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Updated Feb 06
Updated Feb 06

# love is love #family❤️

US$1,000,000 US$1,000,000

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SAME-SEX MARRIAGE IS LEGAL NATIONWIDE!!!! The Constitution grants us our rights, "there's no Union more profound than marriage." CHEERS TO EQUALITY! #loveWINS #EQUALITY #GayRights #LGBT #historical-moment #CHANGE #United 💕So it's not going to be easy . It's going to be really hard ; we're gonna have to work at this everyday but I want to do that because I want you . I want all of you , forever ,you and me , everyday ; I say I would rather fight w you every day then not see you for one.." 💕💕
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diamonddivat @normaray I'd never seen my little brother cry till yesterday girl I was so happy. 💞
Jun 27Reply
normaray It's been legal in jersey since 2013 I believe ..I never wanted to get married until every single state recognized my Union. I have never been so proud and and so happy in my life . Now I wish same sex partners would be recognized when having kids . When our son was born my only regret is not being listed as his parent even tho he has my last name ... I guess we need to count our blessings one at time .... @diamonddivat
Jun 27Reply
diamonddivat @normaray 1 step at a time, the ball has started rolling though and I'm very happy for everybody that's involved. And now I can help my brother plan his wedding 😀💃🏽💃🏽
Jun 27Reply
baybeautiful Beautiful picture
Jun 28Reply
normaray @baybeautiful thank your 💞 out baby at 11 days
Jun 28Reply
nik670 @normaray was so happy when this happened. Love how they did the White House with the lights . Of course I had to do my facebook photo of the flag too haha
Jun 29Reply
tiggerchick @normaray Had me curious... Did you know some states have places for one dad and two Mom names? My kids teacher I check in with through homeschool was telling me she had a family who told her they did this and it's becoming more common in states where it's been legal longer. I'm with ya... My mom disowned me when I told her my wife and I got married... Eh, love is love. You're entitled to your opinion, but if you want me to respect you, respect me.
Aug 06Reply
tiggerchick That's how I feel. I accept you for you, I ask for the same in return. Awesome you guys have a baby! We are starting next year and I can't wait!!!
Aug 06Reply
normaray @tiggerchick yes dear .. Love is love 💞💞 we were so lucky and blessed . When we decided to have a baby although I was preparing for a long process I have to tell ya we got pregnant on the first try . And I did it myself here at home 😁 best of luck to you . We plan to marry next year :) i live my life for me . The people who matter love me and accept me . Again I feel blessed .My email is under my profile is you ever need to chat
Aug 06Reply
tiggerchick @normaray YOU ARE FUGHCKING AWESOME!!! We are doing the same thing!!! I will tag you on one of my listings so I don't overwhelm yours...
Aug 06Reply
normaray 💞💞
Aug 06Reply
tiggerchick Beautiful baby!! Love is the strongest thing and the love we feel for our babies is indescribable. Congratulations 😃
Aug 06Reply
normaray @tiggerchick oh yes girl 💖. My partner is Cuban / pr and I Dominican .. We picked a Dominican doner and he is just perfect .. We are extremely blessed cause he is without doubt just perfection 💗💗💞💞
Aug 06Reply
tiggerchick Awesome!! Can you at least adopt legally at some point or they don't allow that where you live. I emailed you. Cocoposhchick
Aug 06Reply
tiggerchick It's a blessing to find the right donor. Wanting a baby is amazing in itself. Have fun raising him! @normaray
Aug 06Reply
aydreescloset Beautiful! ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 12Reply
normaray @aydreescloset thanks doll :) he is one now and such a joy 💕💕
Oct 12Reply
rachann1221 @normaray gorgeous baby! My fiancé and I are in the beginning stages of IVF and her and I could not be more excited!!!! So inspiring to see success with a little gorgeous baby! Congratulations to you both! 😘😻💕💕
Oct 15Reply
normaray @rachann1221 best of luck to you 💞 we were so blessed to conceive the very first time and we did it at home ... We are thinking of doing it one more time . Looking for our girl since we have to boys 💕💕💕 email me if you want to chat or need support .
Oct 15Reply
rachann1221 @normaray wow! How amazing! I appreciate your wishes of luck! We should be completing the actual transfer in December, so our fingers and toes are crossed until then, and my parents can't contain their excitement in being hopeful grandparents 💛 I will definitely reach out if we run into any questions, thanks so much! I hope you are able to make your baby girl happen just as gracefully! 💞
Oct 15Reply
normaray @rachann1221 it will happen 💞💞 we did the process day before thanksgiving and found out we were pregnant by dec 15 :) positive thoughts give positive outcomes xoxo my email in under my profile ...
Oct 15Reply
rachann1221 @normaray thanks! Yes positive energy is my main focus right now! 💗
Oct 15Reply
stacyscutestuff @normaray I am JUST SPEECHLESS this is ABSOLUTELY AWESOME...I wanted to snatch him through this iPad and run😂😂😂😂 You are correct LOVE IS LOVE as long as it's genuine.....BE HAPPY!!!!😍😍😭
Oct 22Reply
stacyscutestuff @normaray didnt mean that crying face was going to fast Lmbo
Oct 22Reply
normaray @stacyscutestuff 💞💞 thanks doll ..
Oct 22Reply
nfabian1 Omg! What a BEAUTIFUL child! Congratulations!
Oct 23Reply
normaray @nfabian1 thank you 💕💕💕 he is perfection😍
Oct 23Reply
normaray @mimilove22 💕💕💕💕
Oct 24Reply
normaagarcia Gorgeous baby😍❤
Oct 27Reply
normaray @normaagarcia thank you 💞💞💞
Oct 27Reply
goodas 😍😍😍😍
Dec 30Reply
normaray @goodas awe thanks #love is love always
Dec 30Reply
goodas @normaray yes baby girl i agree with you 100%
Dec 30Reply
division Awwww, look a dem lil toes!! You guys are beautiful! 😘😘😘
Jan 13Reply
normaray @division you are so sweet and kind . Much appreciated 💕💕💕💕
Jan 13Reply
normaray @mrsberky thanks so much for sharing such a beautiful part of your life . We are extremely blessed to have the support of those who matter most 💓💓 life is too short and we choose to be happy 💕💕. Your mom is one lucky woman to have a daughter like you and I am privileged to have "met" you 💕
Jan 15Reply
normaray #love should be have conditions ..
Jan 15Reply
normaray @mrsberky 💓💓💓💓
Jan 15Reply
normaray @rachann1221 I updated 💓💓💓
Jan 30Reply
normaray @lauri1982 💕💕 my family 💕💕💕
Jan 30Reply
songae @normaray Hi you can have the two jewelry sets for 36...let me know
Jan 31Reply
66annie Im so thankful for all u girls warning me bout the "crazy lady" i purposly waited to see if she shipped i tx her all wked no response i emailed posh and told them to cancel both orders hers & mine after 5 days no word. Poof all of a sudden she said she shipped and now has to track hers. I said if it really comes to me ill pay for return 😂
Feb 10Reply
Feb 10Reply
normaray @66annie oh Annie you are most welcome . We need to look out for one another . Her closet is a huge contradiction .. I blocked that woman ages ago .. Be careful . All those counterfeit items and then claiming they were gift and one can clearly see the love notes she leaves the sellers are just contradictory to her stories .. I'm sorry she tried to get you .
Feb 10Reply
66annie @normaray but thankfully i know people i can trust 😘
Feb 10Reply
normaray @801sn0w thanks love . I have hope that one day everyone will be accepted for being human . Label should only exist for criminals💕💕 love is love no labels needed
Feb 19Reply
maxxmara @normaray beautiful 💐💐💐
Feb 20Reply
swindawi1 @normaray adorable 😘😘
Feb 22Reply
blacinej I am so happy for you and everyone who has finally been granted by law a right that should have been inalienable from the beginning. Congratulations...not on winning the right to be married...but for finding someone you love enough to want to share that sacred union with. True love is so fleeting...when we find it we should hold on tightly enough to never let it go...yet gently enough to allow it room to flourish and grow. I wish you and your beloved many years of peace, love and joy.
Mar 29Reply
normaray @blacinej that's was beautiful . Thank so much for such kind sentiments . #love always wins 💗
Mar 29Reply
blacinej @normaray no...thank you for showing us that true love does exist. We live in such an "all about me" world that its beautiful to be stopped dead in ones tracks and reminded of whats really important and precious. I dont look at you as a gay couple blah blah blah. I see something we all strive to have...LOVE!!! In its purest form, no strings attached, no ifs and or buts...we all want to be loved and cherished. Thank YOU for sharing your joy with us. ❤❤❤
Mar 29Reply
normaray @blacinej 💖💖💖💕💕💕
Mar 29Reply
ashleyojeda ✨Hey girl I'm Ash, I was just stopping by to invite you to my Closet! I have and make Dance,Rave,and Costumes for just about anything! ☺️ So please check me out or help me spread the word❤️ Cute closet btw🎉 HAPPY POSHING!! ✨
May 08Reply
normaray Oh Anna 🙈 thanks so much for the kind words . The feeling mutual :) it's not everyday we come across a friendship like ours :) 💗
Jul 09Reply
kitty_katkat Hi🙋 Thanks for the like on the LV Speedy bag. Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a wonderful weekend😊🌼🌻😊
Jul 09Reply
blondemoment35 Awwwwwwwwwww!!!!!! This is so awesome!! So powerful!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Jul 23Reply
normaray @blondemoment35 thanks 💕💕
Jul 24Reply
kitty_katkat @normaray Hi🙋 Thanks for the like on the LV Speedy bag. Please let me know if you have any questions. Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend 😄🌻😄🌻
Aug 05Reply
kellynhua Omg! So cute!!!
Aug 22Reply
jujubes Is that your bb( your mini) in you profile photo?? Ugh I can't wait to have one
Sep 06Reply
dreamgirl68 @normaray sweetie my wife and I live in NYC! yay. We finally got married, 8 months ago. Yes, my 13 year old daughter is very educated and understanding of the two of us. Yes, 2 mom's. We live a beautiful life. Thank you for sharing.👭👭🎉🎉
Sep 29Reply
dreamgirl68 @normaray I am Italian and my partner is black, she hates the us being called Caucasion and her African American. She is a really funny, loving and caring tomboyish type and of course even being an NYPD officer, I am extremly femme. Lol
Sep 29Reply
normaray @dreamgirl68 congrats !!! That's so wonderful ! My partner and I have two boys :) a thirteen year old and a 2 year old . Love is love no matter the shape or form 💗
Sep 29Reply
dreamgirl68 @normaray awww you made my day here in NYC. Yes, you both have beautiful children together. I love that fact we are happy💖. I am here if you need me. I will be back to your gorgeous closet when I lose at least 20 more pounds. Of course your Louie's can fit right under my arm. Lol. I am Rhonda 👭
Sep 29Reply
normaray @chanellvyslomy💗
Oct 21Reply
normaray @bestbags34 you are very kind and sweet . Thanks so much for sharing .
Feb 20Reply
normaray @stacyjacobs loved your insta 💕💕 thanks for your support 💕
Feb 23Reply
normaray @stacyjacobs please let me know if you received my email ..
Feb 23Reply
chanchels53_ That person with the lv bag is such a scammer i askee her to do 500 for authentication and she blocked me
Mar 03Reply
normaray @chanchels53_ I'm guessing her end game is to obtain real names and addresses . She blocked me too just for questioning
Mar 03Reply
chanchels53_ @normaray thats what she does i feel bad i tried to warn this one other girl and she got scammed she bought it then i told her it was a scam and that person blocked too and put up that she was pn vacation until March now shes up there again crazy
Mar 03Reply
slk100110 Love this so much!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 29Reply
normaray @slk100110 awe thank you 💛 thanks for all the shares
Mar 29Reply
slk100110 @normaray My pleasure. 😘
Mar 29Reply
channelover I love your baby , a blessing from above. Sooooo cute, God bless.
Apr 05Reply
normaray @habebabey what's the name sweetie and I'll check her out
Apr 29Reply
normaray If it's that shops for fun woman I have never traded or done any transactions w her at any given time . I blocked her years ago due to the way I saw her interact w some ladies I know over a trade . I don't like drama and just felt it was a tasteless way of handling the situation and so blocked her .
Apr 29Reply
normaray @habebabey nah she traded those w chasemerafian whatever her name was . That's was not w me .and that transaction in particular was a mess.
Apr 29Reply
normaray Love your artsy 😍 I miss mine
Apr 29Reply
normaray @habebabey I'd procede w caution for sure. I just saw the shows you traded for and they look quiete worn
Apr 29Reply
mconle002 Amazing!!! Such a great photographer also! Wow!!!
May 19Reply
tmiiing Awww my cousin and her wife are married 😊 they are my daughter God mommies
May 30Reply
wandibiri Amazing
Nov 03Reply
lisalo3 Love is love is love Is love is love is love! ❤️
Nov 07Reply
lisalo3 Any interest in trading?
Nov 07Reply
normaray @lisalo3 if and when you post any lv let me know :)
Nov 07Reply
lisalo3 @normaray I keep all of em! 😂
Nov 07Reply
normaray @lisalo3 that’s the curse lol
Nov 07Reply
lisalo3 @normaray they're like kids or potato chips you can't just have 1! 😂
Nov 07Reply
celestegeorge Hello!! Thank you for your "style me" request & the opportunity to share my closet with you. Sent over several items to your "dressing room". I have over 900 preloved, new & boutique listings for men, women & kids. 😉 There is so much more to see. Come on over & check it all out. Celeste
Dec 04Reply
jucer0215 Hi I’m Julio make me one more time your offer I did a mistake with the price . I can give you $80 for the three Items please let me know if you are still interested
Dec 07Reply
vynghia Do you trade hun?
Feb 20Reply
normaray @vynghia selectively
Feb 20Reply
boymomlife2 @normaray I am a daughter of two Mama's and couldn't be more proud!
Oct 08Reply
normaray @manderz316 💕💕💕💕
Oct 08Reply
greatnanacloset @normaray I still love this photo...💖
Jan 26Reply
mkassouf @normaray the woman you commented on with 🥰 that is selling the LV Damier ebene speedy is a scam. Just an FYI. she pulls people off this site and tries to get them to buy outside of Poshmark and she doesn’t send the items! I know bc it almost happened to me!!! 😡😡
May 12Reply
normaray @mkassouf thank you!
May 12Reply
mkassouf @normaray and you go girl! Love is love!! I support gay marriage!!! 💜❤️🧡💚💙
May 12Reply
normaray @mygrant486 excuse me ? Are you threatening me ? Report what ? I have the right to refuse any offer . I will respectfully decline your offer and hope you find what you are looking for elsewhere.
Aug 01Reply
kenlanboutique Hi there! I’m Tara, a Poshmark Ambassador and top rated seller. I invite you to visit my closet. Many beautiful new items were recently added that may interest you. I welcome all offers. Happy Poshing! 💕🛍
Jul 23Reply
toppointbling Thank you for your purchase! Your item(s) will be shipped out tomorrow.
Feb 01Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉🤗
Apr 08Reply
cutehosiery @normaray Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 31Reply

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