About @acottagemarket
Posher since Apr 2019
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Mar 02 2024
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Love Notes

Love the sweater. Few stains that look like they were worked on but not successful, and a few others including a big one on the sleeve I was able to get out and finish the others. May want to not put a beautiful sweater in a tiny box because taking it out the sweater was really wrinkled. Other than successfully getting out stains and wrinkles, great sweater.
Jan 23

I just opened my package- I am so glad it was so well wrapped! I'm usually hesitant to order anything breakable as I've had some bad (sad) experiences. This seller gave me a nice deal & mailed it promptly, and as I mentioned- packaged it safely. The mug is cute- I'll probably put a plant in it- and I'm looking forward to seeing the movie again. I feel a bond with Seabiscuit- I used to live right across the street from the Pleasanton (CA)Fairgrounds where he raced long ago. I had a little "underdog" horse too, and one day we snuck out on the track, but didn't get far before we got kicked out! I was looking forward to letting him run on that track- he could really fly (beat every other horse we ever raced) but at least I could say we rode on the same track as Seabiscuit! A fun & fond memory!
Jan 08