About @afruns75
Posher since Dec 2017
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: this hour
Temple University
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

Shipped so fast! I’m so happy to have an Ahsoka and Rex shirt they’re so hard to find!
Jan 17

Thank you so much! These are my favorite cw-x shorts and they don’t make the style any more. I’m so lucky you had a pair listed. I am roasting in GA in longer short versions (I’m a northern gal, lol) and am so thankful to have a second pair for these hot days where I need the targeted support. You rock!
Jun 03

I love it! I know I’ll enjoy it when the weather cools a bit! Lol. The color is awesome. But I really appreciate your kind note! Thank you!!
Jun 18