About @appseller
Posher since Feb 2022
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: 8 hours ago
Morgan State University
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

Thank you so much! It is perfect, every order I've tried they had sent the wrong one. My daughter has autism and this was her one main gift she has been asking for, for months. She is going to have the best Christmas. Thank you again for helping in a pinch. The shipping was insanely fast and the extra batteries were a great touch. I would definitely order again. (This is a really person review, I hate seeing reviews and being skeptical or only seeing bad reviews because there is no need for further communication for some people. Take your time to rate the sellers. It really helps to find something without the panic of it going wrong.) Sorry this is so long. Lol I just want you to know how special this gift really is.
Dec 22