About @blue_blossoms
Posher since Nov 2021
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Oct 09 2024
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

Wonderful packaging and fresh lavender sprigs Beautiful condition. I highly recommend shopping from Blue Blossoms.
May 04

Gorgeous bowl, it will make my dining room table much more stylish. Thanks so much for a great transaction (and the lovely smelling lavender!)
May 03

You are simply the sweetest!! My god thank you for the gifts ❤️, you are very king and generous. The thoughtfulness that goes into every aspect of your packaging is like nothing I’ve seen and I have seen some glorious packaging here on Poshmark! The lavender and it matched your business icon…. My hat off to you my friend, you definitely have a brand and your business is one I will always remember. I’ll remember not only the kindness and beautiful items but that lavender … it is your signature! This is the longest comment I have left on a purchase that is so positive and honestly I could go on!! You really have a flare and have captured the brand of your business and sent it to me filled with beautiful lavender. Lol I’ll stop now but I love what you are doing! thank you Andrea!!!!
Apr 21