About @2sweet2be334
Posher since May 2016
Average Ship Time: 4 days
Last Active: 16 hours ago
University of Phoenix-Arizona
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Love Notes

Thank you so much my daughter loves the shorts! I they ante exactly as described in the picture and thanks for the super fast shipping. Will definitely do business with again! God Bless! 😊💕
Jul 20

Thank you dear Posher LaCheryl for sending my two National Geographic magazines from the past. I’m happy I got them but I realized I could’ve got another discount which included two more magazines for free I think. I didn’t read the sale or discount you wrote about. I ordered the two magazines too quickly. That’s what happens when you don’t read everything. At least I got an automatic discount for getting 2 magazines though. I am born and raised in East Harlem and many years ago had that magazine about it. I lost many of my belongings and it was good to get this one back. The other magazine is for my teen daughter who firmly believes like I did at her age that there are other creatures living far far away on other worlds and that we’re not the only ones on earth alive in the universe. I still believe this but I also believe that God simply doesn’t want us interacting with other creatures from other worlds otherwise he would’ve made our nearby planets have creatures we could talk to and see. Maybe one day God will open a portal and allow us to interact with other creatures. I only hope we can get along?! So, it was nice to see her love that magazine and want to hang some of the pictures on her wall from the magazine. She just put up a poster saying I Believe with a ufo flying in the sky over a blue night sky. Can you believe the government is even not denying ufo’s lately?! That’s pretty kooky. Anyway, thank you for my items. May you stay blessed on and off Posh as I pray I will.
Jun 08