Black RockV
About @blackrockvintag
Posher since May 2019
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Mar 06
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Love Notes

Dear Black Rock Vintage, Wow! What a gorgeous cat T-shirt by Laurel Burch! I love it! The colors are so vivid and stunning, and the cats’ faces are wonderfully expressive! I also love the beautiful butterflies that are flying around the cats. Blue is my favorite color, and I love cats and butterflies! I own a black male Bombay cat, and I adore him! The T-shirt fits me perfectly, and it is so comfortable! The fabric is great. Thank you for listing the T-shirt on Poshmark which enabled me to purchase it! I knew that I had to own it as soon as I saw it! I love the Laurel Burch line and designs. She was so amazingly creative and artistic! The colors she used are so vivid and stunning! I had never heard of Laurel Burch until about a year ago when I saw some of her creations listed on Poshmark. I am sure glad that I know about her now, and that there are Poshers like you selling her artistic creations on Poshmark! Thank you for everything, including wrappping the T-shirt snugly, securely, and professionally when you mailed it to me. I appreciate your care and thoughtfulness. Take care and stay safe. All the best and have a great weekend! Ann aka @houndgirl1
Apr 16