About @cassandraopper
Posher since May 2013
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: 2 hours ago
Spring Arbor University
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

Hey cassandra!! I'm so so sorry this is late- I never meant to be rude, especially to my favorite 😍 Posh Ambassador! And my fav closest don't get me wrong there lol. I love EVERYTHING you have. U are my go to gal for everything vintage and new ♥︎ but keep those vintage rings and necklaces coming! If you happen to come across anything u know I would like.much older like anything I have gotten yet ♥︎ Get it and I will 100% pay for it. Thank you SO SO much for another of Cassandra's awesome picks ❤️
Mar 08

Aww Cassandra! That was such a sweet note- I love how you think-and ur so nice to me♥︎ thank u for all the compliments!! It put a big smile on my face-honestly. I do look for the oldest pieces- I love how much history comes with them. I always think ; who owned this? What time period the piece is from. I love it! This piece IS extraordinary. I have never seen anything like it. Thank u so much Cassandra for EVERYTHING you have done for me. I appreciate 🙏 you very very much. Love,
Jan 16

Thank you cassandra so so much!! Another beauty to add to the collection! I always love your notes as well, you are SO incredibly sweet. I really appreciate how sweet and nice you are to me ♥︎ This piece is amazing! I love the tiny tiny seed pearls and the color change! The diamond is so shiny and gorgeous. Such an unusual piece-but that's what I like! Thank you so much again hun- you are always the best and I will always shop my nice jewlery from you love ❤️ Love,
Aug 09