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Updated May 14
Updated May 14

redboutin: best Posh closet for Louboutin resale

Christian Louboutin



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Only 100% authentic items! Retailer of new and gently used Luxury Brands including Christian Louboutin, Prada, Gucci, Valentino & more! Please feel free to contact me with any questions. New listings coming soon! 👠💞👠 I also love supporting fellow poshers. Reach out with any authenticicty questions or if you need help or advice. 5 star rated.
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31tlm and 84 others like this
nikkis_nook Sounds great! Your username saids it all! Looking forward to great deals:) good luck!
Nov 07Reply
jaymedreizen Awesome Closet 💥💥Enjoyed Going Through All your beautiful deals💥💥 have a great day Jayme
Nov 08Reply
nenina3 Thanks for sharing my listing!❤
Nov 08Reply
jnemom I am offering 25% off bundles of two or more items. Visit my closet! Happy poshing!!
Nov 14Reply
babydudz I love Sullivan's Island too! Lived in Mt Pleasant for awhile. Graduated from Wando High. Love your closet! :)
Nov 15Reply
redboutin @babydudz wow! It's such a special place 😊
Nov 15Reply
lizaday @redboutin Hi, I just wanted to say that you’re closet is absolutely AMAZING!! I may have gone a little crazy with the share button, lol. 👏🏻😃
Nov 16Reply
redboutin @lizaday thank you!
Nov 16Reply
lizaday @redboutin My pleasure!!
Nov 16Reply
designhb @redboutin Love your closet!
Nov 17Reply
redboutin @designhb thank you!! 😍
Nov 17Reply
anites_atelier This is so cute! I hope it sells asap! In the mean time check out my closet. Im running a liquidation sale as im closing my shop. 4 for $25 all items under $20! All the best!!!🎀🦋
Nov 19Reply
jomoblue7 Thanks for sharing my listing. Your Closet is fiance will Love it. We look forward to shopping with you.
Nov 20Reply
redboutin @jomoblue7 thank you!💞
Nov 20Reply
chorse4life Thank you for the follow and share sweet pea! I appreciate it!
Nov 20Reply
realprz Your items are immaculately photographed and such high high quality- you are definitely reaching your goals. I wish you continued success and thank you for the previous shares 🙏🏼🙏🏼💖
Nov 22Reply
redboutin @realprz that was very sweet and thoughtful of you. Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving
Nov 22Reply
enny_lav Thanks so much for the shares. I really appreciate it 🤗. You have a phenomenal closet!!! I also noticed you’re in Charlotte. I actually work in Charlotte but I live in Rock Hill. Happy Poshing! 😁
Nov 25Reply
redboutin @enny_lav that's cool! Thank you so much. You also have a great closet.
Nov 25Reply
makeupgoddess40 Hello thanks for the shares. 😘. Awesome closet.
Nov 27Reply
wowtreasures Thanks for sharing my closet! I came by to visit, and wow by all the gorgeous items you have! One of my favorite closets! Book marked so I can return to shop some more! 🥂Cheers, hope my shares brings you some speedy sales!!😁
Nov 27Reply
redboutin @wowtreasures thank you!! You just made my day 😊
Nov 27Reply
jae1027 Hello 🧡 I’d love to offer you a discount on anything in my closet!
Nov 28Reply
bvalde Your closet is to die for - OMG! 😍👠
Nov 29Reply
seana73 Thanks for sharing appreciate it greatly 😃
Dec 01Reply
missrosered Thank you for sharing my pretty shoes!
Dec 08Reply
gigi11155 So nice to see another Carolinian with red soles lol. Just love them!! Can’t afford them, but love them lol!! Nice to meet you, I’m Debbie in Winston-Salem❄️☃️🌬 Did y’all get as much snow as we are getting??
Dec 09Reply
redboutin @gigi11155 hello there! Lucky for me I'm in Florida🏖 this week but I heard there is a lot more ice than snow. ❄️
Dec 09Reply
gigi11155 @redboutin you best bet you better be glad you’re in Fla. this week lol!! Now Charlotte I saw was right on the line so y’all might have gotten more ice but I’m looking at snow up to my big hiney lol!! Anyway nice to meet you honey ❤️👍😊
Dec 09Reply
gigi11155 @redboutin Oh and nice to meet ya!! Happy Poshing and feel free to see if there’s something in my closet that you can’t live without lol!!❤️👍😊
Dec 09Reply
redboutin @gigi11155 nice to meet you too Debbie! Stay warm and I'll check it out. 😃
Dec 09Reply
gigi11155 @redboutin ❤️👍😊❄️❄️❄️
Dec 10Reply
k_p1 Amazing closet. Well done. Happy Holidays.
Dec 11Reply
prettyaka13 Thanks for the shares!!!
Dec 16Reply
salmaij Wow! Thanks for all the shares!
Dec 19Reply
nicolepost3 Are these all your own shoes?
Dec 22Reply
bstewart0430 Your closet is amazimg!!
Dec 22Reply
redboutin @luxloveloz hi! I love that you are interested in these! Sorry I didn't see the counter offer. I wish I could go lower I just can't with posh fees. They take 20%!
Dec 27Reply
redboutin @luxloveloz I will definitely keep you in mind. I wish I could accept. 😫
Dec 27Reply
tricia77r Nice to meet you on posh. Hope you are loving it! 💕
Dec 28Reply
skiboots123 Thank you for all the shares! Love your closet! Happy Poshing!
Dec 29Reply
fatoon1 You have nice test really gorgeous closet good luck selling
Dec 31Reply
vi357 Thank you fir the help I am new at this still Learning how website works 😀 I’ll be adding lot more especially shoes and dresses. Thank u
Dec 31Reply
bflydaflyb @redboutin Thanks for the Posh Love! 💖💖 I love your closet 😍 too! I’ll be sharing most definitely! 🎉HAPPY NEW YEAR🎉 🥂 Cheers to MANY new posh sales!!
Jan 01Reply
margaretmegan1 We also have amazing closet. We all have to help one another. Hope you have an amazing selling year.
Jan 02Reply
redboutin @margaretmegan1 you too!!! I agree
Jan 02Reply
cute_not_crap Thank you soooooo much for all the shares! You are awesome! ❤️
Jan 02Reply
bullsbay1 @redboutin Hi, Thank you for sharing. I'm from Charleston, and lived in Mt Pleasant. Just wanted to say hi. Happy New Year, Bridgette
Jan 06Reply
redboutin @gissy312 thank you!☺️
Jan 07Reply
redboutin @bullsbay1 nice to meet you! ☺️ I can tell by your name! Happy New year!
Jan 07Reply
fbaydoun18 Actually I really Love Love Love your closet!! You have an amazing taste and great variety!! Love all the gorgeous shoes!!
Jan 08Reply
lovethelabel821 Love your closet!!! I shared a few items as well. I am just starting out though 😀
Jan 09Reply
redboutin @lovethelabel821 thank you!! It's hard when you first start out. Share your closet as much as you can. It brings your items to the top of the search results 😉
Jan 09Reply
modestprodigy Thank you for sharing my listings! 💙
Jan 10Reply
minichanga Thank You Red!!! You got Amazing taste ❤️
Jan 13Reply
ghstrider83 Thanks for the shares and stopping by my new closet!!
Jan 13Reply
uwanthisandthat Thank you so much any help is appreciated have a great day!
Jan 14Reply
sprinkledwstyle Thank you so much for the shares!! I love your closet and wish i could fit in your cloths!!!
Jan 18Reply
s117 Thank you for sharing! It’s very much appreciated! ❣️
Jan 19Reply
jshopmycloset Love your fabulous closet hun! I'm a newbie here on this community and I love browsing for some good stuff with amazing deals! Glad I found your closet. 🤗🤩 Happy Poshing🤗
Jan 20Reply
jov123 Hi, just wondering if my order has shipped? I am really wanting to use them this weekend!
Jan 22Reply
redboutin @jov123 yes! Yesterday. Sorry it took a few days. I’m out of town and had to get someone to do it for me.
Jan 22Reply
jov123 Great, thank you!
Jan 22Reply
redboutin @jov123 actually he just told me because of mlk day the post office was closed so he took them this morning.
Jan 22Reply
jov123 Ok it’s fine
Jan 22Reply
ericajanebtq OMG!!! I love your closet more and more every time every time I look!!!!
Jan 23Reply
redboutin @ericajane395 you're so sweet! Hope you're loving the Givenchy heels!
Jan 23Reply
ericajanebtq @redboutin I wore them today for cocktails in LaJolla. I love them!!! Thank you so much 🥂👠🔆
Jan 24Reply
redboutin @ericajane395 😃 yesssss!! I wish I was having cocktails in la Jolla!
Jan 24Reply
brooklyn_glam Teamwork! Happy to keep sharing too! Let’s make some sales 🙋🏼‍♀️🤗🙋🏻‍♀️
Jan 24Reply
rblm18 Thank you for sharing items from my closet!! Your closet is amazing!
Jan 25Reply
sparklelee007 Thank you so much doll for the Posh love and the share!!😘🎉🥂
Jan 26Reply
sparklelee007 😘Appreciate the shares doll!!! Thank you soooo much!
Jan 27Reply
bemonsalve Hi! I enjoyed looking through your closet and all the cool things you have for sale! This site is a dangerous place for my wallet! lol I'm still new to the game, so please feel free to leave me a comment and learn more about this awesome community!
Jan 28Reply
ritamarbley Fabulous closet doll! LOVE IT!!! ❤💕
Jan 30Reply
ceruleanvelvet WOW! I am loving YOUR closet! 😍 Everything is so beautiful! I can definitely get lost in there! Thank you again for taking the time to visit and sharing my closet. You and your closet...both amazing! 💎
Feb 02Reply
redboutin @lottaflossy 🙏🏻🙏🏻🥰
Feb 02Reply
redboutin @ritamarbley 🙏🏻☺️
Feb 02Reply
eldee1217 Hi ‘I’m new to posh I have a few things you might like.
Feb 13Reply
spreadlove Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day! :-)
Feb 14Reply
redboutin @spreadlove Hi Melissa! Great closet! Nice to meet you too. 🤗
Feb 14Reply
closet105 Hello @redboutin thank you so Much for taking the time to look at my closet and engage with my listing(s) I really appreciate it that 😊❤️my closet is open for any offers, feel free to make one if interested on anything from there 😊 If you have any questions please feel free to let me know I’ll be more then happy to help you☺️ You have an amazing day ahead of you 🙂
Feb 15Reply
eldee1217 Hi I am new to posh I would love for you to check out my closet.
Feb 15Reply
redboutin @eldee1217 hi! Looks good! Share your closet as much as you can and be open to offers. You should get Sales soon! 😃
Feb 15Reply
eldee1217 Thank you for sharing and the advice.
Feb 15Reply
krista1l Hi I love your closet!! You should check out mine I have brands like SEPHORA, FASHION NOVA, and VICTORIA’S SECRET. And a bunch of other brands. Feel free to make offers on anything you like! Thank you & happy poshing💕
Feb 18Reply
awesomestuff100 Thank you for consistently sharing my closet! Frankie@awesomestuff100
Feb 26Reply
rosieqnshopper Thank you so much for all the shares! 😌♥️ and your closet is beautiful. I have to sell sell to buy buy buy and I’m definitely going to come back and shop your closet huh the shoes 👠 I’m in love!
Feb 27Reply
justmeka390 Thank you for always sharing my items... I ❤️ your items too.., just not in my shoe size have a fantastic closet😉
Feb 28Reply
redboutin @justmeka390 💖 thank you!!
Feb 28Reply
redboutin @rosieqnshopper 🥰 thank you!!
Feb 28Reply
govegtiff You have an amazing closet! Thank you for stopping by and sharing my listings!! 😘
Feb 28Reply
frannegirl This is one of the best closets I’ve seen!
Mar 01Reply
redboutin @frannegirl wow! 🤩 thank you for the best compliment!!
Mar 01Reply
styleoverbrand Thank you so much for all the sharings!!💐
Mar 03Reply
erika_bell Your closet is stunning!!
Mar 06Reply
ellasaunt Beautiful closet 💕💕
Mar 06Reply
redboutin @ellasaunt thank you!! 🤗
Mar 06Reply
redboutin @erika_bell thank you so much!
Mar 06Reply
cristelle3 Thank you fir all the shares💕💕💕
Mar 06Reply
redboutin @michlee1969 thank you so much! ☺️
Mar 08Reply
redboutin @1llmatic 😘😘😘
Mar 08Reply
hauteconscious Thank you for the shares! 🤗💖✨ I hope you have a great week of deals and sales.
Mar 12Reply
tb2shop YOUR CLOSET😮❣️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ BEAUTIFUL!!!
Mar 25Reply
redboutin @tb2shop thank you!!🥰
Mar 25Reply
nu2urcloset2 Just wanted to thank u for taking the time to share my listings! It’s very sweet of you and truly appreciated! ☺️🌸
Mar 25Reply
jillclark0615 Thanks for sharing some of my closet!! 💕
Mar 28Reply
maturesassy Thanks for the shares love !💕🙂
Apr 06Reply
ohusoneedthis Hi, I’m Julie! I’m sure u have heard this before—but when I saw “Redboutine”. I knew. You sold Christian ! They are so beautiful! Unfortunately, I broke my right femur and hip. So, that was the end of heels for me! I did see a few flats! Plus come by hopefully after Easter! My closet’s temporarily closed. So, I can deal with my Mom’s healthcare. And revamp closet and bring to my closet Spring/Summer items!!! Thank you for the shares!
Apr 08Reply
redboutin @ohusoneedthis hi Julie! Thank you for the sweet message. I hope everything works out for you!
Apr 08Reply
mynahshine Love love love your closet! I’m a Louboutin lover! I bought 3 pairs last month! 😳 They’re the most comfortable heels for me. I have 2 pairs of Jimmy Choo’s and I can’t wear them. Just not comfortable. You have some amazing deals too!
Apr 12Reply
redboutin @mynahshine you have a beautiful closet! Thank you! I agree I love louboutin so much. Nothing compares. 🥰
Apr 12Reply
mynahshine No they’re the best. I met him once at a Nordstrom event. He’s really nice too!
Apr 12Reply
fraley05 Closet Envy!!!💕💕💕💕
Apr 20Reply
redboutin @fraley05 thank you 🥰
Apr 20Reply
mvflores01 My ambassador... I don’t quite understand what I’m suppose to de when someone adds my item to their bundle... 🙈. What if it’s only one item? What do I do?
Apr 22Reply
redboutin @mvflores01 some sellers send them an offer on the item or items in the bundle. Some use it as a selling tool. Most people bundle items when the want to remember they liked or they bundle multiple items to purchase and only be charged for shipping one time. I personally don't make an offer to the buyers that just bundle one item. If they make an offer to me I will accept it or counter.
Apr 22Reply
redboutin @mvflores01 If people want to buy from you I think they will. Hopefully that makes sense. You can google poshmark tips and learn a lot!
Apr 22Reply
mvflores01 @redboutin I’ve been reading the tips & I don’t understand why I can’t grasp the bundle concept.. thanks for taking the time out to explain. It was very helpful. 💐
Apr 22Reply
redboutin @mvflores01 it's supposed to help when you're buying more than one item in someone's closet you bundle to only be charged once for shipping. But many people use it to make offers to sellers and buyers. next to your closet name there is a bundle tab. If you switch to sell view you can place items from your own closet into a buyer's bundle and send them an offer
Apr 22Reply
mizpabs_closet Hi! Thanks for sharing from my closet. Did the same for you. Beautiful shoes, but not my size. Take care and Happy Poshing!
Apr 28Reply
melaniejborden Gorgeous and great shoes!
May 01Reply
redboutin @melaniejborden thank you!!🥰
May 01Reply
lexusgirl66 Hi will you get any size 12’s??
May 02Reply
jeanettegall694 OMG, you are total class! Thank you so much for checking my Closet out and for your generous sharing!!
May 09Reply
dommartinez516 @redboutin how do the CL espadrilles run? I’m usually a 6-6.5 in shoes but all my CLs are a 37 and snug. Do u think 38 in the espadrille would be too big? 😭
May 10Reply
redboutin @dommartinez516 yes I do! I'm a 36 and wear a 36 36.5 in the espadrilles
May 10Reply
dommartinez516 @redboutin thank you so much!!!
May 10Reply
maryloubonacci Hi!! Are you only interested in Louboutin's?
May 12Reply
redboutin @maryloubonacci hi! I would consider any brands. 🤗
May 12Reply
maryloubonacci @redboutin yaaay! Can I text or email you what I have? Not all are posted on here
May 12Reply
redboutin Yes! Redboutin on Instagram or my email is redboutin 1 @ Gmail
May 12Reply
maryloubonacci @redboutin I sent you an email and started following you on IG 🤗
May 12Reply
nvsweet You’re Awesome! Your willingness to Share my listing is greatly appreciated.  Come Back Often!
May 22Reply
areid415is Hi there! I shipped your two (2) C-Lous on May 20, 2019 but there seems to be a delay in delivery. Are you pretty remote? I’m new to Posh, and I don’t buy, just sell, so I don’t know if you have the ability to track status as well. I’m sending this message to cover all bases. Best regards.
May 23Reply
redboutin @areid415is hi! I'm not remote at all. Im not sure why it's taking so long. Very strange.
May 23Reply
areid415is @redboutin Happy to send you a tracking number to a cell phone if you like. Or are you able to track as well? Let me know what I can do to help ...
May 23Reply
redboutin @areid415is thanks! I have it too.
May 23Reply
moonlitmansion Happy to share your beautiful closet and congrats on being a chosen "Manor Secret Posher" by @minedthemanor today! 😘💗💗
May 28Reply
redboutin @moonlitmansion thank you! Sharing back 🥰
May 28Reply
dianarw19782015 YOUR CLOSET IS PHENOMENAL!! I trade as well and have an IMPECCABLE trading record! If you're interested in anything in my closet and would like to trade, let me know! Have a wonderful day! Diana❤🛍👠
May 30Reply
redboutin @dianarw19782015 thank you so much for the sweet compliments! I don't see anything at this time. But I'll check back. 🥰
May 30Reply
danielle2231 Good morning 😉 Check out my closet 💖
Jun 02Reply
myposhplace Thank you for you purchase. These were dropped yesterday, I’m not sure why they don’t show as shipped. If they don’t show shipped tomorrow I will go through the drop location personally.
Jun 02Reply
redboutin @myposhplace no worries! Happens to me all the time.
Jun 02Reply
mwhippo Hello! If you ever come across Pigalle Follies in the rainbow glitter stripe, size 38, please let me know!!
Jun 11Reply
redboutin @mwhippo I love those!! Will do 😍
Jun 11Reply
mwhippo @redboutin thank you!! 💖
Jun 11Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Jun 11Reply
poshstreetluxe Hi from Charlotte! ❤️ love your closet. It’s a beauty. XO, Kristen
Jun 11Reply
redboutin @kmctbr @kmctbr I love yours too! I was just admiring your style. 😍 We must of been looking at each other's closet at the same time and we're both from Charlotte.
Jun 11Reply
cathyfrangos I wanted to thank you so much for your sharing and visiting! I could spend my whole day in your closet drooling.! You've done a marvelous job with your merchandise and your staging! Sometimes it's nice to have someone recognize your hard work. I certainly do... Bravo, job well done! Nice to meet a new Posh friend
Jun 11Reply
redboutin @cathyfrangos it’s so nice to be recognized! Thank you so much for your kind words. I enjoyed sharing your closet very much. Nice to meet you too 💞
Jun 11Reply
poshstreetluxe @redboutin Thank you! Similar taste and style definitely. I love that we are both in Charlotte! I’m new to Poshmark and have been hustling trying to get my closet built out. The setting up and staging is the first few hours of my day for the last two and a half weeks since beginning selling and then afternoons/evenings trying to build my followers and share closets. Oof. I’m wiped out. Lol!! I will be back to your site quite a bit I’m sure! I am a 35.5. ❤️
Jun 11Reply
jarppilarpagus Question on Louboutins - I’m looking to buy my first paid but don’t have the opportunity to try any on in person. I’ve read they run narrow I have a fairly wide foot, usually a US 8 EU 38. Do you have sizing suggestions?
Jun 20Reply
redboutin @jarppilarpagus I would try to find someone that will let you return them if they don't fit you. Try a size 39.
Jun 20Reply
thandiepixie Hi there @redboutin ! I’d like to invite you to take a peek at my closet. Personal, chic and amazing prices for the brands🌺
Jun 21Reply
ctdrummer7 Hey there- big fan of your store and how you present your items professionally. May I ask, where do you take your Louboutin’s to have the red non-slip soles installed? And how much does that typically cost? Thanks
Jun 25Reply
redboutin @ctdrummer7 hi! Thanks! I take them to my cobbler in Charlotte, NC. It costs about $50.
Jun 25Reply
leftr How long do u usually take for shipping? Just curious
Jul 01Reply
redboutin @leftr usually same day. So it takes about two to three days from the time you order.
Jul 01Reply
redboutin @leftr I was out of town today so your new watch will ship tomorrow. 🤩
Jul 01Reply
nataliian Hey, did you get your stuff back from that scammer? I saw a post on FB from some girl that was scammed by the same seller. After she took some serious action she shipped everything back. Did you get your stuff back?
Aug 12Reply
redboutin @nataliian I think that is me I'm Kelly. Yes I got my stuff back! Thank you for caring! ☺️
Aug 12Reply
nataliian @redboutin , oh yeah! Holy crap:) sorry! Have a good day:)
Aug 12Reply
dustynegron53 I just wanted to thank you for your purchase and to let you know why shipping has been delayed I had surgery Friday and they are releasing me in the morning so I will be able to ship by end of the week, I’m sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. If you want to cancel your order I completely understand DustyNegron
Aug 18Reply
redboutin @dustynegron53 I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope you are ok. I don’t mind waiting. I just am happy to hear from you and to know you’re a real seller. I was worried this was a fake account. Thanks so much and hope you get well!
Aug 18Reply
dustynegron53 Thank you for understanding
Aug 19Reply
r_fremont @redboutin 💕💕Love your closet!! 🌹🏵🌻🌺
Aug 24Reply
redboutin @r_fremont thank you! ☺️
Aug 24Reply
sb_finethings Hello...I have a few things for sell you might like
Aug 27Reply
leah_7778 Beautiful closet ❤
Sep 14Reply
kikihou86 Would you do a trade for a purse for the two items I have in my closet they are both brand new and have tags and a have receipts for both??
Sep 15Reply
redboutin @kikihou86 hi! Honestly I have zero need for the swim suit. I'm sorry. I love the louboutin's though. What purse are you referring to? I have a bunch for sale 😊
Sep 15Reply
kikihou86 @redboutin I do like the grey Chanel or the black the the white CC
Sep 15Reply
redboutin @kikihou86 I would consider a trade for the black white Chanel bag if you have something besides the Versace suit? Also because you don't have any trade history of we come to a deal you will have to ship first. As soon as I receive the products I'll ship yours. Unfortunately, I was scammed by someone here on poshmark and it wasn't fun. 🤦‍♀️
Sep 15Reply
kikihou86 @redboutin I wouldn’t have a problem with sending it out first I really don’t have anything else other than those two items I mean I have some other shoes that are in the box but they’re no way near as expensive as these
Sep 15Reply
coco1158 Hello she ended up with different tracking. She should of called me. I have it listed on my site. So sorry. They wouldn’t accept the tracking from Posh. So she paid 14.50. But it is on its way. I apologize. Ty for your sale.
Sep 23Reply
redboutin @coco1158 I don't think it will work unless you use the label provided by poshmark. It will probably be returned to her.
Sep 23Reply
coco1158 @redboutin it was excepted. Once you have tracking. Let me know unless you don’t mind it there
Sep 23Reply
coco1158 @redboutin they produced bad label
Sep 23Reply
coco1158 I’ll write them
Sep 23Reply
coco1158 @redboutin wrote them and sent tracking. Hoping ok. I told them I do not want money back. Just acceptance.
Sep 23Reply
vintagebitchaz Congrats on hosting Kelly! Can’t wait to Posh Party Together!
Sep 26Reply
redboutin @vintagebitchaz congrats to you! So great for you selling all that gorgeous jewlery. ✨
Sep 26Reply
catpvaughn You have a wonderful closet! Wishing you all the best!
Sep 27Reply
vickag24 @redboutin congrats 🎊🎈 on your party! I am sure you are excited!!! Have fun! Take a look at my closet, I have lots of handmade (by me) necklaces, bracelets and earrings
Sep 27Reply
lindsayrm21 Congratulations on hosting! I hope your party is a great success! I’m new to Poshmark in the past 3 months and I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!
Sep 27Reply
robincia 💞 Party time! I will be there!! If you have a flier I am happy to share it! PS- I would love to be considered for a Host Pick! 💞
Sep 27Reply
karlensclassics Congratulations on hosting tomorrow's party. I plan on attending and sharing my jewelry there. Please feel free when you have time to browse my closet in case there you might consider as a host pick.
Sep 27Reply
daisygirl85255 Congratulations on hosting the Best In Jewelry Posh Party tomorrow! If you are still looking for Host Pics I Encourage you to look at my PFF’s @abthursday closet. She has beautiful items! Wishing your all the very best with your party. 🎉💗🌸👏👍🌺💗🎉😇
Sep 28Reply
fashionportal Congratulations on your upcoming Posh Party. Hope you have many sales. Lilly
Sep 28Reply
nansea57 Hi, your closet is gorgeous, I noticed because your hosting a party today and you’re from Charlotte! My husband and I moved here for work about 4 hrs ago and love it. You mentioned that you can help with authentication? I picked up a bag with D&G appliquéd on he side. I think it’s a fake, but can you tell? I’ve been using it, because I like it, but if was real I’d sell it. Do you mind if I tag you in the listing? Thanks, Nancy 🌺
Sep 28Reply
mikeabro10 You have a very nice closet! Wishing you the best! 😊
Sep 28Reply
ohhello23 Thank you so much for the host pick!!!
Sep 28Reply
msuppes1 Thanks so much for hosting the Best in Jewelry & Accessories Posh Party yesterday. I got a lot of traction off of it! Thanks again!
Sep 30Reply
redboutin @msuppes1 that's wonderful!
Sep 30Reply
redboutin @nansea57 welcome to Charlotte! I know louboutin and some other brands but I'm not that good with Dolce but I'll try. I have used and they will help you for $20. All you have to do is send them pictures. Please tag me. 😊
Sep 30Reply
kikihou86 I was wondering if you were interested in a trade for the Leopard size 8s
Oct 06Reply
redboutin @kikihou86 no thank you! Just selling
Oct 07Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much!
Oct 08Reply
dagmarstone Congratulations 🍾🎉🎊🎈 to you hosting a party! It would be lovely if you would consider my closet, and that of my pff’s @poshstreetluxe @poshmandyz thanks 🙏
Oct 08Reply
jillian0404 Woohoo!! Congrats on becoming a co-hostess with the mostess. Please consider my closet for a HP. Complementary refreshments in cooler behind the cherry pie pet costume. All the best for success. Jillian
Oct 08Reply
mdskippy Congrats for hosting the Men’s Style Party tonight! What fun that will be. It’s one of my favorite ones. I’m hoping you could select one of my closet items as a host pick! Please check out my closet to see what could be featured. Good luck tonight!
Oct 09Reply
sisterpie 👖👕🧥👔🧤Congrats on co-hosting the Best in Men"s Posh Party! Hope you have super sales and super fun!👖👕🧥👔🧤
Oct 09Reply
casey_atbat @redboutin Congrats on hosting Men’s Style Posh Party today 10/9! I’d be honored if you could please consider my closet for a Host Pick to feature! Thanks and have fun hosting! (:
Oct 09Reply
fashionablefool Hi, your closet is absolutely amazing! I also shared it with my friend (she’s not a posher but she will definitely check out your closet!!). I need to find out my size in Louboutin and I will be back to look for sure!! In the meantime if you could check out my closet for a possible host pick for your party today, Best In Mens, I would very much appreciate that. Thank you‼️
Oct 09Reply
redboutin @fashionablefool you got it! Thanks for the kind words and sharing with your friend. Any questions about size let me know. Sizing is tricky
Oct 09Reply
fashionablefool @redboutin yes I want to make sure I know my size before looking and getting too excited over something in the wrong size!! LOL I am anxious to get my first pair of Louboutin‘s!!! Great closet‼️‼️😍🥰
Oct 09Reply
redboutin @fashionablefool thank you! I will always accept a return if they don’t fit you. Follow Me on Instagram
Oct 09Reply
fashionablefool @redboutin good to know, thank you! I already did follow you on Insta!!
Oct 09Reply
solesavings Congrats on hosting party tonight! One of my personal favorites!! If you are still in search of host picks please check out my Posh Compliant Closet. I have lots of accessories for Men. Thanks and cant wait to party with you!
Oct 09Reply
kjenkinson1990 I apologize if my offers are annoying. Or if you receive multiple. I have been working very hard to raise extra funds to help those impacted by the tropical storms and hurricanes about a month ago. Currently i am working with my local church and College to insure people are getting the help they need. I’m donating 10% of all sales to this cause. So far i have raised over 550$. 💕 feel free to bundle multiple likes or counter offer.
Oct 09Reply
redboutin @kjenkinson1990 I didn’t get any offers from you?
Oct 09Reply
flipnstylz Congrats on hosting tomorrow’s party 🎉 if you have a chance, please take a look at my closet for a potential HP. I would gladly appreciate it! Wishing you lots of luck and speedy sales ❤️
Oct 09Reply
samjonesposh Congrats on the Party! 🥳🎈I know you’re gonna kill it! I hope you can take a peek at my closet; I’m sure you’d like some of my items! 👖I hope one of them gets a host pick! 🙏🏻🎉
Oct 09Reply
kjenkinson1990 @redboutin omg i meant to send that to someone else! I had you page open to share you bc you were hosting today’s men’s party 😅🙈
Oct 09Reply
redboutin @kjenkinson1990 I figured. 😃
Oct 09Reply
sandy0102 Congratulations on hosting the Men’s style posh party 🎉🎉💕💕
Oct 09Reply
acelestialsoul 🐟A🏝L🌸O🐚H🦀A🐳! I can't wait to jump in to the Men’s Style party. I'd love it if you'd check out my Poshmark Compliant closet for Host 🏆 Picks. I’m a 🦋Social Butterfly🦋 & will be power sharing on Poshmark, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumbler & Pinterest. 😊  S🦞E🐬A🌼    Y🦐O🌺U🐠    A🏝T🌸   T🦋H🌊E🌴   P🌈A🦑R🐡T🐙Y🌊!🌋 ~Tricia
Oct 09Reply
flipnstylz Hi if you still have Host Pick room plz consider 🥳🎈
Oct 09Reply
kperry_1113 Hey sister! Just wanted you to know I’m loving my shoes!!!! 😘😘
Oct 14Reply
redboutin @kperry_1113 that makes Me so happy!!
Oct 14Reply
littleturtle123 I really love them that's unfortunate but I understand.
Oct 19Reply
lahr29 @redboutin Hi! Thank you for your purchase! Would you mind accepting your order from me? Hope you have a great weekend!! ❤️
Nov 15Reply
nicolepost3 Just sent you a message
Dec 31Reply
chicnation @redboutin Wishing you a happy day with positivity radiating everywhere it is so nice to meet you here on posh ! Smiles :)
Jan 06Reply
kris1621 My account has been hacked is there anyway to cancel the order that was placed on disputing it with my bank now.
Jan 22Reply
redboutin @kris1621 yes of course. Please let Poshmark know and I won’t ship this. I’m sorry that happened to you.
Jan 22Reply
kris1621 @redboutin thank you so much this is a nightmare I’m so sorry!
Jan 22Reply
redboutin @kris1621 I’m so sorry!! I hope you get it all worked out.
Jan 22Reply
redboutin @virgie1112 I know I wish it wasn’t. I can’t go any higher but I appreciate you considering it.
Feb 05Reply
sassypboutique Hello Redboutin, for the shoes that I made the offer. Will you accept $250 please? I know the shoes is worth your counteroffer but I don't have it. Please let me know. thank you
Feb 06Reply
redboutin @pearln1980 ok. Send me an offer. 😊
Feb 06Reply
sassypboutique You are the absolute best...thanks a bunch
Feb 06Reply
cheyenneh93 Hello! I saw how you have a lot of designer listings. I was wondering if you help me determine if a pair of Prada boots I have are authenticate ? I don’t want to accidentally list something that is fake.. Thank you !
Feb 22Reply
redboutin @cheyenneh93 hi! Sure I’ll do my best.
Feb 22Reply
cheyenneh93 @redboutin should I post the photos on listings here and tag you? Or email you ? Thank you so much
Feb 22Reply
redboutin @cheyenneh93 redboutin1@ G mail
Feb 22Reply
darlingnikk1 Love your closet! Everything is so beautiful 😍
Feb 27Reply
ellavation505 I LOVE LOVE LOVE your closet 🥰
Feb 29Reply
redboutin @ellavation505 thank you so much!!😊
Feb 29Reply
redboutin @darlingnikk1 thank you so much 😊
Feb 29Reply
darlingnikk1 @redboutin you’re welcome 😊
Feb 29Reply
juleskelly_xo @redboutin hi!! We spoke about returning the Louboutin black booties bc my husband bought me the wrong size. Could you please let me know if you received them back? My husband did not use the posh shipping label (we’re new at this and got confused) poshmark said they couldn’t refund payment until you communicated with them that you received the item back. Can you please let me know what’s going on so we can get our money back? You have been so kind !! Thank you so so much 😌
Mar 01Reply
izzy1128 Hey love, if you’re still interested the Hermès bag for $3,800 it’s yours. I just updated more pictures as well.
Mar 04Reply
jerimeharrow Love you closet, and love trading. I don’t have a lot now but pick up things here and there. Love vintage!! Anyhoo, stay safe. ❤️❤️
Mar 17Reply
staylor3469 do you have a CL box and dust bag I can buy? or know where I could find them? thanks
Mar 28Reply
redboutin @staylor3469 hi! I don’t sell mine but I always see them posted on here and other sites like this. Should not cost you much $$. Good luck!
Mar 30Reply
monaboop @redboutin hi sweetie im interested in your black and white tweed chanel bag ($1750) may i ask how one would know if it is authentic if there is no serial number? Lmk thanks
Apr 07Reply
redboutin @monaboop Hi! I paid a company to authenticate it. Their name is real authentication. Also Poshmark will authenticate it too. 😃
Apr 07Reply
monaboop @redboutin ok so heres the deal. I want to make u an offer but im going to use Affirm to pay. Im told that if i make an offer and u accept then i cant use it. Do i have to make u a verbal offer and then u change the listing price and i buy immediately? Is that how that works?
Apr 07Reply
redboutin @monaboop I’m firm on this price.
Apr 07Reply
monaboop @redboutin so u dont accept any offers at all?
Apr 07Reply
redboutin @monaboop I do on most of my items. I didn’t realize I had this bag on here for so low. I’m going to change the price if you don’t buy it. Posh takes 20% of the sale so it’s not a very good deal for me to sell it at this price. Thank you for understanding
Apr 07Reply
barb4300 Could you tell me if these are authentic? I trust your opinion. Thanks!!
May 27Reply
redboutin @band4300 I’m happy to. can you please tag me in the post.
May 27Reply
barb4300 @redboutin How do I do that??
May 27Reply
redboutin @band4300 on the listing comment @redboutin
May 27Reply
fashionwonders 💕💕💕Dear Kelly, congratulations on hosting a Best In Dresses, Skirts and Suits Posh Party! 🎉🎉🎉 I am very excited for you! Enjoy hosting and I will be there to celebrate with you! If you consider a host pick from my closet, I will be very grateful! Have a great time and wishing you many happy sales! 💕💕💕💕
Jun 22Reply
recca722 Hi there! Congratulations on hosting a posh party!! 🥳 When you get a chance, come on over to my closet 💫 It’s color coordinated & easy to search through if you’re looking for a particular colored item 😉 Good luck hosting ! Can’t wait to do some shopping 🛍
Jun 24Reply
karlensclassics Congratulations on hosting the Best in Dresses, Skirts & Suits Posh Party. It's one I try to always attend, and share my listings. I hope you have fun, and make many new sales and followers.
Jun 24Reply
Jun 24Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? thanks so much!
Jun 24Reply
camillehshea Congratulations on hosting a Posh Party tomorrow. I hope you have much success and many sales. Just in case you have an opening for a Host Pick, I would appreciate your consideration for an item from my closet. Thanks so much.
Jun 24Reply
lindsayrm21 Congratulations on hosting! I hope your party is a great success! I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!
Jun 24Reply
nereichek Congratulations on hosting the swim party. I hope you don’t mind I’m sending you a picture of the swimsuit, and hope you can use it, If not I completely understand. Thanks for all you do. Nancy
Jun 24Reply
jenniferbabin I have a new closet and would love to be considered for a host pick. Thanks! 🥰🥰🥰
Jun 24Reply
palmbeachvibe Congratulations on hosting a party!!! 🎉 I would love for you to check out my closet for a possible host pick! I have a lot of cute dresses that you may like! 👗 I look forward to partying with you tomorrow! Best wishes for speedy sales! 🛍
Jun 24Reply
bwood8 🎉🌟CONGRATULATIONS on HOSTING🌟🎉 ⭐️Please check out my PFF’S closets! ⭐️ 🏆(they are AWESOME)🏆 🥳🥳WE cant wait to party with you! 🥳🥳 🛍✨🌟🥳🍾🎉🍾🎉🍾🎉🥳🌟✨🛍 🥂@sun2city 🥂@stars4u99 🥂@brookewinters 🥂@acelestialsoul 🥂@bellefemme6 🥂@thefebresappeal 🥂@highfashnz 🥂@fashonbyalexis 🥂@kkaytigirl 🥂@stylish_paige 🥂@frillsnthrills 🥂@lorimasterson 🥂@fryemeup 🥂@JennaLyn19 🚨💃🏼Thank you & see you at the party!💃🏼🚨
Jun 25Reply
toutdouxlicorne CONGRATS on hosting today’s party!!! 🥳🎉 I’d be delighted if you would consider one of my listings for a host pick. Wishing you much health & success!!! 💫💖
Jun 25Reply
nicole_parr Congrats on hosting!!!! Please consider one of my dress or skirt listings as a host pick 🦋🙏💖🥳
Jun 25Reply
dressscore @redboutin Hi, hello, just another person asking for a Host Pick🙋 I sell mostly dresses, take professional photos, and would love to be considered! -Audrey
Jun 25Reply
oliviacat24 Hi congrats on hosting a posh party! Please come check out my closet for any last minute host picks! Thanks and happy poshing! 🎉
Jun 25Reply
thj123 hi!!! please consider my closet for a host pick... thank you!!! 🤗
Jun 25Reply
808dragonheart 🌸🌟🌸Congratulations on Hosting “Best in Dresses, Skirts and Suits Posh Party”🌸🌟🌸I am NEW to the Poshmark Family and I am looking forward to my new adventure in Selling, Sales, Sharing Amazing Closets, participating in Fabulous Posh Parties with Awesome Host Picks and meeting Great people. I hope I will be considered as one of the Lucky Poshers to receive a Host Pick! I will be there to support and celebrate your Special day with you! Thank you and Happy Poshing 🌸🌟🌸 🌷🌷🌷Aloha Trude ~ 6.25.20🌷🌷🌷
Jun 25Reply
empirez_sun 🎊🎉CONGRATS🎉🎊on being selected as Co~Host! If u have time, please check out my closet for some Cool items. Thanks!🌈🌸
Jun 25Reply
1fashionfinds1 Aloha! Congratulations on co-hosting the best in dresses, skirts, & suits posh party!! 🎉🎊 Please stop by my closet for a possible Host Pick if you get a chance! Mahalo! 🌺
Jun 25Reply
adornedlovely Hi😊, Congratulations on Hosting the Best in Dresses, Skirts & Suits Posh Party!!! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a successful party. Stay strong & healthy during this time. Thank you & Happy Poshing 💚🌸💚
Jun 25Reply
jnperryy Hi! Congrats on getting picked to co-host! Not sure if you’re still doing host picks, but if so, I’d love for you to check out my closet! I have some items that match the theme perfectly! :)
Jun 25Reply
lill4 🥳Congratulations on hosting🥳 🎉🎉🎉 🎉A PARTY!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 🌺🌺🌺So exited for you!!!🌺🌺🌺 🌺🌺Please consider my closet🌺🌺 🌺🌺for a potential Host Pick.🌺🌺 🌺🌺🌺THANK YOU!!!!🌺🌺🌺 🎉🎉Good😊luck🎉🎉Enjoy 🎉🎉
Jun 25Reply
fashionmix_1 CONGRATULATIONS on Hosting!!! 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈 Would you please take the time and consider my closet for a host pick! ✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟v✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨🌟
Jun 25Reply
kathysingz Hi 👋 Thank you for hosting today🙏 I really appreciate it ❤️ Have fun perusing postings you locate host picks🌞 Happy Poshing ⭐️
Jun 25Reply
hdm39 Congrats on hosting!! I’d LOVE for you to check out my dresses and skirts if you have a chance! 💖😊
Jun 25Reply
cherrypicking Hi love! I noticed you an Anthropologie Romper. I have the same exact one listed for more than HALF off of the price of the one you liked! Just an FYI in case you are interested. It is the perfect romper for the current environment! Happy Poshing! 🙂💐💕
Aug 27Reply
redboutin @cherrypicking thanks. What a deal. I’m pregnant now so there’s no way that’s going to fit me right now. But good luck selling!
Aug 27Reply
cherrypicking @redboutin Thanks for your kind note! Enjoy your pregnancy🙂💖
Aug 27Reply
cathyandre01 Wow ! What an amazing closet... I love it ♥️💙💚(Kindly from a French Posher🇫🇷)
Oct 22Reply
kolevsky Hi there. I reached out a while back on the Developpa heels. I’m a 6.5/7 but mainly a 7. I know CL run small but since these are open I’m hoping they would fit. Are they very narrow at the toe?
Apr 22Reply
redboutin @kolevsky I think they might be too small for you but if you want to try them off accept a return if they are too small.
Apr 22Reply
kolevsky @redboutin thanks very much. Just put through an offer.
Apr 22Reply
kolevsky @redboutin they’re a perfect fit! 1/2 size up would have been too big. I’m off to the cobbler this weekend to clean up the bottoms but they’re beautiful. Will be rocking them for Mother’s Day brunch!
Apr 28Reply
redboutin @kolevsky that’s awesome to hear!!! We Must be the same size because they fit me perfectly too.
Apr 28Reply
boromaca Hi! Thanks for sharing! Bobbi😊
Apr 29Reply
sprinklesbaker Hi! I'm Emily. Thanks for stopping by! If you like any of my items feel free to create a bundle so you can get a great deal! I’m a quick shipper I usually send them out a day or two after😊 I’ll accept any offers on any items I’m selling!
May 08Reply
anjisattic Hi there, thanks so much for sharing my Mawi Kunzite. Good luck with your sales too. Such sexy shoes. I'm 70, so they would give a whole new meaning to broken hip...LOL Stay well. Peace and love, Anji
Jun 29Reply
yourheartdesire @redboutin Thank you so much for sharing my listing. I appreciate it. Xoxo
Aug 23Reply
debbiesjourney @redboutin Hi there! I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed sharing your beautiful closet with my followers! When you get a chance, I hope you will check out my closet for Women’s shoes sizes 8.5-11 and children’s clothing, shoes, toys & home accessories!
Aug 29Reply
laruelabelle Thank you for the follow. We appreciate it!
Sep 17Reply
laruelabelle Thank you for the follow. We appreciate it!
Sep 17Reply
yazymasterpiece Thank you so much for sharing my closet ❤
Sep 21Reply
yoannyr Thank you! l'm sorry I didn't mean to press like, although you have some very beautiful things! And Happy Pushing. Blessings!
Dec 05Reply
luka201 Hi love your closet I see you have a lot of beautiful purses I have a purse in my closet I don't know anything about I would appreciate it if you could look at it
Feb 22Reply
sheenafierce Hi I saw your purchase of the Chanel bag. Did you read the description how I don’t have the authentication card? Is that okay with you? I also need time to be back to my closet as I’m in NJ right now and my home state is CALI - so it would be mid April
Mar 28Reply
redboutin @sheenafierce no problem. Yes I did read it. I’m in no hurry but Poshmark might cancel it? If you want to sell me it through a different way I’m also open to that. I see you sold it before and the buyer canceled? Is that because the card didn’t match?
Mar 29Reply
sheenafierce @redboutin that’s true okay well let me see if I can get an extension from them. Yes the seller cancelled it when the card didn’t match. I still may have the card in another bag but I haven’t figured it out yet. I live in riverside and these bags are in Irvine so I need to go look through it thags why I just put to assume that the card lost even though it may not be
Mar 29Reply
joannex @redboutin hi would you take the Gucci wedges for $250? Please let me know thanks
Apr 12Reply
4winwin Thanks!❤️
Apr 18Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
May 05Reply
schelenoftroy Hello fellow Posh Ambassador! How I love your store name!❤️Thanks for your shares! 💕Fabulous closet! 😍Best to you on your Posh sales & treasure hunts! 🤞🏽🍀 Stay safe🙏🏽 & Posh On!💕
Jul 29Reply
allfrockedup I think your closet is my new happy place. Sigh. Seriously gorgeous.
Aug 11Reply
sourapplestore Hello ✌ My name is Danielle and I've created the Sour Apple Apparel closet and I would be so  grateful if you had a moment to check out my closet. I'm hoping there maybe something in there just for you! If you see something you LOVE please make an OFFER or SHARE it with our fellow poshers and ill do the same!! Much love! Danielle Sour Apple Apparel 🍏
Aug 21Reply
kdr88 ❤️Thank you for following me! All NEW followers today ONLY will receive 50% off any item(s) in my closet (unless the item description states it doesn’t participate in the sale). Hope you have a wonderful day! ❤️ Make sure you bundle your items, comment in the bundle about this promotion, and send me the offer!
Sep 01Reply
cutehosiery @redboutin Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 19Reply
31tlm Absolutely Beautiful Closet ❣️❣️❣️❣️💝💝💝💝
Sep 22Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Oct 04Reply
dolphinbay3 Happy New Year 🥳!! May 2025 be your best year yet! 💎
Jan 07Reply

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Charlotte, NC
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Last Active: 16 hours ago

Charlotte, NC
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