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Updated Jun 27
Updated Jun 27

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Hello, I'm Tammy here I'am doing what I like to do best show dogs. I give discounts for bundles, all reasonable offers accepted. Thank you for looking!
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groomersedge @kylej do you recognize this? I love this jacket I bought from you I get so many compliments and it brought me good luck as you can see!
Jan 17Reply
kylej @groomersedge Ih my gosh!!!!!! I adore it on you!!!! This is the first item I've sold that I've seen on the buyer!!!!!! Thanks for the tag. Lovely pic too. I love dogs ✌🏽️❤️
Jan 17Reply
hydrogirl I LOVE THIS! And that jacket DOES look fabulous on you! Great buy!
Jan 26Reply
groomersedge thanks Sally
Jan 26Reply
glammablog So pretty😇
Feb 18Reply
hydrogirl I was just thinking about you Tamara, and thought I'd pop into your closet to say HI😍 I was hoping to see a new Dog Show photo with you taking 1st Place! Hope you're enjoying the weekend and WINNING THAT DOG SHOW😍
Mar 06Reply
groomersedge thanks! my show isn't until the 26th and 27th but I will keep you posted😀👍
Mar 06Reply
hydrogirl I just checked this listing to see if maybe you responded and didn't tag me😊 When you talk to someone on here, you need to use the @ symbol and their username. So, in your above comment to me, you just needed to put @hydrogirl and that way I'm notified you commented to me😍 I just don't want to miss your updates Tamara😍
Mar 15Reply
groomersedge @hydrogirl duh I should know that. I guess I just thought you had esp hahahaha!
Mar 15Reply
groomersedge @hydrogirl next weekend is the dog show so hopefully we do something
Mar 15Reply
hydrogirl Ahaha!! I wish I had esp!! THAT would be AWESOME!! I'll try to be patient until next weekend😂
Mar 15Reply
groomersedge @hydrogirl I will see if someone can get a snap shot no matter if we win or not.
Mar 15Reply
hydrogirl I would love that😍
Mar 15Reply
groomersedge @hydrogirl this is from today. I don't know where the heck my memorial weekend photos went!
Jun 27Reply
hydrogirl These are FABULOUS!!! You look so pretty Tamara, and the doggies don't look too bad either🙃
Jun 27Reply
groomersedge why thank you your so sweet💕
Jun 27Reply
hydrogirl I just wanted to stop by to say Hi 😍 I hope life has been treating you WONDERFULLY 🌻
Oct 15Reply
groomersedge @hydrogirl hello Sally I was just thinking about you! think are calming down a little. had a busy summer and now trying to remodel house before I head off to mayo clinic for a recheck. Chilly here but no snow yet. Hope all is well with you and things have calmed down also.
Oct 15Reply
hydrogirl @groomersedge You always make me smile Tamara😍 I just said a little prayer for a clean MayoClinic checkup for you. Wow! Lots has happened with me in the past couple months. The short story is that all the Dr's were wrong about why I've been knocking on death's door. I do NOT have Parkinson's, etc. It's my stupid Breast implants! I began getting sick immediately following my Implant surgery 9.5 years ago, but Dr's assured me it had nothing to do with my implants😡
Oct 15Reply
hydrogirl Although I questioned tons of Dr's about my implants causing my significant health decline, they ALL told me my implants were 100% safe and in no way a contributing factor to me going from a marathon runner to so ill I couldn't get to my career of 28 years and couldn't even get out of bed some days.
Oct 15Reply
hydrogirl I'm scheduled for surgery 11/2, with the best surgeon specializing in Breast Implant Illness, in Florida. I've nearly died of Sepsis twice in the past month. It's been CRAZY! Thank God, I have a wonderful team of Naturopathic Dr's now that have my body getting well enough for my upcoming surgery.
Oct 15Reply
hydrogirl I can hardly wait to get my happy back😍 Thousands of other Breast Implant Illness gals state they feel wonderful as soon as they awake from the major surgery to remove the implants and all diseased tissue and lymph nodes. I can hardly believe that these stupid implants have stolen 9 years of my life, but I'm grateful to now know the problem and KNOW I am going to get my life back😍
Oct 15Reply
groomersedge @hydrogirl OMG! I heard that can make you so deathly sick. I have had my frustrations up here with doctors that's why I went to the Mayo Clinic last year in Arizona and I can't say enough about them they were all awesome. I saw five specialists with 10 days of testing and found out things concerning my blood clots that I haven't known about for 16 years. that's why I'm going there for my recheck I trust them.
Oct 15Reply
hydrogirl @groomersedge I ALMOST went to the Mayo Clinic too. I don't know if they would have diagnosed my BII or not. I don't know if it's a conspiracy between Dr's and Implant manufacturers, but MOST Dr's won't acknowledge that Breast implants can kill some women and cause Heavy Metal Poisoning, Mold leaks into body,
Oct 15Reply
groomersedge @hydrogirl I can't believe you survived twice from Sepsis that is unheard of. Geez girl you have been through the ringer my prayers and healing thoughts of for a healthy recovery I sure hope you get to feeling better and be able to enjoy life like you use to. I go in 11/15 so let's keep each other posted!
Oct 15Reply
hydrogirl Makes the body attack itself, and so much more. They caused me to go Septic 3 weeks ago and my Toxicology Results are so high in everything bad. All I know, is there are THOUSANDS of women that have finally figured it out and are standing together. Our stories are ALL the pathology reports following these women post-op is CRAZY SCARY!
Oct 15Reply
hydrogirl Well, the only reason I survived was because I had Ozone Autohemotherapy. It was a last ditch effort for survival and thank God, it works amazing!
Oct 15Reply
groomersedge @hydrogirl I will have to look that up. I truly believe in good nutrition and natural remedies of course you have to use modern medicine too but I don't like all the drugs they push that don't fix the problem. I was shocked when the doctors a mayo talked about nutrition meditation and exercise. Stress is a big factor.
Oct 15Reply
hydrogirl @groomersedge THAT IS FANTASTIC TO HEAR TAMARA! So many Dr's won't even recognize diet and nutrition to stay healthy and eliminate disease. That's why I started researching Naturopathic MDs. I knew I didn't have Parkison's. I didn't know what I had, but my heart knew it wasn't Parkison's. it's important to find QUALIFIED MDs for Autohemotherapy if you decide to do it. I think everyone should have at least 1 treatment a year for health maintenance.
Oct 15Reply
zoobeedoo @herbiedog Adorable dog alert!🐕🐾💕💕
Dec 11Reply
herbiedog WOW these are the fashionable ‘runway ‘ dogs!! 🐕🐶🐾😉💕
Dec 11Reply
vtgcovergirl What a blast that must be! 🐶🐶🐶💘
May 11Reply
groomersedge @riglem65 It is some people take it way too serious though. What a cutie you have
May 30Reply
vtgcovergirl @groomersedge I can TOTALLY see that happening... 😆 And thank you for noticing my little “show dog” Micah! (Well not really, but he does prance around like he’s in a competition most of the time....) 😎😂💞🐶 Just one of his sweetest qualities!
May 30Reply

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