About @bri_deep
Posher since Dec 2018
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Jan 29
Meet the Posher
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Love Notes

Thanks so much! This was my sisters favorite mug and it broke. She was so happy when I gave it to her today, so thanks for the great deal and also for the great packaging. There was no way that was going to break in the mail, lol. If you are interested in anything I'm selling just let me know and ill def give you a discount. Thanks again 😊
Aug 10

I just can't say enough kind things about this seller. She first of all handmade the cutest jewelry, but actually nade me a custom necklace to match. They are adorable!! Bri, you're so very kind and you're sweet, giving spirit will take you so far. I wish you all of the greatest blessings in your new endeavor. 💋❤️💋❤️💋❤️
Jul 06

Very cute. The clasp is incredibly difficult to put on; especially alone. It's a very cute bracelet and can perhaps be link removed for a younger girl. Oh yeah and thank you very much for the gift, super cute.
May 15