Meet the Posher
Love Notes

Dear Amy, Wow! What a gorgeous Brooks Brothers dress! I love it, and as you said in the description, it’s “SO classic and comfortable”! I love the fabric, too. It’’s so soft and lovely. The dress will definitely get a lot of wear from me. I also love the color combination of blue and white, my absolute favorite color combination for any outfit! So classic/classy! Thank you for listing the dress on Poshmark which enabled me to purchase it! As soon as I saw it, I knew that I had to have it! I love BrooksBrothers clothing. It’s so classic/classy, as is this dress, preppy, and timeless, my favorite styles! Thank you for everything, including wrapping the dress snugly and securely with the pretty lime green and white tissue paper (lime green is one of my favorite colors) in the shipping envelope when you mailed to me. I appreciate your care and thoughtfulness. Finally, I have Alabama connections. I have relatives that live in Florence, Birmingham, and Northport, near Tuscaloosa. It’s a small world as they say! Take care and stay safe. All the best and enjoy your summer remaining, Ann aka @houndgirl1
Aug 23

Gorgeous dress! Sadly, it is too tight around the chest and shoulders. :_((( Would you mind if I used your pics to reposh?
Apr 02