About @boo153
Posher since Dec 2012
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: 7 hours ago
Love Notes

Dear Denise, Wow! What a gorgeous Breyer Classic Series Race Horse, Ruffian! I love her! She is part of my growing collection of Breyer horses, and my Ruffian will be loved and cherished forever, as are my other Breyer horses! I just learned about Breyer about a year ago by browsing on Poshmark. I am surprised that I didn’t know about them earlier because I have loved horses all of my life! As a young girl, I owned and rode two American Saddlebred horses, a chestnut gelding and a chestnut mare. I showed the mare in equitation at various horse shows. So, this Ruffian is perfect for me! I also attended my first BreyerFest online this past July. What a fantastic three days! Have you ever attend one of these events? I would love to attend one on-site someday. Next year, Breyer will be celebrating its 75th anniversary at BreyerFest at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Kentucky! That will be quite a celebration. I’m sure!!!🐎🐴 Thank you for listing this beautiful, exquisite, and stunning Ruffian on Poshmark! She was a great Thoroughbred whose life ended so tragically and unnecessarily. I saw the movie about her years ago, and I was in tears. I know that Ruffian is totally happy and well in a better place now! I am thrilled to have this Breyer model replica of her now!🐎🐴 All the best, enjoy these last glorious days of summer, and have a great weekend! Ann aka @houndgirl1
Sep 14