! BrandyinboiseT
Boise, ID
5 ☆ Seller
Top 10% Seller - Fast Shipper, ID
About @brandyinboise
Posher since Mar 2015
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Jul 27 2016
Meet the Posher

Love Notes

From @bhsesgles
I was out of town and just opened my package...the bag is beautiful and will be a perfect present for my stepdaughter!! I wanted to let you know that there was an awesome wallet inside the bag. A wallet was not included in the description of the purchase, so I'm not sure if you overlooked it when you were packing the bag or intended to include it. If it was included by mistake, I'll send it back to you right away. If not, thank you so much for including it!!! Just let me know~thanks!!!
May 10