About @alisonevans79
Posher since May 2016
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Mar 14
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

Thank you so very much for getting the adorable little girl clothes to me and I in turn took them to the Battered Women’s Shelter in Baton Rouge and they unpacked the box and they were actually shouting yay! I love it when kids are happy to receive clothes! These ladies and their little ones have been through so much and it makes my heart happy to see them giggle and smile, also to see them cry when they realize that the clothes are going to be theirs and they don’t have to share with anyone! The moms who picked them out were equally as happy and excited! We are so happy about everything that you sent and I truly appreciate you for helping me get the clothes at a price I can afford. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and we will be back to shop if you continue to list items! The clothes are even better than the pictures ❣️. Thank you again, Ruthanne
May 25