Posh AmbassadorA
About @aholmes3813
Posher since Oct 2017
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Mar 08
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

Love the joggers! Super light and just what I hoped they'd be. Thank you for sending out quickly! 😊
Jun 06

Love, love, love, the Dr. Marten's Aimilie boots!! Love, love, love, these Dr. Martens Aimilie boots! They are so awesome looking and they are in very good condition, no flaws whatsoever. I like that they are two-tone brown and have two kinds of laces you can use, regular and ribbon. The Dr. Marten's boots are very versatile with the blue fabric inside the boot which you can fold down. I love how you sent the boots in the original box, with the paper stuffing, and the logo tissue paper, I had a lot of fun opening them!! Thank you so much for sending the Dr. Marten's boots super fast, and the original great packaging, and especially for the great price you sold them to me for. I was able to purchase something that I really liked, wanted, and would enjoy for a long time! Thank you again for everything, you are a kind person!! :)
Feb 05