About @artemisia1227
Posher since Jan 2016
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: Mar 07
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

Waaay smaller than thought but love Kenneth Cole. Description should have said "wallet" size for one like me who's not good @ reading measurements, and cannot do small, let alone wallet size because we got to include "the kitchen sink and all"🙂 Like everything else is fine-- great colour, brand new & clean with tag. Thank you. Please let me know when you do get any Kenneth Coles.
Sep 09

Fantastic find! Great price. Quick shipping. Outstanding service. What more could you ask for?
Nov 07

It finally arrived today!!!! Looks like the mailman delivered to the wrong street--the next street over. There is a note on the envelope saying "that I didn't see the name before I opened it. it came to the street parallel to mine" I'm just so glad they sent it to me! That was very kind of them to do so! Thank YOU for your patience also!! It's REALLY pretty!
May 25