself about it. Your Jake looks wonderful. My Jakester keeps me smiling every day. Hang in there & feel free to send me a message if you ever need to chat.😊
Oct 31Reply

Traci, so sorry to hear about your troubles. I was diagnosed with rectal cancer in June 2015 so I know where you are coming from!! I'm trying to sell, too! Bills!! Prayers to you😇
Nov 11Reply

@nowamom I'm so sorry to hear! I will keep you in my prayers and try to share your closet for you!❤️❤️
Nov 11Reply

@jakeamom12 thank you! I'm only 44 so I get where you are coming from! Xo
Nov 11Reply

Nov 18Reply

Sending you positive thoughts😉❤️
Nov 21Reply

You rock!!!💕💕💕💕
Nov 22Reply

@jakeamom12 thanks for the share.😊
Dec 05Reply

Hello, it is nice to meet you. You have lots of physical issues. I hope that Poshmark is successful for you and gives you the extra income you are hoping for. God Bless you.
Dec 05Reply

@jakeamom12 Hey Traci! I just checked out the 'About' section on your profile..we live near each other! How crazy!? I haven't come across many RVA profiles on here so I think that's pretty cool and wanted to share that with you! Happy holidays!
You have a beautiful closet btw!
Dec 22Reply

My heart goes out to you - I also love posh because it helps me make a little money due to health struggles as well. & all the support is amazing too!💕
Jan 03Reply

Thanks for the listing share Traci. Happy Poshing!
Jan 16Reply

@jakeamom12 hi great closet❗️💚💚💚
Jan 18Reply

Traci 💞💞💞 Thank you!
Jan 20Reply

Thank you for all of the shares !! 😊
Jan 31Reply

@jakeamom12 hi, nice to meet you and you have a wonderful items in your closet. Especially the jewelry, you also have them well displayed.
I'm sorry to hear you're having health problems, maybe posh Mark will help you brighten your spirits when you sell your items. There are so many wonderful ladies in this community, so happy Poshing.
Feb 02Reply

FG ! @sparky01 @katmariefl @carmaldove @kimzklozet @cloudlvr4 @nycymom @babswish
Feb 03Reply

Love your closet!
Feb 03Reply

Traci, thank you for all the shares!💞💞💞
Feb 05Reply

@jensjewels2 follow game!
Feb 07Reply

Thank you for all the shares Traci! I appreciate your kindness!
Feb 13Reply

Thanks for so many shares! God bless! 🌺🌺
Feb 14Reply

@jakeamom12 Hello, it's nice to meet you. You have some beautiful items. I don't know how you can sell them so inexpensively, but your prices are awesome. Happy Poshing!!!!!
Feb 16Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares today Traci!!! You're so sweet!! 💗
Feb 22Reply

You're a great human! Jake's fabulous Mom. :)
Feb 24Reply

@jakeamom12 💖💐Hi Traci, I'm Karen. We have SO much in common! My Fibro started a few years after having 3 levels of my neck fused. I've met so many people like that, I wonder if the surg. triggers that somehow. Was a marathon runner prior to all this and now can't work. Will pray for you sweet lady, God is SO good❣💐💖
Feb 25Reply

Nice ❤️👍
Feb 26Reply

@jakeamom12 sorry to hear about all your going thru. I have chronic fatigue also. It's something people don't understand how debilitating it can be caused by a virus and wreck havoc on your immune system. Not sure if you found any help with that from the medical community. It can get better. 🙏
Feb 27Reply

@jakeamom12 Amazing closet!!!!
Mar 01Reply

@mar68 thank you!💕💕
Mar 01Reply

Wow! Thank you for all of the shares😍😍😍
Mar 02Reply

@jakeamom12 Traci honey I was out with the flu for 10 days then right after that I have company in from out of town for a week please forgive me for just now getting back to you but I send prayers and love how's your mother-in-law honey please keep me posted. Do u still have my ph nmbr? OMG what a terrible to go thru with loved ones 🌹🙏🏼🌹
Mar 15Reply

Wish you all the best! 💞💞💞
Mar 25Reply

@angelfish94.... Thank you kind woman!! I accepted an offer, but don't want others to see it!! And couldn't figure out how to rectify the situation!! I put the buyers name across last night!! Now I get it!! Cover the item first!! Your an angel!! Jakes angel!! Lol!!😇🙏💗💗☀️🌟✌🏽️👍🏼💪🏾😊💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽🌙⭐️
Mar 25Reply

I absolutely LOVE your closet's layout and the cover shots! If you find anything you like in my closet feel free to let me know, I’m having 50% off bundles of clothing and/or jewelry!
Apr 01Reply

Hi Traci! God bless you!! I am so glad you found Posh and I just wanted to say be encouraged! (Psalms 30:11)
Apr 09Reply

Hi Tracy! It's great to meet you! You have a very handsome young man there. I can see how much you love and adore him and it's so precious! I have a 20yr old son and a 9 year old son. They are the best gifts I could have ever asked for. Our 9yr old was a very welcomed surprise that we hadn't expected due to health issues. We were so thrilled as was his big brother😊.
Apr 16Reply

Cont....You have a lovely closet! Sure hope you're on the "good day" end of the scale of those of us who suffer with chronic pain & diseases seem to have. I'm always happy for the good ones but give thanks for them all😉. Many blessings!❤️ Catrina
Apr 16Reply

Hi there I just thought I'd stop by and check to see if you had any
Luck with finding the ring if not that's okay no worries😊 Thank you for your help
May 03Reply

@kmb1956 sorry for the late response! I was waiting to see if I could order that ring for you, but unfortunately it's no longer available 🙁🙁 If I see something similar I will let you know 💕💕
May 04Reply

Thank you very much Jake I do appreciate your help ♡
Have a really good night
May 04Reply

Hi Traci...it's been a while💖
May 05Reply

So nice to meet you!! I'm from Short Pump!! Such a small world!
May 06Reply

Tracy Thank you for your SHARES 💞! Happy P💟SHING! 🛍
ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ Yesenia
May 06Reply

@jakeamom12 Happy Mothers Day Sweetness! Just shared this to instagram #poshmomsrock u are the best!!!!! 🌹💋🌹💋🌹
May 08Reply

Thank you for the Shares!!😀 @jakeamom12
May 12Reply

Hi. I'm interested in buying the free plaid coat.
May 12Reply

@josephinenoa Hi! I don't have a plaid coat for sale, maybe you have me mixed up with another seller.☺️❤️
May 12Reply

Hi jakemom,
You are so welcome 😄 💕
I'm also glad to have met you as well and the Ruby ring is gorgeous.
Thank you again so much😍💖💗💟
Have a very good night.😄
May 17Reply

@jakeamom12 thx for coming into my closet with tons of Posh Love.... U sure know how to make this girl 🙋🏻smile! 😊💕💕💕💕💕💕
May 19Reply

Beautiful pictures, and sayings, dear Posher
May 19Reply

@jakeamom12 Thanks for all the shares!
May 19Reply

love your closet! :) I too share a similar background as you.
May 24Reply

may your business be blessed!
May 25Reply

Hi Traci, wow congratulations on your success. I would love to hear any advice or suggestions you have to give me on becoming more successful on my own closet. Thank you ☺☺
May 31Reply

Hey girl! I'm baaaack! How are you!! Kristin
Jun 09Reply

@jakeamom12 Hi Traci I am Molly it's a pleasure to meet you! I have been on posh for a few years starting with @lifeisgood63 which will be more a yard sale closet. We share in the same. Chronic pain from failed back surgery? I am on pain meds and now Movantik as the meds have messed up my system. 6 years, boy are we strong ladies! I just was thinking back what I endure along with others like you. God gave us a break compared to some didn't he? Very thankful and grateful as hard as each day is.
Jun 20Reply

So nice to meet you!
Jul 02Reply

@jakeamom12 Hi there Traci! It is a pleasure to meet you as well, & may I say your closet is so BEAUTIFUL & I was happy to share it. I will frequently visit your closet & continue to share it often. Thank you for stopping by my closet & the shares, it is so greatly appreciated.💞😉
Jul 06Reply

Hi Traci, thanks so very much for sharing and sharing my closet! 💕💕💕 Really appreciate it, and I'm happy to reciprocate - you have some really beautiful pieces! Hope you and your family are feeling and doing well and enjoying a lovely Thursday! 🌹🌹🌹Happy Sales 🙋🏻
Jul 07Reply

Nice to meet you. I like your closet. Thank you for accepting my offer on peridot ring. Have a Blessed Weekend.
Jul 09Reply

@braynordavis so nice to meet you! Thank you for your purchase! Traci❤️❤️
Jul 09Reply

@jakeamom12 Just wanted to say your closet is like a work of art! Beautiful!💕🌷🌺🎀
Jul 13Reply

@travelcrush thank you! That means so much! So nice to meet you💕💕
Jul 13Reply

Thanks so much for sharing the items in my closet!! So much love to you! 💗
Jul 15Reply

Hi, love your closet! You have such beautiful rings! Just a quick question. I see so many people with the white blank backgrounds. Is there some kind of app. or program that is used to do this for pictures?
Jul 16Reply

Thanks for the follow!! If you love tie dye my closet is the place to go for already made tie dye made by me, or you can choose your own colors and what type of shirt you want, or even socks! Happy Poshing. ♡
Jul 19Reply

Wow never seen someone with so many shares!!! Awesome!!!
Jul 20Reply

Thank you so much for the shares! ❤️❤️😘
Jul 21Reply

Jul 24Reply

Jakeamom12 ~ Hi! You have been in my thoughts & prayers ♡
I'd like to put my name on the prayer list., Thanks again &
Jul 24Reply

How are you doing? I meant to ask.♡♡♡
Jul 24Reply

Thank you so much for the shares! I will continue to stop by and share 🤗 blessings to you, your family, and your posh closet 👯
Jul 26Reply

Thanks for all the shares. So kind to share my stuff with all of your followers. You rock!
Aug 04Reply

hey, feel free to offer on my poshmark! prices are negotiable and i ship the day of or after that!
Aug 05Reply

Good morning. Thanks for Bombing my closet. LOL
Aug 08Reply

@nkhob Happy Monday!!💣💣💣💣💣
Aug 08Reply

Aug 10Reply

Hi there, lady! It's been a while since I've been proactive. Love your new merchandise! I need to get some new listings up, but I've been kind of waiting for Nov. 8th to roll by. Sending hugs, care, and prayers. <3
Oct 29Reply

I luv this
Dec 18Reply

@kaystone14 thank you❤️
Dec 18Reply

@jakeamom12 thank you! Nice to meet you also!! 🎄
Dec 18Reply

@waterwoman ❤❤❤
Dec 18Reply

Hi Traci, 🙋
How are you dear?
I hope you are doing a little better😄💗
You are very sweet🍰🍪🍩🍦🍬🍭🍪🍬🍭💕💗💋
Thank you so for your sweet message, I hope you will have a very good nights rest dear!! With all your health problems, I'm sure you don't get much of a decent
Really restful nights sleep 😴😴 and I'm sure its
Much needed rest too, take care hun!💕
Dec 19Reply

@jakeamom12 Thank you Traci! You have the most beautiful closet. Thanks for the friendly welcome. Have a great holiday!😘🎄❤️
Dec 20Reply

@jakeamom12 thank you also!!
Dec 30Reply

@vanessa_03 @rozsingh @hydrogirl @roxygirl @poshjeepgirl thank you all for your friendship and support! I am very blessed to have met you all! Love Traci ❤
Jan 15Reply

@ringleader @sweetbee17 @nkhob @heathermckay @drea04 @thebrightside @tinantz3 @dimndgrl thank you all for your friendship and support! I am very blessed to have met you all! Love Traci ❤
Jan 15Reply

@sassbadger @lovemygirlz @ginap7777 @purpleandlace @sssylviah @njcati @bluejeanrein @closetcase @nyreecox thank you all for your friendship and support! I am very blessed to have met you all! Love Traci ❤
Jan 15Reply

@tpmom @daughtrey @emory1974 @redsoxfan64 @partymk999 @janismarie @katz2 @valorieann @mandavais @mandapanda83 @classyvintage @erikagannon2 thank you all for your friendship and support! I am very blessed to have met you all! Love Traci ❤
Jan 15Reply

@katralvin @bellanblue @lisadraper @mikesdumplin @sonpaises @gordomom @incognito13 thank you all for your friendship and support! I am very blessed to have met you all! Love Traci ❤
Jan 15Reply
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