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Updated Feb 05
Updated Feb 05


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Hi! I am Shereen, and I am an empty nester single mom of two young adults. I am a brick & mortar small business owner, and I have always had the passion to work for myself and make my own way in this beautiful world. I absolutely love Posh and all of the inspirational people I have met on the app. Please let me know if I can help you in any way!
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jp1 When could I expect the Trina Turk top?
Aug 31Reply
mizkairi Hi! I appreciate all the shares so much! Thank you for visiting my closet, also. Have a wonderful afternoon! :)
Sep 13Reply
jacksgirls @mizkairi Hey there! You are welcome! You have a lovely closet, and it looks like you are having fun poshing. That is awesome!
Sep 13Reply
breezywoods Hi Shereen! I got a notification that you posted my closet as a fav on your blog!! Just want to give a huge thx for that! So kind! THANK YOU! 🎉🎉🎉💕💕💕
Oct 22Reply
rosiegun16 I am sooo sorry. This is my first time on Poshmark and wasn't aware I couldn't cancel an order on my end. Can u please cancel the bcbg dress. Again, I am so sorry. Thank you!!
Nov 17Reply
jacksgirls @rosiegun16 i believe they do give you an hour from your end to cancel it. I think I still can, though.
Nov 17Reply
rosiegun16 @jacksgirls Ive looked, and am unsure of how to do it. I've emailed customer service. If u can, i would really appreciate it.
Nov 17Reply
jacksgirls @rosiegun16 okay, it is canceled for you. Enjoy poshmark!
Nov 17Reply
jacksgirls @rosiegun16 when you go to the sale, you can click on problems/order inquiry and choose cancel order from there. Of course, you definitely want to try not to do that. Also, I think a lot of people new to posh don't realize that when you make an offer, you are committing to buy it if the offer is accepted. I am happy to answer any questions about Poshmark if you have any. You will love it! :)
Nov 17Reply
plaidstiletto Congrats on your party tomorrow !!!! I have a lot of quality men's items in my closet for possible Host Picks 💟
Feb 09Reply
tcstreasures Hi, and congrats on getting to host the upcoming Men's Style Party. If you are still in need of Host Picks, please check out my closet. I have a few men's items you might find worthwhile. By the way, you have a GREAT looking closet filled with SO many beautiful items. Have a great time at the party & enjoy. :-)
Feb 10Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party today! In case you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. Thanks ❤️
Feb 10Reply
swoonstyle Thank you for hosting the upcoming men's posh party 🎉! Can't wait as I only sell men's !
Feb 13Reply
blumoose @jacksgirls 🌲🌲🌲Congratulations Shereen 🌲🌲🌲It's almost party time!! Best Wishes for a Fabul-Moose Party❄If you are still looking for host picks, I'd be honored if you checked out my closet. Thank you for your time⏱
Feb 24Reply
closetclearout2 Hi there! Congratulations on hosting the party tomorrow 🎉 Feel free to check out my closet for a potential Host Pick! Congrats again 😃
Feb 24Reply
s_rosebud 🎉COngrats🎉Just share bombed your closet, Hope that helps with your party tomorrow😆If you get a chance, please look in my closet for a possible pick!
Feb 25Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party tomorrow! In case you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. ❤️
Feb 25Reply
warmothally Congrats on hosting the Best in Bags party!!! 🎉🎉
Feb 25Reply
melots Hi. Congrats on hosting this party. Pls check my closet for possible hostpick. Thanks
Feb 25Reply
hidethebags 💜shereen! ️Congrats!! You've got the 🌴bag party🌴IN THE BAG!!! Good luck girl?!!💝💝I'm Poshing on the NJ Parkway. Lol. 💜👑🐝
Feb 25Reply
wildtimefashion How do you get host picks?
Feb 25Reply
jacksgirls @wildtimetoys it helps if you share the hosts closets. During parties, we get a lot of activity and if you just share once or twice, we lose you. If you just comment, personally, I skip over and go to someone who is sharing or just go through main showroom.
Feb 25Reply
wildtimefashion Good to know. Thank you💋
Feb 25Reply
hidethebags Great 🌴BAG PARTY,🌴tonight, Shereen💖 I can not thank you enough for selecting my IvankaTrump Clutch/Tablet Clutch w Battery Pack as an HP!! many hours driving around being put into this item bcuz i luv it! so ty for loving it as well. incredible closet you have here. i love your Meet The Posher. i wish you continued Successes and Happiness Always!! deb579💜👑🐝
Feb 26Reply
jacksgirls @appraisol aww, thanks so much! It definitely is! ❤
Jan 25Reply
myguestrmcloset ❤️❤️❤️🙏 Thanks for the shares!! I’ll be returning the favor! Have a wonderful day! ~Claudia
Dec 02Reply
no2br 🙋🏽‍♀️ @jacksgirls Thank You For Reciprocating Some Posh Sharing Love💞
Dec 11Reply
jacksgirls @no2br my pleasure! ❤❤❤
Dec 12Reply
myguestrmcloset 🌼🌸💞🎉🌸🎉💞🌼Have a wonderful weekend Shereen! Thanks for all the shares this week! ~Claudia
Feb 02Reply
jacksgirls @myguestrmcloset same to you Claudia! Happy Saturday! ❤❤
Feb 02Reply
myguestrmcloset 💃💃💃💞 Absolutely! CHeck out the party shoes I just posted! Amazing! ~C
Feb 02Reply
christiessecret Hi I have been coming across alot of people on poshmark that have a crazy amount of followers.How do you get so many ? Was just wondering.😁thanks
May 20Reply
bryllianz 😯🤗❤️🥰Omg!! .. Love, your closet🥰🥰 💯 it is GORGEOUS!! 💞 💕 💯
Jul 04Reply
jacksgirls @bryllianz that's so sweet of you to say! Thanks so much ❤
Jul 04Reply
fannyli Hi! For those hiking boots, can you offer 25 + 4.99 shipping?
Aug 04Reply
fannyli Hello! Since you are not answering any of my questions, just want to ask if the boots look exactly like the pictures and have not been worn since you took the pictures! Thx
Aug 04Reply
jacksgirls @fannyli hi! These boots were just listed on Monday and were stored for sale. No more wear.
Aug 04Reply
fannyli Thx for your reply! I do wish I could receive the boots by 10! I'm set of fur a trip on 11th ! Could you pls ship them out ASAP? Many thanks!
Aug 05Reply
jacksgirls @fannyli they will go out tomorrow 😊😊😊
Aug 05Reply
supergeeked I'm in Biloxi too!! 💕
Nov 12Reply
jacksgirls @retrospectives oh, wow! we totally need to get coffee or something. 😊
Nov 12Reply
supergeeked @jacksgirls I would love that!!
Nov 12Reply
new2udesigns Thanks for all the shares!
Nov 14Reply
free2beyou Hi Shereen! I love your "about" section. It's nice to have some authenticity & depth here ;) Hats off to you being a single mom of teens! I used to be a psychotherapist & working with teen girls was my specialty, I loved it, but closed my practice due to health issues. I'm a life-wellness "coach" now (hate the term, it doesn't do the work justice) & reselling too. Hope you all have a great 2020!!
Dec 29Reply
monolidi Happy poshing🥳🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like!🤗
Jun 23Reply
pinksunset03 Hi 💌I'm going to share as many items as possible from your shop, please check out mine share as well so we can increase our sales!🦋🦋🛍🛍 Skye
Oct 26Reply
rachelb152 @jacksgirls Hello do you not have the red dress for sale anymore? I missed your previous offer and now I don't see the dress 🤔 thanks
Aug 13Reply
jacksgirls @rachelb152 hey there! I did recently purge some inventory to give to a friend. It was probably part of that. I'm sorry!
Aug 13Reply
rachelb152 @jacksgirls ok np thanks for the quick reply 🙏
Aug 13Reply
littlepeachxo hi ! ^^ i have a variety of listings & all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Nov 06Reply
kreatedbykarea Hey! Please support my small business and follow my new Instagram page @kreatedbykarea💕
Feb 21Reply
heymisssmelisss Hey feiend! 🤗 Thanks for the shares! Right back atcha!😘
Mar 07Reply
trendymom_inca Beautiful closet! 💗💗💗
Mar 07Reply
jacksgirls @heymisssmelisss 😊😊🥰🌺🌺🌺
Mar 07Reply
heymisssmelisss 🤦🏻‍♀️ 😳😩 I meant to type FRIEND.
Mar 07Reply
jacksgirls @heymisssmelisss lol I knew what you meant 🤣🤪
Mar 07Reply
shirl4080 @jacksgirls Hi! I meant to put my 3 items I just purchased into a bundle but I’m still new at this and didn’t realize until afterwards that there’s a bundle section. How can I correct it?
Mar 13Reply
jacksgirls @shirl4080 hey there! easy fix. just hit cancel on each sale. you still have time on that. then go back into each one and click add to bundle. once you've finished adding items to bundle, you're good to puchase.
Mar 13Reply
shirl4080 @jacksgirls thank you so much!! 😘
Mar 13Reply
jacksgirls @shirl4080 you're so welcome! your shipment will go out no later than Tuesday. enjoy your Sunday!
Mar 13Reply
gso Good morning Shereen. Thank you very much for sharing my closet! Good luck with your closet and I wish you a lot of sales...🙂 Georgeta 💄👗👢👠🛍
Mar 27Reply
jacksgirls @gso tysm! it's my pleasure and I hope you have a fantastic Sunday.
Mar 27Reply
litenlivly Thank you for sharing my closet. I REALLY APPRECIATE IT. Best of luck to you and Happy Poshing!!!
Apr 20Reply
litenlivly I think I hit something bad; not my intent so if you see something amiss, please ignore! Sincerely, Susan @litenlivly!
Apr 20Reply
jacksgirls @litenlivly you're so welcome! have a beautiful day!
Apr 20Reply
jhood52 Hi! Thx for following, Happy Poshing and great week! :)
Apr 20Reply
sleekandslay Thanks kindly for always sharing ♻️❤️🌎 many blessings to you and yours 🌟 happy poshing 🛍
Apr 21Reply
litenlivly Thanks for sharing my closet! Best wishes, Susan
Apr 21Reply
norahs208 Love your closet! Thanks for sharing mine!!!
Apr 22Reply
jacksgirls @jhood52 yw and you too!
Apr 22Reply
jacksgirls @litenlivly you're welcome! have a wonderful weekend!
Apr 22Reply
jacksgirls @norahs208 you're welcome. have a great weekend!
Apr 22Reply
mcdanielsue2 Thank you for your generous offer. I declined because I meant to share rather than like. Please excuse my clumsy fingers. Have a great weekend.
Apr 23Reply
jacksgirls @mcdanielsue2 no problem! it's just my routine. Did you remember to "unlike"?
Apr 23Reply
mcdanielsue2 @jacksgirls Thanks for the reminder!
Apr 23Reply
lisamoskal Hi! Thanks for the follow! I’m a Posh Ambassador so if I can ever help you, please let me know… It's best to face the world armed with kindness and support. Best Wishes to you. 😊 ...Lisa
Apr 23Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle for a great deal I’ll accept anything
Apr 30Reply
ccslilmama Hello, and thank you so much for sharing my closet. You've seen the assortment of items listed -- sandals, heels, boots, hats, bags, all from labels such as Chloe, rag & bone, kate spade, UGG, Telfar, Badgley Mischka, Steve Madden... The seasons have changed and sales are picking up, so don't wait too long to find the item that was meant for you! Be blessed.
May 06Reply
ramsclosetrocks I just absolutely love your page! You and your daughters are so adorable! What an amazing family! Hope your sales are going great and I hope you are find much success on here!
May 18Reply
jacksgirls @packharaaudia8l thank you, that's very sweet of you to say. I wish you success and abundance as well. 💕
May 18Reply
ramsclosetrocks @jacksgirls you’re welcome. I appreciate you. Feel free to look through my closet and see if you like anything. I’m in the middle of listing lots of new items at the moment, so if you refresh your page every few minutes you’ll see new items listed today. I have lots of new things to sell and list so hopefully if you look every so often you might find something you like. I’ll take a look through yours as well!
May 18Reply
loli_pops Thank you so much, for all the shares! I really appreciate you taking the time to do that ❤️ It really helps out. Happy Poshing!
May 27Reply
casual_closetwi Thanks for sharing! ☀️
Jun 09Reply
orca1962 Thanks for all the shares! Sharing back and wishing you many sales 😍
Jun 15Reply
glitterpeaches Thank you for the shares!!
Jun 22Reply
southpawz Love it! My sister & one of my bf's graduated from 'Ole Miss! 😊😉🥰
Jun 23Reply
jacksgirls @glitterpeaches 🌹🌸💐🌼
Jun 23Reply
jacksgirls @southpawz hotty toddy 🥰 my daughter is a 2020 graduate as well.
Jun 23Reply
southpawz @jacksgirls That's so awesome to have 2 generations! Good job mama!! 😃😍💕
Jun 23Reply
shrimpx Wow! Thank you so much for all of the shares! I have been so busy with “life” that I haven’t done too much about sharing lately but right now I’m off to sharing yours! Thanks again ❤️
Jun 24Reply
jacksgirls @shrimpx you're so welcome! I hope you have a wonderful weekend 💗
Jun 24Reply
808thrifty Aloha Shereen, thanks for the shares 🌺🏝
Jun 28Reply
jacksgirls @808thrifty you're welcome! 🌺
Jun 28Reply
2girls2122 🙋‍♀️Hi! Thanks for following our closet.. Wishing you many sales💰and buys📦..Happy Poshing 😊.
Aug 14Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Nov 26Reply
valdezarm1974 Thank You for following sweetheart!😋
Jan 28Reply
kitekat4 You had offered a discount on the Magellan blue shirt, but how is the sizing? Does it run true to size or smaller? let me know. thank you 😊
May 03Reply
jacksgirls @kitekat4 hey there, it's hard for me to say for sure, but I did put some measurements in the listing.
May 03Reply
lisakay100 Happy Poshing, I’ll Check out your Closet & You can Check out my Closet‼️
Jul 16Reply
thriftwgrace BLUSTERY COLD TEMPERATURES ARE HERE  Don’t get caught in the cold without the proper gear. My closet has a few coats, boots, underwear, and jackets remaining that will keep you warm. Since the holiday season is over we are entertaining offers (up to 25% off in some cases) and covering shipping costs on bundles of $75 and higher. Take advantage of this awesome opportunity today! Grace
Feb 18Reply

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Last Active: Feb 25

Biloxi, MS
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Last Active: Feb 25

Biloxi, MS
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